Today's reading: Malachi 3-4, Revelation 21-22, Proverbs 31:18-31
"Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and loved to think about him. They will be my people, says the Lord Almighty. On the day when I act, they will be my own special treasure. I will spare them as a father spares an obedient and dutiful child. Then you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not." Malachi 3:16-18 NLT
This year is wrapping up and sorry to say, I'm got some amends to make for some of the days I've wasted of it.
Some of the times I've disobeyed God, disappointed God, done something disapproved by God or chosen not to take an opportunity handed to me on a silver platter by God Himself.
But today, with all my mistakes behind me, all of my sins presented to God for forgiveness and a complete wash of His grace and the future looking bright, I stand before you and say, I'm still His.
My name is written down as one who fears Him and loves to think about Him.
However imperfectly I do it.
I look forward to this new year full of opportunities to be loved on by Him.
I look forward to standing strong with other believers whose names have been recorded as His own.
I look forward to seeing the difference He chooses to make over those who choose to serve, love, follow and obey Him!
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
Today's reading: Malachi 1-2, Revelation 19-20, Proverbs 31:10-17
"You have wearied the Lord with your words..." Malachi 2:17 NLT
I'm sorry, Lord, for the times I have 'worn You out' with my words.
With my empty promises.
With my incessant complaining in a comfortable, well-fed, safe first world existence.
With my child-like whining when I didn't get what I wanted, as soon as I wanted it, like I wanted it, like I thought I should have it.
I'm sorry that my words wearied You because they lacked the thankfulness they should be brimming with.
Thanks for the very breath I breathe.
The very ability to say thanks at all for all You have done.
Thanks for being able to come directly to Your throne room to offer my gratitude for all You do.
I'm sorry that when I finally do fall at Your feet, my list of commands, requests and complaints far outweigh the praises I should be piling upon You.
Praise for Your loving kindness.
Praise for Your saving grace.
Praise for Your faithfulness.
Praise for Your new-every-morning mercy.
Continue Your patience with me, Lord, as I learn a new language of appreciation, praise and worship in regards to You.
Today's reading: Malachi 1-2, Revelation 19-20, Proverbs 31:10-17
"You have wearied the Lord with your words..." Malachi 2:17 NLT
I'm sorry, Lord, for the times I have 'worn You out' with my words.
With my empty promises.
With my incessant complaining in a comfortable, well-fed, safe first world existence.
With my child-like whining when I didn't get what I wanted, as soon as I wanted it, like I wanted it, like I thought I should have it.
I'm sorry that my words wearied You because they lacked the thankfulness they should be brimming with.
Thanks for the very breath I breathe.
The very ability to say thanks at all for all You have done.
Thanks for being able to come directly to Your throne room to offer my gratitude for all You do.
I'm sorry that when I finally do fall at Your feet, my list of commands, requests and complaints far outweigh the praises I should be piling upon You.
Praise for Your loving kindness.
Praise for Your saving grace.
Praise for Your faithfulness.
Praise for Your new-every-morning mercy.
Continue Your patience with me, Lord, as I learn a new language of appreciation, praise and worship in regards to You.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-4, Revelation 14:14-16:3, Proverbs 30:17-20
"Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling." Zechariah 2:13 NLT
You've prayed the prayer.
You've believed the promises.
You've claimed His name.
You've said 'amen'.
Are you watching for God to do what you've asked of Him?
Are you on the edge of your seat just waiting for Him to act?
Are you truly believing He has heard, He desires to answer, He wants to do a mighty work for you?
Are you waiting quietly, knowing with all that's in you, that He is about to do something--anything, just because you've asked Him to?
Are you so expectant that you will hear the subtle squeak from His throne as He shifts His weight and moves to stand and deliver because He is God and He loves to give good gifts to His children?
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-4, Revelation 14:14-16:3, Proverbs 30:17-20
"Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling." Zechariah 2:13 NLT
You've prayed the prayer.
You've believed the promises.
You've claimed His name.
