Today's reading: Deuteronomy 4:5-10
"You must obey these laws and regulations when you arrive in the land you are about to enter and occupy. The Lord my God gave them to me and commanded me to pass them on to you. If you obey them carefully, you will display your wisdom and intelligence to the surrounding nations. When they hear about these laws, they will exclaim, What other nation is as wise and prudent as this!" Deuteronomy 4:5-6 NLT
Obey-to follow the commands or guidance of; to conform to or comply with.
Want to be successful in 2019? Obey God.
Want to be admired for your wisdom and intelligence? Obey God.
Want to occupy the places He has prepared for you? Obey God.
Want to impact others? Obey God.
Simple, really...obey God!
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Today's reading: Malachi
"You say, It's too hard to serve the Lord, and you turn your noses up at his commands, says the Lord Almighty..." Malachi 1:13 NLT
Hard-difficult to bear or endure; difficult to accomplish or resolve; difficult to comprehend or explain.
This year is about to wrap up its 365 days.
It's within a day or so of writing the last few pages of the book entitles '2018'.
Your opportunities to make this year 'the best one ever' is coming to a close.
You are already thinking forward into 2019. What you want to see happen. What you want to change. What you want to begin doing for the first time, not just once, but as a new discipline.
Then you think about how hard it's going to be.
How hard it will be to quit what you want to quit.
To start what you want to start.
To stick with what it is you want to stick with.
Especially the things of the Lord.
Reading your Bible daily. Spending time in prayer, not just the emergency prayers, but actual prayer where you talk to God and stay on your knees long enough to hear Him speak to you. Witnessing to others. Attending church more frequently. Changing your speech, either from bad to better or from god to best.
You can do it with Him!
It is not too hard. It is not too big of a goal. It is not outside your abilities--with Him helping you!
Today's reading: Malachi
"You say, It's too hard to serve the Lord, and you turn your noses up at his commands, says the Lord Almighty..." Malachi 1:13 NLT
Hard-difficult to bear or endure; difficult to accomplish or resolve; difficult to comprehend or explain.
This year is about to wrap up its 365 days.
It's within a day or so of writing the last few pages of the book entitles '2018'.
Your opportunities to make this year 'the best one ever' is coming to a close.
You are already thinking forward into 2019. What you want to see happen. What you want to change. What you want to begin doing for the first time, not just once, but as a new discipline.
Then you think about how hard it's going to be.
How hard it will be to quit what you want to quit.
To start what you want to start.
To stick with what it is you want to stick with.
Especially the things of the Lord.
Reading your Bible daily. Spending time in prayer, not just the emergency prayers, but actual prayer where you talk to God and stay on your knees long enough to hear Him speak to you. Witnessing to others. Attending church more frequently. Changing your speech, either from bad to better or from god to best.
You can do it with Him!
It is not too hard. It is not too big of a goal. It is not outside your abilities--with Him helping you!
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Today's reading: Zechariah 10-14
"...It is the Lord who makes storm clouds that drop shower of rain so that every field becomes a lush pasture." Zechariah 10:1 NLT
Storm-a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, sleet, hail or thunder and lightning; a serious disturbance of any element of nature.
As hard as the storm is that you're enduring right now, I challenge you to think about this...
How very near to you God is!
How very sure of your ability to weather it beside Him He is!
How much more like Him you will be once the storm passes!
How lush your life, your testimony, your witness for Him, will be after the clouds have moved on!
You can make it.
Today's reading: Zechariah 10-14
"...It is the Lord who makes storm clouds that drop shower of rain so that every field becomes a lush pasture." Zechariah 10:1 NLT
Storm-a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, sleet, hail or thunder and lightning; a serious disturbance of any element of nature.
As hard as the storm is that you're enduring right now, I challenge you to think about this...
How very near to you God is!
How very sure of your ability to weather it beside Him He is!
How much more like Him you will be once the storm passes!
How lush your life, your testimony, your witness for Him, will be after the clouds have moved on!
You can make it.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Today's reading: Zechariah 6-9
"Since they refused to listen when I called to them, I would not listen when they called to me, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 7:13 NLT
Listen-to pay attention to sound; to hear something with thoughtful attention; to give consideration.
Maybe you're not hearing what God has to say because you're not choosing to listen.
Yes, listening is a choice.
And the choice of listening to God blesses us abundantly.
Today's reading: Zechariah 6-9
"Since they refused to listen when I called to them, I would not listen when they called to me, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 7:13 NLT
Listen-to pay attention to sound; to hear something with thoughtful attention; to give consideration.
Maybe you're not hearing what God has to say because you're not choosing to listen.
Yes, listening is a choice.
And the choice of listening to God blesses us abundantly.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-5
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,.." Zechariah 4:10 NLT
Small-having comparatively little size or slight dimensions; minor in influence, power or rank; lacking in strength.
'Starting small is better than not starting at all!'
'The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.'
What are you wanting to do for the Lord?
How are you wanting to increase your Christian disciplines?
What habit are you desiring to give up, with the intent of picking up a better, healthier one?
With God's help, just start.
Go ahead, don't put it off another day.
Take the first tiny step.
Sure it's a little thing, but He rejoices to see the work begin!
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-5
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,.." Zechariah 4:10 NLT
Small-having comparatively little size or slight dimensions; minor in influence, power or rank; lacking in strength.
'Starting small is better than not starting at all!'
'The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.'
What are you wanting to do for the Lord?
How are you wanting to increase your Christian disciplines?
What habit are you desiring to give up, with the intent of picking up a better, healthier one?
With God's help, just start.
