Monday, December 11, 2023

Today's reading: Deuteronomy 26-28

"Afterward go and celebrate because of all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your household. Remember to include the Levites and the foreigners living among you in the celebration." Deuteronomy 26:11 NLT

Are you making plans to include the unsaved in your Christmas celebrations?

The ones whose beliefs differ from yours?

The ones who don't usually even celebrate the birth of Christ?

It's to be a time of celebration for God having sent His Son to the world, a celebration that should include those who know the Truth and those who don't--yet.

Let the 'foreigners' hear the excitement in your voice as you proclaim the Christ Child. Let those who don't believe become caught up in how very much you do believe. Let those who don't know any more about Christmas than Santa and an evergreen tree learn more about the Baby in the manger.

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