Today's reading: Leviticus 11-13
"Those who suffer from any contagious skin disease must tear their clothing and allow their hair to hang loose. Then as they go from place to place, they must cover their mouth and call out, Unclean! Unclean! As long as the disease lasts, they will be ceremonially unclean and must live in isolation outside the camp." Leviticus 13:45-46 NLT
My Bible commentary says, 'A person with a contagious skin disease had to perform this strange ritual to protect others from coming too near. Because the disease described was contagious, it was important that people stay away from those who had it.'
Makes sense to those of us living in the age of germs, doesn't it.
They didn't have GermX.
They didn't have Lysol.
They didn't have Clorox wipes.
They had to let folks know they were contagious by way of communicating the truth.
What if that was what it took to stop the spread of sin?
Let's say, I'll use me for an example, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Nothing was going my way. My hair was limp. My skin blemished. My attitude stinking. My tire flat. My jeans too tight for comfort.
You and I both know days like that happen. It's on days like that I am more tempted to sin than others.
To say things I shouldn't. In anger. In weariness. In fear.
To drive faster than I should.
To take on an attitude that is much, much less than Christ-like.
To eat what I shouldn't. And probably a lot of it.
To react in ways I shouldn't. And have many apologies to make at a later time.
To act in less than godly ways.
To sin. Yes, sin is when we do something against the will and way of God.
So would it help those around me if I were, on those kinds of days, to walk around shouting, 'Unclean! Unclean!'?
Would the weaker Christians know not to be around me for I would surely not be a good example?
Would the stronger Christians know not to get too close less I drag them down into my pit of pity?
Would the not-yet-Christians know to stay away long enough for the Lord and I to work out the problem of the day and get my heart and head back on the right path?
Really? Would it help the sin problem?
Friday, January 31, 2020
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Today's reading: Leviticus 8-10
"Fire blazed forth from the Lord's presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground." Leviticus 9:24 NLT
I'm not being prideful or arrogant when I say I know how the Israelites felt when they experienced God's presence--but I do.
I wasn't standing in from of the Tabernacle when His glory fell that day, but I've experienced His greatness overwhelm the very air I was breathing.
-In a heart-changing, life-altering worship service at church when the Spirit moves mightily.
-Sitting in my prayer chair as His Word unfolded before me as a gift straight from His hands.
-Driving down the road in my car as worship music filled the air and God filled my thoughts.
-On the lawnmower with my headphones on and the Word of God being preached in my earphones.
-When I'm reading a Christian author who has been anointed by God, so anointed that the words have to be re-read and the tear-stained book set down for a while.
I know how the Israelites felt as their hands went up in praise and their knees buckled in a sense of absolute fear and awe for the enormity of Who God really is--and that He would allow me into His presence.
I know how they felt as words escaped them and emotion flooded their souls.
I know how they felt to look at the world through Holy Spirit tinted lenses and see things, normal every day things, differently.
I know how they felt to, for a moment in time, to allow the world to be put on hold, while they worship the King!
I know how they felt to have His greatness take their breath away only to replace it with a breath of life that revives, restores, revitalizes and refreshes.
I know--and I pray to God you know, too.
Today's reading: Leviticus 8-10
"Fire blazed forth from the Lord's presence and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When the people saw this, they shouted with joy and fell face down on the ground." Leviticus 9:24 NLT
I'm not being prideful or arrogant when I say I know how the Israelites felt when they experienced God's presence--but I do.
I wasn't standing in from of the Tabernacle when His glory fell that day, but I've experienced His greatness overwhelm the very air I was breathing.
-In a heart-changing, life-altering worship service at church when the Spirit moves mightily.
-Sitting in my prayer chair as His Word unfolded before me as a gift straight from His hands.
-Driving down the road in my car as worship music filled the air and God filled my thoughts.
-On the lawnmower with my headphones on and the Word of God being preached in my earphones.
-When I'm reading a Christian author who has been anointed by God, so anointed that the words have to be re-read and the tear-stained book set down for a while.
I know how the Israelites felt as their hands went up in praise and their knees buckled in a sense of absolute fear and awe for the enormity of Who God really is--and that He would allow me into His presence.
I know how they felt as words escaped them and emotion flooded their souls.
I know how they felt to look at the world through Holy Spirit tinted lenses and see things, normal every day things, differently.
I know how they felt to, for a moment in time, to allow the world to be put on hold, while they worship the King!
I know how they felt to have His greatness take their breath away only to replace it with a breath of life that revives, restores, revitalizes and refreshes.
I know--and I pray to God you know, too.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Today's reading: Leviticus 5-7
"When any of the people become aware of their guilt in any of these ways, they must confess their sin..." Leviticus 5:5 NLT
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for the work you do in my life of making me aware of my sins.
For making me realize where I fall short of God's call. For not allowing me to be content for settling.
For placing before me truth that makes me focus in on what is right and wrong, not the blurred lines of perception or intention or deception.
