Today's reading: Genesis 32-35
"So Jacob told everyone in his household, Destroy your idols, wash yourselves and put on clean clothing. We are now going to Bethel, where I will build an altar to the God who answered my prayers when I was in distress. He stayed with me wherever I have gone." Genesis 35:2-3 NLT
Aaah, Monday.
Aaah, Monday after having had 14 days off work.
Aaah, Monday after having had 14 days off work, traveled around the world and spent 28 hours in an airplane.
Actually, Mondays are my favorite day of the week, after Sunday.
You see, Mondays are fresh starts. New beginnings. New planner pages. New glimpses into a new week.
I can imagine Jacob telling his household on Sunday afternoon about what was going to take place come Monday morning. No, I have no proof, but I think his plans were that with the new week, a new attitude of worship would come into play. Maybe he and his were gathered around the table for a meal when he provides them with the plan.
I get it.
I need a re-vamping of my efforts. I need a re-focusing of my attention. I need a re-arranging of my priorities. I need a boost to my faith. I need to clean house of all the little idols I have set up, worshipped and placed before God. I need to wash my hands of the sins I've participated in--physically and mentally. I need to put aside my rags of doubt and fear and put on the fresh and clean garments of praise. I need a fresh start. I need an anointing.
Welcome to Monday, friends. May it be a day of revival, renewal and restoration for you and for your walk with our Lord.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 1-2
"I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognize this message as the very power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18 NLT
From the moment I began announcing that I been gifted with a trip to Israel, I have received one of two looks from people...
The first is a look of envy, from folks who themselves want to go, from people who understand the value of the place and the enormity of the blessing I had been given.
The second is a look of fear. Literal fear. They begin stuttering, they start relaying information they had just that morning heard on the news, they start in with advice--Don't wander away from your party, Don't look Israeli men in the eye, Don't forget to have all your things in order, as you might not come back, Don't drink the water, Do your parents and husband approve, Won't that cancel your life insurance policy? (Actual pieces of advice I received.)
I know some folks get it and some don't.
I knew with each reaction who understood my drive to go, and who didn't grasp it.
The same is true when we share out faith. There are those desperately needing what we speak of, and there are those who get that look of fear on their faces.
I get that the accounts of Jesus make no sense. I see how folks would question what I believe. I fully understand how difficult it is to give up what one used to believe for a new Way, a new Life, a new Truth.
It doesn't make sense until the peace that passes all understanding settles in your heart...
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 1-2
"I know very well how foolish the message of the cross sounds to those who are on the road to destruction. But we who are being saved recognize this message as the very power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18 NLT
From the moment I began announcing that I been gifted with a trip to Israel, I have received one of two looks from people...
The first is a look of envy, from folks who themselves want to go, from people who understand the value of the place and the enormity of the blessing I had been given.
The second is a look of fear. Literal fear. They begin stuttering, they start relaying information they had just that morning heard on the news, they start in with advice--Don't wander away from your party, Don't look Israeli men in the eye, Don't forget to have all your things in order, as you might not come back, Don't drink the water, Do your parents and husband approve, Won't that cancel your life insurance policy? (Actual pieces of advice I received.)
I know some folks get it and some don't.
I knew with each reaction who understood my drive to go, and who didn't grasp it.
The same is true when we share out faith. There are those desperately needing what we speak of, and there are those who get that look of fear on their faces.
I get that the accounts of Jesus make no sense. I see how folks would question what I believe. I fully understand how difficult it is to give up what one used to believe for a new Way, a new Life, a new Truth.
It doesn't make sense until the peace that passes all understanding settles in your heart...
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Today's reading: Matthew 20-22
"The leading priests and the teachers of religious law saw these wonderful miracles and heard even the little children in the Temple shouting, Praise God for the Son of David! But they were indignant and asked Jesus, Do you hear what these children are saying? Yes, Jesus replied. Haven't you ever read the Scriptures? For they say, You have taught infants and children to give you praise." Matthew 21:15-16 NLT
As our group wandered the narrow streets of Jerusalem, a little curly headed girl joined us.
She had separated herself from what seemed to be an older brother who was supposed to be watching her, and she walked along with us for a block or so.
I am not sure what big brother told her as he caught up with her, but I do believe it was a scolding--but she continued smiling. I'm glad I snapped the picture just before he located her and corrected her path.
I thought of her as I read this Scripture.
The priests were offended by what the children were doing. Well, maybe not offended, maybe embarrassed. Or maybe shamed.
I can see a little one, just like the child who walked with us, praising God as she followed Jesus into the city that Palm Sunday.
Would I have been ashamed that she shouted 'Hosanna' louder than I did? Would I have been shamed by her belief in Who He was compared to my doubt? Would I have been offended by her naivete?
I can just picture this little one waving a palm branch and praising my Lord!
Today's reading: Matthew 20-22
"The leading priests and the teachers of religious law saw these wonderful miracles and heard even the little children in the Temple shouting, Praise God for the Son of David! But they were indignant and asked Jesus, Do you hear what these children are saying? Yes, Jesus replied. Haven't you ever read the Scriptures? For they say, You have taught infants and children to give you praise." Matthew 21:15-16 NLT
As our group wandered the narrow streets of Jerusalem, a little curly headed girl joined us.
She had separated herself from what seemed to be an older brother who was supposed to be watching her, and she walked along with us for a block or so.
I am not sure what big brother told her as he caught up with her, but I do believe it was a scolding--but she continued smiling. I'm glad I snapped the picture just before he located her and corrected her path.
I thought of her as I read this Scripture.
The priests were offended by what the children were doing. Well, maybe not offended, maybe embarrassed. Or maybe shamed.
I can see a little one, just like the child who walked with us, praising God as she followed Jesus into the city that Palm Sunday.
Would I have been ashamed that she shouted 'Hosanna' louder than I did? Would I have been shamed by her belief in Who He was compared to my doubt? Would I have been offended by her naivete?
I can just picture this little one waving a palm branch and praising my Lord!
Friday, February 26, 2016
Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44
"The Lord will march forth like a mighty man; he will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his thundering battle cry and he will crush all his enemies." Isaiah 42:13 NLT
No one can stand against the Lord.
He cannot be defeated, He cannot be subdued, He cannot be overwhelmed.
It is not possible to overtake Him, take His power away from Him, render Him defenseless.
I believe that with all my heart.
Where my faith falters is in the area of my own enemies.
And yet, God and I have a mutual enemy. God and I share a common adversary. He and I are at odds with the same foe.
And this morning it hit me--If I believe nothing and no one can defeat my God, then nothing and no one can defeat me!
God has no opponent that keeps Him up at night worried, doubting and scared.
God does not wring His hands fearing defeat.
God does not fear the day and the tactics His enemy will use against Him.
Today I will begin standing with God against our enemy. I will use every promise He has given me, I will employ every bit of His power entrusted to me, I will believe in victory based on His glorious record--not on my own.
God and I share the same enemy, and that enemy is not going to win against us!
Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44
"The Lord will march forth like a mighty man; he will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his thundering battle cry and he will crush all his enemies." Isaiah 42:13 NLT
No one can stand against the Lord.
He cannot be defeated, He cannot be subdued, He cannot be overwhelmed.
It is not possible to overtake Him, take His power away from Him, render Him defenseless.
I believe that with all my heart.
Where my faith falters is in the area of my own enemies.
And yet, God and I have a mutual enemy. God and I share a common adversary. He and I are at odds with the same foe.
And this morning it hit me--If I believe nothing and no one can defeat my God, then nothing and no one can defeat me!
God has no opponent that keeps Him up at night worried, doubting and scared.
God does not wring His hands fearing defeat.
God does not fear the day and the tactics His enemy will use against Him.
Today I will begin standing with God against our enemy. I will use every promise He has given me, I will employ every bit of His power entrusted to me, I will believe in victory based on His glorious record--not on my own.
God and I share the same enemy, and that enemy is not going to win against us!
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Today's reading: Job 15-16
Ten days, twelve thousand miles, 4 planes, 1 very nice tour bus, a boat, 2 air trains, miles walked, seven hour time difference, living out of a suitcase for a long length of time and a snowstorm to drive home the remaining 2 hours--and I wonder why I am up at 3:00am?
What a ride I have been on! I apologize for not being able to share everything I have seen, it has been overwhelming to say the least. I think the words of Job, which I found this morning put it all into perspective for me...
"I was living quietly until he broke me apart..." Job 16:12 NLT
I was reading the Word, studying the Word, trusting in the Word, attempting with the best of my abilities to live out the Word--until He showed me the land the Word was written in, for and through.
I was satisfied to believe, settled in my faith and striving to do what I believe He has called me to do.
Now I am broken apart.
He has re-arranged my thoughts. He has deepened my beliefs. He has placed pictures in my head where there once were only typed words. He has given me a glimpse into the reality of His Word. He has made me fully aware of how little of the surface I have scratched. He has planted a seed in my heart that has grown just since leaving the Holy Land.
And I like it!
The maps in the back of my Bible won't ever mean the same again. The accounts of where He walked, taught and healed won't ever again just be a random town on a dirt road. The historical facts among the pages of my Holy Bible won't ever just be facts, but road signs pointing to His coming, His reign, His love, His promises and His desire for His people.
I am back home, but I am different. I see things through a different set of lenses now. I hear through 'cleaned out' ears. I love through a heart that has been stretched, emptied and re-filled.
I was living quietly and comfortably and contentedly, until He broke my heart apart with this trip.
What we did before getting on the plane: We visited the Mount of Olives, viewed the Eastern (Golden) Gate, walked into the Church of All Nations, stood for a short time in the Garden of Gethsemane, had another opportunity to see a panoramic view of Jerusalem, walked through the Lion's Gate, visited St Anne's church and sang 'How Great Thou Art'--what acoustics, walked to the area of the Pools of Bethsaida, strolled along the Via Dolorosa, stood on, touched with my own hands and walked on with the soles of my shoes the area of Gabbatha--where Jesus was used as a game pawn, scourged and beaten by the soldiers. We saw the area where they believe Jesus was crucified, stepped inside an EMPTY tomb and had communion as a group of Jesus followers within feet of where the stone was rolled away and He came back to life.
