Today's reading: Malachi 3-4, Revelation 21-22, Proverbs 31:18-31
"Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and loved to think about him. They will be my people, says the Lord Almighty. On the day when I act, they will be my own special treasure. I will spare them as a father spares an obedient and dutiful child. Then you will again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and those who do not." Malachi 3:16-18 NLT
This year is wrapping up and sorry to say, I'm got some amends to make for some of the days I've wasted of it.
Some of the times I've disobeyed God, disappointed God, done something disapproved by God or chosen not to take an opportunity handed to me on a silver platter by God Himself.
But today, with all my mistakes behind me, all of my sins presented to God for forgiveness and a complete wash of His grace and the future looking bright, I stand before you and say, I'm still His.
My name is written down as one who fears Him and loves to think about Him.
However imperfectly I do it.
I look forward to this new year full of opportunities to be loved on by Him.
I look forward to standing strong with other believers whose names have been recorded as His own.
I look forward to seeing the difference He chooses to make over those who choose to serve, love, follow and obey Him!
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
Today's reading: Malachi 1-2, Revelation 19-20, Proverbs 31:10-17
"You have wearied the Lord with your words..." Malachi 2:17 NLT
I'm sorry, Lord, for the times I have 'worn You out' with my words.
With my empty promises.
With my incessant complaining in a comfortable, well-fed, safe first world existence.
With my child-like whining when I didn't get what I wanted, as soon as I wanted it, like I wanted it, like I thought I should have it.
I'm sorry that my words wearied You because they lacked the thankfulness they should be brimming with.
Thanks for the very breath I breathe.
The very ability to say thanks at all for all You have done.
Thanks for being able to come directly to Your throne room to offer my gratitude for all You do.
I'm sorry that when I finally do fall at Your feet, my list of commands, requests and complaints far outweigh the praises I should be piling upon You.
Praise for Your loving kindness.
Praise for Your saving grace.
Praise for Your faithfulness.
Praise for Your new-every-morning mercy.
Continue Your patience with me, Lord, as I learn a new language of appreciation, praise and worship in regards to You.
Today's reading: Malachi 1-2, Revelation 19-20, Proverbs 31:10-17
"You have wearied the Lord with your words..." Malachi 2:17 NLT
I'm sorry, Lord, for the times I have 'worn You out' with my words.
With my empty promises.
With my incessant complaining in a comfortable, well-fed, safe first world existence.
With my child-like whining when I didn't get what I wanted, as soon as I wanted it, like I wanted it, like I thought I should have it.
I'm sorry that my words wearied You because they lacked the thankfulness they should be brimming with.
Thanks for the very breath I breathe.
The very ability to say thanks at all for all You have done.
Thanks for being able to come directly to Your throne room to offer my gratitude for all You do.
I'm sorry that when I finally do fall at Your feet, my list of commands, requests and complaints far outweigh the praises I should be piling upon You.
Praise for Your loving kindness.
Praise for Your saving grace.
Praise for Your faithfulness.
Praise for Your new-every-morning mercy.
Continue Your patience with me, Lord, as I learn a new language of appreciation, praise and worship in regards to You.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-4, Revelation 14:14-16:3, Proverbs 30:17-20
"Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling." Zechariah 2:13 NLT
You've prayed the prayer.
You've believed the promises.
You've claimed His name.
You've said 'amen'.
Are you watching for God to do what you've asked of Him?
Are you on the edge of your seat just waiting for Him to act?
Are you truly believing He has heard, He desires to answer, He wants to do a mighty work for you?
Are you waiting quietly, knowing with all that's in you, that He is about to do something--anything, just because you've asked Him to?
Are you so expectant that you will hear the subtle squeak from His throne as He shifts His weight and moves to stand and deliver because He is God and He loves to give good gifts to His children?
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-4, Revelation 14:14-16:3, Proverbs 30:17-20
"Be silent before the Lord, all humanity, for he is springing into action from his holy dwelling." Zechariah 2:13 NLT
You've prayed the prayer.
You've believed the promises.
You've claimed His name.
You've said 'amen'.
Are you watching for God to do what you've asked of Him?
Are you on the edge of your seat just waiting for Him to act?
Are you truly believing He has heard, He desires to answer, He wants to do a mighty work for you?
Are you waiting quietly, knowing with all that's in you, that He is about to do something--anything, just because you've asked Him to?
Are you so expectant that you will hear the subtle squeak from His throne as He shifts His weight and moves to stand and deliver because He is God and He loves to give good gifts to His children?
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Today's reading: Haggai, Revelation 13:1-14:13, Proverbs 30:7-16
"The Haggai, the Lord's messenger, gave the people this message from the Lord: I am with you, says the Lord!" Haggai 1:13 NLT
The Baby has arrived.
The Messiah has come.
The Savior of the earth has come down from heaven.
The Friend of sinners has happened on the scene.
The Good Shepherd is about His business of tending to His flock.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are with us!
Today's reading: Haggai, Revelation 13:1-14:13, Proverbs 30:7-16
"The Haggai, the Lord's messenger, gave the people this message from the Lord: I am with you, says the Lord!" Haggai 1:13 NLT
The Baby has arrived.
The Messiah has come.
The Savior of the earth has come down from heaven.
The Friend of sinners has happened on the scene.
The Good Shepherd is about His business of tending to His flock.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are with us!
Monday, December 23, 2019
Today's reading: Nahum, Revelation 9-10, Proverbs 29:15-23
"There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking." Proverbs 29:20 NLT
I talk too much.
Let me re-phrase that, I say too much of what's unimportant and too little of what's vital.
So, this verse has given me a great nudge in the right direction for the ultimate gift this Christmas season.
I'm going to give those I love well thought out words.
Not reactionary snippets.
Not anger-filled spurts.
Not off-the-cuff remarks.
Not sarcastic come-backs.
Not critical commentary.
I'm going to pause before speaking to make sure the gift of words I give is true, kind, necessary and loving.
I want to make sure it fits every occasion.
I want to be well aware of my recipient's need.
I want to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
I'm not so sure how I'm going to wrap this gift, but it's one I truly intend to give.
Today's reading: Nahum, Revelation 9-10, Proverbs 29:15-23
"There is more hope for a fool than for someone who speaks without thinking." Proverbs 29:20 NLT
I talk too much.
Let me re-phrase that, I say too much of what's unimportant and too little of what's vital.
So, this verse has given me a great nudge in the right direction for the ultimate gift this Christmas season.
I'm going to give those I love well thought out words.
Not reactionary snippets.
Not anger-filled spurts.
Not off-the-cuff remarks.
Not sarcastic come-backs.
Not critical commentary.
I'm going to pause before speaking to make sure the gift of words I give is true, kind, necessary and loving.
I want to make sure it fits every occasion.
I want to be well aware of my recipient's need.
I want to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
I'm not so sure how I'm going to wrap this gift, but it's one I truly intend to give.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Today's reading: Obadiah, Jonah, Revelation 5:6-14, Proverbs 28:25-28
"But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction in order to get away from the Lord..." Jonah 1:3 NLT
This portion of this single verse hold so many things within its few words.
It's a warning for those thinking they can run from God's view.
It's a statement that God has indeed given us free wills to do what we want.
It's hope for those who have chosen to step away from God, because by the end of the book, second chances are given freely.
It's blessed assurance for the mommas of prodigals knowing their wandering ones cannot go too far, sin too much or sink too low.
All in this one little verse.
Today's reading: Obadiah, Jonah, Revelation 5:6-14, Proverbs 28:25-28
"But Jonah got up and went in the opposite direction in order to get away from the Lord..." Jonah 1:3 NLT
This portion of this single verse hold so many things within its few words.
It's a warning for those thinking they can run from God's view.
It's a statement that God has indeed given us free wills to do what we want.
It's hope for those who have chosen to step away from God, because by the end of the book, second chances are given freely.
It's blessed assurance for the mommas of prodigals knowing their wandering ones cannot go too far, sin too much or sink too low.
All in this one little verse.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Today's reading: Amos 7-9, Revelation 4:1-5:5, Proverbs 28:17-24
"...Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty--the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.'" Revelation 4:8 NLT
I'm making a mental list of all the things I want to ask God when I get to heaven.
Things like...
-Why did 'this' or 'that' take so long for You to answer?
-How come 'so and so' got a healing but 'so and so' didn't?
-What was it like forming the mountains and the seas?
-How did you know Easter Sunday in 1976 was the day I would respond to Your whisper in my ear?
-What was Job's wife's name?
-Why did You choose for me to go through 'this'?
-Why do You allow bad things to happen to good Christian families?
-How did You tolerate the evil in this world as long as You have?
Like I said, I have a few questions. I'm sure you do, too.
But when we get there...
When we stand before His throne...
When His brilliance overwhelms us...
When His welcome humbles us...
When His grace envelops us...
When His majesty pulses in the very air we breathe in...
When His love heals us...completely...
When His glory and honor drop us to our knees in reverence and honor...
When His perfection leaves us amazed...
When His splendor takes away every question we have...
We will be left with...
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
The One who was!
The One who is!
The One who is still to come!
Today's reading: Amos 7-9, Revelation 4:1-5:5, Proverbs 28:17-24
"...Day after day and night after night they keep on saying, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty--the one who always was, who is, and who is still to come.'" Revelation 4:8 NLT
I'm making a mental list of all the things I want to ask God when I get to heaven.
Things like...
-Why did 'this' or 'that' take so long for You to answer?
-How come 'so and so' got a healing but 'so and so' didn't?
-What was it like forming the mountains and the seas?
-How did you know Easter Sunday in 1976 was the day I would respond to Your whisper in my ear?
-What was Job's wife's name?
-Why did You choose for me to go through 'this'?
-Why do You allow bad things to happen to good Christian families?
-How did You tolerate the evil in this world as long as You have?
Like I said, I have a few questions. I'm sure you do, too.
But when we get there...
When we stand before His throne...
When His brilliance overwhelms us...
When His welcome humbles us...
When His grace envelops us...
When His majesty pulses in the very air we breathe in...
When His love heals us...completely...
When His glory and honor drop us to our knees in reverence and honor...
When His perfection leaves us amazed...
When His splendor takes away every question we have...
We will be left with...
Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty!
The One who was!
The One who is!
The One who is still to come!
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Today's reading: Amos 4:6-6:14, Revelation 3, Proverbs 28:9-16
"Now this is what the Lord says to the family of Israel, Come back to me and live!" Amos 5:4 NLT
If you're missing out on life.
If you're surviving but not thriving.
If you're eeking out an existence and not fully enjoy life.
Maybe it's time to come back to God.
For a real life.
For more and breath and a heartbeat.
For purpose.
For intent.
For a mission.
Only in Him, our Creator, will we ever fully live.
Today's reading: Amos 4:6-6:14, Revelation 3, Proverbs 28:9-16
"Now this is what the Lord says to the family of Israel, Come back to me and live!" Amos 5:4 NLT
If you're missing out on life.
If you're surviving but not thriving.
If you're eeking out an existence and not fully enjoy life.
Maybe it's time to come back to God.
For a real life.
For more and breath and a heartbeat.
For purpose.
For intent.
For a mission.
Only in Him, our Creator, will we ever fully live.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Today's reading: Amos 1:1-4:5, Revelation 2:12-29, Proverbs 28:1-8
"To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, I will give authority over all the nations. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!" Revelation 2:26-28 NLT
I don't know what's on your Christmas wish list.
Maybe you've asked for something practical, like new socks and underwear.
Maybe you've gone the more intellectual route and have asked for a new book or two.
To improve your spiritual walk, maybe you've asked for a new study Bible, one with all the side notes, commentaries and a whole section of maps.
Maybe in an effort to regain health you have on your wish list a new treadmill or an elliptical or a gym membership.
Maybe, just maybe, you've asked for your heart's desire--for a loved one to be at the Christmas table, for that trip you've been wanting to take for a long time or maybe even that big, sparkling diamond.
But would you ever ask for dominion over all the nations, authority like Jesus was given--and a star of your own?
We wouldn't dare. We wouldn't ever even hope. We wouldn't be so bold. We would never think to even ask.
And yet, according to His Word, those are the gifts He desires to give us after a lifetime of service. After persevering. After continuing in His shadow.
Oh, what a good gift giver our God is!
Today's reading: Amos 1:1-4:5, Revelation 2:12-29, Proverbs 28:1-8
"To all who are victorious, who obey me to the very end, I will give authority over all the nations. They will rule the nations with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. They will have the same authority I received from my Father, and I will also give them the morning star!" Revelation 2:26-28 NLT
I don't know what's on your Christmas wish list.
Maybe you've asked for something practical, like new socks and underwear.
Maybe you've gone the more intellectual route and have asked for a new book or two.
To improve your spiritual walk, maybe you've asked for a new study Bible, one with all the side notes, commentaries and a whole section of maps.
Maybe in an effort to regain health you have on your wish list a new treadmill or an elliptical or a gym membership.
Maybe, just maybe, you've asked for your heart's desire--for a loved one to be at the Christmas table, for that trip you've been wanting to take for a long time or maybe even that big, sparkling diamond.
But would you ever ask for dominion over all the nations, authority like Jesus was given--and a star of your own?
We wouldn't dare. We wouldn't ever even hope. We wouldn't be so bold. We would never think to even ask.
And yet, according to His Word, those are the gifts He desires to give us after a lifetime of service. After persevering. After continuing in His shadow.
Oh, what a good gift giver our God is!
Monday, December 16, 2019
Today's reading: Joel 2:18-3:21, Revelation 1:1-2:11, Proverbs 27:18-27
"I know about your suffering and poverty--but you are rich!.." Revelation 1:9 NLT
I can look over my list of goals for the year and find not all have been attained...
I can give my bucket list a quick glance and see that I've checked few, if any, things off of it...
I can check the bank balance online to find it's not any better than it was last year at this time...
I can think about my prayer requests and my eyes focus on those not yet answered...
And I can quickly think the year hasn't been a good one. Been profitable. That I've not fully succeeded in any way, shape or form.
Or I can pause and consider all God's done for me--and find myself rich. Filthy rich!
Today's reading: Joel 2:18-3:21, Revelation 1:1-2:11, Proverbs 27:18-27
"I know about your suffering and poverty--but you are rich!.." Revelation 1:9 NLT
I can look over my list of goals for the year and find not all have been attained...
I can give my bucket list a quick glance and see that I've checked few, if any, things off of it...
I can check the bank balance online to find it's not any better than it was last year at this time...
I can think about my prayer requests and my eyes focus on those not yet answered...
And I can quickly think the year hasn't been a good one. Been profitable. That I've not fully succeeded in any way, shape or form.
Or I can pause and consider all God's done for me--and find myself rich. Filthy rich!
Friday, December 13, 2019
Today's reading: Hosea 7-10, 2 John, Proverbs 26:17-21
"They look everywhere except to heaven, to the Most High..." Hosea 7:16 NLT
There are some outstanding Christian authors.
Some amazing Bible preachers and teachers.
Some deeply soul-touching songs.
There are some wonderful Bible-based churches.
Great God-centered small groups.
There are even some positive phone apps that will help us be better Christians.
But, if we aren't looking to God, first and foremost, we aren't doing right by Him or by our hearts.
God has to be our first line of defense. Our first resort. Our first call. Our first aid. Our first choice. Our first response.
Christian friends. Godly people. Our churches. Christian music. Bible-based authors. Those have to come in after we've bowed at His feet, fallen into His arms, stepped into His presence and sought Him out as our refuge and strong tower.
He isn't a last resort.
He isn't someone we contact if the church prayer chain is busy, the class can't meet, the book is checked out of the library by someone else or the radio station won't play 'the song' we're needing to hear.
We have to look to Him. First. Always.
Today's reading: Hosea 7-10, 2 John, Proverbs 26:17-21
"They look everywhere except to heaven, to the Most High..." Hosea 7:16 NLT
There are some outstanding Christian authors.
Some amazing Bible preachers and teachers.
Some deeply soul-touching songs.
There are some wonderful Bible-based churches.
Great God-centered small groups.
There are even some positive phone apps that will help us be better Christians.
But, if we aren't looking to God, first and foremost, we aren't doing right by Him or by our hearts.
God has to be our first line of defense. Our first resort. Our first call. Our first aid. Our first choice. Our first response.
Christian friends. Godly people. Our churches. Christian music. Bible-based authors. Those have to come in after we've bowed at His feet, fallen into His arms, stepped into His presence and sought Him out as our refuge and strong tower.
He isn't a last resort.
He isn't someone we contact if the church prayer chain is busy, the class can't meet, the book is checked out of the library by someone else or the radio station won't play 'the song' we're needing to hear.
We have to look to Him. First. Always.
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Today's reading: Hosea 4-6, 1 John 4:17-5:21, Proverbs 26:1-16
"And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God." 1 John 5:5 NLT
If you were thinking it requires the strongest of spiritual muscles, you were wrong.