Thank you for putting the guilt of my sins so heavy on my heart some days that I can't help but want to confess my way out from under it--because it smothers, it confines, it strangles and it incapacitates.
Thank you for the silent whispers to my soul and for the blaring accusations that sometimes ring in my ears and cause an upset in my tummy.
Thank you for working in perfect harmony with the God who created and loves me and the Christ who gave me an example and died for me to make me who I can be.
Today's reading: Leviticus 5-7
"When any of the people become aware of their guilt in any of these ways, they must confess their sin..." Leviticus 5:5 NLT
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for the work you do in my life of making me aware of my sins.
For making me realize where I fall short of God's call. For not allowing me to be content for settling.
For placing before me truth that makes me focus in on what is right and wrong, not the blurred lines of perception or intention or deception.
Thank you for putting the guilt of my sins so heavy on my heart some days that I can't help but want to confess my way out from under it--because it smothers, it confines, it strangles and it incapacitates.
Thank you for the silent whispers to my soul and for the blaring accusations that sometimes ring in my ears and cause an upset in my tummy.
Thank you for working in perfect harmony with the God who created and loves me and the Christ who gave me an example and died for me to make me who I can be.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Today's reading: Leviticus 1-4
I'll be honest with you, the idea of the types of sacrificial worship the Bible tells us about in the book of Leviticus is hard to wrap one's brain around.
Reading it all leaves me with more questions than answers. Questions like...
How did they remember all the rules? I mean which animal for which kind of sacrifice. Which type of sacrifice for which sin. Which time of day. Which end of the altar. Lots to remember.
How did they handle the chaos of dealing with the livestock? One must remember I myself live on a small farm where the animals more or less do what they wish, not necessarily what we wish them to do. I cannot for the life of me imagine herding our 'flock' to church for the weekly sacrifice and ending up on time, in one piece or looking very Christ-like in my appearance by the time I got there.
What about the smells? Any visitor to our small piece of heaven down a country road knows 'it don't smell like the city'. It's not a smell that you would always choose to have in candle form or as a spray room freshener. Death also stinks. The iron-y smell of the blood. The burning of the flesh. I am sure it was an assault to the senses.
Here is what I'm left with after reading about the sacrifices--Jesus made it easy for us!
His death on the cross did away with us having to remember which sacrifice for which sin.
His taking on our punishment for our sins dealt single-handedly with the chaos of death and hell and our enemy.
His choice to love us this much amazes me. His love overwhelms. His sacrifice, if we choose to think with our hearts about it, goes beyond anything we can imagine anyone doing for us.
He made it easy for us to get rid of the guilt that sin stains us with.
Oh, what a Savior!
Today's reading: Leviticus 1-4
I'll be honest with you, the idea of the types of sacrificial worship the Bible tells us about in the book of Leviticus is hard to wrap one's brain around.
Reading it all leaves me with more questions than answers. Questions like...
How did they remember all the rules? I mean which animal for which kind of sacrifice. Which type of sacrifice for which sin. Which time of day. Which end of the altar. Lots to remember.
How did they handle the chaos of dealing with the livestock? One must remember I myself live on a small farm where the animals more or less do what they wish, not necessarily what we wish them to do. I cannot for the life of me imagine herding our 'flock' to church for the weekly sacrifice and ending up on time, in one piece or looking very Christ-like in my appearance by the time I got there.
What about the smells? Any visitor to our small piece of heaven down a country road knows 'it don't smell like the city'. It's not a smell that you would always choose to have in candle form or as a spray room freshener. Death also stinks. The iron-y smell of the blood. The burning of the flesh. I am sure it was an assault to the senses.
Here is what I'm left with after reading about the sacrifices--Jesus made it easy for us!
His death on the cross did away with us having to remember which sacrifice for which sin.
His taking on our punishment for our sins dealt single-handedly with the chaos of death and hell and our enemy.
His choice to love us this much amazes me. His love overwhelms. His sacrifice, if we choose to think with our hearts about it, goes beyond anything we can imagine anyone doing for us.
He made it easy for us to get rid of the guilt that sin stains us with.
Oh, what a Savior!
Monday, January 27, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 38-40
"...All this was done just as the Lord had commanded..." Exodus 39:7, 39:21, 39:26 NLT
I often think about what might be said in my eulogy.
Oh, not in a morbid, planning it sort of way, but think about how folks might sum up my life.
There are words they'll use...
Believer. Daughter. Sister. Wife. Mother. Friend.
There are phrases they might mention...
Sunday School teacher. Lumberyard employee. Hobby farmer and green-thumb wanna-be.
There are statements they might make about me...
She liked her pizza. She surely could talk. She loved her Bible.
But as I read the ending chapters of Exodus this morning and unfold the account of the Israelites attempt at constructing the Tabernacle, I've decided I want quoted at my funeral what God chose to write in His Book about them...
'All this was done just as the Lord had commanded.'
That's the dream I have for my life. That's the goal I set for myself.
It's going to take a lot more of pushing my wants and needs aside. It's going to require that I deny myself more than I currently do. It's going to take listening more closely to God's voice than the ideas constantly floating around in my head.
