Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Today's reading: 2 Samuel 10-14

"And though Absalom never spoke to Amnon about it, he hated Amnon deeply because of what he had done to his sister. Two years later..." 2 Samuel 13:22-23 NLT

There is a reason last year's number one song was Disney's 'Let It Go'.

For many years, even as back as Bible time, people have been hanging onto hurts, nursing grudges and refusing to let things go.

I'm not saying some of the things we're hanging onto don't hurt, or haven't hurt someone we love. Maybe in some cases we are justified in our feelings.

And in some of them, we're not.

Thinking about Absalom, did he enjoy any of those two years? Did he simmer that long? Was it what woke him in the morning and kept him from enjoying a peaceful sleep?

Did it impact relationships with others?

We have to determine what is worth hanging on to--and what isn't.

We have to sweep aside feelings that keep us from serving God wholeheartedly.

We have to let some things go.

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