Saturday, November 10, 2012

Today's reading:  Acts 13-14

"When the listening crowd saw what Paul had done, they shouted in their dialect, These men must be gods in human bodies!"  Acts 14:11 NLT

Nothing has changed.

People are still looking at the things of God with their eyes, and not their hearts.

Folks are determining how godly one is depending upon the outward appearance, the presentation, the packaging.

It's not just folks outside the church either.

How biased are you towards someone who doesn' t look like you do?  Someone bigger?  Someone smaller?  Someone who can run a marathon?  Someone who can barely walk?

The media wants us to believe a certain size person wearing a certain brand of clothes is a human god.

Is that what God thinks?

Who knows what He looks like--and aren't we made in His image?

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