But it's what I want said about my life.
Today's reading: Exodus 38-40
"...All this was done just as the Lord had commanded..." Exodus 39:7, 39:21, 39:26 NLT
I often think about what might be said in my eulogy.
Oh, not in a morbid, planning it sort of way, but think about how folks might sum up my life.
There are words they'll use...
Believer. Daughter. Sister. Wife. Mother. Friend.
There are phrases they might mention...
Sunday School teacher. Lumberyard employee. Hobby farmer and green-thumb wanna-be.
There are statements they might make about me...
She liked her pizza. She surely could talk. She loved her Bible.
But as I read the ending chapters of Exodus this morning and unfold the account of the Israelites attempt at constructing the Tabernacle, I've decided I want quoted at my funeral what God chose to write in His Book about them...
'All this was done just as the Lord had commanded.'
That's the dream I have for my life. That's the goal I set for myself.
It's going to take a lot more of pushing my wants and needs aside. It's going to require that I deny myself more than I currently do. It's going to take listening more closely to God's voice than the ideas constantly floating around in my head.
But it's what I want said about my life.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 35-37
"So the people of Israel--every man and woman who wanted to help in the work the Lord had given them through Moses--brought their offerings to the Lord." Exodus 35:29 NLT
But finally the craftsmen left their work to meet with Moses. We have more than enough materials on hand now to complete the job the Lord has given us to do! they exclaimed." Exodus 36:4-5 NLT
Isn't that the coolest thing to read this morning?
That when you do what God asks, and equips, you to do...
And I do what God asks, and equips, me to do...
And our brothers and sisters in Christ do the same...
All that God wants done gets done!
All of it.
Nothing lacking.
Nothing short of being accomplished.
Nothing almost completed.
So let's do what we can, what we're supposed to--and pray that others will do the same...and expect to see God abundantly bless our efforts!
Today's reading: Exodus 35-37
"So the people of Israel--every man and woman who wanted to help in the work the Lord had given them through Moses--brought their offerings to the Lord." Exodus 35:29 NLT
But finally the craftsmen left their work to meet with Moses. We have more than enough materials on hand now to complete the job the Lord has given us to do! they exclaimed." Exodus 36:4-5 NLT
Isn't that the coolest thing to read this morning?
That when you do what God asks, and equips, you to do...
And I do what God asks, and equips, me to do...
And our brothers and sisters in Christ do the same...
All that God wants done gets done!
All of it.
Nothing lacking.
Nothing short of being accomplished.
Nothing almost completed.
So let's do what we can, what we're supposed to--and pray that others will do the same...and expect to see God abundantly bless our efforts!
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 31-34
"When Moses failed to come back down the mountain right away, the people went to Aaron. Look, they said, make us some gods who can lead us..." Exodus 32:1 NLT
I don't know what golden timeclock the Israelites had God on, but apparently He wasn't keeping to it.
His watch wasn't synchronized to theirs.
His daybook hadn't been coordinated with the daybooks of those coming to Aaron in regards to the timeliness of Moses' return to the camp.
So they decided to take matters into their own hands.
**I don't want to spoil it for you in case you've never read this part of the Bible before, but it doesn't go well for them after this point.
God is not required to keep to our scheduled time of events.
He is not held to our seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years.
He is not bound by appointment times, dates written in ink or deadlines.
So if you are thinking you are holding His nose to a line, have given Him an ultimatum, are requiring that He answer by such-and-such day and time--don't hold your breath.
God doesn't operate that way.
And neither should your faith.
Today's reading: Exodus 31-34
"When Moses failed to come back down the mountain right away, the people went to Aaron. Look, they said, make us some gods who can lead us..." Exodus 32:1 NLT
I don't know what golden timeclock the Israelites had God on, but apparently He wasn't keeping to it.
His watch wasn't synchronized to theirs.
His daybook hadn't been coordinated with the daybooks of those coming to Aaron in regards to the timeliness of Moses' return to the camp.
So they decided to take matters into their own hands.
**I don't want to spoil it for you in case you've never read this part of the Bible before, but it doesn't go well for them after this point.
God is not required to keep to our scheduled time of events.
He is not held to our seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or years.
He is not bound by appointment times, dates written in ink or deadlines.
So if you are thinking you are holding His nose to a line, have given Him an ultimatum, are requiring that He answer by such-and-such day and time--don't hold your breath.
God doesn't operate that way.
And neither should your faith.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 28-30
"Next make a medallion of pure gold. Using the techniques of an engraver, inscribe it with these words; SET APART AS HOLY TO THE LORD. This medallion will be attached to the front of Aaron's turban by means of a blue cord. Aaron will wear it on his forehead, thus bearing the guilt connected with any errors regarding the sacred offerings of the people of Israel. He must always wear it so the Lord will accept the people." Exodus 28:36-38 NLT
Here is what I want to start doing...
With each and every person to whom I speak.
Or interact with.