If you were raised to think it took a certain denomination, well, that's not what the Bible tells us.
If you think it has to do with a certain Bible translation, a collection of Jacob's ladder-attendance charts or a plaque on a church pew, you are wrong.
If you trust that your victory over the problems of this world depends wholly on your belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, then you are right!
It's all about believing He was born from a virgin...
Believing He lived a perfect, blameless life...
Believing He died on a cross for you...
Believing His gift of salvation is yours...
Believing His blood cleanses every sin...
Believing His resurrection power defeats your enemy...
Believing He loves you that much..
That belief, friend, is your victory!
Today's reading: Hosea 4-6, 1 John 4:17-5:21, Proverbs 26:1-16
"And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe that Jesus is the Son of God." 1 John 5:5 NLT
If you were thinking it requires the strongest of spiritual muscles, you were wrong.
If you were raised to think it took a certain denomination, well, that's not what the Bible tells us.
If you think it has to do with a certain Bible translation, a collection of Jacob's ladder-attendance charts or a plaque on a church pew, you are wrong.
If you trust that your victory over the problems of this world depends wholly on your belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, then you are right!
It's all about believing He was born from a virgin...
Believing He lived a perfect, blameless life...
Believing He died on a cross for you...
Believing His gift of salvation is yours...
Believing His blood cleanses every sin...
Believing His resurrection power defeats your enemy...
Believing He loves you that much..
That belief, friend, is your victory!
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Today's reading: Hosea 1-3, 1 John 3:13-4:16, Proverbs 25:18-28
"But then I will win her back once again, I will lead her out into the desert and speak tenderly to her there." Hosea 2:14 NLT
Survey your surroundings.
Go ahead, take a look at where God has you right now.
Does He have you in a quiet place?
A place of solitude?
A pensive spot?
An environment where it's just you and Him?
Free from distractions. Away from the hustle and bustle. If only in your mind, a thousand miles away from anyone. Alone in a crowded room. Just where He needs you to be.
So you can hear Him?
So you can see Him?
So you can experience Him fully?
So He can win you back--your heart, your love, your affections, your attention?
Today's reading: Hosea 1-3, 1 John 3:13-4:16, Proverbs 25:18-28
"But then I will win her back once again, I will lead her out into the desert and speak tenderly to her there." Hosea 2:14 NLT
Survey your surroundings.
Go ahead, take a look at where God has you right now.
Does He have you in a quiet place?
A place of solitude?
A pensive spot?
An environment where it's just you and Him?
Free from distractions. Away from the hustle and bustle. If only in your mind, a thousand miles away from anyone. Alone in a crowded room. Just where He needs you to be.
So you can hear Him?
So you can see Him?
So you can experience Him fully?
So He can win you back--your heart, your love, your affections, your attention?
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 11-12, 1 John 3:1-12, Proverbs 25:13-17
"See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children, and we really are!.." 1 John 3:1 NLT
As Christians, we are His.
His children.
His family.
His heirs.
Loved enough to be invited into this relationship.
Into His presence.
Given His forgiveness.
His mercy.
His grace.
His power.
That's love!
Today's reading: Daniel 11-12, 1 John 3:1-12, Proverbs 25:13-17
"See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children, and we really are!.." 1 John 3:1 NLT
As Christians, we are His.
His children.
His family.
His heirs.
Loved enough to be invited into this relationship.
Into His presence.
Given His forgiveness.
His mercy.
His grace.
His power.
That's love!
Monday, December 9, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 9-10, 1 John 2:18-29, Proverbs 25:1-12
"Don't be afraid, he said, for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace; take heart and be strong!" Daniel 10:19 NLT
There is a reason God led Anna Bartlett Warner to write the lyrics to one of my favorite songs...
There is a reason this same song is taught to the littlest of us...
There is a reason its lyrics are simple, timeless and powerful...
There is a reason that these words stick in our heads and can come out when needed...
It's because we need its truth.
As His children.
As adults.
As fellow travelers.
As His soldiers.
As ones asked to do big things for Him, with His help, covered by His promises.
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little one to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so
Today's reading: Daniel 9-10, 1 John 2:18-29, Proverbs 25:1-12
"Don't be afraid, he said, for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace; take heart and be strong!" Daniel 10:19 NLT
There is a reason God led Anna Bartlett Warner to write the lyrics to one of my favorite songs...
There is a reason this same song is taught to the littlest of us...
There is a reason its lyrics are simple, timeless and powerful...
There is a reason that these words stick in our heads and can come out when needed...
It's because we need its truth.
As His children.
As adults.
As fellow travelers.
As His soldiers.
As ones asked to do big things for Him, with His help, covered by His promises.
Jesus loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little one to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
Yes, Jesus loves me
The Bible tells me so
Friday, December 6, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 5, 2 Peter 2, Proverbs 24:1-18
"...But you have not honored the God who gives you breath of life and controls your destiny!" Daniel 5:23 NLT
Just what will you do today to honor God?
Will you leads hundreds to His saving knowledge?
Write a book that will transform hearts and minds as it points people to the Gospel?
Will you pen a song that will be used for a long time to come as a heart-touching altar call?
I mean, let's be honest...we are attempting to honor the very God who gives us breath and life and eternity.
So, what will we do for Him?
Will you serve your employer well?
Will you hold the door for an elderly fellow shopper?
Will you hold your tongue?
Will you choose to eat well and exercise?
Stop long enough to read a book to your children?
Not blow up at the slow driver ahead of you?
There are a whole lot of great things we can do to honor God--from building sandcastles to cathedrals, finding miracle drugs to doling out smiles, praying the prayer of salvation with a stranger to pausing long enough to actually hear how someone is doing.
We put the levels on 'grandness' on our efforts, but God just sees our hearts.
Let's honor Him today. With whatever it is we are doing. Where ever it is we are doing it. To whom ever we are called to do it to, with or for.
Today's reading: Daniel 5, 2 Peter 2, Proverbs 24:1-18
"...But you have not honored the God who gives you breath of life and controls your destiny!" Daniel 5:23 NLT
Just what will you do today to honor God?
Will you leads hundreds to His saving knowledge?
Write a book that will transform hearts and minds as it points people to the Gospel?
Will you pen a song that will be used for a long time to come as a heart-touching altar call?
I mean, let's be honest...we are attempting to honor the very God who gives us breath and life and eternity.
So, what will we do for Him?
Will you serve your employer well?
Will you hold the door for an elderly fellow shopper?
Will you hold your tongue?
Will you choose to eat well and exercise?
Stop long enough to read a book to your children?
Not blow up at the slow driver ahead of you?
There are a whole lot of great things we can do to honor God--from building sandcastles to cathedrals, finding miracle drugs to doling out smiles, praying the prayer of salvation with a stranger to pausing long enough to actually hear how someone is doing.
We put the levels on 'grandness' on our efforts, but God just sees our hearts.
Let's honor Him today. With whatever it is we are doing. Where ever it is we are doing it. To whom ever we are called to do it to, with or for.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 4, 2 Peter 1, Proverbs 23:26-35
"As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need to living a godly life. He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness! And by that same mighty power, he has given us all of his rich and wonderful promises. He has promised that you will escape the decadence all around you caused by evil desires and that you will share in his divine nature." 2 Peter 1:3-4 NLT
You are thinking you can't do this 'Christian thing'.
Your enemy has jumped on the bandwagon and agreed wholeheartedly.
Maybe some friends and family members agree--considering they know your track record so well, you're tending to believe them.
Well, let me tell you something: YOU CAN DO IT!
The same power that saved you can sustain you and grow you and maintain you and move you from one stage of godliness to the next...however small the step may be.
God in you will allow it to happen.
Jesus through you will be how you do it.
Surrounded by church family and Christian friends is what it's going to take.
So quit doubting what God can do--and just do it!
Today's reading: Daniel 4, 2 Peter 1, Proverbs 23:26-35
"As we know Jesus better, his divine power gives us everything we need to living a godly life. He has called us to receive his own glory and goodness! And by that same mighty power, he has given us all of his rich and wonderful promises. He has promised that you will escape the decadence all around you caused by evil desires and that you will share in his divine nature." 2 Peter 1:3-4 NLT
You are thinking you can't do this 'Christian thing'.
Your enemy has jumped on the bandwagon and agreed wholeheartedly.
Maybe some friends and family members agree--considering they know your track record so well, you're tending to believe them.
Well, let me tell you something: YOU CAN DO IT!
The same power that saved you can sustain you and grow you and maintain you and move you from one stage of godliness to the next...however small the step may be.
God in you will allow it to happen.
Jesus through you will be how you do it.
Surrounded by church family and Christian friends is what it's going to take.
So quit doubting what God can do--and just do it!
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 5, Proverbs 23:17-25
"The king said to Daniel (also known as Belteshazzar), Is this true? Can you tell me what my dream was and what it means? Daniel replied, There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians or fortune-tellers who can tell the king such things. But there is a God in heaven..." Daniel 2:26-28 NLT
'But there is a God...'
Some of my absolute favorite words in the book of Daniel.
In my opinion, better than the verse where the same king peers down into the lions' den and sees Daniel safe and sound...
Or the verse when Daniel and his friends step out of the fiery furnace, not even smelling like smoke...
Because this verse reminds us of power!
It gives us hope!
Maybe the news is as scary as all get-out...but there is a God!
Maybe there isn't enough money to make it to the end of the month...but there is a God!
Maybe the circumstances aren't at all what you'd asked for, deserved or would ever wish on your worst enemy...but there is a God!
Maybe the doctors didn't give any hope...but there is a God!
Maybe another day has passed and the prodigal hasn't been seen at the end of the driveway...but there is a God!
Maybe that loved one hasn't come to know the Lord YET...but there is a God!
That's powerful, friends!
Those words can re-set our thinking when doubts arise and fears assail.
But there is a God...
Today's reading: Daniel 2:24-3:30, 1 Peter 5, Proverbs 23:17-25
"The king said to Daniel (also known as Belteshazzar), Is this true? Can you tell me what my dream was and what it means? Daniel replied, There are no wise men, enchanters, magicians or fortune-tellers who can tell the king such things. But there is a God in heaven..." Daniel 2:26-28 NLT
'But there is a God...'
Some of my absolute favorite words in the book of Daniel.
In my opinion, better than the verse where the same king peers down into the lions' den and sees Daniel safe and sound...
Or the verse when Daniel and his friends step out of the fiery furnace, not even smelling like smoke...
Because this verse reminds us of power!
It gives us hope!
Maybe the news is as scary as all get-out...but there is a God!
Maybe there isn't enough money to make it to the end of the month...but there is a God!
Maybe the circumstances aren't at all what you'd asked for, deserved or would ever wish on your worst enemy...but there is a God!
Maybe the doctors didn't give any hope...but there is a God!
Maybe another day has passed and the prodigal hasn't been seen at the end of the driveway...but there is a God!
Maybe that loved one hasn't come to know the Lord YET...but there is a God!
That's powerful, friends!
Those words can re-set our thinking when doubts arise and fears assail.
But there is a God...
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Today's reading: Daniel1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:19, Proverbs 23:10-16
"Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate when people say unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God wants you to do, and he will bless you for it." 1 Peter 3:9 NLT
Let's say, for purposes of this devotion, that there is a customer at the lumberyard that I DO NOT enjoy waiting on.
What so ever.
I cringe when I see him come in.
I hunker down at my desk when I see his vehicle pull up in the parking lot.
Let's call him, to protect his identity in case he really exists, 'Mr. Jones'.
When 'Mr. Jones' chooses to act rude, hateful and vile, God asks that I do my best to bless him.
No matter what 'Mr. Jones' says to me, God desires that I bless him.
Despite what 'Mr. Jones' dishes out, I am to serve him up a blessing.
I am to bless his ever-loving socks off.
It's going to take intent.
It's going to require patience.
It's going to ask of me more of myself than I probably want to give.
It's going to take creativity.
It's going to take compassion.
It's going to take obedience.
It's going to require that I weigh the reward of 'pay back' with the blessing God has in store for me.
Maybe you have a 'Mr. Jones'. Maybe it's 'Mrs. Jones'. Whatever your situation, pause long enough to remember God's desire that you bless their socks off
Another thought: Maybe we are the 'Jones' in someone else's lives.
Today's reading: Daniel1:1-2:23, 1 Peter 3:8-4:19, Proverbs 23:10-16
"Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate when people say unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God wants you to do, and he will bless you for it." 1 Peter 3:9 NLT
Let's say, for purposes of this devotion, that there is a customer at the lumberyard that I DO NOT enjoy waiting on.
What so ever.
I cringe when I see him come in.
I hunker down at my desk when I see his vehicle pull up in the parking lot.
Let's call him, to protect his identity in case he really exists, 'Mr. Jones'.
When 'Mr. Jones' chooses to act rude, hateful and vile, God asks that I do my best to bless him.
No matter what 'Mr. Jones' says to me, God desires that I bless him.
Despite what 'Mr. Jones' dishes out, I am to serve him up a blessing.
I am to bless his ever-loving socks off.
It's going to take intent.
It's going to require patience.
It's going to ask of me more of myself than I probably want to give.
It's going to take creativity.
It's going to take compassion.
It's going to take obedience.
It's going to require that I weigh the reward of 'pay back' with the blessing God has in store for me.
Maybe you have a 'Mr. Jones'. Maybe it's 'Mrs. Jones'. Whatever your situation, pause long enough to remember God's desire that you bless their socks off
Another thought: Maybe we are the 'Jones' in someone else's lives.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 47-48, 1 Peter 2:18-3:7, Proverbs 23:1-9
"...You have been healed by his wounds!" 1 Peter 2:25 NLT
Child of God, your brokenness has been mended...
Your broken heart set to right...
Your shattered dreams picked up and lovingly held by your Creator...
Your severed relations noticed by God and being attended to by Him--in His time...
Your wrecked attempts acknowledged but not held against you...
Your crushed hopes of ever being able to walk this Christian journey on your own taken into account and a Savior sent to fill in the gaps you are leaving...
His wounds have healed you! Every part of you!
Today's reading: Ezekiel 47-48, 1 Peter 2:18-3:7, Proverbs 23:1-9
"...You have been healed by his wounds!" 1 Peter 2:25 NLT
Child of God, your brokenness has been mended...
Your broken heart set to right...
Your shattered dreams picked up and lovingly held by your Creator...
Your severed relations noticed by God and being attended to by Him--in His time...
Your wrecked attempts acknowledged but not held against you...
Your crushed hopes of ever being able to walk this Christian journey on your own taken into account and a Savior sent to fill in the gaps you are leaving...
His wounds have healed you! Every part of you!
Friday, November 29, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 41:1-43:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Proverbs 22:1-9
"So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while." 1 Peter 1:6 NLT
Hang on.
Yes, just hang on, Christian brother or sister.
It's tough now.
It's hard going.
The storm rages. The waters are deep. The situation is harrowing. The nights are long and dark. The burden is heavy. The disease is wearying. The doubts are lingering. The hope is waning. The fear is building.
But if you hang on, joy is coming.
God doesn't say when...but if He says it's's coming!
He can be trusted.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 41:1-43:12, 1 Peter 1:1-12, Proverbs 22:1-9
"So be truly glad! There is wonderful joy ahead, even though it is necessary for you to endure many trials for a while." 1 Peter 1:6 NLT
Hang on.
Yes, just hang on, Christian brother or sister.
It's tough now.
It's hard going.
The storm rages. The waters are deep. The situation is harrowing. The nights are long and dark. The burden is heavy. The disease is wearying. The doubts are lingering. The hope is waning. The fear is building.
But if you hang on, joy is coming.
God doesn't say when...but if He says it's's coming!
He can be trusted.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 40, James 5:7-20, Proverbs 21:25-31
"He said to me, Son of man, watch and listen. Pay close attention to everything I show you. You have been brought here so I can show you many things..." Ezekiel 40:4 NLT
As you sit around your Thanksgiving table, pause for a moment.
Think of where God has you.
Is it on the backside of a storm?
In the middle of a wave-tossed sea?
Heading into a nor-easter?
God has you where you are for a reason--to see Him.
To see what all He has done...
To see all He can do...
To see all He is...
Stop where you are today long enough to pay close attention.
You have been brought 'here' so He can show you many things.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 40, James 5:7-20, Proverbs 21:25-31
"He said to me, Son of man, watch and listen. Pay close attention to everything I show you. You have been brought here so I can show you many things..." Ezekiel 40:4 NLT
As you sit around your Thanksgiving table, pause for a moment.
Think of where God has you.
Is it on the backside of a storm?
In the middle of a wave-tossed sea?
Heading into a nor-easter?
God has you where you are for a reason--to see Him.
To see what all He has done...
To see all He can do...
To see all He is...
