Today's reading: Exodus 17-20
"...This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself." Exodus 18:18 NLT
Take off your cape and fold it neatly on the couch for a while.
The world will be all right, Super Friend, while we talk.
Allow me to be completely honest here: You are trying to do too much!
You are wearing yourself out. Your nerves are dangling on the edge of a messy precipice of burn-out. Your conversations are tainted with complaints, criticisms and constant talk of our schedule--and never having enough time. You are looking haggard and worn, well, what we see of you that isn't a blur.
You've got to slow down. You have to admit to needing a helping hand. You cannot continue at this pace for very long.
What to do?
Grab yourself a pray-er. A prayer partner. Someone who can lift you up, lend a hand and be leaned upon.
Admit to yourself, and your other SuperHero friends that you cannot keep up this pace of life.
Aaah, do you feel a smidge better? Maybe, just maybe it wasn't the weight of the world on your shoulders--maybe, it was that cape you've been wearing!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 4-5
"For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us immeasurably great glory that will last forever. So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now, rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NLT
What do you see when you look around?
Do you see turmoil? Trouble? Huge obstacles? Chaos? Worries by the boatload?
Or do you see a safe, secure, joy-filled, peace-laden future?
Now is only temporary...eternity, well, eternity is what will last.
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 4-5
"For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us immeasurably great glory that will last forever. So we don't look at the troubles we can see right now, rather, we look forward to what we have not yet seen. For the troubles we see will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever." 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 NLT
What do you see when you look around?
Do you see turmoil? Trouble? Huge obstacles? Chaos? Worries by the boatload?
Or do you see a safe, secure, joy-filled, peace-laden future?
Now is only temporary...eternity, well, eternity is what will last.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Today's reading: Mark 13-14
"As Jesus was leaving the Temple that day, one of his disciples said, Teacher, look at these tremendous buildings! Look at the massive stones in the walls!" Mark 13:1 NLT
Can you imagine, as nice as the Temple might have been, asking the Creator to look at something as 'un-tremendous' as a man-made building?
Directing the attention of the Maker of the universe away from the individual stars He had hand-crafted to look upon a stack of bricks?
Do you really think He was impressed?
Isn't the same true when we go on and on about the problems we have? The immensity of their proportions? The huge-ness of the situations we're faced with? The mole-hills sitting beside the Mountain-mover Himself?
Today's reading: Mark 13-14
"As Jesus was leaving the Temple that day, one of his disciples said, Teacher, look at these tremendous buildings! Look at the massive stones in the walls!" Mark 13:1 NLT
Can you imagine, as nice as the Temple might have been, asking the Creator to look at something as 'un-tremendous' as a man-made building?
Directing the attention of the Maker of the universe away from the individual stars He had hand-crafted to look upon a stack of bricks?
Do you really think He was impressed?
Isn't the same true when we go on and on about the problems we have? The immensity of their proportions? The huge-ness of the situations we're faced with? The mole-hills sitting beside the Mountain-mover Himself?
Friday, April 27, 2012
Today's reading: Jeremiah 22-26
I've located my personal verse in the Bible. It speaks of me. It points to me. It reeks of me. It sums up my life in a few simple words...
"...Since childhood you have been that way--you simply will not listen!" Jeremiah 22:21 NLT
I've always spoken when He's asked me to keep my mouth shut.
I've gone my own way when He's whispered a different path to my heart.
I've worried when He's unquestionably told me to know Him and be still.
I've turned and run when He's told me to stand and watch Him fight.
I've questioned when He's put my answer in black and white--and sometimes in red.
And yet? He still loves me. Still seeks me. Still send His Son to die or my sins--all of them, including the ones brought upon myself by not listening!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 22-26
I've located my personal verse in the Bible. It speaks of me. It points to me. It reeks of me. It sums up my life in a few simple words...
"...Since childhood you have been that way--you simply will not listen!" Jeremiah 22:21 NLT
I've always spoken when He's asked me to keep my mouth shut.
I've gone my own way when He's whispered a different path to my heart.
I've worried when He's unquestionably told me to know Him and be still.
I've turned and run when He's told me to stand and watch Him fight.
I've questioned when He's put my answer in black and white--and sometimes in red.
And yet? He still loves me. Still seeks me. Still send His Son to die or my sins--all of them, including the ones brought upon myself by not listening!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Today's reading: Job 33-34
"For God carefully watches the way people live, he sees everything they do. No darkness is thick enough to hide the wicked from his eyes." Job 34:21-22 NLT
I'm afraid of snakes.
The only thing I'm more of afraid of than snakes, would be running for the office of President of the United States.
There's nothing meaner, uglier or nosier than political campaigns.
I'm afraid of what would be found in my 'closet' that I'm even unaware is there.
What could be worse than having someone hired by your competitor to 'get the dirt', 'uncover the skeletons' or 'put a spin' on anything and everything you've ever said or done. A bespectacled individual sitting in an office perusing the play-by-play of your life, hoping to find a single word, a comment or an action that, by its self, can be used as fodder or the debating podium.
Well, standing before God could be worse--if you've not turned the contents of your 'closet' and heart over to Him.
He's aware of it all.
He knows.
He cannot be fooled, tricked or distracted.
And, He's willing to forgive it all!
Today's reading: Job 33-34
"For God carefully watches the way people live, he sees everything they do. No darkness is thick enough to hide the wicked from his eyes." Job 34:21-22 NLT
I'm afraid of snakes.