Go ahead, don't put it off another day.
Take the first tiny step.
Sure it's a little thing, but He rejoices to see the work begin!
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Today's reading: Haggai 1-2
"This is what the Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you!" Haggai 1:7 NLT
Consider-to think about carefully; to think of especially with regard to taking some action.
Christmas is over and things have slowed down.
The hustle and bustle has ceased.
The shopping, wrapping, baking and eating have slowed.
The parties, Christmas programs and running around to see everyone has come to a grinding halt.
So it's time...
Time for us to consider how the past year has been and what we want to see happen in the new year.
Might I make a suggestion?
Start by considering your spiritual condition, because it touches every other single aspect of your life!
If it isn't where you'd like it to be, do something about it.
Don't just make plans. Don't just write out a few goals on a slip of paper that will get lost on your desk. Don't just print off a Bible reading chart. Don't just say you're going to start attending church more regularly.
Do something!
Do something today that will insure you're a better Christian next year than you are right now.
Today's reading: Haggai 1-2
"This is what the Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you!" Haggai 1:7 NLT
Consider-to think about carefully; to think of especially with regard to taking some action.
Christmas is over and things have slowed down.
The hustle and bustle has ceased.
The shopping, wrapping, baking and eating have slowed.
The parties, Christmas programs and running around to see everyone has come to a grinding halt.
So it's time...
Time for us to consider how the past year has been and what we want to see happen in the new year.
Might I make a suggestion?
Start by considering your spiritual condition, because it touches every other single aspect of your life!
If it isn't where you'd like it to be, do something about it.
Don't just make plans. Don't just write out a few goals on a slip of paper that will get lost on your desk. Don't just print off a Bible reading chart. Don't just say you're going to start attending church more regularly.
Do something!
Do something today that will insure you're a better Christian next year than you are right now.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Today's reading: Luke 2
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11 KJV
Savior-one that saves from danger or destruction; one who brings salvation.
Merry Christmas morning and praise God for the Savior He sent us!
To all of us...
To the least of us...
To those of us who think we don't deserve it...
To those of us who know He shouldn't have...
To those of us who think it's not for us...
To us, a lost, condemned, in big trouble without Him, lot of us.
Today's reading: Luke 2
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11 KJV
Savior-one that saves from danger or destruction; one who brings salvation.
Merry Christmas morning and praise God for the Savior He sent us!
To all of us...
To the least of us...
To those of us who think we don't deserve it...
To those of us who know He shouldn't have...
To those of us who think it's not for us...
To us, a lost, condemned, in big trouble without Him, lot of us.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Today's reading: Nahum 1-3
"...He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm..." Nahum 1:3 NLT
Displays-to put or spread out for viewing; to make evident; to exhibit ostentatiously (elaborately or conspicuously).
I tend to think about God's power being displayed in the creation, the parting of the Red Sea, the shutting of the lions' mouths and the saving of the Hebrew boys from the furnace.
I see His power in the sunrises and sunsets, the waves, the frost painted meticulously on the blades of grass.
I hear of His power in the testimonies of people, including myself, who have been touched by Him.
What I want to start seeing is His power in the whirlwinds and storms.
I want to look for Him in them.
I want to see Him at work, even and especially, when I don't feel like He's up to much.
As the waves crash over the little boat of faith I sail in, I want to see His power.
As the winds whip around me, uprooting my plans and my preconceived notions of Who He is, I want to see Him.
As the aftermath of the most recent storm leaves me distraught and displaced, I want to see His power above all else.
I want that for you, too.
Today's reading: Nahum 1-3
"...He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm..." Nahum 1:3 NLT
Displays-to put or spread out for viewing; to make evident; to exhibit ostentatiously (elaborately or conspicuously).
I tend to think about God's power being displayed in the creation, the parting of the Red Sea, the shutting of the lions' mouths and the saving of the Hebrew boys from the furnace.
I see His power in the sunrises and sunsets, the waves, the frost painted meticulously on the blades of grass.
I hear of His power in the testimonies of people, including myself, who have been touched by Him.
What I want to start seeing is His power in the whirlwinds and storms.
I want to look for Him in them.
I want to see Him at work, even and especially, when I don't feel like He's up to much.
As the waves crash over the little boat of faith I sail in, I want to see His power.
As the winds whip around me, uprooting my plans and my preconceived notions of Who He is, I want to see Him.
As the aftermath of the most recent storm leaves me distraught and displaced, I want to see His power above all else.
I want that for you, too.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Today's reading: Micah 5-7
"The people of Israel will be abandoned to their enemies until the time when the woman in labor gives birth to her son. Then at last his fellow countrymen will return from exile to their own land." Micah 5:3 NLT
Birth- emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent.
Oh, what a time of year to think about babies.
How cute they are.
How cuddly they can be.
How dependent they arrive.
How filled with wonder and awe they are.
How much hope and anticipation comes with their arrival.
Especially the Christ Child.
Because of Him we have freedom, peace, assurance and life everlasting.
Take a minute and ponder the birth of Jesus...it will release you from the hustle and bustle of Christmas.
Today's reading: Micah 5-7
"The people of Israel will be abandoned to their enemies until the time when the woman in labor gives birth to her son. Then at last his fellow countrymen will return from exile to their own land." Micah 5:3 NLT
Birth- emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent.
Oh, what a time of year to think about babies.
How cute they are.
How cuddly they can be.
How dependent they arrive.
How filled with wonder and awe they are.
How much hope and anticipation comes with their arrival.
Especially the Christ Child.
Because of Him we have freedom, peace, assurance and life everlasting.
