Today's reading: Deuteronomy 4:5-10
"You must obey these laws and regulations when you arrive in the land you are about to enter and occupy. The Lord my God gave them to me and commanded me to pass them on to you. If you obey them carefully, you will display your wisdom and intelligence to the surrounding nations. When they hear about these laws, they will exclaim, What other nation is as wise and prudent as this!" Deuteronomy 4:5-6 NLT
Obey-to follow the commands or guidance of; to conform to or comply with.
Want to be successful in 2019? Obey God.
Want to be admired for your wisdom and intelligence? Obey God.
Want to occupy the places He has prepared for you? Obey God.
Want to impact others? Obey God.
Simple, really...obey God!
Monday, December 31, 2018
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Today's reading: Malachi
"You say, It's too hard to serve the Lord, and you turn your noses up at his commands, says the Lord Almighty..." Malachi 1:13 NLT
Hard-difficult to bear or endure; difficult to accomplish or resolve; difficult to comprehend or explain.
This year is about to wrap up its 365 days.
It's within a day or so of writing the last few pages of the book entitles '2018'.
Your opportunities to make this year 'the best one ever' is coming to a close.
You are already thinking forward into 2019. What you want to see happen. What you want to change. What you want to begin doing for the first time, not just once, but as a new discipline.
Then you think about how hard it's going to be.
How hard it will be to quit what you want to quit.
To start what you want to start.
To stick with what it is you want to stick with.
Especially the things of the Lord.
Reading your Bible daily. Spending time in prayer, not just the emergency prayers, but actual prayer where you talk to God and stay on your knees long enough to hear Him speak to you. Witnessing to others. Attending church more frequently. Changing your speech, either from bad to better or from god to best.
You can do it with Him!
It is not too hard. It is not too big of a goal. It is not outside your abilities--with Him helping you!
Today's reading: Malachi
"You say, It's too hard to serve the Lord, and you turn your noses up at his commands, says the Lord Almighty..." Malachi 1:13 NLT
Hard-difficult to bear or endure; difficult to accomplish or resolve; difficult to comprehend or explain.
This year is about to wrap up its 365 days.
It's within a day or so of writing the last few pages of the book entitles '2018'.
Your opportunities to make this year 'the best one ever' is coming to a close.
You are already thinking forward into 2019. What you want to see happen. What you want to change. What you want to begin doing for the first time, not just once, but as a new discipline.
Then you think about how hard it's going to be.
How hard it will be to quit what you want to quit.
To start what you want to start.
To stick with what it is you want to stick with.
Especially the things of the Lord.
Reading your Bible daily. Spending time in prayer, not just the emergency prayers, but actual prayer where you talk to God and stay on your knees long enough to hear Him speak to you. Witnessing to others. Attending church more frequently. Changing your speech, either from bad to better or from god to best.
You can do it with Him!
It is not too hard. It is not too big of a goal. It is not outside your abilities--with Him helping you!
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Today's reading: Zechariah 10-14
"...It is the Lord who makes storm clouds that drop shower of rain so that every field becomes a lush pasture." Zechariah 10:1 NLT
Storm-a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, sleet, hail or thunder and lightning; a serious disturbance of any element of nature.
As hard as the storm is that you're enduring right now, I challenge you to think about this...
How very near to you God is!
How very sure of your ability to weather it beside Him He is!
How much more like Him you will be once the storm passes!
How lush your life, your testimony, your witness for Him, will be after the clouds have moved on!
You can make it.
Today's reading: Zechariah 10-14
"...It is the Lord who makes storm clouds that drop shower of rain so that every field becomes a lush pasture." Zechariah 10:1 NLT
Storm-a disturbance of the atmosphere marked by wind and usually by rain, snow, sleet, hail or thunder and lightning; a serious disturbance of any element of nature.
As hard as the storm is that you're enduring right now, I challenge you to think about this...
How very near to you God is!
How very sure of your ability to weather it beside Him He is!
How much more like Him you will be once the storm passes!
How lush your life, your testimony, your witness for Him, will be after the clouds have moved on!
You can make it.
Friday, December 28, 2018
Today's reading: Zechariah 6-9
"Since they refused to listen when I called to them, I would not listen when they called to me, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 7:13 NLT
Listen-to pay attention to sound; to hear something with thoughtful attention; to give consideration.
Maybe you're not hearing what God has to say because you're not choosing to listen.
Yes, listening is a choice.
And the choice of listening to God blesses us abundantly.
Today's reading: Zechariah 6-9
"Since they refused to listen when I called to them, I would not listen when they called to me, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 7:13 NLT
Listen-to pay attention to sound; to hear something with thoughtful attention; to give consideration.
Maybe you're not hearing what God has to say because you're not choosing to listen.
Yes, listening is a choice.
And the choice of listening to God blesses us abundantly.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-5
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,.." Zechariah 4:10 NLT
Small-having comparatively little size or slight dimensions; minor in influence, power or rank; lacking in strength.
'Starting small is better than not starting at all!'
'The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.'
What are you wanting to do for the Lord?
How are you wanting to increase your Christian disciplines?
What habit are you desiring to give up, with the intent of picking up a better, healthier one?
With God's help, just start.
Go ahead, don't put it off another day.
Take the first tiny step.
Sure it's a little thing, but He rejoices to see the work begin!
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-5
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,.." Zechariah 4:10 NLT
Small-having comparatively little size or slight dimensions; minor in influence, power or rank; lacking in strength.
'Starting small is better than not starting at all!'
'The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.'
What are you wanting to do for the Lord?
How are you wanting to increase your Christian disciplines?
What habit are you desiring to give up, with the intent of picking up a better, healthier one?
With God's help, just start.
Go ahead, don't put it off another day.
Take the first tiny step.
Sure it's a little thing, but He rejoices to see the work begin!
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Today's reading: Haggai 1-2
"This is what the Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you!" Haggai 1:7 NLT
Consider-to think about carefully; to think of especially with regard to taking some action.
Christmas is over and things have slowed down.
The hustle and bustle has ceased.
The shopping, wrapping, baking and eating have slowed.
The parties, Christmas programs and running around to see everyone has come to a grinding halt.
So it's time...
Time for us to consider how the past year has been and what we want to see happen in the new year.
Might I make a suggestion?
Start by considering your spiritual condition, because it touches every other single aspect of your life!
If it isn't where you'd like it to be, do something about it.
Don't just make plans. Don't just write out a few goals on a slip of paper that will get lost on your desk. Don't just print off a Bible reading chart. Don't just say you're going to start attending church more regularly.
Do something!
Do something today that will insure you're a better Christian next year than you are right now.
Today's reading: Haggai 1-2
"This is what the Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you!" Haggai 1:7 NLT
Consider-to think about carefully; to think of especially with regard to taking some action.
Christmas is over and things have slowed down.
The hustle and bustle has ceased.
The shopping, wrapping, baking and eating have slowed.
The parties, Christmas programs and running around to see everyone has come to a grinding halt.
So it's time...
Time for us to consider how the past year has been and what we want to see happen in the new year.
Might I make a suggestion?
Start by considering your spiritual condition, because it touches every other single aspect of your life!
If it isn't where you'd like it to be, do something about it.
Don't just make plans. Don't just write out a few goals on a slip of paper that will get lost on your desk. Don't just print off a Bible reading chart. Don't just say you're going to start attending church more regularly.
Do something!
Do something today that will insure you're a better Christian next year than you are right now.
Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Today's reading: Luke 2
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11 KJV
Savior-one that saves from danger or destruction; one who brings salvation.
Merry Christmas morning and praise God for the Savior He sent us!
To all of us...
To the least of us...
To those of us who think we don't deserve it...
To those of us who know He shouldn't have...
To those of us who think it's not for us...
To us, a lost, condemned, in big trouble without Him, lot of us.
Today's reading: Luke 2
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11 KJV
Savior-one that saves from danger or destruction; one who brings salvation.
Merry Christmas morning and praise God for the Savior He sent us!
To all of us...
To the least of us...
To those of us who think we don't deserve it...
To those of us who know He shouldn't have...
To those of us who think it's not for us...
To us, a lost, condemned, in big trouble without Him, lot of us.
Monday, December 24, 2018
Today's reading: Nahum 1-3
"...He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm..." Nahum 1:3 NLT
Displays-to put or spread out for viewing; to make evident; to exhibit ostentatiously (elaborately or conspicuously).
I tend to think about God's power being displayed in the creation, the parting of the Red Sea, the shutting of the lions' mouths and the saving of the Hebrew boys from the furnace.
I see His power in the sunrises and sunsets, the waves, the frost painted meticulously on the blades of grass.
I hear of His power in the testimonies of people, including myself, who have been touched by Him.
What I want to start seeing is His power in the whirlwinds and storms.
I want to look for Him in them.
I want to see Him at work, even and especially, when I don't feel like He's up to much.
As the waves crash over the little boat of faith I sail in, I want to see His power.
As the winds whip around me, uprooting my plans and my preconceived notions of Who He is, I want to see Him.
As the aftermath of the most recent storm leaves me distraught and displaced, I want to see His power above all else.
I want that for you, too.
Today's reading: Nahum 1-3
"...He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm..." Nahum 1:3 NLT
Displays-to put or spread out for viewing; to make evident; to exhibit ostentatiously (elaborately or conspicuously).
I tend to think about God's power being displayed in the creation, the parting of the Red Sea, the shutting of the lions' mouths and the saving of the Hebrew boys from the furnace.
I see His power in the sunrises and sunsets, the waves, the frost painted meticulously on the blades of grass.
I hear of His power in the testimonies of people, including myself, who have been touched by Him.
What I want to start seeing is His power in the whirlwinds and storms.
I want to look for Him in them.
I want to see Him at work, even and especially, when I don't feel like He's up to much.
As the waves crash over the little boat of faith I sail in, I want to see His power.
As the winds whip around me, uprooting my plans and my preconceived notions of Who He is, I want to see Him.
As the aftermath of the most recent storm leaves me distraught and displaced, I want to see His power above all else.
I want that for you, too.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Today's reading: Micah 5-7
"The people of Israel will be abandoned to their enemies until the time when the woman in labor gives birth to her son. Then at last his fellow countrymen will return from exile to their own land." Micah 5:3 NLT
Birth- emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent.
Oh, what a time of year to think about babies.
How cute they are.
How cuddly they can be.
How dependent they arrive.
How filled with wonder and awe they are.
How much hope and anticipation comes with their arrival.
Especially the Christ Child.
Because of Him we have freedom, peace, assurance and life everlasting.
Take a minute and ponder the birth of Jesus...it will release you from the hustle and bustle of Christmas.
Today's reading: Micah 5-7
"The people of Israel will be abandoned to their enemies until the time when the woman in labor gives birth to her son. Then at last his fellow countrymen will return from exile to their own land." Micah 5:3 NLT
Birth- emergence of a new individual from the body of its parent.
Oh, what a time of year to think about babies.
How cute they are.
How cuddly they can be.
How dependent they arrive.
How filled with wonder and awe they are.
How much hope and anticipation comes with their arrival.
Especially the Christ Child.
Because of Him we have freedom, peace, assurance and life everlasting.
Take a minute and ponder the birth of Jesus...it will release you from the hustle and bustle of Christmas.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Today's reading: Jonah
"Then they cried out to the Lord, Jonah's God, O Lord, they pleaded, don't make us die for this man's sins. And don't hold us responsible for his death, because it isn't our fault. O Lord, you have sent this storm upon him for your own good reasons." Jonah 1:14 NLT
Reason-rational ground or motive; sufficient ground of explanation on or logical defense; something that supports a conclusion or explains a fact.
Maybe like the sailors in the account of Jonah, you don't like the circumstances God currently has you in.
I hate to hear that. I'm sure you had life all planned out, days scheduled and your Day-Timer filled in.
Here is what I get from today's Bible reading...His reasons trump ours!
Really, He knows better than we do.
He knows what will grow us into His image, what will re-direct our paths to Him, what will cause those around us to drop our jaws in awe of His provision and grace.
He has His reasons. Trust them.
Today's reading: Jonah
"Then they cried out to the Lord, Jonah's God, O Lord, they pleaded, don't make us die for this man's sins. And don't hold us responsible for his death, because it isn't our fault. O Lord, you have sent this storm upon him for your own good reasons." Jonah 1:14 NLT
Reason-rational ground or motive; sufficient ground of explanation on or logical defense; something that supports a conclusion or explains a fact.
Maybe like the sailors in the account of Jonah, you don't like the circumstances God currently has you in.
I hate to hear that. I'm sure you had life all planned out, days scheduled and your Day-Timer filled in.
Here is what I get from today's Bible reading...His reasons trump ours!
Really, He knows better than we do.
He knows what will grow us into His image, what will re-direct our paths to Him, what will cause those around us to drop our jaws in awe of His provision and grace.
He has His reasons. Trust them.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Today's reading: Obadiah
"You are proud because you live in a rock fortress and make your home high in the mountains, Who can ever reach us way up here? you ask boastfully. Don't fool yourselves!" Obadiah verse 3 NLT
Fool-to meddle, tamper or experiment especially thoughtlessly or ignorantly.
It matters.
That one time...
That one more...
That putting off...
That unsaid word...
That undone thing...
That refusal to ask for help...
That disregarded decision to allow God into your heart...
It matters.
Don't fool yourself, it matters.
Today's reading: Obadiah
"You are proud because you live in a rock fortress and make your home high in the mountains, Who can ever reach us way up here? you ask boastfully. Don't fool yourselves!" Obadiah verse 3 NLT
Fool-to meddle, tamper or experiment especially thoughtlessly or ignorantly.
It matters.
That one time...
That one more...
That putting off...
That unsaid word...
That undone thing...
That refusal to ask for help...
That disregarded decision to allow God into your heart...
It matters.
Don't fool yourself, it matters.
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
Today's reading: Amos 7-9
"The time is coming, says the Sovereign Lord, when I will send a famine on the land--not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger everywhere from sea to sea, searching for the word of the Lord, running here and going there, but they will not find it. Beautiful girls and fine young men will grow faint and weary, thirsting for the Lord's word." Amos 8:11-13 NLT
Famine-an extreme scarcity; a great shortage; starvation.
You might consider this request of mine to be nosey...
Or 'preachy'...
Or, quite possibly, none of my business...
But would you evaluate your house of worship for God's Word?
Is it proclaimed as the Truth?
Is it preached?
It is believed wholeheartedly?
Is it the basis for every ministry, program and service held?
Here is what I urge you to do when you get your answers:
If your answer is Yes, the Word of God is preached in my church...then support that local congregation, pastor and leadership with your attendance, your heart, your prayers and your tithes.
If your answer is No, no, it's not...then ask God to lead you to where it is. To direct your church to be filled with the Holy Spirit so fully that things change. To do a mighty work. To open eyes and hearts to the power of the Bible and its words.
Because as the Word says, the time is coming when the word of the Lord will be sought out, looked for, hungered after, hunted down by people needing it.
I want you to be a part of the church who feed these folks!
I also want you to be one of the ones being fed daily, and for sure every Sunday, from God's Word!
Today's reading: Amos 7-9
"The time is coming, says the Sovereign Lord, when I will send a famine on the land--not a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the Lord. People will stagger everywhere from sea to sea, searching for the word of the Lord, running here and going there, but they will not find it. Beautiful girls and fine young men will grow faint and weary, thirsting for the Lord's word." Amos 8:11-13 NLT
Famine-an extreme scarcity; a great shortage; starvation.
You might consider this request of mine to be nosey...
Or 'preachy'...
Or, quite possibly, none of my business...
But would you evaluate your house of worship for God's Word?
Is it proclaimed as the Truth?
Is it preached?
It is believed wholeheartedly?
Is it the basis for every ministry, program and service held?
Here is what I urge you to do when you get your answers:
If your answer is Yes, the Word of God is preached in my church...then support that local congregation, pastor and leadership with your attendance, your heart, your prayers and your tithes.