The only thing I'm more of afraid of than snakes, would be running for the office of President of the United States.
There's nothing meaner, uglier or nosier than political campaigns.
I'm afraid of what would be found in my 'closet' that I'm even unaware is there.
What could be worse than having someone hired by your competitor to 'get the dirt', 'uncover the skeletons' or 'put a spin' on anything and everything you've ever said or done. A bespectacled individual sitting in an office perusing the play-by-play of your life, hoping to find a single word, a comment or an action that, by its self, can be used as fodder or the debating podium.
Well, standing before God could be worse--if you've not turned the contents of your 'closet' and heart over to Him.
He's aware of it all.
He knows.
He cannot be fooled, tricked or distracted.
And, He's willing to forgive it all!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 48-50
"I don't need the bulls you sacrifice. I don't need the blood of goats. What I want instead is your true thanks to God; I want you to fulfill your vows to the Most High. Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you and you will be my glory." Psalm 50:13-15 NLT
I've read it before. Several times in fact. I've heard it preached on. I've studied Sunday School lessons on it.
But I've never noticed until this morning that not only does He want my true thanks, He wants me to trust Him.
Trusting God is a form of worship.
Believing He can, will, has it all under control, is a sacrifice...think it's not, just try doing it when the circumstances point you in other directions!
Will you worship Him by trusting His ways, His will, His timing?
Today's reading: Psalm 48-50
"I don't need the bulls you sacrifice. I don't need the blood of goats. What I want instead is your true thanks to God; I want you to fulfill your vows to the Most High. Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you and you will be my glory." Psalm 50:13-15 NLT
I've read it before. Several times in fact. I've heard it preached on. I've studied Sunday School lessons on it.
But I've never noticed until this morning that not only does He want my true thanks, He wants me to trust Him.
Trusting God is a form of worship.
Believing He can, will, has it all under control, is a sacrifice...think it's not, just try doing it when the circumstances point you in other directions!
Will you worship Him by trusting His ways, His will, His timing?
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 1-4
"Then Joab said, God only knows what would have happened if you hadn't spoken..." 2 Samuel 2:27 NLT
For a gal with a 'mouth problem', this portion of verse grabs my attention and settles like a lump in my throat.
You see, I've spent a goodly amount of my forty-one years zipping my lip, biting my tongue and holding back my words.
And now?
Well, now I'm as sure as ever that there are times I'll still have to monitor my tongue's activity--but I also am convicted about the things I need to be saying.
Things like...
...Please forgive me.
...I'm so very sorry.
...I was wrong.
...Let me discuss it with God before agreeing to do it.
...There is only one way to heaven, regardless of what Oprah says.
...I do not believe that to be beneficial for my myself or my family, so no thanks.
God does only know what things I could have prevented had I learned to speak when He needs me to.
Today, I begin listening for His voice, because there may be times He needs me to speak up!
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 1-4
"Then Joab said, God only knows what would have happened if you hadn't spoken..." 2 Samuel 2:27 NLT
For a gal with a 'mouth problem', this portion of verse grabs my attention and settles like a lump in my throat.
You see, I've spent a goodly amount of my forty-one years zipping my lip, biting my tongue and holding back my words.
And now?
Well, now I'm as sure as ever that there are times I'll still have to monitor my tongue's activity--but I also am convicted about the things I need to be saying.
Things like...
...Please forgive me.
...I'm so very sorry.
...I was wrong.
...Let me discuss it with God before agreeing to do it.
...There is only one way to heaven, regardless of what Oprah says.
...I do not believe that to be beneficial for my myself or my family, so no thanks.
God does only know what things I could have prevented had I learned to speak when He needs me to.
Today, I begin listening for His voice, because there may be times He needs me to speak up!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Today's reading: Exodus 13-16
"Yet I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they will follow the Israelites in the sea. Then I will receive great glory at the expense of Pharoah and his armies, chariots and charioteers. When I am finished with Pharoah and his army, all of Egypt will know that I am the Lord!" Exodus 14:17-18 NLT
"The waters covered all the chariots and charioteers--the entire army of Pharoah. Of all the Egyptians who had chased the Israelites into the sea, not a single one survived." Exodus 14:28 NLT
How my mind works (or doesn't at times) amazes me.
Like with the account of Moses, the Israelites and the showdown at the Red Sea.
Who went back to Egypt to tell Pharoah that he could pick up all his iron-wheeled chariots, water-logged horses and drowned soldiers--at the bottom of the Red Sea?
All the 'chasers' had been covered up by the waters of the Red Sea.
All the Hebrew children headed off in the direction of the Promised Land.
Were there the lag-behind, following-on-the-footsteps of a story, reporters?
I'm thinking this morning about being the eye witness bowing low before Pharoah and giving an account of the day's events. I'm pondering the messenger chosen, by God, to deliver the news to this seemingly mighty leader.
I'm imagining Pharoah's face.
I'm seeing his war generals (what were left of them) scratch their heads and slink back out of the picture as the story unfolds.
I'm seeing the servants in the palace. The ones who are overhearing the miraculous tale of happenings. The ones who were almost won over to the side of God by the Hebrew friends they'd made.
And, I'm seeing me. I'm imagining the battles I'll witness and the stories I'll be allowed to tell. Stories of God's greatness and satan's defeat. Happenings that ONLY God could have allowed. Moments of time that point to Him being the controlling force of this world, my world, my life.