Take a minute and ponder the birth of Jesus...it will release you from the hustle and bustle of Christmas.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Today's reading: Jonah
"Then they cried out to the Lord, Jonah's God, O Lord, they pleaded, don't make us die for this man's sins. And don't hold us responsible for his death, because it isn't our fault. O Lord, you have sent this storm upon him for your own good reasons." Jonah 1:14 NLT
Reason-rational ground or motive; sufficient ground of explanation on or logical defense; something that supports a conclusion or explains a fact.
Maybe like the sailors in the account of Jonah, you don't like the circumstances God currently has you in.
I hate to hear that. I'm sure you had life all planned out, days scheduled and your Day-Timer filled in.
Here is what I get from today's Bible reading...His reasons trump ours!
Really, He knows better than we do.
He knows what will grow us into His image, what will re-direct our paths to Him, what will cause those around us to drop our jaws in awe of His provision and grace.
He has His reasons. Trust them.
Today's reading: Jonah
"Then they cried out to the Lord, Jonah's God, O Lord, they pleaded, don't make us die for this man's sins. And don't hold us responsible for his death, because it isn't our fault. O Lord, you have sent this storm upon him for your own good reasons." Jonah 1:14 NLT
Reason-rational ground or motive; sufficient ground of explanation on or logical defense; something that supports a conclusion or explains a fact.
Maybe like the sailors in the account of Jonah, you don't like the circumstances God currently has you in.
I hate to hear that. I'm sure you had life all planned out, days scheduled and your Day-Timer filled in.
Here is what I get from today's Bible reading...His reasons trump ours!
Really, He knows better than we do.
He knows what will grow us into His image, what will re-direct our paths to Him, what will cause those around us to drop our jaws in awe of His provision and grace.
He has His reasons. Trust them.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Today's reading: Obadiah
"You are proud because you live in a rock fortress and make your home high in the mountains, Who can ever reach us way up here? you ask boastfully. Don't fool yourselves!" Obadiah verse 3 NLT
Fool-to meddle, tamper or experiment especially thoughtlessly or ignorantly.
It matters.
That one time...
That one more...
That putting off...
That unsaid word...
That undone thing...
That refusal to ask for help...
That disregarded decision to allow God into your heart...
It matters.
Don't fool yourself, it matters.
Today's reading: Obadiah
"You are proud because you live in a rock fortress and make your home high in the mountains, Who can ever reach us way up here? you ask boastfully. Don't fool yourselves!" Obadiah verse 3 NLT
Fool-to meddle, tamper or experiment especially thoughtlessly or ignorantly.
It matters.
That one time...
That one more...
That putting off...
That unsaid word...
That undone thing...
That refusal to ask for help...
That disregarded decision to allow God into your heart...
It matters.
Don't fool yourself, it matters.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Today's reading: Amos 7-9
"The time is coming, says the Sovereign Lord, when I will send a famine on the land--not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger everywhere from sea to sea, searching for the word of the Lord, running here and going there, but they will not find it. Beautiful girls and fine young men will grow faint and weary, thirsting for the Lord's word." Amos 8:11-13 NLT
Famine-an extreme scarcity; a great shortage; starvation.
You might consider this request of mine to be nosey...
Or 'preachy'...
Or, quite possibly, none of my business...
But would you evaluate your house of worship for God's Word?
Is it proclaimed as the Truth?
Is it preached?
It is believed wholeheartedly?
Is it the basis for every ministry, program and service held?
Here is what I urge you to do when you get your answers:
If your answer is Yes, the Word of God is preached in my church...then support that local congregation, pastor and leadership with your attendance, your heart, your prayers and your tithes.
If your answer is No, no, it's not...then ask God to lead you to where it is. To direct your church to be filled with the Holy Spirit so fully that things change. To do a mighty work. To open eyes and hearts to the power of the Bible and its words.
Because as the Word says, the time is coming when the word of the Lord will be sought out, looked for, hungered after, hunted down by people needing it.
I want you to be a part of the church who feed these folks!
I also want you to be one of the ones being fed daily, and for sure every Sunday, from God's Word!
Today's reading: Amos 7-9
"The time is coming, says the Sovereign Lord, when I will send a famine on the land--not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger everywhere from sea to sea, searching for the word of the Lord, running here and going there, but they will not find it. Beautiful girls and fine young men will grow faint and weary, thirsting for the Lord's word." Amos 8:11-13 NLT
Famine-an extreme scarcity; a great shortage; starvation.
You might consider this request of mine to be nosey...
Or 'preachy'...
Or, quite possibly, none of my business...
But would you evaluate your house of worship for God's Word?
Is it proclaimed as the Truth?
Is it preached?
It is believed wholeheartedly?
Is it the basis for every ministry, program and service held?
Here is what I urge you to do when you get your answers:
If your answer is Yes, the Word of God is preached in my church...then support that local congregation, pastor and leadership with your attendance, your heart, your prayers and your tithes.
If your answer is No, no, it's not...then ask God to lead you to where it is. To direct your church to be filled with the Holy Spirit so fully that things change. To do a mighty work. To open eyes and hearts to the power of the Bible and its words.
Because as the Word says, the time is coming when the word of the Lord will be sought out, looked for, hungered after, hunted down by people needing it.
I want you to be a part of the church who feed these folks!
I also want you to be one of the ones being fed daily, and for sure every Sunday, from God's Word!