If your answer is No, no, it's not...then ask God to lead you to where it is. To direct your church to be filled with the Holy Spirit so fully that things change. To do a mighty work. To open eyes and hearts to the power of the Bible and its words.
Because as the Word says, the time is coming when the word of the Lord will be sought out, looked for, hungered after, hunted down by people needing it.
I want you to be a part of the church who feed these folks!
I also want you to be one of the ones being fed daily, and for sure every Sunday, from God's Word!
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Today's reading: Amos 4-6
"For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his every thought. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads the mountains under his feet. The Lord God Almighty is his name!" Amos 4:13 NLT
"It is the Lord who created the stars, Pleiades and Orion. It is he who turns darkness into morning and day into night. It is he who draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land. The Lord is his name!" Amos 5:8 NLT
Darkness-devoid of light; not receiving, reflecting, transmitting or radiating light; arising from or showing evil traits or desires.
When I think of the control and power God has, I am in awe.
Darkness to light?
It's more than a flip of the switch and the room is lit up. It's producing the light that chases darkness back into its corner, hole or cave.
It's more than exposing truths for what they are. It is knowing the hearts, holding the future, ordaining the circumstances.
It's much more than 'making do' with the cards dealt. It is following a plan set in order before time began, calendars were invented or clocks began ticking.
And I attempt to do it on my own? Without regard for His leading? His instruction? Seeking His will for me?
Today's reading: Amos 4-6
"For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains, stirs up the winds, and reveals his every thought. He turns the light of dawn into darkness and treads the mountains under his feet. The Lord God Almighty is his name!" Amos 4:13 NLT
"It is the Lord who created the stars, Pleiades and Orion. It is he who turns darkness into morning and day into night. It is he who draws up water from the oceans and pours it down as rain on the land. The Lord is his name!" Amos 5:8 NLT
Darkness-devoid of light; not receiving, reflecting, transmitting or radiating light; arising from or showing evil traits or desires.
When I think of the control and power God has, I am in awe.
Darkness to light?
It's more than a flip of the switch and the room is lit up. It's producing the light that chases darkness back into its corner, hole or cave.
It's more than exposing truths for what they are. It is knowing the hearts, holding the future, ordaining the circumstances.
It's much more than 'making do' with the cards dealt. It is following a plan set in order before time began, calendars were invented or clocks began ticking.
And I attempt to do it on my own? Without regard for His leading? His instruction? Seeking His will for me?
Monday, December 17, 2018
Today's reading: Amos 1-3
"This is what the Lord said...the people of...have sinned again and again..." Amos 1:3, 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:13, 2:1, 2:4, 2:6 NLT
Again-another time; once more.
Today's reading lists the sinful accounts of Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, Moab, Judah and Israel...but it could be my own.
Oh, don't gasp. I know I'm not the only one to fall, repeatedly, into the same sin. Fall for the same temptations. Be lured by the same lies. Give in to the same weaknesses.
Over and over.
Time after time.
Again and again.
But God has been faithful! He has forgiven me each and every time I've brought my broken dirty heart to Him. He has restored me to Himself. He has drawn me up into His presence and washed me white as snow.
Again and again!
Today's reading: Amos 1-3
"This is what the Lord said...the people of...have sinned again and again..." Amos 1:3, 1:6, 1:9, 1:11, 1:13, 2:1, 2:4, 2:6 NLT
Again-another time; once more.
Today's reading lists the sinful accounts of Damascus, Gaza, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, Moab, Judah and Israel...but it could be my own.
Oh, don't gasp. I know I'm not the only one to fall, repeatedly, into the same sin. Fall for the same temptations. Be lured by the same lies. Give in to the same weaknesses.
Over and over.
Time after time.
Again and again.
But God has been faithful! He has forgiven me each and every time I've brought my broken dirty heart to Him. He has restored me to Himself. He has drawn me up into His presence and washed me white as snow.
Again and again!
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Today's reading: Joel 1-3
"Lord help us!.." Joel 1:19 NLT
Help-to give assistance or support to; to make more pleasant or bearable.
Crumple up your Christmas list.
Forget about the socks you'd like, the ring you're desiring and the 5-star rated electronic gadget that you were hoping to get for Christmas.
Instead, pray.
Pray that the One who is a consummate Provider will grant you one thing, His help.
His assistance in being the best child of God you can be.
His support in walking the path He had charted for you.
His grace to live life glowing from your time and trust in Him.
His love to make you shine in a dark world.
Ask Him for His help, it's what we all truly need!
Today's reading: Joel 1-3
"Lord help us!.." Joel 1:19 NLT
Help-to give assistance or support to; to make more pleasant or bearable.
Crumple up your Christmas list.
Forget about the socks you'd like, the ring you're desiring and the 5-star rated electronic gadget that you were hoping to get for Christmas.
Instead, pray.
Pray that the One who is a consummate Provider will grant you one thing, His help.
His assistance in being the best child of God you can be.
His support in walking the path He had charted for you.
His grace to live life glowing from your time and trust in Him.
His love to make you shine in a dark world.
Ask Him for His help, it's what we all truly need!
Saturday, December 15, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 13-14
"I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from your slavery in Egypt. You have no God but me, for there is no other savior." Hosea 13:4 NLT
Other-a different or additional one; one that remains of two or more.
I needed the reminder this morning that You are all I have.
You are my only hope.
You are my only salvation.
I cannot do what needs doing to secure my eternity.
I know of no one, and I know some mighty fine folks, who would lay down their lives for me.
I have no other but You.
And I'm okay with that!
Today's reading: Hosea 13-14
"I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from your slavery in Egypt. You have no God but me, for there is no other savior." Hosea 13:4 NLT
Other-a different or additional one; one that remains of two or more.
I needed the reminder this morning that You are all I have.
You are my only hope.
You are my only salvation.
I cannot do what needs doing to secure my eternity.
I know of no one, and I know some mighty fine folks, who would lay down their lives for me.
I have no other but You.
And I'm okay with that!
Friday, December 14, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 10-12
"For someday the people will follow the Lord. I will roar like a lion, and my people will return trembling from the west. Like a flock of birds, they will come from Egypt. Flying like doves, they will return from Assyria. And I will bring them back home again." Hosea 11:10-11 NLT
Roar-to utter or emit a full loud prolonged sound; to sing or shout with full force.
The entire book of Hosea is about returning to the Lord.
Not just in body, like one would just attend church, but in spirit, having a heart full of worship.
Here's the problem...
It sometimes takes God's 'roar' to get us back, because we disregard His still, small voice.
It's true, isn't it?
An emergency causes us to call out to the God we had previously ignored?
A health scare drops us to our knees before the Creator we had little time for prior?
A life change leaves us grasping for the Father we had previously sought out only at Christmas and Easter?
A need we cannot handle on our own causes us to go to the One who can?
A heartbreak brings us face-to-face with a need only the Great Physician can heal?
Desperation? Fear? Helplessness? Confusion? Doubt?
It's in those times, those times when the roaring is filling our ears, that we realize we had pushed God aside. We had put other things ahead of Him. We had saved Him for tougher times. We had turned our backs on Him.
Let's not do that anymore!
Let's lean in to hear Him whisper.
Let's place God back into the most important time slot.
Let's allow Him to lead us gently with His Word, His ways and His love--so He doesn't have to roar!
Today's reading: Hosea 10-12
"For someday the people will follow the Lord. I will roar like a lion, and my people will return trembling from the west. Like a flock of birds, they will come from Egypt. Flying like doves, they will return from Assyria. And I will bring them back home again." Hosea 11:10-11 NLT
Roar-to utter or emit a full loud prolonged sound; to sing or shout with full force.
The entire book of Hosea is about returning to the Lord.
Not just in body, like one would just attend church, but in spirit, having a heart full of worship.
Here's the problem...
It sometimes takes God's 'roar' to get us back, because we disregard His still, small voice.
It's true, isn't it?
An emergency causes us to call out to the God we had previously ignored?
A health scare drops us to our knees before the Creator we had little time for prior?
A life change leaves us grasping for the Father we had previously sought out only at Christmas and Easter?
A need we cannot handle on our own causes us to go to the One who can?
A heartbreak brings us face-to-face with a need only the Great Physician can heal?
Desperation? Fear? Helplessness? Confusion? Doubt?
It's in those times, those times when the roaring is filling our ears, that we realize we had pushed God aside. We had put other things ahead of Him. We had saved Him for tougher times. We had turned our backs on Him.
Let's not do that anymore!
Let's lean in to hear Him whisper.
Let's place God back into the most important time slot.
Let's allow Him to lead us gently with His Word, His ways and His love--so He doesn't have to roar!
Thursday, December 13, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 7-9
"My God will reject the people of Israel because they will not listen or obey. They will be wanderers, homeless among nations." Hosea 9:17 NLT
Homeless-having no home or permanent place of residence.
Are you somewhat like me, a homebody?
Do you truly believe, there is no place like home?
Are you a good sleeper, if you sleep in your own bed, surrounded by the noises of your own house, your neighborhood and your spouse snoring?
Do you thoroughly enjoy a good vacation or getaway, but really like turning into your own driveway and unlocking your front door?
Then this verse if for you.
Imagine desiring your own way, choosing to disobey God, to the extent that you are displaced? Homeless? Left wandering? Never having that settled feeling?
Is it worth it?
Today's reading: Hosea 7-9
"My God will reject the people of Israel because they will not listen or obey. They will be wanderers, homeless among nations." Hosea 9:17 NLT
Homeless-having no home or permanent place of residence.
Are you somewhat like me, a homebody?
Do you truly believe, there is no place like home?
Are you a good sleeper, if you sleep in your own bed, surrounded by the noises of your own house, your neighborhood and your spouse snoring?
Do you thoroughly enjoy a good vacation or getaway, but really like turning into your own driveway and unlocking your front door?
Then this verse if for you.
Imagine desiring your own way, choosing to disobey God, to the extent that you are displaced? Homeless? Left wandering? Never having that settled feeling?
Is it worth it?
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 4-6
"Alcohol and prostitution have robbed my people of their brains." Hosea 4:11 NLT
Robbed-to have taken something away by force; to have removed something valuable with the right to.
God spoke to Hosea about Israel's dire predicament. He mentioned to his prophet that alcohol and prostitution had forced God's own people to turn to idols of wood, figurines of clay, bodies of flesh and bottles of fermented grains for answers to prayer.
'How silly!', some of you are saying to yourself. How could someone EVER think those things would help them?
But the rest of us know how quietly and subtly things can take God's place.
We're bowing our heads in shame, because we've been there.
We're blushing to think of the times we've allowed an enemy to take from us what he had no right to.
We're squirming in our seats in fear that you'll know enough about our own pasts to realize it can happen to anyone.
Maybe it wasn't something from a bottle that veered us off course.
Quite possibly it wasn't even another person who led us astray.
But for each of us, well, at least those of us who will admit it, something got in the way of us and God.
And it caused us to flounder.
It caused us to ache.
It left us empty, broken, bruised and believing we were no longer of use to the Creator.
But it also left us in a beautiful spot for God to do a redeeming work! To exhibit His saving grace! To pour out amazing mercy all over us! To write a page of our testimonies that point to His enduring faithfulness!
So maybe you are in a spot where you know your enemy has robbed you of something. Something that's yours. Something given to you by God. Something that he had no right to take...today would be the perfect day to take it back!
Today's reading: Hosea 4-6
"Alcohol and prostitution have robbed my people of their brains." Hosea 4:11 NLT
Robbed-to have taken something away by force; to have removed something valuable with the right to.
God spoke to Hosea about Israel's dire predicament. He mentioned to his prophet that alcohol and prostitution had forced God's own people to turn to idols of wood, figurines of clay, bodies of flesh and bottles of fermented grains for answers to prayer.
'How silly!', some of you are saying to yourself. How could someone EVER think those things would help them?
But the rest of us know how quietly and subtly things can take God's place.
We're bowing our heads in shame, because we've been there.
We're blushing to think of the times we've allowed an enemy to take from us what he had no right to.
We're squirming in our seats in fear that you'll know enough about our own pasts to realize it can happen to anyone.
Maybe it wasn't something from a bottle that veered us off course.
Quite possibly it wasn't even another person who led us astray.
But for each of us, well, at least those of us who will admit it, something got in the way of us and God.
And it caused us to flounder.
It caused us to ache.
It left us empty, broken, bruised and believing we were no longer of use to the Creator.
But it also left us in a beautiful spot for God to do a redeeming work! To exhibit His saving grace! To pour out amazing mercy all over us! To write a page of our testimonies that point to His enduring faithfulness!
So maybe you are in a spot where you know your enemy has robbed you of something. Something that's yours. Something given to you by God. Something that he had no right to take...today would be the perfect day to take it back!
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Today's reading: Hosea 1-3
"She doesn't realize that it was I who gave her everything she has--the grain, the wine, the olive oil. Even the gold and silver she used in worshiping the god Baal were gifts from me!" Hosea 2:8 NLT
Realize-to bring into concrete existence; to be made fully aware of.
(This will be short, as I have an assignment for you.)
The end of the year brings with it the need to evaluate what has happened and anticipate what we hope to happen.
How appropriate that the word 'realize' does pretty much the same thing!
To realize means to pull back assumptions, to put away the best intentions, to come face-to-face with what is true.
So here is your assignment, if you choose to accept it:
Close your computer. Turn off the noise. Sit with God long enough to realize.
Today's reading: Hosea 1-3
"She doesn't realize that it was I who gave her everything she has--the grain, the wine, the olive oil. Even the gold and silver she used in worshiping the god Baal were gifts from me!" Hosea 2:8 NLT
Realize-to bring into concrete existence; to be made fully aware of.
(This will be short, as I have an assignment for you.)
The end of the year brings with it the need to evaluate what has happened and anticipate what we hope to happen.
How appropriate that the word 'realize' does pretty much the same thing!
To realize means to pull back assumptions, to put away the best intentions, to come face-to-face with what is true.
So here is your assignment, if you choose to accept it:
Close your computer. Turn off the noise. Sit with God long enough to realize.
Monday, December 10, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 19-22
"And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads." Revelation 22:4 NLT
See-to look at or behold; to gaze at with eyes wide open; to perceive by the eye; to apprehend objects by sight.
This verse makes me question all the beautiful things I might have ever seen with my eyes...
The sunrises and sunsets colored majestically by His hands.
The tiny wrinkles on the hands of a newborn.
The intricately milled petals of a flower growing wild in the woods.
The rock formations painted with a palette of colors from the beginning of time.
The veined lines of an autumn leaf.
But to see God face to face?
To stand in His presence?
To gaze upon His face, to see in His eyes His absolute love for me?
To be near the One who gave His Son for me?
To look on Him with eyes wide open for eternity...
Today's reading: Revelation 19-22
"And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads." Revelation 22:4 NLT
See-to look at or behold; to gaze at with eyes wide open; to perceive by the eye; to apprehend objects by sight.
This verse makes me question all the beautiful things I might have ever seen with my eyes...
The sunrises and sunsets colored majestically by His hands.
The tiny wrinkles on the hands of a newborn.
The intricately milled petals of a flower growing wild in the woods.
The rock formations painted with a palette of colors from the beginning of time.
The veined lines of an autumn leaf.
But to see God face to face?
To stand in His presence?
To gaze upon His face, to see in His eyes His absolute love for me?
To be near the One who gave His Son for me?
To look on Him with eyes wide open for eternity...
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 16-18
"Why are you so amazed? the angel asked..." Revelation 17:7 NLT
Amazed-to have been filled with wonder; to have shown or caused astonishment.
The happenings in Revelation led the angel to ask the city of Babylon why it was so amazed when the punishment promised was doled out. Why they were surprised when they got what they knew they had coming to them. How they could be surprised when the warning they had been given repeatedly fell into their laps.
And why are we so amazed when God chooses to answer us?
When He heals?
When He provides?
When He comforts?
When He sends just what we need?
Is it because we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are the most undeserving of His blessings?
Is it because we know the many, many, many reasons why we shouldn't be granted His favor?
Is it because we have no doubt that there is no power what so ever in our prayers--only in the One who hears them?