Do you see why I am broken? Why I cannot sleep at 3:00am? Why just telling you what we did/saw/experienced feels inappropriate and inadequate?
What a whirlwind this past 10 days have been!
Thanks for the prayers. Thanks for the support. Thanks for understanding why this is probably not the last time you'll hear about my trip!
Today's reading: Job 15-16
Ten days, twelve thousand miles, 4 planes, 1 very nice tour bus, a boat, 2 air trains, miles walked, seven hour time difference, living out of a suitcase for a long length of time and a snowstorm to drive home the remaining 2 hours--and I wonder why I am up at 3:00am?
What a ride I have been on! I apologize for not being able to share everything I have seen, it has been overwhelming to say the least. I think the words of Job, which I found this morning put it all into perspective for me...
"I was living quietly until he broke me apart..." Job 16:12 NLT
I was reading the Word, studying the Word, trusting in the Word, attempting with the best of my abilities to live out the Word--until He showed me the land the Word was written in, for and through.
I was satisfied to believe, settled in my faith and striving to do what I believe He has called me to do.
Now I am broken apart.
He has re-arranged my thoughts. He has deepened my beliefs. He has placed pictures in my head where there once were only typed words. He has given me a glimpse into the reality of His Word. He has made me fully aware of how little of the surface I have scratched. He has planted a seed in my heart that has grown just since leaving the Holy Land.
And I like it!
The maps in the back of my Bible won't ever mean the same again. The accounts of where He walked, taught and healed won't ever again just be a random town on a dirt road. The historical facts among the pages of my Holy Bible won't ever just be facts, but road signs pointing to His coming, His reign, His love, His promises and His desire for His people.
I am back home, but I am different. I see things through a different set of lenses now. I hear through 'cleaned out' ears. I love through a heart that has been stretched, emptied and re-filled.
I was living quietly and comfortably and contentedly, until He broke my heart apart with this trip.
What we did before getting on the plane: We visited the Mount of Olives, viewed the Eastern (Golden) Gate, walked into the Church of All Nations, stood for a short time in the Garden of Gethsemane, had another opportunity to see a panoramic view of Jerusalem, walked through the Lion's Gate, visited St Anne's church and sang 'How Great Thou Art'--what acoustics, walked to the area of the Pools of Bethsaida, strolled along the Via Dolorosa, stood on, touched with my own hands and walked on with the soles of my shoes the area of Gabbatha--where Jesus was used as a game pawn, scourged and beaten by the soldiers. We saw the area where they believe Jesus was crucified, stepped inside an EMPTY tomb and had communion as a group of Jesus followers within feet of where the stone was rolled away and He came back to life.
Do you see why I am broken? Why I cannot sleep at 3:00am? Why just telling you what we did/saw/experienced feels inappropriate and inadequate?
What a whirlwind this past 10 days have been!
Thanks for the prayers. Thanks for the support. Thanks for understanding why this is probably not the last time you'll hear about my trip!
Monday, February 22, 2016
I had almost forgotten...here is a picture from the Dan Jerusalem, it is quite a hotel!
The hotel has 500 rooms, a few conference rooms, a spa, an exercise room, indoor and outdoor pools, a kiddy play land, an enormous reception/lobby area, bellboys, an excellent restaraunt breakfast and supper buffets that would knock your socks off), super friendly staff. It has been a pleasure too stay here.
The hotel has 500 rooms, a few conference rooms, a spa, an exercise room, indoor and outdoor pools, a kiddy play land, an enormous reception/lobby area, bellboys, an excellent restaraunt breakfast and supper buffets that would knock your socks off), super friendly staff. It has been a pleasure too stay here.
`And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves.` Matthew 21:12 KJV
We met some `salesmen` whom I believe Jesus would have `overthrown` yesterday. Pushy. Loud. Sure you needed what they had to sell. Wanting very much of our American dollars.
They weren`t in the temple area, in Bethlehem actually, but that verse came to life for me in that moment.
Today we are going to the Tomb, the Garden and the place of the Cross. Probably my most anticipated sites.
I don`t expect anything to be there, except people--lots of people, and I am sure a few gift shops.
What I mean is that while I expect to sense God in those places, His Son is not there. I see it like visiting the cemetary plot of a believing loved one.
It is a special place, it has special rocks, something of significance happened there--but the person you seek won`t be found there.
I don`t have to go to the Tomb, He has already chosen to meet with me this morning during my Bible and prayer time.
He has gone before me, behind me, beside me and in me throughout this trip, and my life, and I believe He will continue.
We will fly out this evening (Israel time) around 11:00pm. We will land in Newark around 3:30am (New York time) and in St Louis on Wednesday morning around 9:30am (St Louis time). Keep us in prayer as we will be going at a full pace today.
I have been so blessed to have met this new family of mine and am delighted at how well we have all gotten along, fellowshipped and experienced this amazing time together.
We met some `salesmen` whom I believe Jesus would have `overthrown` yesterday. Pushy. Loud. Sure you needed what they had to sell. Wanting very much of our American dollars.
They weren`t in the temple area, in Bethlehem actually, but that verse came to life for me in that moment.
Today we are going to the Tomb, the Garden and the place of the Cross. Probably my most anticipated sites.
I don`t expect anything to be there, except people--lots of people, and I am sure a few gift shops.
What I mean is that while I expect to sense God in those places, His Son is not there. I see it like visiting the cemetary plot of a believing loved one.
It is a special place, it has special rocks, something of significance happened there--but the person you seek won`t be found there.
I don`t have to go to the Tomb, He has already chosen to meet with me this morning during my Bible and prayer time.
He has gone before me, behind me, beside me and in me throughout this trip, and my life, and I believe He will continue.
We will fly out this evening (Israel time) around 11:00pm. We will land in Newark around 3:30am (New York time) and in St Louis on Wednesday morning around 9:30am (St Louis time). Keep us in prayer as we will be going at a full pace today.
I have been so blessed to have met this new family of mine and am delighted at how well we have all gotten along, fellowshipped and experienced this amazing time together.
Today we went to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum. Moving to say the least. They also have a memorial for the 1.6 million children who lost their lives in the Holocaust--even more moving. The theme of the children`s museum is `Heaven Without Stars`, and their memorial has one candle lit by thousands of small mirrors.
We visited the Israel Museum and saw the Dead Sea Scrolls.
We also drove to Bethlehem for lunch and to see the Sheperd`s Fields.
It has poured a very cold rain all day and we are all chilled to the bone.
We have to have our bags packed and ready for loading on the bus by 7:40 tomorrow morning, as we will be visiting the last few sites, Calvary, parts of the Via Dolorosa and the Garden of Gethsemane before heading to the airport for our 12 1/2 hour flight home.
I have had the time of my life, have enjoyed every single minute and wouldn`t have changed anything about the trip--but I am also more than ready to head home!
Thanks for the prayers.
Continue to lift us up as we traverse the sea on our way to Newark and then to St Louis and then home.
We visited the Israel Museum and saw the Dead Sea Scrolls.
We also drove to Bethlehem for lunch and to see the Sheperd`s Fields.
It has poured a very cold rain all day and we are all chilled to the bone.
We have to have our bags packed and ready for loading on the bus by 7:40 tomorrow morning, as we will be visiting the last few sites, Calvary, parts of the Via Dolorosa and the Garden of Gethsemane before heading to the airport for our 12 1/2 hour flight home.
I have had the time of my life, have enjoyed every single minute and wouldn`t have changed anything about the trip--but I am also more than ready to head home!
Thanks for the prayers.
Continue to lift us up as we traverse the sea on our way to Newark and then to St Louis and then home.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
An early start and a later than usual night for us yesterday.
Roll call on the bus by 7am, then off to the security gate lines at the Temple Mount. They told us it is always touch and go as to whether we will be allowed on the sight, yesterday we walked in like we had an appointment.
The shrine built on top of the rock Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac on was a beautiful piece of architecture. Its roof is gold and on such a gorgeous day, it glimmered.
Of course our tour of that area was limited only to the outside, but we were there, none the less.
We saw the approximate line on the Temple grounds that would have kept us Gentiles from approaching God--because of Jesus, that line is no longer there!
Then on to the Rabbinical Tunnels. We were able to walk in excavated tunnels that went under the Temple. We approached a place in the tunnel where they told us we were closer to the Holy of Holies than ever. Alot of us, including myself, left little papers with requests on them, like they do at the Western (Wailing) Wall but not exposed to the elements. Quite a moving experience.
We exited the tunnels in the Muslim Quarter and had to have bodyguards escort us thru and to the Jewish Quarter. Never once felt unsafe!
We went to the Western (Wailing) Wall. It looked just like it does on TV, but there was a sense that you and the many others were there for much more, much, much more than just to look at some masoned rocks. This too is the place where the praying Jews, and us Gentiles, go as it is the closest we can get to where the Holy of Holies would have been honored.
We took a tour of the Temple Institute, the organization that is preparing for the re-building of the third Temple. All things are in place, just waiting on God to say, `Go`.
We ate in some little street markets for lunch. I had a lamb burger. Quite tasty.
We did some shopping and then walked through a maze of city streets towards the Southern Wall of the Temple.
We walked on, looked at and considered how amazing it was that we were standing on the same steps Jesus would have walked on. No way around it, He had been there. I looked up the first reference as to His entering Jerusalem...
`And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord.` Luke 2:22 KJV
At first I thought, an eight day old baby would have no clue as to the importance of His first trip into His city--and yet, this was no ordinary baby, was it? Did He squint as the white of the walls blinded His eyes? Did He squirm as He was growing tired of the travel? Did the little guy sneeze as the dust was stirred by all the other pilgrims? Did He think of me as He entered the gates?
Our day ended a little earlier than the others. We were back at the hotel by around 4:00, met to do a live feed to our church during their service, ate supper and then gathered in one of the conference rooms with another church for a worship service.
It was a very moving service, especially a song sung by a young lady that was very heartfelt.
Today`s itinerary: the Holocaust Museum, the Israel Museum and a visit to the Shepherds` Fields outside Bethlehem.
