Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 22

"See, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, to repay all according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." Revelation 22:12-13 NLT

How did you do on your resolutions for 2024?

Did you lose the weight? Did you shun Facebook? Did you successfully make exercise a daily routine? Did you stop smoking or hitting the snooze or drinking Coke?


I don't even know where my 2024 Resolutions list is!

Whatever I had set aside as goals for myself to accomplish in this past year has been forgotten--and quite possibly as early as January 2nd or 3rd.

I didn't shed the pounds.

I didn't kick the habit of mindlessly scrolling through the internet.

I didn't successfully tame my tongue.

I didn't eat at least 3 fruits and veggies every day over the last 364 days.

Who I am proud to say I know more deeply than I did last year at this time...

Who I have found to be sure and steadfast and consistent in my life...

Who I have gained a greater dependency upon...


God has been with me EVERY SINGLE DAY of this year--and I know He will continue with me throughout the next.

He truly is the Beginning and the End, but He is also the entire Middle!


Monday, December 30, 2024


Today's reading: Philippians 3

"He will take these weak mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same mighty power that he will use to conquer everything else." Philippians 3:21 NLT

I had the privilege of attending the funeral of a great-great aunt of mine.

She had lived a long, full, loving and godly life for 106 years.

One hundred and six years!

Until the last month of her life, she remained mentally sharp. She could quote Scripture, make her own choices, banter with the best of them--and play her favorite game, Aggravation.

But her body? Her body let her down.

That was until she took her last breath here and her first breath in heaven.

She is able now. She is capable now. She is whole--more whole than she ever was in her 106 years here on earth.

I once heard a speaker say, For a Christian, death is merely a means to get us to where we have always been meant to be.

I truly like that thought, but I might add to his sentiment by saying, For a Christian, death is merely a means to get us to where we have always been meant to be and to make us into all we were ever meant to be.


Sunday, December 29, 2024


Today's reading: Jude

"When these people join you in fellowship meals celebrating the love of the Lord, they are like dangerous reefs that can shipwreck you. They are shameless in the way they care only about themselves. They are like clouds blowing over dry land without giving rain, promising much but producing nothing. They are like trees without fruit at harvesttime. They are not only dead but doubly dead, for they have been pulled out by the roots." Jude verse 12 NLT

Who are 'these people'?

False teachers. Folks who sound religious, speak of the Bible, wear the suits, stand behind the pulpits, lead congregations and garner support for their church.

Our best, and only, defense against false teachers is to keep our Bibles open.

To keep our noses in the Word of the Lord.

To know exactly what the Holy Scriptures say.

And to not just take another person's word on it.

Fact check every sermon you hear. Refer to the passages of Scripture mentioned in a sermon. Read it for yourself.

Can a pastor mis-speak? Of course, they are human!

But beware of the false teachers among us. The ones who take bits and pieces of the Bible and twist it into what's beneficial to them--and easy on the ears of the listener.

Keep your Bibles open!


Saturday, December 28, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 18-22

"Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a huge crowd, or the roar of mighty ocean waves, or the crash of loud thunder: Hallelujah! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns." Revelation 19:6 NLT

It's pretty quiet here on our little prairie.

No large crowds here in the country.

No crashing waves in our landlocked little town in southern Illinois.

But thunder? A thunderstorm rolls across our prairie every so often.

The clouds billow and build. The lightning courses across the sky. The winds pick up. 

And it thunders.

Loud, booming, earth-shaking thunder rolls.

I won't hear the peals of thunder again without thinking of this verse and the praise in heaven!

I won't allow another 'storm' to pass without thinking about how loud and boisterous and deserved the praise of God is.

I want to participate in the thunder of praise. Now. Here. In practice for heaven!

Friday, December 27, 2024


Today's reading: Song of Solomon 7-8

"...If a man tried to buy love with everything he owned, his offer would be utterly despised." Song of Solomon 8:7 NLT

Trying to buy someone's love? What a preposterous thought!

Never! Wouldn't even think of it! Not in a million years!

National news will report the sales amounts recorded for the Christmas season. It will report profits gained from the holiday shopping.

What the news will not report is this...

How much money was spent attempting to impress someone?

How many gifts were purchased trying to 'make up' for lost time, lost opportunities, lost years?

How many dollars were racked up in an effort to 'one up' the neighbors?

How many credit cards were maxed out renting storage units to hold all the stuff we 'need'?

To think... Jesus came to give all He had, for all we have done, in an effort to secure us an eternity with Him, desiring only our love in return.

Jesus paid the ultimate price for our salvation. What a gift of love!


Thursday, December 26, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 149-150

"Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord! Praise the Lord!" Psalm 150:6 NLT

I'm reminded of an older pastor who consistently said, 'When God says EVERYTHING, He means EVERYTHING!'

So that means those of us waiting for answers to prayer, ought to be praising.

Those of us who don't like the season we're currently in, ought to be praising.

If we've received a scary diagnosis, praise.

If we've had the props knocked out from under us, praise.

If we've been hurt by fellow Christians, praise.

If we've been through heartache, shipwreck, beatings and sorrow, praise.

If those we thought loved us have left us alone, praise.

In everything we are to give praise--nothing should stop us.

Let everything that lives sing praises to the Lord!

Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Today's reading: Luke 2

Those of you who know me, know I have an allergic reaction to King James Versions of the Bible. I forget how to read when faced with the King's English, my tongue gets in the way of my words, and 'begats' and 'thous' are a struggle to put into every day conversation.

That being said, when it comes to the account of Jesus's birth--I'm King James Version all the way!

No one says it better than King James.

No other version causes me to pause and process the words.

Nothing brings me back to the excitement of my childhood and the 'pieces' I was asked to learn for Christmas programs.

There are no more suitable verses than these...

"And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." Luke 2:6-7 KJV

Jesus has been born!

Our Messiah has arrived!

Immanuel-God is with us!

Tuesday, December 24, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 32-34

"The Lord alone guided them; they lived without any foreign gods." Deuteronomy 32:12 NLT

I don't know if you have had any time at all this holiday season to reflect on 2024. Maybe a few minutes sitting under the lights of the Christmas tree pondering. Maybe a few stolen moments of silence as you wrap gifts or bake cookies, to think back over the past year.

Did you pass with flying colors? Did you exceed each and every godly goal you had set for yourself? Did you amaze yourself with your Christlikeness every day of these last 350+/- days?

Or are you looking forward to a new start? Another opportunity? Wanting to try again--and this time stick with it for longer than it took to write the word 'resolutions'?

Let's make a pact.

Take an oath.

Make a vow.

State upfront, before the new year even begins, that we will seek God alone.

That any foreign gods we leaned into over this last year would fall away from our hearts and minds.

Let's let God guide us, and God alone!

Monday, December 23, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 27-28

"Sirs, he said, I believe there is trouble ahead if we go on--shipwreck, loss of cargo, injuries and danger to our lives. But the officer in charge of the prisoners listened more to the ship's captain and the owner than to Paul." Acts 27:10-11 NLT

Paul, who if we might all agree, had an extraordinary bond with the Lord, spoke about the problems ahead for the ship and crew.

But no one listened.

Instead, they were dead-set on doing things their way, in their time, according to their schedule.

Sound familiar?

This portion of Scripture has given me a lot to think about this morning--just who is it I am listening to? 

Sunday, December 22, 2024


Today's reading: 3 John

"Some of the brothers recently returned and made me very happy by telling me about your faithfulness and that you are living in the truth." 3 John verse 3 NLT

What are folks saying about you?

To your face...

Behind your back...

In conversations about you...

Is your testimony full of grace, love, kindness and is it God-honoring?

If your 'rap sheet' is long and sordid, maybe this upcoming new year will be a perfect time for you to seek God's help in making corrections!


Saturday, December 21, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 12-17

As I read through the pages of Revelation, the intriguing parts, the head-scratching parts, the fearful parts, I have to focus on the Lamb.

The Lamb who stood before the throne, worthy.

The Lamb who ordained judgement on the earth, just.

The Lamb who continually offers salvation, rescue and hope, loving.

The Lamb who arrived on the scene as a baby in a manger in Bethlehem.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Today's reading: Song of Solomon 5-6

"But I said, I have taken off my robe. Should I get dressed again? I have washed my feet. Should I get them soiled?" Song of Solomon 5:3 NLT

While you may not believe it, this is the perfect time of the year to pause and reflect.

As you look into the manger scene, consider what you have done for Jesus this past year.

As you catch glimpses of the twinkling lights of Christmas, think about how you might have been, or need to be, more of a light for Christ.

As you wrap and unwrap gifts, ponder the enormity of the gift God gave you in His son.

As you gather with friends and family, look for opportunities to share the love of Christ.

Don't allow excuses to rob you of this precious time.

Don't trade the busyness of the season for the business of your walk with the Lord. 

Don't crowd Jesus out of Christmas by spending more thought on a plump fella wearing a red suit.

Don't disregard God appointments for the hustle and bustle.

Thursday, December 19, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 146-148

"The strength of a horse does not impress him; how puny in his sight is the strength of a man. Rather, the Lord's delight is in those who honor him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love." Psalm 147:10-11 NLT

Think of this...