Today's reading: Exodus 13-16
"Yet I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they will follow the Israelites in the sea. Then I will receive great glory at the expense of Pharoah and his armies, chariots and charioteers. When I am finished with Pharoah and his army, all of Egypt will know that I am the Lord!" Exodus 14:17-18 NLT
"The waters covered all the chariots and charioteers--the entire army of Pharoah. Of all the Egyptians who had chased the Israelites into the sea, not a single one survived." Exodus 14:28 NLT
How my mind works (or doesn't at times) amazes me.
Like with the account of Moses, the Israelites and the showdown at the Red Sea.
Who went back to Egypt to tell Pharoah that he could pick up all his iron-wheeled chariots, water-logged horses and drowned soldiers--at the bottom of the Red Sea?
All the 'chasers' had been covered up by the waters of the Red Sea.
All the Hebrew children headed off in the direction of the Promised Land.
Were there the lag-behind, following-on-the-footsteps of a story, reporters?
I'm thinking this morning about being the eye witness bowing low before Pharoah and giving an account of the day's events. I'm pondering the messenger chosen, by God, to deliver the news to this seemingly mighty leader.
I'm imagining Pharoah's face.
I'm seeing his war generals (what were left of them) scratch their heads and slink back out of the picture as the story unfolds.
I'm seeing the servants in the palace. The ones who are overhearing the miraculous tale of happenings. The ones who were almost won over to the side of God by the Hebrew friends they'd made.
And, I'm seeing me. I'm imagining the battles I'll witness and the stories I'll be allowed to tell. Stories of God's greatness and satan's defeat. Happenings that ONLY God could have allowed. Moments of time that point to Him being the controlling force of this world, my world, my life.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 1-3
"...Now wherever we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Good News like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a fragrance presented by Christ to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those being saved and by those perishing." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 NLT
Living on a farm, I know about smells. Animals (and people, too), living, breathing, carrying out functions of life produce smells!
To our city friends, these smells at first inhalation, produce a turned up nose. To our fellow farmers, it's hardly noticed.
The same will be true of those living for Christ--and those who are not.
You'll have an 'odor' to you if you're living out your faith. Other Christians will find it pleasing, encouraging and incentive-filled.
The unsaved?
They, at times, will turn up their noses. They will, without the Holy Spirit's urging, think it all stinks.
Until, that is, they begin looking for life.
So, my friend, are you 'smelling up' your mission field?
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 1-3
"...Now wherever we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the Good News like a sweet perfume. Our lives are a fragrance presented by Christ to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those being saved and by those perishing." 2 Corinthians 2:14-15 NLT
Living on a farm, I know about smells. Animals (and people, too), living, breathing, carrying out functions of life produce smells!
To our city friends, these smells at first inhalation, produce a turned up nose. To our fellow farmers, it's hardly noticed.
The same will be true of those living for Christ--and those who are not.
You'll have an 'odor' to you if you're living out your faith. Other Christians will find it pleasing, encouraging and incentive-filled.
The unsaved?
They, at times, will turn up their noses. They will, without the Holy Spirit's urging, think it all stinks.
Until, that is, they begin looking for life.
So, my friend, are you 'smelling up' your mission field?
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Today's reading: Mark 11-12
"He taught them, The Scriptures declare, My Temple will be called a place of prayer for all nations, but you have turned it into a den of thieves." Mark 11:17 NLT
What am I doing to the Lord's House?
What is my attitude bringing to the service? To the profile of my church? To the reputation our church has in the community? The the Holy Spirit's working in each and every one of our services?
Am I receiving of all who come in? Am a playing favorites to an elite group of my church family? Do I tend to make the rounds to those easiest to talk to, whose problems don't interfere with my time? Do I make an effort to be welcoming, over and above what I believe is expected of me?
This is really something God's got me thinking about this morning. He's giving me time to re-adjust my game plan before stepping inside the doors of His House tomorrow!
Today's reading: Mark 11-12
"He taught them, The Scriptures declare, My Temple will be called a place of prayer for all nations, but you have turned it into a den of thieves." Mark 11:17 NLT
What am I doing to the Lord's House?
What is my attitude bringing to the service? To the profile of my church? To the reputation our church has in the community? The the Holy Spirit's working in each and every one of our services?
Am I receiving of all who come in? Am a playing favorites to an elite group of my church family? Do I tend to make the rounds to those easiest to talk to, whose problems don't interfere with my time? Do I make an effort to be welcoming, over and above what I believe is expected of me?
This is really something God's got me thinking about this morning. He's giving me time to re-adjust my game plan before stepping inside the doors of His House tomorrow!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Today's reading: Jeremiah 17-21
"This is what the Lord says, Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, on the salty flats where no one lives." Jeremiah 17:5-6 NLT
You see it in your mind, don't you? A shriveled, barely there, attempt at a bush kind of plant growing amidst the sand dunes and whitened cattle skulls?
You wonder how it lives. You think about its purpose. You compare it mentally to the manicured topiaries in fancy parks and gardens.
Maybe you don't just see it--you feel it's pain.
You, please take no offense, are the stunted shrub.
You are living, not thriving. You are existing, barely. You look and feel windswept, shallow-rooted and dry.
You know why, too. It's your decision that's placed you in this predicament. Your lack of time at the Lord's feet. Your choice not to have faith in Him, but rather in others--who have let you down hard. It's the life you've chosen, without realizing how all encompassing the decision would be.
You can come back. You can seek His restoring, re-planting and redemptive love. You can take part in one of life's most amazing make-overs!