Or come in contact with.
Or have the privilege to talk to.
I want to be given the opportunity to look them in the eyes long enough to see my reflection--not for some prideful or haughty reason, but in order to see the medallion God has me wearing on my forehead.
The one that says, SET APART AS HOLY TO THE LORD.
Because once I see it, it's going to make a difference in the conversation I have with that person.
My reactions to their words.
My responses to their actions.
My attitude.
My emotional health and well-being.
My intentions.
My next word.
I'm not being silly here. You see, as His child, as His heir, as His appointed priest (1 Peter 2:9), I bear the title, I have been given the responsibilities, I wear the 'medallion of pure gold'.
And that medallion? It's not needed to remind God. Or to impress people. Or to mark me as something special. It's to keep my role in the forefront of my own mind...
Today's reading: Exodus 28-30
"Next make a medallion of pure gold. Using the techniques of an engraver, inscribe it with these words; SET APART AS HOLY TO THE LORD. This medallion will be attached to the front of Aaron's turban by means of a blue cord. Aaron will wear it on his forehead, thus bearing the guilt connected with any errors regarding the sacred offerings of the people of Israel. He must always wear it so the Lord will accept the people." Exodus 28:36-38 NLT
Here is what I want to start doing...
With each and every person to whom I speak.
Or interact with.
Or come in contact with.
Or have the privilege to talk to.
I want to be given the opportunity to look them in the eyes long enough to see my reflection--not for some prideful or haughty reason, but in order to see the medallion God has me wearing on my forehead.
The one that says, SET APART AS HOLY TO THE LORD.
Because once I see it, it's going to make a difference in the conversation I have with that person.
My reactions to their words.
My responses to their actions.
My attitude.
My emotional health and well-being.
My intentions.
My next word.
I'm not being silly here. You see, as His child, as His heir, as His appointed priest (1 Peter 2:9), I bear the title, I have been given the responsibilities, I wear the 'medallion of pure gold'.
And that medallion? It's not needed to remind God. Or to impress people. Or to mark me as something special. It's to keep my role in the forefront of my own mind...
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 24-27
"Moses took half the blood from these animals and drew it off in basins. The other half he splashed against the altar." Exodus 24:6 NLT
In an effort to follow God's commands...
In a human attempt to show gratitude, praise, honor, awe and obedience...
In the way God had instructed them to signify the proof of forgiveness and the power of blood being shed for another...
Moses and the Israelites worshiped.
And worship, done the right way, can be a messy wonderful thing.
It can flow from a heart filled with grief or joy.
It can exhibit itself in a smile or sob.
It can result in lifted hands or a mascara-smudged, tear-stained face.
It can look like a service where the preacher doesn't get to preach and yet the Word goes out to the hearts.
It can consist of the altar being used at all times, by all people, for all kinds of needs.
It can be one powerful song leading to another powerful song leading to another, all led by the Holy Spirit.
It can start with a verse being read. A passage being quoted. A promise being restated.
But done right, worship is going to get messy, because it will get to the heart of the worshiper and up-end all that is hidden, pushed back and set aside. Sins will be overturned. Bitterness will be swept out. Chains will be broken and left lying in a pile.
Blood will be spilt.
Yes, worship, done the right way, will be messy. And beautiful. And always God honoring.
Today's reading: Exodus 24-27
"Moses took half the blood from these animals and drew it off in basins. The other half he splashed against the altar." Exodus 24:6 NLT
In an effort to follow God's commands...
In a human attempt to show gratitude, praise, honor, awe and obedience...
In the way God had instructed them to signify the proof of forgiveness and the power of blood being shed for another...
Moses and the Israelites worshiped.
And worship, done the right way, can be a messy wonderful thing.
It can flow from a heart filled with grief or joy.
It can exhibit itself in a smile or sob.
It can result in lifted hands or a mascara-smudged, tear-stained face.
It can look like a service where the preacher doesn't get to preach and yet the Word goes out to the hearts.
It can consist of the altar being used at all times, by all people, for all kinds of needs.
It can be one powerful song leading to another powerful song leading to another, all led by the Holy Spirit.
It can start with a verse being read. A passage being quoted. A promise being restated.
But done right, worship is going to get messy, because it will get to the heart of the worshiper and up-end all that is hidden, pushed back and set aside. Sins will be overturned. Bitterness will be swept out. Chains will be broken and left lying in a pile.
Blood will be spilt.
Yes, worship, done the right way, will be messy. And beautiful. And always God honoring.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 21-23
"You must serve only the Lord your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will keep you healthy." Exodus 23:25 NLT
Healthy is more than a good report at the doctor's office.
As a matter of fact, few things, in regards to our health, can a man of medical wisdom, even guage on a chart, with a blood test or on a scale.
Like peace?
Emotional well being?
Mental wellness?
Spiritual strength?
And they all come from following closely to the Lord. Keeping in step with Him. Doing what He asks and desiring to be who He asks us to be.
So let's do a real health check questionnaire...
Are you His?
Are you trusting in Him?