Stop where you are today long enough to pay close attention.
You have been brought 'here' so He can show you many things.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 38-39, James 4:1-5:6, Proverbs 21:19-24
"You adulterers! Don't you realize that friendship with this world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy this world, you can't be a friend of God." James 4:4 NLT
What are your goals for this life?
To be rich and famous, accumulating wealth and possessions along the way to the grave?
To live a life of ease and comfort, never suffering, never needing to complain until death steals you away quietly and peacefully in your sleep?
To gather funds and resources that will leave your children, their children and their children never wanting for a thing?
Or is it to be like Jesus?
To want what He wanted--to do the Father's will.
To desire that lost sheep be brought to the Good Shepherd.
To have a drive to see souls saved from the pits of hell.
To know this world is not your home, heaven awaits.
We can't love this world and serve God--it won't work.
If we do this Christian thing right, we aren't going to fit in.
We won't be famous in the eyes of the majority of society.
We probably won't amass wealth for use on this planet.
We might not be liked, understood or listened to.
But how we live will determine whose friend we are, the world's or God's.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 38-39, James 4:1-5:6, Proverbs 21:19-24
"You adulterers! Don't you realize that friendship with this world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy this world, you can't be a friend of God." James 4:4 NLT
What are your goals for this life?
To be rich and famous, accumulating wealth and possessions along the way to the grave?
To live a life of ease and comfort, never suffering, never needing to complain until death steals you away quietly and peacefully in your sleep?
To gather funds and resources that will leave your children, their children and their children never wanting for a thing?
Or is it to be like Jesus?
To want what He wanted--to do the Father's will.
To desire that lost sheep be brought to the Good Shepherd.
To have a drive to see souls saved from the pits of hell.
To know this world is not your home, heaven awaits.
We can't love this world and serve God--it won't work.
If we do this Christian thing right, we aren't going to fit in.
We won't be famous in the eyes of the majority of society.
We probably won't amass wealth for use on this planet.
We might not be liked, understood or listened to.
But how we live will determine whose friend we are, the world's or God's.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 36:16-37:28, James 3, Proverbs 21:9-18
"This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am ready to hear Israel's prayers for these blessings, and I am ready to grant them their requests." Ezekiel 36:37 NLT
Ever thought about God leaning forward just waiting for us to ask?
Sitting on the edge of His mighty throne anticipating us requesting His help, His grace, his favor?
He is always ready and waiting to hear from His.
To hear 'praise' come from our lips.
To hear 'help' whispered from our desperation.
To hear 'thank you' resounding from our full hearts.
To hear 'I need Thee, O, I need Thee', sung from the depths of our souls.
He is waiting, always waiting, to hear from us.
Why do we make Him wait so long?
Today's reading: Ezekiel 36:16-37:28, James 3, Proverbs 21:9-18
"This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I am ready to hear Israel's prayers for these blessings, and I am ready to grant them their requests." Ezekiel 36:37 NLT
Ever thought about God leaning forward just waiting for us to ask?
Sitting on the edge of His mighty throne anticipating us requesting His help, His grace, his favor?
He is always ready and waiting to hear from His.
To hear 'praise' come from our lips.
To hear 'help' whispered from our desperation.
To hear 'thank you' resounding from our full hearts.
To hear 'I need Thee, O, I need Thee', sung from the depths of our souls.
He is waiting, always waiting, to hear from us.
Why do we make Him wait so long?
Monday, November 25, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 34:11-36:15, James 2, Proverbs 21:1-8
"I myself will tend my sheep and cause them to lie down in peace, says the Sovereign Lord." Ezekiel 34:15 NLT
My eye and heart have hovered over the phrase, 'cause them to lie down', this morning.
I am acquainted with the idea of God tending to us as a Good Shepherd--the lush fields, the clear and still water, the safe place to graze...
But to think about Him 'causing us to lie down'?
Making us stop?
Urging us to rest?
Insisting that, for a while, we pause?
Asking us to stop serving, doing, ministering to allow our bodies, hearts and minds to recuperate and heal?
That's just what He does, isn't it?
By allowing illness to slow us down to a standstill.
By letting plans crumble.
By changing well laid out plans.
By telling us to simply, 'Wait'.
He asks us to rest, from our services or for our upcoming battles.
He causes us to lie down in peace.
Knowing He knows best.
Knowing His timing is better than our own.
Knowing He will use this downtime to help us succeed, prosper and reach more for Him than we could ever do without the respite.
So when He asks you to 'Rest', do it.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 34:11-36:15, James 2, Proverbs 21:1-8
"I myself will tend my sheep and cause them to lie down in peace, says the Sovereign Lord." Ezekiel 34:15 NLT
My eye and heart have hovered over the phrase, 'cause them to lie down', this morning.
I am acquainted with the idea of God tending to us as a Good Shepherd--the lush fields, the clear and still water, the safe place to graze...
But to think about Him 'causing us to lie down'?
Making us stop?
Urging us to rest?
Insisting that, for a while, we pause?
Asking us to stop serving, doing, ministering to allow our bodies, hearts and minds to recuperate and heal?
That's just what He does, isn't it?
By allowing illness to slow us down to a standstill.
By letting plans crumble.
By changing well laid out plans.
By telling us to simply, 'Wait'.
He asks us to rest, from our services or for our upcoming battles.
He causes us to lie down in peace.
Knowing He knows best.
Knowing His timing is better than our own.
Knowing He will use this downtime to help us succeed, prosper and reach more for Him than we could ever do without the respite.
So when He asks you to 'Rest', do it.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 29-30, Hebrews 12:14-29, Proverbs 20:1-18
"Wise speech is rarer and more valuable than gold and rubies." Proverbs 20:15 NLT
There is an exorbitant amount of talking that goes on--wise words, however, less prevalent.
Think about it...
Of all the State of the Union addresses presented over the years, only a handful of quotes can be given that are memorable and noteworthy.
Of all the commencement speeches spoken over the ages, only a smattering of their time in the spotlight will be remembered in history.
Of all the eulogies given beside gravesides, how many do you recall?
Of all the outstanding sermons you've heard, can you quote much of any of any one?
Of all the things your grandparents or parents taught you about life, what can you remember?
Wise words are rare, priceless treasures that are seldom unearthed.
Let's listen for them today. And if given the opportunity, let's administer them with great care, much prayer and God's leading.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 29-30, Hebrews 12:14-29, Proverbs 20:1-18
"Wise speech is rarer and more valuable than gold and rubies." Proverbs 20:15 NLT
There is an exorbitant amount of talking that goes on--wise words, however, less prevalent.
Think about it...
Of all the State of the Union addresses presented over the years, only a handful of quotes can be given that are memorable and noteworthy.
Of all the commencement speeches spoken over the ages, only a smattering of their time in the spotlight will be remembered in history.
Of all the eulogies given beside gravesides, how many do you recall?
Of all the outstanding sermons you've heard, can you quote much of any of any one?
Of all the things your grandparents or parents taught you about life, what can you remember?
Wise words are rare, priceless treasures that are seldom unearthed.
Let's listen for them today. And if given the opportunity, let's administer them with great care, much prayer and God's leading.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 27-28, Hebrews 12:1-29, Proverbs 19:22-29
"Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe." Hebrews 12:28 NLT
I don't know what it is you are throwing your time, effort, money and energies into--but let me ask you, is it worth it?
Will it have eternal impact?
Will it reap dividends that far exceed your lifetime?
Will its results be everlasting?
If you are putting your heart, mind, soul and strength into your faith walk, then your answer can be a resounding, YES.
Time with the Lord. Effort put forth to study the Bible. Energy put into praying. Money given to the church. Days spent devoted to Him. Those are all things that will not be taken from you--or your family--or your part of the world He has placed you in.
Re-evaluate where you are spending your precious it on things that have eternal impact? Or just things?
Today's reading: Ezekiel 27-28, Hebrews 12:1-29, Proverbs 19:22-29
"Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be destroyed, let us be thankful and please God by worshiping him with holy fear and awe." Hebrews 12:28 NLT
I don't know what it is you are throwing your time, effort, money and energies into--but let me ask you, is it worth it?
Will it have eternal impact?
Will it reap dividends that far exceed your lifetime?
Will its results be everlasting?
If you are putting your heart, mind, soul and strength into your faith walk, then your answer can be a resounding, YES.
Time with the Lord. Effort put forth to study the Bible. Energy put into praying. Money given to the church. Days spent devoted to Him. Those are all things that will not be taken from you--or your family--or your part of the world He has placed you in.
Re-evaluate where you are spending your precious it on things that have eternal impact? Or just things?
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 24-26, Hebrews 11:32-40, Proverbs 19:15-21
"You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21 NLT
I've gotten my new daily planner.
I've broken open the plastic wrapper.
I've thumbed through the brand new pages.
I've located a pen that fits neatly in its side pocket.
I'm ready for all the plans I'm going to make in the new year...
And the plans God has for me.
I'd write His down first, but He doesn't always give me heads-up.
For some reason, He doesn't feel as if He needs to check my calendar before sending things my way.
He doesn't mind seeing me 'white-out' some plan I had in order to see His will be done.
He isn't into consulting me as to when a season of learning more about Him might best suit my mood or schedule.
And honestly, I'm glad about that.
You see, my plans, my ideas, my appointments and my agenda have all to do with making my life more comfortable, easier and less stressful. His ways, His thoughts, His ordained moments and His will have everything to do with making me more godly. More like Jesus. More of an impact in this world He placed me in.
So--I'll hand Him the pen and my planner. And I'll trust Him.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 24-26, Hebrews 11:32-40, Proverbs 19:15-21
"You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21 NLT
I've gotten my new daily planner.
I've broken open the plastic wrapper.
I've thumbed through the brand new pages.
I've located a pen that fits neatly in its side pocket.
I'm ready for all the plans I'm going to make in the new year...
And the plans God has for me.
I'd write His down first, but He doesn't always give me heads-up.
For some reason, He doesn't feel as if He needs to check my calendar before sending things my way.
He doesn't mind seeing me 'white-out' some plan I had in order to see His will be done.
He isn't into consulting me as to when a season of learning more about Him might best suit my mood or schedule.
And honestly, I'm glad about that.
You see, my plans, my ideas, my appointments and my agenda have all to do with making my life more comfortable, easier and less stressful. His ways, His thoughts, His ordained moments and His will have everything to do with making me more godly. More like Jesus. More of an impact in this world He placed me in.
So--I'll hand Him the pen and my planner. And I'll trust Him.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 23, Hebrews 11:1-31, Proverbs 19:9-14
"What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see." Hebrews 11:1 NLT
Maybe you memorized this verse in Vacation Bible School. Or Sunday School. Or in s small group Bible study. Or at church camp. Or have it hanging on a wall. Written out on an index card at your computer. On a t-shirt, perhaps.
It's a verse the majority of us know...or do we?
Faith is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.
Faith is believing there is a heaven, when we've never set foot on a street of gold or walked by a crystal river.
Faith is the hope of seeing saved loved ones again, even after the memory of their last touch has faded from our senses.
Faith is knowing, without doubt, that all God has promised will come to pass--for yourself, for your prodigal, for your future, for your joy to be made full, for eternity.
Faith is braving the storm that will end..some day, some time, with some powerful pages of your testimony written in its fury.
Faith is the assurance that even when we cannot see, God can and does and has and will.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 23, Hebrews 11:1-31, Proverbs 19:9-14
"What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see." Hebrews 11:1 NLT
Maybe you memorized this verse in Vacation Bible School. Or Sunday School. Or in s small group Bible study. Or at church camp. Or have it hanging on a wall. Written out on an index card at your computer. On a t-shirt, perhaps.
It's a verse the majority of us know...or do we?
Faith is the evidence of things we cannot yet see.
Faith is believing there is a heaven, when we've never set foot on a street of gold or walked by a crystal river.
Faith is the hope of seeing saved loved ones again, even after the memory of their last touch has faded from our senses.
Faith is knowing, without doubt, that all God has promised will come to pass--for yourself, for your prodigal, for your future, for your joy to be made full, for eternity.
Faith is braving the storm that will end..some day, some time, with some powerful pages of your testimony written in its fury.
Faith is the assurance that even when we cannot see, God can and does and has and will.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 20-22, Hebrews 10, Proverbs 18:18:18-19:8
"And I gave them my Sabbath days of rest as a sign between them and me. It was to remind them that I, the Lord, had set them apart to be holy, making them my special people." Ezekiel 20:12 NLT
Did you use yesterday as an opportunity to remind yourself that you are His?
By gathering for worship in His house? By fellowshipping with fellow believers? By making the effort to give the day to Him?
If not, won't you please make plans to do it next Sunday?
It's what makes the difference in our Christian walks.
It's what distinguishes us as part of His family.
It's what fuels us for the charge He has given us to reach the lost for Him.
It's what sets us up for victory in the battles we will face.
It's what gives us the encouragement we need to continue on in the fight.
It's what our Heavenly Father, who knows what is best for us, desires us to do.
Go ahead and clear your calendar of everything but Him next Sunday. Make it all about God--He did.
(I urge you to read over Ezekiel 20 and the charges brought against Israel for turning to idols and violating the Sabbath day. It certainly puts a greater priority on the Lord's Day than we tend to.)
Today's reading: Ezekiel 20-22, Hebrews 10, Proverbs 18:18:18-19:8
"And I gave them my Sabbath days of rest as a sign between them and me. It was to remind them that I, the Lord, had set them apart to be holy, making them my special people." Ezekiel 20:12 NLT
Did you use yesterday as an opportunity to remind yourself that you are His?
By gathering for worship in His house? By fellowshipping with fellow believers? By making the effort to give the day to Him?
If not, won't you please make plans to do it next Sunday?
It's what makes the difference in our Christian walks.
It's what distinguishes us as part of His family.
It's what fuels us for the charge He has given us to reach the lost for Him.
It's what sets us up for victory in the battles we will face.
It's what gives us the encouragement we need to continue on in the fight.
It's what our Heavenly Father, who knows what is best for us, desires us to do.
Go ahead and clear your calendar of everything but Him next Sunday. Make it all about God--He did.
(I urge you to read over Ezekiel 20 and the charges brought against Israel for turning to idols and violating the Sabbath day. It certainly puts a greater priority on the Lord's Day than we tend to.)
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 18-19, Hebrews 9:11-28, Proverbs 18:8-17
"Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 NLT
No, today's verse is no where to be found within the listed verses...but it's where my heart is. I guess I'm a rebel like that--and God is good like that!
Let's get this little bit of information out in the open: The enemy hates us.
He is not for us.
He does not want to see us prosper.
He is not cheering us on, rooting for us or desiring that we succeed.
He is not interested in us living a life of joy, peace, love or even comfort.
He came to steal, kill and destroy.
That being said, he is always on the lookout for a victim.
A straggler.
A wounded sheep.
A lonely one.
A bruised individual.
Someone who is vulnerable.
Today, don't be his victim.
Yes, we can make that choice.
We can make sure we don't buy into his lies, allow him into our thoughts, let him string us down paths of doubt or corner us in a crowded room.
We can surround ourselves with praying friends, expose his lies to the light of God's truth and steer clear of his haunts--also knows as our tempting grounds.
Don't be a victim today.
And when tomorrow comes, repeat.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 18-19, Hebrews 9:11-28, Proverbs 18:8-17
"Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 NLT
No, today's verse is no where to be found within the listed verses...but it's where my heart is. I guess I'm a rebel like that--and God is good like that!
Let's get this little bit of information out in the open: The enemy hates us.
He is not for us.
He does not want to see us prosper.
He is not cheering us on, rooting for us or desiring that we succeed.
He is not interested in us living a life of joy, peace, love or even comfort.
He came to steal, kill and destroy.
That being said, he is always on the lookout for a victim.
A straggler.
A wounded sheep.
A lonely one.
A bruised individual.
Someone who is vulnerable.
Today, don't be his victim.
Yes, we can make that choice.
We can make sure we don't buy into his lies, allow him into our thoughts, let him string us down paths of doubt or corner us in a crowded room.
We can surround ourselves with praying friends, expose his lies to the light of God's truth and steer clear of his haunts--also knows as our tempting grounds.
Don't be a victim today.
And when tomorrow comes, repeat.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 16:44-17:24, Hebrews 8:1-9:10, Proverbs 18:1-7
"By these regulations the Holy Spirit revealed that the Most Holy Place was not open to the people as long as the first room and the entire system it represents were still in use." Hebrews 9:8 NLT
There is a term I have fallen in love with, it is 'thin places'.
It has nothing to do with body image, scales or building sites and everything to do with godliness.
A 'thin place' is a common place where there is undeniable connection to the Sacred.
My prayer chair is a 'thin place'
My car has been a 'thin place'.
Our couch has been a 'thin place'.
A 'thin place' is a place where God meets you and there is no mistaking it!