I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us.
Roll call on the bus by 7am, then off to the security gate lines at the Temple Mount. They told us it is always touch and go as to whether we will be allowed on the sight, yesterday we walked in like we had an appointment.
The shrine built on top of the rock Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac on was a beautiful piece of architecture. Its roof is gold and on such a gorgeous day, it glimmered.
Of course our tour of that area was limited only to the outside, but we were there, none the less.
We saw the approximate line on the Temple grounds that would have kept us Gentiles from approaching God--because of Jesus, that line is no longer there!
Then on to the Rabbinical Tunnels. We were able to walk in excavated tunnels that went under the Temple. We approached a place in the tunnel where they told us we were closer to the Holy of Holies than ever. Alot of us, including myself, left little papers with requests on them, like they do at the Western (Wailing) Wall but not exposed to the elements. Quite a moving experience.
We exited the tunnels in the Muslim Quarter and had to have bodyguards escort us thru and to the Jewish Quarter. Never once felt unsafe!
We went to the Western (Wailing) Wall. It looked just like it does on TV, but there was a sense that you and the many others were there for much more, much, much more than just to look at some masoned rocks. This too is the place where the praying Jews, and us Gentiles, go as it is the closest we can get to where the Holy of Holies would have been honored.
We took a tour of the Temple Institute, the organization that is preparing for the re-building of the third Temple. All things are in place, just waiting on God to say, `Go`.
We ate in some little street markets for lunch. I had a lamb burger. Quite tasty.
We did some shopping and then walked through a maze of city streets towards the Southern Wall of the Temple.
We walked on, looked at and considered how amazing it was that we were standing on the same steps Jesus would have walked on. No way around it, He had been there. I looked up the first reference as to His entering Jerusalem...
`And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord.` Luke 2:22 KJV
At first I thought, an eight day old baby would have no clue as to the importance of His first trip into His city--and yet, this was no ordinary baby, was it? Did He squint as the white of the walls blinded His eyes? Did He squirm as He was growing tired of the travel? Did the little guy sneeze as the dust was stirred by all the other pilgrims? Did He think of me as He entered the gates?
Our day ended a little earlier than the others. We were back at the hotel by around 4:00, met to do a live feed to our church during their service, ate supper and then gathered in one of the conference rooms with another church for a worship service.
It was a very moving service, especially a song sung by a young lady that was very heartfelt.
Today`s itinerary: the Holocaust Museum, the Israel Museum and a visit to the Shepherds` Fields outside Bethlehem.
I cannot wait to see what God has in store for us.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Paying the price to praise.
We leave on the tour bus, in about an hour, to head to the Temple Mount. The place David bought from Aruanah, 2 Samuel 24, as a place to worship God.
Aruanah offered to give it to David, all of it, lock stock and barrell--but David would have none of it. In my words, David wouldn`t take it because only by paying for it, by giving of what he had, by investing in this piece of property, only then would he truly feel a part of it. Like it was his.
Worship is like that.
We can watch from the sidelines.
We can have it going on all around us.
We can see how others participate in it.
But until we give a part of ourselves to it, it is not ours.
We have to pay the price to praise.
We have to make the effort.
We have to offer to expend ourselves.
We leave on the tour bus, in about an hour, to head to the Temple Mount. The place David bought from Aruanah, 2 Samuel 24, as a place to worship God.
Aruanah offered to give it to David, all of it, lock stock and barrell--but David would have none of it. In my words, David wouldn`t take it because only by paying for it, by giving of what he had, by investing in this piece of property, only then would he truly feel a part of it. Like it was his.
Worship is like that.
We can watch from the sidelines.
We can have it going on all around us.
We can see how others participate in it.
But until we give a part of ourselves to it, it is not ours.
We have to pay the price to praise.
We have to make the effort.
We have to offer to expend ourselves.
If you were here and had walked/experienced all we have today, well, your tail would be dragging!
Our morning started with a 1-1/2 hour bus ride to Masada--neat place. Intriguing. Its story bolsters your faith. Google it, or watch Roman Downey`s movie, The Dove, which we were told is the closest re-enactment Hollywood has done in a Christian movie.
After walking all over the mountain top fortress we drove to Ein Gedi, where David hid from Saul and where forces gathered to defeat Jehosaphat--but was defeated when prayer and praise ushered in God`s power. It was quite a trek up the trail. Our tour guide is a former Israeli soldier, so he really put us through our paces taking the more able of us up farther than most go. But when we reached the spring, saw the waterfall and heard the account standing there, it was worth the walk. Well worth the walk. It was probably the high light of my day. This is the place where David probably wrote the 57th and 142nd psalms.
On to Qumran, where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered by a little shepherd boy searching for his lost goat.
And then the Dead Sea. I am not a water person, so I was tickled to say I dipped my feet in the water and picked up a few rocks to take home as souvenirs. Everyone seemed to have a blast with the floating. My new dear friends, Mr Bob and Mrs Jean joined in and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They are a real encouragement to me!
After we toweled off, we were back on the bus and heading up into Jerusalem and our hotel again. We were given the news of tomorrow`s itinerary and that we would have to be on the bus by 7am...the Temple Mount, the Rabbinical Tunnels, the Temple Institute and a worship service for our group tomorrow evening in one of the hotel conference rooms.
We have been observing Shabbat with our fellow Jews. Maybe not with, but our lives are affected by it. Shabbat has ended now so tomorrow we will see what Jerusalem really looks like.
What new thing did I eat today? A chicken schnitzel sandwich.
What was the weather like? Cool, may low 50`s in Jerusalem, but mid 70`s in the desert where we spent the day. I have a sunburn, something this Southern Illinois gal doesn`t often get in February!
What do I miss from home? My guys, ice in water and Mackie`s pizza!
The Scripture really came alive to me today as we talked about David and Saul in Ein Gedi. I have taken a few pics and cannot wait to share what I have learned, little by little.
Got to hit the sack, the alarm will be going off early tomorrow and I need to be ready to go, go, go!
Our morning started with a 1-1/2 hour bus ride to Masada--neat place. Intriguing. Its story bolsters your faith. Google it, or watch Roman Downey`s movie, The Dove, which we were told is the closest re-enactment Hollywood has done in a Christian movie.
After walking all over the mountain top fortress we drove to Ein Gedi, where David hid from Saul and where forces gathered to defeat Jehosaphat--but was defeated when prayer and praise ushered in God`s power. It was quite a trek up the trail. Our tour guide is a former Israeli soldier, so he really put us through our paces taking the more able of us up farther than most go. But when we reached the spring, saw the waterfall and heard the account standing there, it was worth the walk. Well worth the walk. It was probably the high light of my day. This is the place where David probably wrote the 57th and 142nd psalms.
On to Qumran, where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered by a little shepherd boy searching for his lost goat.
And then the Dead Sea. I am not a water person, so I was tickled to say I dipped my feet in the water and picked up a few rocks to take home as souvenirs. Everyone seemed to have a blast with the floating. My new dear friends, Mr Bob and Mrs Jean joined in and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They are a real encouragement to me!
After we toweled off, we were back on the bus and heading up into Jerusalem and our hotel again. We were given the news of tomorrow`s itinerary and that we would have to be on the bus by 7am...the Temple Mount, the Rabbinical Tunnels, the Temple Institute and a worship service for our group tomorrow evening in one of the hotel conference rooms.
We have been observing Shabbat with our fellow Jews. Maybe not with, but our lives are affected by it. Shabbat has ended now so tomorrow we will see what Jerusalem really looks like.
What new thing did I eat today? A chicken schnitzel sandwich.
What was the weather like? Cool, may low 50`s in Jerusalem, but mid 70`s in the desert where we spent the day. I have a sunburn, something this Southern Illinois gal doesn`t often get in February!
What do I miss from home? My guys, ice in water and Mackie`s pizza!
The Scripture really came alive to me today as we talked about David and Saul in Ein Gedi. I have taken a few pics and cannot wait to share what I have learned, little by little.
Got to hit the sack, the alarm will be going off early tomorrow and I need to be ready to go, go, go!
Friday, February 19, 2016
This morning as I sit looking out our hotel window in Jerusalem, I knew reading this psalm would be most appropriate...
``From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord`s name is to be praised.`` Psalm 113:3 KJV
I have seen Jerusalem now at sunset, and at sunrise--I know why David penned the words.
The skyline, no not the buildings and the skyscrapers, but the rise and fall of the mountains, the solid, bedrock mountains, remind me that all is well in Him.
The surface may change. The buildings may crumble, the walls come down, the material possessions we have piled up may be blown away like chaff...but the important, the solid, the lasting, remains.
With God as my foundation, everything will be okay.
With God as my cornerstone, everythig will be okay.
With God, well with God, whether it be sunrise or sunset--it is well!
``From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord`s name is to be praised.`` Psalm 113:3 KJV
I have seen Jerusalem now at sunset, and at sunrise--I know why David penned the words.
The skyline, no not the buildings and the skyscrapers, but the rise and fall of the mountains, the solid, bedrock mountains, remind me that all is well in Him.
The surface may change. The buildings may crumble, the walls come down, the material possessions we have piled up may be blown away like chaff...but the important, the solid, the lasting, remains.
With God as my foundation, everything will be okay.
With God as my cornerstone, everythig will be okay.
With God, well with God, whether it be sunrise or sunset--it is well!
My day in a nutshell...AWESOME!
We ended our stay at the Sea of Galilee and headed down the state of Israel along the Gilboa mountain range towards Jerusalem.
We stopped at the springs traditionally thought to be the ones where Gideon (more God than Gideon) chose his 300 fighting men. I was thrilled to be called upon to read the scripture there--as I read it from my Dad`s Bible. Thanks Dad for the loan of a small Bible, I plan on marking the section of Judges that I read for you.
Next stop was BetShean, where King Saul approached the witch of Endor and where later his body was hung by the enemies. It is a huge archeological site. A great teaching there, lots of interesting historical facts.