Mountains of grandeur don't impress God. 

Sunrises of a vast color palette don't give Him pause.

A raindrop holding a prism of light doesn't move Him to being overwhelmed.

The most exquisitely petaled flowers don't excite Him.

Scientific discoveries of the smallest of cells or vast galaxies don't do a thing for Him.

All those things are the works of His own hands. By-products of His creativity. An outpouring of His love, greatness and majesty.

What He's impressed by is obedience.


Obedience that stems from the hearts and minds of ones He has created. Ones He has endowed with a free will. Ones He has instructed, directed, guided and left to their own as to whether or not they will bring glory to their Creator.

Our obeying His commands honors Him and that, dear friends, causes Him to stop and take notice.

Are you impressing the Lord?


Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Today's reading: Esther 3-5

"All the king's officials would bow down before Haman to show him respect whenever he passed by, for so the king had commanded. But Mordecai refused to bow down or show him respect." Esther 3:2 NLT

As the moral codes of our country begin to crumble, will people see you bowing to convention?

As decency declines amidst our peers, will folks find that you have ridden the downward slide with the majority of society?

As laws are passed, sins are seen as acceptable and wrong is considered right, will those around you find you to be tolerant and accepting? 

Or will they see you standing?

Will you refuse to bow?

Will you remain true, godly and just?

Are they seeing you do it now?

Tuesday, December 17, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 29-31

"Though you are at the ends of the earth, the Lord your God will go and find you and bring you back again." Deuteronomy 30:4 NLT

I don't know who it is you are praying for...

I am unaware of the names on your 'prayer list' or the reasons they are on it...

I am clueless as to the souls you are keeping whispered to the Lord...

I do know this: They are not too far to be found!

Miles do not keep God at bay.

Acts of rebellion do not push Him away.

Time does not limit His reach or His desire.

Past mistakes, angry words spoken, complete failures do not prevent Him from being able to redeem.

In His time...

In His way...

To His glory...

For your good...

Out of His storehouse of enormous love...

He will go.

He will find.

He will bring back.


Monday, December 16, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 25-26

"Now I am on trial because I am looking forward to the fulfillment of God's promise made to our ancestors." Acts 26:6 NLT

Paul stood before King Agrippa because of his faith in Jesus.

On trial for his beliefs in regards to Jesus's virgin birth, sinless life, unworthy death, powerful resurrection and life with God.

Paul was believing the Messiah, the very one predicted, hoped for and anticipated by the Jews for hundreds of years, had come and had done what He had promised to do.

Believing to the point of the trial this very portion of Scripture is referring to.

Facing possible death for treason against the king.

Looking at the probability of life in prison.

Possibly facing torture, beheading, being thrown in with the lions or beatings.

He believed that sincerely in Jesus. What He did. Who He was. What He would continue to do. The promises He made. 

Do you believe to that extent? Would your depth of faith ever convict you?

Sunday, December 15, 2024


Today's reading: 2 John

"Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning." 2 John verse 6 NLT

While the Beetles are known for the saying, 'All you need is love', is originated with God.

His commands to love one another began back in the Old Testament.

So why do we try to do everything but love?

We try to volunteer.

We attempt to serve.

We give it a go at doing.

We offer our funds to charitable organizations.

We fill our garages and storage units with things.

But do we love?

Are we giving out our love like we are Christmas gifts?

To the ones we love--sure!

To the ones who are nice to us--of course!

To the ones who push us to our limits?

The ones who have done nothing to deserve our love?

The ones who it isn't easy at all to like, let alone love?

While you are meandering through the stores this holiday season, try giving out love.

It's what God has commanded us to do. It is desperately needed. It fits everyone. It will make your Christmas one to remember!

Saturday, December 14, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 7-11

"Then a loud voice shouted from heaven, Come up here! And they rose to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched." Revelation 11:12 NLT

The book of Revelation is such a strongly debated portion of Scripture. It's twisted and taken out of context by some. It's completely avoided by others. It's certainly a book you digest in bits, not by mouthfuls.

The entirety of this section of the Bible reminds us that an to this world is coming and with it comes judgement.

All will be determined as being His--or not.

This single verse shows the importance of sharing God's love, spreading His Good News and walking closely with Him.

You see, one day, His children will rise to meet Him.

Enemies will watch as we 'head home'. They will know we were right. They will see that they should have turned from their ways. They will face the heat and lingering death of hell.

But so will our loved ones who do not choose Jesus.

Our unsaved family and friends will see us leave without them. They will replay conversations we had with them. They will recall all the invitations to know about God we gave. Or they will have wished we had said something at all.


Friday, December 13, 2024


Today's reading: Song of Solomon 3-4

"Promise me, O women of Jerusalem, by the swift gazelles and the deer of the wild, not to awaken love until the time is right." Song of Solomon 3:5 NLT

While this verse, and the others sprinkled throughout Solomon's Song, are usually quoted in reference to abstinence before marriage, I'm not convinced it's the only message God is sending to us.

What if...

What if, this verse reminds the pushy/bossy/managerial/directive/organizational/impatient ones among us not to 'push' God on those we long to see love Christ?

Is it asking us to allow the Holy Spirit to do his work?

Is it reminding us that we, ourselves, are not the Holy Spirit?

Is it asking us to pause and consider our own track record in comparison to God's--in regards to drawing all men unto Him?

A love for God cannot be sold, transferred, caught or pushed on another. 

Let's be very careful to follow God's lead in regards to pouring Jesus into the lives of others.

Thursday, December 12, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 143-145

"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing." Psalm 143:10 NLT

When you really, really and truly, want to learn, you will endure some hardships in the process.

In a teaching setting you will experience...

-Time in the classroom. It might look like a dry season. It might resemble a season of experiences that want to distract you and take your mind off the task. It might even look like failure to the extent you will want to give up.

-Homework. What you learn from the Lord will need to be applied at home. In your relations with those nearest to you. In your circle of friends. Your workplace. Your local WalMart. 

-Quizzes. You will find throughout your day that the Lord allows small inconveniences to stretch what you are learning and desiring to grasp. To stretch you. To allow you the opportunity to 'learn on the fly'. 

-Tests/Exams. These assignments from God will allow you, and others, to see just how far you've come in the learning process. They might highlight areas where you are excelling--and areas where a whole lot more work in needed. These ordained moments can be expected but never entirely prepared for, life is like that. But know this: He will not test you on something He hasn't already poured in to you!

-Graduation. Your schooling ends in heaven. Not before. Not a moment before. All you have learned, all you have chosen to lean in to, all you have hoped to gain, will be rewarded when you hear your Savior say, 'Enter in, my faithful servant!'

Won't you sign up for God's schooling? You need what He will teach you. Those around you need what you will learn. The world needs us to be more educated in His ways and His love.

He is willing. He is not only our Good Shepherd, but He excels at teaching His children His ways!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


Today's reading: Nehemiah 10-13

"The priests and Levites first dedicated themselves, then the people, the gates and the wall." Nehemiah 12:30 NLT

As with all God does, and all that should be done in God's honor, there is a proper order of things.

There is no chaos. No disorganization or disarray. There is no mayhem, no confusion, no commotion.

When the Jewish people finished rebuilding the wall, they had a ceremony to celebrate. There was singing. There was praying. There were vows made in order to keep the walls maintained and the people holy.

The order was along these lines...

The preachers (priests) dedicated themselves first.

Then the church workers (the Levites were the Temple servants--musicians, Sunday School teachers, nursery workers, janitors, etc).

Then the congregation.

Then the doors of the church (the gate--the entryway through which all would come and go).

Then the building itself (the wall--that which would protect and keep all done for the Lord).

Here are my thoughts...

We are all 'ministers' in some capacity in the sphere of influence God has given us to live and love in.

Are we dedicating ourselves first and foremost?

Are we living good examples of godly dedication to those whom we are overseeing?

Are we prayerful and discerning about what we allow to influence us, because we know it will have a trickle down effect?

Are we guarded in what is allowed in and out of our hearts, minds, eyes and ears?

Are we protecting what God's entrusted to us?

One thing leads to another in God's way of doing things that honor Him. We cannot skip steps, we cannot jump ahead, we cannot give 110% in one area and only 30% in another.

Let's start with ourselves. Let's dedicate our hearts to the Lord and His will for us. Fully. Wholly. Entirely. Sacrificially. With a commitment that He approves of.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 26-28

"When you arrive in the land the Lord your God is giving you as a special possession and you have conquered it and settled there, put some of the first produce from each harvest into a basket and bring it to the place the Lord your God chooses for his name to be honored. Go to the priest in charge at that time and say to him, With this gift I acknowledge that the Lord your God has brought me into the land he swore to give our ancestors." Deuteronomy 26:1-3 NLT

It's truly a gift giving season, wouldn't you agree?

Gifts are purchased, or made, wrapped, or bagged, given, or shipped, to our friends and family. 

We set snacks out for the UPS drivers who deliver our Amazon packages.

We take trays of cookies over to the neighbors down the street.

We exchange gifts with co-workers.

We purchase and give what we believe our loved ones will like or want or need.

But what about God in this gift giving season? What can we give Him?