You've said 'amen'.
Are you watching for God to do what you've asked of Him?
Are you on the edge of your seat just waiting for Him to act?
Are you truly believing He has heard, He desires to answer, He wants to do a mighty work for you?
Are you waiting quietly, knowing with all that's in you, that He is about to do something--anything, just because you've asked Him to?
Are you so expectant that you will hear the subtle squeak from His throne as He shifts His weight and moves to stand and deliver because He is God and He loves to give good gifts to His children?
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Today's reading: Haggai, Revelation 13:1-14:13, Proverbs 30:7-16
"The Haggai, the Lord's messenger, gave the people this message from the Lord: I am with you, says the Lord!" Haggai 1:13 NLT
The Baby has arrived.
The Messiah has come.
The Savior of the earth has come down from heaven.
The Friend of sinners has happened on the scene.
The Good Shepherd is about His business of tending to His flock.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are with us!
Today's reading: Haggai, Revelation 13:1-14:13, Proverbs 30:7-16
"The Haggai, the Lord's messenger, gave the people this message from the Lord: I am with you, says the Lord!" Haggai 1:13 NLT
The Baby has arrived.
The Messiah has come.
The Savior of the earth has come down from heaven.
The Friend of sinners has happened on the scene.
The Good Shepherd is about His business of tending to His flock.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are with us!
Monday, December 23, 2019
Today's reading: Nahum, Revelation 9-10, Proverbs 29:15-23
"There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking." Proverbs 29:20 NLT
I talk too much.
Let me re-phrase that, I say too much of what's unimportant and too little of what's vital.
So, this verse has given me a great nudge in the right direction for the ultimate gift this Christmas season.
I'm going to give those I love well thought out words.
Not reactionary snippets.
Not anger-filled spurts.
Not off-the-cuff remarks.
Not sarcastic come-backs.
Not critical commentary.
I'm going to pause before speaking to make sure the gift of words I give is true, kind, necessary and loving.
I want to make sure it fits every occasion.
I want to be well aware of my recipient's need.
I want to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
I'm not so sure how I'm going to wrap this gift, but it's one I truly intend to give.
Today's reading: Nahum, Revelation 9-10, Proverbs 29:15-23
"There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking." Proverbs 29:20 NLT
I talk too much.
Let me re-phrase that, I say too much of what's unimportant and too little of what's vital.
So, this verse has given me a great nudge in the right direction for the ultimate gift this Christmas season.
I'm going to give those I love well thought out words.
Not reactionary snippets.
Not anger-filled spurts.
Not off-the-cuff remarks.
Not sarcastic come-backs.
Not critical commentary.
I'm going to pause before speaking to make sure the gift of words I give is true, kind, necessary and loving.
I want to make sure it fits every occasion.
I want to be well aware of my recipient's need.
I want to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
I'm not so sure how I'm going to wrap this gift, but it's one I truly intend to give.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Today's reading: Obadiah, Jonah, Revelation 5:6-14, Proverbs 28:25-28
"But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction in order to get away from the Lord..." Jonah 1:3 NLT
This portion of this single verse hold so many things within its few words.
It's a warning for those thinking they can run from God's view.
It's a statement that God has indeed given us free wills to do what we want.
It's hope for those who have chosen to step away from God, because by the end of the book, second chances are given freely.
It's blessed assurance for the mommas of prodigals knowing their wandering ones cannot go too far, sin too much or sink too low.
All in this one little verse.
Today's reading: Obadiah, Jonah, Revelation 5:6-14, Proverbs 28:25-28
"But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction in order to get away from the Lord..." Jonah 1:3 NLT
This portion of this single verse hold so many things within its few words.
It's a warning for those thinking they can run from God's view.
It's a statement that God has indeed given us free wills to do what we want.
It's hope for those who have chosen to step away from God, because by the end of the book, second chances are given freely.
It's blessed assurance for the mommas of prodigals knowing their wandering ones cannot go too far, sin too much or sink too low.
