Friday, December 6, 2019

Today's reading: Daniel 5, 2 Peter 2, Proverbs 24:1-18

"...But you have not honored the God who gives you breath of life and controls your destiny!" Daniel 5:23 NLT

Just what will you do today to honor God?

Will you leads hundreds to His saving knowledge?

Write a book that will transform hearts and minds as it points people to the Gospel?

Will you pen a song that will be used for a long time to come as a heart-touching altar call?

I mean, let's be honest...we are attempting to honor the very God who gives us breath and life and eternity.

So, what will we do for Him?

Will you serve your employer well?

Will you hold the door for an elderly fellow shopper?

Will you hold your tongue?

Will you choose to eat well and exercise?

Stop long enough to read a book to your children?

Not blow up at the slow driver ahead of you?

There are a whole lot of great things we can do to honor God--from building sandcastles to cathedrals, finding miracle drugs to doling out smiles, praying the prayer of salvation with a stranger to pausing long enough to actually hear how someone is doing.

We put the levels on 'grandness' on our efforts, but God just sees our hearts.

Let's honor Him today. With whatever it is we are doing. Where ever it is we are doing it. To whom ever we are called to do it to, with or for.

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