I don't think it was coincidental that I am reading the words of Deuteronomy 26 this morning. Words written about the tokens of appreciation, love and thanks that the Israelites would give to God once they were in the Promised Land.

Gifts from their new land.

Presents their endurance, and His faithfulness, allowed to spring up from the ground.

Prophesied offerings of the very fact that God does what God says He will do.

Ever paused to offer Him a gift from the place He now has you?

A gift from your abundance. An offering of praise in your pain. A donation in His honor amidst all the doubts you are wrangling in your heart and mind. Something, anything, you can bestow upon Him for all He has done for you.

Could we take a few moments out of our busy, gift-giving season to stand before Him and say, "With this gift I acknowledge that the Lord my God has brought me to this place"?

Monday, December 9, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 23-24

"The shouting grew louder and louder, and the men were tugging at Paul from both sides, pulling him this way and that. Finally, the commander, fearing they would tear him apart, ordered his soldiers to take him away from them and bring him back to the fortress." Acts 23:10 NLT

Paul was being held Jerusalem on the charges of inciting riots against Ceasar. In attempting to state his case, his words divided the council and they began to physically pull at him in anger, rage and in the name of justice.

Ever felt like that?

You are minding your own business, attending church regularly, getting into your Bible, spreading good cheer--and all of a sudden you find yourself torn between God and the world.

Maybe the tug-of-wars were along these lines...

You want to watch the movie, the one raved about by all your friends, but the language--ugh.

You want to sign your kids up for city-league ball, but the tentative schedule will cause your family to miss several Sundays.

You want to give your 10 percent to the church, but your finances are stretched--with all the extras you want to purchase for your family--because their friends have these things.

You want to volunteer for one more church committee, but you're already away from home 4 nights a week and this would make it 5.

Your feelings have been hurt by another Christian, not just hurt--crushed, and you'd really like to vent--better yet, find someone who will side with you.

You struggle to find time to dig a little deeper in the Bible, because you are too interested in what's going on in the world of Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

Life pulls at us. Sometimes it's the pull of good things attempting to separate us from doing the best things.

How do we know which direction to go? We look to Jesus. We listen for God. We slow down, pray and ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us in our choices. Then we take the next small step asked of us--and trust God with the rest!

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Today's reading: 1 John 4-5

"We know we love God's children if we love God and obey his commandments. Loving God means keeping his commandments, which really, isn't difficult." 1 John 5:2-3 NLT

You probably didn't have this 'appointment' marked on your calendar, but if you had--it would have had written in large, red letters, SELF-CHECK DAY.

Checking our hearts after reading verses like these is the only proper response.

Are we obeying God's commands?

I'm not talking about just the 'Big Ten', which is a huge, I mean HUGE, start.

But what about the more subtle requests He made by how He lived His life...

To love others more than we love ourselves?

To give till it hurts?

To not be controlled by anything but the Holy Spirit?

To stand out?

To speak up?

To bow low?

Obeying God's commandments is vital in portraying ourselves to be His. If we want to draw others to Him, we're going to have to mimic Him to the best of our abilities. If we want to experience the life He has designed for us to live, one that flourishes, radiates, infects, we're going to have to follow His rules.

Check yourself. Seek for an honest, prayerful assessment.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


Today's reading: Revelation 1-6

"...You don't love me or each other as you did at first!" Revelation 2:4 NLT

Remember the awe and excitement you carried in your heart about Christmas when you were a child?

The sparkle in your eye...

The thrill of seeing 'Santa'...

The anticipation of Christmas morning...

Have you lost it?

Are you a Christmas curmudgeon? Are you a Scrooge? Are you a Bah-Humbug?

Are you just hoping to survive the holidays? Are you sick and tired of the crowds, the money spent, the ten thousand places you have to be at once?

What about Jesus?

What about the peace on earth and goodwill to men He brought with Him?

Today, this early day in the Christmas-y month, would be a very good time for you to evaluate your attitude, your heart, your spirit of Christ.


Friday, December 6, 2024

Today's reading: Song of Solomon 1-2

If I might attach a one word description to a few books of the Bible, it might look like this...


Exodus-moving (Hahaha--You get it, don't you?) 








That's just a few!

But when I come to the book of Song of Solomon, the only word I can think of is--awkward.

To me it's awkward to pick up this compilation of love letters.

It's like finding someone's romantic note on the sidewalk, picking it up, reading it, and feeling like you've invaded their privacy.

Is that to say I've never found snippets of hope, truth and instruction in its words--NO!

But upon first reading, it's awkward.

It doesn't seem to 'fit in' to all the other books of the Bible.

And yet, it does. 

And the awkwardness of it?

It leads me to be reminded of how lop-sided God's love is for me. Unrepayable. Given to someone as unworthy as I am. A kind of love that makes me squirm in my seat because I could never, ever, ever extend it to another.

I'm going to re-read these few chapters again focusing on Him, not my feelings or my understandings--just on Him!

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 140-142

"Surely the godly are praising your name, for they will live in your presence." Psalm 140:13 NLT

Surely is an English word used to emphasis the speaker's firm belief that what they say is true and often their surprise that there is any doubt of it.

As David wrote this psalm, I'm believing he trusted wholeheartedly that all of God's children saw God's attributes and couldn't help but praise Him for them.

Maybe you think David was merely speaking of his counterparts. His generation. His fellow Jerusalem neighbors. Those who lived in the era of time in which he lived.

But don't you think he was also talking about us?

Surely we are praising God's name for His greatness!

Surely we are lifting up accolades for God's patience and kindness!

Surely we are glorifying the Lord for His righteousness and His willingness to share with us heaven!

Surely we are honoring Him for who He is, not just asking Him for one more request!

Surely we are magnifying the name of God for being our Shepherd, Way, Healer, Deliverer and Comforter!

Surely we are bowing in praise for His willingness to forgive our sins and call us His own!




Wednesday, December 4, 2024


Today's reading: Nehemiah 5-9

"But when all was going well, your people turned to sin again, and once more you let their enemies conquer them. Yet whenever your people cried to you again for help, you listened once more from heaven. In your wonderful mercy, you rescued them repeatedly!" Nehemiah 9:28 NLT

While Nehemiah was talking about the Jewish people, couldn't he also be speaking about our own stories?

-When things go well, we tend to lean less heavily on the Lord.

-When we lean less heavily on the Lord, our enemies overrun our hearts and minds.

-When we realize our enemies have overtaken us, we cry out to God for help.

-When we cry out to Him for help, He delivers us.

-Once delivered, we settle back into our comfortable spots and then the whole cycle gets repeated.

Relax. Relent. Realize. Repent. Repeat.

(And some say the Bible is only about ancient peoples??!!)

Spend a little time in quiet consideration of where you might be in the cycle. Ask God's opinion of the matter, don't trust your own thoughts. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 23-25

"Parents must not be put to death for the sins of their children, nor the children for the sins of their parents. those worthy of death must be executed or their own crimes." Deuteronomy 24:16 NLT

There are days when I mutter to myself, 'I'm sure glad I won't be standing before God for 'their' sin.'

I judge. I bring the gavel down hard on their sin. I, for a moment, forget who I am and take on airs.

But then there are days...

Maybe several times in one day...

That I look at another and wish they knew how very grateful they should be that they don't have to stand before God for the sins I've committed. The words I've spoken and cannot take back. The attitudes I've copped in an effort to feed my pride. The untruths I have believed that make me 'holier than thou'.

Without God governing my heart and mind, it's a whole lot easier for me to play the role of 'Judge', rather than take on the part of 'judged'.

So let's...

Quit casting down-the-nose glances at the young mama with a little one throwing a tantrum in the aisle at the grocery store...you were once that toddler.

Stop raising your eyebrow at the prodigal's mom who is at loose ends attempting to figure out where she went wrong...you, too, had a Father who had to call you from a far country.

Cease with the phrases that begin with, 'Well, if I...' or 'Why don't they...'. Walk in the shoes you have been given to walk in...theirs don't fit you and yours don't fit them.

We will all, individually and privately, stand before the Lord one day and give an account of every action, attitude and attempt at living a life solely for His glory. We will stand before a Judge who knows motives, wayward thoughts and every word spoken.

I pray your entire 'rap sheet' is covered by the blood of Jesus--until that day, make it an every day choice to be grateful for His forgiveness and abundant with grace.

Monday, December 2, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 21-22

"You are to take his message everywhere, telling the whole world what you have seen and heard." Acts 22:15 NLT

This verse is taken out of Paul's address to the crowd when he was arrested in Jerusalem.

He was a captive--but he also had a captive audience.

The people were drawn to his words.

To his story.

To his testimony.

To his God.

Paul told the crowd what God asked of him--to go and tell.

It's our commission, too.

Not to go and recite Bible verses.

Not to go and preach hellfire and brimstone.

Not to beat people about the head with our Bibles.

But to tell the world what we have seen and heard--and experienced in Christ.

Our job, as little Christs, is to tell the world what He has done for us!

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Today's reading: 1 John 1-3

"My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if you do sin, there is someone to plead for you before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who pleases God completely." 1 John 2:1 NLT

Interestingly enough, John's three-part letter is falling at the tail end of the Bible. Just two books from the maps, as some people say.