All in this one little verse.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Today's reading: Amos 7-9, Revelation 4:1-5:5, Proverbs 28:17-24
"...Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty--the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.'" Revelation 4:8 NLT
I'm making a mental list of all the things I want to ask God when I get to heaven.
Things like...
-Why did 'this' or 'that' take so long for You to answer?
-How come 'so and so' got a healing but 'so and so' didn't?
-What was it like forming the mountains and the seas?
-How did you know Easter Sunday in 1976 was the day I would respond to Your whisper in my ear?
-What was Job's wife's name?
-Why did You choose for me to go through 'this'?
-Why do You allow bad things to happen to good Christian families?
-How did You tolerate the evil in this world as long as You have?
Like I said, I have a few questions. I'm sure you do, too.
But when we get there...
When we stand before His throne...
When His brilliance overwhelms us...
When His welcome humbles us...
When His grace envelops us...
When His majesty pulses in the very air we breathe in...
When His love heals us...completely...
When His glory and honor drop us to our knees in reverence and honor...
When His perfection leaves us amazed...
When His splendor takes away every question we have...
We will be left with...
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
The One who was!
The One who is!
The One who is still to come!
Today's reading: Amos 7-9, Revelation 4:1-5:5, Proverbs 28:17-24
"...Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty--the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.'" Revelation 4:8 NLT
I'm making a mental list of all the things I want to ask God when I get to heaven.
Things like...
-Why did 'this' or 'that' take so long for You to answer?
-How come 'so and so' got a healing but 'so and so' didn't?
-What was it like forming the mountains and the seas?
-How did you know Easter Sunday in 1976 was the day I would respond to Your whisper in my ear?
-What was Job's wife's name?
-Why did You choose for me to go through 'this'?
-Why do You allow bad things to happen to good Christian families?
-How did You tolerate the evil in this world as long as You have?
Like I said, I have a few questions. I'm sure you do, too.
But when we get there...
When we stand before His throne...
When His brilliance overwhelms us...
When His welcome humbles us...
When His grace envelops us...
When His majesty pulses in the very air we breathe in...
When His love heals us...completely...
When His glory and honor drop us to our knees in reverence and honor...
When His perfection leaves us amazed...
When His splendor takes away every question we have...
We will be left with...
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
The One who was!
The One who is!
The One who is still to come!
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Today's reading: Amos 4:6-6:14, Revelation 3, Proverbs 28:9-16
"Now this is what the Lord says to the family of Israel, Come back to me and live!" Amos 5:4 NLT
If you're missing out on life.
If you're surviving but not thriving.
If you're eeking out an existence and not fully enjoy life.
Maybe it's time to come back to God.
For a real life.
For more and breath and a heartbeat.
For purpose.
For intent.
For a mission.
Only in Him, our Creator, will we ever fully live.
Today's reading: Amos 4:6-6:14, Revelation 3, Proverbs 28:9-16
"Now this is what the Lord says to the family of Israel, Come back to me and live!" Amos 5:4 NLT
If you're missing out on life.
If you're surviving but not thriving.
If you're eeking out an existence and not fully enjoy life.
Maybe it's time to come back to God.
For a real life.
For more and breath and a heartbeat.
For purpose.
For intent.
For a mission.
Only in Him, our Creator, will we ever fully live.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Today's reading: Amos 1:1-4:5, Revelation 2:12-29, Proverbs 28:1-8
"To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, I will give authority over all the nations. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!" Revelation 2:26-28 NLT
I don't know what's on your Christmas wish list.
Maybe you've asked for something practical, like new socks and underwear.
Maybe you've gone the more intellectual route and have asked for a new book or two.
To improve your spiritual walk, maybe you've asked for a new study Bible, one with all the side notes, commentaries and a whole section of maps.
Maybe in an effort to regain health you have on your wish list a new treadmill or an elliptical or a gym membership.
Maybe, just maybe, you've asked for your heart's desire--for a loved one to be at the Christmas table, for that trip you've been wanting to take for a long time or maybe even that big, sparkling diamond.