Are you believing Him for all your needs?
Today's reading: Exodus 21-23
"You must serve only the Lord your God. If you do, I will bless you with food and water, and I will keep you healthy." Exodus 23:25 NLT
Healthy is more than a good report at the doctor's office.
As a matter of fact, few things, in regards to our health, can a man of medical wisdom, even guage on a chart, with a blood test or on a scale.
Like peace?
Emotional well being?
Mental wellness?
Spiritual strength?
And they all come from following closely to the Lord. Keeping in step with Him. Doing what He asks and desiring to be who He asks us to be.
So let's do a real health check questionnaire...
Are you His?
Are you trusting in Him?
Are you believing Him for all your needs?
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 17-20
"Then Moses climbed the mountain to appear before God..." Exodus 19:3 NLT
I'm wondering this morning...
Would I have gone to that extreme?
I mean, and I doubt I'm the only one, but I tend to take the 'God is everywhere' approach to my time with the Lord.
He will surely meet me on the couch...
Or go with me as I drive in the car since I didn't make time for Him this morning...
Or stand by the bed and listen as I rattle off my thanks and requests in my last few moments of wakefulness...
I know He'll always be with me as I sit in the waiting room of the doctor's office...
And in line at Walmart...
As I corral the loved ones into worship service every Sunday morning with the stern eye and the disgusted furrowed brow...
He is everywhere, afterall. Right?
But Moses climbed the mountain to be in His presence.
And was rewarded greatly by having God speak to Him.
I want that.
So I need to be willing to climb a mountain--but alas, there are no mountains on the prairie where I live.
My mountain, and yours, may be getting up a few minutes earlier. Which may entail going to bed a few minutes earlier.
My mountain may be pushing aside social media and its drama.
My mountain may be leaving the TV off in order to sit in His presence.
My mountain may be setting the phone aside and picking up my Bible.
I am going to climb a 'mountain' to appear before God. And it's going to be worth the climb!
Today's reading: Exodus 17-20
"Then Moses climbed the mountain to appear before God..." Exodus 19:3 NLT
I'm wondering this morning...
Would I have gone to that extreme?
I mean, and I doubt I'm the only one, but I tend to take the 'God is everywhere' approach to my time with the Lord.
He will surely meet me on the couch...
Or go with me as I drive in the car since I didn't make time for Him this morning...
Or stand by the bed and listen as I rattle off my thanks and requests in my last few moments of wakefulness...
I know He'll always be with me as I sit in the waiting room of the doctor's office...
And in line at Walmart...
As I corral the loved ones into worship service every Sunday morning with the stern eye and the disgusted furrowed brow...
He is everywhere, afterall. Right?
But Moses climbed the mountain to be in His presence.
And was rewarded greatly by having God speak to Him.
I want that.
So I need to be willing to climb a mountain--but alas, there are no mountains on the prairie where I live.
My mountain, and yours, may be getting up a few minutes earlier. Which may entail going to bed a few minutes earlier.
My mountain may be pushing aside social media and its drama.
My mountain may be leaving the TV off in order to sit in His presence.
My mountain may be setting the phone aside and picking up my Bible.
I am going to climb a 'mountain' to appear before God. And it's going to be worth the climb!
Monday, January 20, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 14-16
"But Moses told the people, Don't be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you. The Egyptians that you see today will never be seen again." Exodus 14:13 NLT
I quickly glanced over twenty-six translations of the Bible to see if it said the same things...and it did.
Twenty-six times, it says, Stand.
Stand and watch what the Lord is going to do.
Stand in anticipation of what God is up to.
Stand at attention for your Lord is in your midst.
Stand in expectation.
Stand in honor of being in His presence.
Stand in readiness of being able to move forward.
Stand in preparation of His next requirement of you.
It doesn't say sit.
It sure doesn't say sit and moan.
It sure doesn't say sit and moan and twist your hankie and boo-hoo.
It doesn't say to lay in your bed with your covers drawn up tightly over your head.
It doesn't even say to hide out in your prayer closet until the coast is clear.
It says to stand.
Standing will give us a better view of what it is He is going to do for us, around us, with us and through us!
Let's stand!
Today's reading: Exodus 14-16
"But Moses told the people, Don't be afraid. Just stand where you are and watch the Lord rescue you. The Egyptians that you see today will never be seen again." Exodus 14:13 NLT
I quickly glanced over twenty-six translations of the Bible to see if it said the same things...and it did.
Twenty-six times, it says, Stand.
Stand and watch what the Lord is going to do.
Stand in anticipation of what God is up to.
Stand at attention for your Lord is in your midst.
Stand in expectation.
Stand in honor of being in His presence.
Stand in readiness of being able to move forward.
Stand in preparation of His next requirement of you.
It doesn't say sit.
It sure doesn't say sit and moan.
It sure doesn't say sit and moan and twist your hankie and boo-hoo.
It doesn't say to lay in your bed with your covers drawn up tightly over your head.
It doesn't even say to hide out in your prayer closet until the coast is clear.
