Today's reading: Genesis 32-25
"Then Jacob prayed, O God of my grandfather Abraham and my father Isaac--O Lord, you told me to return to my land and to my relatives, and you promised to treat me kindly. I am not worthy of all the faithfulness and unfailing love you have shown to me, your servant. When I left home, I owned nothing except a walking stick, and now my household fills two camps! O Lord, please rescue me from my brother, Esau. I am afraid he is coming to kill me, along with my wives and children." Genesis 32:9-11 NLT
What he's really saying, and I know this because this is sadly what I am used to saying myself, is...
Lord, I know I am married to the gal of my dreams and have a house full of healthy children...but?
Lord, I saw a band of angels surrounding us as we travel...but?
Lord, I am having trouble corralling all the goats and sheep you've blessed me with...but?
You've given and given and given, Lord. You've blessed me abundantly. You've provided more than I could have ever asked for...but?
Lord, well, Lord, I really messed up with my family all those years back. I, uh, I really hurt my Dad and my brother. I've royally screwed up about everything I could with the family blessing that was supposed to have been passed on. Lord, I've made enemies with my family.
And we do the same.
We can give an account of God's miraculous workings, but there's always a 'but', isn't there? The circumstances overwhelm. The possibilities seem out of reach. The answer seems unattainable. The outlook looks so bleak. So we throw in a 'but' along here and there.
How come one of the smallest words in the English language can do so much damage to the faith we're building in the Lord Jesus Christ?
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Today's reading: Matthew 23-25
"How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! You are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy--full of greed and self-indulgence! Blind Pharisees! First wash the inside of the cup, and then the outside will become clean, too." Matthew 23:25-26 NLT
I'll tell you, I have to be very careful, as a Mom, as a Sunday School teacher, as a leader of small children--as a Christian woman, not to be just 'Sunday clean' when our day of worship rolls around.
The wrinkles can be pressed out of the skirt and blouse. The jewelry can be matched to the outfit. The hair and make-up looking better than any other day of the week. The Bible, Sunday School book and planner gathered and carried with gracefulness under one arm...leaving one hand free for those handshakes we 'churchy-people' so love.
The effort comes in making sure I'm 'Sunday clean' when it's time to worship with my Christian family in the Lord's house. I need to make sure what's dirtied me through the week has been forgiven. I need to make sure the attitudes and emotions okayed by the society we live in are filtered through Christ's acceptance. I need to take the extra time in placing others, their needs, their burdens, ahead of mine.
I can look good on the outside--but that's not where God will be looking when I come before His throne in praise and adoration. I can be 'Sunday clean' sitting on the pew--but even 'Sunday clean' is not good enough when it comes to being worthy of being in His presence!
Today's reading: Matthew 23-25
"How terrible it will be for you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! You are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy--full of greed and self-indulgence! Blind Pharisees! First wash the inside of the cup, and then the outside will become clean, too." Matthew 23:25-26 NLT
I'll tell you, I have to be very careful, as a Mom, as a Sunday School teacher, as a leader of small children--as a Christian woman, not to be just 'Sunday clean' when our day of worship rolls around.
The wrinkles can be pressed out of the skirt and blouse. The jewelry can be matched to the outfit. The hair and make-up looking better than any other day of the week. The Bible, Sunday School book and planner gathered and carried with gracefulness under one arm...leaving one hand free for those handshakes we 'churchy-people' so love.
The effort comes in making sure I'm 'Sunday clean' when it's time to worship with my Christian family in the Lord's house. I need to make sure what's dirtied me through the week has been forgiven. I need to make sure the attitudes and emotions okayed by the society we live in are filtered through Christ's acceptance. I need to take the extra time in placing others, their needs, their burdens, ahead of mine.
I can look good on the outside--but that's not where God will be looking when I come before His throne in praise and adoration. I can be 'Sunday clean' sitting on the pew--but even 'Sunday clean' is not good enough when it comes to being worthy of being in His presence!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Today's reading: Romans 15-16
"So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NLT
Know why most of us aren't infecting the world like we're supposed to? It's due to a deficit in our own hope and peace!
Know why our churches are struggling, families are falling apart and sin runs rampant? It's one reason and one reason only: Few of us Christians have enough hope, real hope, in our hearts to spur us on--let alone enough to overflow into the lives of others.
I will not influence another for Christ is I'm barely getting by. I will not point others to God if I allow external circumstances to rule my emotions, attitude and write my testimony. I cannot 'go into all the world' if I'm scarcely able to take a stand in my own home.
Just like our government, we're running on a deficit account. Not enough for us, none what so ever to share.
Paul knew God had enough to fill you to the top and overflowing with peace, joy and hope. He knew that God was capable of changing your life by what He would pour into it--and change the lives of others by what extra would come spilling out!
So, are you dealing with profit or deficit in your own life?
Today's reading: Romans 15-16
"So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NLT
Know why most of us aren't infecting the world like we're supposed to? It's due to a deficit in our own hope and peace!
Know why our churches are struggling, families are falling apart and sin runs rampant? It's one reason and one reason only: Few of us Christians have enough hope, real hope, in our hearts to spur us on--let alone enough to overflow into the lives of others.
I will not influence another for Christ is I'm barely getting by. I will not point others to God if I allow external circumstances to rule my emotions, attitude and write my testimony. I cannot 'go into all the world' if I'm scarcely able to take a stand in my own home.
Just like our government, we're running on a deficit account. Not enough for us, none what so ever to share.
Paul knew God had enough to fill you to the top and overflowing with peace, joy and hope. He knew that God was capable of changing your life by what He would pour into it--and change the lives of others by what extra would come spilling out!
So, are you dealing with profit or deficit in your own life?
Today's reading: Romans 15-16
"So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NLT
Know why most of us aren't infecting the world like we're supposed to? It's due to a deficit in our own hope and peace!
Know why our churches are struggling, families are falling apart and sin runs rampant? It's one reason and one reason only: Few of us Christians have enough hope, real hope, in our hearts to spur us on--let alone enough to overflow into the lives of others.
I will not influence another for Christ is I'm barely getting by. I will not point others to God if I allow external circumstances to rule my emotions, attitude and write my testimony. I cannot 'go into all the world' if I'm scarcely able to take a stand in my own home.
Just like our government, we're running on a deficit account. Not enough for us, none what so ever to share.
Paul knew God had enough to fill you to the top and overflowing with peace, joy and hope. He knew that God was capable of changing your life by what He would pour into it--and change the lives of others by what extra would come spilling out!
So, are you dealing with profit or deficit in your own life?
Today's reading: Romans 15-16
"So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NLT
Know why most of us aren't infecting the world like we're supposed to? It's due to a deficit in our own hope and peace!
Know why our churches are struggling, families are falling apart and sin runs rampant? It's one reason and one reason only: Few of us Christians have enough hope, real hope, in our hearts to spur us on--let alone enough to overflow into the lives of others.
I will not influence another for Christ is I'm barely getting by. I will not point others to God if I allow external circumstances to rule my emotions, attitude and write my testimony. I cannot 'go into all the world' if I'm scarcely able to take a stand in my own home.
Just like our government, we're running on a deficit account. Not enough for us, none what so ever to share.
Paul knew God had enough to fill you to the top and overflowing with peace, joy and hope. He knew that God was capable of changing your life by what He would pour into it--and change the lives of others by what extra would come spilling out!
So, are you dealing with profit or deficit in your own life?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44
Disclaimer: Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the Scripture passages I've just read.
I can't believe he said it. Well, what I think I really can't believe is, I believe he was speaking honestly. I don't believe he is prone to lying, so I'll assume the sincerity with which he said it was real. It kind of caught me off guard. It's been on my mind all day long.
Let's back up to the actual conversation...
The customer I was waiting on asked if I was having a good day. I told him I was, with a huge smile. He asked what was making it so special to cause such a smile. I told him it was my 21st weddding anniversary and I had a lot to be thankful for. That's when he said it...