But would you ever ask for dominion over all the nations, authority like Jesus was given--and a star of your own?
We wouldn't dare. We wouldn't ever even hope. We wouldn't be so bold. We would never think to even ask.
And yet, according to His Word, those are the gifts He desires to give us after a lifetime of service. After persevering. After continuing in His shadow.
Oh, what a good gift giver our God is!
Today's reading: Amos 1:1-4:5, Revelation 2:12-29, Proverbs 28:1-8
"To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, I will give authority over all the nations. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!" Revelation 2:26-28 NLT
I don't know what's on your Christmas wish list.
Maybe you've asked for something practical, like new socks and underwear.
Maybe you've gone the more intellectual route and have asked for a new book or two.
To improve your spiritual walk, maybe you've asked for a new study Bible, one with all the side notes, commentaries and a whole section of maps.
Maybe in an effort to regain health you have on your wish list a new treadmill or an elliptical or a gym membership.
Maybe, just maybe, you've asked for your heart's desire--for a loved one to be at the Christmas table, for that trip you've been wanting to take for a long time or maybe even that big, sparkling diamond.
But would you ever ask for dominion over all the nations, authority like Jesus was given--and a star of your own?
We wouldn't dare. We wouldn't ever even hope. We wouldn't be so bold. We would never think to even ask.
And yet, according to His Word, those are the gifts He desires to give us after a lifetime of service. After persevering. After continuing in His shadow.
Oh, what a good gift giver our God is!
Monday, December 16, 2019
Today's reading: Joel 2:18-3:21, Revelation 1:1-2:11, Proverbs 27:18-27
"I know about your suffering and poverty--but you are rich!.." Revelation 1:9 NLT
I can look over my list of goals for the year and find not all have been attained...
I can give my bucket list a quick glance and see that I've checked few, if any, things off of it...
I can check the bank balance online to find it's not any better than it was last year at this time...
I can think about my prayer requests and my eyes focus on those not yet answered...
And I can quickly think the year hasn't been a good one. Been profitable. That I've not fully succeeded in any way, shape or form.
Or I can pause and consider all God's done for me--and find myself rich. Filthy rich!
Today's reading: Joel 2:18-3:21, Revelation 1:1-2:11, Proverbs 27:18-27
"I know about your suffering and poverty--but you are rich!.." Revelation 1:9 NLT
I can look over my list of goals for the year and find not all have been attained...
I can give my bucket list a quick glance and see that I've checked few, if any, things off of it...
I can check the bank balance online to find it's not any better than it was last year at this time...
I can think about my prayer requests and my eyes focus on those not yet answered...
And I can quickly think the year hasn't been a good one. Been profitable. That I've not fully succeeded in any way, shape or form.
Or I can pause and consider all God's done for me--and find myself rich. Filthy rich!
Friday, December 13, 2019
Today's reading: Hosea 7-10, 2 John, Proverbs 26:17-21
"They look everywhere except to heaven, to the Most High..." Hosea 7:16 NLT
There are some outstanding Christian authors.
Some amazing Bible preachers and teachers.
Some deeply soul-touching songs.
There are some wonderful Bible-based churches.
Great God-centered small groups.
There are even some positive phone apps that will help us be better Christians.
But, if we aren't looking to God, first and foremost, we aren't doing right by Him or by our hearts.
God has to be our first line of defense. Our first resort. Our first call. Our first aid. Our first choice. Our first response.
Christian friends. Godly people. Our churches. Christian music. Bible-based authors. Those have to come in after we've bowed at His feet, fallen into His arms, stepped into His presence and sought Him out as our refuge and strong tower.
He isn't a last resort.
He isn't someone we contact if the church prayer chain is busy, the class can't meet, the book is checked out of the library by someone else or the radio station won't play 'the song' we're needing to hear.
We have to look to Him. First. Always.