We stopped at a little roadside stand for filafla. I tried one the first day here and didn`t like it. Today`s was a different story. Even our guys on the tour who have gone several times before said it was the best they had had. When one of them told the cashier how good it was, she grinned and said, `It`s because of my Grandma, she makes all of them with her special recipe.`
Next detour was through the town of Jericho. I guess I was REALLY expecting a pile of rock walls. But it was a bustling city. Our busdriver even took us to the town square where they have a sycamore tree. The sign says it is the one Zaccheus climbed, but even the tour driver said he kind of doubted that. Surely it wasn`t a toursism ploy.
Now we are in Jerusalem. There is something about it that is exciting, eery, intriguing and puzzling. It looks like a modern city, until you turn your head and see the Dome of the Rock, or the Mt of Olives where the Jewish cemetary is, or see the remains of the Temple.
They took us to the place where Caiphas lived and where they believe Jesus may have spent his last night before the crucifixion. It was, well I don`t know how to explain it. I put my hand on the wall of a 15 footx15 foot cell/pit where they believe He had been. Where He might have been praying for me. Where He may have had to ask His Father to give Him the strength to do what was needing to be done. Where He might have thought about me and whether or not I was worth what He would endure.
I don`t know if it is really where He was held. I don`t know if they could provide me with enough facts to convince my head. I know in my heart it was a special place. A place where they have narrowed down to a small place He might have been--and only by His grace I stood today.
I took a picture of my hand on that wall. The wall He might have touched. The wall He might have leaned against as He agonized over my sins. The wall where He might have leaned in an attempt to rest. A wall where He might have banged His fists and poured out His real thoughts to His Father.
I don`t know. And yet I know the outcome of that night, His prayers, His Father`s decision to grace Him with enough grace and His love for me.
I know that. More so now than ever before!
Wish you were here, friends.
We ended our stay at the Sea of Galilee and headed down the state of Israel along the Gilboa mountain range towards Jerusalem.
We stopped at the springs traditionally thought to be the ones where Gideon (more God than Gideon) chose his 300 fighting men. I was thrilled to be called upon to read the scripture there--as I read it from my Dad`s Bible. Thanks Dad for the loan of a small Bible, I plan on marking the section of Judges that I read for you.
Next stop was BetShean, where King Saul approached the witch of Endor and where later his body was hung by the enemies. It is a huge archeological site. A great teaching there, lots of interesting historical facts.
We stopped at a little roadside stand for filafla. I tried one the first day here and didn`t like it. Today`s was a different story. Even our guys on the tour who have gone several times before said it was the best they had had. When one of them told the cashier how good it was, she grinned and said, `It`s because of my Grandma, she makes all of them with her special recipe.`
Next detour was through the town of Jericho. I guess I was REALLY expecting a pile of rock walls. But it was a bustling city. Our busdriver even took us to the town square where they have a sycamore tree. The sign says it is the one Zaccheus climbed, but even the tour driver said he kind of doubted that. Surely it wasn`t a toursism ploy.
Now we are in Jerusalem. There is something about it that is exciting, eery, intriguing and puzzling. It looks like a modern city, until you turn your head and see the Dome of the Rock, or the Mt of Olives where the Jewish cemetary is, or see the remains of the Temple.
They took us to the place where Caiphas lived and where they believe Jesus may have spent his last night before the crucifixion. It was, well I don`t know how to explain it. I put my hand on the wall of a 15 footx15 foot cell/pit where they believe He had been. Where He might have been praying for me. Where He may have had to ask His Father to give Him the strength to do what was needing to be done. Where He might have thought about me and whether or not I was worth what He would endure.
I don`t know if it is really where He was held. I don`t know if they could provide me with enough facts to convince my head. I know in my heart it was a special place. A place where they have narrowed down to a small place He might have been--and only by His grace I stood today.
I took a picture of my hand on that wall. The wall He might have touched. The wall He might have leaned against as He agonized over my sins. The wall where He might have leaned in an attempt to rest. A wall where He might have banged His fists and poured out His real thoughts to His Father.
I don`t know. And yet I know the outcome of that night, His prayers, His Father`s decision to grace Him with enough grace and His love for me.
I know that. More so now than ever before!
Wish you were here, friends.
Thursday, February 18, 2016
I am up before the sun again this morning and sitting out on our patio. I cannot see yet as it is too dark, but what I hear stirs my heart this morning.
I hear the waves lapping up against the shore.
The waves of Galilee.
The waves He stilled-and still controls.
The waves being moved by the wind He commanded-and still commands.
The verse that I studied over this morning is this...
``Thou art my God, and I will praise theee; thou art my God, I will exalt thee.`` Psalm 118:28
I don`t have to see to praise Him.
I don`t have to understand to lift up His name.
I don`t have to have it all figured out, cleaned up or in my order to exalt His name.
That is what the waves are whispering to me this morning.
What is on the agenda today?
We will be leaving our little resort by the Sea and making our way down south, anad yet up, to Jerusalem.
We will visit Beth Shean, where we will sit and learn in an amphitheatre, and we will be going to Gideon`s Spring where God culled out the men needed for the Lord`s battle--oh, that I would be one chosen!
Then on to Jerusalem.
On to Jerusalem...
I hear the waves lapping up against the shore.
The waves of Galilee.
The waves He stilled-and still controls.
The waves being moved by the wind He commanded-and still commands.
The verse that I studied over this morning is this...
``Thou art my God, and I will praise theee; thou art my God, I will exalt thee.`` Psalm 118:28
I don`t have to see to praise Him.
I don`t have to understand to lift up His name.
I don`t have to have it all figured out, cleaned up or in my order to exalt His name.
That is what the waves are whispering to me this morning.
What is on the agenda today?
We will be leaving our little resort by the Sea and making our way down south, anad yet up, to Jerusalem.
We will visit Beth Shean, where we will sit and learn in an amphitheatre, and we will be going to Gideon`s Spring where God culled out the men needed for the Lord`s battle--oh, that I would be one chosen!
Then on to Jerusalem.
On to Jerusalem...
Just got in from our third day in Israel. We left hotel at 8am and headed towards the Golan Heights.
Our tour guide, Yonni Simmons, gave his testimony. He is a Messianic Jew whose grandmother prayed him into his faith. What a powerful story! It was very touching and all our hearts were warmed by his willingness to share his story.
We visited the Tel Dan Nature Preserve. We had some great teaching and history lessons. We visited the archeological site of gates of Laish, the city Abram went to to rescue his nephew Lot when he was taken captive. We also saw the uncovered remains of the gates of Dan, the northermost city allotted to the tribe of Dan after entering the Promised Land. The first gate was 4000 years old, the second was 3000 years old. We actually stood before the gate, in a place where Abram would have stood.
We were given a very informative history lesson from our guide about the birth of the nation Israel. Some of the lesson even came with soudn effects--artillery fire from the other side of a mountain we we near. Really brought home the realization that this land of God is something the whole world wants, but it has been assigned to one people.
We also visited Banias, also known as Ceasarea Phillipi. Great teaching there on Jesus` words from Matthew 16!
Our next stop was lunch at the Berkat Ram restaraunt in Ma`esada. I tried a labne, which was alot like a quesadilla but filled with goat cheese and a olive relish of sorts. It was tasty.
We also spent some time at the Valley of Tears where Israel`s second largest war in its military history was waged.
I climbed to what seemed like the top of the world and visited the Coffee Anan shop on top of Mt Bental, where we could see the UN Headquarters in the buffer zone between Israel and Syria. We could see into Syria. We could also see signs along our route stating the danger of landmines, not a sight I am accustomed to seeing.
We are heading out to supper soon. I am so proud of all our travelers~everyone is getting along well, looking out for each other and are so very encouraging. No one is left behind and we are developing friendships that will last much longer than this trip.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
It`s Wednesday evening here in God`s country. We have just gotten off the tour bus and have about an hour before we gather for dinner. So I will attempt to recap our day...
I woke this morning to a view out of our little cabin that was amazing! But I think I told you that already. Maybe even sent a picture. If so, please excuse me--and continue to excuse me as I am no doubt going to repeat myself often over the course of the next few days, months, years as I recount all I have been seeing and hearing and doing.
We left our little kibbutz (neat new word with a great meaning lending itself to the restoration of Israel) and headed out to the Sea of Galilee. The song to start our day was Bless The Lord Oh My Soul.
We loaded our company of pilgrims onto a boat and took out across the Sea of Galilee. They played the Star Spangled Banner for us and then played the haunting melody of the Israeli national anthem. We had a worship service on the boat. We laughed, we cried, we prayed ,we sang, we listened,we learned.
We saw Mt Arbal (I haven`t looked that spelling up yet so my apologies) and I saw the Valley of the Dove--cannot wait to spend a little time on that one!
We saw a boat from Jesus` time they have uncovered and partially restored. We shopped in a gift shop. There are alot of those here!!
We went on to the Mt Of Beatitudes.
Sunday School gals--it wasn`t what I expected and will not go into detail here but stay tuned, I cannot wait to share with you in person what God laid on my heart there. I cannot even begin. I think I have 5 pages of journal notes just from our short time there.
Then on to Capernaum. The headquarters of Jesus` ministry. We saw what they believe to be Peter`s mother-in-law`s home, a synagogue and walked on ground quite possibly the woman with the issue of blood would have walked on and reached out to Jesus for a healing on.
We also visited the, based on tradition, spot where Peter re-dedicated his life to Christ.
I hope it doesn`t seem like I am making light of all I have been blessed to experience, but it is hard to give the highlights and narrow down all the information.
We ended our day with a baptism at the Jordan River. The same river Jesus was baptized in. The same river fed by the same streams that are fed by the same snows that fall on the same mountain as in Jesus` time. I will admit I had not determined I was going to do this. My own baptism was special. My own baptism was genuine. But I did. I am glad I did. I took the same handkerchief I was baptized with, my son was baptized with, my niece was baptized with--and it went with me into the waters of th Jordan. So many emotions.
I think I will close for today`s post. To say I am overwhelmed is an understatement. To say I am mesmerized is an understatement. To say I am fascinated is an understatement. To say I will be forever changed is an understatement!
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
It`s Wednesday morning here in Israel. Our accomodations are nice and I am attaching a photo of the view from our patio door. It is the Sea of Galilee.
