Monday, July 3, 2023


Today's reading: Leviticus 10-12

My reading this morning has me going through some of the chapters designating what's clean and unclean for the Israelite people during the time of Moses.

I've often wondered why God went into such detail with His list, but then I read the following reasons in my commentary...

1. To ensure the health of the nation.

2. To visibly distinguish Israel from other nations.

3. To avoid objectionable associations.

That was God's advice then--and to an extent, it's reasonable for us today.

To be healthy and vibrant, we must follow God's laws.

To be considered different, or set apart, we must choose to be distinguishable.

To keep from dirtying ourselves with the wrong things, we must step away from those things.

Those reasons and results have not changed over the course of centuries.

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