Well, stunted shrub, are you happy in the desert?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 17-21
"This is what the Lord says, Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, on the salty flats where no one lives." Jeremiah 17:5-6 NLT
You see it in your mind, don't you? A shriveled, barely there, attempt at a bush kind of plant growing amidst the sand dunes and whitened cattle skulls?
You wonder how it lives. You think about its purpose. You compare it mentally to the manicured topiaries in fancy parks and gardens.
Maybe you don't just see it--you feel it's pain.
You, please take no offense, are the stunted shrub.
You are living, not thriving. You are existing, barely. You look and feel windswept, shallow-rooted and dry.
You know why, too. It's your decision that's placed you in this predicament. Your lack of time at the Lord's feet. Your choice not to have faith in Him, but rather in others--who have let you down hard. It's the life you've chosen, without realizing how all encompassing the decision would be.
You can come back. You can seek His restoring, re-planting and redemptive love. You can take part in one of life's most amazing make-overs!
Well, stunted shrub, are you happy in the desert?
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Today's reading: Job 31-32
"Have I tried to hide my sins as people normally do, hiding my guilt in a closet?" Job 31:33 NLT
Christian blog writers sin.
There. It's out there.
Do not be misled any longer with false assumptions or lofty ideals.
Do I attempt to hide my sins in a closet? No, but only because a closet would not be big enough--even Imelda Marcos' shoe closet!
That being said, I am ashamed, convicted by the Holy Spirit, of what I do try to 'camoflauge' in terms of times when my heart and God's heart are not on the same page.
My attitude is one area He has brought to light this morning.
I can put on a happy face. I can slap a smile on and go. I can dish up service with enough of a grin that most folks would think I'm happy doing it...but One knows the truth.
My words are another.
The power that rests in what I say amazes and astounds me, and yet I wield them flippantly and carelessly. I utter sharp witicisms that cut deeply. I mutter, in poor conscience, things I know are unnecessary, unkind and untrue.
I thought my 'closet' was pretty clean, until God opened the door of it and started dragging a few things out that I had stored.
He and I will be working on this closet for the rest of my life. It's bigger and more jam-packed than I'd imagined.
Today's reading: Job 31-32
"Have I tried to hide my sins as people normally do, hiding my guilt in a closet?" Job 31:33 NLT
Christian blog writers sin.
There. It's out there.
Do not be misled any longer with false assumptions or lofty ideals.
Do I attempt to hide my sins in a closet? No, but only because a closet would not be big enough--even Imelda Marcos' shoe closet!
That being said, I am ashamed, convicted by the Holy Spirit, of what I do try to 'camoflauge' in terms of times when my heart and God's heart are not on the same page.
My attitude is one area He has brought to light this morning.
I can put on a happy face. I can slap a smile on and go. I can dish up service with enough of a grin that most folks would think I'm happy doing it...but One knows the truth.
My words are another.
The power that rests in what I say amazes and astounds me, and yet I wield them flippantly and carelessly. I utter sharp witicisms that cut deeply. I mutter, in poor conscience, things I know are unnecessary, unkind and untrue.
I thought my 'closet' was pretty clean, until God opened the door of it and started dragging a few things out that I had stored.
He and I will be working on this closet for the rest of my life. It's bigger and more jam-packed than I'd imagined.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 45-47
"...Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!" Psalm 45:4 NLT
Albert Einstein, considered to be one of the smartest fellas of most recent times once said: Everyone is a genius. But if you judge him by his ability to climb a tree he will live his entire life feeling as if he were stupid.
God must have given him that idea. He knows we all go about doing things differently. He, above all else, is aware that individuality is the key to service and love.
So, about today.
What awe-inspiring deed might you do?
In your workplace, could it be that you shine with His light? Might it be evident in what you say and don't say that you are in the world but not of the world?
In your home, could it be that the most menial of tasks are watched by little eyes and seen as acts of love? Might it be that you whistle while you work, even when tears are near the surface?
In your church, could it be the service you provide, in its wall and outside, are done gladly--whether noticed or not?
Will it be your walk of faith that inspires awe?
Will your commitment to keeping hope in sight inspire another to do the same?
No matter how you go about living out the life Christ has provided you, it should stir up awe in those around you.
We serve a Risen Savior--people will notice what we do for Him!
Today's reading: Psalm 45-47
"...Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!" Psalm 45:4 NLT
Albert Einstein, considered to be one of the smartest fellas of most recent times once said: Everyone is a genius. But if you judge him by his ability to climb a tree he will live his entire life feeling as if he were stupid.
God must have given him that idea. He knows we all go about doing things differently. He, above all else, is aware that individuality is the key to service and love.
So, about today.
What awe-inspiring deed might you do?
In your workplace, could it be that you shine with His light? Might it be evident in what you say and don't say that you are in the world but not of the world?
In your home, could it be that the most menial of tasks are watched by little eyes and seen as acts of love? Might it be that you whistle while you work, even when tears are near the surface?
In your church, could it be the service you provide, in its wall and outside, are done gladly--whether noticed or not?
Will it be your walk of faith that inspires awe?
Will your commitment to keeping hope in sight inspire another to do the same?
No matter how you go about living out the life Christ has provided you, it should stir up awe in those around you.
We serve a Risen Savior--people will notice what we do for Him!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 26-31
"But Samuel replied, Why ask me if the Lord has left you and has become your enemy?" 1 Samuel 28:16 NLT
My little boy lacks just a few inches of being as tall as me.
He's as sturdy as a little man.