This is an amazing time of year, that's for sure. But then again, as a child of His, shouldn't every day be that way?
Today's reading: Revelation 16-18
"Why are you so amazed? the angel asked..." Revelation 17:7 NLT
Amazed-to have been filled with wonder; to have shown or caused astonishment.
The happenings in Revelation led the angel to ask the city of Babylon why it was so amazed when the punishment promised was doled out. Why they were surprised when they got what they knew they had coming to them. How they could be surprised when the warning they had been given repeatedly fell into their laps.
And why are we so amazed when God chooses to answer us?
When He heals?
When He provides?
When He comforts?
When He sends just what we need?
Is it because we know, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are the most undeserving of His blessings?
Is it because we know the many, many, many reasons why we shouldn't be granted His favor?
Is it because we have no doubt that there is no power what so ever in our prayers--only in the One who hears them?
This is an amazing time of year, that's for sure. But then again, as a child of His, shouldn't every day be that way?
Saturday, December 8, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 11-15
"And the twenty-four elders sitting on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped him." Revelation 11:16 NLT
Worship-to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor or devotion.
After having 'made it' into heaven...they still worshiped God.
After having been given seats beside Him...they still worshiped God.
After having been given acknowledgement in the Bible...they still worshiped God.
After having been in His glorious presence for who knows how long...they still worshiped God.
After having been given a plausible pass to do their age...they still worshiped God.
Knowing there was so much to do and see in heaven...they still worshiped God.
That's what it's going to be like for eternity...still worshiping God!
It will be all about Him.
Today's reading: Revelation 11-15
"And the twenty-four elders sitting on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped him." Revelation 11:16 NLT
Worship-to regard with great or extravagant respect, honor or devotion.
After having 'made it' into heaven...they still worshiped God.
After having been given seats beside Him...they still worshiped God.
After having been given acknowledgement in the Bible...they still worshiped God.
After having been in His glorious presence for who knows how long...they still worshiped God.
After having been given a plausible pass to do their age...they still worshiped God.
Knowing there was so much to do and see in heaven...they still worshiped God.
That's what it's going to be like for eternity...still worshiping God!
It will be all about Him.
Friday, December 7, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 7-10
"For the Lamp, who stand in front of the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to the springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe away all their tears." Revelation 7:10 NLT
Wipe-to remove by or as if by rubbing.
Maybe you've already come to this realization.
You might possibly read this and think or say, 'Well, duh!'
You might already have me on your list thinking as daft as I must be, I need all the prayers I can get.
But here is what I get from my Scripture reading this morning...
God, Himself, will wipe away my tears.
All I have cried and all I was crying as I entered into His presence.
He will not throw a box of tissues my way and expect me to do it myself.
He will not have an 'angel butler' on hand to hand me a hankie.
He will not have a 'little girls' room' He will send me to to get my makeup back in order and the mascara dabbed off my face.
He, He, will draw me close.
He will turn my face to His.
He will, with His mighty hand, touch my face and wipe away every tear.
Isn't that worth going to heaven for?
Isn't that incentive to keep on keeping on?
Isn't that reason enough to invite others?
Isn't that a purpose to keep enduring whatever it is you're called to endure--just to have Him touch your face in such an intimate way?
Today's reading: Revelation 7-10
"For the Lamp, who stand in front of the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to the springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe away all their tears." Revelation 7:10 NLT
Wipe-to remove by or as if by rubbing.
Maybe you've already come to this realization.
You might possibly read this and think or say, 'Well, duh!'
You might already have me on your list thinking as daft as I must be, I need all the prayers I can get.
But here is what I get from my Scripture reading this morning...
God, Himself, will wipe away my tears.
All I have cried and all I was crying as I entered into His presence.
He will not throw a box of tissues my way and expect me to do it myself.
He will not have an 'angel butler' on hand to hand me a hankie.
He will not have a 'little girls' room' He will send me to to get my makeup back in order and the mascara dabbed off my face.
He, He, will draw me close.
He will turn my face to His.
He will, with His mighty hand, touch my face and wipe away every tear.
Isn't that worth going to heaven for?
Isn't that incentive to keep on keeping on?
Isn't that reason enough to invite others?
Isn't that a purpose to keep enduring whatever it is you're called to endure--just to have Him touch your face in such an intimate way?
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 4-6
"The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones--jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow." Revelation 4:3 NLT
Brilliant-very bright; striking; distinctive.
I have some battery operated candles in the windowsills of our little farmhouse.
For a few hours each evening they twinkle, casting a little light from their plastic flame-looking tip.
That is until the batteries begin to fizzle out.
I needed to be reminded this morning of God's brilliance. His constant, ever-glowing brilliance.
Because there are days, I think His powers extend only as far as my faith.
I struggle with believing His abilities are some what linked to my imaginations, my personal aptitudes or my completed how-to-be-the-perfect-Christian checklists.
But His brilliance has nothing to do with me.
He glows.
He shines.
He radiates light.
He beams.
He is illuminated with a power all His own.
A power He chooses to shine on me.
And through me.
And around me.
Today's reading: Revelation 4-6
"The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones--jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow." Revelation 4:3 NLT
Brilliant-very bright; striking; distinctive.
I have some battery operated candles in the windowsills of our little farmhouse.
For a few hours each evening they twinkle, casting a little light from their plastic flame-looking tip.
That is until the batteries begin to fizzle out.
I needed to be reminded this morning of God's brilliance. His constant, ever-glowing brilliance.
Because there are days, I think His powers extend only as far as my faith.
I struggle with believing His abilities are some what linked to my imaginations, my personal aptitudes or my completed how-to-be-the-perfect-Christian checklists.
But His brilliance has nothing to do with me.
He glows.
He shines.
He radiates light.
He beams.
He is illuminated with a power all His own.
A power He chooses to shine on me.
And through me.
And around me.
Wednesday, December 5, 2018
Today's reading: Revelation 1-3
"I am the living one who died. Look, am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave." Revelation 1:18 NLT
Living-having life; active; functioning.
I don't know what your circumstances are leading you to believe...
Or what your so-called friends are telling you...
Or your enemy is whispering in your ear...
But, child of God, your Savior lives!
He is at work in your life.
In your present.
In your future.
He is behind the scenes doing things you will probably never even realize.
He is putting into practice things He has had planned since before time began.
He is drawing all men unto Him-through your circumstances and without needing to consult you.
He is setting things in motion that will leave you speechless and in awe.
He is living, active, functioning.
Your God is not dead!
Today's reading: Revelation 1-3
"I am the living one who died. Look, am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and the grave." Revelation 1:18 NLT
Living-having life; active; functioning.
I don't know what your circumstances are leading you to believe...
Or what your so-called friends are telling you...
Or your enemy is whispering in your ear...
But, child of God, your Savior lives!
He is at work in your life.
In your present.
In your future.
He is behind the scenes doing things you will probably never even realize.
He is putting into practice things He has had planned since before time began.
He is drawing all men unto Him-through your circumstances and without needing to consult you.
He is setting things in motion that will leave you speechless and in awe.
He is living, active, functioning.
Your God is not dead!
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Today's reading: Daniel 10-12
"Many will be purified, cleansed and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means." Daniel 12:10 NLT
Trial-a tryout or experiment to test quality, value or usefulness; a test of faith, patience or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation.
Which attitude have you chosen for this current trial you're facing?
(You are the one who gets to decide, you know.)
Have you chosen better or bitter?
Anticipation or anxiety?
Wonder or worry?
Growing or groaning?
Faith or fear?
Are you choosing to ace this test or opt out?
Are you trusting or trying to figure out the why's?
Are you striving to make sure God gets the glory throughout or that folks will be mightily impressed with all you can do?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Today's reading: Daniel 10-12
"Many will be purified, cleansed and refined by these trials. But the wicked will continue in their wickedness, and none of them will understand. Only those who are wise will know what it means." Daniel 12:10 NLT
Trial-a tryout or experiment to test quality, value or usefulness; a test of faith, patience or stamina through subjection to suffering or temptation.
Which attitude have you chosen for this current trial you're facing?
(You are the one who gets to decide, you know.)
Have you chosen better or bitter?
Anticipation or anxiety?
Wonder or worry?
Growing or groaning?
Faith or fear?
Are you choosing to ace this test or opt out?
Are you trusting or trying to figure out the why's?
Are you striving to make sure God gets the glory throughout or that folks will be mightily impressed with all you can do?
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
Monday, December 3, 2018
Today's reading: Daniel 7-9
"He was given authority, honor and royal power over all the nations of the world, so that people of every race and nation and language would obey him. His rule is eternal--it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed." Daniel 7:14 NLT
"But in the end, the holy people of the Most High will be given the kingdom, and they will rule forever and ever." Daniel 7:18 NLT
Rule-to exert control, direction or influence on; to exercise supreme authority.
It really doesn't matter how little of a competitive edge you might have, we all like to be on the winning team.
There is a tiny bit of a competitive nature in us all.
In any match-up, on top is always the preferred place to end up.
Here's the scoop: There is ONLY one team we can be on that will win in the end.
God's team.
Jesus' side.
You are either on it, or you aren't.
Today's reading: Daniel 7-9
"He was given authority, honor and royal power over all the nations of the world, so that people of every race and nation and language would obey him. His rule is eternal--it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed." Daniel 7:14 NLT
"But in the end, the holy people of the Most High will be given the kingdom, and they will rule forever and ever." Daniel 7:18 NLT
Rule-to exert control, direction or influence on; to exercise supreme authority.
It really doesn't matter how little of a competitive edge you might have, we all like to be on the winning team.
There is a tiny bit of a competitive nature in us all.
In any match-up, on top is always the preferred place to end up.
Here's the scoop: There is ONLY one team we can be on that will win in the end.
God's team.
Jesus' side.
You are either on it, or you aren't.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
Today's reading: Daniel 4-6
"Then the others administrators and princes began searching for some fault in the way Daniel was handling his affairs, but they couldn't find anything to criticize. He was faithful and honest and always responsible. So they concluded, Our only chance of finding grounds for accusing Daniel will be in connection with the requirements of his religion." Daniel 6:4-5 NLT
Criticize-to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly.
As a child of God's, I have the privilege, and challenge, of living such an exemplary life that my Christian disciplines might be all my accuser's might find against me.
Oh, that it might be said of me...
She trusted God too much.
She depended upon God too much.
She worshipped God with too much of her heart, soul, mind and strength.
She loved God too much.
She served Him too willingly.
She told too many about Him.
She prayed too hard, too long and too often.
She believed He loved her to the cross and back.
She involved God is too many parts of her life.
Yes, those would be accusations I'd be proud to have brought against me!
Today's reading: Daniel 4-6
"Then the others administrators and princes began searching for some fault in the way Daniel was handling his affairs, but they couldn't find anything to criticize. He was faithful and honest and always responsible. So they concluded, Our only chance of finding grounds for accusing Daniel will be in connection with the requirements of his religion." Daniel 6:4-5 NLT
Criticize-to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly.
As a child of God's, I have the privilege, and challenge, of living such an exemplary life that my Christian disciplines might be all my accuser's might find against me.
Oh, that it might be said of me...
She trusted God too much.
She depended upon God too much.
She worshipped God with too much of her heart, soul, mind and strength.
She loved God too much.
She served Him too willingly.
She told too many about Him.
She prayed too hard, too long and too often.
She believed He loved her to the cross and back.
She involved God is too many parts of her life.
Yes, those would be accusations I'd be proud to have brought against me!
Saturday, December 1, 2018
Today's reading: Daniel 1-3
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn't, Your Majesty can be sure that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up." Daniel 3:17-18 NLT
Able- having sufficient power, skill or resources to do something.
Can you imagine walking up the steps of the furnace with enough faith in God to say those words?
Believing so fully that you could make such a statement?
Trusting God enough to proclaim His ability?
God is able...but even if He doesn't.
Do you believe it?
Is it your cheer?
Is it what He is hearing you say and watching you live?
Today's reading: Daniel 1-3
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn't, Your Majesty can be sure that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up." Daniel 3:17-18 NLT
Able- having sufficient power, skill or resources to do something.
Can you imagine walking up the steps of the furnace with enough faith in God to say those words?
Believing so fully that you could make such a statement?
Trusting God enough to proclaim His ability?
God is able...but even if He doesn't.
Do you believe it?
Is it your cheer?
Is it what He is hearing you say and watching you live?
Friday, November 30, 2018
Today's reading: 2 & 3 John, Jude
"Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is." 3 John 2 NLT
Healthy-to be sound, to be well; free from disease or pain; enjoying vigor.
Did you know some of the healthiest people I know are battling life-changing diseases?
How can it be, you ask?
It's a matter of the heart!
They have peace.
They have trust in the Lord.
They have assurance of His abilities and His plan for them.
They have no doubt, whatsoever, that God is with them, for them and in them.
That gives them soul-health, and that's what will get them up and over the mountains they may be facing.
The thing is, they hadn't waited to attain it until a diagnosis came along.
You probably shouldn't either.
Do all you can at the Father's feet to get your soul healthy.
Become wholly His.
Let go of what's dragging your heart down.
Because, honestly, we don't know what the next telephone call will tell us.
Today's reading: 2 & 3 John, Jude
"Dear friend, I am praying that all is well with you and that your body is as healthy as I know your soul is." 3 John 2 NLT
Healthy-to be sound, to be well; free from disease or pain; enjoying vigor.
Did you know some of the healthiest people I know are battling life-changing diseases?
How can it be, you ask?
It's a matter of the heart!
They have peace.
They have trust in the Lord.
They have assurance of His abilities and His plan for them.
They have no doubt, whatsoever, that God is with them, for them and in them.
That gives them soul-health, and that's what will get them up and over the mountains they may be facing.
The thing is, they hadn't waited to attain it until a diagnosis came along.
You probably shouldn't either.
Do all you can at the Father's feet to get your soul healthy.
Become wholly His.
Let go of what's dragging your heart down.
Because, honestly, we don't know what the next telephone call will tell us.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Today's reading: 1 John
"God showed how much he loves us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him." 1 John 4:9 NLT
Send-to cause to go; to propel or throw in a particular direction; to drive, order or request to go.
Apostello- Greek, to order one to go to a place appointed.
Today's reading: 1 John
"God showed how much he loves us by sending his only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him." 1 John 4:9 NLT
Send-to cause to go; to propel or throw in a particular direction; to drive, order or request to go.
Apostello- Greek, to order one to go to a place appointed.
Until this morning I'd never thought about God sending Jesus to us as He sends us to the world.
To speak of Truth.
To be the hands and feet of Love.
To live in Peace.
To walk in the Light.
To be Salt.
To proclaim the Gospel.
To be like Jesus.
Jesus was sent as a missionary to a dark, dying world.
So are we!
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 46-48
"Then the man brought me back to the entrance of the Temple. There I saw a stream flowing eastward from beneath the Temple threshold..." Ezekiel 47:1 NLT
"...For they are watered by the river flowing from the Temple..." Ezekiel 47:12 NLT
Watered- to have been moistened, sprinkled or soaked with water; to have been supplied with water.
I don't know where you attend church on the Lord's Day.
It doesn't matter to me the denomination.
Or the type of music played.
Or the Bible translation usually used.
Or if your pastor speaks wearing a three-piece suit or jeans and button-down.
What I need to you make sure of is that at every service the Spirit of God waters you and flows forth from the doors of your church!
That God's Word is preached--in all it's power and might!
That God's Word is believed--to be true, alive and life-changing!
That God's Word is being followed--by everyone from the preacher to the janitor to the pew-sitters!
That God's Word is being allowed to work--in all aspects of the church and its ministries!
That God's Word is being protected--from the outside influences of the world and by the well-meaning churchfolks who would like to water it down to make it more palatable to the public!
That God's Word is being poured out so greatly on you that Monday is different, your family is changed, your workplace is affected, your neighborhood is better, your bad habits are dropping like flies and your witness is shiny and glowing!
So, check your church. Make sure it's watering you. Make sure you are attending often enough to 'get wet' with the Word of the Lord.
