Monday, April 30, 2012

Today's reading:  Exodus 17-20

"...This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself."  Exodus 18:18 NLT

Take off your cape and fold it neatly on the couch for a while. 

The world will be all right, Super Friend, while we talk.

Allow me to be completely honest here:  You are trying to do too much!

You are wearing yourself out.  Your nerves are dangling on the edge of a messy precipice of burn-out.  Your conversations are tainted with complaints, criticisms and constant talk of our schedule--and never having enough time.  You are looking haggard and worn, well, what we see of you that isn't a blur.

You've got to slow down.  You have to admit to needing a helping hand.  You cannot continue at this pace for very long.

What to do?

Grab yourself a pray-er.  A prayer partner.  Someone who can lift you up, lend a hand and be leaned upon. 

Admit to yourself, and your other SuperHero friends that you cannot keep up this pace of life.
Aaah, do you feel a smidge better?  Maybe, just maybe it wasn't the weight of the world on your shoulders--maybe, it was that cape you've been wearing!

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