John's word express the reason for his letter--but also, on a much deeper level, the reason for the Bible itself.

-So that you will not sin.

-And if you do, there is Jesus.

Doesn't that sum up the purpose and intent of the Scriptures?

Every verse of the Old and New Testament, points to Jesus.

From the beginning to the end, and all throughout the middle.

Are you using its words to direct your path away from sin? Are you using the revealing of Jesus, our Savior, when your self guides your actions and leads you into sin?

It's all about Jesus!

Saturday, November 30, 2024


Today's reading: Malachi

"Are we not all children of the same Father? Are we not all created by the same God?.." Malachi 2:10 NLT

If you are at least as old as I am, you can recall the Coca-Cola commercial that aired for several years featuring people of many nationalities and ages singing these lyrics...

'I'd like to see the world for once

All standing hand in hand

And hear them echo through the hills

For peace through out the land

(That's the song I hear)

I'd like to teach the world to sing 

in perfect harmony...'

The commercial reminded us that during the holiday season 'peace on earth' was what we all wanted. It's very doubtful many of the producers knew they were promoting a God-sent message, an idea that pointed people to Christ (and Christ alone).
But isn't it true?
We are all from the same Father.
Young or old. Lots of melanin in their skin pigmentation or very little. Rich or poor. Educated or un-schooled. Man or woman. Believer or unbeliever. Of royal lineage or with no idea from where we came.
We are all from the same Father--and His hope is that we, who know Him, reach those who don't.
I'm humming the song now, I pray not only does it's catchy tune invade my head, by it's pointing-to-the-Bible words fill my heart!

Friday, November 29, 2024


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 11-12

"If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done." Ecclesiastes 11:4 NLT

Is there someone you have been wanting to share the Gospel with, but the perfect opportunity has not yet arrived?

Might there be a co-worker or sales clerk you have a desire to share with them your Jesus?

Is there a family member who needs to know the freeing power of God's salvation?

Don't put off presenting them with Jesus!

While there will be a God ordained opportunity, there will not a perfect opportunity.

God sees deeper than we see.

God knows more than we know.

God hears hearts more clearly than we ever could.

If He leads you into an opportunity to share your faith, don't question it--do it.

The sun won't be at a perfect spot in the sky. The clouds might not be wispy against a robin's egg blue backdrop. The situation might not be in a church pew. The words you will share might not come out without stuttering, messing up Bible references or having an answer of 'I really don't know'. The opportunity to share the Good News might not look like 'the perfect time' for you, but it might be just when they will listen and respond to Him!

Thursday, November 28, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 137-139

"I give you thanks, O Lord, with all my heart;.." Psalm 138:1 NLT

What more appropriate verse to have settle in my spirit on this beautiful Thanksgiving morning?

To give thanks to God with all my heart.

The part of my heart that overflows with blessing.

The part of my heart that appreciates the gift of salvation.

The part of my heart that hears Him when He speaks.

The part of my heart that praises Him for all He is.

But also the parts that don't quickly rise to their feet in adoration...

The parts that are impatient in waiting for the prayer requests to be answered.

The parts that are under a cloud of depression or discouragement.

The parts that don't understand, and honestly--don't like, some of what's occurring around me.

The parts that hurt with emptiness, ache with loss and hunger for comfort. 

The parts that still struggle with maintaining autonomy instead of bowing to His sovereign rule.

But today?

Today I will give thanks with ALL my heart!

All the nooks and crannies. All the corners and shadows. All the part of my heart that there are.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024


Today's reading: Nehemiah 1-4

"The priests repaired the wall up the hill from the Horse Gate, each one doing the section immediately opposite his own house." Nehemiah 3:28 NLT

Ever since Ronald Reagan's words, 'Mr. Gorbachev--Tear down these walls', were spoken in West Berlin, we've come to think of 'walls' as bad things.

Walls keep our emotions from being expressed. Walls keep people from experiencing freedom. Walls separate people.

But, if I may, express a few words about a different kind of wall...

The kind of wall that protects us from outside influences. The type of wall that keeps things inside it, secure and safe. 

Walls have crumbled within American families.

Vows aren't considered sacred. Love is conditional. Security and safety are exchanged for busy schedules and keeping up with the Jones's.

What if, while we are gathered around our Thanksgiving tables, we determine to repair the 'walls securing our families' to the best of our abilities.

Not working on someone else's.

Not advising the rebuilding of another's.

Not watching as someone else rebuilds theirs.

But working on the measures required to insure a wall of safety and protection in our own homes.

To love more.

To sacrifice more.

To respect more.

To spend more time together.

To invite God into our lives and homes more often.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 20-22

"You must completely destroy the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites , Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, just as the Lord your God has commanded you. This will keep the people of the land from teaching you their detestable customs in the worship of their gods, which would cause you to sin deeply against the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 20:17-18 NLT

The Promised Land offered hope, rest, bounty--and infectious influences.

God knew that unless the children of Israel 'cleaned house', the influence and impact of those native to the land would permeate their worship of Him.

He wasn't wrong!

The Israelites weren't long in the land when they noticed the pocket gods of those around them. And they were intrigued. They were swayed. They were influenced. They were soon dabbling in the worship of those idols AND attempting to stay true to God.

It never works.


That's why God asked them to completely destroy their influences.

Maybe He is speaking the same things to us, in regards to the influences around us.

The things we watch.

The things we read.

The things we listen to.

The things that steal our time.

The things that divide our hearts.

The things that separate us from loving Him with our whole hearts.

The things that seem tiny, inconspicuous, irrelevant.

The things that infect us.

Monday, November 25, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 19-20

"God gave Paul the power to do unusual miracles, so that even when handkerchiefs or cloths that had touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and any evil spirits within them came out." Acts 19:11-12 NLT

Unusual miracles.

Healing hankies. Spirit-filled prayer shawls. Anointing oils. 

But what about the unusual miracles that occur every day in the lives of believers?

The unusual miracle of getting up and going when the enemy wants you to stay in bed with your covers up and over your head?

The smile given to a grocery clerk when your own heart is broken into a million little pieces?

The commitment to the Lord, not to the church building, to finish a task? 

The exact right words when presented with an opportunity to share your Jesus?

The verse at just the right time?

There are unusual miracles around us at any given time of the day--are we pausing long enough to notice them, and thank God for them?

Sunday, November 24, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Peter

"But you must not forget, dear friends, that a day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day." 2 Peter 3:8 NLT

I guess I needed the reminder that looking at my watch, glancing at my calendar and leaning on the pages of my planner, aren't what I need.

I need to be looking to Jesus.

I need to put aside the 'time frame' mindset I tend to have in regards to the prayer needs I have.

I need to trust that the sands of time are held, grain by grain, in His capable hands.

I need to believe that ALL things work together for good for those who love Him and are called by Him for a purpose.

I need to remember that it's not all up to me, I don't know the best route for accomplishing His tasks and I cannot hold the reins.

Thank you, Peter, for the reminder that days to God and days to me are not the same! 

Saturday, November 23, 2024


Today's reading: Jeremiah 8-14

"I will guard my Temple and protect it from invading armies. I am closely watching their movements. No foreign oppressor will ever again overrun my people's land." Zechariah 9:8 NLT

Dear Enemies of Israel (and I will include those who do not support Israel-monetarily, militarily and prayerfully),

Just so you know--God is watching you!

He will always be one step ahead of you, thwarting your plans.

No weapons you will form against God's land, and God's people, will prosper for long.

You cannot move, or even breathe, without God knowing just what it is you are doing.

Let the record show, He has done it faithfully since the beginning of time--He will continue to do so!

Be warned!

Your rockets will not always hit the targets you aim for. Your bullets may not always be as surely fired as you think they should. Your stealth missions will not always go off with a hitch. Your military brain trust will not be able to out-think the God of Israel. Your stockpile of funds will not insure this battle's victory.

You can continue to try, but no foreign oppressor will ever again overrun God's people!


A Bible-Believing Israel Supporter

Friday, November 22, 2024


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 9-10

"The hearts of the wise lead them to do right, and the hearts of the foolish lead them to do evil." Ecclesiastes 10:2 NLT

Have you seen advertisements for the little mobile, use your two thumbs, to get a cardio reading gadgets?

They can tell you whether your heart is beating normally, is in a-fibrillation or in arrhythmia. 

A portable, hand-held EKG machine, of sorts.

Well, don't you wish that little tech-toy would also detect your heart's intent?

When you go to respond in a heated argument, you could just hold your two thumbs on the monitoring pad--VOILA, whether you need to speak or not!

When you give an answer to a question in which your opinion is asked, you could use the little machine--POOF, whether or not you to say what you think, or hold it for another time--or not at all.

When you have a very good 'prayer request' and feel like sharing it with another 'prayer partner', you might hold tightly to the gadget--BAM, your answer on the screen--keep this thing to yourself.

In all seriousness, don't we need to monitor our hearts more closely?

Investigate the reasons we are doing the things we do, repeating the things we go back to and speaking what we're sharing with the world.

Are our hearts wise or evil?

Are our hearts showing God lives in them or Satan has taken up residency?

Let's spend a few minutes in prayer monitoring our hearts!