'I don't think I know of anyone that's been married that long', making it seem like it more of an accomplishment that it is. I repeated the numbers in case he thought I'd said 51, 61 or 71. He then said, 'Wow, 21 years...nope I don't think I know of anyone who's made it that long'.
He was not a young man. If I were to guess he was in his late 30's. He's grown up in the same little town I've been raised in. I think he went to school with my younger sisters. I'm pretty sure his Dad was a coal-miner like mine. He was not from a big city or raised with world views foreign to the farming community we're a part of. There was nothing any different about him or myself.
Well, I wouldn't have thought there was until he spoke.
I had to stop and thank God for allowing me to be surrounded by a family of 'lifers' when it comes to marriage. I'd taken that blessing for granted. I'd overlooked the fact that in today's society commitment to vows of any sort, especially marriage vows, is something short of heroic and ficticious.
I'm thrilled to be setting an example for our son to follow. I'm tickled to be a living, breathing 'abnormality' in the world's, and in this fellow's, eyes!
Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44
Disclaimer: Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the Scripture passages I've just read.
I can't believe he said it. Well, what I think I really can't believe is, I believe he was speaking honestly. I don't believe he is prone to lying, so I'll assume the sincerity with which he said it was real. It kind of caught me off guard. It's been on my mind all day long.
Let's back up to the actual conversation...
The customer I was waiting on asked if I was having a good day. I told him I was, with a huge smile. He asked what was making it so special to cause such a smile. I told him it was my 21st weddding anniversary and I had a lot to be thankful for. That's when he said it...
'I don't think I know of anyone that's been married that long', making it seem like it more of an accomplishment that it is. I repeated the numbers in case he thought I'd said 51, 61 or 71. He then said, 'Wow, 21 years...nope I don't think I know of anyone who's made it that long'.
He was not a young man. If I were to guess he was in his late 30's. He's grown up in the same little town I've been raised in. I think he went to school with my younger sisters. I'm pretty sure his Dad was a coal-miner like mine. He was not from a big city or raised with world views foreign to the farming community we're a part of. There was nothing any different about him or myself.
Well, I wouldn't have thought there was until he spoke.
I had to stop and thank God for allowing me to be surrounded by a family of 'lifers' when it comes to marriage. I'd taken that blessing for granted. I'd overlooked the fact that in today's society commitment to vows of any sort, especially marriage vows, is something short of heroic and ficticious.
I'm thrilled to be setting an example for our son to follow. I'm tickled to be a living, breathing 'abnormality' in the world's, and in this fellow's, eyes!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Today's reading: Job 15-16
Little good can be gleaned from the majority of things Job's 'friends' offered him in the way of consolation. Their words, on Job's wounds, were more like salt than salve. Accusations, presumptions and condemning assessments did little to comfort their friend.
That being said, Job's pal, Eliphaz, stated something that has caused me to pause this morning...
"Your sins are telling your mouth what to say..." Job 15:5 NLT
I'm not so sure God didn't place those words in this extraordinary book more for my sake than for Job's!
I've spewed hateful words when I was being puppet-ed by anger boiling in my heart.
I've criticized and discouraged when jealousy was at the steering wheel of my heart.
I've spoken harshly when I was short on sleep--and long on a list of things I was doing to look good for Christ.
I've had my mouth lead me in to far too many, unworthy of a princess, conversations to count.
I've reacted prior to praying.
I've retaliated with words prior to finding out who was driving my tongue.
I desire that my mouth, tongue and words be guided by God, filtered through a heart that is cleansed daily by contact with my Savior. I want to speak what God urges, state what will direct others towards Him and form into words what comes from a soul influenced by its Creator!
Today's reading: Job 15-16
Little good can be gleaned from the majority of things Job's 'friends' offered him in the way of consolation. Their words, on Job's wounds, were more like salt than salve. Accusations, presumptions and condemning assessments did little to comfort their friend.
That being said, Job's pal, Eliphaz, stated something that has caused me to pause this morning...
"Your sins are telling your mouth what to say..." Job 15:5 NLT
I'm not so sure God didn't place those words in this extraordinary book more for my sake than for Job's!
I've spewed hateful words when I was being puppet-ed by anger boiling in my heart.
I've criticized and discouraged when jealousy was at the steering wheel of my heart.
I've spoken harshly when I was short on sleep--and long on a list of things I was doing to look good for Christ.
I've had my mouth lead me in to far too many, unworthy of a princess, conversations to count.
I've reacted prior to praying.
I've retaliated with words prior to finding out who was driving my tongue.
I desire that my mouth, tongue and words be guided by God, filtered through a heart that is cleansed daily by contact with my Savior. I want to speak what God urges, state what will direct others towards Him and form into words what comes from a soul influenced by its Creator!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 21-23
I remember carrying Isaiah the nine months prior to actually meeting him face to face.
I remember the awe I felt as I felt him move for the first time. I recall the changes, amazing changes, he and I were going through on a seemingly daily basis.
I remember the evening ritual Dale had of reading to my stomach and in turn to Isaiah. Some evenings it would be a Bible story. A few times it was the Adventures of Peter Rabbit. The book 'I Love You As Much' was read and re-read.
And I remember seeing Isaiah after being born, red, wrinkly and crying from all the stresses of the birth process and being thrust into a world of loud noises, doctors, nurses and bright lights.
I also remember Dale speaking to Isaiah for the first time. I'll never forget how, at less than five minutes old, Isaiah recognized his Daddy's voice, turned towards him and stopped crying.
"Future generations will also serve him. Our children will hear about the wonders of the Lord. His righteousness will be told to those yet unborn. They will hear about everything he has done." Psalm 22:30-31 NLT
Babies, toddlers, kids and adults need/want/desire to hear about their Creator. It's made into us to know Him, to be in His presence, to be made aware of all that amazes us about Him. Are we all doing our part to tell them? Are you speaking excitedly about your time with God? Are you going on and on about how good He is? Are you unable to remain quiet about His goodness, grace and love for you?
Today's reading: Psalm 21-23
I remember carrying Isaiah the nine months prior to actually meeting him face to face.
I remember the awe I felt as I felt him move for the first time. I recall the changes, amazing changes, he and I were going through on a seemingly daily basis.
I remember the evening ritual Dale had of reading to my stomach and in turn to Isaiah. Some evenings it would be a Bible story. A few times it was the Adventures of Peter Rabbit. The book 'I Love You As Much' was read and re-read.
And I remember seeing Isaiah after being born, red, wrinkly and crying from all the stresses of the birth process and being thrust into a world of loud noises, doctors, nurses and bright lights.
I also remember Dale speaking to Isaiah for the first time. I'll never forget how, at less than five minutes old, Isaiah recognized his Daddy's voice, turned towards him and stopped crying.
"Future generations will also serve him. Our children will hear about the wonders of the Lord. His righteousness will be told to those yet unborn. They will hear about everything he has done." Psalm 22:30-31 NLT
Babies, toddlers, kids and adults need/want/desire to hear about their Creator. It's made into us to know Him, to be in His presence, to be made aware of all that amazes us about Him. Are we all doing our part to tell them? Are you speaking excitedly about your time with God? Are you going on and on about how good He is? Are you unable to remain quiet about His goodness, grace and love for you?
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Today's reading: Judges 12-16
I was in a bit of a fender-bender Friday morning. The gal that hit me and myself are just fine--our cars, on the other hand, are in desperate need of a visit to the body shop.
What happened occurred in a split second. The officer on the scene was very kind and all insurance names and numbers were exchanged. And the rental car they've put me in is my husband's dream come true!
What has shaken me to the core is the fact that a town or two over from ours, a gal my age was in the same kind of accident...and she was killed.
A young Mom. A wife. A beloved daughter. A creation of God's.
Could've been me.