Is there a river of life flowing from the threshold of your place of worship?
Today's reading: Ezekiel 46-48
"Then the man brought me back to the entrance of the Temple. There I saw a stream flowing eastward from beneath the Temple threshold..." Ezekiel 47:1 NLT
"...For they are watered by the river flowing from the Temple..." Ezekiel 47:12 NLT
Watered- to have been moistened, sprinkled or soaked with water; to have been supplied with water.
I don't know where you attend church on the Lord's Day.
It doesn't matter to me the denomination.
Or the type of music played.
Or the Bible translation usually used.
Or if your pastor speaks wearing a three-piece suit or jeans and button-down.
What I need to you make sure of is that at every service the Spirit of God waters you and flows forth from the doors of your church!
That God's Word is preached--in all it's power and might!
That God's Word is believed--to be true, alive and life-changing!
That God's Word is being followed--by everyone from the preacher to the janitor to the pew-sitters!
That God's Word is being allowed to work--in all aspects of the church and its ministries!
That God's Word is being protected--from the outside influences of the world and by the well-meaning churchfolks who would like to water it down to make it more palatable to the public!
That God's Word is being poured out so greatly on you that Monday is different, your family is changed, your workplace is affected, your neighborhood is better, your bad habits are dropping like flies and your witness is shiny and glowing!
So, check your church. Make sure it's watering you. Make sure you are attending often enough to 'get wet' with the Word of the Lord.
Is there a river of life flowing from the threshold of your place of worship?
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 43-45
"They must wear linen turbans and linen undergarments. They must not wear anything that would cause them to perspire." Ezekiel 44:18 NLT
Perspire-to emit matter through the skin.
Sweat-to labor or exert oneself so as to cause perspiration.
Talk about God being in the details!
God didn't intend for his priests, those ministering in His presence, to break a sweat.
Because of being nervous...
Or worried...
Or overworked...
Or stressed out...
Or afraid...
Or having inner turmoil that keeps the body in chaos...
Or harboring thoughts that keep our heads spinning and our hearts racing...
Friends, we are His priests.
We are, at all times, in His presence.
So--don't sweat it!
Today's reading: Ezekiel 43-45
"They must wear linen turbans and linen undergarments. They must not wear anything that would cause them to perspire." Ezekiel 44:18 NLT
Perspire-to emit matter through the skin.
Sweat-to labor or exert oneself so as to cause perspiration.
Talk about God being in the details!
God didn't intend for his priests, those ministering in His presence, to break a sweat.
Because of being nervous...
Or worried...
Or overworked...
Or stressed out...
Or afraid...
Or having inner turmoil that keeps the body in chaos...
Or harboring thoughts that keep our heads spinning and our hearts racing...
Friends, we are His priests.
We are, at all times, in His presence.
So--don't sweat it!
Monday, November 26, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 40-42
"So the area was 875 feet on each side with a wall all around to separate the holy places from the common." Ezekiel 42:20 NLT
Wall-a high thick masonry structure forming a long rampart or an enclosure chiefly for defense; a masonry fence around a garden, park or estate; a structure that serves to hold back pressure (such as from water or earth).
Walls are in the news these days.
I'm not sure what your stand is on the one the media constantly talks about, but there is one I believe we need to agree on as Christians.
It's a wall we build to keep unholy, sinful, ungodly things out of our lives.
This kind of wall signifies the line we will not allow ourselves to cross in order to maintain godliness and Christlikeness.
Some of my walls may have to be built higher than yours in regards to certain temptations and lures. A few of my walls have to be built tall enough to not even allow my mind's eye to see what's on the other side. A few of my own personal walls aren't as high, more like curbs, to remind me of their presence.
Yours may look different than mine.
The thing is, we all need walls to separate the common from the holy.
Let's check our walls for gaps.
Inspect our walls for breaches.
Investigate our walls for ones that need fortified, added to or begun.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 40-42
"So the area was 875 feet on each side with a wall all around to separate the holy places from the common." Ezekiel 42:20 NLT
Wall-a high thick masonry structure forming a long rampart or an enclosure chiefly for defense; a masonry fence around a garden, park or estate; a structure that serves to hold back pressure (such as from water or earth).
Walls are in the news these days.
I'm not sure what your stand is on the one the media constantly talks about, but there is one I believe we need to agree on as Christians.
It's a wall we build to keep unholy, sinful, ungodly things out of our lives.
This kind of wall signifies the line we will not allow ourselves to cross in order to maintain godliness and Christlikeness.
Some of my walls may have to be built higher than yours in regards to certain temptations and lures. A few of my walls have to be built tall enough to not even allow my mind's eye to see what's on the other side. A few of my own personal walls aren't as high, more like curbs, to remind me of their presence.
Yours may look different than mine.
The thing is, we all need walls to separate the common from the holy.
Let's check our walls for gaps.
Inspect our walls for breaches.
Investigate our walls for ones that need fortified, added to or begun.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 37-39
"I will make my home among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people." Ezekiel 37:27 NLT
Home- one's place of residence; a personal dwelling place.
Think about this...
A 'home' can be a small bungalow, a rustic cabin, a craftsman-style duplicate in a subdivision, a beachside condo or a multi-room mansion.
A 'home' can be in the country, in the city, in the middle of nowhere, in the tallest of apartment buildings on the busiest street.
A 'home' according to the Hebrew translation of the word can range from a shepherd's hut to an animal's lair to the Tabernacle.
A 'home' is also your heart.
Has God made Himself at home in your heart?
Is He as comfortable there as He is at your church?
Are you?
Today's reading: Ezekiel 37-39
"I will make my home among them. I will be their God, and they will be my people." Ezekiel 37:27 NLT
Home- one's place of residence; a personal dwelling place.
Think about this...
A 'home' can be a small bungalow, a rustic cabin, a craftsman-style duplicate in a subdivision, a beachside condo or a multi-room mansion.
A 'home' can be in the country, in the city, in the middle of nowhere, in the tallest of apartment buildings on the busiest street.
A 'home' according to the Hebrew translation of the word can range from a shepherd's hut to an animal's lair to the Tabernacle.
A 'home' is also your heart.
Has God made Himself at home in your heart?
Is He as comfortable there as He is at your church?
Are you?
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 34-36
"For this is what the Sovereign Lord says, I myself will search and find my sheep." Ezekiel 34:11 NLT
Search-to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something.
It's a simple question with a heart full of thought put in to it...
Are you one of the found or are you still one He is searching for?
Today's reading: Ezekiel 34-36
"For this is what the Sovereign Lord says, I myself will search and find my sheep." Ezekiel 34:11 NLT
Search-to look into or over carefully or thoroughly in an effort to find or discover something.
It's a simple question with a heart full of thought put in to it...
Are you one of the found or are you still one He is searching for?
Friday, November 23, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 31-33
"Son of man, give your people this message: When I bring an army against a country, the people of that land choose a watchman. When the watchman sees the enemy coming, he blows the alarm to warn the people. Then if those who hear the alarm refuse to take action--well, it is their own fault if they die." Ezekiel 33:2-4 NLT
Alarm- a signal that warns or alerts; sudden sharp apprehension and fear resulting from the perception of imminent danger.
It's seldom, if ever, bright flashing lights or sirens that tell me I'm headed down a slippery slope.
It's never been a message in the looming clouds that tell me danger is ahead on the path I've chosen.
As a matter of fact, it's never even been the booming voice of God from heaven.
It's usually an unsettled feeling in my heart.
Or a twinge in my conscience.
Or a heaviness in my soul.
Or an awake at night kind of remorse for an action done, or left undone.
My watchman warning me of impending doom is hardly ever a person...but it's the Holy Spirit.
And it's up to me to listen to His warnings--or continue on my own way.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 31-33
"Son of man, give your people this message: When I bring an army against a country, the people of that land choose a watchman. When the watchman sees the enemy coming, he blows the alarm to warn the people. Then if those who hear the alarm refuse to take action--well, it is their own fault if they die." Ezekiel 33:2-4 NLT
Alarm- a signal that warns or alerts; sudden sharp apprehension and fear resulting from the perception of imminent danger.
It's seldom, if ever, bright flashing lights or sirens that tell me I'm headed down a slippery slope.
It's never been a message in the looming clouds that tell me danger is ahead on the path I've chosen.
As a matter of fact, it's never even been the booming voice of God from heaven.
It's usually an unsettled feeling in my heart.
Or a twinge in my conscience.
Or a heaviness in my soul.
Or an awake at night kind of remorse for an action done, or left undone.
My watchman warning me of impending doom is hardly ever a person...but it's the Holy Spirit.
And it's up to me to listen to His warnings--or continue on my own way.
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 28-30
"...You had access to the holy mountain of God..." Ezekiel 28:14 NLT
Access-permission, liberty or ability to enter, approach or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a person or thing.
I have a whole lot to be thankful for today!
A healthy family.
A warm home.
A Bible-preaching church.
Godly friends.
A job I like.
But this morning in the Lord's message to Ezekiel, I realize what I am MOST thankful for...
Access to the holy mountain of God.
I can talk to Him anytime.
I can go before Him at any point in my day.
I am welcomed into the presence of God Himself.
What a heart full of thanks I have this morning!
Today's reading: Ezekiel 28-30
"...You had access to the holy mountain of God..." Ezekiel 28:14 NLT
Access-permission, liberty or ability to enter, approach or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a person or thing.
I have a whole lot to be thankful for today!
A healthy family.
A warm home.
A Bible-preaching church.
Godly friends.
A job I like.
But this morning in the Lord's message to Ezekiel, I realize what I am MOST thankful for...
Access to the holy mountain of God.
I can talk to Him anytime.
I can go before Him at any point in my day.
I am welcomed into the presence of God Himself.
What a heart full of thanks I have this morning!
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 25-27
"...Then they will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 25:11 NLT
"...Then they will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 26:6 NLT
Know- to perceive directly; to have an understanding of; to be aware of the truth or factuality of.
I've noticed this phrase several times while reading through the book of Ezekiel.
'...Then they will know...'
The use of the word 'then' tells me something has to happen to show 'them', so they will 'know'.
Do you realize every moment of your testimony has been written so that someone will see God in it?
Every page.
Every chapter.
Even, and especially, the chapters you would have NEVER written for yourself!
Just so someone might know He is the Lord.
To perceive personally how very much He loves.
How very powerful He is.
How merciful He can be.
How gracious He is.
How in control of all He is.
So I urge you to continue living through your testimony with the anticipation of someone coming to know that He is the Lord!
Today's reading: Ezekiel 25-27
"...Then they will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 25:11 NLT
"...Then they will know that I am the Lord." Ezekiel 26:6 NLT
Know- to perceive directly; to have an understanding of; to be aware of the truth or factuality of.
I've noticed this phrase several times while reading through the book of Ezekiel.
'...Then they will know...'
The use of the word 'then' tells me something has to happen to show 'them', so they will 'know'.
Do you realize every moment of your testimony has been written so that someone will see God in it?
Every page.
Every chapter.
Even, and especially, the chapters you would have NEVER written for yourself!
Just so someone might know He is the Lord.
To perceive personally how very much He loves.
How very powerful He is.
How merciful He can be.
How gracious He is.
How in control of all He is.
So I urge you to continue living through your testimony with the anticipation of someone coming to know that He is the Lord!
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 22-24
"I looked for someone who might rebuilt the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but found no one." Ezekiel 22:30 NLT
Gap-a break in a barrier; a separation in space; an incomplete or deficient area; a break in continuity.
Ever wondered why you are where you are?
Why you are going through what He has you going through?
Why you are surrounded by the folks you are surrounded with?
Why what's happened in your life has happened?
Why you are in the office He has you in?
The family?
The church?
The neighborhood?
If you are a believer...one who believes without a doubt that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died a cruel death and rose again after three days...you can rest assured God has you where He has you to fill a gap.
A place where godliness was weak, or non-existent. A hole in His wall of righteousness. A spot where someone like you will do just what He wants done.
He needs you where He has you.
If you are not a believer. If you have not accepted God's gift of saving grace. If you think you're doing just fine without this Jesus-guy.
Well, if that's you--He has you where He does so one of His followers can touch your life!
Today's reading: Ezekiel 22-24
"I looked for someone who might rebuilt the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but found no one." Ezekiel 22:30 NLT
Gap-a break in a barrier; a separation in space; an incomplete or deficient area; a break in continuity.
Ever wondered why you are where you are?
Why you are going through what He has you going through?
Why you are surrounded by the folks you are surrounded with?
Why what's happened in your life has happened?
Why you are in the office He has you in?
The family?
The church?
The neighborhood?
If you are a believer...one who believes without a doubt that Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died a cruel death and rose again after three days...you can rest assured God has you where He has you to fill a gap.
A place where godliness was weak, or non-existent. A hole in His wall of righteousness. A spot where someone like you will do just what He wants done.
He needs you where He has you.
If you are not a believer. If you have not accepted God's gift of saving grace. If you think you're doing just fine without this Jesus-guy.
Well, if that's you--He has you where He does so one of His followers can touch your life!
Monday, November 19, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 19-21
"On August 14, during the seventh year of King Jehoichin's captivity, some of the leaders of Israel came to request a message from the Lord. They sat down in front of me to wait for his reply." Ezekiel 20:1 NLT
"And it came to pass in the seventh year, in the fifth month, the tenth day of the month, that certain of the elders of Israel came to enquire of the Lord, and sat before me." Ezekiel 20:1 KJV
Reply-to respond in words or writing.
Let's say you are like me and are a Christian.
That you believe in the power of God.
That you trust in prayer.
That you have faith that God can and will do what He pleases.
Let's also say you share those beliefs with others.
You let them know your life is built on faith.
Your hope is in God.
You believe prayer to be powerful and effective.
Let's now say you have a friend who is in need.
Desperate need.
Gut-wrenching, life-altering, brought-to-their-knees need.
And they come to you for a reply from the Lord.
The same God you've been touting all these years.
The same Savior you've spoken about on numerous occasions.
The same Creator/Healer/Sustainer/Friend that they've heard you refer to as having all the answers.
And they camp out at your desk, on your couch, in the passenger seat of your car--and wait for an answer from your God. They take a day off from work just to be with you when He speaks. They cancel all appointments as they watch you for any sign of a response from heaven. They sit beside you with a pen in hand and a notepad on the ready. They lean in to hear your every word.
Would you believe He will answer as much as they will?
Sure takes the idea of 'I'll pray for you' to a different dimension, doesn't it?
Today's reading: Ezekiel 19-21
"On August 14, during the seventh year of King Jehoichin's captivity, some of the leaders of Israel came to request a message from the Lord. They sat down in front of me to wait for his reply." Ezekiel 20:1 NLT
"And it came to pass in the seventh year, in the fifth month, the tenth day of the month, that certain of the elders of Israel came to enquire of the Lord, and sat before me." Ezekiel 20:1 KJV
Reply-to respond in words or writing.
Let's say you are like me and are a Christian.
That you believe in the power of God.
That you trust in prayer.
That you have faith that God can and will do what He pleases.
Let's also say you share those beliefs with others.
You let them know your life is built on faith.
Your hope is in God.
You believe prayer to be powerful and effective.
Let's now say you have a friend who is in need.
Desperate need.
Gut-wrenching, life-altering, brought-to-their-knees need.
And they come to you for a reply from the Lord.
The same God you've been touting all these years.
The same Savior you've spoken about on numerous occasions.
The same Creator/Healer/Sustainer/Friend that they've heard you refer to as having all the answers.
And they camp out at your desk, on your couch, in the passenger seat of your car--and wait for an answer from your God. They take a day off from work just to be with you when He speaks. They cancel all appointments as they watch you for any sign of a response from heaven. They sit beside you with a pen in hand and a notepad on the ready. They lean in to hear your every word.
Would you believe He will answer as much as they will?
Sure takes the idea of 'I'll pray for you' to a different dimension, doesn't it?