He carries fifty-pound feed sacks with little trouble and can toss a saddle on his horse's back with ease.
He's capable and dependable enough to be trusted with some pretty important chores around the house.
But he's still my little guy--and as a Mom, I can still tell by looking into his eyes or watching his facial expressions if something's going on in his head, good or bad. I tell him I can see his freckles dancing...and he, I think, still believes it.
God sees through us as well.
He is aware of our motives. He knows our heart attitude. He aches when we allow a sin to build a chasm in our relationship with Him.
No one else usually knows. Few, except those closest to you, may ever see your inner struggle. A muddied conscience can be dressed up on Sunday and be made to sit quietly in a pew.
You and I are the only ones who know how our individual hearts are with the Lord.
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 26-31
"But Samuel replied, Why ask me if the Lord has left you and has become your enemy?" 1 Samuel 28:16 NLT
My little boy lacks just a few inches of being as tall as me.
He's as sturdy as a little man.
He carries fifty-pound feed sacks with little trouble and can toss a saddle on his horse's back with ease.
He's capable and dependable enough to be trusted with some pretty important chores around the house.
But he's still my little guy--and as a Mom, I can still tell by looking into his eyes or watching his facial expressions if something's going on in his head, good or bad. I tell him I can see his freckles dancing...and he, I think, still believes it.
God sees through us as well.
He is aware of our motives. He knows our heart attitude. He aches when we allow a sin to build a chasm in our relationship with Him.
No one else usually knows. Few, except those closest to you, may ever see your inner struggle. A muddied conscience can be dressed up on Sunday and be made to sit quietly in a pew.
You and I are the only ones who know how our individual hearts are with the Lord.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Today's reading: Exodus 9-12
"Then the Lord said to Moses, Return to Pharoah and again make your demands. I have made him and his officials stubborn so I can continue to display my power by performing miracles and signs among them. You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am Lord." Exodus 10:1-2 NLT
I'm well aware of how disgusted, exhausted and frustrated you are on the mission field God's placed you.
I know how discouraging it is to ask and invite only to be ignored, lied to and given a list of excuses as long as your arm.
I know how much you want to 'shake some godly sense' in to some of your loved ones for choosing to live the way they are.
But have you ever looked at these frustrations and discouragements through the words of Exodus 10:1-2?
Ever considered their refusals to be testimony material?
Ever paused to ponder the fact that what they choose has no factor in what you are supposed to do for God?
Ever thought about the fact that your persistence and commitment are the miraculous powers of God being displayed to that person?
Ever look at their situations and not shaken your head but lifted your hands in praise for the 'place where grace is soon to be so amazing'?
Today's reading: Exodus 9-12
"Then the Lord said to Moses, Return to Pharoah and again make your demands. I have made him and his officials stubborn so I can continue to display my power by performing miracles and signs among them. You will be able to tell wonderful stories to your children and grandchildren about the marvelous things I am doing among the Egyptians to prove that I am Lord." Exodus 10:1-2 NLT
I'm well aware of how disgusted, exhausted and frustrated you are on the mission field God's placed you.
I know how discouraging it is to ask and invite only to be ignored, lied to and given a list of excuses as long as your arm.
I know how much you want to 'shake some godly sense' in to some of your loved ones for choosing to live the way they are.
But have you ever looked at these frustrations and discouragements through the words of Exodus 10:1-2?
Ever considered their refusals to be testimony material?
Ever paused to ponder the fact that what they choose has no factor in what you are supposed to do for God?
Ever thought about the fact that your persistence and commitment are the miraculous powers of God being displayed to that person?
Ever look at their situations and not shaken your head but lifted your hands in praise for the 'place where grace is soon to be so amazing'?
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 15-16
I'm no preacher.
My eleven year-old might state otherwise...but I'm not.
But if I were, if I had an audience, if I had the pulpit for a time, if I had to present what I believe needs presenting today, well, I've found my sermon text:
"Come to your senses and stop sinning. For to your shame I say that some of you don't even know God." 1 Corinthians 15:34 NLT
Harsh words? Would I speak those words over what we like to be called, the church? Shouldn't the sinners of the world be singled out and preached to?
Would it be so hard to determine between the Christians and the unsaved in your church service today?
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 15-16
I'm no preacher.
My eleven year-old might state otherwise...but I'm not.
But if I were, if I had an audience, if I had the pulpit for a time, if I had to present what I believe needs presenting today, well, I've found my sermon text:
"Come to your senses and stop sinning. For to your shame I say that some of you don't even know God." 1 Corinthians 15:34 NLT
Harsh words? Would I speak those words over what we like to be called, the church? Shouldn't the sinners of the world be singled out and preached to?
Would it be so hard to determine between the Christians and the unsaved in your church service today?
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Today's reading: Mark 9-10
"One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch them and bless them, but the disciples told them not to bother him." Mark 10:13 NLT
Our church is filled to the brim with little ones. Ou nursery is full. Our little people's worship is overflowing. Our children's church is almost to capacity.
It's hard work. It's loud. It's frustrating at times. It's requiring more dedication and patience than alot of us ever dreamed.
And it's so very worth it!
There are some school of thought, I believe the disciples on this day bought into the belief, that kids shouldn't be seen or heard during church. There are those who look disdainfully down their noses at nosey little ones. There are those who think working with kids is 'beneath them' or unnecessary.
I don't believe that's what Jesus believed.
He understood kids would be kids. He knew they might be disruptive (especially the ones who are brought so sporadically they have no idea how they should behave--oh, did just type that?). He knew they might get loud on occasion.