"Then Samson prayed to the Lord, Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me one more time so that I may..." Judges 16:28 NLT
God has given me the opportunity of another day to serve Him, to experience His blessings, to dwell on His goodness. Not everyone who lived and breathed yesterday has been given this privilege. One more. One more.
Lord, help me to live this one more day for your glory. Strengthen me to accomplish what You need me to do. Show me the value of your blessing of today. Amen.
Today's reading: Judges 12-16
I was in a bit of a fender-bender Friday morning. The gal that hit me and myself are just fine--our cars, on the other hand, are in desperate need of a visit to the body shop.
What happened occurred in a split second. The officer on the scene was very kind and all insurance names and numbers were exchanged. And the rental car they've put me in is my husband's dream come true!
What has shaken me to the core is the fact that a town or two over from ours, a gal my age was in the same kind of accident...and she was killed.
A young Mom. A wife. A beloved daughter. A creation of God's.
Could've been me.
"Then Samson prayed to the Lord, Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me one more time so that I may..." Judges 16:28 NLT
God has given me the opportunity of another day to serve Him, to experience His blessings, to dwell on His goodness. Not everyone who lived and breathed yesterday has been given this privilege. One more. One more.
Lord, help me to live this one more day for your glory. Strengthen me to accomplish what You need me to do. Show me the value of your blessing of today. Amen.
Today's reading: Judges 12-16
I was in a bit of a fender-bender Friday morning. The gal that hit me and myself are just fine--our cars, on the other hand, are in desperate need of a visit to the body shop.
What happened occurred in a split second. The officer on the scene was very kind and all insurance names and numbers were exchanged. And the rental car they've put me in is my husband's dream come true!
What has shaken me to the core is the fact that a town or two over from ours, a gal my age was in the same kind of accident...and she was killed.
A young Mom. A wife. A beloved daughter. A creation of God's.
Could've been me.
"Then Samson prayed to the Lord, Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me one more time so that I may..." Judges 16:28 NLT
God has given me the opportunity of another day to serve Him, to experience His blessings, to dwell on His goodness. Not everyone who lived and breathed yesterday has been given this privilege. One more. One more.
Lord, help me to live this one more day for your glory. Strengthen me to accomplish what You need me to do. Show me the value of your blessing of today. Amen.
Today's reading: Judges 12-16
I was in a bit of a fender-bender Friday morning. The gal that hit me and myself are just fine--our cars, on the other hand, are in desperate need of a visit to the body shop.
What happened occurred in a split second. The officer on the scene was very kind and all insurance names and numbers were exchanged. And the rental car they've put me in is my husband's dream come true!
What has shaken me to the core is the fact that a town or two over from ours, a gal my age was in the same kind of accident...and she was killed.
A young Mom. A wife. A beloved daughter. A creation of God's.
Could've been me.
"Then Samson prayed to the Lord, Sovereign Lord, remember me again. O God, please strengthen me one more time so that I may..." Judges 16:28 NLT
God has given me the opportunity of another day to serve Him, to experience His blessings, to dwell on His goodness. Not everyone who lived and breathed yesterday has been given this privilege. One more. One more.
Lord, help me to live this one more day for your glory. Strengthen me to accomplish what You need me to do. Show me the value of your blessing of today. Amen.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Today's reading: Genesis 28-31
Where we live is not fancy. The house is not large by any means. The property is not prime real estate...but it's ours!
We may never be able to leave our son a large inheritance or a huge, lump sum check...but he will be handed down a piece of land that he can call his own!
Better than the small 14-acre farm where soybeans or corn can be grown and harvested. More important than a few chicken coops and a pole barn. Grander and lovelier is a larger than life, eternal piece of property with streets of gold and crystal-flowing rivers--heaven. You see we've presented God to our child, taught our child about God, brought him into the house of the Lord...and we've prayed with him the prayer of salvation.
"May God pass on to you and your descendants the blessings he promised to Abraham. May you own this land where we are now foreigners, for God gave it to Abraham." Genesis 28:4 NLT
I'm not setting my sights on my child 'fitting in' here. Owning a piece of the 'pie' is not what keeps me on my knees and before the throne of my Father. Being accepted in a land where he is not intended is not a dream I hold in my heart for my little boy.
I'm wanting for him all God has intended him to have--nothing more and nothing less!
Today's reading: Genesis 28-31
Where we live is not fancy. The house is not large by any means. The property is not prime real estate...but it's ours!
We may never be able to leave our son a large inheritance or a huge, lump sum check...but he will be handed down a piece of land that he can call his own!
Better than the small 14-acre farm where soybeans or corn can be grown and harvested. More important than a few chicken coops and a pole barn. Grander and lovelier is a larger than life, eternal piece of property with streets of gold and crystal-flowing rivers--heaven. You see we've presented God to our child, taught our child about God, brought him into the house of the Lord...and we've prayed with him the prayer of salvation.
"May God pass on to you and your descendants the blessings he promised to Abraham. May you own this land where we are now foreigners, for God gave it to Abraham." Genesis 28:4 NLT
I'm not setting my sights on my child 'fitting in' here. Owning a piece of the 'pie' is not what keeps me on my knees and before the throne of my Father. Being accepted in a land where he is not intended is not a dream I hold in my heart for my little boy.
I'm wanting for him all God has intended him to have--nothing more and nothing less!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Today's reading: Matthew 20-22
Dresses are being fitted, tuxedoes are being pressed, jewelry is being rented and limousines are being reserved. Make-up artists will be working overtime alongside their hair-cutting/styling counterparts.
The Oscar's are just a week away.
The red carpet will be rolled out for celebrities to walk down, have their pictures taken on and direct them to the theather where the awards will be handed out based upon polls,voting and ticket office sales.
Careers will be jump-started, energized or ended at this huge celebration. Names will be made known across the world. Golden gods will be handed out for the best of the best.
And what did Jesus receive?
"Most of the crowd spread their coats on the road ahead of Jesus, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road." Matthew 21:8 NLT
The Son of God, walking into Jerusalem for his 'part of a lifetime' was heralded by the common folk of society wanting to make sure his donkey's feet didn't touch the mud of the road. They gave what they could to herald His arrival, His importance in their lives, His value.
The red carpet is being rolled out for the stars today--but the palm leaves were laid out for the Creator of the stars!
Today's reading: Matthew 20-22
Dresses are being fitted, tuxedoes are being pressed, jewelry is being rented and limousines are being reserved. Make-up artists will be working overtime alongside their hair-cutting/styling counterparts.
The Oscar's are just a week away.
The red carpet will be rolled out for celebrities to walk down, have their pictures taken on and direct them to the theather where the awards will be handed out based upon polls,voting and ticket office sales.
Careers will be jump-started, energized or ended at this huge celebration. Names will be made known across the world. Golden gods will be handed out for the best of the best.
And what did Jesus receive?
"Most of the crowd spread their coats on the road ahead of Jesus, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road." Matthew 21:8 NLT
The Son of God, walking into Jerusalem for his 'part of a lifetime' was heralded by the common folk of society wanting to make sure his donkey's feet didn't touch the mud of the road. They gave what they could to herald His arrival, His importance in their lives, His value.
The red carpet is being rolled out for the stars today--but the palm leaves were laid out for the Creator of the stars!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Today's reading: Romans 13-14
"Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God." Romans 14:12 NLT
As a Mom and as a wife, I juggle a whole heap of a lot of things.
I'm chief cook and bottle washer. I'm a laundress and a chauffeur. I, and my counterpart, are the financial officers of our 'corporation'--our decisions determine how much is put aside for vacation and savings after the bills are paid and the groceries are bought. I'm a teacher's assistant each evening as I look over homework. I'm a lumberyard bookkeeper a few hours a week.
As a Christian woman, my responsibilities are even greater!
I am a governing force over what I view, read and listen to. I am solely responsible over the area of my body I most struggle with--my mouth. I have been given the precious privilege of teaching small ones about Jesus and working alongside women in our church as we journey towards godliness. I am a missionary in my home, workplace and in social settings.