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Today's reading: Amos 4-6
"For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his every thought. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads the mountains under his feet. The Lord God Almighty is his name!" Amos 4:13 NLT
"It is the Lord who created the stars, Pleiades and Orion. It is he who turns darkness into morning and day into night. It is he who draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land. The Lord is his name!" Amos 5:8 NLT
Darkness-devoid of light; not receiving, reflecting, transmitting or radiating light; arising from or showing evil traits or desires.
When I think of the control and power God has, I am in awe.
Darkness to light?
It's more than a flip of the switch and the room is lit up. It's producing the light that chases darkness back into its corner, hole or cave.
It's more than exposing truths for what they are. It is knowing the hearts, holding the future, ordaining the circumstances.
It's much more than 'making do' with the cards dealt. It is following a plan set in order before time began, calendars were invented or clocks began ticking.
And I attempt to do it on my own? Without regard for His leading? His instruction? Seeking His will for me?
Today's reading: Amos 4-6
"For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his every thought. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads the mountains under his feet. The Lord God Almighty is his name!" Amos 4:13 NLT
"It is the Lord who created the stars, Pleiades and Orion. It is he who turns darkness into morning and day into night. It is he who draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land. The Lord is his name!" Amos 5:8 NLT
Darkness-devoid of light; not receiving, reflecting, transmitting or radiating light; arising from or showing evil traits or desires.
When I think of the control and power God has, I am in awe.
Darkness to light?
It's more than a flip of the switch and the room is lit up. It's producing the light that chases darkness back into its corner, hole or cave.
It's more than exposing truths for what they are. It is knowing the hearts, holding the future, ordaining the circumstances.
It's much more than 'making do' with the cards dealt. It is following a plan set in order before time began, calendars were invented or clocks began ticking.
And I attempt to do it on my own? Without regard for His leading? His instruction? Seeking His will for me?
Monday, December 17, 2018
Today's reading: Amos 1-3
"This is what the Lord said...the people of...have sinned again and again..." Amos 1:3, 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:13, 2:1, 2:4, 2:6 NLT
Again-another time; once more.
Today's reading lists the sinful accounts of Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, Moab, Judah and Israel...but it could be my own.
Oh, don't gasp. I know I'm not the only one to fall, repeatedly, into the same sin. Fall for the same temptations. Be lured by the same lies. Give in to the same weaknesses.
Over and over.
Time after time.
Again and again.
But God has been faithful! He has forgiven me each and every time I've brought my broken dirty heart to Him. He has restored me to Himself. He has drawn me up into His presence and washed me white as snow.
Again and again!
Today's reading: Amos 1-3
"This is what the Lord said...the people of...have sinned again and again..." Amos 1:3, 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:13, 2:1, 2:4, 2:6 NLT
Again-another time; once more.
Today's reading lists the sinful accounts of Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, Moab, Judah and Israel...but it could be my own.
Oh, don't gasp. I know I'm not the only one to fall, repeatedly, into the same sin. Fall for the same temptations. Be lured by the same lies. Give in to the same weaknesses.
Over and over.
Time after time.
Again and again.
But God has been faithful! He has forgiven me each and every time I've brought my broken dirty heart to Him. He has restored me to Himself. He has drawn me up into His presence and washed me white as snow.
Again and again!
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Today's reading: Joel 1-3
"Lord help us!.." Joel 1:19 NLT
Help-to give assistance or support to; to make more pleasant or bearable.
Crumple up your Christmas list.
Forget about the socks you'd like, the ring you're desiring and the 5-star rated electronic gadget that you were hoping to get for Christmas.
Instead, pray.
Pray that the One who is a consummate Provider will grant you one thing, His help.
His assistance in being the best child of God you can be.
His support in walking the path He had charted for you.
His grace to live life glowing from your time and trust in Him.
His love to make you shine in a dark world.
Ask Him for His help, it's what we all truly need!
Today's reading: Joel 1-3
"Lord help us!.." Joel 1:19 NLT
Help-to give assistance or support to; to make more pleasant or bearable.
Crumple up your Christmas list.
Forget about the socks you'd like, the ring you're desiring and the 5-star rated electronic gadget that you were hoping to get for Christmas.
Instead, pray.
Pray that the One who is a consummate Provider will grant you one thing, His help.
His assistance in being the best child of God you can be.
His support in walking the path He had charted for you.
His grace to live life glowing from your time and trust in Him.
His love to make you shine in a dark world.
Ask Him for His help, it's what we all truly need!
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 13-14
"I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from your slavery in Egypt. You have no God but me, for there is no other savior." Hosea 13:4 NLT
Other-a different or additional one; one that remains of two or more.
I needed the reminder this morning that You are all I have.
You are my only hope.
You are my only salvation.
I cannot do what needs doing to secure my eternity.
I know of no one, and I know some mighty fine folks, who would lay down their lives for me.
I have no other but You.
And I'm okay with that!
Today's reading: Hosea 13-14
"I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from your slavery in Egypt. You have no God but me, for there is no other savior." Hosea 13:4 NLT
Other-a different or additional one; one that remains of two or more.
I needed the reminder this morning that You are all I have.
You are my only hope.
You are my only salvation.
I cannot do what needs doing to secure my eternity.
I know of no one, and I know some mighty fine folks, who would lay down their lives for me.
I have no other but You.
And I'm okay with that!
Friday, December 14, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 10-12
"For someday the people will follow the Lord. I will roar like a lion, and my people will return trembling from the west. Like a flock of birds, they will come from Egypt. Flying like doves, they will return from Assyria. And I will bring them back home again." Hosea 11:10-11 NLT
Roar-to utter or emit a full loud prolonged sound; to sing or shout with full force.
The entire book of Hosea is about returning to the Lord.