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 16-18
"Then I will give you to your lovers--these many nations--and they will destroy you. They will knock down your pagan shrines and the altars to your idols. They will strip you and take your beautiful jewels, leaving you completely naked and ashamed." Ezekiel 16:39 NLT
Strip-to remove clothing, covering or surface matter from; to deprive of possessions; to make bare.
I don't know about you, but I've lived this verse.
I've wandered off God's path...
I've struck out on my own...
I've followed the lure of the idols my enemy has set before me...
I've disregarded the Holy Spirit's warnings, just to get what I thought was offered...
And I have been left stripped bare and alone, lacking more than I set out to find.
Idols lie.
They offer more than they can give.
They assure fun, but can offer no joy.
They promise a great time, but are lacking of hope and peace.
So here is a warning from a friend: Stay with God!
No matter what the enemy offers, stay with God.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 16-18
"Then I will give you to your lovers--these many nations--and they will destroy you. They will knock down your pagan shrines and the altars to your idols. They will strip you and take your beautiful jewels, leaving you completely naked and ashamed." Ezekiel 16:39 NLT
Strip-to remove clothing, covering or surface matter from; to deprive of possessions; to make bare.
I don't know about you, but I've lived this verse.
I've wandered off God's path...
I've struck out on my own...
I've followed the lure of the idols my enemy has set before me...
I've disregarded the Holy Spirit's warnings, just to get what I thought was offered...
And I have been left stripped bare and alone, lacking more than I set out to find.
Idols lie.
They offer more than they can give.
They assure fun, but can offer no joy.
They promise a great time, but are lacking of hope and peace.
So here is a warning from a friend: Stay with God!
No matter what the enemy offers, stay with God.
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 13-15
"You have discouraged the righteous with your lies, when I didn't want them to suffer grief. And you have encouraged the wicked by promising them life, even through they continue in their sins." Ezekiel 13:22 NLT
Discourage-to deprive of courage or confidence; to hinder; to dissuade or attempt to dissuade from doing something.
May I just share one of my favorite CS Lewis writings...
Today's reading: Ezekiel 13-15
"You have discouraged the righteous with your lies, when I didn't want them to suffer grief. And you have encouraged the wicked by promising them life, even through they continue in their sins." Ezekiel 13:22 NLT
Discourage-to deprive of courage or confidence; to hinder; to dissuade or attempt to dissuade from doing something.
May I just share one of my favorite CS Lewis writings...
So there was table after table filled with all the tools of Satan. There was envy over here. Pride was over here. Jealousy was over here and sexual temptation over here. Greed was over here.
Over on one side table, there was just a very small box, and inside the box was a very, very worn tool. No sizzle, nothing compared to the other tools. As the demons begin to roam around the garage sale and figure out which tool they wanted to use to move up the ladder in Hell’s kitchen, and be superstars for Satan, they noticed that pride and envy and sexual temptation, the price tags were actually pretty reasonably priced.
But then they went over to this one little box, they opened it, and it was so worn. The price was just off the charts. The demons got together, and being a good group that lies to one another often and loves to negotiate, they said to Satan, “This doesn’t make any sense. These things that we see really bring people down aren’t very expensive. This tool over here, it’s exceedingly worn and way too expensive. What is that tool?”
Satan says, “That’s discouragement. The reason it’s so well worn is because it’s the one I use more than all the others combined. When I use all those other tools, some of those Christians are fairly sharp. They figure out I’m behind it. But when I use discouragement, often they have no idea that it’s me behind it. I get them to give up on their marriages. I get them to give up on God. I get them to give up on ministry. I get them to give up on commitments they’ve made. I get them discouraged and they end up right where we want them, but they never know that I was the one behind it all.”
Watch for satan's tools being used on you! Especially the one that comes in a small, well-worn box.
Friday, November 16, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 9-12
"Again the message came to me from the Lord: Son of man, you live among rebels who could see the truth if they wanted to, but they don't want to. They could hear me if they would listen, but they won't listen because they are rebellious." Ezekiel 12:1-2 NLT
Want-to be needy or destitute; to have or feel a need; to fail to possess the required amount.
All day long we live and work around folks who don't want what Jesus has provided.
They decline to hear about His love for them.
They refuse to listen to you give an account of His sacrifice on the cross.
They refute claims that He rose from the dead after three days.
Don't take it personally...they just aren't at the point in their lives when they are desperate for Him!
Right now they are believing they have what they need. They think their lives are full of what matters. They see Jesus as an unnecessary accessory to their lives.
Be there for them when the bottom drops out of their worlds.
When they find out all they've accumulated will never be enough to fill the ache of a sin-sick soul.
When the one they love breaks vows.
When their health fails.
When they realize they are in desperate need of a Savior!
That's when they will listen.
That's when they will realize all they had ever wanted is wrapped up in the life and love of a Baby born in Bethlehem.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 9-12
"Again the message came to me from the Lord: Son of man, you live among rebels who could see the truth if they wanted to, but they don't want to. They could hear me if they would listen, but they won't listen because they are rebellious." Ezekiel 12:1-2 NLT
Want-to be needy or destitute; to have or feel a need; to fail to possess the required amount.
All day long we live and work around folks who don't want what Jesus has provided.
They decline to hear about His love for them.
They refuse to listen to you give an account of His sacrifice on the cross.
They refute claims that He rose from the dead after three days.
Don't take it personally...they just aren't at the point in their lives when they are desperate for Him!
Right now they are believing they have what they need. They think their lives are full of what matters. They see Jesus as an unnecessary accessory to their lives.
Be there for them when the bottom drops out of their worlds.
When they find out all they've accumulated will never be enough to fill the ache of a sin-sick soul.
When the one they love breaks vows.
When their health fails.
When they realize they are in desperate need of a Savior!
That's when they will listen.
That's when they will realize all they had ever wanted is wrapped up in the life and love of a Baby born in Bethlehem.
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 5-8
"Then when they are exiled among the nations, they will remember me. They will recognize how grieved I am by their unfaithful hearts and lustful eyes that long for other gods. Then at last they will hate themselves for all their wickedness. They will know that I alone am the Lord and that I was serious when I predicted that all this would happen to them." Ezekiel 6:9-10 NLT
Serious-of or relating to a matter of importance; not joking or trifling; not easily answered or solved; having important or dangerous possible consequences.
God is serious about sin.
About how far it takes us away from Him and His wonderful plan for our lives as His children.
About how hurt we will be from playing with it.
About how much it will eventually cost us.
About the consequences sin leaves behind. Consequences that remain after forgiveness occurs. Consequences that touch lives--ours and those around us.
Are we as serious?
Today's reading: Ezekiel 5-8
"Then when they are exiled among the nations, they will remember me. They will recognize how grieved I am by their unfaithful hearts and lustful eyes that long for other gods. Then at last they will hate themselves for all their wickedness. They will know that I alone am the Lord and that I was serious when I predicted that all this would happen to them." Ezekiel 6:9-10 NLT
Serious-of or relating to a matter of importance; not joking or trifling; not easily answered or solved; having important or dangerous possible consequences.
God is serious about sin.
About how far it takes us away from Him and His wonderful plan for our lives as His children.
About how hurt we will be from playing with it.
About how much it will eventually cost us.
About the consequences sin leaves behind. Consequences that remain after forgiveness occurs. Consequences that touch lives--ours and those around us.
Are we as serious?
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Today's reading: Ezekiel 1-4
"Then he added, Son of man, let all my words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. Then go to your people in exile..." Ezekiel 3:10-11 NLT
Sink-to go to the bottom; to become engulfed; to soak or become deeply absorbed; to cause something to penetrate.
Ezekiel received a word straight from God to speak to the exiles in Babylon.
To his fellow Jews.
To ones who had sinned against God--even after repeated warnings.
But if you'll notice, instead of God telling Ezekiel to 'Sic'em', He asked him to do something first...
God asked Ezekiel to let the Word penetrate his own heart.
God asked Ezekiel to listen to the Word.
Ezekiel was a godly man.
He was the prophet of the day.
He was God's chosen fellow.
And still Ezekiel needed God's Word to sink down deep into his heart--to penetrate Ezekiel's heart so deeply that it changed Ezekiel.
Before he ever spoke a word to the 'sinners'.
Things haven't changed, fellow believers.
Our time in the Word isn't intended to be just for loading up our arsenal of things to tell the lost world, sins to point out, topics for which we can point fingers.
It's to change us.
Before we will EVER change the world, God must change us.
Makes me see my time in my Bible in a different light.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 1-4
"Then he added, Son of man, let all my words sink deep into your own heart first. Listen to them carefully for yourself. Then go to your people in exile..." Ezekiel 3:10-11 NLT
Sink-to go to the bottom; to become engulfed; to soak or become deeply absorbed; to cause something to penetrate.
Ezekiel received a word straight from God to speak to the exiles in Babylon.
To his fellow Jews.
To ones who had sinned against God--even after repeated warnings.
But if you'll notice, instead of God telling Ezekiel to 'Sic'em', He asked him to do something first...
God asked Ezekiel to let the Word penetrate his own heart.
God asked Ezekiel to listen to the Word.
Ezekiel was a godly man.
He was the prophet of the day.
He was God's chosen fellow.
And still Ezekiel needed God's Word to sink down deep into his heart--to penetrate Ezekiel's heart so deeply that it changed Ezekiel.
Before he ever spoke a word to the 'sinners'.
Things haven't changed, fellow believers.
Our time in the Word isn't intended to be just for loading up our arsenal of things to tell the lost world, sins to point out, topics for which we can point fingers.
It's to change us.
Before we will EVER change the world, God must change us.
Makes me see my time in my Bible in a different light.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 147-150
"Let every created thing give praise to the Lord, for he issued his command, and they came into being." Psalm 148:5 NLT
Every-being each individual or part of a group without exception.
I don't know about you, but when I realize no one and no thing is exempt from praising God, I am ashamed.
Embarrassed over my choice to complain and groan, rather than praise and glorify.
Ashamed about my decisions to play the wanting/needy child, when I have had so many of His blessings poured out on my life.
Financial status doesn't give me a free pass.
Poor health doesn't hand me an exemption.
A bad childhood doesn't grant me immunity.
A dirtied past doesn't get me out of doing what I was created to do.
My purpose is to praise God.
Without exception.
Today's reading: Psalm 147-150
"Let every created thing give praise to the Lord, for he issued his command, and they came into being." Psalm 148:5 NLT
Every-being each individual or part of a group without exception.
I don't know about you, but when I realize no one and no thing is exempt from praising God, I am ashamed.
Embarrassed over my choice to complain and groan, rather than praise and glorify.
Ashamed about my decisions to play the wanting/needy child, when I have had so many of His blessings poured out on my life.
Financial status doesn't give me a free pass.
Poor health doesn't hand me an exemption.
A bad childhood doesn't grant me immunity.
A dirtied past doesn't get me out of doing what I was created to do.
My purpose is to praise God.
Without exception.
Monday, November 12, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 143-146
"But happy are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God." Psalm 146:5 NLT
Helper-one who gives aid or assistance or makes a task more pleasant or bearable.
Ooh, I love that definition!
To think of God being my helper...
To think of Him giving me aid or assistance...
To think of Him making what I need to do more pleasant or bearable...
The trials I walk through. The tasks I'm called on to complete. The people I am asked to witness to. The hardships I am ordained to endure. The victories I have been given to taste. The situations I am privy to walk through just to encounter His power and might.
God is my helper!
Today's reading: Psalm 143-146
"But happy are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God." Psalm 146:5 NLT
Helper-one who gives aid or assistance or makes a task more pleasant or bearable.
Ooh, I love that definition!
To think of God being my helper...
To think of Him giving me aid or assistance...
To think of Him making what I need to do more pleasant or bearable...
The trials I walk through. The tasks I'm called on to complete. The people I am asked to witness to. The hardships I am ordained to endure. The victories I have been given to taste. The situations I am privy to walk through just to encounter His power and might.
God is my helper!
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 139-142
"You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am." Psalm 139:3 NLT
"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every single moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:16 NLT
Moment-a minute portion or point in time; a comparatively brief period of time.
Not the tiniest portion of time passes without God knowing what you are doing, where you are and what state your attitude is in.
Your circumstances never surprise Him.
The emergencies that arise in your life never catch Him off guard.
Never for a moment has God blinked, turned His head or been out of the loop of your life.
Every moment of your life He has okayed, ordained, allowed and been present in.
Including this very one!
Today's reading: Psalm 139-142
"You chart the path ahead of me and tell me where to stop and rest. Every moment you know where I am." Psalm 139:3 NLT
"You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every single moment was laid out before a single day had passed." Psalm 139:16 NLT
Moment-a minute portion or point in time; a comparatively brief period of time.
Not the tiniest portion of time passes without God knowing what you are doing, where you are and what state your attitude is in.
Your circumstances never surprise Him.
The emergencies that arise in your life never catch Him off guard.
Never for a moment has God blinked, turned His head or been out of the loop of your life.
Every moment of your life He has okayed, ordained, allowed and been present in.
Including this very one!
Friday, November 9, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 128-134
"Lift your hands in holiness, and bless the Lord." Psalm 134:2 NLT
Lift-to raise from a lower to a higher position; to raise in rank or condition.
Lord, allow me to put into words what You've put into my heart!
Down and out?
Discouraged and fatigued?
Exhausted and exasperated?
Needing a change of location? A heart remodel? An attitude adjustment?
Lift your hands in praise!
A simple act of honoring God with uplifted hands, where ever you are, can change your position, your rank and your condition.
Thinking too much about what's missing in your life? Lift your hands and praise Him for all He has given you!
Mind bogged down with the latest news, worries, fears? Lift your hands and praise God for how He has proved Himself faithful throughout the generations--and in your own lifetime!
Tired? Don't have the energy to take another step, another treatment, another blow from the enemy's hands? Lift your hands to the One who has brought you this far, given you this much and believes in you as much as He does!
Lift your hands!
Today's reading: Psalm 128-134
"Lift your hands in holiness, and bless the Lord." Psalm 134:2 NLT
Lift-to raise from a lower to a higher position; to raise in rank or condition.
Lord, allow me to put into words what You've put into my heart!
Down and out?
Discouraged and fatigued?
Exhausted and exasperated?
Needing a change of location? A heart remodel? An attitude adjustment?
Lift your hands in praise!
A simple act of honoring God with uplifted hands, where ever you are, can change your position, your rank and your condition.
Thinking too much about what's missing in your life? Lift your hands and praise Him for all He has given you!
Mind bogged down with the latest news, worries, fears? Lift your hands and praise God for how He has proved Himself faithful throughout the generations--and in your own lifetime!
Tired? Don't have the energy to take another step, another treatment, another blow from the enemy's hands? Lift your hands to the One who has brought you this far, given you this much and believes in you as much as He does!
Lift your hands!
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 120-127
"We escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap is broken, and we are free!" Psalm 124:7 NLT
Trap-something by which one is caught unawares.
Ever had to set a mousetrap?
It is a tense situation requiring the utmost of attention. It takes a steady hand. Your most up-to-date pair of reading glasses. It takes attention to detail.
Once you've been 'bitten' by a trap like that, you don't soon want to return to play with it, do you?
So, I'll ask you a few things I've asked myself:
Ever walked back into a sin-filled situation that God had removed you from?
Slipped back into a habit of sin?
Started hanging around 'old neighborhoods'?
Begun to respond to temptations from way back?
Got comfortable playing around sprung traps?
Here is a recommendation from a friend: Don't play around old traps!
You've been freed from them.
You've been forgiven, if you are a child of God, of your mistakes regarding them.
You've been given a calling that is higher than them.
So why ever go back?
Why risk it?
Today's reading: Psalm 120-127
"We escaped like a bird from a hunter's trap. The trap is broken, and we are free!" Psalm 124:7 NLT
Trap-something by which one is caught unawares.
Ever had to set a mousetrap?
It is a tense situation requiring the utmost of attention. It takes a steady hand. Your most up-to-date pair of reading glasses. It takes attention to detail.
Once you've been 'bitten' by a trap like that, you don't soon want to return to play with it, do you?