I wear many hats.
And with each job, task, and role, I have to remind myself I will be standing before God one day giving an account of what I've done with my time, my talents and my resources. It certainly puts a new spin on washing dishes, folding laundry, holding my tongue and speaking for the Lord.
What about you?
Today's reading: Romans 13-14
"Yes, each of us will have to give a personal account to God." Romans 14:12 NLT
As a Mom and as a wife, I juggle a whole heap of a lot of things.
I'm chief cook and bottle washer. I'm a laundress and a chauffeur. I, and my counterpart, are the financial officers of our 'corporation'--our decisions determine how much is put aside for vacation and savings after the bills are paid and the groceries are bought. I'm a teacher's assistant each evening as I look over homework. I'm a lumberyard bookkeeper a few hours a week.
As a Christian woman, my responsibilities are even greater!
I am a governing force over what I view, read and listen to. I am solely responsible over the area of my body I most struggle with--my mouth. I have been given the precious privilege of teaching small ones about Jesus and working alongside women in our church as we journey towards godliness. I am a missionary in my home, workplace and in social settings.
I wear many hats.
And with each job, task, and role, I have to remind myself I will be standing before God one day giving an account of what I've done with my time, my talents and my resources. It certainly puts a new spin on washing dishes, folding laundry, holding my tongue and speaking for the Lord.
What about you?
Friday, February 18, 2011
Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39
"With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands, and encourage those who have week knees. Say to those who are afraid, Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you." Isaiah 35:3-4 NLT
You will come across people today who need to know what the Bible says about temptation. You will cross paths with unbelievers who need to see what the Bible says about life by the way you live. You will bump into church-weary folks who need to be reminded that all Christians are not the same, all churches do not treat visitors unkindly and that all followers of Christ are not hypocrites.
You will undoubtedly run in to someone today who is scared to death by life's circumstances. You will be confronted by a few unlovelies who need to know about Christ's love for them. You will be served, or serve, a adopted child of God who isn't aware of their 'real Father' yet.
What will you do? When you come in contact with the hearts God will place in your path today--what will you do?
Will you be able to minister to them from your time in the Holy Book? Will you be able to give them hope, not because of what you say, but because, 'thus saith the Word of God'? Will you be able to translate what you read in the Bible into your own testimony?
Will you have read what God needed you to have read for that meeting?
What will you do with this Great News?
Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39
"With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands, and encourage those who have week knees. Say to those who are afraid, Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you." Isaiah 35:3-4 NLT
You will come across people today who need to know what the Bible says about temptation. You will cross paths with unbelievers who need to see what the Bible says about life by the way you live. You will bump into church-weary folks who need to be reminded that all Christians are not the same, all churches do not treat visitors unkindly and that all followers of Christ are not hypocrites.
You will undoubtedly run in to someone today who is scared to death by life's circumstances. You will be confronted by a few unlovelies who need to know about Christ's love for them. You will be served, or serve, a adopted child of God who isn't aware of their 'real Father' yet.
What will you do? When you come in contact with the hearts God will place in your path today--what will you do?
Will you be able to minister to them from your time in the Holy Book? Will you be able to give them hope, not because of what you say, but because, 'thus saith the Word of God'? Will you be able to translate what you read in the Bible into your own testimony?
Will you have read what God needed you to have read for that meeting?
What will you do with this Great News?
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Today's reading: Job 13-14
"How frail is humanity! How short is life, and how full of trouble! Like a flower, we blossom for a moment and then wither..." Job 14:1-2 NLT
What are you doing while you're in 'full bloom'? How many are you attracting with the beauty of your life, the aroma of your attitude? Which bouquet are you choosing, and committing, to worship alongside each Sunday?
You're not putting it off, are you? Waiting for a better time? An easier season? A nicer 'garden'?
Bloom where you're at, with what you've been given, to the greatest extent of who He has created you to be!
Today's reading: Job 13-14
"How frail is humanity! How short is life, and how full of trouble! Like a flower, we blossom for a moment and then wither..." Job 14:1-2 NLT
What are you doing while you're in 'full bloom'? How many are you attracting with the beauty of your life, the aroma of your attitude? Which bouquet are you choosing, and committing, to worship alongside each Sunday?
You're not putting it off, are you? Waiting for a better time? An easier season? A nicer 'garden'?
Bloom where you're at, with what you've been given, to the greatest extent of who He has created you to be!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 18-20
It's that time of the year again...
Time to dust off the VCR tape and slip it into the aged player. We'll spend time on the couch watching our wedding video. We'll lament over how young we looked and how many of the folks in the 'movie' are no longer with us. We'll laugh at how big my hair was and how small my wedding dress appeared to be compared to the dresses I wear today.
Then, we'll listen to the part where my aunt and uncle sing our song--You Light Up My Life. A song particularly selected to convey our deep love for each other.
We thought we had it all figured out those almost twenty-one years ago. Or, at least I did.
Dale continues to be my knight in shining armor. He has never failed to be loving, kind, honorable and faithful. He took the verses from 1 Corinthians seriously when it told him not to 'keep track of wrongs', because he'd have had plenty to remember! He still makes my eyes sparkle when he walks into a room.
Dale, after all this time, is wonderful--even more wonderful now than then--but I've come to the decision that the 'light of my life' is God!
Dale's not jealous. Dale understands. Dale would agree. To tell you the truth, Dale is relieved--it takes a lot of the pressure off him!
"Lord, you have brought light to my life; my God, you light up my darkness." Psalm 18:28 NLT
Today's reading: Psalm 18-20
It's that time of the year again...
Time to dust off the VCR tape and slip it into the aged player. We'll spend time on the couch watching our wedding video. We'll lament over how young we looked and how many of the folks in the 'movie' are no longer with us. We'll laugh at how big my hair was and how small my wedding dress appeared to be compared to the dresses I wear today.
Then, we'll listen to the part where my aunt and uncle sing our song--You Light Up My Life. A song particularly selected to convey our deep love for each other.
We thought we had it all figured out those almost twenty-one years ago. Or, at least I did.
Dale continues to be my knight in shining armor. He has never failed to be loving, kind, honorable and faithful. He took the verses from 1 Corinthians seriously when it told him not to 'keep track of wrongs', because he'd have had plenty to remember! He still makes my eyes sparkle when he walks into a room.
Dale, after all this time, is wonderful--even more wonderful now than then--but I've come to the decision that the 'light of my life' is God!
Dale's not jealous. Dale understands. Dale would agree. To tell you the truth, Dale is relieved--it takes a lot of the pressure off him!
"Lord, you have brought light to my life; my God, you light up my darkness." Psalm 18:28 NLT
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Today's reading: Judges 7-11
I'll admit it: I love jewelry. I enjoy wearing clunky necklaces, dangly earrings, heavy bracelets and brightly colored baubles.
(I especially enjoy catching them on sale! I tingle at the thought of paying 50, 75, 90% less than the suggested retail price. It's 'almost' like they're paying me to take them.)
The adornments I love wearing the most? Charms reminding me of my victories! Trinkets just like Gideon had...
"Then Gideon asked Zebah and Zalmunna, The men you killed at Tabor--what were they like? Like you, they replied. They all had the look of a king's son. They were my brothers! Gideon exclaimed. As surely as the Lord lives, I wouldn't kill you if you hadn't killed them. Turning to Jether, his oldest son, he said, Kill them! But Jether did not draw his sword, for he was only a boy and was afraid. Then Zebah and Zalmunna said to Gideon, Don't ask a boy to do a man's job! Do it yourself! So Gideon killed them both and took the royal ornaments from the necks of their camels." Judges 8:18-21 NLT
God and I have a history. We go way back-and He knows more about me than I'm willing to admit. He and I have shared some memories. We've laughed, cried, argued (more so me than Him) and celebrated. My life is filled with remarkable happenings and goings-in that point directly to the Creator of the universe. And if I had a charm bracelet, it would be filled from clasp to clasp with charms depicting our journey. The sterling silver balloon reminding me of the highs and the tiny shovel reminding me of the depths of the lows. The star to remind me of the mountaintops I've walked on and the tiny flashlight that led me through some pretty dark valleys. The sunglasses referring to the sunny days and the lighthouse beaming on the sleepless, stormy nights.