It says to stand.
Standing will give us a better view of what it is He is going to do for us, around us, with us and through us!
Let's stand!
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 11-13
"The people of Israel had lived in Egypt for 430 years. In fact, it was on the last day of the 430th year that all the Lord's forces left the land. This night had been reserved by the Lord to bring his people out from the land of Egypt,.." Exodus 12:40-42 NLT
God had not forgotten His people. Even after 430 years of waiting.
God had a plan that took just that long to put in order. To have just the right characters in place. To have just the right people born. To have just the right pharaohs in office. To have just the right times occurring.
God had the night of the Passover designated as a night of freedom, long before He spun the galaxies into order. Long before Abram left Ur. Long before Moses was placed in a basket and floated in the Nile, headed out to the wilderness, met and married Zipporah, saw a burning bush, tag-teamed with God and Aaron against Pharoah. Long before any of the plagues were even heard about.
He had a day set for freedom.
He has one set for you, too.
For whatever is holding you down.
Holding you back.
Holding you hostage.
You keep praying. Keep believing. Keep asking Him to release you from it.
There is a day and time reserved by God for you to see His glory revealed in your life--reserved by Him!
Today's reading: Exodus 11-13
"The people of Israel had lived in Egypt for 430 years. In fact, it was on the last day of the 430th year that all the Lord's forces left the land. This night had been reserved by the Lord to bring his people out from the land of Egypt,.." Exodus 12:40-42 NLT
God had not forgotten His people. Even after 430 years of waiting.
God had a plan that took just that long to put in order. To have just the right characters in place. To have just the right people born. To have just the right pharaohs in office. To have just the right times occurring.
God had the night of the Passover designated as a night of freedom, long before He spun the galaxies into order. Long before Abram left Ur. Long before Moses was placed in a basket and floated in the Nile, headed out to the wilderness, met and married Zipporah, saw a burning bush, tag-teamed with God and Aaron against Pharoah. Long before any of the plagues were even heard about.
He had a day set for freedom.
He has one set for you, too.
For whatever is holding you down.
Holding you back.
Holding you hostage.
You keep praying. Keep believing. Keep asking Him to release you from it.
There is a day and time reserved by God for you to see His glory revealed in your life--reserved by Him!
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 8-10
"Then Pharoah summoned Moses and Aaron and begged, Plead with the Lord to take the frogs away from me and my people. I will let the people go, so they can offer sacrifices to the Lord. You set the time, Moses replied. Tell me when you want me to pray for you, your officials and your people. I will pray that you and your houses be rid of the frogs. Then only the frogs in the Nile River will remain. Do it tomorrow, Pharoah said..." Exodus 8:8-10 NLT
Why in the world did Pharoah not shout, 'Right now! Pray that the frogs be gone, right now!'?
Had he not heard enough of their croaking?
Had he not shoo-ed enough of them out of his bed?
Had he not grown tired of emptying them out of his cereal bowl in the morning so he could have his Frosted Flakes?
He wanted them gone--or he wouldn't have summoned Moses and Aaron.
He knew from where they came--or he wouldn't have asked them to plead with the Lord.
He was at a breaking point--or he wouldn't have offered this consolation and bowed to the Lord's plague.
Was he a little like us?
Could it be that he was beginning to grow a little comfortable around the 'sin' that was hanging around his neck?
I mean, to put off until tomorrow what could have been taken care of immediately, he had seen Moses' God do quick work with the blood.
Why do we do what we do some days?
Today's reading: Exodus 8-10
"Then Pharoah summoned Moses and Aaron and begged, Plead with the Lord to take the frogs away from me and my people. I will let the people go, so they can offer sacrifices to the Lord. You set the time, Moses replied. Tell me when you want me to pray for you, your officials and your people. I will pray that you and your houses be rid of the frogs. Then only the frogs in the Nile River will remain. Do it tomorrow, Pharoah said..." Exodus 8:8-10 NLT
Why in the world did Pharoah not shout, 'Right now! Pray that the frogs be gone, right now!'?
Had he not heard enough of their croaking?
Had he not shoo-ed enough of them out of his bed?
Had he not grown tired of emptying them out of his cereal bowl in the morning so he could have his Frosted Flakes?
He wanted them gone--or he wouldn't have summoned Moses and Aaron.
He knew from where they came--or he wouldn't have asked them to plead with the Lord.
He was at a breaking point--or he wouldn't have offered this consolation and bowed to the Lord's plague.
Was he a little like us?
Could it be that he was beginning to grow a little comfortable around the 'sin' that was hanging around his neck?
I mean, to put off until tomorrow what could have been taken care of immediately, he had seen Moses' God do quick work with the blood.
Why do we do what we do some days?
Friday, January 17, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 5-7
"Now you will see what I will do to Pharoah, the Lord told Moses. When he feels my powerful hand upon him, he will let the people go. In fact, he will be so anxious to get rid of them that he will force them to leave this land!" Exodus 6:1 NLT
I had the opportunity last summer to be the master teacher at two Vacation Bible Schools where Moses, the plagues and the great exodus were the main lessons.