Today's reading: Hosea 7-10, 2 John, Proverbs 26:17-21
"They look everywhere except to heaven, to the Most High..." Hosea 7:16 NLT
There are some outstanding Christian authors.
Some amazing Bible preachers and teachers.
Some deeply soul-touching songs.
There are some wonderful Bible-based churches.
Great God-centered small groups.
There are even some positive phone apps that will help us be better Christians.
But, if we aren't looking to God, first and foremost, we aren't doing right by Him or by our hearts.
God has to be our first line of defense. Our first resort. Our first call. Our first aid. Our first choice. Our first response.
Christian friends. Godly people. Our churches. Christian music. Bible-based authors. Those have to come in after we've bowed at His feet, fallen into His arms, stepped into His presence and sought Him out as our refuge and strong tower.
He isn't a last resort.
He isn't someone we contact if the church prayer chain is busy, the class can't meet, the book is checked out of the library by someone else or the radio station won't play 'the song' we're needing to hear.
We have to look to Him. First. Always.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Today's reading: Hosea 4-6, 1 John 4:17-5:21, Proverbs 26:1-16
"And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God." 1 John 5:5 NLT
If you were thinking it requires the strongest of spiritual muscles, you were wrong.
If you were raised to think it took a certain denomination, well, that's not what the Bible tells us.
If you think it has to do with a certain Bible translation, a collection of Jacob's ladder-attendance charts or a plaque on a church pew, you are wrong.
If you trust that your victory over the problems of this world depends wholly on your belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, then you are right!
It's all about believing He was born from a virgin...
Believing He lived a perfect, blameless life...
Believing He died on a cross for you...
Believing His gift of salvation is yours...
Believing His blood cleanses every sin...
Believing His resurrection power defeats your enemy...
Believing He loves you that much..
That belief, friend, is your victory!
Today's reading: Hosea 4-6, 1 John 4:17-5:21, Proverbs 26:1-16
"And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God." 1 John 5:5 NLT
If you were thinking it requires the strongest of spiritual muscles, you were wrong.
If you were raised to think it took a certain denomination, well, that's not what the Bible tells us.
If you think it has to do with a certain Bible translation, a collection of Jacob's ladder-attendance charts or a plaque on a church pew, you are wrong.
If you trust that your victory over the problems of this world depends wholly on your belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, then you are right!
It's all about believing He was born from a virgin...
Believing He lived a perfect, blameless life...
Believing He died on a cross for you...
Believing His gift of salvation is yours...
Believing His blood cleanses every sin...
Believing His resurrection power defeats your enemy...
Believing He loves you that much..
That belief, friend, is your victory!
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Today's reading: Hosea 1-3, 1 John 3:13-4:16, Proverbs 25:18-28
"But then I will win her back once again, I will lead her out into the desert and speak tenderly to her there." Hosea 2:14 NLT
Survey your surroundings.
Go ahead, take a look at where God has you right now.
Does He have you in a quiet place?
A place of solitude?
A pensive spot?
An environment where it's just you and Him?
Free from distractions. Away from the hustle and bustle. If only in your mind, a thousand miles away from anyone. Alone in a crowded room. Just where He needs you to be.
So you can hear Him?
So you can see Him?
So you can experience Him fully?
So He can win you back--your heart, your love, your affections, your attention?
Today's reading: Hosea 1-3, 1 John 3:13-4:16, Proverbs 25:18-28
"But then I will win her back once again, I will lead her out into the desert and speak tenderly to her there." Hosea 2:14 NLT
Survey your surroundings.
Go ahead, take a look at where God has you right now.
Does He have you in a quiet place?
A place of solitude?
A pensive spot?
An environment where it's just you and Him?
Free from distractions. Away from the hustle and bustle. If only in your mind, a thousand miles away from anyone. Alone in a crowded room. Just where He needs you to be.
So you can hear Him?
So you can see Him?
So you can experience Him fully?
So He can win you back--your heart, your love, your affections, your attention?