Not just in body, like one would just attend church, but in spirit, having a heart full of worship.
Here's the problem...
It sometimes takes God's 'roar' to get us back, because we disregard His still, small voice.
It's true, isn't it?
An emergency causes us to call out to the God we had previously ignored?
A health scare drops us to our knees before the Creator we had little time for prior?
A life change leaves us grasping for the Father we had previously sought out only at Christmas and Easter?
A need we cannot handle on our own causes us to go to the One who can?
A heartbreak brings us face-to-face with a need only the Great Physician can heal?
Desperation? Fear? Helplessness? Confusion? Doubt?
It's in those times, those times when the roaring is filling our ears, that we realize we had pushed God aside. We had put other things ahead of Him. We had saved Him for tougher times. We had turned our backs on Him.
Let's not do that anymore!
Let's lean in to hear Him whisper.
Let's place God back into the most important time slot.
Let's allow Him to lead us gently with His Word, His ways and His love--so He doesn't have to roar!
Today's reading: Hosea 10-12
"For someday the people will follow the Lord. I will roar like a lion, and my people will return trembling from the west. Like a flock of birds, they will come from Egypt. Flying like doves, they will return from Assyria. And I will bring them back home again." Hosea 11:10-11 NLT
Roar-to utter or emit a full loud prolonged sound; to sing or shout with full force.
The entire book of Hosea is about returning to the Lord.
Not just in body, like one would just attend church, but in spirit, having a heart full of worship.
Here's the problem...
It sometimes takes God's 'roar' to get us back, because we disregard His still, small voice.
It's true, isn't it?
An emergency causes us to call out to the God we had previously ignored?
A health scare drops us to our knees before the Creator we had little time for prior?
A life change leaves us grasping for the Father we had previously sought out only at Christmas and Easter?
A need we cannot handle on our own causes us to go to the One who can?
A heartbreak brings us face-to-face with a need only the Great Physician can heal?
Desperation? Fear? Helplessness? Confusion? Doubt?
It's in those times, those times when the roaring is filling our ears, that we realize we had pushed God aside. We had put other things ahead of Him. We had saved Him for tougher times. We had turned our backs on Him.
Let's not do that anymore!
Let's lean in to hear Him whisper.
Let's place God back into the most important time slot.
Let's allow Him to lead us gently with His Word, His ways and His love--so He doesn't have to roar!
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 7-9
"My God will reject the people of Israel because they will not listen or obey. They will be wanderers, homeless among nations." Hosea 9:17 NLT
Homeless-having no home or permanent place of residence.
Are you somewhat like me, a homebody?
Do you truly believe, there is no place like home?
Are you a good sleeper, if you sleep in your own bed, surrounded by the noises of your own house, your neighborhood and your spouse snoring?
Do you thoroughly enjoy a good vacation or getaway, but really like turning into your own driveway and unlocking your front door?
Then this verse if for you.
Imagine desiring your own way, choosing to disobey God, to the extent that you are displaced? Homeless? Left wandering? Never having that settled feeling?
Is it worth it?
Today's reading: Hosea 7-9
"My God will reject the people of Israel because they will not listen or obey. They will be wanderers, homeless among nations." Hosea 9:17 NLT
Homeless-having no home or permanent place of residence.
Are you somewhat like me, a homebody?
Do you truly believe, there is no place like home?
Are you a good sleeper, if you sleep in your own bed, surrounded by the noises of your own house, your neighborhood and your spouse snoring?
Do you thoroughly enjoy a good vacation or getaway, but really like turning into your own driveway and unlocking your front door?
Then this verse if for you.
Imagine desiring your own way, choosing to disobey God, to the extent that you are displaced? Homeless? Left wandering? Never having that settled feeling?
Is it worth it?
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 4-6
"Alcohol and prostitution have robbed my people of their brains." Hosea 4:11 NLT
Robbed-to have taken something away by force; to have removed something valuable with the right to.
God spoke to Hosea about Israel's dire predicament. He mentioned to his prophet that alcohol and prostitution had forced God's own people to turn to idols of wood, figurines of clay, bodies of flesh and bottles of fermented grains for answers to prayer.
'How silly!', some of you are saying to yourself. How could someone EVER think those things would help them?
But the rest of us know how quietly and subtly things can take God's place.
We're bowing our heads in shame, because we've been there.
We're blushing to think of the times we've allowed an enemy to take from us what he had no right to.
We're squirming in our seats in fear that you'll know enough about our own pasts to realize it can happen to anyone.
Maybe it wasn't something from a bottle that veered us off course.
Quite possibly it wasn't even another person who led us astray.
But for each of us, well, at least those of us who will admit it, something got in the way of us and God.
And it caused us to flounder.
It caused us to ache.
It left us empty, broken, bruised and believing we were no longer of use to the Creator.
But it also left us in a beautiful spot for God to do a redeeming work! To exhibit His saving grace! To pour out amazing mercy all over us! To write a page of our testimonies that point to His enduring faithfulness!
So maybe you are in a spot where you know your enemy has robbed you of something. Something that's yours. Something given to you by God. Something that he had no right to take...today would be the perfect day to take it back!
Today's reading: Hosea 4-6
"Alcohol and prostitution have robbed my people of their brains." Hosea 4:11 NLT
Robbed-to have taken something away by force; to have removed something valuable with the right to.
God spoke to Hosea about Israel's dire predicament. He mentioned to his prophet that alcohol and prostitution had forced God's own people to turn to idols of wood, figurines of clay, bodies of flesh and bottles of fermented grains for answers to prayer.