A time when you aren't in the church building but you are having church.
An occurrence in your every day routine that leaves God's fingerprints on your life.
A place where you know, without doubt, that Immanuel lives--is with you.
A moment when the living, breathing, slicing, cutting, healing, mending, impacting Word of God is pulsing in your veins.
To think there was a time in history when this Most Holy Place was reserved only for a specified priest from a specified tribe who could only visit on a specified day of the year.
Not any more! We have been welcomed, because of the blood of Christ, in to this Most Holy Place.
In to His presence. To His side. Beckoned to His feet. To partake of His company. To soak Him in with our very beings.
In the common everyday-ness.
This morning I am praising God for 'thin places'.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 16:44-17:24, Hebrews 8:1-9:10, Proverbs 18:1-7
"By these regulations the Holy Spirit revealed that the Most Holy Place was not open to the people as long as the first room and the entire system it represents were still in use." Hebrews 9:8 NLT
There is a term I have fallen in love with, it is 'thin places'.
It has nothing to do with body image, scales or building sites and everything to do with godliness.
A 'thin place' is a common place where there is undeniable connection to the Sacred.
My prayer chair is a 'thin place'
My car has been a 'thin place'.
Our couch has been a 'thin place'.
A 'thin place' is a place where God meets you and there is no mistaking it!
A time when you aren't in the church building but you are having church.
An occurrence in your every day routine that leaves God's fingerprints on your life.
A place where you know, without doubt, that Immanuel lives--is with you.
A moment when the living, breathing, slicing, cutting, healing, mending, impacting Word of God is pulsing in your veins.
To think there was a time in history when this Most Holy Place was reserved only for a specified priest from a specified tribe who could only visit on a specified day of the year.
Not any more! We have been welcomed, because of the blood of Christ, in to this Most Holy Place.
In to His presence. To His side. Beckoned to His feet. To partake of His company. To soak Him in with our very beings.
In the common everyday-ness.
This morning I am praising God for 'thin places'.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 15:1-16:43, Hebrews 7, Proverbs 17:23-28
"And without question, the person who has the power to bless is always greater than the person who is blessed." Hebrews 7:7 NLT
Let's do a quick scientific study...
An experiment of sorts...
A kind of survey...
A poll...
A show of hands...
Who gets more of your conversation, attention, time, energy and thoughts...God or your problems?
Before the data is collected and the results are tallied, I'm going to make an educated guess: our problems.
They're talked about. They're posted on our prayer chains. They are discussed in our small groups. They are whispered at our altars. They are published on social media. They are matters of conversation over cups of coffee, tea, cocoa and backyard fences.
Is God talked about as much?
Today's verse talks about the 'bless-er' being greater than the blessed or the blessing, what a reminder of how our conversations are revealing the twisted natures of our hearts.
We've got things out of order.
What if for today, let's just say as a part of our 'science experiment', we begin to talk more about the greatness of God than the enormity of our problems?
What if we began praising the Blessed One rather than spout off our desired list of blessings?
What if we praised instead of presented prayer requests?
What if for today we made it all about Him?
Today's reading: Ezekiel 15:1-16:43, Hebrews 7, Proverbs 17:23-28
"And without question, the person who has the power to bless is always greater than the person who is blessed." Hebrews 7:7 NLT
Let's do a quick scientific study...
An experiment of sorts...
A kind of survey...
A poll...
A show of hands...
Who gets more of your conversation, attention, time, energy and thoughts...God or your problems?
Before the data is collected and the results are tallied, I'm going to make an educated guess: our problems.
They're talked about. They're posted on our prayer chains. They are discussed in our small groups. They are whispered at our altars. They are published on social media. They are matters of conversation over cups of coffee, tea, cocoa and backyard fences.
Is God talked about as much?
Today's verse talks about the 'bless-er' being greater than the blessed or the blessing, what a reminder of how our conversations are revealing the twisted natures of our hearts.
We've got things out of order.
What if for today, let's just say as a part of our 'science experiment', we begin to talk more about the greatness of God than the enormity of our problems?
What if we began praising the Blessed One rather than spout off our desired list of blessings?
What if we praised instead of presented prayer requests?
What if for today we made it all about Him?
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 13-14, Hebrews 5:11-6:20, Proverbs 17:13-22
"Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God's promises because of their faith and patience." Hebrews 6:12 NLT
This morning I'm asking you to give me a little 'spit shine', as my grandma's used to call it.
I want You to polish me up.
You see, Lord, I don't want to continue through life dull or indifferent, lacking spark, less than lustrous. I don't want to be caught, at the end of my life, having done anything but trust You wholeheartedly.
I want my faith in You to shine!
Today's reading: Ezekiel 13-14, Hebrews 5:11-6:20, Proverbs 17:13-22
"Then you will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead, you will follow the example of those who are going to inherit God's promises because of their faith and patience." Hebrews 6:12 NLT
This morning I'm asking you to give me a little 'spit shine', as my grandma's used to call it.
I want You to polish me up.
You see, Lord, I don't want to continue through life dull or indifferent, lacking spark, less than lustrous. I don't want to be caught, at the end of my life, having done anything but trust You wholeheartedly.
I want my faith in You to shine!
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 11-12, Hebrews 4:4-5:10, Proverbs 17:6-12
"Then the Spirit lifted me up..." Ezekiel 11:1 NLT
Ever experienced a 'spiritual pick-me-up'?
A moment when all seemed dark and gray, but the sun broke through and the birds once again began singing?
A time when the storms raged, the boat rocked on the waves and the water splashed onto the deck in greater quantities than your little bucket could bail, but then it all stilled?
A season of testing and turmoil that brought you a harvest of peace?
That, dear friend, was when the Spirit lifted you up.
The Spirit picked up your weary soul and gave it the respite needed.
The Spirit lifted the heavy weight off your shoulders--and your heart.
The Spirit, maybe just maybe, changed circumstances, but most definitely changed your heart about them.
The Spirit send a much needed friend with much more needed words.
The Spirit provided a light for the next step.
The Spirit soothed a festering sore on your soul.
I'm praying that today the Spirit lifts you up. In some way. In an area where it's needed the most. In a manner that points your face towards God in praise.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 11-12, Hebrews 4:4-5:10, Proverbs 17:6-12
"Then the Spirit lifted me up..." Ezekiel 11:1 NLT
Ever experienced a 'spiritual pick-me-up'?
A moment when all seemed dark and gray, but the sun broke through and the birds once again began singing?
A time when the storms raged, the boat rocked on the waves and the water splashed onto the deck in greater quantities than your little bucket could bail, but then it all stilled?
A season of testing and turmoil that brought you a harvest of peace?
That, dear friend, was when the Spirit lifted you up.
The Spirit picked up your weary soul and gave it the respite needed.
The Spirit lifted the heavy weight off your shoulders--and your heart.
The Spirit, maybe just maybe, changed circumstances, but most definitely changed your heart about them.
The Spirit send a much needed friend with much more needed words.
The Spirit provided a light for the next step.
The Spirit soothed a festering sore on your soul.
I'm praying that today the Spirit lifts you up. In some way. In an area where it's needed the most. In a manner that points your face towards God in praise.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 8-10, Hebrews 3:1-4:3, Proverbs 17:1-5
"That is why the Holy Spirit says, Today you must listen to his voice..." Hebrews 3:7 NLT
If there were a verse we might need to read every single day, this might be it.
A gentle reminder.
A quick review.
A loving nudge in the right direction.
Because He loves us.
Because He desires the best for us.
Because He knows us so well.
Because He knows on our own we're hopeless.
Because He is who He is.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 8-10, Hebrews 3:1-4:3, Proverbs 17:1-5
"That is why the Holy Spirit says, Today you must listen to his voice..." Hebrews 3:7 NLT
If there were a verse we might need to read every single day, this might be it.
A gentle reminder.
A quick review.
A loving nudge in the right direction.
Because He loves us.
Because He desires the best for us.
Because He knows us so well.
Because He knows on our own we're hopeless.
Because He is who He is.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Today's reading: Ezekiel 1:1-3:21, Philemon, Proverbs 16:1-9
"I am sending you to the people of Israel, but they won't listen to you any more than they listen to me! For the whole lot of them are hard-hearted and stubborn. But look, I have made you as hard and stubborn as they are. I have made you as hard as rock! So don't be afraid or fear their angry looks, even though they are such rebels." Ezekiel 3:7-9 NLT
It's been said of me that I have a bit of a hard head. A stubborn streak. An independent nature.
Maybe it's true.
I don't like being told I can't do something.
I seldom settle for 'it's probably too hard for you'.
And for the love of Pete, don't ever tell me 'someone like me could never do something like that'.
So when I read this passage of scripture about Ezekiel, I thought to myself...this guy and I are a lot alike!
Especially in regards to what God has called us to do for Him.
God asked Ezekiel to speak to the people of Israel...the people who had not been listening to God, the people who had turned away from each and every command He had laid before them, the people who thought they knew a better path than the one God set before them. Those people.
And God told Ezekiel, these folks are stubborn and hard-hearted and that they wouldn't listen to him.
That information right there is enough to put a halt in any and all plans one might have to succeed for the Lord...but God goes on to tell Ezekiel that He had things in order.
Ezekiel, God told him, it will be okay--you see, I have made you as stubborn and as hard-hearted as they are just the right fella to reach these people. I know you won't give up on this task. I know you will be as diligent, determined and dogged as they come.
I love that!
You see, God has presented me with a desire in my heart that it's going to take a lot of prayer, a lot of trust and a whole lot of leaning on His understanding to ever see it come to fruition...but I'm just hard headed enough to stick with it, because I am believing Him for it!
What stands against me better know that, too.
I won't go down without a fight.
I won't stop just because someone else thinks I should.
I won't believe the lies my attackers throw at me.
I will not allow the obstacles to stop me, oh, they may slow me down, but they will not stop me.
I'm not going to trust someone else to do what I believe He has asked me to accomplish with my strengths, my abilities and my faith.
I won't give up when it gets hard, tough or takes too long--my heart is set on seeing this through to the end I believe God has promised in His Word.
I'm just that hard-headed...but I'm seeing that maybe, just maybe--in this instance, that's a good thing!
Today's reading: Ezekiel 1:1-3:21, Philemon, Proverbs 16:1-9
"I am sending you to the people of Israel, but they won't listen to you any more than they listen to me! For the whole lot of them are hard-hearted and stubborn. But look, I have made you as hard and stubborn as they are. I have made you as hard as rock! So don't be afraid or fear their angry looks, even though they are such rebels." Ezekiel 3:7-9 NLT
It's been said of me that I have a bit of a hard head. A stubborn streak. An independent nature.
Maybe it's true.
I don't like being told I can't do something.
I seldom settle for 'it's probably too hard for you'.
And for the love of Pete, don't ever tell me 'someone like me could never do something like that'.
So when I read this passage of scripture about Ezekiel, I thought to myself...this guy and I are a lot alike!
Especially in regards to what God has called us to do for Him.
God asked Ezekiel to speak to the people of Israel...the people who had not been listening to God, the people who had turned away from each and every command He had laid before them, the people who thought they knew a better path than the one God set before them. Those people.
And God told Ezekiel, these folks are stubborn and hard-hearted and that they wouldn't listen to him.
That information right there is enough to put a halt in any and all plans one might have to succeed for the Lord...but God goes on to tell Ezekiel that He had things in order.
Ezekiel, God told him, it will be okay--you see, I have made you as stubborn and as hard-hearted as they are just the right fella to reach these people. I know you won't give up on this task. I know you will be as diligent, determined and dogged as they come.
I love that!
You see, God has presented me with a desire in my heart that it's going to take a lot of prayer, a lot of trust and a whole lot of leaning on His understanding to ever see it come to fruition...but I'm just hard headed enough to stick with it, because I am believing Him for it!
What stands against me better know that, too.
I won't go down without a fight.
I won't stop just because someone else thinks I should.
I won't believe the lies my attackers throw at me.
I will not allow the obstacles to stop me, oh, they may slow me down, but they will not stop me.
I'm not going to trust someone else to do what I believe He has asked me to accomplish with my strengths, my abilities and my faith.
I won't give up when it gets hard, tough or takes too long--my heart is set on seeing this through to the end I believe God has promised in His Word.
I'm just that hard-headed...but I'm seeing that maybe, just maybe--in this instance, that's a good thing!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Today's reading: Lamentations 3:39-5:22, Titus 3, Proverbs 15:27-33
"Restore us, O Lord, and bring us back to you again! Give us back the joys we once had!" Lamentations 5:21 NLT
Are you the vibrant Christian you were when you first got saved?
Are you as apt to be speaking of the Lord? Telling of His goodness? Sharing your testimony as you were when it was new, fresh?
Are you consuming the Bible as you did when you first believed? Is it as exciting? As refreshing? Are you as hungry to find out its truths as you were when it was first opened up to you?
God hasn't changed.
His Word has not lost its luster.
Why aren't we asking daily for God to fill us with the thrill and enthusiasm of newly saved Christians? Why don't we ask Him each morning to give us the still-wet-from-baptism excitement that we all once had?
Why don't we ask Him to restore us to our First Love? To bring us back to Him? To rekindle the spark we once had for the Lord?
Today's reading: Lamentations 3:39-5:22, Titus 3, Proverbs 15:27-33
"Restore us, O Lord, and bring us back to you again! Give us back the joys we once had!" Lamentations 5:21 NLT
Are you the vibrant Christian you were when you first got saved?
Are you as apt to be speaking of the Lord? Telling of His goodness? Sharing your testimony as you were when it was new, fresh?
Are you consuming the Bible as you did when you first believed? Is it as exciting? As refreshing? Are you as hungry to find out its truths as you were when it was first opened up to you?
God hasn't changed.
His Word has not lost its luster.
Why aren't we asking daily for God to fill us with the thrill and enthusiasm of newly saved Christians? Why don't we ask Him each morning to give us the still-wet-from-baptism excitement that we all once had?
Why don't we ask Him to restore us to our First Love? To bring us back to Him? To rekindle the spark we once had for the Lord?
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Today's reading: Lamentations 2:1-3:38, Titus 1:10-2:15, Proverbs 15:19-26
"...So rebuke them as sternly as necessary to make them strong in the faith." Titus 1:13 NLT
Would you pray that prayer for a loved one?
A prodigal?
A back-slider related to you by blood, familial or Christ's?
Do you love them enough to want God's very best for them, no matter the discomfort, the inconvenience or the discouragement He could place in their paths?
What about for yourself?
Would you dare pray that God make sin so unappealing to you that it puts you off?
That it makes you sick?
That is doesn't set well with your very soul?
As the salt flavors every drop in the Atlantic, so does sin affect every atom of our nature. It is so sadly there, so abundantly there, that if you cannot detect it, you are deceived. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon
Today's reading: Lamentations 2:1-3:38, Titus 1:10-2:15, Proverbs 15:19-26
"...So rebuke them as sternly as necessary to make them strong in the faith." Titus 1:13 NLT
Would you pray that prayer for a loved one?
A prodigal?
A back-slider related to you by blood, familial or Christ's?
Do you love them enough to want God's very best for them, no matter the discomfort, the inconvenience or the discouragement He could place in their paths?
What about for yourself?
Would you dare pray that God make sin so unappealing to you that it puts you off?
That it makes you sick?
That is doesn't set well with your very soul?
As the salt flavors every drop in the Atlantic, so does sin affect every atom of our nature. It is so sadly there, so abundantly there, that if you cannot detect it, you are deceived. ~ Charles H. Spurgeon
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 52-Lamentations 1, Titus 1:1-9, Proverbs 15:10-18
"He wove my sins into ropes to hitch me to a yoke of captivity. The Lord sapped my strength and gave it to my enemies; I am helpless in their hands." Lamentations 1:14 NLT
The city of Jerusalem sits in desolation, crying over all opportunities she passed on to turn back to the Lord.
She sees how one poor choice led to another...and now the entire city lay in ruin and the inhabitants were held captive by Babylon.
She hears God's instructions ringing in her ears. She recalls each and every instruction He gave for her to turn back to Him. She can replay every word in which He warned her of her doom.
And still she chose sin over Him.
Captivity over freedom.
Slavery over inheritance.
Exile over security.
Helplessness over hope.
Death over life.
Friend, this is not just a biographical account of an ancient city, this is a warning to us as His followers.
He lets us choose.
He allows us the freedom to walk the path of our choosing.
He provides us with options--clearly laid out options with specifically noted consequences.
What are we choosing with every decision we make?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 52-Lamentations 1, Titus 1:1-9, Proverbs 15:10-18
"He wove my sins into ropes to hitch me to a yoke of captivity. The Lord sapped my strength and gave it to my enemies; I am helpless in their hands." Lamentations 1:14 NLT
The city of Jerusalem sits in desolation, crying over all opportunities she passed on to turn back to the Lord.