Yes, the Sea of Galilee...the SEA OF GALILEE.
If I had a better arm and wasn`t afraid of breaking the window of the next cottage, I could throw a rock into it. It is that close.
Wake up call at 6am, although my roomy and I were already up and dressed by the time we got the automated Hebrew good morning call. Breakfast begins being served at 6:30 and we are to be loaded on our tour bus by 7:45.
Busy itinerary lined up for today, all around the Sea.
Good night`s sleep--although after a couple of long days, I think if they had thrown me a sleeping bag and told me to camp out on the ground I would haev slept like a baby there, too.
Yes, the Sea of Galilee...the SEA OF GALILEE.
If I had a better arm and wasn`t afraid of breaking the window of the next cottage, I could throw a rock into it. It is that close.
Wake up call at 6am, although my roomy and I were already up and dressed by the time we got the automated Hebrew good morning call. Breakfast begins being served at 6:30 and we are to be loaded on our tour bus by 7:45.
Busy itinerary lined up for today, all around the Sea.
Good night`s sleep--although after a couple of long days, I think if they had thrown me a sleeping bag and told me to camp out on the ground I would haev slept like a baby there, too.
We, 43 of us, a crazy but very intelligent tour guide and an outstanding bus driver and myself are wrapping up our first day in Israel.
The plane ride was uneventful and on time. It was lon. Quite long, 10 hours. We arrived in Tel Avivabout 10am, loaded the bus and went straight to our first couple of stops.
We stood o the banks of the Mediterraean Sea and looked over ruins from Ceaserea. Beautiful day. The atmospheric temp on the plae read -90 degrees, but it was probably 70 degrees standing on the shores of the Sea.
We have visited Mt Carmel where Elijah had had his showdown against the prophets of Baal. We have gone to the overlook of Nazareth and stood on the precipice the unbelievers attempted to throw Jesus off of. We looked across the Valley of Armegeddon.
What a day!
Everyone on the trip is doing well, We are making new friends right and left and we have already become a family watching out for each others.
We have about an hour trip to the hotel, a dinner and probably bed for all of us.
I am overrwhelmed and not even sure I can attempt to share all I have experienced..or able to take enough pictures to convey.
But I will try!
The plane ride was uneventful and on time. It was lon. Quite long, 10 hours. We arrived in Tel Avivabout 10am, loaded the bus and went straight to our first couple of stops.
We stood o the banks of the Mediterraean Sea and looked over ruins from Ceaserea. Beautiful day. The atmospheric temp on the plae read -90 degrees, but it was probably 70 degrees standing on the shores of the Sea.
We have visited Mt Carmel where Elijah had had his showdown against the prophets of Baal. We have gone to the overlook of Nazareth and stood on the precipice the unbelievers attempted to throw Jesus off of. We looked across the Valley of Armegeddon.
What a day!
Everyone on the trip is doing well, We are making new friends right and left and we have already become a family watching out for each others.
We have about an hour trip to the hotel, a dinner and probably bed for all of us.
I am overrwhelmed and not even sure I can attempt to share all I have experienced..or able to take enough pictures to convey.
But I will try!
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Today's reading: Romans 15-16
I've been in the Word this morning.
I've read, re-read and pondered.
I paused over Romans 15:5-6 and why He wants us in harmony with each other--it has nothing to do with comfort and ease on our part, but that in being harmonized, we lift up greater praise to Him.
I liked that, but then I turned the page.
And in my highlighted and written in Bible I came across a page that had nothing underlined or noted except for this...
"God is able to make you strong..." Romans 16:25 NLT
That's all I have highlighted on the whole two pages laid out in front of me.
That's all I needed this morning.
My own efforts seem weak and anemic this morning. My abilities seem lacking, to say the least. My powers are pale in comparison to what I believe He is calling me to do.
So, I needed what was highlighted. I needed the reminder. I needed the encouragement. I needed the boost it's given my spirit!
Today's reading: Romans 15-16
I've been in the Word this morning.
I've read, re-read and pondered.
I paused over Romans 15:5-6 and why He wants us in harmony with each other--it has nothing to do with comfort and ease on our part, but that in being harmonized, we lift up greater praise to Him.
I liked that, but then I turned the page.
And in my highlighted and written in Bible I came across a page that had nothing underlined or noted except for this...
"God is able to make you strong..." Romans 16:25 NLT
That's all I have highlighted on the whole two pages laid out in front of me.
That's all I needed this morning.
My own efforts seem weak and anemic this morning. My abilities seem lacking, to say the least. My powers are pale in comparison to what I believe He is calling me to do.
So, I needed what was highlighted. I needed the reminder. I needed the encouragement. I needed the boost it's given my spirit!
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Today's reading: Matthew 17-19
"Some children were brought to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. The disciples told them not to bother him. But Jesus said, Le the children com to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left." Matthew 19:13-15 NLT
What's keep you from taking your requests to God?
Is it what someone else might think?
Is it that satan has convinced you that your need is too petty, too unimportant, too small a matter for God to be concerned with?
Is it fear?
Nothing should keep us from presenting God with what we're needing. No one. No doubt. No fear.
We will not be blessed without being in His presence--that makes everything worth it!
Today's reading: Matthew 17-19
"Some children were brought to Jesus so he could lay his hands on them and pray for them. The disciples told them not to bother him. But Jesus said, Le the children com to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these. And he put his hands on their heads and blessed them before he left." Matthew 19:13-15 NLT
What's keep you from taking your requests to God?
Is it what someone else might think?
Is it that satan has convinced you that your need is too petty, too unimportant, too small a matter for God to be concerned with?
Is it fear?
Nothing should keep us from presenting God with what we're needing. No one. No doubt. No fear.
We will not be blessed without being in His presence--that makes everything worth it!
Friday, February 12, 2016
Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39
"Search the book of the Lord, and see what he will do. He will not miss a single detail..." Isaiah 34:16 NLT
Want to know what God's up to? Look in the Bible.
Wish you knew just how much He loves you? Read your Bible.
Want some ease for your doubts and fears? Search the Scriptures.
Want the answers your heart and mind are searching for? It's in the Bible.
Want answers to give hurting friends and family members? You'll find them in the Word.
Need some hope? Want a dose of joy? Would you like a brush of grace in your life? Read your Bible.
Want to know if God is really and truly interested in the smallest details of your life? Well, you know what I suggest you do...
Get into the Bible!
Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39
"Search the book of the Lord, and see what he will do. He will not miss a single detail..." Isaiah 34:16 NLT
Want to know what God's up to? Look in the Bible.
Wish you knew just how much He loves you? Read your Bible.
Want some ease for your doubts and fears? Search the Scriptures.
Want the answers your heart and mind are searching for? It's in the Bible.
Want answers to give hurting friends and family members? You'll find them in the Word.
Need some hope? Want a dose of joy? Would you like a brush of grace in your life? Read your Bible.
Want to know if God is really and truly interested in the smallest details of your life? Well, you know what I suggest you do...
Get into the Bible!
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Folks have asked me what I am most wanting to see/do/experience when I get to Israel. Honestly, and this sounds like a kindergarten answer, but I want everything!
There is nothing I don't want to try. There is no place I don't want to see. There is not a single thing I'm willing to scratch off my list because it doesn't sound like something I want to do.
I'll take all I can get and I'll sort out the feeling of being overwhelmed by it all after the fact.
I've brushed up on some suggested Bible readings. I've poured over the Christian's Guide to the Holy Land. I've printed off a small map that shows me geographically where all we will be going, I'm a nerd like that. I've got a brand-new journal packed and ready to fill with every note I can take, and pens ready to write down all I feel as I soak it up. I've got my little laptop charged and ready to report back on this God-given opportunity.
I think I'm ready, but I also know that the moment I step off the plane, I'll know there is no way in the world I could be ready for all God has in store for me.
Life is like that, isn't it?
Folks have asked me what I am most wanting to see/do/experience when I get to Israel. Honestly, and this sounds like a kindergarten answer, but I want everything!
There is nothing I don't want to try. There is no place I don't want to see. There is not a single thing I'm willing to scratch off my list because it doesn't sound like something I want to do.
I'll take all I can get and I'll sort out the feeling of being overwhelmed by it all after the fact.
I've brushed up on some suggested Bible readings. I've poured over the Christian's Guide to the Holy Land. I've printed off a small map that shows me geographically where all we will be going, I'm a nerd like that. I've got a brand-new journal packed and ready to fill with every note I can take, and pens ready to write down all I feel as I soak it up. I've got my little laptop charged and ready to report back on this God-given opportunity.
I think I'm ready, but I also know that the moment I step off the plane, I'll know there is no way in the world I could be ready for all God has in store for me.
Life is like that, isn't it?
Today's reading: Job 13-14
"Oh, how I long to speak directly to the Almighty. I want to argue my case with God himself." Job 13:3 NLT
Job thought he had a bone to pick with God. He was in pain, he was suffering, he was broken and he knew it all came from the hand of God.
He wanted a few words with his Creator.
We do the same thing, sometimes.
We look at all that's going on around us and we want to have a word with God.
We have our list of offenses and complaints--we just need a few minutes to set things straight.
And yet, what would we say when we stood in His presence?
What exactly would we remember as important?
What wrongs wouldn't being at His throne right?
Would we be able to remember one single offense against us? A single hurt? A nagging question?
Whose name would we be able to bring to mind except His?
What bitter accusation would we possibly hurl at the Almighty?
We shake our fists here, not understanding, not liking what He has written into our life stories, but standing before Him--won't that put a different spin on things?
Today's reading: Job 13-14
"Oh, how I long to speak directly to the Almighty. I want to argue my case with God himself." Job 13:3 NLT
Job thought he had a bone to pick with God. He was in pain, he was suffering, he was broken and he knew it all came from the hand of God.
He wanted a few words with his Creator.
We do the same thing, sometimes.
We look at all that's going on around us and we want to have a word with God.
We have our list of offenses and complaints--we just need a few minutes to set things straight.
And yet, what would we say when we stood in His presence?
What exactly would we remember as important?