I can't say I have any I've taken off the necks of camels...but they're dear to me none the less!
You've got charms, too. Don't you?
Today's reading: Judges 7-11
I'll admit it: I love jewelry. I enjoy wearing clunky necklaces, dangly earrings, heavy bracelets and brightly colored baubles.
(I especially enjoy catching them on sale! I tingle at the thought of paying 50, 75, 90% less than the suggested retail price. It's 'almost' like they're paying me to take them.)
The adornments I love wearing the most? Charms reminding me of my victories! Trinkets just like Gideon had...
"Then Gideon asked Zebah and Zalmunna, The men you killed at Tabor--what were they like? Like you, they replied. They all had the look of a king's son. They were my brothers! Gideon exclaimed. As surely as the Lord lives, I wouldn't kill you if you hadn't killed them. Turning to Jether, his oldest son, he said, Kill them! But Jether did not draw his sword, for he was only a boy and was afraid. Then Zebah and Zalmunna said to Gideon, Don't ask a boy to do a man's job! Do it yourself! So Gideon killed them both and took the royal ornaments from the necks of their camels." Judges 8:18-21 NLT
God and I have a history. We go way back-and He knows more about me than I'm willing to admit. He and I have shared some memories. We've laughed, cried, argued (more so me than Him) and celebrated. My life is filled with remarkable happenings and goings-in that point directly to the Creator of the universe. And if I had a charm bracelet, it would be filled from clasp to clasp with charms depicting our journey. The sterling silver balloon reminding me of the highs and the tiny shovel reminding me of the depths of the lows. The star to remind me of the mountaintops I've walked on and the tiny flashlight that led me through some pretty dark valleys. The sunglasses referring to the sunny days and the lighthouse beaming on the sleepless, stormy nights.
I can't say I have any I've taken off the necks of camels...but they're dear to me none the less!
You've got charms, too. Don't you?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Today's reading: Genesis 23-27
"...Certainly! And I'll water your camels, too!..." Genesis 24:24 NLT
A little more than what I'd usually do? Taking the little-harder-than-easy route, just to help someone out? Going above and beyond?
That's challenging, but isn't it what God desires that we do?
Make the extra effort to speak kindly. Stop long enough to listen to the response given when you ask, 'How are you?', put some initiative into making a new friend.
No, we'll probably not have to water anyone's camel--but could we give them a cup of water in His name? A cup of water that requires us walking all the way to the fountain to get--or a bottle of water we need to purchase?
He'll provide the opportunity today for you to do a little more than usual. Will you take Him up on the challenge?
Today's reading: Genesis 23-27
"...Certainly! And I'll water your camels, too!..." Genesis 24:24 NLT
A little more than what I'd usually do? Taking the little-harder-than-easy route, just to help someone out? Going above and beyond?
That's challenging, but isn't it what God desires that we do?
Make the extra effort to speak kindly. Stop long enough to listen to the response given when you ask, 'How are you?', put some initiative into making a new friend.
No, we'll probably not have to water anyone's camel--but could we give them a cup of water in His name? A cup of water that requires us walking all the way to the fountain to get--or a bottle of water we need to purchase?
He'll provide the opportunity today for you to do a little more than usual. Will you take Him up on the challenge?
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Today's reading: Matthew 17-19
What would your 'dream job' be? Where would you choose to work, if it were up to you? Who do you want to be when you 'grow up'?
Me? I've always thought I'd have truly enjoyed being Noah Webster's assistant! I love words! I enjoy knowing their history, their definitions, their proper spellings. I'm fascinated with, although not always correct in the use of, the English language.
Well, I was until this morning.
I've come upon a verse that sent me scurrying to my online dictionary/thesaurus. I just wanted to know a little more about one simple word. I was fully aware of the definition, but wanted to assure myself--to see what other words might work in its place.
I wish I hadn't.
Were you aware you can be convicted by the Holy Spirit via a dictionary?
Here's the verse, see what it does for you...
"Beware that you don't despise a single one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my heavenly Father." Romans 18:10 NLT
Let's begin that every human is 'one of these little ones'. Size matters not. Age matters not. What determines if they are His is the fact that He breathed life into them. We're all His little ones.
Be careful that we don't despise anyone, it might read.
Despise. Despise? I don't think there is a single person I despise. I truly cannot think of a soul I hate.
That's when I pulled up the dictionary. And found what I found. And felt what I felt. And was convicted by how I dealt with His little ones.
What I found is that to 'despise' means also to disfavor. To pass over. To disregard. To scorn. To overlook. To neglect. To slight. To shirk.
Ouch. I'm guilty. I 'despise' people. I 'despise' His little ones.
My morning greetings at church today will be altered to this morning's verse. Yes, who I speak to, who I make an effort to greet, who I walk clear across the church to welcome will be affected this morning by my time in the...dictionary!
Today's reading: Matthew 17-19
What would your 'dream job' be? Where would you choose to work, if it were up to you? Who do you want to be when you 'grow up'?
Me? I've always thought I'd have truly enjoyed being Noah Webster's assistant! I love words! I enjoy knowing their history, their definitions, their proper spellings. I'm fascinated with, although not always correct in the use of, the English language.
Well, I was until this morning.
I've come upon a verse that sent me scurrying to my online dictionary/thesaurus. I just wanted to know a little more about one simple word. I was fully aware of the definition, but wanted to assure myself--to see what other words might work in its place.
I wish I hadn't.
Were you aware you can be convicted by the Holy Spirit via a dictionary?
Here's the verse, see what it does for you...
"Beware that you don't despise a single one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my heavenly Father." Romans 18:10 NLT
Let's begin that every human is 'one of these little ones'. Size matters not. Age matters not. What determines if they are His is the fact that He breathed life into them. We're all His little ones.
Be careful that we don't despise anyone, it might read.
Despise. Despise? I don't think there is a single person I despise. I truly cannot think of a soul I hate.
That's when I pulled up the dictionary. And found what I found. And felt what I felt. And was convicted by how I dealt with His little ones.
What I found is that to 'despise' means also to disfavor. To pass over. To disregard. To scorn. To overlook. To neglect. To slight. To shirk.
Ouch. I'm guilty. I 'despise' people. I 'despise' His little ones.
My morning greetings at church today will be altered to this morning's verse. Yes, who I speak to, who I make an effort to greet, who I walk clear across the church to welcome will be affected this morning by my time in the...dictionary!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Today's reading: Romans 11-12
"Notice how God is both kind and severe. He is severe to those who disobeyed, but kind to you as you continue to trust in his kindness. But if you stop trusting, you also will be cut off." Romans 11:22 NLT
I have a huge choice to make.
A huge choice! Life changing. Futuristic in scope. Effectual to several generations.
Will I trust God or not?
Will I continue to believe in His abilities, His grace, His mercy, His love--or will I choose, even if for an instant, to trust the little voices in my head that whisper doubts, questions or reasons to wonder?
If I measure the cost of believing against the price of being cut off from my Savior--I'm trusting Him, no matter what!
Today's reading: Romans 11-12
"Notice how God is both kind and severe. He is severe to those who disobeyed, but kind to you as you continue to trust in his kindness. But if you stop trusting, you also will be cut off." Romans 11:22 NLT
I have a huge choice to make.
A huge choice! Life changing. Futuristic in scope. Effectual to several generations.
Will I trust God or not?
Will I continue to believe in His abilities, His grace, His mercy, His love--or will I choose, even if for an instant, to trust the little voices in my head that whisper doubts, questions or reasons to wonder?