She sees how one poor choice led to another...and now the entire city lay in ruin and the inhabitants were held captive by Babylon.
She hears God's instructions ringing in her ears. She recalls each and every instruction He gave for her to turn back to Him. She can replay every word in which He warned her of her doom.
And still she chose sin over Him.
Captivity over freedom.
Slavery over inheritance.
Exile over security.
Helplessness over hope.
Death over life.
Friend, this is not just a biographical account of an ancient city, this is a warning to us as His followers.
He lets us choose.
He allows us the freedom to walk the path of our choosing.
He provides us with options--clearly laid out options with specifically noted consequences.
What are we choosing with every decision we make?
Monday, November 4, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 51:15-64, 2 Timothy 4, Proverbs 15:1-9
"But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength,.." 2 Timothy 4:17 NLT
My Life Application Bible study notes say this about today's verse...
With his mentor in prison and his church in turmoil, Timothy was probably not feeling very brave. Paul may have been subtly telling Timothy that the Lord had called Timothy to preach and would give him the courage to continue to do so. God always gives us strength to do what he has commanded. This strength may not be evident, however, until we step out in faith and actually begin doing the task.
Maybe, just maybe, I have found you today in a not so courageous condition. Maybe your life is kinda of smelly right now, things are topsy-turvy and quite honestly, you are scared. It might be you don't feel surrounded by warriors of faith but more folks who are sucking the life out of you. Maybe your faith-tank is feeling terribly, horribly drained.
Friend, God stands beside you.
As He did for Timothy.
As He was doing for Paul.
As He has done for countless numbers of His children over the ages.
As He will continue to do until He has us standing beside Him in heaven.
So, go ahead, and do the hard thing. Do it again. And again, when necessary.
Trust He is beside you when you are doing what He is calling you to do.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 51:15-64, 2 Timothy 4, Proverbs 15:1-9
"But the Lord stood with me and gave me strength,.." 2 Timothy 4:17 NLT
My Life Application Bible study notes say this about today's verse...
With his mentor in prison and his church in turmoil, Timothy was probably not feeling very brave. Paul may have been subtly telling Timothy that the Lord had called Timothy to preach and would give him the courage to continue to do so. God always gives us strength to do what he has commanded. This strength may not be evident, however, until we step out in faith and actually begin doing the task.
Maybe, just maybe, I have found you today in a not so courageous condition. Maybe your life is kinda of smelly right now, things are topsy-turvy and quite honestly, you are scared. It might be you don't feel surrounded by warriors of faith but more folks who are sucking the life out of you. Maybe your faith-tank is feeling terribly, horribly drained.
Friend, God stands beside you.
As He did for Timothy.
As He was doing for Paul.
As He has done for countless numbers of His children over the ages.
As He will continue to do until He has us standing beside Him in heaven.
So, go ahead, and do the hard thing. Do it again. And again, when necessary.
Trust He is beside you when you are doing what He is calling you to do.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 48:1-49:6, 2 Timothy 1, Proverbs 14:7-22
"It is God who saved us and chose us to live a holy life. He did this not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan long before the world began--to show his love and kindness to us through Jesus Christ." 2 Timothy 1:9 NLT
If you're watching the news, there is controversy stirring regarding the coming to Christ of a celebrity.
I don't know the reasons. I don't know what purpose questioning his conversion has. I don't know why it's being doubted.
I also don't know which side is doing the stirring.
If it's the unsaved side--then I don't expect any better.
If it's the Christian community--shame on us!
This man claims Jesus as his Savior.
This man says God has forgiven his sins.
This man has publicly confessed to seeking salvation and finding it in the name of Christ.
This man admits he was a sinner, is not perfect and has been changed by Jesus' blood.
Christian brother or sister, how do you argue that point?
Were you not standing in that same spot at one point in your life?
Did you not pray the same prayer, seek the same forgiveness, receive the same change, claim the power of that same Blood?
Did Christ not die for you?
Who are you compared to him?
Were your sins easier for Him to forgive? Not as dirty? Not as sinful?
Is he still going to have to walk the walk, produce the fruit and continue to grow in godliness?
Won't you continue to have to do the same?
God's plan, long before this celebrity made his announcement--or before you made yours, was to show the world His love through Jesus.
You are part of that plan. So am I. So is he.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 48:1-49:6, 2 Timothy 1, Proverbs 14:7-22
"It is God who saved us and chose us to live a holy life. He did this not because we deserved it, but because that was his plan long before the world began--to show his love and kindness to us through Jesus Christ." 2 Timothy 1:9 NLT
If you're watching the news, there is controversy stirring regarding the coming to Christ of a celebrity.
I don't know the reasons. I don't know what purpose questioning his conversion has. I don't know why it's being doubted.
I also don't know which side is doing the stirring.
If it's the unsaved side--then I don't expect any better.
If it's the Christian community--shame on us!
This man claims Jesus as his Savior.
This man says God has forgiven his sins.
This man has publicly confessed to seeking salvation and finding it in the name of Christ.
This man admits he was a sinner, is not perfect and has been changed by Jesus' blood.
Christian brother or sister, how do you argue that point?
Were you not standing in that same spot at one point in your life?
Did you not pray the same prayer, seek the same forgiveness, receive the same change, claim the power of that same Blood?
Did Christ not die for you?
Who are you compared to him?
Were your sins easier for Him to forgive? Not as dirty? Not as sinful?
Is he still going to have to walk the walk, produce the fruit and continue to grow in godliness?
Won't you continue to have to do the same?
God's plan, long before this celebrity made his announcement--or before you made yours, was to show the world His love through Jesus.
You are part of that plan. So am I. So is he.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 45-47, 1 Timothy 5:17-6:21, Proverbs 14:1-6
"An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an empty stable." Proverbs 14:4 NLT
If you were a farmer, your barn might have to get dirty in order to have a profit.
If you were a carpenter, your shiny new saw might have to come out of the box and get used.
If you were an artist, you might have to open up that new paintbrush set.
If you were a teacher, you might have to put up with children who don't know anything--or too much.
If you are a Christian, you might have to let your life get messed up with the lives of others.
Being a Christian would be so much easier if we were put in a room by ourselves--and yet, how would we ever do what God asked us to do for Him?
Being a Christian would be neater if we were only to interact with other like-minded individuals--and how then would our family ever grow?
Being a Christian would be simpler if God had wired us like robots to make each and every decision correctly, in a godly manner and with Him as our guide--but would that be love?
God has given us things to use in living for Him--use them.
Sure your stable might get dirty', but it will show you've been doing something for Him.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 45-47, 1 Timothy 5:17-6:21, Proverbs 14:1-6
"An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an empty stable." Proverbs 14:4 NLT
If you were a farmer, your barn might have to get dirty in order to have a profit.
If you were a carpenter, your shiny new saw might have to come out of the box and get used.
If you were an artist, you might have to open up that new paintbrush set.
If you were a teacher, you might have to put up with children who don't know anything--or too much.
If you are a Christian, you might have to let your life get messed up with the lives of others.
Being a Christian would be so much easier if we were put in a room by ourselves--and yet, how would we ever do what God asked us to do for Him?
Being a Christian would be neater if we were only to interact with other like-minded individuals--and how then would our family ever grow?
Being a Christian would be simpler if God had wired us like robots to make each and every decision correctly, in a godly manner and with Him as our guide--but would that be love?
God has given us things to use in living for Him--use them.
Sure your stable might get dirty', but it will show you've been doing something for Him.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 38:14-40:6, 1 Timothy 1:18-3:13, Proverbs 13:5-13
"Godliness helps people all through life, while the evil are destroyed by their wickedness." Proverbs 13:6 NLT
If you've been on the 'church scene' for long, you've witnessed some unfair things.
You've watched from the sidelines as godly families have been hit with devastating tragedies.
You've seen saints of God wither away, body, mind and/or spirit from illnesses.
You've seen great men and women of God torn apart by gossip.
You've probably even seen Christian families torn apart by divorce, disbelief and disregard.
You've watched churches multiply and divide over what should be irrelevant issues.
Tough things happen inside the church as often, if not more often, as outside the church.
You've watched, and if you are anything like me, you've wondered...
How does anyone get through these kind of things with God?
Or better yet...
Why would anyone want to try?
Friend, godliness is all that's going to get us through life.
It isn't a 'get out of jail free card' to throw down as any passing tragedy.
It isn't a badge we wear that exempts us from all undue pain and suffering.
It isn't even a force field placed around the children of God protecting us from the world's effects.
But it is is what will get us through this life.
It's what those outside His will don't have.
It's a hope that can keep us going.
It's His promise to us.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 38:14-40:6, 1 Timothy 1:18-3:13, Proverbs 13:5-13
"Godliness helps people all through life, while the evil are destroyed by their wickedness." Proverbs 13:6 NLT
If you've been on the 'church scene' for long, you've witnessed some unfair things.
You've watched from the sidelines as godly families have been hit with devastating tragedies.
You've seen saints of God wither away, body, mind and/or spirit from illnesses.
You've seen great men and women of God torn apart by gossip.
You've probably even seen Christian families torn apart by divorce, disbelief and disregard.
You've watched churches multiply and divide over what should be irrelevant issues.
Tough things happen inside the church as often, if not more often, as outside the church.
You've watched, and if you are anything like me, you've wondered...
How does anyone get through these kind of things with God?
Or better yet...
Why would anyone want to try?
Friend, godliness is all that's going to get us through life.
It isn't a 'get out of jail free card' to throw down as any passing tragedy.
It isn't a badge we wear that exempts us from all undue pain and suffering.
It isn't even a force field placed around the children of God protecting us from the world's effects.
But it is is what will get us through this life.
It's what those outside His will don't have.
It's a hope that can keep us going.
It's His promise to us.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 32:36-34:7, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, Proverbs 12:15-20
"Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing." Proverbs 12:18 NLT
Folks have news anchors to provide them with facts.
They have children to provide them with truths.
They have the world to provide them with cynicism.
They have other humans to provide them with lies.
They have social media to provide with unrealistic expectations.
Be the godly one who provides them with healing.
A soft word.
A kind word.
A word of hope.
A word of promise.
A word of peace.
A word of love.
A word from the Word.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 32:36-34:7, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, Proverbs 12:15-20
"Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing." Proverbs 12:18 NLT
Folks have news anchors to provide them with facts.
They have children to provide them with truths.
They have the world to provide them with cynicism.
They have other humans to provide them with lies.
They have social media to provide with unrealistic expectations.
Be the godly one who provides them with healing.
A soft word.
A kind word.
A word of hope.
A word of promise.
A word of peace.
A word of love.
A word from the Word.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 31:23-32:35, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Proverbs 12:1-14
"The sins of Israel and Judah--the sins of the people of Jerusalem, the kings, the officials, the priests, and the prophets--stir up my anger." Jeremiah 32:32 NLT
NEWS FLASH: Sin makes God mad.
Sin doesn't just make Him sad.
Or disappoint Him.
Or cause Him to feel sorry for us.
It says in His Word, that it makes Him angry.
God angry?
Not something I would want any part of.
To be the cause of.
To be at the receiving end of.
To have anything to do with.
And yet...?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 31:23-32:35, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Proverbs 12:1-14
"The sins of Israel and Judah--the sins of the people of Jerusalem, the kings, the officials, the priests, and the prophets--stir up my anger." Jeremiah 32:32 NLT
NEWS FLASH: Sin makes God mad.
Sin doesn't just make Him sad.
Or disappoint Him.
Or cause Him to feel sorry for us.
It says in His Word, that it makes Him angry.
God angry?
Not something I would want any part of.
To be the cause of.
To be at the receiving end of.
To have anything to do with.
And yet...?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 30:1-31:22, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:11, Proverbs 11:27-31
"...I will satisfy my people with my bounty. I, the Lord, have spoken." Jeremiah 31:14 NLT
Oh, friends, how much time, energy, money and effort we are wasting trying to find/purchase/secure satisfaction in things this world offers.
Only God provides satisfaction.
From His provision.
From His hands.
From the depths of His love for us.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 30:1-31:22, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:11, Proverbs 11:27-31
"...I will satisfy my people with my bounty. I, the Lord, have spoken." Jeremiah 31:14 NLT
Oh, friends, how much time, energy, money and effort we are wasting trying to find/purchase/secure satisfaction in things this world offers.
Only God provides satisfaction.
From His provision.
From His hands.
From the depths of His love for us.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 28-29, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13, Proverbs 11:22-26
"A woman who is beautiful but lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout." Proverbs 11:22 NLT
Do you know what discretion is?
Merriam-Webster defines it as the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgement. Especially: cautious reserve in speech.
Make-up cannot make up for matter how thickly or expertly applied.
The most fashion forward styles cannot fill in for matter how well fitting the fabric.
Eloquence and poise cannot be substitutes for discretion...not if the speaker wants the hearer to truly hear.
It's about knowing what you know and when to let those around you know what you know in a way that shows what you know is worth a beautiful matter what you are wearing.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 28-29, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13, Proverbs 11:22-26
"A woman who is beautiful but lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout." Proverbs 11:22 NLT
Do you know what discretion is?
Merriam-Webster defines it as the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgement. Especially: cautious reserve in speech.
Make-up cannot make up for matter how thickly or expertly applied.
The most fashion forward styles cannot fill in for matter how well fitting the fabric.
Eloquence and poise cannot be substitutes for discretion...not if the speaker wants the hearer to truly hear.
It's about knowing what you know and when to let those around you know what you know in a way that shows what you know is worth a beautiful matter what you are wearing.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 26-27, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Proverbs 11:12-21
"...a person with good sense remains silent." Proverbs 11:11 NLT
Maybe it's time we, Christians, were silent.
We didn't quote a verse.
We didn't reference a sermon.
We didn't speak of a Bible account.
We didn't share God's character.
Maybe it's time we were quiet and watched as God did it Himself.
As He told of His own greatness.
Showed His provision.
Exercised His power.
Drew attention to Himself.
No debate.
No argument.
No guided conversations.
Maybe, just maybe, it's time we were silent and listened to what He had to say for Himself.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 26-27, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Proverbs 11:12-21
"...a person with good sense remains silent." Proverbs 11:11 NLT
Maybe it's time we, Christians, were silent.
We didn't quote a verse.
We didn't reference a sermon.
We didn't speak of a Bible account.
We didn't share God's character.
Maybe it's time we were quiet and watched as God did it Himself.
As He told of His own greatness.
Showed His provision.
Exercised His power.
Drew attention to Himself.
No debate.
No argument.
No guided conversations.
Maybe, just maybe, it's time we were silent and listened to what He had to say for Himself.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 20:7-22:19, Colossians 2:16-3:4, Proverbs 10:15-26
"Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth." Colossians 3:2 NLT
Want to know what's going on around this big blue/green orb we're residing on?
A quick trip to any news feed will give you a quick recap of the current events...
Impeachment controversy.
A multi-million dollar sportsman's knee injury.
The first all female spacewalk.
Immigration issues.
Big city teacher strike.
Drug use.
Death of a radio legend.
Not encouraging? Not uplifting? Not enough to get your enthusiasm revved up for the day? Scare the life out of you? Send you back under the covers?
God knew it wouldn't be pretty.
So He gave us the words from Colossians.
'Let heaven fill your thoughts.'
Presence of God.
No more sorrow.
No more pain.
No more death.
'Let heaven fill your thoughts.'
Today's reading: Jeremiah 20:7-22:19, Colossians 2:16-3:4, Proverbs 10:15-26
"Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth." Colossians 3:2 NLT
Want to know what's going on around this big blue/green orb we're residing on?
A quick trip to any news feed will give you a quick recap of the current events...
Impeachment controversy.
A multi-million dollar sportsman's knee injury.
The first all female spacewalk.
Immigration issues.
Big city teacher strike.
Drug use.
Death of a radio legend.
Not encouraging? Not uplifting? Not enough to get your enthusiasm revved up for the day? Scare the life out of you? Send you back under the covers?
God knew it wouldn't be pretty.
So He gave us the words from Colossians.
'Let heaven fill your thoughts.'
Presence of God.
No more sorrow.
No more pain.
No more death.
'Let heaven fill your thoughts.'
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 18:1-20:6, Colossians 1:24-2:15, Proverbs 10:6-14
"So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ..." Colossians 1:28 NLT
Are you spreading the Good News of God?
When you shop? When you work? When you mingle?
No, you don't have to quote Bible verses, invite folks to church or debate the hottest topic.
You can inquire about another's day.
Ask about their health.
About their kids.
About the color paint they've chosen for their front door.
A new recipe they've made.
Spreading God's message of salvation and hope begins with a conversation. It starts with a smile. It opens with a friendly word which will lead to another friendly word and another and another and another.
Until you have the opportunity to speak of the Hope you have...
The Love you have...
The Peace you have...
The Joy you have...
