Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today's reading:  Psalm 105-107

"He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.  What a blessing was that stillness as he brought them safely into harbor!"  Psalm 107:29-30 NLT

You have postcards from the harbors of rest your friends are currently vacationing in.

You vaguely recall still as glass waters.

You remember what it's like not to bail water out of your sinking ship hour after hour.

You vow never to take a sunny day for granted again.

You're tired.  You're worn out.  You're to the end of your rope.  You're ready to give up.


Not yet.

Your harbor of safety is in sight--His sight, maybe not yours.

No words can express how much the world owes to sorrow. Most of the Psalms were born in the wilderness. Most of the Epistles were written in prison. The greatest thoughts of the greatest thinkers have all passed through the first. The greatest poets have "learned in suffering what they taught in song." In bonds, Bunyan lived the allegory that he afterwards wrote, and we may thank Bedford Jail for the Pilgrim's Progress. Take comfort, afflicted Christian! When God is about to make pre-eminent use of a person, He puts them in the fire.                                            George McDonald 

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