So, I'll ask you a few things I've asked myself:
Ever walked back into a sin-filled situation that God had removed you from?
Slipped back into a habit of sin?
Started hanging around 'old neighborhoods'?
Begun to respond to temptations from way back?
Got comfortable playing around sprung traps?
Here is a recommendation from a friend: Don't play around old traps!
You've been freed from them.
You've been forgiven, if you are a child of God, of your mistakes regarding them.
You've been given a calling that is higher than them.
So why ever go back?
Why risk it?
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 119:89-176
"My life constantly hangs in the balance, but I will not stop obeying your law." Psalm 119:109 NLT
"My soul is continually in my hand, yet I do not forget thy law." Psalm 119:109 KJV
Balance-physical equilibrium; a stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of a vertical axis.
Every choice is a choice to live for God--or not.
A decision to be made between a blessing and a curse.
A choosing among life or death.
It is a constant balancing act, of sorts.
Our soul, our very being, lies in the palm of our hands with each choice we make, ready for someone or something to take it.
Yes, even the smallest decisions--because we know they lead to the bigger choices we make. It starts way before we would ever choose to steal. To lie. To murder. To turn our back on God.
I'm challenging myself to carefully attend to my choices today. To monitor each one carefully. To take a moment 'to chase my decisions to their end' before I make a move. To seek God's advice.
Because it's a balancing act.
Today's reading: Psalm 119:89-176
"My life constantly hangs in the balance, but I will not stop obeying your law." Psalm 119:109 NLT
"My soul is continually in my hand, yet I do not forget thy law." Psalm 119:109 KJV
Balance-physical equilibrium; a stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of a vertical axis.
Every choice is a choice to live for God--or not.
A decision to be made between a blessing and a curse.
A choosing among life or death.
It is a constant balancing act, of sorts.
Our soul, our very being, lies in the palm of our hands with each choice we make, ready for someone or something to take it.
Yes, even the smallest decisions--because we know they lead to the bigger choices we make. It starts way before we would ever choose to steal. To lie. To murder. To turn our back on God.
I'm challenging myself to carefully attend to my choices today. To monitor each one carefully. To take a moment 'to chase my decisions to their end' before I make a move. To seek God's advice.
Because it's a balancing act.
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 119:1-88
"I lie in the dust, completely discouraged; revive me by your word." Psalm 119:25 NLT
"Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles." Psalm 119:50 NLT
Revive-to return to consciousness or life; to restore from a depressed, inactive or unused state.
I'm not sure where my blog post will find you this morning.
On top of a mountain, arms raised, whooping and hollering in victory? Moving forward? Trudging along? Humming a hymn? Helping another? Shutting satan down before he gets the first lie whispered into your ear?
How about...
Flat on your back in the gutter, beaten, bruised, worn out from the struggle? Deflated? Depressed? Feeling unnoticed? Invisible? Unnecessary? Overwhelmed?
Open your Bible.
Yes, I know you tire of hearing me say it will help...but it will help!
It will give your strength. It will provide you with a breath of fresh air. It will cause your heart to beat wildly in anticipation for all God wants to do for you.
God's Word restores us. The Bible brings life back to our weary, worn out souls. Scripture shines a light of hope on our depressed conditions. God's promises breathe life into our tired lives.
Just a few verses.
Just a couple minutes of your day.
Try it, I believe you'll find it helps! I believe you'll be changed!
(Not sure where to read? How about Psalm 23, Psalm 103, Psalm 63.)
Today's reading: Psalm 119:1-88
"I lie in the dust, completely discouraged; revive me by your word." Psalm 119:25 NLT
"Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles." Psalm 119:50 NLT
Revive-to return to consciousness or life; to restore from a depressed, inactive or unused state.
I'm not sure where my blog post will find you this morning.
On top of a mountain, arms raised, whooping and hollering in victory? Moving forward? Trudging along? Humming a hymn? Helping another? Shutting satan down before he gets the first lie whispered into your ear?
How about...
Flat on your back in the gutter, beaten, bruised, worn out from the struggle? Deflated? Depressed? Feeling unnoticed? Invisible? Unnecessary? Overwhelmed?
Open your Bible.
Yes, I know you tire of hearing me say it will help...but it will help!
It will give your strength. It will provide you with a breath of fresh air. It will cause your heart to beat wildly in anticipation for all God wants to do for you.
God's Word restores us. The Bible brings life back to our weary, worn out souls. Scripture shines a light of hope on our depressed conditions. God's promises breathe life into our tired lives.
Just a few verses.
Just a couple minutes of your day.
Try it, I believe you'll find it helps! I believe you'll be changed!
(Not sure where to read? How about Psalm 23, Psalm 103, Psalm 63.)
Monday, November 5, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 116-118
"Praise the Lord, all you nations. Praise him, all you people of the earth. For he loves us with unfailing love; the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!" Psalm 117
Unfailing-not failing or liable to fail.
(Fail-to lose strength; to fade or die away; to be unsuccessful; to disappoint.)
When the enemy causes you to doubt whether God can, remember God is as strong today as He was when He spoke the world into being, when He split the veil in two and when He forgave your multitude of sins.
When the enemy makes you wonder if God is still alive, remember He always has been, He is and He always will be!
When the enemy plants fear in your mind as to if God can, remember He has never been unsuccessful at anything He does.
When the enemy makes you think God will let you down, remember He never has. He never will. He cannot disappoint!
God's love for you is unfailing.
Unfathomable, isn't it?
Today's reading: Psalm 116-118
"Praise the Lord, all you nations. Praise him, all you people of the earth. For he loves us with unfailing love; the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!" Psalm 117
Unfailing-not failing or liable to fail.
(Fail-to lose strength; to fade or die away; to be unsuccessful; to disappoint.)
When the enemy causes you to doubt whether God can, remember God is as strong today as He was when He spoke the world into being, when He split the veil in two and when He forgave your multitude of sins.
When the enemy makes you wonder if God is still alive, remember He always has been, He is and He always will be!
When the enemy plants fear in your mind as to if God can, remember He has never been unsuccessful at anything He does.
When the enemy makes you think God will let you down, remember He never has. He never will. He cannot disappoint!
God's love for you is unfailing.
Unfathomable, isn't it?
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 110-115
"All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy." Psalm 111:7 NLT
All-the whole amount, quantity or extent of; as much as possible; every member or individual component of.
If we were to fully grasp, and fully believe, that ALL God does is just and good, we would be freed from worry.
From doubt.
From wondering.
From questioning.
We would know all that ever came our way, ever happened, ever came to pass was filtered through Him and given to us to see His goodness.
Today's reading: Psalm 110-115
"All he does is just and good, and all his commandments are trustworthy." Psalm 111:7 NLT
All-the whole amount, quantity or extent of; as much as possible; every member or individual component of.
If we were to fully grasp, and fully believe, that ALL God does is just and good, we would be freed from worry.
From doubt.
From wondering.
From questioning.
We would know all that ever came our way, ever happened, ever came to pass was filtered through Him and given to us to see His goodness.
Saturday, November 3, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 107-109
"He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains." Psalm 107:14 NLT
Snapped-to have broken suddenly with a sharp sound.
When I was in high school the popular Christian thing was the 'power lifter team'.
It was a bunch of big, burly Christian men who gave presentations at churches and school about the power of God.
They were impressive to look at. Bulging muscles. Defined biceps. They would wow the crowd with their strong man demonstrations.
One of their signature feats of strength was to tear in half a 'New York City-sized' telephone book with their bare hands.
It certainly brought ooh and aahs from the crowd.
I did it once.
Yes, I tore a thick phone book in half...After I baked it for 6 hours in a very low oven--as instructed on the internet.
I guess the baking process brittled the pages and sure enough, with my own bare hands I tore it in half for a Children's Church lesson.
And yes, I got the amazed response. (Granted my audience consisted of 1st-4th graders.)
I thought about the process I had to go through in order to do that feat of power when I read about God snapping my chains of bondage.
God didn't have to work at it. He didn't have to strain. He didn't have to tug and pull for hours on end. He didn't have to 'bake the chains in the oven' to get them to the point at which He could break them at their weakest link.
He snapped them clean in two when He saved me! When I think back, I can almost hear the sound it made at that small altar at that little country church that Easter Sunday morning.
With more might, power and strength than the 'power lifter team' could ever dream of having!
Today's reading: Psalm 107-109
"He led them from the darkness and deepest gloom; he snapped their chains." Psalm 107:14 NLT
Snapped-to have broken suddenly with a sharp sound.
When I was in high school the popular Christian thing was the 'power lifter team'.
It was a bunch of big, burly Christian men who gave presentations at churches and school about the power of God.
They were impressive to look at. Bulging muscles. Defined biceps. They would wow the crowd with their strong man demonstrations.
One of their signature feats of strength was to tear in half a 'New York City-sized' telephone book with their bare hands.
It certainly brought ooh and aahs from the crowd.
I did it once.
Yes, I tore a thick phone book in half...After I baked it for 6 hours in a very low oven--as instructed on the internet.
I guess the baking process brittled the pages and sure enough, with my own bare hands I tore it in half for a Children's Church lesson.
And yes, I got the amazed response. (Granted my audience consisted of 1st-4th graders.)
I thought about the process I had to go through in order to do that feat of power when I read about God snapping my chains of bondage.
God didn't have to work at it. He didn't have to strain. He didn't have to tug and pull for hours on end. He didn't have to 'bake the chains in the oven' to get them to the point at which He could break them at their weakest link.
He snapped them clean in two when He saved me! When I think back, I can almost hear the sound it made at that small altar at that little country church that Easter Sunday morning.
With more might, power and strength than the 'power lifter team' could ever dream of having!
Friday, November 2, 2018
Today's reading: Lamentations 3-5
"But I called on your name, Lord, from deep within the well and you heard me! You listened to my pleading; you heard my weeping! Yes, you came at my despairing cry and told me, Do not fear." Lamentations 3:55-57 NLT
Deep-extending far from some surface or area; in a place of difficulty or distress.
If you allow Merriam-Webster to help you, like I did this morning, you'll find a word relating to the word 'deep' that really hits home.
A word that resounds.
A word that speaks to my soul, my heart, my circumstances.
It's a word that makes this verse come alive and become mine.
The word given is 'abyss'.
Jeremiah says God heard him from deep within the well.
Jeremiah actually spent time in a well. A real well. A dried up well. It was his prison for a time. It was not a figure of speech, it was real.
You've probably not spent time in the depths of a well, I know I haven't.
But in an abyss?
A dark, low, lonely place where no one can help you?
A place that has dragged your soul deeper and farther than you ever thought possible?
A valley that never sees the sun, hope or joy?
A place that is a far distance from where you'd have ever wanted to be, ever thought you'd spend time?
Friend, God can hear you from there!
Cry out!
Call His name!
Whisper that prayer!
Know you are never too 'deep' that He cannot hear you!
Your abyss is not beyond His boundaries!
Today's reading: Lamentations 3-5
"But I called on your name, Lord, from deep within the well and you heard me! You listened to my pleading; you heard my weeping! Yes, you came at my despairing cry and told me, Do not fear." Lamentations 3:55-57 NLT
Deep-extending far from some surface or area; in a place of difficulty or distress.
If you allow Merriam-Webster to help you, like I did this morning, you'll find a word relating to the word 'deep' that really hits home.
A word that resounds.
A word that speaks to my soul, my heart, my circumstances.
It's a word that makes this verse come alive and become mine.
The word given is 'abyss'.
Jeremiah says God heard him from deep within the well.
Jeremiah actually spent time in a well. A real well. A dried up well. It was his prison for a time. It was not a figure of speech, it was real.
You've probably not spent time in the depths of a well, I know I haven't.
But in an abyss?
A dark, low, lonely place where no one can help you?
A place that has dragged your soul deeper and farther than you ever thought possible?
A valley that never sees the sun, hope or joy?
A place that is a far distance from where you'd have ever wanted to be, ever thought you'd spend time?
Friend, God can hear you from there!
Cry out!
Call His name!
Whisper that prayer!
Know you are never too 'deep' that He cannot hear you!
Your abyss is not beyond His boundaries!
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Today's reading: Lamentations 1-2
"The enemy has plundered her completely, taking everything precious that she owns..." Lamentations 1:10 NLT
Plunder-to take by force, theft or fraud.
The prophet Jeremiah writes Lamentations as a funeral song for Jerusalem.
Jerusalem has fallen into enemy hands and has been completely and utterly destroyed.
The words he uses are personal.
The words he uses are descriptive.
The words he uses are dripping with his tears.
Because he knows, God has revealed to him, that what the enemy has taken was allowed.
The children of God allowed the enemy to walk in their city gates, to infect their homes, to contaminate their worship services, to get into their minds.
At first they were sold lies. Little doubts planted in their heads. Tiny questions that sprouted and grew.
Then they had what was theirs stolen. Slowly and steadily the enemy took more--and more--and more.
And now anything that remained was taken by force. Pried from their hands. Stolen from their Temple. Wrenched from their hearts as embarrassment, conviction and shame took over.
The enemy has not changed his tactics!
That's what he continues to do today.
He knocks discreetly at the doors of our hearts. He looks unintimidating. He looks harmless. He tells us what he offers is a little, tiny ray of hope.
He twists the Word of God. He adds, or takes away from, what we have read in our Bibles. He raises doubt on the darkest of nights. He lies to us about all we know to be true.
Then he steals. Our joy. Our peace. Our hope. Our assurance.
And we find ourselves plundered. Empty.
Don't answer the door when he knocks!
Today's reading: Lamentations 1-2
"The enemy has plundered her completely, taking everything precious that she owns..." Lamentations 1:10 NLT
Plunder-to take by force, theft or fraud.
The prophet Jeremiah writes Lamentations as a funeral song for Jerusalem.
Jerusalem has fallen into enemy hands and has been completely and utterly destroyed.
The words he uses are personal.
The words he uses are descriptive.
The words he uses are dripping with his tears.
Because he knows, God has revealed to him, that what the enemy has taken was allowed.
The children of God allowed the enemy to walk in their city gates, to infect their homes, to contaminate their worship services, to get into their minds.
At first they were sold lies. Little doubts planted in their heads. Tiny questions that sprouted and grew.
Then they had what was theirs stolen. Slowly and steadily the enemy took more--and more--and more.
And now anything that remained was taken by force. Pried from their hands. Stolen from their Temple. Wrenched from their hearts as embarrassment, conviction and shame took over.
The enemy has not changed his tactics!
That's what he continues to do today.
He knocks discreetly at the doors of our hearts. He looks unintimidating. He looks harmless. He tells us what he offers is a little, tiny ray of hope.
He twists the Word of God. He adds, or takes away from, what we have read in our Bibles. He raises doubt on the darkest of nights. He lies to us about all we know to be true.
Then he steals. Our joy. Our peace. Our hope. Our assurance.
And we find ourselves plundered. Empty.
Don't answer the door when he knocks!
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 49-52
"And now the Lord Almighty says this: The people of Israel and Judah have been wronged. Their captors hold them and refuse to let them go. But the one who redeems them is strong. His name is the Lord Almighty. He will defend them and give them rest again in Israel. But the people of Babylon-there will be no rest for them!" Jeremiah 50:33-34 NLT
Redeems-to free from what distresses or harms; to free from captivity; to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental.
I don't know what you're going through.
I don't feel your pain.
I don't carry your burdens.
But you and I can share this verse!
It should stir you up and ignite you for today's battle.
It should course through your veins, causing your heart to pump wildly!
The One who redeems us is strong!
Our Deliverer is mighty!
The One who rescues us is full of power!
If that doesn't light a fire underneath you, your wood's wet!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 49-52
"And now the Lord Almighty says this: The people of Israel and Judah have been wronged. Their captors hold them and refuse to let them go. But the one who redeems them is strong. His name is the Lord Almighty. He will defend them and give them rest again in Israel. But the people of Babylon-there will be no rest for them!" Jeremiah 50:33-34 NLT
Redeems-to free from what distresses or harms; to free from captivity; to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental.
I don't know what you're going through.
I don't feel your pain.
