Saturday, February 26, 2011

Today's reading: Romans 15-16

"So I pray that God, who gives you hope, will keep you happy and full of peace as you believe in him. May you overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13 NLT

Know why most of us aren't infecting the world like we're supposed to? It's due to a deficit in our own hope and peace!

Know why our churches are struggling, families are falling apart and sin runs rampant? It's one reason and one reason only: Few of us Christians have enough hope, real hope, in our hearts to spur us on--let alone enough to overflow into the lives of others.

I will not influence another for Christ is I'm barely getting by. I will not point others to God if I allow external circumstances to rule my emotions, attitude and write my testimony. I cannot 'go into all the world' if I'm scarcely able to take a stand in my own home.

Just like our government, we're running on a deficit account. Not enough for us, none what so ever to share.

Paul knew God had enough to fill you to the top and overflowing with peace, joy and hope. He knew that God was capable of changing your life by what He would pour into it--and change the lives of others by what extra would come spilling out!

So, are you dealing with profit or deficit in your own life?

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