'How silly!', some of you are saying to yourself. How could someone EVER think those things would help them?
But the rest of us know how quietly and subtly things can take God's place.
We're bowing our heads in shame, because we've been there.
We're blushing to think of the times we've allowed an enemy to take from us what he had no right to.
We're squirming in our seats in fear that you'll know enough about our own pasts to realize it can happen to anyone.
Maybe it wasn't something from a bottle that veered us off course.
Quite possibly it wasn't even another person who led us astray.
But for each of us, well, at least those of us who will admit it, something got in the way of us and God.
And it caused us to flounder.
It caused us to ache.
It left us empty, broken, bruised and believing we were no longer of use to the Creator.
But it also left us in a beautiful spot for God to do a redeeming work! To exhibit His saving grace! To pour out amazing mercy all over us! To write a page of our testimonies that point to His enduring faithfulness!
So maybe you are in a spot where you know your enemy has robbed you of something. Something that's yours. Something given to you by God. Something that he had no right to take...today would be the perfect day to take it back!
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 1-3
"She doesn't realize that it was I who gave her everything she has--the grain, the wine, the olive oil. Even the gold and silver she used in worshiping the god Baal were gifts from me!" Hosea 2:8 NLT
Realize-to bring into concrete existence; to be made fully aware of.
(This will be short, as I have an assignment for you.)
The end of the year brings with it the need to evaluate what has happened and anticipate what we hope to happen.
How appropriate that the word 'realize' does pretty much the same thing!
To realize means to pull back assumptions, to put away the best intentions, to come face-to-face with what is true.
So here is your assignment, if you choose to accept it:
Close your computer. Turn off the noise. Sit with God long enough to realize.
Today's reading: Hosea 1-3
"She doesn't realize that it was I who gave her everything she has--the grain, the wine, the olive oil. Even the gold and silver she used in worshiping the god Baal were gifts from me!" Hosea 2:8 NLT
Realize-to bring into concrete existence; to be made fully aware of.
(This will be short, as I have an assignment for you.)
The end of the year brings with it the need to evaluate what has happened and anticipate what we hope to happen.
How appropriate that the word 'realize' does pretty much the same thing!
To realize means to pull back assumptions, to put away the best intentions, to come face-to-face with what is true.
So here is your assignment, if you choose to accept it:
Close your computer. Turn off the noise. Sit with God long enough to realize.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 19-22
"And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads." Revelation 22:4 NLT
See-to look at or behold; to gaze at with eyes wide open; to perceive by the eye; to apprehend objects by sight.
This verse makes me question all the beautiful things I might have ever seen with my eyes...
The sunrises and sunsets colored majestically by His hands.
The tiny wrinkles on the hands of a newborn.
The intricately milled petals of a flower growing wild in the woods.
The rock formations painted with a palette of colors from the beginning of time.
The veined lines of an autumn leaf.
But to see God face to face?
To stand in His presence?
To gaze upon His face, to see in His eyes His absolute love for me?
To be near the One who gave His Son for me?
To look on Him with eyes wide open for eternity...
Today's reading: Revelation 19-22
"And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads." Revelation 22:4 NLT
See-to look at or behold; to gaze at with eyes wide open; to perceive by the eye; to apprehend objects by sight.
This verse makes me question all the beautiful things I might have ever seen with my eyes...
The sunrises and sunsets colored majestically by His hands.
The tiny wrinkles on the hands of a newborn.
The intricately milled petals of a flower growing wild in the woods.
The rock formations painted with a palette of colors from the beginning of time.
The veined lines of an autumn leaf.
But to see God face to face?
To stand in His presence?
To gaze upon His face, to see in His eyes His absolute love for me?
To be near the One who gave His Son for me?
To look on Him with eyes wide open for eternity...
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 16-18
"Why are you so amazed? the angel asked..." Revelation 17:7 NLT
Amazed-to have been filled with wonder; to have shown or caused astonishment.
The happenings in Revelation led the angel to ask the city of Babylon why it was so amazed when the punishment promised was doled out. Why they were surprised when they got what they knew they had coming to them. How they could be surprised when the warning they had been given repeatedly fell into their laps.
And why are we so amazed when God chooses to answer us?
When He heals?
When He provides?
When He comforts?
When He sends just what we need?
Is it because we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are the most undeserving of His blessings?
Is it because we know the many, many, many reasons why we shouldn't be granted His favor?
Is it because we have no doubt that there is no power what so ever in our prayers--only in the One who hears them?
This is an amazing time of year, that's for sure. But then again, as a child of His, shouldn't every day be that way?
Today's reading: Revelation 16-18
"Why are you so amazed? the angel asked..." Revelation 17:7 NLT
Amazed-to have been filled with wonder; to have shown or caused astonishment.
The happenings in Revelation led the angel to ask the city of Babylon why it was so amazed when the punishment promised was doled out. Why they were surprised when they got what they knew they had coming to them. How they could be surprised when the warning they had been given repeatedly fell into their laps.
And why are we so amazed when God chooses to answer us?
When He heals?
When He provides?
When He comforts?
When He sends just what we need?
Is it because we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are the most undeserving of His blessings?
Is it because we know the many, many, many reasons why we shouldn't be granted His favor?
Is it because we have no doubt that there is no power what so ever in our prayers--only in the One who hears them?
This is an amazing time of year, that's for sure. But then again, as a child of His, shouldn't every day be that way?
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 11-15
"And the twenty-four elders sitting on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped him." Revelation 11:16 NLT
Worship-to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor or devotion.
After having 'made it' into heaven...they still worshiped God.
After having been given seats beside Him...they still worshiped God.