The Future you have...
The Promise you have...
The Good News you have...
So take the Good News with you everywhere you go today. Speak of it where you can. Hold on to it until He shows you just the right moment and in the meantime, make friends!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 18:1-20:6, Colossians 1:24-2:15, Proverbs 10:6-14
"So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ..." Colossians 1:28 NLT
Are you spreading the Good News of God?
When you shop? When you work? When you mingle?
No, you don't have to quote Bible verses, invite folks to church or debate the hottest topic.
You can inquire about another's day.
Ask about their health.
About their kids.
About the color paint they've chosen for their front door.
A new recipe they've made.
Spreading God's message of salvation and hope begins with a conversation. It starts with a smile. It opens with a friendly word which will lead to another friendly word and another and another and another.
Until you have the opportunity to speak of the Hope you have...
The Love you have...
The Peace you have...
The Joy you have...
The Future you have...
The Promise you have...
The Good News you have...
So take the Good News with you everywhere you go today. Speak of it where you can. Hold on to it until He shows you just the right moment and in the meantime, make friends!
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 16-17, Colossians 1:1-23, Proverbs 10:1-5
"Lord, you are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble!.." Jeremiah 16:19 NLT
I am up and going.
I've spent time on the elliptical machine.
I've spent time in the Word.
I've spent time in prayer.
I've spent a few minutes going over what I have planned for the day...but I truly have no idea what God has planned for my day.
I don't know what He will allow into my life.
What blessings He will send my way.
What heartache He may filter into my waking hours.
What lessons He might allow me to learn from.
What opportunities He will give me to trust Him.
What phone calls He may allow me to receive.
What words He may let be spoken into my life.
What characteristics of His He may allow me to become privy to.
I don't know, but He does--and He will be my strength and fortress and refuge in all of it!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 16-17, Colossians 1:1-23, Proverbs 10:1-5
"Lord, you are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble!.." Jeremiah 16:19 NLT
I am up and going.
I've spent time on the elliptical machine.
I've spent time in the Word.
I've spent time in prayer.
I've spent a few minutes going over what I have planned for the day...but I truly have no idea what God has planned for my day.
I don't know what He will allow into my life.
What blessings He will send my way.
What heartache He may filter into my waking hours.
What lessons He might allow me to learn from.
What opportunities He will give me to trust Him.
What phone calls He may allow me to receive.
What words He may let be spoken into my life.
What characteristics of His He may allow me to become privy to.
I don't know, but He does--and He will be my strength and fortress and refuge in all of it!
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 14-15, Philippians 4, Proverbs 9:7-18
"At the moment I have all I need--more than I need! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable to God and pleases him." Philippians 4:18 NLT
If Paul can write these words while sitting in a prison cell...
Able to tell his friends and his Christian-babies that 'all is well with his soul'...
If he can choose to see beyond his circumstances to his blessings...
Past his inconveniences to his eternal promises...
If Paul can stand solidly on the promises provided...
And the hope offered...
And the grace given...
And the forgiveness afforded him...
If in his dire circumstances, with the notes of his personal testimony still wet in ink, he can still say what he has said...
Then, I can also say, 'At the moment, I have all I need--more that I need!'
Because it's true. So true.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 14-15, Philippians 4, Proverbs 9:7-18
"At the moment I have all I need--more than I need! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable to God and pleases him." Philippians 4:18 NLT
If Paul can write these words while sitting in a prison cell...
Able to tell his friends and his Christian-babies that 'all is well with his soul'...
If he can choose to see beyond his circumstances to his blessings...
Past his inconveniences to his eternal promises...
If Paul can stand solidly on the promises provided...
And the hope offered...
And the grace given...
And the forgiveness afforded him...
If in his dire circumstances, with the notes of his personal testimony still wet in ink, he can still say what he has said...
Then, I can also say, 'At the moment, I have all I need--more that I need!'
Because it's true. So true.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 11:18-13:27, Philippians 3, Proverbs 9:1-6
"...I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be." Philippians 3:12 NLT
I don't believe today is 'just another day'.
I've never like that phrase, never liked the connotation and lack of enthusiasm that lends to the opening of the gift of each new day presented to us by God.
Is today a day of doing many of the same things we've done for several days, or years, in a row, quite possibly--but it's never 'just another day'.
Now if we put the spin on it that Paul has, that we are working toward 'that day', that turns the tide, don't you think?
Today you may spend time repenting of the same sins, in order to be made right...that's God's plan.
Today you may spend time repeating some of the same verses, in order to be filled with God's Word...that's God's will.
Today you may spend time doing some of the same Christian disciplines you've been doing for years, in an effort to end the day more like Him...that's God's desire.
So, it's not just another day, it's 'that day', the day when we become more and more like Him, more of what He saved us for, more of who He saved us to be.
Enjoy this day!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 11:18-13:27, Philippians 3, Proverbs 9:1-6
"...I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be." Philippians 3:12 NLT
I don't believe today is 'just another day'.
I've never like that phrase, never liked the connotation and lack of enthusiasm that lends to the opening of the gift of each new day presented to us by God.
Is today a day of doing many of the same things we've done for several days, or years, in a row, quite possibly--but it's never 'just another day'.
Now if we put the spin on it that Paul has, that we are working toward 'that day', that turns the tide, don't you think?
Today you may spend time repenting of the same sins, in order to be made right...that's God's plan.
Today you may spend time repeating some of the same verses, in order to be filled with God's Word...that's God's will.
Today you may spend time doing some of the same Christian disciplines you've been doing for years, in an effort to end the day more like Him...that's God's desire.
So, it's not just another day, it's 'that day', the day when we become more and more like Him, more of what He saved us for, more of who He saved us to be.
Enjoy this day!
Friday, October 11, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 6:1-7:26, Philippians 1:1-26, Proverbs 8:1-11
"Therefore, this is what the Lord says: I will put obstacles in my people's path..." Jeremiah 6:21 NLT
It may sound funny, sad or downright mean, but I am an 'obstacles pray-er'.
I am one of those gals who asks God to place obstacles in my path, and in the paths of those I am praying for, that will direct them away from things that are not in God's will.
Away from things that will distract them from His path for their lives.
From things that will take their focus off Him.
From things that will lead from thought to temptation to sin to a separation between Him and them.
I ask for those obstacles in love.
Because I know how easily obstacles stop us and slow us down long enough to think about just where it was we were headed anyway.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 6:1-7:26, Philippians 1:1-26, Proverbs 8:1-11
"Therefore, this is what the Lord says: I will put obstacles in my people's path..." Jeremiah 6:21 NLT
It may sound funny, sad or downright mean, but I am an 'obstacles pray-er'.
I am one of those gals who asks God to place obstacles in my path, and in the paths of those I am praying for, that will direct them away from things that are not in God's will.
Away from things that will distract them from His path for their lives.
From things that will take their focus off Him.
From things that will lead from thought to temptation to sin to a separation between Him and them.
I ask for those obstacles in love.
Because I know how easily obstacles stop us and slow us down long enough to think about just where it was we were headed anyway.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 4:23-5:31, Ephesians 6, Proverbs 7:6-27
"Do you have no respect for me? Why do you not tremble in my presence? I, the Lord, am the one who defines the ocean's sandy shoreline, an everlasting boundary that the waters cannot cross. The waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the bounds I set. But my people have stubborn and rebellious hearts. They have turned against me and have chosen to practice idolatry." Jeremiah 5:22-23 NLT
In all your choices today you are selecting between the One who sets the boundaries for the oceans or the idols carved by hands.
When you choose faith over fear.
When you choose to believe the words of the Bible over the labels you've been given.
When you choose to trust 'thus saith the Lord' over how your heart is feeling at this moment.
When you choose to rest in the Creator rather in the creation.
When you choose to go forward one step at a time knowing God will light the path even though the road ahead seems awfully dark to you at this very moment.
Will you choose the Lord?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 4:23-5:31, Ephesians 6, Proverbs 7:6-27
"Do you have no respect for me? Why do you not tremble in my presence? I, the Lord, am the one who defines the ocean's sandy shoreline, an everlasting boundary that the waters cannot cross. The waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the bounds I set. But my people have stubborn and rebellious hearts. They have turned against me and have chosen to practice idolatry." Jeremiah 5:22-23 NLT
In all your choices today you are selecting between the One who sets the boundaries for the oceans or the idols carved by hands.
When you choose faith over fear.
When you choose to believe the words of the Bible over the labels you've been given.
When you choose to trust 'thus saith the Lord' over how your heart is feeling at this moment.
When you choose to rest in the Creator rather in the creation.
When you choose to go forward one step at a time knowing God will light the path even though the road ahead seems awfully dark to you at this very moment.
Will you choose the Lord?
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 3:1-4:22, Ephesians 5, Proverbs 7:1-5
"My people are foolish and do not know me, says the Lord..." Jeremiah 4:22 NLT
God didn't say the sinners didn't know Him.
He didn't make the statement that the unbelievers didn't 'get' Him.
He didn't tell Jeremiah His heart was broken because complete strangers were unaware of His vast love for them.
He was saddened to know His own people didn't know who He was.
His own people.
The ones who should know Him the most. The deepest. The greatest. The broadest. The widest. The most-est.
Shame on us.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 3:1-4:22, Ephesians 5, Proverbs 7:1-5
"My people are foolish and do not know me, says the Lord..." Jeremiah 4:22 NLT
God didn't say the sinners didn't know Him.
He didn't make the statement that the unbelievers didn't 'get' Him.
He didn't tell Jeremiah His heart was broken because complete strangers were unaware of His vast love for them.
He was saddened to know His own people didn't know who He was.
His own people.
The ones who should know Him the most. The deepest. The greatest. The broadest. The widest. The most-est.
Shame on us.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-2, Ephesians 4:17-23, Proverbs 6:27-35
"Get up and get dressed. Go out, and tell them whatever I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them, or I will make you look foolish in front of them, For see, today I have made you immune to their attacks..." Jeremiah 1:17-17 NLT
Gotten your flu shot?
It's a topic of wide concern this time of year. It's on every pharmacy billboard, a lot of television ads and on a lot of mailers I gather from the mailbox. It's quickly brought up in conversation if you hear a cough or a folks quickly disperse from the 'infected' area in search of the Germ-X.
Jeremiah was told, by God Himself, that he was vaccinated against the attacks of his enemy.
He was told that his attacks would not have long-lasting effects on Jeremiah.
Jeremiah was assured that he was backed, supported and bolstered to do all God was asking him to do.
So are you.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-2, Ephesians 4:17-23, Proverbs 6:27-35
"Get up and get dressed. Go out, and tell them whatever I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them, or I will make you look foolish in front of them, For see, today I have made you immune to their attacks..." Jeremiah 1:17-17 NLT
Gotten your flu shot?
It's a topic of wide concern this time of year. It's on every pharmacy billboard, a lot of television ads and on a lot of mailers I gather from the mailbox. It's quickly brought up in conversation if you hear a cough or a folks quickly disperse from the 'infected' area in search of the Germ-X.
Jeremiah was told, by God Himself, that he was vaccinated against the attacks of his enemy.
He was told that his attacks would not have long-lasting effects on Jeremiah.
Jeremiah was assured that he was backed, supported and bolstered to do all God was asking him to do.
So are you.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 65:17-66:24, Ephesians 3:1-4:16, Proverbs 6:20-26
"When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth." Ephesians 3:14 NLT
Have you ever been left speechless by the tough things God's used to bring glory to Himself?
A death.
An accident.
A job loss.
A division in a church.
A prodigal.
A fire.
So many hard, hard things He has taken, touched, tweaked, turned around, turned the attention on to Him and allowed us to see in a different light--and VOILA--He gets the credit!
It drops us to our knees.
It renders us praising Him.
It leaves us in awe of the scope of His grand plan.
Today's reading: Isaiah 65:17-66:24, Ephesians 3:1-4:16, Proverbs 6:20-26
"When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth." Ephesians 3:14 NLT
Have you ever been left speechless by the tough things God's used to bring glory to Himself?
A death.
An accident.
A job loss.
A division in a church.
A prodigal.
A fire.
So many hard, hard things He has taken, touched, tweaked, turned around, turned the attention on to Him and allowed us to see in a different light--and VOILA--He gets the credit!
It drops us to our knees.
It renders us praising Him.
It leaves us in awe of the scope of His grand plan.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 58-5, Galatians 6, Proverbs 5:15-23
"Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else." Galatians 6:4 NLT
I want to be busy today being me.
The me God created me to be.
The me God purposed me to be.
The me God designed me to be.
You are great, but I don't want to be you. I can't be you.
Sure, I can spin my wheels attempting it. I can try to keep up with your life. With your calling. With your purpose. But in the end...I'll be bone weary trying to be someone I'm not, and still hoofing it to get done what I need to do to be me.
So, starting today, I'm just gonna be me...
And if you'll just be you...
And if they will just be them...
Well, if should work out well!
Today's reading: Isaiah 58-5, Galatians 6, Proverbs 5:15-23
"Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else." Galatians 6:4 NLT
I want to be busy today being me.
The me God created me to be.
The me God purposed me to be.
The me God designed me to be.
You are great, but I don't want to be you. I can't be you.
Sure, I can spin my wheels attempting it. I can try to keep up with your life. With your calling. With your purpose. But in the end...I'll be bone weary trying to be someone I'm not, and still hoofing it to get done what I need to do to be me.
So, starting today, I'm just gonna be me...
And if you'll just be you...
And if they will just be them...
Well, if should work out well!
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 55-57, Galatians 5, Proverbs 5:1-14
"...What is important is faith expressing itself in love." Galatians 5:6 NLT
Okay, Christian friend, the day lay ahead of you.
Opportunities abound for you to evangelize, minister, witness and share the Good News.
The field is ripe for those of us called, by God, to be harvesters.
But, before the first verse is quoted...
Or the first old hymn sung...
Or the Bible is even opened...
Make sure you heart is full of love.
Because we can have all the faith we need, bursting at the seams faith, but if we cannot present it wrapped in love, no one will want to receive it.
Love them to Jesus.
That's what He did.
Today's reading: Isaiah 55-57, Galatians 5, Proverbs 5:1-14
"...What is important is faith expressing itself in love." Galatians 5:6 NLT
Okay, Christian friend, the day lay ahead of you.
Opportunities abound for you to evangelize, minister, witness and share the Good News.
The field is ripe for those of us called, by God, to be harvesters.
But, before the first verse is quoted...
Or the first old hymn sung...
Or the Bible is even opened...
Make sure you heart is full of love.
Because we can have all the faith we need, bursting at the seams faith, but if we cannot present it wrapped in love, no one will want to receive it.
Love them to Jesus.
That's what He did.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 52-54, Galatians 4:12-31, Proverbs 4:20-27
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." Proverbs 4:23 NLT
Have you spoken to your Cardiologist lately?
The One who cares for your heart?
The One who knows its design better than anyone? What might be causing 'blockages'? What habits might be leading to damage to your body's motor? What small issues might need to be addressed at this stage before they become large problems?
Today's reading: Isaiah 52-54, Galatians 4:12-31, Proverbs 4:20-27
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." Proverbs 4:23 NLT
Have you spoken to your Cardiologist lately?
The One who cares for your heart?
The One who knows its design better than anyone? What might be causing 'blockages'? What habits might be leading to damage to your body's motor? What small issues might need to be addressed at this stage before they become large problems?
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 49:14-51:23, Galatians 4:1-11, Proverbs 4:1-19
"...Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for a child she has borne? But even if it were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on my hand..." Isaiah 49:15-16 NLT
Oh, I know.
Some days you feel as if you've been set aside, mis-placed or forgotten about by God.
Prayers go unanswered. Blessings from yesterday need to be dusted and polished as new ones don't seem to be showering down upon you today. He just doesn't seem as near as He once did. You just feel pushed aside. Set on a shelf, out of sight--out of mind.
Here is a truth: You, friend, have not been forgotten!
None of us have.
We are as precious to God as the day He created our very beings out of the cells donated from our parents. We are as excitedly wonderful to Him as the day we drew our first breaths in this great big, beautiful world He created to bring Him glory. We are as much His today as the moment we asked Him into our hearts at an altar of salvation--whether it was years ago, months ago, days ago or just moments ago. We are more valuable to Him than anything else He created because He made us in His image and placed within us a soul that can seek Him.
He has not forgotten you.
He has your name written on His mighty hand.
Today's reading: Isaiah 49:14-51:23, Galatians 4:1-11, Proverbs 4:1-19
"...Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for a child she has borne? But even if it were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on my hand..." Isaiah 49:15-16 NLT
Oh, I know.
Some days you feel as if you've been set aside, mis-placed or forgotten about by God.
Prayers go unanswered. Blessings from yesterday need to be dusted and polished as new ones don't seem to be showering down upon you today. He just doesn't seem as near as He once did. You just feel pushed aside. Set on a shelf, out of sight--out of mind.
