Thursday, May 3, 2012

Today's reading:  Job 35-36

"Look, God is all-powerful!.."  Job 36:22 NLT

I needed this reminder today.

Oh, it's something I knew.  Information I'd heard.  A fact I'd depended upon in past situations.

But something happened that caused me to forget.  Life got in the way and the knowledge of my heart was detoured.

Nothing specific really happened--and that's just what the enemy loves to see happen.

My eyes were taken off of God for a while and put on my own strengths, weaknesses, abilities and disabiliies.  I was busy looking into what others could do for me, with me and to me.

My vision was clouded with doubt, fear and worry.  Molehills, which is just what they are in comparison to God, grew into mountains.  Seeds took root and began to take over.  Sparks were fanned into flames that crisped and charred my faith.

My walk was littered with obstacles I needed to step around, not be stopped by.  Little things tripped me up.  Old habits reared their ugly heads.  Temptations were around every turn.

But today?

My God is all-powerful!  He is Who He says He is.  He can do everything He says He can do.  I am His beloved child.  He has fought and won my battles for me.  I am powerful clinging to Him.

Oh, did I ever need reminded of that this morning.

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