Friday, December 25, 2020

Today's reading: Luke 2:1-20

"Suddenly, an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord's glory surrounded them..." Luke 2:9 NLT

Friend, the Lord's glory, in all its radiance, has not left this earth!

It came the night of His arrival.

It stayed with Him during His earthly ministry.

It survived the brutal attack and crucifixion of our Savior.

It continued after His re=visitation to this earth in body and spirit before His returning to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father.

It was and is in His followers. Those who have claimed His name and His salvation.

It is alive and well--in us!

So go out today and spread the radiance of the Lord's glory where ever you go.

Merry Christmas to you!

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