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 11-12, 1 John 3:1-12, Proverbs 25:13-17
"See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children, and we really are!.." 1 John 3:1 NLT
As Christians, we are His.
His children.
His family.
His heirs.
Loved enough to be invited into this relationship.
Into His presence.
Given His forgiveness.
His mercy.
His grace.
His power.
That's love!
Today's reading: Daniel 11-12, 1 John 3:1-12, Proverbs 25:13-17
"See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children, and we really are!.." 1 John 3:1 NLT
As Christians, we are His.
His children.
His family.
His heirs.
Loved enough to be invited into this relationship.
Into His presence.
Given His forgiveness.
His mercy.
His grace.
His power.
That's love!
Monday, December 9, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 9-10, 1 John 2:18-29, Proverbs 25:1-12
"Don't be afraid, he said, for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace; take heart and be strong!" Daniel 10:19 NLT
There is a reason God led Anna Bartlett Warner to write the lyrics to one of my favorite songs...
There is a reason this same song is taught to the littlest of us...
There is a reason its lyrics are simple, timeless and powerful...
There is a reason that these words stick in our heads and can come out when needed...
It's because we need its truth.
As His children.
As adults.
As fellow travelers.
As His soldiers.
As ones asked to do big things for Him, with His help, covered by His promises.
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little one to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so
Today's reading: Daniel 9-10, 1 John 2:18-29, Proverbs 25:1-12
"Don't be afraid, he said, for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace; take heart and be strong!" Daniel 10:19 NLT
There is a reason God led Anna Bartlett Warner to write the lyrics to one of my favorite songs...
There is a reason this same song is taught to the littlest of us...
There is a reason its lyrics are simple, timeless and powerful...
There is a reason that these words stick in our heads and can come out when needed...
It's because we need its truth.
As His children.
As adults.
As fellow travelers.
As His soldiers.
As ones asked to do big things for Him, with His help, covered by His promises.
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little one to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so
Friday, December 6, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 5, 2 Peter 2, Proverbs 24:1-18
"...But you have not honored the God who gives you breath of life and controls your destiny!" Daniel 5:23 NLT
Just what will you do today to honor God?
Will you leads hundreds to His saving knowledge?
Write a book that will transform hearts and minds as it points people to the Gospel?
Will you pen a song that will be used for a long time to come as a heart-touching altar call?
I mean, let's be honest...we are attempting to honor the very God who gives us breath and life and eternity.
So, what will we do for Him?
Will you serve your employer well?
Will you hold the door for an elderly fellow shopper?
Will you hold your tongue?
Will you choose to eat well and exercise?
Stop long enough to read a book to your children?
Not blow up at the slow driver ahead of you?
There are a whole lot of great things we can do to honor God--from building sandcastles to cathedrals, finding miracle drugs to doling out smiles, praying the prayer of salvation with a stranger to pausing long enough to actually hear how someone is doing.
We put the levels on 'grandness' on our efforts, but God just sees our hearts.
Let's honor Him today. With whatever it is we are doing. Where ever it is we are doing it. To whom ever we are called to do it to, with or for.
Today's reading: Daniel 5, 2 Peter 2, Proverbs 24:1-18
"...But you have not honored the God who gives you breath of life and controls your destiny!" Daniel 5:23 NLT
Just what will you do today to honor God?
Will you leads hundreds to His saving knowledge?
Write a book that will transform hearts and minds as it points people to the Gospel?
Will you pen a song that will be used for a long time to come as a heart-touching altar call?
I mean, let's be honest...we are attempting to honor the very God who gives us breath and life and eternity.
So, what will we do for Him?
Will you serve your employer well?
Will you hold the door for an elderly fellow shopper?
Will you hold your tongue?
Will you choose to eat well and exercise?
Stop long enough to read a book to your children?
Not blow up at the slow driver ahead of you?
There are a whole lot of great things we can do to honor God--from building sandcastles to cathedrals, finding miracle drugs to doling out smiles, praying the prayer of salvation with a stranger to pausing long enough to actually hear how someone is doing.
