Friday, August 31, 2012

Today's reading:  Hosea 9-14

"...The paths of the Lord are true and right, and righteous people live by walking in them.  But sinners stumble and fall along the way."  Hosea 14:9 NLT

I have to occasionally check the route I'm traveling.

You see, all of my intentions are to follow God.  My heart's desire is to do what He wants, go where He needs me to go and become who He intends for me to be.

But I'm easily distracted.

I'm also bossy and controlling and full of my own plans.

And that, dear friends, is a recipe for disaster!

I cannot allow God to guide and direct my life if I am not allowing Him access to the 'steering wheel'.

Today is one of those days I've set aside to listen more closely to Him and for He and I to spend a little one-on-one time going over His plans for me.

I can trust Him for the best.  I can depend upon Him for everything.  I can rely on Him to see me through.  I can be assured the paths He leads me on will be the ones where I'll receive the most of His grace, mercy and love--and His personal assistance.

Is it time you re-checked your route, too? 

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