If I measure the cost of believing against the price of being cut off from my Savior--I'm trusting Him, no matter what!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Today's reading: Isaiah 29-33
If I only heard 'I love you' on Valentine's Day, I'd be hurt.
If I only received cards from my sweetheart on February 14th, I'd be crushed.
If flowers were sent only on the one day of the year 'everyone' sends them, I'd be sad.
Love shouldn't be expressed only on certain days, when the crowd does it or in a manner that is the fad. Love should be expressed by living it out..and living it out loud!
I think that's what God was trying to get across to us when He inspired these words...
"And so the Lord says, These pople say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. And their worship of me amounts to nothing more than human laws learned by rote." Isaiah 29:13 NLT
Today's reading: Isaiah 29-33
If I only heard 'I love you' on Valentine's Day, I'd be hurt.
If I only received cards from my sweetheart on February 14th, I'd be crushed.
If flowers were sent only on the one day of the year 'everyone' sends them, I'd be sad.
Love shouldn't be expressed only on certain days, when the crowd does it or in a manner that is the fad. Love should be expressed by living it out..and living it out loud!
I think that's what God was trying to get across to us when He inspired these words...
"And so the Lord says, These pople say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. And their worship of me amounts to nothing more than human laws learned by rote." Isaiah 29:13 NLT
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Today's reading: Job 11-12
My sisters and I used to have to share the backseat.
There were times that sharing wasn't an issue. We rode along peacefully. Enjoyed the trip.
Then there were car rides, and Mom would attest to this, that were a little less than joyful.
One of my sisters would 'cross the line' and have a portion of their body in my space. We'd take a curve in the car and they would have the audacity to touch me. On the worst of drives, one of them might even look at me--and then the fight was on!
We all, regardless of our age, like our space. We take comfort in certain places. We entertain certain ways of doing things. We relish, at times, being left completely along.
"But true wisdom and power are wih God; counsel and understanding are his. What he destroys cannot be rebuilt. When he closes in on someone, there is no escape." Job 12:13-14 NLT
Think about the unsaved friends and loved ones on your prayer list...God is in the backseat with them!
Some days He nudges a little too closely for their liking. Conviction is a very ugly thing. It lashes out. It fights back. It occasionally produces hurtful words and sour attitudes.
Some days He gets thrown into their 'space'. Circumstances, not of a surprise to Him, happen and the unsaved are faced with Him staring them right in the face. Curves in the road remind them of their lack of control and His infinite power and might.
Some days He stands silently beside them as they make poor choices. He never taps them on the shoulder or nudges them in the back. He allows them to use their free will, regardless of how much it hurts Him.
Some days, and this is what we're all praying for, He steps in and embraces them fully. They fight against it. They think want no part of it. They atttempt to balk and try to get away. Deep down, deep down in their hearts, it's just what they've been waiting for.
Keep praying that God 'closes in' on those you love. Ask Him to follow them more closely, to make His presence more known, to get in their space!
Today's reading: Job 11-12
My sisters and I used to have to share the backseat.
There were times that sharing wasn't an issue. We rode along peacefully. Enjoyed the trip.
Then there were car rides, and Mom would attest to this, that were a little less than joyful.
One of my sisters would 'cross the line' and have a portion of their body in my space. We'd take a curve in the car and they would have the audacity to touch me. On the worst of drives, one of them might even look at me--and then the fight was on!
We all, regardless of our age, like our space. We take comfort in certain places. We entertain certain ways of doing things. We relish, at times, being left completely along.
"But true wisdom and power are wih God; counsel and understanding are his. What he destroys cannot be rebuilt. When he closes in on someone, there is no escape." Job 12:13-14 NLT
Think about the unsaved friends and loved ones on your prayer list...God is in the backseat with them!
Some days He nudges a little too closely for their liking. Conviction is a very ugly thing. It lashes out. It fights back. It occasionally produces hurtful words and sour attitudes.
Some days He gets thrown into their 'space'. Circumstances, not of a surprise to Him, happen and the unsaved are faced with Him staring them right in the face. Curves in the road remind them of their lack of control and His infinite power and might.
Some days He stands silently beside them as they make poor choices. He never taps them on the shoulder or nudges them in the back. He allows them to use their free will, regardless of how much it hurts Him.
Some days, and this is what we're all praying for, He steps in and embraces them fully. They fight against it. They think want no part of it. They atttempt to balk and try to get away. Deep down, deep down in their hearts, it's just what they've been waiting for.
Keep praying that God 'closes in' on those you love. Ask Him to follow them more closely, to make His presence more known, to get in their space!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Today's reading: Psalms 15-17
"The godly people in the land are my true heroes! I take pleasure in them!" Psalm 16:3 NLT
A hero, according to Merriam Webster, is a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or abilities; an illustrious warrior; a man admired for his achievements and great qualities; one who shows great courage.
Who will my young son idolize? Whose life will he want to imitate? Who will encourage him to achieve, to aspire, to dream?
Will it be the multi-million dollar paid basketball player fathering illegitamate children?
Might it be the drunken rock star who appears on the covers of several magazines?
Could it be Zeus, Apollos, Spiderman or a number of other fabled and fictitious superheroes?
Will his hero be the-take-him-to-church-each-Sunday Dad?
His godly Papa?
The zealous preacher whose voice he hears booming from the pulpit?
The telephone repairman who hurredly washes up after work each Wednesday night, gulps down dinner and rushes to church in order to listen as he recites his memory verses for the week?
The older gentleman who makes the effort to buy his eggs each week and find him before or after the service--just to chat?
The youth pastor who never fails to remember his name?
The godly are the least likely to be publicized, yet their influence is in heroic proportion to anything the world might offer.
Are you being a super-hero in anyone's life?
Today's reading: Psalms 15-17
"The godly people in the land are my true heroes! I take pleasure in them!" Psalm 16:3 NLT
A hero, according to Merriam Webster, is a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or abilities; an illustrious warrior; a man admired for his achievements and great qualities; one who shows great courage.
Who will my young son idolize? Whose life will he want to imitate? Who will encourage him to achieve, to aspire, to dream?
Will it be the multi-million dollar paid basketball player fathering illegitamate children?
Might it be the drunken rock star who appears on the covers of several magazines?
Could it be Zeus, Apollos, Spiderman or a number of other fabled and fictitious superheroes?
Will his hero be the-take-him-to-church-each-Sunday Dad?
His godly Papa?
The zealous preacher whose voice he hears booming from the pulpit?
The telephone repairman who hurredly washes up after work each Wednesday night, gulps down dinner and rushes to church in order to listen as he recites his memory verses for the week?
The older gentleman who makes the effort to buy his eggs each week and find him before or after the service--just to chat?
The youth pastor who never fails to remember his name?
The godly are the least likely to be publicized, yet their influence is in heroic proportion to anything the world might offer.
Are you being a super-hero in anyone's life?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Today's reading: Judges 1-6
I was hoping for an encouraging and uplifting time in the Word this morning. I'm a little less than perky this morning, and needed some Scipture that would inspire and stir my heart. To tell the truth, I wanted something light-hearted and easy to 'digest'.
God had other plans.
I have come across, quite possibly, one of saddest verses in the Bible...
"After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel." Judges 2:10 NLT
Imagine having seen the mighty wall of water parted. Imagine tasting the first flake of manna. Imagine the seventh trip around Jericho. Imagine hearing for yourself the report of the Promised Land and seeing the cluster of grapes hanging between the two scouts.
Imagine having never been amazed and awed enough by it all to pass it on to your children. Imagine failing to tell your kids all the mighty works of God, works you'd seen with your own two eyes. Imagine not bothering to teach your children that Yahweh had provided, had sustained, had lead and had demanded wholehearted worship.
Imagine a grandchild not knowing the words to 'Jesus Loves Me'?