We put the levels on 'grandness' on our efforts, but God just sees our hearts.
Let's honor Him today. With whatever it is we are doing. Where ever it is we are doing it. To whom ever we are called to do it to, with or for.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 4, 2 Peter 1, Proverbs 23:26-35
"As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need to living a godly life. He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness! And by that same mighty power, he has given us all of his rich and wonderful promises. He has promised that you will escape the decadence all around you caused by evil desires and that you will share in his divine nature." 2 Peter 1:3-4 NLT
You are thinking you can't do this 'Christian thing'.
Your enemy has jumped on the bandwagon and agreed wholeheartedly.
Maybe some friends and family members agree--considering they know your track record so well, you're tending to believe them.
Well, let me tell you something: YOU CAN DO IT!
The same power that saved you can sustain you and grow you and maintain you and move you from one stage of godliness to the next...however small the step may be.
God in you will allow it to happen.
Jesus through you will be how you do it.
Surrounded by church family and Christian friends is what it's going to take.
So quit doubting what God can do--and just do it!
Today's reading: Daniel 4, 2 Peter 1, Proverbs 23:26-35
"As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need to living a godly life. He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness! And by that same mighty power, he has given us all of his rich and wonderful promises. He has promised that you will escape the decadence all around you caused by evil desires and that you will share in his divine nature." 2 Peter 1:3-4 NLT
You are thinking you can't do this 'Christian thing'.
Your enemy has jumped on the bandwagon and agreed wholeheartedly.
Maybe some friends and family members agree--considering they know your track record so well, you're tending to believe them.
Well, let me tell you something: YOU CAN DO IT!
The same power that saved you can sustain you and grow you and maintain you and move you from one stage of godliness to the next...however small the step may be.
God in you will allow it to happen.
Jesus through you will be how you do it.
Surrounded by church family and Christian friends is what it's going to take.
So quit doubting what God can do--and just do it!
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 5, Proverbs 23:17-25
"The king said to Daniel (also known as Belteshazzar), Is this true? Can you tell me what my dream was and what it means? Daniel replied, There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians or fortune-tellers who can tell the king such things. But there is a God in heaven..." Daniel 2:26-28 NLT
'But there is a God...'
Some of my absolute favorite words in the book of Daniel.
In my opinion, better than the verse where the same king peers down into the lions' den and sees Daniel safe and sound...
Or the verse when Daniel and his friends step out of the fiery furnace, not even smelling like smoke...
Because this verse reminds us of power!
It gives us hope!
Maybe the news is as scary as all get-out...but there is a God!
Maybe there isn't enough money to make it to the end of the month...but there is a God!
Maybe the circumstances aren't at all what you'd asked for, deserved or would ever wish on your worst enemy...but there is a God!
Maybe the doctors didn't give any hope...but there is a God!
Maybe another day has passed and the prodigal hasn't been seen at the end of the driveway...but there is a God!
Maybe that loved one hasn't come to know the Lord YET...but there is a God!
That's powerful, friends!
Those words can re-set our thinking when doubts arise and fears assail.
But there is a God...
Today's reading: Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 5, Proverbs 23:17-25
"The king said to Daniel (also known as Belteshazzar), Is this true? Can you tell me what my dream was and what it means? Daniel replied, There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians or fortune-tellers who can tell the king such things. But there is a God in heaven..." Daniel 2:26-28 NLT
'But there is a God...'
Some of my absolute favorite words in the book of Daniel.
In my opinion, better than the verse where the same king peers down into the lions' den and sees Daniel safe and sound...
Or the verse when Daniel and his friends step out of the fiery furnace, not even smelling like smoke...
Because this verse reminds us of power!
It gives us hope!
Maybe the news is as scary as all get-out...but there is a God!
Maybe there isn't enough money to make it to the end of the month...but there is a God!
Maybe the circumstances aren't at all what you'd asked for, deserved or would ever wish on your worst enemy...but there is a God!