After having been given acknowledgement in the Bible...they still worshiped God.
After having been in His glorious presence for who knows how long...they still worshiped God.
After having been given a plausible pass to do their age...they still worshiped God.
Knowing there was so much to do and see in heaven...they still worshiped God.
That's what it's going to be like for eternity...still worshiping God!
It will be all about Him.
Today's reading: Revelation 11-15
"And the twenty-four elders sitting on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped him." Revelation 11:16 NLT
Worship-to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor or devotion.
After having 'made it' into heaven...they still worshiped God.
After having been given seats beside Him...they still worshiped God.
After having been given acknowledgement in the Bible...they still worshiped God.
After having been in His glorious presence for who knows how long...they still worshiped God.
After having been given a plausible pass to do their age...they still worshiped God.
Knowing there was so much to do and see in heaven...they still worshiped God.
That's what it's going to be like for eternity...still worshiping God!
It will be all about Him.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 7-10
"For the Lamp, who stand in front of the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to the springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe away all their tears." Revelation 7:10 NLT
Wipe-to remove by or as if by rubbing.
Maybe you've already come to this realization.
You might possibly read this and think or say, 'Well, duh!'
You might already have me on your list thinking as daft as I must be, I need all the prayers I can get.
But here is what I get from my Scripture reading this morning...
God, Himself, will wipe away my tears.
All I have cried and all I was crying as I entered into His presence.
He will not throw a box of tissues my way and expect me to do it myself.
He will not have an 'angel butler' on hand to hand me a hankie.
He will not have a 'little girls' room' He will send me to to get my makeup back in order and the mascara dabbed off my face.
He, He, will draw me close.
He will turn my face to His.
He will, with His mighty hand, touch my face and wipe away every tear.
Isn't that worth going to heaven for?
Isn't that incentive to keep on keeping on?
Isn't that reason enough to invite others?
Isn't that a purpose to keep enduring whatever it is you're called to endure--just to have Him touch your face in such an intimate way?
Today's reading: Revelation 7-10
"For the Lamp, who stand in front of the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to the springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe away all their tears." Revelation 7:10 NLT
Wipe-to remove by or as if by rubbing.
Maybe you've already come to this realization.
You might possibly read this and think or say, 'Well, duh!'
You might already have me on your list thinking as daft as I must be, I need all the prayers I can get.
But here is what I get from my Scripture reading this morning...
God, Himself, will wipe away my tears.
All I have cried and all I was crying as I entered into His presence.
He will not throw a box of tissues my way and expect me to do it myself.
He will not have an 'angel butler' on hand to hand me a hankie.
He will not have a 'little girls' room' He will send me to to get my makeup back in order and the mascara dabbed off my face.
He, He, will draw me close.
He will turn my face to His.
He will, with His mighty hand, touch my face and wipe away every tear.
Isn't that worth going to heaven for?
Isn't that incentive to keep on keeping on?
Isn't that reason enough to invite others?
Isn't that a purpose to keep enduring whatever it is you're called to endure--just to have Him touch your face in such an intimate way?
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 4-6
"The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones--jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow." Revelation 4:3 NLT
Brilliant-very bright; striking; distinctive.
I have some battery operated candles in the windowsills of our little farmhouse.
For a few hours each evening they twinkle, casting a little light from their plastic flame-looking tip.
That is until the batteries begin to fizzle out.
I needed to be reminded this morning of God's brilliance. His constant, ever-glowing brilliance.
Because there are days, I think His powers extend only as far as my faith.
I struggle with believing His abilities are some what linked to my imaginations, my personal aptitudes or my completed how-to-be-the-perfect-Christian checklists.
But His brilliance has nothing to do with me.
He glows.
He shines.
He radiates light.
He beams.
He is illuminated with a power all His own.
A power He chooses to shine on me.
And through me.
And around me.
Today's reading: Revelation 4-6
"The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones--jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow." Revelation 4:3 NLT
Brilliant-very bright; striking; distinctive.
I have some battery operated candles in the windowsills of our little farmhouse.
For a few hours each evening they twinkle, casting a little light from their plastic flame-looking tip.
That is until the batteries begin to fizzle out.
I needed to be reminded this morning of God's brilliance. His constant, ever-glowing brilliance.
Because there are days, I think His powers extend only as far as my faith.
I struggle with believing His abilities are some what linked to my imaginations, my personal aptitudes or my completed how-to-be-the-perfect-Christian checklists.
But His brilliance has nothing to do with me.
He glows.
He shines.
He radiates light.
He beams.
He is illuminated with a power all His own.
A power He chooses to shine on me.
And through me.
And around me.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 1-3
"I am the living one who died. Look, am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave." Revelation 1:18 NLT
Living-having life; active; functioning.
I don't know what your circumstances are leading you to believe...
Or what your so-called friends are telling you...
Or your enemy is whispering in your ear...
But, child of God, your Savior lives!
He is at work in your life.
In your present.
In your future.
He is behind the scenes doing things you will probably never even realize.
He is putting into practice things He has had planned since before time began.
He is drawing all men unto Him-through your circumstances and without needing to consult you.
He is setting things in motion that will leave you speechless and in awe.
He is living, active, functioning.
Your God is not dead!
Today's reading: Revelation 1-3
"I am the living one who died. Look, am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave." Revelation 1:18 NLT
Living-having life; active; functioning.
I don't know what your circumstances are leading you to believe...
Or what your so-called friends are telling you...
Or your enemy is whispering in your ear...
But, child of God, your Savior lives!
He is at work in your life.