Here is a truth: You, friend, have not been forgotten!
None of us have.
We are as precious to God as the day He created our very beings out of the cells donated from our parents. We are as excitedly wonderful to Him as the day we drew our first breaths in this great big, beautiful world He created to bring Him glory. We are as much His today as the moment we asked Him into our hearts at an altar of salvation--whether it was years ago, months ago, days ago or just moments ago. We are more valuable to Him than anything else He created because He made us in His image and placed within us a soul that can seek Him.
He has not forgotten you.
He has your name written on His mighty hand.
Monday, September 30, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 47:1-49:13, Galatians 3:19-29, Proverbs 3:27-35
"I will rescue you for my sake--yes, for my own sake!.." Isaiah 48:11 NLT
God is telling the nation of Israel that when He steps in to rescue them from their troubles, it will be to bring Himself glory and to bring them back to Him.
It is, after all, all about Him.
From the sunrise each morning, to the opening of each flowery bud, to the single solitary drop of rain that falls, to the lone cell or the twinkling star--it's all about Him.
So when He steps in to answer your prayer requests, which He has heard, be sure, it will have everything to do with Him--His receiving the glory, His having drawn someone back to His side, His saving grace being revealed in a grand way or His beautiful mercy being put on display.
It's always about Him.
Today's reading: Isaiah 47:1-49:13, Galatians 3:19-29, Proverbs 3:27-35
"I will rescue you for my sake--yes, for my own sake!.." Isaiah 48:11 NLT
God is telling the nation of Israel that when He steps in to rescue them from their troubles, it will be to bring Himself glory and to bring them back to Him.
It is, after all, all about Him.
From the sunrise each morning, to the opening of each flowery bud, to the single solitary drop of rain that falls, to the lone cell or the twinkling star--it's all about Him.
So when He steps in to answer your prayer requests, which He has heard, be sure, it will have everything to do with Him--His receiving the glory, His having drawn someone back to His side, His saving grace being revealed in a grand way or His beautiful mercy being put on display.
It's always about Him.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 41-42, Galatians 1, Proverbs 2:16-22
"But then something happened! For it pleased God in his kindness to choose me and call me, even before I was born! What undeserved mercy!" Galatians 1:15 NLT
Paul says to his friends in Galatia...
You have heard what I was like...
How hard I tried...
How I was the most religious among them...
But then something happened!
For Paul it was on the road to Damascus.
For me it was at a small wooden altar on an Easter Sunday in a little country church.
For my son it was a Sunday evening, after church, kneeling down beside the sofa in our family room.
For others it was in their car.
In a hospital bed.
In a deer stand.
In a Sunday School classroom.
During a Vacation Bible School lesson.
While at church camp.
At grandma's house.
While in the beautician's chair.
God can change our lives in an instant.
He can save us anywhere.
From anything we have done.
We can go from destined to hell and death to bound for eternity and life with the simplest and most sincere of prayers.
God, forgive me for all I've messed up. All the things I've done wrong. All the sins I've committed. All the bad thoughts I've thought. All the horrible choices I've made. I'm sorry. I can't undo any of them. I believe you sent Jesus for just those things. For people just like me. To pay these debts I cannot pay. Even though He never did anything wrong. He died on a cross for my sins. He was buried in a tomb. He rose again on the third day because of the power within Him. The power that can forgive sins and change lives. That's the power I need. That's the something I need to happen in my life. Would you do that for me, God? For me?
Today's reading: Isaiah 41-42, Galatians 1, Proverbs 2:16-22
"But then something happened! For it pleased God in his kindness to choose me and call me, even before I was born! What undeserved mercy!" Galatians 1:15 NLT
Paul says to his friends in Galatia...
You have heard what I was like...
How hard I tried...
How I was the most religious among them...
But then something happened!
For Paul it was on the road to Damascus.
For me it was at a small wooden altar on an Easter Sunday in a little country church.
For my son it was a Sunday evening, after church, kneeling down beside the sofa in our family room.
For others it was in their car.
In a hospital bed.
In a deer stand.
In a Sunday School classroom.
During a Vacation Bible School lesson.
While at church camp.
At grandma's house.
While in the beautician's chair.
God can change our lives in an instant.
He can save us anywhere.
From anything we have done.
We can go from destined to hell and death to bound for eternity and life with the simplest and most sincere of prayers.
God, forgive me for all I've messed up. All the things I've done wrong. All the sins I've committed. All the bad thoughts I've thought. All the horrible choices I've made. I'm sorry. I can't undo any of them. I believe you sent Jesus for just those things. For people just like me. To pay these debts I cannot pay. Even though He never did anything wrong. He died on a cross for my sins. He was buried in a tomb. He rose again on the third day because of the power within Him. The power that can forgive sins and change lives. That's the power I need. That's the something I need to happen in my life. Would you do that for me, God? For me?
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 39-40, 2 Corinthians 12:11-13:14, Proverbs 2:1-15
"Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed out the mountains and the hills?" Isaiah 40:12 NLT
I don't know what kept you awake last night.
Or has your stomach in knots.
Your heart in turmoil.
Your mind growing doubts like a greenhouse.
I don't know what it is you are keeping from your praying friends, because it's 'too small a matter'.
Or because it's embarrassing.
Or you're too ashamed.
Or because it's 'that again'.
I am unaware of what our enemy has convinced you is outside our Father's abilities, capabilities or sensibilities.
I don't know what the big, fat liar has told you so many times you are believing it to be true.
There is a lot I don't know, but this I do know...
My God is big.
Big enough to handle what it is you are going through.
Strong enough to carry what it is you are struggling beneath.
Loving enough to want to take it from you--if you will only give it to Him.
Who else is that big?
Today's reading: Isaiah 39-40, 2 Corinthians 12:11-13:14, Proverbs 2:1-15
"Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed out the mountains and the hills?" Isaiah 40:12 NLT
I don't know what kept you awake last night.
Or has your stomach in knots.
Your heart in turmoil.
Your mind growing doubts like a greenhouse.
I don't know what it is you are keeping from your praying friends, because it's 'too small a matter'.
Or because it's embarrassing.
Or you're too ashamed.
Or because it's 'that again'.
I am unaware of what our enemy has convinced you is outside our Father's abilities, capabilities or sensibilities.
I don't know what the big, fat liar has told you so many times you are believing it to be true.
There is a lot I don't know, but this I do know...
My God is big.
Big enough to handle what it is you are going through.
Strong enough to carry what it is you are struggling beneath.
Loving enough to want to take it from you--if you will only give it to Him.
Who else is that big?
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 37-38, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Proverbs 1:27-33
"...But to keep me from getting puffed up, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from getting proud." 2 Corinthians 12:7 NLT
It's not known exactly what Paul's 'thorn' was.
Scholars haven't narrowed it down to a medical disease, a debilitating ailment, a mental hindrance, a chronic illness, a character flaw or a genetic disability--but he had something that kept him at God's feet for the strength he needed to keep going. To keep serving. To keep from throwing in the towel. That kept him from becoming proud.
May we all have that 'thing'.
That nagging sin that daily has us seeking Him for help.
That tendency that always has us winding up at His feet for forgiveness or for fortitude or for the fight to continue.
I don't know what yours is, but I know what mine is.
And it keeps me before the Lord. On my knees. Humbled. Needy. Broken.
That's probably why I have it.
Today's reading: Isaiah 37-38, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10, Proverbs 1:27-33
"...But to keep me from getting puffed up, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from getting proud." 2 Corinthians 12:7 NLT
It's not known exactly what Paul's 'thorn' was.
Scholars haven't narrowed it down to a medical disease, a debilitating ailment, a mental hindrance, a chronic illness, a character flaw or a genetic disability--but he had something that kept him at God's feet for the strength he needed to keep going. To keep serving. To keep from throwing in the towel. That kept him from becoming proud.
May we all have that 'thing'.
That nagging sin that daily has us seeking Him for help.
That tendency that always has us winding up at His feet for forgiveness or for fortitude or for the fight to continue.
I don't know what yours is, but I know what mine is.
And it keeps me before the Lord. On my knees. Humbled. Needy. Broken.
That's probably why I have it.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 34-36, 2 Corinthians 11, Proverbs 1:23-26
"Search the book of the Lord, and see what he will do. He will not miss a single detail..." Isaiah 34:16 NLT
This is one of my favorite verses in the entire Scriptures.
It sums everything up.
It condenses the Book.
It states, in one simple statement, how trustworthy God's Word truly is.
Because it can be trusted.
It can be taken to the bank.
It can be leaned upon.
It will always be found to be reliable.
It has been found to be unchanging.
Go ahead, search it, just see what all He will do!
Today's reading: Isaiah 34-36, 2 Corinthians 11, Proverbs 1:23-26
"Search the book of the Lord, and see what he will do. He will not miss a single detail..." Isaiah 34:16 NLT
This is one of my favorite verses in the entire Scriptures.
It sums everything up.
It condenses the Book.
It states, in one simple statement, how trustworthy God's Word truly is.
Because it can be trusted.
It can be taken to the bank.
It can be leaned upon.
It will always be found to be reliable.
It has been found to be unchanging.
Go ahead, search it, just see what all He will do!
Monday, September 23, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 31-33, 2 Corinthians 10, Provers 1:10-22
"The trouble with you is that you make your decisions on the basis of appearance..." 2 Corinthians 10:7 NLT
Yes, I am guilty of this.
I see a problem.
I assess the problem.
I base the answer to the said problem upon what I 'see' I can do about it.
My possible options. My abilities. My resources. My checkbook balance. My skillset. My gifts. My personal strengths. My acquaintances who can help me with the problem.
Wouldn't it be faith if I made decisions based upon what I didn't see...what I believed?
What I trusted God could do?
What I took Him at His word on?
What I turned over to Him and left in His care to do with as He would, when He would?
Today's reading: Isaiah 31-33, 2 Corinthians 10, Provers 1:10-22
"The trouble with you is that you make your decisions on the basis of appearance..." 2 Corinthians 10:7 NLT
Yes, I am guilty of this.
I see a problem.
I assess the problem.
I base the answer to the said problem upon what I 'see' I can do about it.
My possible options. My abilities. My resources. My checkbook balance. My skillset. My gifts. My personal strengths. My acquaintances who can help me with the problem.
Wouldn't it be faith if I made decisions based upon what I didn't see...what I believed?
What I trusted God could do?
What I took Him at His word on?
What I turned over to Him and left in His care to do with as He would, when He would?
Friday, September 20, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 24:1-26:19, 2 Corinthians 7, Psalm 148
"But to the poor, O Lord, you are a refuge from the storm. To the needy in distress, you are a shelter from the rain and the heat. For the oppressive acts of ruthless people are like a storm beating against a wall, or like the relentless heat of the desert. But you silence the roar of foreign nations. You cool the land with the shade of a cloud. So the boastful songs of ruthless people are stilled." Isaiah 25:4-5 NLT
I don't know what you need God to be for you today, but He will be it.
He will rescue, if you need saving.
He will be a deliverer, if you need delivered.
He will administer healing, if that's what you need...and now is when He believes you need it for His glory to most evidently be seen.
He will be the One solid thing in your world of topsy-turvy, upside-downy things, if an anchor is what you want.
He will be the loudest cheerleader you will ever have.
He will be the one whispering in your ear when a quiet voice is what's required.
He will be your shield on the battlefield.
He will remind you of His words when His words need to be spoken or remembered.
He will be your friend when you feel very alone in a crowded room.
He will be your treasure chest of riches when the bank says your account is empty.
He will be your shelter in the storm.
He will be your umbrella in the shower.
He will be your pal when you want to put aside the umbrella and stand in the raindrops and splash in the puddles!
That what He is...and so much more!
Today's reading: Isaiah 24:1-26:19, 2 Corinthians 7, Psalm 148
"But to the poor, O Lord, you are a refuge from the storm. To the needy in distress, you are a shelter from the rain and the heat. For the oppressive acts of ruthless people are like a storm beating against a wall, or like the relentless heat of the desert. But you silence the roar of foreign nations. You cool the land with the shade of a cloud. So the boastful songs of ruthless people are stilled." Isaiah 25:4-5 NLT
I don't know what you need God to be for you today, but He will be it.
He will rescue, if you need saving.
He will be a deliverer, if you need delivered.
He will administer healing, if that's what you need...and now is when He believes you need it for His glory to most evidently be seen.
He will be the One solid thing in your world of topsy-turvy, upside-downy things, if an anchor is what you want.
He will be the loudest cheerleader you will ever have.
He will be the one whispering in your ear when a quiet voice is what's required.
He will be your shield on the battlefield.
He will remind you of His words when His words need to be spoken or remembered.
He will be your friend when you feel very alone in a crowded room.
He will be your treasure chest of riches when the bank says your account is empty.
He will be your shelter in the storm.
He will be your umbrella in the shower.
He will be your pal when you want to put aside the umbrella and stand in the raindrops and splash in the puddles!
That what He is...and so much more!
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 20-23, 2 Corinthians 6, Psalm 147:12-20
"For God says, At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." 2 Corinthians 6:2 NLT
I'm reading a book by Jen Wilkin about the attributes of God.
The characteristic I'm stymied by...stumped by...stopped in my tracks that God is eternal.
Not something I can wrap my human mind around.
I exist in frames and dimensions of minutes, days, months and years...He does not.
So when it says in His Word that 'at just the right time, I heard you', I have to consider that that 'right time' probably does not correlate with the 'right time' I have written down in my planner.
I think Solomon wrote it best, 'He has made everything beautiful in its time.' (Ecclesiastes 3:11) It doesn't state, in any version I have found--and I have surely looked at several--'He has made everything beautiful in my time.'
So, let's trust Him, friends.
To have heard us.
To save us.
To know the perfect time for both!
Today's reading: Isaiah 20-23, 2 Corinthians 6, Psalm 147:12-20
"For God says, At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you." 2 Corinthians 6:2 NLT
I'm reading a book by Jen Wilkin about the attributes of God.
The characteristic I'm stymied by...stumped by...stopped in my tracks that God is eternal.
Not something I can wrap my human mind around.
I exist in frames and dimensions of minutes, days, months and years...He does not.
So when it says in His Word that 'at just the right time, I heard you', I have to consider that that 'right time' probably does not correlate with the 'right time' I have written down in my planner.
I think Solomon wrote it best, 'He has made everything beautiful in its time.' (Ecclesiastes 3:11) It doesn't state, in any version I have found--and I have surely looked at several--'He has made everything beautiful in my time.'
So, let's trust Him, friends.
To have heard us.
To save us.
To know the perfect time for both!
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 17-19, 2 Corinthians 5, Psalm 147:1-11
"He counts the stars and calls them all by name." Psalm 147:4 NLT
It's reassuring to me to know that while God is caring for the over 400 billion stars He has formed in our Milky Way galaxy, He is also caring for me!
It's comforting to realize that His hand extends to the farthest reaches of space, so far in fact it would take us 70,000 years in our fastest space craft, to tend to the smallest star, and He is still as close to me as the breath I draw!
It's amazing to find out that of the stars I study in the night sky...the small twinkling lights of the night...the mere specks in the velvety blackness...there are some that are 100 times more massive than our own sun, He continues to govern them with His might. As He does every circumstance of my life!
It provides solace for my soul to think He cares for me even more than He does the stars--me, a created in His image creation, a blood-bought member of His family, a rescued sheep of His flock, a prodigal welcomed back to His table, a branch grafted into Him, a blind beggar who has been given sight to see Him.
He knows me by name, too.
Today's reading: Isaiah 17-19, 2 Corinthians 5, Psalm 147:1-11
"He counts the stars and calls them all by name." Psalm 147:4 NLT
It's reassuring to me to know that while God is caring for the over 400 billion stars He has formed in our Milky Way galaxy, He is also caring for me!
It's comforting to realize that His hand extends to the farthest reaches of space, so far in fact it would take us 70,000 years in our fastest space craft, to tend to the smallest star, and He is still as close to me as the breath I draw!
It's amazing to find out that of the stars I study in the night sky...the small twinkling lights of the night...the mere specks in the velvety blackness...there are some that are 100 times more massive than our own sun, He continues to govern them with His might. As He does every circumstance of my life!
It provides solace for my soul to think He cares for me even more than He does the stars--me, a created in His image creation, a blood-bought member of His family, a rescued sheep of His flock, a prodigal welcomed back to His table, a branch grafted into Him, a blind beggar who has been given sight to see Him.
He knows me by name, too.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 14-16, 2 Corinthians 4, Psalm 146
"The Lord Almighty has sworn this oath: It will all happen as I have planned. It will come about according to my purposes." Isaiah 14:24 NLT
Today will come about exactly as God has ordained it.
No surprises.
Nothing catching Him off guard.
No sudden changed to His plans.
