Monday, July 29, 2019

Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 20-21, Acts 25:13-27, Psalm 113

"Who can be compared with the Lord our God, who is enthroned on high? Far below him are the heavens and the earth. He stoops down to look, and he lifts the poor from the dirt and the needy from the garbage dump." Psalm 113:5-6 NLT

Where did God find you?

He found me when I was a child.

Sitting on a pew with my family on an Easter Sunday.

Having heard but not heard the truths of His gospel for years.

Thinking I was enough to save myself.

Knowing I'd not done things as 'bad as others' had done.

He found me in the dirt and grunge of a seven-year old's sins and saved me--but not just from the years I'd accumulated, but also from the years to come.

He changed me--and is changing me.

He cleansed me--and is cleansing me.

He forgave me--and is forgiving me.

He set me apart for His work--and is setting me apart for His glory.

He saw me from His heavenly realm and chose to stoop down and rescue me.

He did it for you, too!

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