Thursday, November 21, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 134-136

"Praise the Lord! Praise the name of the Lord! Praise him, you who serve the Lord, you who serve in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God." Psalm 135:1-2 NLT

To Whom It May Concern:

Be it Sunday School teachers...

Worship leaders...

Door greeters...


Piano players, drum-beaters or guitar strummers...

Sound booth operators...

Deacons, lay members, committee chairpersons...

Dirty diaper changers...

Church janitors...

Pew sitters...

In all you do, in all the areas where you serve (or sit, or stand, or operate in your duty to the Lord), remember to praise!

Don't just help usher others into a heart of praise.

Don't just make yourself present at a service to check a box for your week.

Don't just provide a Scripture.

Don't just teach a lesson.

Don't just show up.

Praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Today's reading: Ezra 6-10

"...I felt encouraged because the gracious hand of the Lord my God was on me..." Ezra 7:28 NLT

As I sit here in my prayer chair sporting my 'Simply Blessed' tshirt, sipping from my autumn mug, smack dab in the middle of Thanks-vember preparing to make a grocery list for the upcoming meal of gratitude--I think about this verse.





What better, more fitting word, might there be than 'encouraged'.

In a world that attempts to beat us up and tear us down...

In a day and time when standing out marks you as heretic...

In a place where it seems God is pushed to the side...

We should all be encouraged that the gracious hand of the Lord our God is upon us!

Protecting us. Guiding us. Helping us. Correcting us. Comforting us. Being present with us.


Tuesday, November 19, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 17-19

"You will soon arrive in the land the Lord your God is giving you, and you will conquer it and settle there. Then you may begin to think, We ought to have a king like the other nations around us." Deuteronomy 17:14 NLT

God knows his people well enough to know that 'enough' is never enough. 

He knows when He gives us an inch, we want a mile.

He understands that when He blesses us, we want more blessings.

He gets that what is just outside our grasp, what our neighbor has, and what is not best for us will always lure us away from completely trusting Him.

I don't believe He had these words written in the Bible as an excuse for our behavior, but as a 'check engine' light for our hearts.

When we start wanting more...

When we desire what others have...

When what we have feels lacking...

When something glittery catches our eye...

When we're not satisfied in all He surrounds us with...

When those inklings arise, let's check our hearts. Let's examine our motives. Let's be intentional with our gratitude. Let's carefully consider where greed might have crept into our lives.

Monday, November 18, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 17-18

"After spending some time in Antioch, Paul went back to Galatia and Phrygia, visiting all the believers, encouraging them and helping them grow in the Lord." Acts 18:23 NLT

Helping others to grow in the Lord is an example Paul sets for us all throughout the book of Acts.

He spends time proclaiming the Good News about Jesus. He has hands-on impact in the lives of those he wants to see come to know the Lord. He makes every effort to reach more and more. And he follows up, encourages and continues to pour into the lives of the believers.

Are we doing the same?

As soon as the round of applause, the hearts amens and the handshakes end after the announcement of a new believer's choice to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior--are we following up?

Are we giving them opportunity to immerse themselves in the Word of God--on a level suitable for them?

Are we plugging them in to communities or groups that befriend them, minister to them, go through life with them?

Are we checking in on them when we notice they miss a service, or two, or three?

Are we praying for them--better yet, are we praying with them?

Are we coming alongside these new believers beyond the day they prayed the prayer of salvation?

Sunday, November 17, 2024


Today's reading: 1 Peter 4-5

"God has given gifts to each of you from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Mange them well so that God's generosity can flow through you." 1 Peter 4:10 NLT

I'm talking to the churchfolk who wear several hats in their congregation...

The ones who are on several committees, serve in numerous roles and play various roles in every Sunday's gathering.

The ones who slide into the parking lot on two wheels, run from their cars to the door, make a mad dash to the copier, rush through the lesson of Noah and the ark with the littles, catch a quick bathroom break before playing the piano, providing a solo, greeting all the newcomers AND head the meeting that's being held after services end.


God's apparently given you many gifts--are you managing them well?

Are you focused on where He wants you, so that He is glorified?

Are you all-in serving the ministry He has for you, or are you spread thinly across many missions?

Are you experiencing the rest God offers us as His, or are you always flustered, frantic and frustrated?

Are you involved in many things, but missing out on the main thing?

Are you glorifying God in every act of service, or are you grumbling and groaning to all who will listen?

Take some time to prayerfully consider how well you are managing your God-given gifts.


Saturday, November 16, 2024


Today's reading: Zechariah 1-7

"...This is what the Lord Almighty says: If you follow my ways and obey my requirements, then you will be given authority over my Temple and its courtyards. I will let you walk in and out of my presence along with these others standing here." Zechariah 3:6-7 NLT

Did you catch the promise?

IF we follow God's ways and obey His commands, THEN we will be given the privilege of walking in and of His presence.

We will be given access.

We will be granted entrance to the throne room of God.

We will be gifted with an 'in'.

We will be allowed approach and an ear.

That's an awfully grand gesture on the part of our loving God!

Friday, November 15, 2024


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7-8

"Being wise is as good as being rich; in fact, better." Ecclesiastes 7:11 NLT

This morning, I'll admit, I giggled at this Scripture.

Not in an unbelieving way--because I know the proverb is true.

But in a 'take it to the bank' kind of way.

You see, I'll never be able to cash a check on the bank of my wisdom.

I'll never ace a test that will show I needn't set a new vehicle up on a payment plan.

I'll always need to pay as I go through the drive-thru, I won't get a burger and fries on my IQ alone.

As I laugh my way through these scenarios, I know only through God's gift of wisdom will I have the intelligence to understand this verse at all.

The Comforter/Interpreter/Revealer speaks God's Word into our hearts in ways that our brains can't do.

So, because of His presence in my life--I'm one smart cookie!

Thursday, November 14, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 131-133

"...I don't concern myself with matters too great or awesome for me." Psalm 131:1 NLT

If you caught a glimpse of my 'morning Bible'. The one I use for my quiet time. The one I usually reference in writing my blog posts. The one that I have had since Christmas of 2000. You would notice the above verse underlined. Highlighted. It's margins marked with dates, five dates to be exact. (I date each verse I use in my writings.)

This is a verse I revisit. It's on my daily Bible reading plan for the middle of November each year, but I have also camped out on it several times over the course of the past 20+ years.

And I still don't have it cemented into my heart.

Or consistently guiding my path.

Or being my ingrained response.

I, Malinda Edgell, often concern myself with matters too great and awesome for me.

I have a tendency to think I am a superhero. A cape-wearing woman of immense powers. God.

I have spent the past half century attempting to over-think, think through and think-to-death so many matters that were not mine to deal with. 

Can you relate?

Do you worry and fret over details? Imagined problems? About what-ifs? Do you find your thoughts rehearsing scenarios that you might need to worry about?

Do you find yourself attempting to play God in the lives of loved ones, personal problems or life in general?

Does your mind get wrapped up in things that are above, beyond, beneath or much bigger than you?

This verse is our reminder to let God be God--even in our thoughts. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024


Today's reading: Ezra 1-5

"Three families of priests--Hobaiah, Hakkoz, and Barzillai--also returned to Jerusalem. (This Barzillai had married a woman who was a descendent of Barzillai of Gilead, and he had taken her family name.) But they had lost their genealogical records, so they were not allowed to serve as priests. The governor would not even let them eat the priests' share of the food from the sacrifices until there was a priest who could consult the Lord about the matter by means of sacred lots." Ezra 2:61-63 NLT

Long story short?

The Jewish people had been exiled from Israel and were now beginning to come back after 70+ years. This return was fraught with heartache, expense, political unrest AND red tape.

You see, some of the returning Jews couldn't find their documentation. Their 'passports'. Their family records.

Imagine that? After being taken as spoils of war, political prizes, wartime casualties, they had misplaced their paperwork.

Ever feel like that?

Your enemy accuses...

Your enemy blames...

Your enemy spouts lies...

Your enemy casts doubt...

And you feel as if you are left scrambling to provide proof of who you are. Whose you are.

Let me tell you this (after having told myself the same thing)--If you are a child of God...

If you have prayed a prayer asking for His forgiveness...

If you have knelt at an altar, or a bedside, or a couch, or in a parked card, and admitted your need for a Savior...

If you have received His precious gift of Jesus as your Lord...

You have all the proof you need!

Jesus Himself stands up and verifies your identity as His.

Your enemy cannot dispute His word.

Your enemy cannot demand more proof than His blood.

Your enemy cannot stand against His claim on you.

If you are His, you are His--no doubt about it!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 13-15

Idolatry-The worship of something or someone other than God.

If you want a quick glimpse into God's stance against idolatry, read Deuteronomy 13.

Then, read it again. It's that serious!

He desires that our hearts love none but Him. That our affections are upon Him. That our minds focus on Him.

Not because He needs us--quite the opposite! We need Him!

What's taking His place in your heart and life?

Where does your mind wander when you have free time?

Consider your relationships--are there any idols you are worshiping with your time, attention or identity?

Take a quick evaluation of your motives--why do you do what you do?

Think about your concerns--what triggers depressive moods in your head and heart?

Your priorities? Your finances? Your prayer life? Your abilities?