Yesterday's emergencies don't change what He has laid out for you today.
You can still trust Him with all of it.
Every minute of today.
Every second.
They are all going to fall into place according to His plan and His purpose.
Today's reading: Isaiah 14-16, 2 Corinthians 4, Psalm 146
"The Lord Almighty has sworn this oath: It will all happen as I have planned. It will come about according to my purposes." Isaiah 14:24 NLT
Today will come about exactly as God has ordained it.
No surprises.
Nothing catching Him off guard.
No sudden changed to His plans.
Yesterday's emergencies don't change what He has laid out for you today.
You can still trust Him with all of it.
Every minute of today.
Every second.
They are all going to fall into place according to His plan and His purpose.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 11-13, 2 Corinthians 3, Psalm 145
"Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! His greatness is beyond discovery!" Psalm 145:3 NLT
We were challenged last night at church to know God better.
More deeply.
With more intimacy.
On a more personal level.
And the challenge issued was to read, at least, 7 minutes in the Bible each day for 7 days.
I'm in.
He is worth it.
So very worth it.
And I know I'll be blessed.
And maybe, just maybe, at the end of 7 days I'll look more like Him.
Today's reading: Isaiah 11-13, 2 Corinthians 3, Psalm 145
"Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise! His greatness is beyond discovery!" Psalm 145:3 NLT
We were challenged last night at church to know God better.
More deeply.
With more intimacy.
On a more personal level.
And the challenge issued was to read, at least, 7 minutes in the Bible each day for 7 days.
I'm in.
He is worth it.
So very worth it.
And I know I'll be blessed.
And maybe, just maybe, at the end of 7 days I'll look more like Him.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 3-5, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, Psalm 143:1-6
"I think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and completely overwhelmed, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we learned not to rely on ourselves, but on God who can raise the dead. And he did deliver us from mortal danger. And we are confident that he will continue to deliver us." 2 Corinthians 1:8-10 NLT
I don't know what God walked you into, up to, through or around this past year but He had a reason for it.
I don't know the valley you walked through, the storm you endured or the long, dark night you tolerated.
I don't know the extremes He took you through.
But I know this, He has gotten you this far.
He has brought you to here and now.
He has provided enough of Himself, His power, His strength and His might to see you through to today.
Maybe you never thought you would be here.
Make it.
Live through it all.
But, praise God, you have.
And don't you know Him on a deeper, more intimate level, than you ever did before?
Oh, the things you have learned about God.
Today's reading: Isaiah 3-5, 2 Corinthians 1:1-11, Psalm 143:1-6
"I think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and completely overwhelmed, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we learned not to rely on ourselves, but on God who can raise the dead. And he did deliver us from mortal danger. And we are confident that he will continue to deliver us." 2 Corinthians 1:8-10 NLT
I don't know what God walked you into, up to, through or around this past year but He had a reason for it.
I don't know the valley you walked through, the storm you endured or the long, dark night you tolerated.
I don't know the extremes He took you through.
But I know this, He has gotten you this far.
He has brought you to here and now.
He has provided enough of Himself, His power, His strength and His might to see you through to today.
Maybe you never thought you would be here.
Make it.
Live through it all.
But, praise God, you have.
And don't you know Him on a deeper, more intimate level, than you ever did before?
Oh, the things you have learned about God.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 1-2, 1 Corinthians 16, Psalm 142
"I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought. No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me. Then I pray to you, O Lord, I say, You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life." Psalm 142:4-5 NLT
The more one finds out about people, the more we realize how very human they are.
They cannot always be there when we need them.
Their flaws show up.
Imperfections rise to the top.
Chinks in even the best suits of armor appear.
Oh, it's not that they don't try. Or want to. Or don't help at all. Or haven't been placed by God in to our lives.
But let's face it, no one really cares for us like Jesus.
No one else can.
We were made to need Him. No substitutes.
Today's reading: Isaiah 1-2, 1 Corinthians 16, Psalm 142
"I look for someone to come and help me, but no one gives me a passing thought. No one will help me; no one cares a bit what happens to me. Then I pray to you, O Lord, I say, You are my place of refuge. You are all I really want in life." Psalm 142:4-5 NLT
The more one finds out about people, the more we realize how very human they are.
They cannot always be there when we need them.
Their flaws show up.
Imperfections rise to the top.
Chinks in even the best suits of armor appear.
Oh, it's not that they don't try. Or want to. Or don't help at all. Or haven't been placed by God in to our lives.
But let's face it, no one really cares for us like Jesus.
No one else can.
We were made to need Him. No substitutes.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Today's reading: Song of Solomon 5-8, 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, Psalm 141
"Our bodies now disappoint us, but when they are raised, they will be full of glory. They are weak now, but when they are raised, they will be full of power." 1 Corinthians 15:43 NLT
I have a friend who gearing up for a doctor visit in which some unwanted plans are having to be discussed.
I have a cousin who I sit with through a chemo treatment this afternoon.
I have a brother in Christ who is still struggling to regain strength after a journey through surgeries, treatments and recovery.
I have a saint from church who is waiting on the results of a few medical tests.
Our bodies disappoint us. They are weak. They can let us down.
But when they are raised...
Our new bodies will be full of glory and full of power.
Imagine the healthy glow we will have from basking in the light of God's presence.
Consider living, really living, and never having to consider testings, diagnoses or medical interventions.
Just think about new spiritual bodies what will last us through eternity.
Oh, the joy to come!
Today's reading: Song of Solomon 5-8, 1 Corinthians 15:35-58, Psalm 141
"Our bodies now disappoint us, but when they are raised, they will be full of glory. They are weak now, but when they are raised, they will be full of power." 1 Corinthians 15:43 NLT
I have a friend who gearing up for a doctor visit in which some unwanted plans are having to be discussed.
I have a cousin who I sit with through a chemo treatment this afternoon.
I have a brother in Christ who is still struggling to regain strength after a journey through surgeries, treatments and recovery.
I have a saint from church who is waiting on the results of a few medical tests.
Our bodies disappoint us. They are weak. They can let us down.
But when they are raised...
Our new bodies will be full of glory and full of power.
Imagine the healthy glow we will have from basking in the light of God's presence.
Consider living, really living, and never having to consider testings, diagnoses or medical interventions.
Just think about new spiritual bodies what will last us through eternity.
Oh, the joy to come!
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Today's reading: Song of Solomon 1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:12-34, Psalm 140:9-13
"Quick! Catch all the little foxes before they ruin the vineyard of your love, for the grapes are all in blossom." Song of Solomon 2:15 NLT
I think we would all agree that the best time to fix a problem is when the problem first arises?
Before it gets out of hand?
Before it becomes a stronghold?
An addiction?
Before it completely entwines itself into one's life?
So why don't we 'catch the little foxes'?
Stop them when they are small?
Eradicate them the moment we realize there is the possibility of an infestation?
What little foxes are you tending to instead of catching and removing from your life?
Today's reading: Song of Solomon 1-4, 1 Corinthians 15:12-34, Psalm 140:9-13
"Quick! Catch all the little foxes before they ruin the vineyard of your love, for the grapes are all in blossom." Song of Solomon 2:15 NLT
I think we would all agree that the best time to fix a problem is when the problem first arises?
Before it gets out of hand?
Before it becomes a stronghold?
An addiction?
Before it completely entwines itself into one's life?
So why don't we 'catch the little foxes'?
Stop them when they are small?
Eradicate them the moment we realize there is the possibility of an infestation?
What little foxes are you tending to instead of catching and removing from your life?
Monday, September 9, 2019
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 9:13-12:14, 1 Corinthians 14:23-15:11, Psalm 140:1-8
"Since a dull axe requires great strength, sharpen the blade. That the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed." Ecclesiastes 10:10 NLT
If we know the Bible will help us in dealing with each and every relationship of our day--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us in dealing with unlovely co-workers who sit around our cubicle--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us in our marriages--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us in raising our children--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us in growing our churches--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us become more like Christ--why don't we pick it up and read it?
It's requiring more strength and more effort to live without the Bible that it requires to pick it up and read it.
So why don't we pick it up and read it?
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 9:13-12:14, 1 Corinthians 14:23-15:11, Psalm 140:1-8
"Since a dull axe requires great strength, sharpen the blade. That the value of wisdom; it helps you succeed." Ecclesiastes 10:10 NLT
If we know the Bible will help us in dealing with each and every relationship of our day--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us in dealing with unlovely co-workers who sit around our cubicle--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us in our marriages--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us in raising our children--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us in growing our churches--why don't we pick it up and read it?
If we know the Bible will help us become more like Christ--why don't we pick it up and read it?
It's requiring more strength and more effort to live without the Bible that it requires to pick it up and read it.
So why don't we pick it up and read it?
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:12, 1 Corinthians 14:1-22, Psalm 139:19-24
"I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. But in a church meeting I would much rather speak five understandable words that will help others than ten thousand words in an unknown language." 1 Corinthians 14:18 NLT
I know about the simple life lived here in this tiny house.
I am knowledgeable on raising a tall teenager.
I have an up-close relationship to the goings-on here on this little farm.
I am aware of the happenings in my small hometown.
I have my finger on the pulse of house I worship I attend.
So those are the things I talk about.
With those around me.
With you.
I could dive off into theological discussions and would find myself quickly over my head.
I could jump into debates about religion and denomination and soon find they are fights I am unable to defend.
I could talk historical data, archeological finds and Hebrew but you would very quickly know I had borrowed the information from Google or the latest MSN article or a thick concordance.
So, like Paul, I will talk about what I know that I know that I know, where I have seen God at work and how I have watched Him change circumstances around me through prayer and Christian discipline.
And I pray He uses each and every one of my words!
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7:1-9:12, 1 Corinthians 14:1-22, Psalm 139:19-24
"I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. But in a church meeting I would much rather speak five understandable words that will help others than ten thousand words in an unknown language." 1 Corinthians 14:18 NLT
I know about the simple life lived here in this tiny house.
I am knowledgeable on raising a tall teenager.
I have an up-close relationship to the goings-on here on this little farm.
I am aware of the happenings in my small hometown.
I have my finger on the pulse of house I worship I attend.
So those are the things I talk about.
With those around me.
With you.
I could dive off into theological discussions and would find myself quickly over my head.
I could jump into debates about religion and denomination and soon find they are fights I am unable to defend.
I could talk historical data, archeological finds and Hebrew but you would very quickly know I had borrowed the information from Google or the latest MSN article or a thick concordance.
So, like Paul, I will talk about what I know that I know that I know, where I have seen God at work and how I have watched Him change circumstances around me through prayer and Christian discipline.
And I pray He uses each and every one of my words!
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 3:16-6:12, 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13, Psalm 139:7-18
"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up in the morning, you are still with me!" Psalm 139:17-18 NLT
As He holds together the galaxy, He thinks of me.
As He monitors the tide, telling it just how far it can go, He thinks of me.
As He rolls one season skillfully and beautifully into the next, He thinks of me.
As He fashions one snowflake after another for the first snow of winter, He thinks of me.
As He forms cells, begins a heartbeat and knits the newest baby together piece by piece, He thinks of me.
As He causes the seed to swell and germinate down in the dark soil, He thinks of me.
As He orchestrates the light show put on by the bugs of summer, He thinks of me.
As He watched His Son give up His life on a cruel cross, He thinks of me.
What a nice be thought about.
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 3:16-6:12, 1 Corinthians 12:27-13:13, Psalm 139:7-18
"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up in the morning, you are still with me!" Psalm 139:17-18 NLT
As He holds together the galaxy, He thinks of me.
As He monitors the tide, telling it just how far it can go, He thinks of me.
As He rolls one season skillfully and beautifully into the next, He thinks of me.
As He fashions one snowflake after another for the first snow of winter, He thinks of me.
As He forms cells, begins a heartbeat and knits the newest baby together piece by piece, He thinks of me.
As He causes the seed to swell and germinate down in the dark soil, He thinks of me.
As He orchestrates the light show put on by the bugs of summer, He thinks of me.
As He watched His Son give up His life on a cruel cross, He thinks of me.
What a nice be thought about.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:15, 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Psalm 139:1-6
...Every moment you know where I am." Psalm 139:3 NLT
One of my favorite lessons with the little ones used to be when I talked about all the places God is.
I would list a variety of places, like church, home, school, the playground, et cetera, then ask them to begin naming places.
Oh, the fun they had in doing that.
A little hand would go up and then I would hear...
The moon!
The bottom of the ocean!
Grandma's house!
Invariably we would have at least one saying through a giggle, Bathroom!
My favorite part was watching their eyes and I confirmed that, Yes, God was with us in each and every one of those places--even the bathroom!
As an adult, don't we also need the reminder?
Just think, for a moment, the places we tend to forget He is with us...
The doctor's office!
The funeral home!
The valley!
The living room as you watch TV!
The bed as we lie wide awake with fears!
The car!
The dark, quiet night!
Every moment He knows where we are--because He, too, is there.
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3:15, 1 Corinthians 12:1-26, Psalm 139:1-6
...Every moment you know where I am." Psalm 139:3 NLT
One of my favorite lessons with the little ones used to be when I talked about all the places God is.
I would list a variety of places, like church, home, school, the playground, et cetera, then ask them to begin naming places.
Oh, the fun they had in doing that.
A little hand would go up and then I would hear...
The moon!
The bottom of the ocean!
Grandma's house!
Invariably we would have at least one saying through a giggle, Bathroom!
My favorite part was watching their eyes and I confirmed that, Yes, God was with us in each and every one of those places--even the bathroom!
As an adult, don't we also need the reminder?
Just think, for a moment, the places we tend to forget He is with us...
The doctor's office!
The funeral home!
The valley!
The living room as you watch TV!
The bed as we lie wide awake with fears!
The car!
The dark, quiet night!
Every moment He knows where we are--because He, too, is there.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Today's reading: Job 40-42, 1 Corinthians 11:2-34, Psalm 138
"When I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me the strength I need." Psalm 138:3 NLT
I had the weirdest dream last night.
I dreamt I attempted to help a friend out by doing her job for a day.
A job, I assured her, I could handle.
A job I had watched her on several occasions do with ease and finesse.
I had people skills, I told her as I stated my case.
I had years of retail experience, I reminded her.
So, in my dream, I showed up at her work place and put on her waitressing apron for my shift.
And within thirty minutes of starting I was fired.
I had spilled food on customers. I had messed up several orders. I had made some folks mad enough to leave. I became hateful, rude and cynical. I had exasperated patrons--and myself.
Me, the people person.
Me, the one with years of experience.
So to read this verse this morning, I am relieved.
Today, because I trust Him, I know He will give me the strength I need to do my job while I live my life, not someone else's!
I woke up from the dream in a sweat!
Today's reading: Job 40-42, 1 Corinthians 11:2-34, Psalm 138
"When I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me the strength I need." Psalm 138:3 NLT
I had the weirdest dream last night.
I dreamt I attempted to help a friend out by doing her job for a day.
A job, I assured her, I could handle.
A job I had watched her on several occasions do with ease and finesse.
I had people skills, I told her as I stated my case.
I had years of retail experience, I reminded her.
So, in my dream, I showed up at her work place and put on her waitressing apron for my shift.
And within thirty minutes of starting I was fired.
I had spilled food on customers. I had messed up several orders. I had made some folks mad enough to leave. I became hateful, rude and cynical. I had exasperated patrons--and myself.
Me, the people person.
Me, the one with years of experience.
So to read this verse this morning, I am relieved.
Today, because I trust Him, I know He will give me the strength I need to do my job while I live my life, not someone else's!
I woke up from the dream in a sweat!
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Today's reading: Job 37-39, 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, Psalm 137
"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much." Job 38:4 NLT
The Lord and I were talking this morning.
Well, I was talking--and He, well He was listening, like the gentleman He is, to my goings-on.
I spoke in regards to the list of requests I still held in my heart.
The things I needed Him to do.
The people I needed Him to change.
The circumstances I just knew would be prime opportunities for Him to step in to and make a scene.
I offered Him suggestions.
I laid out my plans for Him to approve and to follow.
I gave well thought out suggestions.
I pretty much laid out a game plan and asked Him to follow.
Then I read this verse.
And I got quiet.
Very quiet.
Today's reading: Job 37-39, 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, Psalm 137
"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you know so much." Job 38:4 NLT
The Lord and I were talking this morning.
Well, I was talking--and He, well He was listening, like the gentleman He is, to my goings-on.
I spoke in regards to the list of requests I still held in my heart.
The things I needed Him to do.
The people I needed Him to change.
The circumstances I just knew would be prime opportunities for Him to step in to and make a scene.
I offered Him suggestions.
I laid out my plans for Him to approve and to follow.
I gave well thought out suggestions.
I pretty much laid out a game plan and asked Him to follow.
Then I read this verse.
And I got quiet.
Very quiet.
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