What wrongs wouldn't being at His throne right?
Would we be able to remember one single offense against us? A single hurt? A nagging question?
Whose name would we be able to bring to mind except His?
What bitter accusation would we possibly hurl at the Almighty?
We shake our fists here, not understanding, not liking what He has written into our life stories, but standing before Him--won't that put a different spin on things?
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Today's reading: Psalm 18-20
"They attacked me at a moment when I was weakest, but the Lord upheld me. He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me." Psalm 18:18-19 NLT
Satan attacks when you're weak in the knees, nursing a hurt, deficit in your faith and sometimes in your bank account, tired of getting back up again--and again--and again.
Satan pushes buttons, uses your pet peeves, uses your least favorite people, uses your very weaknesses, uses your own fears.
Satan pulls the Band-Aid off real slow and pokes right where it hurts.
Satan bombards with accusations, attacks and innuendos that make you doubt all God has done in your life.
Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy you, yours, your attempts at serving God.
But the Lord holds us up!
That thrills me this morning. Gives me goosebumps. Makes me stronger. Gives me hope.
It will be my battle cry for the day.
But the Lord holds me up!
Today's reading: Psalm 18-20
"They attacked me at a moment when I was weakest, but the Lord upheld me. He led me to a place of safety; he rescued me because he delights in me." Psalm 18:18-19 NLT
Satan attacks when you're weak in the knees, nursing a hurt, deficit in your faith and sometimes in your bank account, tired of getting back up again--and again--and again.
Satan pushes buttons, uses your pet peeves, uses your least favorite people, uses your very weaknesses, uses your own fears.
Satan pulls the Band-Aid off real slow and pokes right where it hurts.
Satan bombards with accusations, attacks and innuendos that make you doubt all God has done in your life.
Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy you, yours, your attempts at serving God.
But the Lord holds us up!
That thrills me this morning. Gives me goosebumps. Makes me stronger. Gives me hope.
It will be my battle cry for the day.
But the Lord holds me up!
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
I have two things left to throw in my backpack/luggage for Monday's trip: my Kindle, for keeping you all informed and cash.
I have checked and double-checked the placement of my passport almost as many times as I've packed, rolled, unrolled and re-packed each of my pieces of baggage.
To think I will be walking in the very towns where Jesus ministered and spoke.
To think I will be seeing some of the same landscapes He might have gazed upon.
To think I will be touching some of the same stones He may have touched.
To think I will be allowed to pray in the same garden He spent His last few hours praying in.
To think I'll see the Bible places in a new and exciting way.
I'm overwhelmed--and I've yet to sit down on the first plane!
I cannot wait to share what I see/hear/touch/taste/learn. I've asked God to make me like a sponge, able to soak up every single thing I come in contact with.
What gives me goosebumps this evening though? He is as close to me here as He will be there. Time and place are not boundaries He abides by. My heart is as holy a land as Israel, just for different reasons...no the same reasons, as I am His child, His prized possession.
Have I told you how very excited I am to be going???!!!
I have two things left to throw in my backpack/luggage for Monday's trip: my Kindle, for keeping you all informed and cash.
I have checked and double-checked the placement of my passport almost as many times as I've packed, rolled, unrolled and re-packed each of my pieces of baggage.
To think I will be walking in the very towns where Jesus ministered and spoke.
To think I will be seeing some of the same landscapes He might have gazed upon.
To think I will be touching some of the same stones He may have touched.
To think I will be allowed to pray in the same garden He spent His last few hours praying in.
To think I'll see the Bible places in a new and exciting way.
I'm overwhelmed--and I've yet to sit down on the first plane!
I cannot wait to share what I see/hear/touch/taste/learn. I've asked God to make me like a sponge, able to soak up every single thing I come in contact with.
What gives me goosebumps this evening though? He is as close to me here as He will be there. Time and place are not boundaries He abides by. My heart is as holy a land as Israel, just for different reasons...no the same reasons, as I am His child, His prized possession.
Have I told you how very excited I am to be going???!!!
Today's reading: Judges 7-11
"The Lord replied, Did I not rescue you from the Egyptians, the Amorites, the Ammonites, the Philistines, the Sidonians, the Amalekites, and the Maonites? When they oppressed you, you cried out to me and I rescued you." Judges 10:11-12 NLT
Ever needed a list like the ones God gave the Israelites? A compilation of all that He has done? A black and white account of His track record? A visual reminder of His love for you?
Ever needed to be reminded of where He brought you from? What He saved you from? What He purchased you for?
Ever needed to look back over all He's done in order to square your shoulders for the next attack by satan? As an encouraging cheer to continue? As a bolstering of your faith?
Ever needed Him to simply state...
Dear child, here's all I've done for you--Look long and hard over the list. Remember clearly what all I have rescued you from. Do not think for a moment that My power has weakened, My love for you grown cold, My plans for you wavered, My commitment to you faltered, My abilities been bound by anything you are going through now, My promises been made null and void by time, My reward for you tarnished by any enemy. I am still on your side. The fight is still in Me. I am still your only hope!
I am looking over my list this morning. I am being renewed and revived by His love for me. I'm going out into this dark, hostile world to make a difference for Him--and I know He is going with me. He always has, He always will.
Today's reading: Judges 7-11
"The Lord replied, Did I not rescue you from the Egyptians, the Amorites, the Ammonites, the Philistines, the Sidonians, the Amalekites, and the Maonites? When they oppressed you, you cried out to me and I rescued you." Judges 10:11-12 NLT
Ever needed a list like the ones God gave the Israelites? A compilation of all that He has done? A black and white account of His track record? A visual reminder of His love for you?
Ever needed to be reminded of where He brought you from? What He saved you from? What He purchased you for?
Ever needed to look back over all He's done in order to square your shoulders for the next attack by satan? As an encouraging cheer to continue? As a bolstering of your faith?
Ever needed Him to simply state...
Dear child, here's all I've done for you--Look long and hard over the list. Remember clearly what all I have rescued you from. Do not think for a moment that My power has weakened, My love for you grown cold, My plans for you wavered, My commitment to you faltered, My abilities been bound by anything you are going through now, My promises been made null and void by time, My reward for you tarnished by any enemy. I am still on your side. The fight is still in Me. I am still your only hope!
I am looking over my list this morning. I am being renewed and revived by His love for me. I'm going out into this dark, hostile world to make a difference for Him--and I know He is going with me. He always has, He always will.
Monday, February 8, 2016
One week from right now we'll be on our way to the airport for 'the trip'.
I'll have my luggage in the car, my passport firmly attached to my being and the butterflies in my stomach will be swarming.
One of the greatest parts about this trip is that I will be traveling with dear friends. Dear godly friends. That's a real blessing.
Pray for those friends of mine who I'll be traveling with. Pray that when we return we'll still be friends--deeper friends, as you and I know a road trip has a way of wreaking havoc on the best of relationships!
Also pray for the friends I'll meet, Folks I'll find a place in my heart for. Folks who I will be experiencing this with.
Pray for us all that the pages of the Bible will come alive to us in a miraculous and life-changing way.
One week from right now we'll be on our way to the airport for 'the trip'.
I'll have my luggage in the car, my passport firmly attached to my being and the butterflies in my stomach will be swarming.
One of the greatest parts about this trip is that I will be traveling with dear friends. Dear godly friends. That's a real blessing.
Pray for those friends of mine who I'll be traveling with. Pray that when we return we'll still be friends--deeper friends, as you and I know a road trip has a way of wreaking havoc on the best of relationships!
Also pray for the friends I'll meet, Folks I'll find a place in my heart for. Folks who I will be experiencing this with.
Pray for us all that the pages of the Bible will come alive to us in a miraculous and life-changing way.
Today's reading: Genesis 24-27
"Isaac asked, How were you able to find it so quickly, my son? Because the Lord your God put it in my path! Jacob replied." Genesis 27:20 NLT
In the midst of deceit, Jacob states the root of the problem, the real issue, the sin harbored in his heart.
Your God.
Not my God. Not our God. But your God.
You see, Jacob's relationship with God didn't become personal until about chapter 32 when he wrestles with an angel.
It always becomes personal. There is always a point in life when the question is posed to one's heart as to who God really is.
My moment came leaned up against an aquarium in a hospital on a neurology floor as I waited with family and friends. The light bulb came on, the flood gates opened and the Lord spoke to me about our relationship. I was in my early twenties and had been saved since age seven...but He hadn't been my God until then.
Jacob answered correctly. He answered honestly. He answered from what he knew to be the truth in his life at that point.
I'm thankful for Jacob, and most importantly for myself, that He speaks to hearts, changes mindsets and makes things personal between Himself and His children.
Today's reading: Genesis 24-27
"Isaac asked, How were you able to find it so quickly, my son? Because the Lord your God put it in my path! Jacob replied." Genesis 27:20 NLT
In the midst of deceit, Jacob states the root of the problem, the real issue, the sin harbored in his heart.
Your God.
Not my God. Not our God. But your God.
You see, Jacob's relationship with God didn't become personal until about chapter 32 when he wrestles with an angel.
It always becomes personal. There is always a point in life when the question is posed to one's heart as to who God really is.
My moment came leaned up against an aquarium in a hospital on a neurology floor as I waited with family and friends. The light bulb came on, the flood gates opened and the Lord spoke to me about our relationship. I was in my early twenties and had been saved since age seven...but He hadn't been my God until then.
Jacob answered correctly. He answered honestly. He answered from what he knew to be the truth in his life at that point.
I'm thankful for Jacob, and most importantly for myself, that He speaks to hearts, changes mindsets and makes things personal between Himself and His children.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Today's reading: Romans 13-14
"Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God." Romans 14:12 NLT
I used to think of murderers, inmates, cheats and liars when I read this verse. I would rate my sins against the 'big ones' and felt pretty good, usually.
I used to.
Now I think about me.
The times I have allowed laziness to rule, disobedience to win, indifference to take root.
The moments I've donned the judge's robe in regards to the life of another.
The times in my life when I seized control--and paid miserably for it.
Others will stand for their 'things', I'll be busy standing before Him discussing my own. I'll not be looking around but up at His face for grace and mercy.