Do a self-inventory of what inspires you, motivates you, gives you security, peace and worth. Consider what you depend on, lean into when tough times arrive, what permeates your conversations.

It's quite doubtful your 'idols' are sitting on shelves. If they are anything like the ones God has brought to my attention, they're probably using up your time, taking up head space and quietly luring you away from Him.

Monday, November 11, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 15-16

"After some time Paul said to Barnabas, Let's return to each city where we previously preached the word of the Lord, to see how the new believers are getting along." Acts 15:36 NLT

Paul's suggestion of a return visit has struck a chord within me...

It's gotten me to thinking...

It's made me pause and reflect...

It's caused me to ask myself (and now I'm asking you) a few questions...

If the pastor, that was speaking the Easter Sunday morning I got saved, visited with me today, would he see spiritual growth in my life?

If the Lord were to visit the church I attend, would He see me as a vital member--encouraging, edifying, uplifting and attempting to help others?

If I were quizzed, in some way, as to my knowledge of the Word and my application of it--would I be found to be progressing nicely?

How might I measure up in regards to Christian disciplines if the Lord were to administer a test?

Just how am I getting along since the day I asked Jesus to be my Lord and Savior?

Saturday, November 9, 2024


Today's reading: Colossians 3:12 

Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Colossians 3:12 NLT

Am I choosing as wisely in how I dress?

If it's cold outside, I don't wear shorts. 

If the temperatures soar, I don't wear a heavy parka.

But dressing in God's attributes--mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience?

Always appropriate!

Friday, November 8, 2024


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 5-6

"As you enter the house of God, keep your ears open and your mouth shut! Don't be a fool who doesn't realize that mindless offerings to God are evil." Ecclesiastes 5:1 NLT

What would happen this Lord's Day if you and I chose to walk into our houses of worship silently? Saying nothing. No talking. No conversations. No small talk.

For some of us, folks would think we were mad at the world.

For others of us, people would be very, very concerned.

For even others of us, our brothers and sisters in Christ would assume aliens had taken over our bodies.

But what if we chose to walk in this week listening for God?

Ears wide open?

Hearts even more widely open?

-To hear His words in a different tone.

-To hear His convictions deep down in the part of our hearts that move us to change.

-To hear the hearts of others struggling with their loads.

-To hear instruction straight from God as to what we need to do, or stop doing.

-To be able to pray in the Spirit and not aloud as to impress the crowd.

What might it be like to offer our worship silently? To give Him our full attention instead of our words commanding the attention of others?

Keeping our ears open and our mouths shut--what a challenging thought!


Thursday, November 7, 2024

Today's reading: Psalm 128-130

"I am counting on the Lord; yes, I am counting on him. I have put my hope in his word." Psalm 130:5 NLT

Election 2024 has been declared complete and a winner announced.

The election results leave our country as divided as before the polls opened--half of our country cheering the winner, the other half grumbling because their opponent lacked the votes.

I hope you took the opportunity to vote. To make your opinion known. To allow the United States of America to hear from you.

I did.

I took the time. I made the effort. I stood in line. I marked the little bubbles. I wore the 'I Voted' sticker proudly all day.

What I did not do?

I did not expect any single person on the ballot before me to be the one to fix the problems in our nation!

I am counting on the Lord to do that.

Not a political party. Not a sitting president. Not a house or a senate. Not a consortium of individuals. Not even a king.

Except the One True King.

My hope is in what God says in His Word, no if's, and's or but's about it.

Only when our hearts and minds, individually, turn to God, will our country, as a whole, turn to the Lord and our problems be fixed--at least as fixed as they will get this side of heaven!

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 35:4-5 NLT

"Report for duty according to the family divisions of your ancestors, following the written instructions of King David of Israel and the instructions of his son Solomon. Then stand in your appointed holy places and help the families assigned to you as they bring their offerings to the Temple." 2 Chronicles 35:4-5 NLT

Temple service was divvied out by lots. Certain families served at certain times of the year. One family always served right after another, and another, and another, until all families had participated in their duties, then the order was repeated.

This roster of service was put into practice by the organizers-extraordinaire, Kings David and Solomon.

I'm a sucker for organization! I love a good spreadsheet, a list of boxes to check off, a to-do list and a plan.

But what really caught my eye? What spoke to my heart? What convicted me of what I could be doing more of?

"Then stand in your appointed holy places and help the families assigned to you..."

While some might see this verse as another list of things to do, I see it at a release from doing everything.

I cannot, and am not called to, reach everyone.

Everyone's business is not my business.

I'm not here to save the world.

I have not been asked to spread myself so thin that I can reach all, but am very sparse and lacking in the process.

I am, however, here to love on, speak to, encourage and witness, to those God places in my path. In my church. In my workplace. In my family. In my sphere of influence.

That seems more do-able. 

And if I am standing in my appointed holy place, and you are standing in your holy place, and if other believing Christians are standing in their holy places, we will be able to reach the world--one holy place at a time!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 10-12

"Be careful to obey all the commands I give you: show love to the Lord your God by walking in his ways and clinging to him." Deuteronomy 11:22 NLT

Allow me to draw the curtain aside, sit down and pull the curtain back in place as I make a confession to you...

I've always thought of Christian maturity as being stalwart in God's ways, outspoken on His Word and mighty in doing great deeds for the Lord.

When I think of all the greats in faith, I think of what has been said, what has been accomplished and what miracles have been performed.

But today I read that I show my love to the Lord by walking in His ways (as stated previously) AND clinging to Him.

Clinging to Him.

Not performing any Lone Ranger acts.

No one-horse pony shows.

No independent acts of faith.

Clinging, to me, means that I'm doing all for God I can WHILE holding on to Him for life with the other hand. 

Clinging means staying close to someone because you need them...emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. It's realizing how little we can do and how very little we are expected to do on our own.

It's clinging to Jesus...

It's remaining in the Vine...

It's drinking from the Well...

It's living beside the Still Waters...

It's trusting our Anchor...

It's living under the Shadow...

It's holding our Father's strong right hand...

That, believing friends, is the Christian walk!

Monday, November 4, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 13-14

"...The Lord proved their message was true by giving them power to do miraculous signs and wonders." Acts 14:3 NLT

Are you wearing yourself out attempting to share the Good News AND trying to prove it at the same time?

The sharing part is our job to do. Proving it, is not.

We aren't created to 'help God out'. He doesn't need any assistance in being God, performing miracles or proving His rightness.

Paul and Barnabas had the tough task of sharing the Gospel with folks who were worshiping emperors and idols, Jews who were dead set on keeping traditions and people who had widely mixed views on all things God-related.

These two heroes of faith did what was asked of them, and God did His part.

He will do the same for us!

Let's attempt to be obedient, trustworthy and intentional in sharing the news about Jesus--then watch as God proves the message of the Cross by His power.

Sunday, November 3, 2024


Today's reading: James 4-5

"My dear brothers and sisters, if anyone among you wanders away from the truth and is brought back again, you can be sure that the one who brings that person back will save that sinner from death and bring about the forgiveness of many sins." James 5:19-20 NLT

As you wall through the doors of your church this morning, greet one another with warm smiles and kind 'Hello's'.

Allow the Spirit of the Living God to permeate every conversation, every reaction and all your words.

Worship with your whole heart.

And while you are doing all of those things with a grateful heart, look around your church--for the empty pews.

For the folks who used to come, but you haven't seen in a while.

For the ones who have dropped out of church attendance.

For the ones who you haven't noticed for a few Sundays, a few months--or a few years.

For the older kids of church members who have let God go by the wayside in their lives.

For the Christmas and Easter attenders you see but twice a year.

Make note of them, and attempt to get in contact with them.

Do your dead level best to draw them back into fellowship.

Attempt to encourage them to attend church, yours or another Bible-preaching one that needs them.

Let God lead you in being one who gathers in the wanderers.

Saturday, November 2, 2024


Today's reading: Zephaniah

"I will search with lanterns in Jerusalem's darkest corners to find and punish those who sit contented in their sins, indifferent to the Lord, thinking he will do nothing at all to them." Zephaniah 1:12 NLT

I was presented with this quote last week, it was brought back to my mind with this verse :

'Hate is not the opposite of love, apathy is.'

Apathy, a feeling of no feelings at all. No decision one way or another. No passion. No preference. Not caring.

Can you imagine the feelings God has toward people who don't care about Him one way or the other?

He lavishes His love on those who love Him. Those who believe in Him, follow His ways and want to introduce Him to others.

He woos, seeks and wins over those who hate Him. Those who have been hurt by life and want to lash out at Him.

But those who don't care? Who don't have any emotion toward Him at all?

Indifferent to the Lord.

Unmoved by the enormity of Him.

Un-awed by His creation.

Dismissive of His control over all.

Unmoved by His grace.

Unaffected by His gift of salvation.

It's beyond me how anyone might take this stance in regards to God, but there are those--and we must make sure we aren't one of them.

Friday, November 1, 2024


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 3-4

"There is a time for everything...A time to be quiet and a time to speak up." Ecclesiastes 3:7bNLT

I'm begging you to follow God's lead as you step into the voting booth this next week.