I don't carry your burdens.
But you and I can share this verse!
It should stir you up and ignite you for today's battle.
It should course through your veins, causing your heart to pump wildly!
The One who redeems us is strong!
Our Deliverer is mighty!
The One who rescues us is full of power!
If that doesn't light a fire underneath you, your wood's wet!
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 44-48
"But my people would not listen or turn back from their wicked ways. They kept right on burning incense to these gods." Jeremiah 44:5 NLT
Kept-to have continued on.
What happens within your heart when you personalize this verse?
'But Malinda would not listen or turn back from her wicked ways. She, Malinda, kept right on worshiping these idols of hers.'
Does sliding your own name into God's Word make it a little more intimate? A little more convicting? A little more real?
Does it, for today, shine a light on the little shelf of idols you yourself have set up to worship?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 44-48
"But my people would not listen or turn back from their wicked ways. They kept right on burning incense to these gods." Jeremiah 44:5 NLT
Kept-to have continued on.
What happens within your heart when you personalize this verse?
'But Malinda would not listen or turn back from her wicked ways. She, Malinda, kept right on worshiping these idols of hers.'
Does sliding your own name into God's Word make it a little more intimate? A little more convicting? A little more real?
Does it, for today, shine a light on the little shelf of idols you yourself have set up to worship?
Monday, October 29, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 40-43
"Ten days later, the Lord gave his reply to Jeremiah." Jeremiah 42:7 NLT
Later-at some time subsequent to a given time.
For a gal whose prayers end with 'amen' and an expectation for God to jump up and do for me what I've requested, this stopped me in my tracks.
Oh, it's not that He can't.
It's not that He doesn't, on occasion.
It is just a very black and white reminder that even for the greatest of God's folks, there is a waiting.
Yes, even for one for whom God has named a book of the Bible.
For one who is a prophet.
For one who is know for his praying skills.
I needed the reminder that God always hears--but that His answers come ONLY when He deems them ready to be presented, me ready to accept the answer and when He will be most glorified by them.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 40-43
"Ten days later, the Lord gave his reply to Jeremiah." Jeremiah 42:7 NLT
Later-at some time subsequent to a given time.
For a gal whose prayers end with 'amen' and an expectation for God to jump up and do for me what I've requested, this stopped me in my tracks.
Oh, it's not that He can't.
It's not that He doesn't, on occasion.
It is just a very black and white reminder that even for the greatest of God's folks, there is a waiting.
Yes, even for one for whom God has named a book of the Bible.
For one who is a prophet.
For one who is know for his praying skills.
I needed the reminder that God always hears--but that His answers come ONLY when He deems them ready to be presented, me ready to accept the answer and when He will be most glorified by them.
Saturday, October 27, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 34-36
"Perhaps the people of Judah will repent if they see in writing all the terrible things I have planned for them. Then I will be able to forgive their sins and wrongdoings." Jeremiah 36:3 NLT
Writing-letters or characters that serve as visible signs of ideas, words or symbols.
What do you do with what you see written in your Bible?
Does is touch you in any way?
Does it prick your heart with conviction?
Encourage your weary soul?
Move you to act in a godly way?
Excite you to the extent that you share what you've seen in writing?
You've seen His thoughts in writing...it should stir us to do something!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 34-36
"Perhaps the people of Judah will repent if they see in writing all the terrible things I have planned for them. Then I will be able to forgive their sins and wrongdoings." Jeremiah 36:3 NLT
Writing-letters or characters that serve as visible signs of ideas, words or symbols.
What do you do with what you see written in your Bible?
Does is touch you in any way?
Does it prick your heart with conviction?
Encourage your weary soul?
Move you to act in a godly way?
Excite you to the extent that you share what you've seen in writing?
You've seen His thoughts in writing...it should stir us to do something!
Friday, October 26, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 32-33
"I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?" Jeremiah 32:27 NLT
Hard-difficult to accomplish or resolve; requiring great or utmost effort or energy.
The enemy doesn't want you to know this, but...
There is a question you can ask of any situation that can relieve your head and heart of loads of worry.
It's a question that turns the tables on the enemy's lies. It exposes the deepest, darkest threats. It completely and utterly allows the truth to be seen in every circumstance.
The question?
Is anything too hard for God?
We know the answer!
We know there has never been a problem that has left Him wringing His hands.
There has never been a happening that left Him mystified or caught off guard.
There has never been a late-night phone call that tumbled the worlds He keeps in order.
And there won't be.
Is anything too hard for God?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 32-33
"I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?" Jeremiah 32:27 NLT
Hard-difficult to accomplish or resolve; requiring great or utmost effort or energy.
The enemy doesn't want you to know this, but...
There is a question you can ask of any situation that can relieve your head and heart of loads of worry.
It's a question that turns the tables on the enemy's lies. It exposes the deepest, darkest threats. It completely and utterly allows the truth to be seen in every circumstance.
The question?
Is anything too hard for God?
We know the answer!
We know there has never been a problem that has left Him wringing His hands.
There has never been a happening that left Him mystified or caught off guard.
There has never been a late-night phone call that tumbled the worlds He keeps in order.
And there won't be.
Is anything too hard for God?
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 30-31
"I will supply the priests with an abundance of offerings. I will satisfy my people with my bounty. I, the Lord, have spoken!" Jeremiah 31:14 NLT
Satisfy-to make happy: please; to gratify to the full.
Man, oh man, what a question runs through my mind this morning.
Does God satisfy me?
You know I have to ask it of you, too.
To let you chew on the Word.
To allow you opportunity to correct yourself in the reflection of His mirror of truth.
To get your heart right in accordance to Him, not to the world.
Does He satisfy you?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 30-31
"I will supply the priests with an abundance of offerings. I will satisfy my people with my bounty. I, the Lord, have spoken!" Jeremiah 31:14 NLT
Satisfy-to make happy: please; to gratify to the full.
Man, oh man, what a question runs through my mind this morning.
Does God satisfy me?
You know I have to ask it of you, too.
To let you chew on the Word.
To allow you opportunity to correct yourself in the reflection of His mirror of truth.
To get your heart right in accordance to Him, not to the world.
Does He satisfy you?
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 27-29
"I will be found by you, says the Lord. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your own land." Jeremiah 29:14 NLT
Restore-give back, return; to put or bring back into existence or use; to renew; to put again in possession of something.
God was speaking to the exiles who had been placed in captivity in Babylon for what would be a seventy year 'time out'.
He promised them that when they chose to return to Him, He would return to them. And return to them in a way they would not or could not fathom.
He told them He would also restore everything they had lost.
But not only lost.
Everything they had given away to idols.
Everything they had traded for sins.
Everything they had forfeited in order to be part of the crowd.
Everything they had allowed to slip through their fingers.
Everything they had previously owned but had never fully appreciated.
What a promise!
And it's one we can bank on, too.
Those things you gave away while you walked in sin--if they are truly intended to be yours, then He will restore them!
Those godly ways you disregarded as old-fashioned, grandfatherly or archaic, He will make new and valuable to you.
Those personal things you'd sold off to the highest bidder at the lowest point in your life, He is there to renew, remake and reward back to you.
When we turn back to Him.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 27-29
"I will be found by you, says the Lord. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. I will gather you out of the nations where I sent you and bring you home again to your own land." Jeremiah 29:14 NLT
Restore-give back, return; to put or bring back into existence or use; to renew; to put again in possession of something.
God was speaking to the exiles who had been placed in captivity in Babylon for what would be a seventy year 'time out'.
He promised them that when they chose to return to Him, He would return to them. And return to them in a way they would not or could not fathom.
He told them He would also restore everything they had lost.
But not only lost.
Everything they had given away to idols.
Everything they had traded for sins.
Everything they had forfeited in order to be part of the crowd.
Everything they had allowed to slip through their fingers.
Everything they had previously owned but had never fully appreciated.
What a promise!
And it's one we can bank on, too.
Those things you gave away while you walked in sin--if they are truly intended to be yours, then He will restore them!
Those godly ways you disregarded as old-fashioned, grandfatherly or archaic, He will make new and valuable to you.
Those personal things you'd sold off to the highest bidder at the lowest point in your life, He is there to renew, remake and reward back to you.
When we turn back to Him.
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 24-26
"But you would not listen to me, says the Lord. You made me furious by worshiping your idols, bringing on yourselves all the disasters you now suffer." Jeremiah 25:7 NLT
Furious-exhibiting or goaded by anger; indicative of or proceeding from anger; giving a stormy or turbulent appearance.
Do you forget God can exhibit anger?
Even to the point of being furious?
Oh, there are those who would like us to believe it isn't in Him.
That He is only love.
That He is only mercy.
That He is only kindness.
That birds chirp, rainbows pop up and angels dance when He is around.
But the Bible tells us account after account of God's anger, against people-both His and those who go against His.
So why do we forget that?
Why do we choose to go against Him? To stir up His anger by ungodly choices? By making disobedient decisions?
To poke Him with a stick that we think is long enough for us to be safe from His fury?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 24-26
"But you would not listen to me, says the Lord. You made me furious by worshiping your idols, bringing on yourselves all the disasters you now suffer." Jeremiah 25:7 NLT
Furious-exhibiting or goaded by anger; indicative of or proceeding from anger; giving a stormy or turbulent appearance.
Do you forget God can exhibit anger?
Even to the point of being furious?
Oh, there are those who would like us to believe it isn't in Him.
That He is only love.
That He is only mercy.
That He is only kindness.
That birds chirp, rainbows pop up and angels dance when He is around.
But the Bible tells us account after account of God's anger, against people-both His and those who go against His.
So why do we forget that?
Why do we choose to go against Him? To stir up His anger by ungodly choices? By making disobedient decisions?
To poke Him with a stick that we think is long enough for us to be safe from His fury?
Monday, October 22, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 22-23
"You should keep asking each other, 'What is the Lord's answer?' or 'What is the Lord saying?'" Jeremiah 23:35 NLT
Asking-calling on for an answer; questioning about.
I'm asking you to do me a favor.
Really, I need you to do it for me.
You need me to do it for you, too.
If you hear me begin a conversation with, 'Well, my opinion is...', stop me! Tell me to quit talking. Put your hand over my mouth. Duct tape my lips closed. Discontinue the conversation. Do not listen to me!
Stop me from offering my opinion.
But if you hear me say, 'This is what the Bible says...'
Or, 'God's Word tells us...'
Then listen up.
Listen closely.
Hang on every word.
But don't allow me to offer opinion--it's too emotionally based, personally flawed and lacking the wisdom God's advice would have.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 22-23
"You should keep asking each other, 'What is the Lord's answer?' or 'What is the Lord saying?'" Jeremiah 23:35 NLT
Asking-calling on for an answer; questioning about.
I'm asking you to do me a favor.
Really, I need you to do it for me.
You need me to do it for you, too.
If you hear me begin a conversation with, 'Well, my opinion is...', stop me! Tell me to quit talking. Put your hand over my mouth. Duct tape my lips closed. Discontinue the conversation. Do not listen to me!
Stop me from offering my opinion.
But if you hear me say, 'This is what the Bible says...'
Or, 'God's Word tells us...'
Then listen up.
Listen closely.
Hang on every word.
But don't allow me to offer opinion--it's too emotionally based, personally flawed and lacking the wisdom God's advice would have.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 19-21
"Now I will sing out my thanks to the Lord! Praise the Lord! For though I was poor and needy, he delivered me from my oppressors." Jeremiah 20:13 NLT
Delivered-to have been set free; to have been taken and handed over to or left for another.
It really doesn't matter how much you have in your bank account or how self-sufficient you believe you are.
It doesn't matter your opinion of your personal strengths, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
It doesn't matter how long it's been since your last fall from grace.
It doesn't matter how dark your past was and how brilliantly lit your present is.
We all need a Deliverer.
At all times.
For every step we take.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 19-21
"Now I will sing out my thanks to the Lord! Praise the Lord! For though I was poor and needy, he delivered me from my oppressors." Jeremiah 20:13 NLT
Delivered-to have been set free; to have been taken and handed over to or left for another.
It really doesn't matter how much you have in your bank account or how self-sufficient you believe you are.
It doesn't matter your opinion of your personal strengths, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.
It doesn't matter how long it's been since your last fall from grace.
It doesn't matter how dark your past was and how brilliantly lit your present is.
We all need a Deliverer.
At all times.
For every step we take.
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 16-18
"This is what the Lord says: Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, on the salty flats where no one lives." Jeremiah 17:5-6 NLT
Cursed-being under or deserving a curse.
Curse-a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one.
Be very careful where you put your trust.
Where your assurance lies.
In what and in whom your comfort comes.
What gives you peace.
What makes you happy.
No one wants to be a 'stunted shrub living on salty flats'!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 16-18
"This is what the Lord says: Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, on the salty flats where no one lives." Jeremiah 17:5-6 NLT
Cursed-being under or deserving a curse.
Curse-a prayer or invocation for harm or injury to come upon one.
Be very careful where you put your trust.
Where your assurance lies.
In what and in whom your comfort comes.
What gives you peace.
What makes you happy.
No one wants to be a 'stunted shrub living on salty flats'!
Friday, October 19, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 13-15
"...You are to influence them; do not let them influence you!" Jeremiah 15:19 NLT
Influence-the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways; corrupt interference with authority for personal gain.
There is a great possibility that 'they' have already influenced you this morning.
Maybe in what you will wear?
How you will feel about what you see in the mirror?
About what you are dreading that's penciled in on your planner?
In regards to who might approach your sales counter?
About whether or not you will fall short, again, in comparison to another?
But that's not how we are supposed to be living.
We are to be the influencers.
The people who make a mark.
The ones who set the bar, encourage others and mark the course.
We have God living in our very souls, and to a world that's hungry for His peace, we have the opportunity to share Him with them...to be Him in flesh...to influence them for Him.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 13-15
"...You are to influence them; do not let them influence you!" Jeremiah 15:19 NLT
Influence-the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways; corrupt interference with authority for personal gain.
There is a great possibility that 'they' have already influenced you this morning.
Maybe in what you will wear?
How you will feel about what you see in the mirror?
About what you are dreading that's penciled in on your planner?
In regards to who might approach your sales counter?
About whether or not you will fall short, again, in comparison to another?
But that's not how we are supposed to be living.
We are to be the influencers.
The people who make a mark.
The ones who set the bar, encourage others and mark the course.
We have God living in our very souls, and to a world that's hungry for His peace, we have the opportunity to share Him with them...to be Him in flesh...to influence them for Him.
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 10-12
"Lord, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power." Jeremiah 10:6 NLT
Great-notably large in size; remarkable in magnitude, degree or effectiveness; markedly superior in quality or character.
It's time we got back to basics.
God is great!
Sure He is merciful, kind, loving, gracious and just but let's remember what He is to His very core, and that is great.
It's elementary.
It's self-explanatory.
It's truth in the simplest of terms.
God is great.
God is great!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 10-12
"Lord, there is no one like you! For you are great, and your name is full of power." Jeremiah 10:6 NLT
Great-notably large in size; remarkable in magnitude, degree or effectiveness; markedly superior in quality or character.
It's time we got back to basics.
God is great!
Sure He is merciful, kind, loving, gracious and just but let's remember what He is to His very core, and that is great.
It's elementary.
It's self-explanatory.
It's truth in the simplest of terms.
God is great.
God is great!
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 7-9
"Then why do these people keep going along their self-destructive path, refusing to turn back, even though I have warned them?" Jeremiah 8:5 NLT
Self-destructive-acting or tending to harm or destroy oneself; suicidal.
Why do we make following God so hard?
When we know He has the best in store for us...
When we know His ways are perfect...
When we know the reward that awaits us as faithful followers of His...
When living for Him will make such an impact on those around us...
When we know, down deep we really know, that in disregarding Him, we're killing ourselves?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 7-9
"Then why do these people keep going along their self-destructive path, refusing to turn back, even though I have warned them?" Jeremiah 8:5 NLT
Self-destructive-acting or tending to harm or destroy oneself; suicidal.
Why do we make following God so hard?