Imagine a niece or nephew of yours not knowing about the little man named Zaccheus who climbed a tree?
Imagine a child of yours not spending an eternity in heaven?
I guess God gave me just what I needed this morning. He's encouraged me with this sad verse to continue in each and every effort I'm making to raise my son in a Christian home. He has stirred my heart to invest more time and effort into this hugely important task. And as for something easy to 'digest'...He's put it pretty plainly in front of me--I cannot depend upon anyone other than myself to introduce Christ to my child.
It's worth every effort. It's worth every moment. It's worth every struggle Sunday morning and Wednesday night. It's worth it every time we pause to pray instead of rushing in to the meal. It's worth repeating...and repeating...and repeating!
Today's reading: Judges 1-6
I was hoping for an encouraging and uplifting time in the Word this morning. I'm a little less than perky this morning, and needed some Scipture that would inspire and stir my heart. To tell the truth, I wanted something light-hearted and easy to 'digest'.
God had other plans.
I have come across, quite possibly, one of saddest verses in the Bible...
"After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for Israel." Judges 2:10 NLT
Imagine having seen the mighty wall of water parted. Imagine tasting the first flake of manna. Imagine the seventh trip around Jericho. Imagine hearing for yourself the report of the Promised Land and seeing the cluster of grapes hanging between the two scouts.
Imagine having never been amazed and awed enough by it all to pass it on to your children. Imagine failing to tell your kids all the mighty works of God, works you'd seen with your own two eyes. Imagine not bothering to teach your children that Yahweh had provided, had sustained, had lead and had demanded wholehearted worship.
Imagine a grandchild not knowing the words to 'Jesus Loves Me'?
Imagine a niece or nephew of yours not knowing about the little man named Zaccheus who climbed a tree?
Imagine a child of yours not spending an eternity in heaven?
I guess God gave me just what I needed this morning. He's encouraged me with this sad verse to continue in each and every effort I'm making to raise my son in a Christian home. He has stirred my heart to invest more time and effort into this hugely important task. And as for something easy to 'digest'...He's put it pretty plainly in front of me--I cannot depend upon anyone other than myself to introduce Christ to my child.
It's worth every effort. It's worth every moment. It's worth every struggle Sunday morning and Wednesday night. It's worth it every time we pause to pray instead of rushing in to the meal. It's worth repeating...and repeating...and repeating!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Today's reading: Genesis 20-23
"Now Abraham moved south to the Negev and settled there for a while..." Genesis 20:1 NLT
Abraham was on a journey from where he was (who he was) to where God needed him to be(who God needed him to be). During this long, arduos trek, Abraham experienced many a reason to quit. He faced many a trying ordeal. He struggled through many a tough time.
He did rest along the way.
You're allowed a quick respite, too. You're given a chance to take a deep breath, a long pause or an extended break.
But you, like Abraham, have got to continue on!
Abraham only unpacked his overnight bag.
Abraham only pitched a tent.
Abraham only unrolled his bedroll.
He did not mix mortar and stack block for the foundation of his retirement home!
He did not contact the postal service to request a change of address form--he didn't need one, he'd not reached his home!
He did not head into the nearest county assessor's office to sign a land deed--he only borrowed a few square feet of sand for a few hours or a few days!
You're on a journey to a great place. Don't give up! Don't quit! Don't settle anywhere for any longer necessary for a rest and a time of revival!
Today's reading: Genesis 20-23
"Now Abraham moved south to the Negev and settled there for a while..." Genesis 20:1 NLT
Abraham was on a journey from where he was (who he was) to where God needed him to be(who God needed him to be). During this long, arduos trek, Abraham experienced many a reason to quit. He faced many a trying ordeal. He struggled through many a tough time.
He did rest along the way.
You're allowed a quick respite, too. You're given a chance to take a deep breath, a long pause or an extended break.
But you, like Abraham, have got to continue on!
Abraham only unpacked his overnight bag.
Abraham only pitched a tent.
Abraham only unrolled his bedroll.
He did not mix mortar and stack block for the foundation of his retirement home!
He did not contact the postal service to request a change of address form--he didn't need one, he'd not reached his home!
He did not head into the nearest county assessor's office to sign a land deed--he only borrowed a few square feet of sand for a few hours or a few days!
You're on a journey to a great place. Don't give up! Don't quit! Don't settle anywhere for any longer necessary for a rest and a time of revival!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Today's reading: Matthew 14-16
The sun has come up on another Lord's Day. Our week begins again with an opportunity to serve the Lord with gladness, to come into His presence with thanksgiving and singing. A day set aside to rest in His goodness and worship His greatness. prayer is that this Sunday is unlike any other!
"Then the disciples worshipped him. You really are the Son of God! they exclaimed." Matthew 14:33 NLT
Those closest to Christ had just experienced an amazing miracle of God. They had watched as Jesus merely spoke to the wind and waves--and they obeyed Him.
The twelve had watched as He healed. They had marveled as they saw Jesus bring life from death. They saw with their own eyes Christ walk on the water.
And now? He commanded the storm, the weather, the atmospheric conditions with His voice!
Now, they worshipped.
My prayer is that your Sunday is filled from this moment forward with reasons to really worship our Lord! I'm asking God to amaze and astound you with His greatness and power! I want you to drop your jaw to the floor in awe of our Savior!
I want you to come to the realization that He really is the Son of God!
Today's reading: Matthew 14-16
The sun has come up on another Lord's Day. Our week begins again with an opportunity to serve the Lord with gladness, to come into His presence with thanksgiving and singing. A day set aside to rest in His goodness and worship His greatness. prayer is that this Sunday is unlike any other!
"Then the disciples worshipped him. You really are the Son of God! they exclaimed." Matthew 14:33 NLT
Those closest to Christ had just experienced an amazing miracle of God. They had watched as Jesus merely spoke to the wind and waves--and they obeyed Him.
The twelve had watched as He healed. They had marveled as they saw Jesus bring life from death. They saw with their own eyes Christ walk on the water.
And now? He commanded the storm, the weather, the atmospheric conditions with His voice!
Now, they worshipped.
My prayer is that your Sunday is filled from this moment forward with reasons to really worship our Lord! I'm asking God to amaze and astound you with His greatness and power! I want you to drop your jaw to the floor in awe of our Savior!
I want you to come to the realization that He really is the Son of God!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Today's reading: Roans 9-10
Having a hard time fitting in?
You have kids, the crowd doesn't? The crowd has kids, you don't?
Single? Married? Divorced? Widowed?
Too tall? Too short?
Low income? Financially stable?
Young? Old? Middle-aged?
New Christian? Mature Christian? Confused Christian?
Our 'place' is hard to find at times, whether it be in the church, in the workplace, within our own families.
"Concerning the Gentiles, God says it in the prophecy of Hosea, Those who were not my people, I will now call my people..." Romans 9:25 NLT
God has made a place for us. God has given us a name. God has provided a title, a position, a spot where we are needed!
Today's reading: Roans 9-10
Having a hard time fitting in?
You have kids, the crowd doesn't? The crowd has kids, you don't?
Single? Married? Divorced? Widowed?
Too tall? Too short?
Low income? Financially stable?
Young? Old? Middle-aged?
New Christian? Mature Christian? Confused Christian?
Our 'place' is hard to find at times, whether it be in the church, in the workplace, within our own families.
"Concerning the Gentiles, God says it in the prophecy of Hosea, Those who were not my people, I will now call my people..." Romans 9:25 NLT
God has made a place for us. God has given us a name. God has provided a title, a position, a spot where we are needed!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Today's reading: Isaiah 23-28
"O Lord, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago..." Isaiah 25:1 NLT
Friend, you have no idea what God has in store for you!
Oh sure, you've been dreaming wildly and wishing hard on every evening's first star--but what's coming will amaze and astound you!
The things you're asking for? Over and above is what He'll do!
The reasons you're seeking? Won't matter when you see His face!