Vote for the right reason, vote for the right to bring godliness into our dark world, vote for the person who best stands for God's rules.


Then, I beg you to watch your words.

No matter the outcome of the election.

No matter which 'team' wins.

No matter who gets seated on the throne of our country.

Watch what you say.

You see, there is a time to be quiet and a time to speak up.

Listen for God's leading on that as much as you listen for His leading on the ballot itself.

As Christians, our words have a very powerful influence on our culture, on our witness and on our faith in God.

Choose what you say wisely, when you need to say anything at all.

Choose silence when your words would not magnify God, bring peace to a conversation or bring glory to the cause of Christ.

Our comments, opinions, debates and remarks are important--when they are God led. 

Thursday, October 31, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 125-127

"Unless the Lord builds a house, the work of the builders is useless. Unless the Lord protects a city, guarding it with sentries will do no good." Psalm 127:1 NLT

Where are you failing to invite God in? Or refusing to ask for godly help, mentorship, acountability or prayer?

A project? A relationship? A ministry? A challenge? A heartache?

Here are some reasons I choose to 'Lone Ranger' my way through life, see if any might apply to you...

-I got myself into this pickle, I need to get myself out!

-It's bad enough I'm struggling in the way I struggle, why let anyone else in on it!

-I really don't want to be a bother!

-In comparison to their issues, this seems so minor!

-I should be able to do this on my own!

-If I fail AGAIN, I don't want anyone else knowing about it!

-What will they think of me?

-What if they cannot be trusted?

Maybe that's more information about me than you ever wanted to know--but it's the truth. I carry loads on my heart and shoulders that God never intended I carry and others would gladly help me bear, but I don't invite God or them into it.

Unless God is in your mess, or His people in your life, your struggles will not end, your answers will not come, your success will not be achieved. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 29-32

"King Hezekiah then stationed the Levites at the Temple of the Lord..." 2 Chronicles 29:25 NLT

Think you can finish the above verse?

No, this is not a matter of testing your Scripture memorization skills--it's a question about what you believe would happen next.

King Hezekiah had just had his priests and Levites restore the Temple. It had been years since it had been used, years since the commands of the Lord had been followed, years since the people gathered in the name of the Lord.

So he 'cleaned house'. He set things to right. He offered the right sacrifices. And then he stationed the Levites at the Temple.

For what?

To shout condemnation upon all who passed?

To belittle and bemoan those who had sinned against God?

To debate other religions?

To hit the passers-by over the heads with their Torahs?

We're wrong.

Here is what happened...

"King Hezekiah then stationed the Levites at the Temple of the Lord with cymbals, harps and lyres." 2 Chronicles 29:25 NLT

He had the Levites in place so that praise could begin!

Any national revival...

Any city-wide revival...

Any church-wide revival...

Any personal revival...starts with praise!

Until we celebrate who God is, the immensity, scope, depths and heights, of who our Lord is--we cannot truly grasp our desperate need to repent before Him or our emptiness that can only be filled by Him.

Praise places us in the proper position.

Are you in position?

Tuesday, October 29, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 7-9

"But I assure you of this: If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods, worshiping and bowing down to them, you will certainly be destroyed." Deuteronomy 8:19 NLT

God's wonderful book is jam-packed with promises for His children.

Peace. Success. Favor. Presence. Forgiveness. Eternity. Just a few of the blessings, or gifts, God chooses to pour into our lives as we give our lives over to Him.

In all the excitement and anticipation of the things God offers us, we can lose sight of the things He warns us against.

Like in today's verse.

Don't forget the Lord and don't follow after other gods.

Forget the Lord? How could we!

Worship other gods? Never! 

And yet, we do.

In good times, we tend to stray from the Lord's side.

In times of plenty, we lean heavily upon the very blessings the Blesser has provided us.

Forget Him? Do we do it when we fail to pick up our Bibles? When we choose not to spend some time in prayer? Do we forget Whose day Sunday is?

Other gods? Might it be our past-times? Our free time? Our children? Our social standings?

When we choose not to keep God in the proper place in our lives, we choose destruction.

Not my words, His!

Monday, October 28, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 11-12

"However, some of the believers who went to Antioch from Cyprus and Cyrene began preaching to Gentiles about the Lord Jesus Christ. The power of the Lord was upon them, and large numbers of these Gentiles believed and turned to the Lord." Acts 11:20-21 NLT

I've never been to the area of Antioch in Syria, or to the Libyan city of Cyrene, but my testimony of knowing Jesus began there. 

You see, when Jesus's earliest Jewish followers left Jerusalem, carrying the power of His life, death and resurrection with them, they became missionaries.

At first, they only spoke to other Jews about the new Messiah.

In their little gatherings. In their homes. In their workplaces.

But eventually, they started talking to their Gentile (non-Jewish) neighbors--and the topic of their hope, their joy, their peace and their love, came up.

That's how Jesus came into my life!

You see, I'm not Jewish. There is no relation between Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and myself--except that their mothers and my mother were mothers.

But these Christian Jews in Acts couldn't keep Him to themselves and many, many years later the Good News they shared traveled across Europe, over oceans, into the United States and eventually to a little church in a  deeply rural and unknown area of southern Illinois where I sat, at age 7,  and listened to the message, on an Easter Sunday, about saving grace!

(I know, I know--that was quite a long run-on sentence...but it's exactly how it happened.)

My thanks and appreciation to these Acts 11:20 believers for their role in me coming to know the Lord. My appreciation to the Lord for filling His people so full that they cannot keep Him to themselves. My gratitude for the Holy Spirit for knowing no boundaries.

And if you know Him, there's a very good likelihood that they have played a part in your testimony, too!

Sunday, October 27, 2024


Today's reading: James 1-3

"So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free." James 2:12 NLT

Truth can hurt.

Criticism can be less than constructive.

You know, even a Bible verse can be spoken in hatred.

So, today, before you speak, ask God to give you a heart filled with love.

Love that draws people to Him.

Love that corrects, doesn't condemn.

Love that heals, not hurts.

Love that comforts, not repels.

Before offering an opinion, a suggestion or a comment, ask yourself this...Am I wanting to speak out of a heart filled with love and a life forgiven by love?

If the answer is, No--hold the thought until God has done His work in it!

Saturday, October 26, 2024


Today's reading: Habakkuk

"What have you gained by worshiping all your man-made idols? How foolish to trust in something made by your own hands! What fools you are to believe such lies!" Habakkuk 2:18 NLT

While you might immediately think, 'Why, I don't have any little statues or trinkets to which I bow down!', consider this...

An idol is defined as 'a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved or revered'.

Ever placed all your eggs in the basket of another individual? Thinking they would provide all you would ever need in life--love, joy, peace? A purpose in life? A reason for living?

Ever pushed yourself hard to achieve a title/position/degree that would undoubtedly grant you the success you had always dreamed of, only to find it wasn't all it was cracked up to be?

Ever watched as everything you built with your own hands toppled to the ground? It wasn't as strong as you thought, it didn't have the foundation it needed, it wasn't dependable?

I believe that's the kind of idol Habakkuk was talking about when he asked today's question. 

We must be very careful to place our hopes and hearts into anything we have anything to do with. 

Only God is holy enough to hold the title of being worship-worthy.


Friday, October 25, 2024


Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1-2

"We don't remember what happened in those former times. And in future generations, no one will remember what we are doing now." Ecclesiastes 1:11 NLT

If I were to quiz you on all you studied in History class, would you make a passing grade?

Do you recall all of the facts, dates, charts and names?

Of course not!

If I were to ask you about the first time a friend betrayed you...

Your first crush...

A memory from a family Christmas...

Your mind and heart would immediately go back to that moment in time. The sights. The scents. The feel of the experience.


Because it was personal.

I believe what Solomon is saying in this verse is that unless we impact someone personally, we don't leave an impression.

A sweeping gesture, or a personal touch.

A general greeting, or a handshake and a smile.

A check written to the church, or a morning working with the children in their Sunday School class.

A prayer said over a prayer chain text, or a phone call to the one God places on your heart.

Folks will remember the things that touch their hearts, they can feel with their skin and boost their spirits. Make that memory in someone's life today! 

Thursday, October 24, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 122-124

"I lift my eyes to you, O God, enthroned in heaven." Psalm 123:1 NLT

This psalm is part of a collection of songs written for the Jewish pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. 

It's original purpose was to prepare each attender, heart and mind, on the privilege and worth of traveling to such an important place and standing as near to God as they could be.

It's quite possible this psalm was sung as the congregants walked solemnly and purposefully up each of the southern steps leading into the Temple grounds.

They literally had to look up, to gauge their next step, as each step varied in width and height.

In my mind's eye, I also believe they craned their necks to take in the enormity of the Temple itself.

For a people who lived in one, sometimes two, level homes of meager build, this massive structure must have awed them. The looming limestone walls. The gates. The cut stones possibly weighing between 2 and 5 tons each.

Have we lost that as we walk into our places of worship?

Whether your church house is a grand structure, a remodeled WalMart, a rented hotel ballroom or the living room of a dear believing family--is approaching where you meet with the Lord reminding you of the immensity of your task?

Is your travel to your house of worship preparatory for your praise?

