Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Today's reading: John 19-21

"You won't talk to me? Pilate demanded. Don't you realize that I have the power to release you or to crucify you?" John 19:10 NLT

Power-the ability to act or produce an effect; possession of control, authority or influence over others; physical might.

Of all the things Pilate might have said to Jesus!

Pilate, from his grand throne...

While wearing his robe of royalty...

Holding his scepter of greatness...

As his servants bowed in fear of him...

And he tells Jesus he has power?

It's laughable.

It's ludicrous.

It's ridiculous.

Pilate held no power what so ever in this event in history. In no event in history, really.

If only he knew to Whom he spoke.

If only he realized the power held in the pinky-finger of the One he was talking to.

Pilate held no power that day over Jesus, the crucifixion, the crowds, the justice being served or the grace being offered. He held no power over what would occur, the events that would take place or the prophecies being fulfilled. He held no power over the life he believed he held in his hands.

No power at all.

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