Maybe the doctors didn't give any hope...but there is a God!
Maybe another day has passed and the prodigal hasn't been seen at the end of the driveway...but there is a God!
Maybe that loved one hasn't come to know the Lord YET...but there is a God!
That's powerful, friends!
Those words can re-set our thinking when doubts arise and fears assail.
But there is a God...
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:19, Proverbs 23:10-16
"Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate when people say unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God wants you to do, and he will bless you for it." 1 Peter 3:9 NLT
Let's say, for purposes of this devotion, that there is a customer at the lumberyard that I DO NOT enjoy waiting on.
What so ever.
I cringe when I see him come in.
I hunker down at my desk when I see his vehicle pull up in the parking lot.
Let's call him, to protect his identity in case he really exists, 'Mr. Jones'.
When 'Mr. Jones' chooses to act rude, hateful and vile, God asks that I do my best to bless him.
No matter what 'Mr. Jones' says to me, God desires that I bless him.
Despite what 'Mr. Jones' dishes out, I am to serve him up a blessing.
I am to bless his ever-loving socks off.
It's going to take intent.
It's going to require patience.
It's going to ask of me more of myself than I probably want to give.
It's going to take creativity.
It's going to take compassion.
It's going to take obedience.
It's going to require that I weigh the reward of 'pay back' with the blessing God has in store for me.
Maybe you have a 'Mr. Jones'. Maybe it's 'Mrs. Jones'. Whatever your situation, pause long enough to remember God's desire that you bless their socks off
Another thought: Maybe we are the 'Jones' in someone else's lives.
Today's reading: Daniel1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:19, Proverbs 23:10-16
"Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate when people say unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God wants you to do, and he will bless you for it." 1 Peter 3:9 NLT
Let's say, for purposes of this devotion, that there is a customer at the lumberyard that I DO NOT enjoy waiting on.
What so ever.
I cringe when I see him come in.
I hunker down at my desk when I see his vehicle pull up in the parking lot.
Let's call him, to protect his identity in case he really exists, 'Mr. Jones'.
When 'Mr. Jones' chooses to act rude, hateful and vile, God asks that I do my best to bless him.
No matter what 'Mr. Jones' says to me, God desires that I bless him.
Despite what 'Mr. Jones' dishes out, I am to serve him up a blessing.
I am to bless his ever-loving socks off.
It's going to take intent.
It's going to require patience.
It's going to ask of me more of myself than I probably want to give.
It's going to take creativity.
It's going to take compassion.
It's going to take obedience.
It's going to require that I weigh the reward of 'pay back' with the blessing God has in store for me.
Maybe you have a 'Mr. Jones'. Maybe it's 'Mrs. Jones'. Whatever your situation, pause long enough to remember God's desire that you bless their socks off
Another thought: Maybe we are the 'Jones' in someone else's lives.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 47-48, 1 Peter 2:18-3:7, Proverbs 23:1-9
"...You have been healed by his wounds!" 1 Peter 2:25 NLT
Child of God, your brokenness has been mended...
Your broken heart set to right...
Your shattered dreams picked up and lovingly held by your Creator...
Your severed relations noticed by God and being attended to by Him--in His time...
Your wrecked attempts acknowledged but not held against you...
Your crushed hopes of ever being able to walk this Christian journey on your own taken into account and a Savior sent to fill in the gaps you are leaving...
His wounds have healed you! Every part of you!
Today's reading: Ezekiel 47-48, 1 Peter 2:18-3:7, Proverbs 23:1-9
"...You have been healed by his wounds!" 1 Peter 2:25 NLT
Child of God, your brokenness has been mended...
Your broken heart set to right...
Your shattered dreams picked up and lovingly held by your Creator...
Your severed relations noticed by God and being attended to by Him--in His time...
Your wrecked attempts acknowledged but not held against you...
Your crushed hopes of ever being able to walk this Christian journey on your own taken into account and a Savior sent to fill in the gaps you are leaving...
His wounds have healed you! Every part of you!
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