The wait? Worth every minute of it when you see what God has in store for you!
Dream big. Pray hard. Believe, with all you've got, that whatever it is He's sending your way--it's going to be wonderful!
Today's reading: Isaiah 23-28
"O Lord, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago..." Isaiah 25:1 NLT
Friend, you have no idea what God has in store for you!
Oh sure, you've been dreaming wildly and wishing hard on every evening's first star--but what's coming will amaze and astound you!
The things you're asking for? Over and above is what He'll do!
The reasons you're seeking? Won't matter when you see His face!
The wait? Worth every minute of it when you see what God has in store for you!
Dream big. Pray hard. Believe, with all you've got, that whatever it is He's sending your way--it's going to be wonderful!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Today's reading: Job 9-10
"His great works are too marvelous to understand. He performs miracles without number. Yet when he comes near, I cannot see him. When he moves on, I do not see him go." Job 9:10-11 NLT
The sunrises we can view. Their pinks, reds, oranges and yellows lighting up the dark night.
The babies we can hold in our arms. Their newness, their uniqueness, their delicates parts knit in the secret places.
The blades of grass we can touch with our fingers. Trace their veining, view their growth over a day's time.
The cool breeze we can feel on our skin. We can watch as it shakes the leaves in the trees and the surface of the waters.
The snowflakes we can watch as they fall, creatively crafted in the heavens. Their points and angles determined by God.
And when we cannot see Him? When we cannot sense His presence, trace His fingertprints or cling to His robe? When the darkness of the night, the storm or the situation robs our vision?
We must know.
We must carry God in our hearts, minds and spirits.
We must trust. Blindly. Wholeheartedly. Faithfully.
Because of our efforts, our abilities, our belief, our faith?
Because He is!
Today's reading: Job 9-10
"His great works are too marvelous to understand. He performs miracles without number. Yet when he comes near, I cannot see him. When he moves on, I do not see him go." Job 9:10-11 NLT
The sunrises we can view. Their pinks, reds, oranges and yellows lighting up the dark night.
The babies we can hold in our arms. Their newness, their uniqueness, their delicates parts knit in the secret places.
The blades of grass we can touch with our fingers. Trace their veining, view their growth over a day's time.
The cool breeze we can feel on our skin. We can watch as it shakes the leaves in the trees and the surface of the waters.
The snowflakes we can watch as they fall, creatively crafted in the heavens. Their points and angles determined by God.
And when we cannot see Him? When we cannot sense His presence, trace His fingertprints or cling to His robe? When the darkness of the night, the storm or the situation robs our vision?
We must know.
We must carry God in our hearts, minds and spirits.
We must trust. Blindly. Wholeheartedly. Faithfully.
Because of our efforts, our abilities, our belief, our faith?
Because He is!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 12-14
"The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over." Psalm 12:6 NLT
Might I make an overview of our doubting selves?
It's about our trust in the Lord and His promises.
Or, rather, our lack of trust in the Lord and His promises.
We might be more willing, more able to believe in the purity(the sureness, the completeness, the soundness) of God's promises if we had some example of pure-ness in our lives.
The gold bands we wear around our fingers aren't pure gold.
The tacos we eat at Taco John's aren't pure beef.
The water systems we drink from aren't pure.
The National Parks we pay good tax money for and high entry fees into are no longer pure.
The social circles laugh at the thought of purity when there are so many people to hook up with in the world.
The blue skies are no longer pure, but filled with smog, airplane exhaust tracks and enough satellite waves to get this note from Southern Illinois to where you live.
We have no basis to hold God's pure promises up against. We cannot fathom something purified--something recycled, something rescued from the landfill or something re-used, possibly--but not pure.
God's promises are pure--completely believable, trustworthy and backed. God's promises leave no room for doubt. His record proves to us, and has for many generations, that what He says He'll do--He'll do!
Today's reading: Psalm 12-14
"The Lord's promises are pure, like silver refined in a furnace, purified seven times over." Psalm 12:6 NLT
Might I make an overview of our doubting selves?
It's about our trust in the Lord and His promises.
Or, rather, our lack of trust in the Lord and His promises.
We might be more willing, more able to believe in the purity(the sureness, the completeness, the soundness) of God's promises if we had some example of pure-ness in our lives.
The gold bands we wear around our fingers aren't pure gold.
The tacos we eat at Taco John's aren't pure beef.
The water systems we drink from aren't pure.
The National Parks we pay good tax money for and high entry fees into are no longer pure.
The social circles laugh at the thought of purity when there are so many people to hook up with in the world.
The blue skies are no longer pure, but filled with smog, airplane exhaust tracks and enough satellite waves to get this note from Southern Illinois to where you live.
We have no basis to hold God's pure promises up against. We cannot fathom something purified--something recycled, something rescued from the landfill or something re-used, possibly--but not pure.
God's promises are pure--completely believable, trustworthy and backed. God's promises leave no room for doubt. His record proves to us, and has for many generations, that what He says He'll do--He'll do!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Today's reading: Joshua 21-24
"You have seen everything the Lord your God has done for you during my lifetime. The Lord your God has fought for you against your enemies. I have allotted to you as an inheritance all the land of the nations yet unconquered, as well as the land of those we have already conquered--from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. This land will be yours, for the Lord your God will drive out all the people living there now. You will live there instead of them, just as the Lord your God promised you." Joshua 23:3-5 NLT
It doesn't take long sitting in any Sunday School class, prayer meeting or gathering of God's kids to realize that some of us are going through some trying times--some wilderness experiences, some desert wanderings, some very low valleys.
Just to encourage your heart, I want you to remember: This is not all there is!
God has planned for us some of the most lovely mountaintops. Places where we can see the heights to which He's enabled us to climb. Spots where we seem closer to Him than we've ever been.
God also has in store for us some very fertile river land. Acres upon acres of land waiting for us to use in producing fruit.
Another piece of prime real-estate He has set aside for us? Beach-front property. For the Israelites, it was the promise of the Mediterranean. For us, it's the vastness of the beach, the calming effects of the waves, the relaxation of the sunshine and fresh air--faith, peace and joy.
Which land deal are you settling for?
Think He won't come through on His end of the bargain? Think back to the detours He's walked you through, the scenery He's allowed you to view, the souveniers of faith He's allowed you accumulate over the years of traveling.
Will you keep traveling towards what He's promised to you? Won't it be worth it? Come on, fellow traveler--let's keep moving towards the Promised Land.
Today's reading: Joshua 21-24
"You have seen everything the Lord your God has done for you during my lifetime. The Lord your God has fought for you against your enemies. I have allotted to you as an inheritance all the land of the nations yet unconquered, as well as the land of those we have already conquered--from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. This land will be yours, for the Lord your God will drive out all the people living there now. You will live there instead of them, just as the Lord your God promised you." Joshua 23:3-5 NLT
It doesn't take long sitting in any Sunday School class, prayer meeting or gathering of God's kids to realize that some of us are going through some trying times--some wilderness experiences, some desert wanderings, some very low valleys.
Just to encourage your heart, I want you to remember: This is not all there is!
God has planned for us some of the most lovely mountaintops. Places where we can see the heights to which He's enabled us to climb. Spots where we seem closer to Him than we've ever been.
God also has in store for us some very fertile river land. Acres upon acres of land waiting for us to use in producing fruit.
Another piece of prime real-estate He has set aside for us? Beach-front property. For the Israelites, it was the promise of the Mediterranean. For us, it's the vastness of the beach, the calming effects of the waves, the relaxation of the sunshine and fresh air--faith, peace and joy.
Which land deal are you settling for?
Think He won't come through on His end of the bargain? Think back to the detours He's walked you through, the scenery He's allowed you to view, the souveniers of faith He's allowed you accumulate over the years of traveling.
Will you keep traveling towards what He's promised to you? Won't it be worth it? Come on, fellow traveler--let's keep moving towards the Promised Land.
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