Today's reading: Romans 13-14
"Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God." Romans 14:12 NLT
I used to think of murderers, inmates, cheats and liars when I read this verse. I would rate my sins against the 'big ones' and felt pretty good, usually.
I used to.
Now I think about me.
The times I have allowed laziness to rule, disobedience to win, indifference to take root.
The moments I've donned the judge's robe in regards to the life of another.
The times in my life when I seized control--and paid miserably for it.
Others will stand for their 'things', I'll be busy standing before Him discussing my own. I'll not be looking around but up at His face for grace and mercy.
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Several of you have asked about the itinerary I will have while overseas...here it is:
Day 1 2/15-Early morning flight out of St Louis to Newark, NJ. Late afternoon flight out of Newark to Tel Aviv. Length on overseas flight: 10.5 hours
Day 2 2/16-Arrive in Tel Aviv approximately mid-late morning , go through customs and begin tour. We should visit places like Caeserea, Mt Carmel, the Jezreel Valley and Nazareth on this day.
Day 3 2/17-Sea of Galilee, boat ride on the Sea, Mt of Beatitudes, Capernaum and have an opportunity to be baptized in the Jordan River.
Day 4 2/18-Tel Dan Nature Preserve and Golan Heights.
Day 5 2/19-Gideon`s Springs and begin our ascent into Jerusalem.
Day 6 2/20-Dead Sea, Masada, Qumran, Wadi Kelt.
Days 7-9 2/21-2/23-Jerusalem, Mt of Olives, Calvary, the Tomb, possibly the Holocaust Museum and the Temple Museum, Garden of Gethsemane. The Dome of the Rock, Western Wall, go to a street market, Palm Sunday Road and several other things are mentioned on our tour packet. Will depart Tel Aviv late this evening for a flight back to Newark. Length of overseas flight: 12.5 hours
Day 10 2/24-Arrive in Newark, change planes and fly to St Louis. Arrive in St Louis around 9:30am.
Keep me in your prayers as I experience all of this. I want to soak it all in like a sponge. I want to experience it so deeply that I can share with those God allows me to share with. I want to come back a different person after having been given this God-sent opportunity!
Several of you have asked about the itinerary I will have while overseas...here it is:
Day 1 2/15-Early morning flight out of St Louis to Newark, NJ. Late afternoon flight out of Newark to Tel Aviv. Length on overseas flight: 10.5 hours
Day 2 2/16-Arrive in Tel Aviv approximately mid-late morning , go through customs and begin tour. We should visit places like Caeserea, Mt Carmel, the Jezreel Valley and Nazareth on this day.
Day 3 2/17-Sea of Galilee, boat ride on the Sea, Mt of Beatitudes, Capernaum and have an opportunity to be baptized in the Jordan River.
Day 4 2/18-Tel Dan Nature Preserve and Golan Heights.
Day 5 2/19-Gideon`s Springs and begin our ascent into Jerusalem.
Day 6 2/20-Dead Sea, Masada, Qumran, Wadi Kelt.
Days 7-9 2/21-2/23-Jerusalem, Mt of Olives, Calvary, the Tomb, possibly the Holocaust Museum and the Temple Museum, Garden of Gethsemane. The Dome of the Rock, Western Wall, go to a street market, Palm Sunday Road and several other things are mentioned on our tour packet. Will depart Tel Aviv late this evening for a flight back to Newark. Length of overseas flight: 12.5 hours
Day 10 2/24-Arrive in Newark, change planes and fly to St Louis. Arrive in St Louis around 9:30am.
Keep me in your prayers as I experience all of this. I want to soak it all in like a sponge. I want to experience it so deeply that I can share with those God allows me to share with. I want to come back a different person after having been given this God-sent opportunity!
Today`s reading: Matthew 14-16
``Bring them here, he said.`` Matthew 14:18 NLT
I`ll set the scene...
The crowds were gathered. The disciples were nervous. Everyone was hungry.
We know how it eventually ends, the little boy`s lunch blessed by Jesus fed the multitude, but this morning my eyes are on the disciples and how very much I am like them. And not in a good way.
The problem loomed ahead of them. Big. Impossible. A common need needing fulfilled.
They were wringing their hands in worry. They were fretting over what to do. They were pacing the ground. They were arguing among themselves as they brainstormed. They were attempting to ask themselves, What would Jesus have us do? They were, down deep, wanting to impress.
And Jesus` response?
Bring them to me, He said.
He tells me that often. About heartaches. About problems. About people who I am ready to wash my hands of. About souls I`m wanting to see saved. About burdens weighing heavy on my heart.
Bring them to me.
And when I do, and when they did--miracles happen!
Today`s reading: Matthew 14-16
``Bring them here, he said.`` Matthew 14:18 NLT
I`ll set the scene...
The crowds were gathered. The disciples were nervous. Everyone was hungry.
We know how it eventually ends, the little boy`s lunch blessed by Jesus fed the multitude, but this morning my eyes are on the disciples and how very much I am like them. And not in a good way.
The problem loomed ahead of them. Big. Impossible. A common need needing fulfilled.
They were wringing their hands in worry. They were fretting over what to do. They were pacing the ground. They were arguing among themselves as they brainstormed. They were attempting to ask themselves, What would Jesus have us do? They were, down deep, wanting to impress.
And Jesus` response?
Bring them to me, He said.
He tells me that often. About heartaches. About problems. About people who I am ready to wash my hands of. About souls I`m wanting to see saved. About burdens weighing heavy on my heart.
Bring them to me.
And when I do, and when they did--miracles happen!
Friday, February 5, 2016
The app on my phone says my trip is now just ten days away! I`ve been impatiently watching the days count down from #276, feeling like a child with their eye on the calendar for their `big` birthday or Christmas.
Ten days, although, is a little sobering.
Not fear, I honestly can say fear has not been one of the many emotions I`ve experienced in this whole wait, but an intense desire to make sure all is ready before I go.
Not really about the sloppy joes I`ve stored in the freezer for Dale to have for a few lunches.
Or the calendar I`ve laid out for those helping to keep Isaiah on track for school, play practice and church.
Or the things I`ve packed, re-packed and packed again for the trip.
What I`m thinking about today is the list of things I`m needing to make absolutely sure I have taken care of--in case I wouldn`t return.
No, I`m not sitting up nights thinking about it. I`ve not lost sleep. It`s not consuming my thoughts.
But it is a reality. But no more of a reality that what could happen when running to the grocery store, going on a quick trip to town or heading to church on Sunday morning.
Things happen.
Am I ready?
Do my loved ones know I love God and am His?
Have I done all He has purposed for me to do up to this point?
Am I sure, and are they sure, and are you sure, that we will meet again--no matter when or where?
Ten days to go, I know that. We aren`t all given a date, a time, an appointment, or a flight number--but are we living ready?
The app on my phone says my trip is now just ten days away! I`ve been impatiently watching the days count down from #276, feeling like a child with their eye on the calendar for their `big` birthday or Christmas.
Ten days, although, is a little sobering.
Not fear, I honestly can say fear has not been one of the many emotions I`ve experienced in this whole wait, but an intense desire to make sure all is ready before I go.
Not really about the sloppy joes I`ve stored in the freezer for Dale to have for a few lunches.
Or the calendar I`ve laid out for those helping to keep Isaiah on track for school, play practice and church.
Or the things I`ve packed, re-packed and packed again for the trip.
What I`m thinking about today is the list of things I`m needing to make absolutely sure I have taken care of--in case I wouldn`t return.
No, I`m not sitting up nights thinking about it. I`ve not lost sleep. It`s not consuming my thoughts.
But it is a reality. But no more of a reality that what could happen when running to the grocery store, going on a quick trip to town or heading to church on Sunday morning.
Things happen.
Am I ready?
Do my loved ones know I love God and am His?
Have I done all He has purposed for me to do up to this point?
Am I sure, and are they sure, and are you sure, that we will meet again--no matter when or where?
Ten days to go, I know that. We aren`t all given a date, a time, an appointment, or a flight number--but are we living ready?
It will happen in a moment, in the blinking of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown. For when the trumpet sounds, the Christians who have died will be raised with transformed bodies. And then we who are living will be transformed so that we will never die. 1 Corinthians 15:52 NLT
Today`s reading: Isaiah 29-33
``That is why the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, says to the people of Israel, My people will no longer pale with fear or be ashamed. For when they see their many children and material blessings, they will recognize the holiness of the Holy One of Israel. They will stand in awe of the God of Israel.`` Isaiah 29:22-23 NLT
Do you know what it means to be anemic?
I thought I did, well I thought I knew where the definition would lead me--to a medical condition of the blood. A lacking of iron in the powerhouse of the body.
Pink, as our pastor said just this past Sunday.
What I found in Merriam-Webster`s collection of all things wordy, kind of surprised me...
anemic-not strong, forceful or impressive
Hmmm, not at all what I thought it would say.
And yet, doesn`t that go along nicely with today`s verse?
Until His people, us, me, you, begin to `notice` God, we`ll be anemic. We won`t notice Who our blessings come from,we will be too afraid to confront the enemy, we will hide our heads in the shame of our sins.
But when He lives in us--things will happen! Our bodies, the church of the living God, our homes, our witness will begin to gain health once again!
We won`t have lackluster men running for office.
We won`t have families falling apart on a daily basis.
We won`t have churches performing for society instead of worshipping God.
We won`t have prayers that go unanswered.
We won`t have lives that are not strong, forceful or impressive.
So, I ask you--without a series of bloodwork or doctor`s tests, are you anemic or are you living in vitality and strength, your heart pumping Living Blood?
It`s the question I`m asking myself this morning.
Today`s reading: Isaiah 29-33
``That is why the Lord, who redeemed Abraham, says to the people of Israel, My people will no longer pale with fear or be ashamed. For when they see their many children and material blessings, they will recognize the holiness of the Holy One of Israel. They will stand in awe of the God of Israel.`` Isaiah 29:22-23 NLT
Do you know what it means to be anemic?
I thought I did, well I thought I knew where the definition would lead me--to a medical condition of the blood. A lacking of iron in the powerhouse of the body.