But He loved them. He wanted them near Him.
You see, our Father is very used to working with and loving, unruly children!
Today's reading: Mark 9-10
"One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch them and bless them, but the disciples told them not to bother him." Mark 10:13 NLT
Our church is filled to the brim with little ones. Ou nursery is full. Our little people's worship is overflowing. Our children's church is almost to capacity.
It's hard work. It's loud. It's frustrating at times. It's requiring more dedication and patience than alot of us ever dreamed.
And it's so very worth it!
There are some school of thought, I believe the disciples on this day bought into the belief, that kids shouldn't be seen or heard during church. There are those who look disdainfully down their noses at nosey little ones. There are those who think working with kids is 'beneath them' or unnecessary.
I don't believe that's what Jesus believed.
He understood kids would be kids. He knew they might be disruptive (especially the ones who are brought so sporadically they have no idea how they should behave--oh, did just type that?). He knew they might get loud on occasion.
But He loved them. He wanted them near Him.
You see, our Father is very used to working with and loving, unruly children!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Today's reading: Jeremiah 12-16
"The Lord replied, All will be well with you, Jeremiah. Your enemies will ask you to plead on their behalf in times of trouble and distress." Jeremiah 15:11 NLT
Quite possibly you've found yourself trying to do the Lord's work in a hostile environment?.
Maybe you're walking a walk and talking a talk that's unappreciated by your audience?
Delivering a message no one wants to accept?
Made the butt of jokes?
Shunned because of the conviction your lifestyle brings into the lives of others?
God speaks the same words of encouragement to you that He spoke to Jeremiah!
In time those who laugh, criticize and ignore your attempts to reach out for Christ, will be coming to you--needing a praying friend, asking about the Lord, wanting just what you have.
Until then? Keep it up!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 12-16
"The Lord replied, All will be well with you, Jeremiah. Your enemies will ask you to plead on their behalf in times of trouble and distress." Jeremiah 15:11 NLT
Quite possibly you've found yourself trying to do the Lord's work in a hostile environment?.
Maybe you're walking a walk and talking a talk that's unappreciated by your audience?
Delivering a message no one wants to accept?
Made the butt of jokes?
Shunned because of the conviction your lifestyle brings into the lives of others?
God speaks the same words of encouragement to you that He spoke to Jeremiah!
In time those who laugh, criticize and ignore your attempts to reach out for Christ, will be coming to you--needing a praying friend, asking about the Lord, wanting just what you have.
Until then? Keep it up!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Today's reading: Job 29-30
There are lots of positive things I hope my son, Isaiah, will say about our home when he is grown.
--That he was loved.
--That he was surrounded by opportunities and encouragement.
--That he felt a part and was expected to fulfil his part in our family.
But to find words in the book of Job that I hope he will repeat surprises me...
"In my early years the friendship of God was felt in my home." Job 29:4 NLT
Is he hearing about God on a daily basis in my casual conversation? Are we instilling in him the importance of private and corporate worship by our family's commitment to church attendance and daily Bible time? Is it common for us to pray and praise?
I am full aware of the strength my walk with God provides me, but to be reminded that it's also got eternal consequences deepens its importance in my heart!
Today's reading: Job 29-30
There are lots of positive things I hope my son, Isaiah, will say about our home when he is grown.
--That he was loved.
--That he was surrounded by opportunities and encouragement.
--That he felt a part and was expected to fulfil his part in our family.
But to find words in the book of Job that I hope he will repeat surprises me...
"In my early years the friendship of God was felt in my home." Job 29:4 NLT
Is he hearing about God on a daily basis in my casual conversation? Are we instilling in him the importance of private and corporate worship by our family's commitment to church attendance and daily Bible time? Is it common for us to pray and praise?
I am full aware of the strength my walk with God provides me, but to be reminded that it's also got eternal consequences deepens its importance in my heart!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 42-44
"Through each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me; and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life." Psalm 42:8 NLT
Ever stopped long enough to ascertain just how very much the Lord loves you?
Oh, I know you're busy. I understand you have plenty to do. Who doesn't?
But to stop for a moment and try to wrap your head around how vast His love is, how deeply it goes into every aspect of our lives, how unchanging that love is?
Does the depths of His love for you keep you up at night? Does trying to figure out just why He would love you so immensely move your thoughts from present circumstances to Him?
Or have you ever just stopped to think about it?
Today's reading: Psalm 42-44
"Through each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me; and through each night I sing his songs, praying to God who gives me life." Psalm 42:8 NLT
Ever stopped long enough to ascertain just how very much the Lord loves you?
Oh, I know you're busy. I understand you have plenty to do. Who doesn't?
But to stop for a moment and try to wrap your head around how vast His love is, how deeply it goes into every aspect of our lives, how unchanging that love is?
Does the depths of His love for you keep you up at night? Does trying to figure out just why He would love you so immensely move your thoughts from present circumstances to Him?
Or have you ever just stopped to think about it?
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 21-25
"When the Lord has done all he has promised and has made you leader of Israel, don't let this be a blemish on your record..." 1 Samuel 25:30 NLT
Abigail was bowed low before David trying to undo what her less than wise husband Nabal had done.
She took the blame upon herself, although she was entirely pure in the matter.
She made an effort to keep the peace.
She begged David not to allow his emotions, his hurt pride or his wounded ego to master his actions.
It was a wise move on her part. It's wise advice for us, too.