When we know He has the best in store for us...
When we know His ways are perfect...
When we know the reward that awaits us as faithful followers of His...
When living for Him will make such an impact on those around us...
When we know, down deep we really know, that in disregarding Him, we're killing ourselves?
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 4-6
"From the least to the greatest, they trick others to get what does not belong to them. Yes, even my prophets and priests are like that! They offer superficial treatments for my people's mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when all is war." Jeremiah 6:13-14 NLT
Superficial-of, relating to, or located near a surface; concerned only with the obvious or apparent; presenting only an appearance without substance or significance.
The simple fact is this: Sin is the problem.
In regards to the issues of gun violence, sin is the problem.
Human trafficking, sin is the problem.
Broken homes and a declining economy, sin is the problem.
Lack of respect and decency, sin is the problem.
Regarding the floundering and lifeless churches in our country, sin is the problem.
Politicians, media analysts and even some preachers will point to other issues causing the turmoil, but the reasons they present are only superficial, surface wounds.
The infection and infestation comes from hearts not in alignment with God and His Word.
The real problem is sin.
The real solution is not awaiting the right committee, the right party or the right amount of mind over matter--it is conviction, confession, repentance and salvation.
Sin is the problem. God is the answer!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 4-6
"From the least to the greatest, they trick others to get what does not belong to them. Yes, even my prophets and priests are like that! They offer superficial treatments for my people's mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when all is war." Jeremiah 6:13-14 NLT
Superficial-of, relating to, or located near a surface; concerned only with the obvious or apparent; presenting only an appearance without substance or significance.
The simple fact is this: Sin is the problem.
In regards to the issues of gun violence, sin is the problem.
Human trafficking, sin is the problem.
Broken homes and a declining economy, sin is the problem.
Lack of respect and decency, sin is the problem.
Regarding the floundering and lifeless churches in our country, sin is the problem.
Politicians, media analysts and even some preachers will point to other issues causing the turmoil, but the reasons they present are only superficial, surface wounds.
The infection and infestation comes from hearts not in alignment with God and His Word.
The real problem is sin.
The real solution is not awaiting the right committee, the right party or the right amount of mind over matter--it is conviction, confession, repentance and salvation.
Sin is the problem. God is the answer!
Monday, October 15, 2018
Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-3
"Why don't you call on these gods you have made? When danger comes, let them save you if they can! For you have as many gods as there are cities and towns in Judah." Jeremiah 2:28 NLT
Gods- a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and power as to require human worship.
Maybe you don't keep your little idols on a shelf in a prominent place in your house.
Or in a special niche of your closet.
Or carry them with you in your pocket or on a chain about your neck.
But you have them.
Sadly, we all have them.
For some it's money. What's in their wallet, in their bank account, in a jar buried in their back yard...
Or it's that slip of paper. The one that bestows a degree, shows your ownership of something, or states the doctor has found you to be in perfect health...
Or an ability. The outstanding singing talent, the organizational skills, the speaking gift, the friendliness factor you seem to have been given...
Or a membership somewhere. To the country club, to the town council, to the sorority, to the Bible study, to the church, to the prayer group...
Maybe your god is a scale sitting on the bathroom floor?
An ideal that involves a white gown and a tuxedo?
A baby wrapped in a receiving blanket?
A full schedule of events neatly penned into a well-kept planner?
Where are these gods of ours when trouble strikes? Which of these holders-of-our-faith come to our rescue when the bottom drops out of our world? What can these ideas, idols and icons do for us?
Nothing, at all.
And yet we serve them with our time, money and attention while God waits for us to turn to Him.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-3
"Why don't you call on these gods you have made? When danger comes, let them save you if they can! For you have as many gods as there are cities and towns in Judah." Jeremiah 2:28 NLT
Gods- a being or object believed to have more than natural attributes and power as to require human worship.
Maybe you don't keep your little idols on a shelf in a prominent place in your house.
Or in a special niche of your closet.
Or carry them with you in your pocket or on a chain about your neck.
But you have them.
Sadly, we all have them.
For some it's money. What's in their wallet, in their bank account, in a jar buried in their back yard...
Or it's that slip of paper. The one that bestows a degree, shows your ownership of something, or states the doctor has found you to be in perfect health...
Or an ability. The outstanding singing talent, the organizational skills, the speaking gift, the friendliness factor you seem to have been given...
Or a membership somewhere. To the country club, to the town council, to the sorority, to the Bible study, to the church, to the prayer group...
Maybe your god is a scale sitting on the bathroom floor?
An ideal that involves a white gown and a tuxedo?
A baby wrapped in a receiving blanket?
A full schedule of events neatly penned into a well-kept planner?
Where are these gods of ours when trouble strikes? Which of these holders-of-our-faith come to our rescue when the bottom drops out of our world? What can these ideas, idols and icons do for us?
Nothing, at all.
And yet we serve them with our time, money and attention while God waits for us to turn to Him.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Today's reading: 2 Peter 1-3
"...For you are a slave to whatever controls you." 2 Peter 2:19 NLT
Control-to have power over; to exercise restraining or directing influence over.
Worst case scenario: your enemy controls you.
Best case scenario: God controls you.
We choose.
We choose who, or Who, we give the reins of our life to.
We choose who, hopefully Who, guides our decisions.
We choose who/Who sets the tone of our day, the attitude we will have, the reactions we will permit, the responses we will spew, the actions we take.
So who, or Who, is controlling you?
Today's reading: 2 Peter 1-3
"...For you are a slave to whatever controls you." 2 Peter 2:19 NLT
Control-to have power over; to exercise restraining or directing influence over.
Worst case scenario: your enemy controls you.
Best case scenario: God controls you.
We choose.
We choose who, or Who, we give the reins of our life to.
We choose who, hopefully Who, guides our decisions.
We choose who/Who sets the tone of our day, the attitude we will have, the reactions we will permit, the responses we will spew, the actions we take.
So who, or Who, is controlling you?
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Today's reading: 1 Peter 1-5
"Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 NLT
Devour- to drink down, to swallow down; to swallow up, to destroy; to use up or destroy.
Some days I feel like the mouse a housecat has found and plays with...
Some days I allow the enemy to walk along beside me, like a pet...
Some days the enemy jumps out from around a corner and scares me to death...
Some days I 'put the enemy on a leash', allowing it a short romp about my mind...
Some days I barely get the cage door shut as the enemy lunges at me...
Every day he is out to destroy me.
Every action of his is in an attempt to suck the life, hope and peace out of me.
Every move he makes is in an effort to knock me down so he can kill my soul.
So I have to be careful. I have to be diligent in watching for him. I have to be consistent in keeping him at bay.
He isn't looking for me in order that he might help me in some way...he is out to take my life!
Today's reading: 1 Peter 1-5
"Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour." 1 Peter 5:8 NLT
Devour- to drink down, to swallow down; to swallow up, to destroy; to use up or destroy.
Some days I feel like the mouse a housecat has found and plays with...
Some days I allow the enemy to walk along beside me, like a pet...
Some days the enemy jumps out from around a corner and scares me to death...
Some days I 'put the enemy on a leash', allowing it a short romp about my mind...
Some days I barely get the cage door shut as the enemy lunges at me...
Every day he is out to destroy me.
Every action of his is in an attempt to suck the life, hope and peace out of me.
Every move he makes is in an effort to knock me down so he can kill my soul.
So I have to be careful. I have to be diligent in watching for him. I have to be consistent in keeping him at bay.
He isn't looking for me in order that he might help me in some way...he is out to take my life!
Friday, October 12, 2018
Today's reading: Isaiah 64-66
"My hands have made both heaven and earth, and they are mine. I, the Lord, have spoken! I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word." Isaiah 66:2 NLT
Contrite-feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming.
When was the last time you were truly sorry for a sin?
Not ashamed of being caught red-handed.
Not embarrassed by the label placed on you for committing it.
But sorry.
From-the-gut sorry you ever did what it was.
It's contriteness that ushers in blessing.
It's being broken by conviction and overwhelmed by the need for forgiveness from God that opens the door to our living in the abundance that He promises to His own.
So think about it.
Let the ramifications of your sins, even and especially, the ones you consider to be small and insignificant, settle in your heart--see if they settle well, or leave you with an upset.
Today's reading: Isaiah 64-66
"My hands have made both heaven and earth, and they are mine. I, the Lord, have spoken! I will bless those who have humble and contrite hearts, who tremble at my word." Isaiah 66:2 NLT
Contrite-feeling or showing sorrow and remorse for a sin or shortcoming.
When was the last time you were truly sorry for a sin?
Not ashamed of being caught red-handed.
Not embarrassed by the label placed on you for committing it.
But sorry.
From-the-gut sorry you ever did what it was.
It's contriteness that ushers in blessing.
It's being broken by conviction and overwhelmed by the need for forgiveness from God that opens the door to our living in the abundance that He promises to His own.
So think about it.
Let the ramifications of your sins, even and especially, the ones you consider to be small and insignificant, settle in your heart--see if they settle well, or leave you with an upset.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Today's reading: Isaiah 61-63
"The Lord will hold you in his hands for all to see--a splendid crown in the hands of God." Isaiah 62:3 NLT
Hold-to have possession of or ownership of or have at one's disposal; to have or maintain in the grasp; to support in a particular position or keep from falling or moving.
You may think, as God's special possession, that you're being stored in His pantry-out of sight and out of mind.
Or that, quite possibly, you're far too plain or common to be on display for Him.
Or maybe you have been told by the enemy that your imperfections and chinks are far to noticeable for Him to want to show the world.
Every day God has you on display in order to reveal His glory to the world.
He holds you carefully and securely in His strong, capable hands and presents you to His world.
As a cherished treasure of His.
As a spoil of a war He fought and funded by His heart.
As a precious masterpiece formed by His own hands.
As a prized creation.
As an adored child.
A crown wouldn't be stuffed away in the archives, hidden in the basement or carelessly tossed in the closet--it would be showed off, displayed, set out to be admired.
Go into the world, child of God...He's hold you!
Today's reading: Isaiah 61-63
"The Lord will hold you in his hands for all to see--a splendid crown in the hands of God." Isaiah 62:3 NLT
Hold-to have possession of or ownership of or have at one's disposal; to have or maintain in the grasp; to support in a particular position or keep from falling or moving.
You may think, as God's special possession, that you're being stored in His pantry-out of sight and out of mind.
Or that, quite possibly, you're far too plain or common to be on display for Him.
Or maybe you have been told by the enemy that your imperfections and chinks are far to noticeable for Him to want to show the world.
Every day God has you on display in order to reveal His glory to the world.
He holds you carefully and securely in His strong, capable hands and presents you to His world.
As a cherished treasure of His.
As a spoil of a war He fought and funded by His heart.
As a precious masterpiece formed by His own hands.
As a prized creation.
As an adored child.
A crown wouldn't be stuffed away in the archives, hidden in the basement or carelessly tossed in the closet--it would be showed off, displayed, set out to be admired.
Go into the world, child of God...He's hold you!
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Today's reading: Isaiah 58-60
"Yet they act so pious! They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to hear my laws. You would almost think this was a righteous nation that would never abandon its God. They love to make a show of coming to me and asking me to take action on their behalf." Isaiah 58:2 NLT
Pious-marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship; marked by conspicuous religiosity; showing loyal reverence for a person or thing.
Yes, this portion of Scripture refers to the nation of Israel. God's chosen ones. The Holy Land. But couldn't it also, based upon news reports, history of events and media coverage, be the United States?
Conspicuous religiosity.
There is a majority of American citizens striving to be godly people.
(A larger majority than the media touts there to be.)
There is also a remnant of folks who act piously.
The act like they should when the cameras are on.
They go through the motions when the tape is running.
They loudly state their values before elections.
They walk into their churches on special occasions, like they are regular attenders.
'They love to make a show of coming to me and asking me to take action on their behalf.'
But what about their hearts?
Wait a minute, what about our own hearts?
Today's reading: Isaiah 58-60
"Yet they act so pious! They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to hear my laws. You would almost think this was a righteous nation that would never abandon its God. They love to make a show of coming to me and asking me to take action on their behalf." Isaiah 58:2 NLT
Pious-marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship; marked by conspicuous religiosity; showing loyal reverence for a person or thing.
Yes, this portion of Scripture refers to the nation of Israel. God's chosen ones. The Holy Land. But couldn't it also, based upon news reports, history of events and media coverage, be the United States?
Conspicuous religiosity.
There is a majority of American citizens striving to be godly people.
(A larger majority than the media touts there to be.)
There is also a remnant of folks who act piously.
The act like they should when the cameras are on.
They go through the motions when the tape is running.
They loudly state their values before elections.
They walk into their churches on special occasions, like they are regular attenders.
'They love to make a show of coming to me and asking me to take action on their behalf.'
But what about their hearts?
Wait a minute, what about our own hearts?
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Today's reading: Isaiah 55-57
"For I say this to the eunuchs who keep my Sabbath days holy, who choose to do what pleases me and commit their lives to me: I will give them--in my house, within my walls--a memorial and a name far great than the honor they would have received by having sons and daughters. For the name I give them is an everlasting one. It will never disappear!" Isaiah 56:4-5 NLT
Eunuch-a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace; one that lacks virility or power.
What a promise God gives to those of us who are 'lacking'!
Lacking anything, really.
A strong constitution against temptation.
A polished and spotless past.
A legacy of godliness in our families.
The neighbor's fancy house.
The testimony of the one sitting down the pew from us on Sunday.
Maybe what's 'missing' has been taken. Maybe what is gone was given freely at a time in life when it wasn't as valued as it should have been. Maybe what is absent is something that others possess but isn't intended for everyone to have.
This verse tells me God sees us as His. Even when we're 'lacking'.
It says He gives us a name, an everlasting name, that has NOTHING AT ALL to do with what is lost, mislaid or AWOL from our lives.
And all to do with Him!
Today's reading: Isaiah 55-57
"For I say this to the eunuchs who keep my Sabbath days holy, who choose to do what pleases me and commit their lives to me: I will give them--in my house, within my walls--a memorial and a name far great than the honor they would have received by having sons and daughters. For the name I give them is an everlasting one. It will never disappear!" Isaiah 56:4-5 NLT
Eunuch-a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace; one that lacks virility or power.
What a promise God gives to those of us who are 'lacking'!
Lacking anything, really.
A strong constitution against temptation.
A polished and spotless past.
A legacy of godliness in our families.
The neighbor's fancy house.
The testimony of the one sitting down the pew from us on Sunday.
Maybe what's 'missing' has been taken. Maybe what is gone was given freely at a time in life when it wasn't as valued as it should have been. Maybe what is absent is something that others possess but isn't intended for everyone to have.
This verse tells me God sees us as His. Even when we're 'lacking'.
It says He gives us a name, an everlasting name, that has NOTHING AT ALL to do with what is lost, mislaid or AWOL from our lives.
And all to do with Him!
Monday, October 8, 2018
Today's reading: Isaiah 52-54
"...For the Lord will go ahead of you, and the God of Israel will protect you from behind." Isaiah 52:12 NLT
Protect-to cover or shield from exposure, injury, damage or destruction; to guard or defend.
God's got us covered!
He protects us from what's behind--what sneaks up on us unaware, what creeps up on us, what lurks in the shadows of our pasts.
He protects us from what's ahead--what we don't see coming, what we cannot imagine might come, what the future holds and what it will do to our hearts and lives.
He has us.
Firmly. Securely. No doubt about it, God has us covered!
Today's reading: Isaiah 52-54
"...For the Lord will go ahead of you, and the God of Israel will protect you from behind." Isaiah 52:12 NLT
Protect-to cover or shield from exposure, injury, damage or destruction; to guard or defend.
God's got us covered!
He protects us from what's behind--what sneaks up on us unaware, what creeps up on us, what lurks in the shadows of our pasts.
He protects us from what's ahead--what we don't see coming, what we cannot imagine might come, what the future holds and what it will do to our hearts and lives.
He has us.
Firmly. Securely. No doubt about it, God has us covered!
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