Pink, as our pastor said just this past Sunday.
What I found in Merriam-Webster`s collection of all things wordy, kind of surprised me...
anemic-not strong, forceful or impressive
Hmmm, not at all what I thought it would say.
And yet, doesn`t that go along nicely with today`s verse?
Until His people, us, me, you, begin to `notice` God, we`ll be anemic. We won`t notice Who our blessings come from,we will be too afraid to confront the enemy, we will hide our heads in the shame of our sins.
But when He lives in us--things will happen! Our bodies, the church of the living God, our homes, our witness will begin to gain health once again!
We won`t have lackluster men running for office.
We won`t have families falling apart on a daily basis.
We won`t have churches performing for society instead of worshipping God.
We won`t have prayers that go unanswered.
We won`t have lives that are not strong, forceful or impressive.
So, I ask you--without a series of bloodwork or doctor`s tests, are you anemic or are you living in vitality and strength, your heart pumping Living Blood?
It`s the question I`m asking myself this morning.
Thursday, February 4, 2016
Today`s reading: Job 11-12
``He floods the darkness with light; he brings light to the deepest gloom.`` Job 12:22 NLT
The Hebrews translation of this verse goes like this:
He discovers deep things of darkness and brings out into light the shadow of death.
Another translation from the Lexicon reveals that the deep things are in fact exceeding deep things.
I have had deep things lurking in the shadows of my mind. Things I struggled with understanding. Things I couldn`t quite get to work out in my mind. Things that loomed like a every day object creating an eery form in the darkness of night.
The verse says He brings those things into His light.
He mines them out as a miner would a piece of ore.
He uncovers them.
He exposes them.
He releases those things from the unknown dark and places them squarely in the Light where they can be seen, understood and no longer feared.
That is hope.
That is what we need to know when the shadow of death brings us torment, when the current happenings are far from understood, when the why`s overwhelm us.
He promises that we needn`t fear for He knows what lies in the dark!
Today`s reading: Job 11-12
``He floods the darkness with light; he brings light to the deepest gloom.`` Job 12:22 NLT
The Hebrews translation of this verse goes like this:
He discovers deep things of darkness and brings out into light the shadow of death.
Another translation from the Lexicon reveals that the deep things are in fact exceeding deep things.
I have had deep things lurking in the shadows of my mind. Things I struggled with understanding. Things I couldn`t quite get to work out in my mind. Things that loomed like a every day object creating an eery form in the darkness of night.
The verse says He brings those things into His light.
He mines them out as a miner would a piece of ore.
He uncovers them.
He exposes them.
He releases those things from the unknown dark and places them squarely in the Light where they can be seen, understood and no longer feared.
That is hope.
That is what we need to know when the shadow of death brings us torment, when the current happenings are far from understood, when the why`s overwhelm us.
He promises that we needn`t fear for He knows what lies in the dark!
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Today`s reading: Psalm 15-17
``I said to the Lord, You are my Master! All the good things I have are from you.`` Psalm 16:2 NLT
Ever started your day with a full heart? Thanks pouring from your soul from the moment you rise? Overwhelmed with all you have been given in life?
Today is one of those days.
As I crawl thankfully from the warm blankets, thankful for a restful night in a safe home.
As I spend my few minutes praying beside the bed of a sleeping man/boy/child, thankful for the privilege.
As I listen to the tick of the clock in these early morning hours, thankful I can hear.
As I smell the coffee brewing, thankful to be gifted with another day to experience His wonderful world.
As I get the goosebumps from reading His Word, His very Word written down for me, given to grow me, correct me, sustain me, thankful He chooses to speak it to me.
As I experience the thrill of finding another gem of a verse to be shared with a friend, thankful for God`s words when mine are truly lacking.
All the good I have is straight from His hands. Thankfulness is the only response to such a gift.
Thank You, Lord, for giving to me!
Today`s reading: Psalm 15-17
``I said to the Lord, You are my Master! All the good things I have are from you.`` Psalm 16:2 NLT
Ever started your day with a full heart? Thanks pouring from your soul from the moment you rise? Overwhelmed with all you have been given in life?
Today is one of those days.
As I crawl thankfully from the warm blankets, thankful for a restful night in a safe home.
As I spend my few minutes praying beside the bed of a sleeping man/boy/child, thankful for the privilege.
As I listen to the tick of the clock in these early morning hours, thankful I can hear.
As I smell the coffee brewing, thankful to be gifted with another day to experience His wonderful world.
As I get the goosebumps from reading His Word, His very Word written down for me, given to grow me, correct me, sustain me, thankful He chooses to speak it to me.
As I experience the thrill of finding another gem of a verse to be shared with a friend, thankful for God`s words when mine are truly lacking.
All the good I have is straight from His hands. Thankfulness is the only response to such a gift.
Thank You, Lord, for giving to me!
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Today`s reading: Judges 1-6
``Since you have done this, I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you.`` Judges 2:3 NLT
From the title of today`s blog, you may have thought I was about to review a new rock and roll band...I am not.
I was caught off guard by what God said to His people.
After He had delivered them from the hand of Pharoah.
After He had parted the Red Sea.
After He had rained down manna and poultry dinners.
After He had allowed them to see the clusters of grapes so large it took several men to carry.
After He had given them the land with the instruction to rid it of all its former inhabitants.
Which the chosen ones did not do...
...failed to drive out...1:19
...among the people...1:21
...failed to drive out the people...1:27
...work as slaves...1:28
...failed to drive out...1:29
...also failed to drive out...1:30
...also failed to drive out...1:31
...failed to drive out...1:33
...forced into the hill country...1:34
To fully claim and in turn maintain this Promised Land, they failed. God had given them the charge and gave them the inheritance--it was up to them to use God`s power to stake their claim. And yet they didn`t.
Nor do we.
We have thorns and temptations courtesy of all the things God has asked us to forsake in order to follow Him completely.
Things we think we can juggle along with godliness, like they were just balls of differing color.
Things that lead our focus off God, like shiny objects distracting a kitten.
Things that will eventually harm us, although we think we can handle them, think they are harmless, think of little consequence to our Christian walk.
Every one of us have bleeding scratches from the thorns and distracted hearts because of the temptations we see...all because we`ve not followed His leadings to the letter.
Isn`t it time, with His help, we do what He has asked and drive the enemy out of the ground God has blessed us with?
Today`s reading: Judges 1-6
``Since you have done this, I will no longer drive out the people living in your land. They will be thorns in your sides, and their gods will be a constant temptation to you.`` Judges 2:3 NLT
From the title of today`s blog, you may have thought I was about to review a new rock and roll band...I am not.
I was caught off guard by what God said to His people.
After He had delivered them from the hand of Pharoah.
After He had parted the Red Sea.
After He had rained down manna and poultry dinners.
After He had allowed them to see the clusters of grapes so large it took several men to carry.
After He had given them the land with the instruction to rid it of all its former inhabitants.
Which the chosen ones did not do...
...failed to drive out...1:19
...among the people...1:21
...failed to drive out the people...1:27
...work as slaves...1:28
...failed to drive out...1:29
...also failed to drive out...1:30
...also failed to drive out...1:31
...failed to drive out...1:33
...forced into the hill country...1:34
To fully claim and in turn maintain this Promised Land, they failed. God had given them the charge and gave them the inheritance--it was up to them to use God`s power to stake their claim. And yet they didn`t.
Nor do we.
We have thorns and temptations courtesy of all the things God has asked us to forsake in order to follow Him completely.
Things we think we can juggle along with godliness, like they were just balls of differing color.
Things that lead our focus off God, like shiny objects distracting a kitten.
Things that will eventually harm us, although we think we can handle them, think they are harmless, think of little consequence to our Christian walk.
Every one of us have bleeding scratches from the thorns and distracted hearts because of the temptations we see...all because we`ve not followed His leadings to the letter.
Isn`t it time, with His help, we do what He has asked and drive the enemy out of the ground God has blessed us with?
Monday, February 1, 2016
Today`s reading: Genesis 20-23
``Take your son, your only son--yes, Isaac, whom you love so much--and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you.`` Genesis 22:2 NLT
I can imagine Abraham looking around at who else the Lord might be talking to.
I can see, in my mind, his sticking a finger in his ear and shaking his head, making sure he was hearing correctly.
I can think his thoughts immediately went to his son Ishmael, the one he had sent away.
I can place myself in Abraham`s shoes as God spells out just what it is He is asking him to do...
Yes, that...Yes, that.
I have heard Him say it to me. I have felt the heaviness in my heart as He chose to point out a sin in my life--one I would just as soon ignore.
I have presented various options to God. I have given substitutes. I have made Him think I wasn`t sure just what it was He was suggesting. And I have heard Him say...
Yes, that...That.
I don`t know what it is He is referring to in your life, but I am well aware of what it is in mine. I would like it to be something else, something a little less important to me, something a little easier to part with, something that I haven`t grown so attached to, something a little more out of my control, or so I think.
And yet I hear Him say...
Yes, that. Give it to me--yes, that _____ you love so much.
Today`s reading: Genesis 20-23
``Take your son, your only son--yes, Isaac, whom you love so much--and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you.`` Genesis 22:2 NLT
I can imagine Abraham looking around at who else the Lord might be talking to.
I can see, in my mind, his sticking a finger in his ear and shaking his head, making sure he was hearing correctly.
I can think his thoughts immediately went to his son Ishmael, the one he had sent away.
I can place myself in Abraham`s shoes as God spells out just what it is He is asking him to do...
Yes, that...Yes, that.
I have heard Him say it to me. I have felt the heaviness in my heart as He chose to point out a sin in my life--one I would just as soon ignore.
I have presented various options to God. I have given substitutes. I have made Him think I wasn`t sure just what it was He was suggesting. And I have heard Him say...
Yes, that...That.
I don`t know what it is He is referring to in your life, but I am well aware of what it is in mine. I would like it to be something else, something a little less important to me, something a little easier to part with, something that I haven`t grown so attached to, something a little more out of my control, or so I think.
And yet I hear Him say...
Yes, that. Give it to me--yes, that _____ you love so much.
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