What you will be faced with today, everything you will be faced with today has eternal consequences. How you react. How you choose to respond. What words you speak. Promises or threats you might make.
Let's all do our very best to insure today will not be a blemish on our records as we stand before God!
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 21-25
"When the Lord has done all he has promised and has made you leader of Israel, don't let this be a blemish on your record..." 1 Samuel 25:30 NLT
Abigail was bowed low before David trying to undo what her less than wise husband Nabal had done.
She took the blame upon herself, although she was entirely pure in the matter.
She made an effort to keep the peace.
She begged David not to allow his emotions, his hurt pride or his wounded ego to master his actions.
It was a wise move on her part. It's wise advice for us, too.
What you will be faced with today, everything you will be faced with today has eternal consequences. How you react. How you choose to respond. What words you speak. Promises or threats you might make.
Let's all do our very best to insure today will not be a blemish on our records as we stand before God!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Today's reading: Exodus 5-8
"So Moses told the people what the Lord had said, but they wouldn't listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the increasing burden of their slavery." Exodus 6:9 NLT
The Israelites' deliver had arrived on the scene. Plans were set into motion for the 'big move'. A way out was in the works.
But the people couldn't see it for their chains, labor and current conditions.
Isn't that what has happened this morning?
You amen-ed and praised the Lord through your pastor's entire sermon about a Risen Lord. You sat through the sunrise service and sang your best rendition of 'Up From The Grave He Arose'. You told your kids, your kids' kids and the kids at church that Easter isn't really about the Easter Bunny, but Jesus being alive again...
But this morning, well this morning, real life hits you full force, things are hard, feelings don't match up with emotions and the empty tomb isn't what you're thinking about right now. Within minutes of rising you are faced with satan's lies and mountain-sized temptations.
We're no better than the Israelites.
Our Savior has come. Our Redeemer lives. Our futures are secured. Our current circumstances are completely within His control. Our chains of slavery, if we choose to remove them, have been cut with Christ's blood.
Go ahead, celebrate Easter again this morning--He is not in the tomb, for He is risen!
Today's reading: Exodus 5-8
"So Moses told the people what the Lord had said, but they wouldn't listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the increasing burden of their slavery." Exodus 6:9 NLT
The Israelites' deliver had arrived on the scene. Plans were set into motion for the 'big move'. A way out was in the works.
But the people couldn't see it for their chains, labor and current conditions.
Isn't that what has happened this morning?
You amen-ed and praised the Lord through your pastor's entire sermon about a Risen Lord. You sat through the sunrise service and sang your best rendition of 'Up From The Grave He Arose'. You told your kids, your kids' kids and the kids at church that Easter isn't really about the Easter Bunny, but Jesus being alive again...
But this morning, well this morning, real life hits you full force, things are hard, feelings don't match up with emotions and the empty tomb isn't what you're thinking about right now. Within minutes of rising you are faced with satan's lies and mountain-sized temptations.
We're no better than the Israelites.
Our Savior has come. Our Redeemer lives. Our futures are secured. Our current circumstances are completely within His control. Our chains of slavery, if we choose to remove them, have been cut with Christ's blood.
Go ahead, celebrate Easter again this morning--He is not in the tomb, for He is risen!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Today's reading: Jeremiah 7-11
"But my people have not listened to me or even tried to hear. They have been stubborn and sinful--even worse than their ancestors." Jeremiah 7:26 NLT
Talking about us? His people? The church? The folks who are in church every Sunday? The ones who hold down the jobs within His house--the nursery, Children's Church and janitorial jobs?
Not the ones who don't attend.
Not the ones who don't care.
The ones who are His.
We're not listening. We've not tried to hear. We're the stubborn ones. We're sinful.
And He still calls us His.
Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 7-11
"But my people have not listened to me or even tried to hear. They have been stubborn and sinful--even worse than their ancestors." Jeremiah 7:26 NLT
Talking about us? His people? The church? The folks who are in church every Sunday? The ones who hold down the jobs within His house--the nursery, Children's Church and janitorial jobs?
Not the ones who don't attend.
Not the ones who don't care.
The ones who are His.
We're not listening. We've not tried to hear. We're the stubborn ones. We're sinful.
And He still calls us His.
Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Today's reading: Job 27-28
"He made the laws of the rain and prepared a path for the lightning." Job 28:26 NLT
I think I'm pretty smart--until I compare myself to God.
I think I know how things should go or should be--until I see His plans unfurled and revealed.
I think my plans are best--until He gives me a glimpse of what is to come.
I think I know it all--until something in His creation reminds me of His power, omnipotence, might and majesty.
Like the paths of the lightning bolts. Or that He designs and places each raindrop.
Then? Then, I realize how little I know and how very much He is worthy of my trust and praise!
Today's reading: Job 27-28
"He made the laws of the rain and prepared a path for the lightning." Job 28:26 NLT
I think I'm pretty smart--until I compare myself to God.
I think I know how things should go or should be--until I see His plans unfurled and revealed.
I think my plans are best--until He gives me a glimpse of what is to come.
I think I know it all--until something in His creation reminds me of His power, omnipotence, might and majesty.
Like the paths of the lightning bolts. Or that He designs and places each raindrop.
Then? Then, I realize how little I know and how very much He is worthy of my trust and praise!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 39-41
"Spare me so I can smile again before I am gone and exist no more." Psalm 39:13 NLT
Ever noticed, on the backside of a problem, that it was the little things that got you through it?
The little cards, the kind words, the hugs or the rays of sunshine breaking through an otherwise stormy day?
