Saturday, May 4, 2024


Today's reading: Jeremiah 27-31

"Marry, and have children. Then find spouses for them, and have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away!" Jeremiah 29:6 NLT

One might think these words from God through the prophet Jeremiah were given to people being blessed by God, found in favor of God's will and ways and people who God was proud of.

You would be wrong.

These words were spoken to the very people who had turned from God to idolatry. The very people who had thumbed their noses at the law of God and sought their own way. The same ones who quickly forgot that all they had, where they lived and who they were were because of God.

So they were headed into exile at the hands of a neighboring enemy nation. For a long time.

He asked them to settle in their hearts who the One True God truly was.

He asked them to settle where they were, Babylon.

He asked them to settle once and for all whose they were.

And then? After a while? Once they had learned the lesson God was attempting to teach them?

Then they would return to their homeland--and the plans God had for them at that point would be great!

Maybe your requests haven't all been answered. Maybe your prayers go seemingly unheard. Maybe you feel as if you are in a place of exile.

Make sure your heart is right with the Lord. Continue to turn to Him. Settle in your faith where you are while you wait for where He will take you from here.

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