The kids were wonderful. The material was inspiring. The time I spent studying and presenting was some of my most precious time in the Lord. I learned so much.
I also saw excitement in the kids eyes when at the end of our first night together, after telling them about Moses going to see Pharoah and Pharoah refusing to listen to God, quoting this verse...
'NOW you will see what I will do...'
And then stopping the lesson for the evening.
I had kids moaning wanting to know what happened next.
I had kids stay after class asking me what was going to happen in 'the rest of the story'.
I had kids even ask me where in the Bible that account was so they could look it up and read it for themselves.
JACKPOT! Excitement for God's Word and anticipation for what God is going to do!
To have the mind of a child would be a grand thing--especially when it came to what God was up to.
When was the last time you couldn't put your Bible down--because you had to read just a little more?
When was the last time you heard God whisper, 'Now I'm going to step in and do a great work'--and you believed Him? Wholeheartedly? Like wholeheartedly enough to step out of a boat? Or build an ark? Or trust Him?
When was the last time a sermon led you to dig deeper, want to know more, hungry for God's Truth?
When was the last time you looked at the night sky and wondered at His creativity and imagination?
When was the last time you took Him at His word--believing Him with the faith the size of a mustard seed, no matter what you did or didn't see happening?
Oh, to have the excitable mind of a child!
Today's reading: Exodus 5-7
"Now you will see what I will do to Pharoah, the Lord told Moses. When he feels my powerful hand upon him, he will let the people go. In fact, he will be so anxious to get rid of them that he will force them to leave this land!" Exodus 6:1 NLT
I had the opportunity last summer to be the master teacher at two Vacation Bible Schools where Moses, the plagues and the great exodus were the main lessons.
The kids were wonderful. The material was inspiring. The time I spent studying and presenting was some of my most precious time in the Lord. I learned so much.
I also saw excitement in the kids eyes when at the end of our first night together, after telling them about Moses going to see Pharoah and Pharoah refusing to listen to God, quoting this verse...
'NOW you will see what I will do...'
And then stopping the lesson for the evening.
I had kids moaning wanting to know what happened next.
I had kids stay after class asking me what was going to happen in 'the rest of the story'.
I had kids even ask me where in the Bible that account was so they could look it up and read it for themselves.
JACKPOT! Excitement for God's Word and anticipation for what God is going to do!
To have the mind of a child would be a grand thing--especially when it came to what God was up to.
When was the last time you couldn't put your Bible down--because you had to read just a little more?
When was the last time you heard God whisper, 'Now I'm going to step in and do a great work'--and you believed Him? Wholeheartedly? Like wholeheartedly enough to step out of a boat? Or build an ark? Or trust Him?
When was the last time a sermon led you to dig deeper, want to know more, hungry for God's Truth?
When was the last time you looked at the night sky and wondered at His creativity and imagination?
When was the last time you took Him at His word--believing Him with the faith the size of a mustard seed, no matter what you did or didn't see happening?
Oh, to have the excitable mind of a child!
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Today's reading: Exodus 1-4
"But who am I to appear before Pharoah? Moses asked God. How can you expect me to lead the Israelites our of Egypt? Then God told him, I will be with you..." Genesis 3:11-12 NLT
Moses had heard God correctly.
Moses was quite sure of what God was asking of him.
Moses knew this request was from God Himself.
But still Moses doubted. Not God. Not the need to save the Israelites. Not that he had even heard.
He doubted himself. His abilities. His skills. His efforts. His strength. His persuasive powers. His knowledge of palace protocol.
And God had an answer for him.
The same answer He has for us.
For anything and everything He asks us to do.
'I will be with you.'
Today's reading: Exodus 1-4
"But who am I to appear before Pharoah? Moses asked God. How can you expect me to lead the Israelites our of Egypt? Then God told him, I will be with you..." Genesis 3:11-12 NLT
Moses had heard God correctly.
Moses was quite sure of what God was asking of him.
Moses knew this request was from God Himself.
But still Moses doubted. Not God. Not the need to save the Israelites. Not that he had even heard.
He doubted himself. His abilities. His skills. His efforts. His strength. His persuasive powers. His knowledge of palace protocol.
And God had an answer for him.
The same answer He has for us.
For anything and everything He asks us to do.
'I will be with you.'
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 47-50
"Then Joseph brought his father, Jacob, and presented him to Pharoah, and Jacob blessed Pharoah...Then Jacob blessed Pharoah again before he left." Genesis 47:7-10 NLT
Here is the scene:
Joseph's brothers and father, Jacob, have now come to Egpyt to be saved from the famine.
Joseph has brought Jacob before Pharoah, the highest authority in the land, to ask a favor--that he would allow Joseph's family some land, their own land, to raise their families.
They were seeking Pharoah's blessing.
But by the end of the conversation, Jacob, God's man, is blessing Pharoah. Twice!