Do you ask God for the little things?
Sure, we ask Him to remove our mountains--but do we also ask that He plant a few flowers for us to enjoy at the base of them? To smell as we're climbing? To beautify the trek?
Do we ask Him for the desire to serve Him for the next minute--not the next trial or the next few years, but for the minute we're in?
Do we ask Him for the strength, not only to overcome, but also just to smile? To lift our own spirits? To lift the spirits of someone else?
Ask God to provide you a few little things today. I believe it will change how tomorrow looks to you!
Today's reading: Psalm 39-41
"Spare me so I can smile again before I am gone and exist no more." Psalm 39:13 NLT
Ever noticed, on the backside of a problem, that it was the little things that got you through it?
The little cards, the kind words, the hugs or the rays of sunshine breaking through an otherwise stormy day?
Do you ask God for the little things?
Sure, we ask Him to remove our mountains--but do we also ask that He plant a few flowers for us to enjoy at the base of them? To smell as we're climbing? To beautify the trek?
Do we ask Him for the desire to serve Him for the next minute--not the next trial or the next few years, but for the minute we're in?
Do we ask Him for the strength, not only to overcome, but also just to smile? To lift our own spirits? To lift the spirits of someone else?
Ask God to provide you a few little things today. I believe it will change how tomorrow looks to you!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 16-20
"Then Samuel asked, Are these all the sons you have? There is still the youngest, Jesse replied. But he's out in the field watching sheep." 1 Samuel 16:11 NLT
Samuel and the people of Israel had asked for a king. Who God sent them looked nothing like what they expected--a ruddy faced, young shepherd with attention-grabbing eyes.
God's ways don't always look like what we think they should, do they?
His answers don't always line up with what we'd asked.
His plans don't always coincide with the timeline we've designed in our heads and hearts.
But what He does is right. What He chooses to put into place fits perfectly. How He chooses to move--and when, are ordained to bring Him glory and honor.
So when He answers today, don't overlook it because it's not what/how/when you'd imagined it would be!
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 16-20
"Then Samuel asked, Are these all the sons you have? There is still the youngest, Jesse replied. But he's out in the field watching sheep." 1 Samuel 16:11 NLT
Samuel and the people of Israel had asked for a king. Who God sent them looked nothing like what they expected--a ruddy faced, young shepherd with attention-grabbing eyes.
God's ways don't always look like what we think they should, do they?
His answers don't always line up with what we'd asked.
His plans don't always coincide with the timeline we've designed in our heads and hearts.
But what He does is right. What He chooses to put into place fits perfectly. How He chooses to move--and when, are ordained to bring Him glory and honor.
So when He answers today, don't overlook it because it's not what/how/when you'd imagined it would be!
Monday, April 2, 2012
Today's reading: Exodus 1-4
"The leaders were soon convinced that the Lord had sent Moses and Aaron. And when they realized that the Lord had seen their misery and was deeply concerned for them, they all bowed their heads and worshiped." Exodus 4:31 NLT
Just knowing God's not forgotten about you eases the pain, doesn't it?
Just being reminded that He is in control, allows you to hang on for His answers a little while longer.
The Israelites had a very long and dusty road ahead of them, but Moses and Aaron brought words of hope, refreshment and encouragement to their hearts.
Maybe it's what you need today, too.
You need to be reminded that God's not left you to paddle this boat on your own, ford this river with your own strength or climb this mountain purely by your own means...what He has planned is on it's way and it's going to be good!
Today's reading: Exodus 1-4
"The leaders were soon convinced that the Lord had sent Moses and Aaron. And when they realized that the Lord had seen their misery and was deeply concerned for them, they all bowed their heads and worshiped." Exodus 4:31 NLT
Just knowing God's not forgotten about you eases the pain, doesn't it?
Just being reminded that He is in control, allows you to hang on for His answers a little while longer.
The Israelites had a very long and dusty road ahead of them, but Moses and Aaron brought words of hope, refreshment and encouragement to their hearts.
Maybe it's what you need today, too.
You need to be reminded that God's not left you to paddle this boat on your own, ford this river with your own strength or climb this mountain purely by your own means...what He has planned is on it's way and it's going to be good!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 11-12
"But now when I mention this next issue, I cannot praise you. For it sounds as if more harm than good is done when you meet together." 1 Corinthians 11:17 NLT
Has anything really changed from Paul's time to this?
Need it be brought to our attention, as it was to the church of Corinth, that our worship services need be re-arranged so that God is the main focus...
...not what's sung or not sung.
...not what's worn.
...not what's preached or not preached.
...not who is at the altar--and why they might be there.
...not the behavior of a child.
...not the catching up with your nearest and dearest.
...not staring, and only staring, at the visitors.
Today's service will be of utmost importance to someone within the walls of your church today. Don't you want it to be good for them?
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 11-12
"But now when I mention this next issue, I cannot praise you. For it sounds as if more harm than good is done when you meet together." 1 Corinthians 11:17 NLT
Has anything really changed from Paul's time to this?
Need it be brought to our attention, as it was to the church of Corinth, that our worship services need be re-arranged so that God is the main focus...
...not what's sung or not sung.
...not what's worn.
...not what's preached or not preached.
...not who is at the altar--and why they might be there.
...not the behavior of a child.
...not the catching up with your nearest and dearest.
...not staring, and only staring, at the visitors.
Today's service will be of utmost importance to someone within the walls of your church today. Don't you want it to be good for them?
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