In your present.
In your future.
He is behind the scenes doing things you will probably never even realize.
He is putting into practice things He has had planned since before time began.
He is drawing all men unto Him-through your circumstances and without needing to consult you.
He is setting things in motion that will leave you speechless and in awe.
He is living, active, functioning.
Your God is not dead!
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Today's reading: Daniel 10-12
"Many will be purified, cleansed and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means." Daniel 12:10 NLT
Trial-a tryout or experiment to test quality, value or usefulness; a test of faith, patience or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation.
Which attitude have you chosen for this current trial you're facing?
(You are the one who gets to decide, you know.)
Have you chosen better or bitter?
Anticipation or anxiety?
Wonder or worry?
Growing or groaning?
Faith or fear?
Are you choosing to ace this test or opt out?
Are you trusting or trying to figure out the why's?
Are you striving to make sure God gets the glory throughout or that folks will be mightily impressed with all you can do?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Today's reading: Daniel 10-12
"Many will be purified, cleansed and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means." Daniel 12:10 NLT
Trial-a tryout or experiment to test quality, value or usefulness; a test of faith, patience or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation.
Which attitude have you chosen for this current trial you're facing?
(You are the one who gets to decide, you know.)
Have you chosen better or bitter?
Anticipation or anxiety?
Wonder or worry?
Growing or groaning?
Faith or fear?
Are you choosing to ace this test or opt out?
Are you trusting or trying to figure out the why's?
Are you striving to make sure God gets the glory throughout or that folks will be mightily impressed with all you can do?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Today's reading: Daniel 7-9
"He was given authority, honor and royal power over all the nations of the world, so that people of every race and nation and language would obey him. His rule is eternal--it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed." Daniel 7:14 NLT
"But in the end, the holy people of the Most High will be given the kingdom, and they will rule forever and ever." Daniel 7:18 NLT
Rule-to exert control, direction or influence on; to exercise supreme authority.
It really doesn't matter how little of a competitive edge you might have, we all like to be on the winning team.
There is a tiny bit of a competitive nature in us all.
In any match-up, on top is always the preferred place to end up.
Here's the scoop: There is ONLY one team we can be on that will win in the end.
God's team.
Jesus' side.
You are either on it, or you aren't.
Today's reading: Daniel 7-9
"He was given authority, honor and royal power over all the nations of the world, so that people of every race and nation and language would obey him. His rule is eternal--it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed." Daniel 7:14 NLT
"But in the end, the holy people of the Most High will be given the kingdom, and they will rule forever and ever." Daniel 7:18 NLT
Rule-to exert control, direction or influence on; to exercise supreme authority.
It really doesn't matter how little of a competitive edge you might have, we all like to be on the winning team.
There is a tiny bit of a competitive nature in us all.
In any match-up, on top is always the preferred place to end up.
Here's the scoop: There is ONLY one team we can be on that will win in the end.
God's team.
Jesus' side.
You are either on it, or you aren't.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Today's reading: Daniel 4-6
"Then the others administrators and princes began searching for some fault in the way Daniel was handling his affairs, but they couldn't find anything to criticize. He was faithful and honest and always responsible. So they concluded, Our only chance of finding grounds for accusing Daniel will be in connection with the requirements of his religion." Daniel 6:4-5 NLT
Criticize-to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly.
As a child of God's, I have the privilege, and challenge, of living such an exemplary life that my Christian disciplines might be all my accuser's might find against me.
Oh, that it might be said of me...
She trusted God too much.
She depended upon God too much.
She worshipped God with too much of her heart, soul, mind and strength.
She loved God too much.
She served Him too willingly.
She told too many about Him.
She prayed too hard, too long and too often.
She believed He loved her to the cross and back.
She involved God is too many parts of her life.
Yes, those would be accusations I'd be proud to have brought against me!
Today's reading: Daniel 4-6
"Then the others administrators and princes began searching for some fault in the way Daniel was handling his affairs, but they couldn't find anything to criticize. He was faithful and honest and always responsible. So they concluded, Our only chance of finding grounds for accusing Daniel will be in connection with the requirements of his religion." Daniel 6:4-5 NLT
Criticize-to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly.
As a child of God's, I have the privilege, and challenge, of living such an exemplary life that my Christian disciplines might be all my accuser's might find against me.
Oh, that it might be said of me...
She trusted God too much.
She depended upon God too much.
She worshipped God with too much of her heart, soul, mind and strength.
She loved God too much.
She served Him too willingly.
She told too many about Him.
She prayed too hard, too long and too often.
She believed He loved her to the cross and back.
She involved God is too many parts of her life.
Yes, those would be accusations I'd be proud to have brought against me!
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Today's reading: Daniel 1-3
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn't, Your Majesty can be sure that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up." Daniel 3:17-18 NLT
Able- having sufficient power, skill or resources to do something.
Can you imagine walking up the steps of the furnace with enough faith in God to say those words?
Believing so fully that you could make such a statement?
Trusting God enough to proclaim His ability?
God is able...but even if He doesn't.
Do you believe it?
Is it your cheer?
Is it what He is hearing you say and watching you live?
Today's reading: Daniel 1-3
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn't, Your Majesty can be sure that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up." Daniel 3:17-18 NLT
Able- having sufficient power, skill or resources to do something.
Can you imagine walking up the steps of the furnace with enough faith in God to say those words?
Believing so fully that you could make such a statement?
Trusting God enough to proclaim His ability?
God is able...but even if He doesn't.
Do you believe it?
Is it your cheer?
Is it what He is hearing you say and watching you live?
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