Saturday, August 18, 2018

Today's reading: Job 35-38

"Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:" Job 38:1 NLT

Whirlwind-a small rotating windstorm of limited extent; a confused rush.

It's interesting to find out that the same word used in regards to Job's trying time, a whirlwind (ca'ar), is the same word used for the storm Jonah faced on the sea.

Job's storm didn't involve the same outside forces as Jonah's. Job's storm didn't have the same root cause as Jonah's. Job's storm didn't have the same cast of characters as Jonah's.

The settings were different. The audiences were different. The events leading up to the climax of the account were different.

And yet God spoke, by audible words or by the arrangement of circumstances, in both whirlwinds.

Your whirlwind is different from anyone else's.

You will be able to hear His voice over the storm, if you listen for it.

You will find safety and security clinging to Him.

Your storm will end, the clouds will break up, the sun will shine again and the rainbow will light up the His time.

But while you wait for the whirlwind to end, listen for Him. Feel Him near you. Watch for His hands to be at work.

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