Thursday, August 23, 2012

Today's reading:  Proverbs 19

"People ruin their lives by their own foolishness, and then are angry at the Lord."  Proverbs 19:3 NLT

I've stood in the corner with my arms crossed and my scowl set across my brow.

I've been mad at myself--and dare I say it, mad at God for making me the way He did.

I've disappointed myself and sought after someone to blame.  I've wanted to transfer ownership of this faulty vessel to its Maker.

I have pulled some real hum-dingers and have repeated them time and time again, expecting God to step in and change the outcome of my hard-headedness.

I've stomped my way through a day wrought with disasters of my own making and have questioned everything related to the universe and how it's run.

I've lived out Proverbs 19:3.  I may be the posterchild for which God fashioned that verse.

But seeing it in black and white this morning?  Well, puts a whole new spin on things!

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