Do you lift your eyes to take in the place God has provided you to meet with Him?

I challenge you, because I'm challenging myself, to make this week's trip to church more meaningful by remembering this verse.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 25-28

"Uzziah built fortified towers in  Jerusalem at the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate and at the angle of the wall. He also constructed forts in the wilderness and dug many water cisterns, because he kept great herds of livestock in the foothills of Judah and on the plains..." 2 Chronicles 26:9-10 NLT

Forts in the wilderness? Did you catch that? Forts in the wilderness.

I don't know about you, but I never intend to be in a 'wilderness', literally or spiritually, long enough to put up a permanent structure!

To me, a 'wilderness' is something you pass through. Something you trudge through as quickly as you can. Something you visit infrequently and for very short amounts of time. Something given as a punishment, discipline or tough love.

But in Uzziah's wilderness, he built forts, dug wells and kept flocks.

He didn't just disregard this barren place. He didn't just refuse to live while he was there.

He didn't lose his Jesus-ness while he was in this uncomfortable, less than civil place.

He didn't hold his breath and pretend where he was wasn't where he was!

He made the best of it. He used the resources provided to him. He left it better than he found it. So that the next person visiting the 'wilderness' would have a safe place to hole up and clean water to drink. Maybe he even put up some signs pointing those who followed him to the next watering hole or how many more miles to safety.

Uzziah made the wilderness work for him--and in turn for any who might follow in his footsteps.

Are you in a 'wilderness'?  What exactly are you doing while you're there?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 4-6

"If you obey them carefully, you will display your wisdom and intelligence to the surrounding nations. When they hear about these laws, they will exclaim, What other nation is as wise and prudent as this!" Deuteronomy 4:6 NLT

Dear USA,

Get out your Bibles!

Drag them out of the closets where you've stored them. Dust them off and crack open the pages. 

If we're going to elect a 'king' to govern our great land, a set of judges who can rule fairly, a Congress that represents our beliefs and the truth well, then we need to turn to our Bibles.

If we want to retain the title of greatest nation in the world and make other nations stand in awe of our land--we have to begin obeying the words of the Lord.

Not the laws of our land.

Not the rulings of a few courts.

Not the preferences of minorities living in sin and blindness.

We have to obey the laws of God in order to display our wisdom and intelligence to the world.

We've fallen into such a state that other countries are having to bail us out, what a shame!

We're being seen as a nation that has run amuck, so sad!

We've forgotten the godly principles our nation was founded upon, how dare we!

But we can make a comeback. We can regain face. We can restore our brokenness. We can mend party lines. We can grow and prosper and impact and rule.

We can open our Bibles and let its words govern our hearts!

 Then we can stand back and be applauded by those wanting to follow our lead--and follow our Leader!

Monday, October 21, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 9-10

"But the Lord said, Go and do what I say..." Acts 9:15 NLT

Maybe your planner page is chock-full of things you don't want to do today.

Things that make you nervous, anxious, scared or down right mad that you're having to do them at all.

Things that you don't have time for, aren't ready to confront or cannot put off one day longer.

Fear. Apprehension. Anxiety.

Maybe you don't even know how to do what's needed. Or what to say. Or how to go about even beginning.

Take God's words to Ananias with you...

"Go and do what I say."

Spend a few minutes, before your big debut today, and ask God to speak through you.

Ask Him to place holy duct tape over your mouth, until the time to speak--and then ask that He rip it off!

Ask Him to give you words that are appropriate, timely and loving.

Ask Him to say through you what you'd never say yourself, but He would.

"Go and do what I say.", He is asking you today.

Sunday, October 20, 2024


Today's reading: Hebrews 11-13

"So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs." Hebrews 12:12 NLT

Maybe yesterday was an utter failure.

Quite possibly all you did in the past 24 hours you wish you could undo.

There's a likelihood that all the promises you made to God about living for Him yesterday morning you had broken before you left the house.

He still loves you.

He tells us to take a NEW grip.

That means another try today.

Another attempt.

Give it another shot.

No matter how many times you've had to start over, no matter how far back you've slidden, no matter how tired your hands are--take a new grip.

He will honor your attempts and meet you where you are!

Saturday, October 19, 2024


Today's reading: Nahum

"...Muster your defenses, and keep a sharp watch for the enemy attack to begin!" Nahum 2:1 NLT

Do you live decked out in battle gear?

Are you always on guard for the enemy to attack?

Do you know an attack is no more than a thought away?

It's true.

I don't mean to burst your bubble or to make you think I am a overly pessimistic person, but our enemy is out to get us!

Stay on guard!

Remained 'prayed up'!

Walk closely to the Lord!

Our enemy wants to steal from us, destroy us and kill us. He will do whatever it takes. He will go to great lengths. He will use the smallest things to become our downfall--and he will laugh loudly as we topple to the ground.

So keep watch!

Friday, October 18, 2024


Today's reading: Proverbs 31

"She carefully watches all that goes on in her household and does not have to bear the consequences of laziness." Proverbs 31:27 NLT

A consequence is a result or effect of an action or condition. 

It's what is produced by or a result of a deed or of something undone.

The Proverbs 31 woman knows that in order to not have to deal with consequences, she must deal with a desire of laziness.

Laziness comes in all forms--inaction, disregard, overwhelm, ignoring, postponement and the all-too-popular issue--busyness.

We can be very busy with a lot of good things and completely miss the best things.

We can wear ourselves out doing, going, being and caring to the point at which we forget what's important.

I'm reminded with this verse that in order to enjoy all God's given me, I must pause--not in a lazy way, but in a way that honors Him, attends to all the blessings He has given me and in order that He knows how grateful I am for who He is!

Thursday, October 17, 2024


Today's reading: Psalm 120-121

"I took my troubles to the Lord, I cried out to him, and he answered my prayer." Psalm 121:1 NLT

In a day and age where Wikipedia informs, Dr. Google diagnoses and Facebook determines lifestyle, going to the Lord is almost a lost art.

Taking polls among friends in regards to what to do is commonplace.

Instagramming a random # for advice is the norm. 

But prayer?

To some it's old fashioned, an ancient practice, for those who might live in a convent or a nunnery.

But for some of us, it's life-giving!

It's detrimental to our well being--mentally, emotionally and physically!

It's a learned response to the world's attempts at knocking us down!

It's vital to our sanity!

It's the only hope we have!

We take our troubles to the Lord. We cry out to Him. We watch as circumstance after circumstance He answers, moves, guides or provides--or completely hides from our watching eyes.

He answers our prayers!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 21-24

"Then Jehoida made a covenant between himself and the king and the people that they would be the Lord's people." 2 Chronicles 23:16 NLT

A covenant is a binding contract between two parties. In biblical terms, it's a binding contract between God and his people that establishes a relationship, sets conditions and promises blessings..

In covenants between us and God, let's be honest--God has the heavier role to play.

While we can agree to walk with Him, talk with Him, depend on Him and trust in Him, it's still all up to Him to do the blessing.

He is the reward center of our covenantal relationship.

Have you made a covenant with God?

Have you bowed your head, spent some time, prayerfully considered stepping into a relationship with Him that will honor the conditions He has set forth?

An actual covenant you take seriously? Make an effort? Sacrifice in order to carry out your end of the pact?

We never have to worry about Him being able to hold up His end--we're the weak link!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Today's reading: Deuteronomy 1-3

"But even after all he did, you refused to trust the Lord your God, who goes before you looking for the best places to camp, guiding you by a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by day." Deuteronomy 1:32-33 NLT

As verse one of Deuteronomy states, the entire book records the happenings during the wilderness wanderings of the Israelites.

Details. Documentation. An exhaustive list of places, people and powerful displays of God's power.

We have the blessed privilege of reading this book AFTER its occurrence. The Israelites lived it. Lived it out day by day, month by month, year after year for forty years.

It's a book that could be written about us.

This morning's verse says it all...

"But even after all he did, you refused to trust the Lord your God, who goes before you looking for the best places to camp, guiding you by a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud by day." Deuteronomy 1:32-33 NLT

After all He did for the Israelites, they didn't trust Him.

Might we place our own names in there?

After all He did for us, we still don't trust Him--with everything, with this, in regards to, in dealing with, in the matter of...

The One who goes before us?

The One who leads us through the darkest nights? Past and present.

The One who shows up in our day-to-day? In expected places, but also in circumstances where He surprises us completely!

And we still don't trust Him?


Monday, October 14, 2024


Today's reading: Acts 7-8

"But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, gazed steadily upward into heaven and saw the glory of God, and he saw Jesus standing in the place of honor at God's right hand." Acts 7:55 NLT

Stephen was on the very edge of being stoned for his faith in God.

Within minutes of the actual deed.

Rage rose in the crowd surrounding him. Shouting drowned out his spoken testimony. Chaos and turmoil drew onlookers and incited people to join in.

But Stephen?

Stephen kept his eyes on the Lord.

On the Perfecter of his faith.

On the One for whom he would die, because He had died for him.

The entire account makes me pause long enough to think about where my focus is. Where are my eyes looking? What is my heart attentive to? What am I leaning towards in my deeds and actions?

Corrie ten Boom puts it like this...

If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest.

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