Isn't that how it should be, Christian brothers and sisters? Shouldn't we, no matter what we are needing to ask someone else for, leave the interaction having blessed them?
Aren't we called to leave each and every person we come in contact with in better shape than when we first met them?
Hasn't He asked us to be a blessing? Isn't that what being salt or light means?
Today's reading: Genesis 47-50
"Then Joseph brought his father, Jacob, and presented him to Pharoah, and Jacob blessed Pharoah...Then Jacob blessed Pharoah again before he left." Genesis 47:7-10 NLT
Here is the scene:
Joseph's brothers and father, Jacob, have now come to Egpyt to be saved from the famine.
Joseph has brought Jacob before Pharoah, the highest authority in the land, to ask a favor--that he would allow Joseph's family some land, their own land, to raise their families.
They were seeking Pharoah's blessing.
But by the end of the conversation, Jacob, God's man, is blessing Pharoah. Twice!
Isn't that how it should be, Christian brothers and sisters? Shouldn't we, no matter what we are needing to ask someone else for, leave the interaction having blessed them?
Aren't we called to leave each and every person we come in contact with in better shape than when we first met them?
Hasn't He asked us to be a blessing? Isn't that what being salt or light means?
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 44-46
"Yes, it was God who sent me here, not you!.." Genesis 45:8 NLT
Long before the cup-bearer remembered his promise to shackled Joseph.
Long before the first crop in Egypt failed due to the lack of rainfall.
Long before the first bushel of grain was stored that would lead to his surprise meeting with his brothers.
Long before any of those things came to pass I believe Joseph came to terms with God's sovereignty over man's attempts.
There is no way he could have come up with those words to his brothers on his own.
There is no way he could have said them with the belief I believe I said them.
Joseph had chosen to step out of the blame-game and into the peace of trusting the all-knowing will of God.
He had to have settled it in his heart that God had him where God needed him for God to work through him in some some time...for someone.
That's a place where you and I should live.
Looking for Him in all our circumstances and surroundings.
Focusing on what God can do instead of what's been done to us.
Ceasing with blame and shouting praises.
And we might as well get it taken care of in our hearts today, in preparation for that time, that place, that moment when we get to see His plan laid out before us and see just exactly why it was He had us where He had us for so long.
Today's reading: Genesis 44-46
"Yes, it was God who sent me here, not you!.." Genesis 45:8 NLT
Long before the cup-bearer remembered his promise to shackled Joseph.
Long before the first crop in Egypt failed due to the lack of rainfall.
Long before the first bushel of grain was stored that would lead to his surprise meeting with his brothers.
Long before any of those things came to pass I believe Joseph came to terms with God's sovereignty over man's attempts.
There is no way he could have come up with those words to his brothers on his own.
There is no way he could have said them with the belief I believe I said them.
Joseph had chosen to step out of the blame-game and into the peace of trusting the all-knowing will of God.
He had to have settled it in his heart that God had him where God needed him for God to work through him in some some time...for someone.
That's a place where you and I should live.
Looking for Him in all our circumstances and surroundings.
Focusing on what God can do instead of what's been done to us.
Ceasing with blame and shouting praises.
And we might as well get it taken care of in our hearts today, in preparation for that time, that place, that moment when we get to see His plan laid out before us and see just exactly why it was He had us where He had us for so long.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 42-43
"Jacob exclaimed, You have deprived me of my children! Joseph has disappeared, Simeon has gone, and now you want to take Benjamin, too. Everything is going against me!" Genesis 42:36 NLT
Isn't that just how it feels right before God steps in and does His amazing work?
You feel like the world is against you...
That nothing is going right...
The washer quits, the insurance premium goes up and the dentist suggests oral surgery...
Just when you think things can't get any worse, God steps in.
Like He did for Jacob.
Like He does for us.
Just when all is darkest, the sun appears on the horizon and lights up a new and beautiful morning.
Just when you think you cannot handle another day of rainclouds, thunderclaps and wet feet, the clouds part and a rainbow is visible.
Just when you have finally worked up the courage to approach the mailbox, dreading what it may hold today in the form of bills, someone has sent you a handwritten note.
Just when you could have thrown the towel in on attending the worship service, fighting the husband and kids to get there and get seated, just when you knew there was no hope in having your heart in the right spot for God to touch...the right song is sung, the right Scripture read, the right words spoken.
So, if you think everything is going against you--stay tuned!!
Today's reading: Genesis 42-43
"Jacob exclaimed, You have deprived me of my children! Joseph has disappeared, Simeon has gone, and now you want to take Benjamin, too. Everything is going against me!" Genesis 42:36 NLT
Isn't that just how it feels right before God steps in and does His amazing work?
You feel like the world is against you...
That nothing is going right...
The washer quits, the insurance premium goes up and the dentist suggests oral surgery...
Just when you think things can't get any worse, God steps in.
Like He did for Jacob.
Like He does for us.
Just when all is darkest, the sun appears on the horizon and lights up a new and beautiful morning.
Just when you think you cannot handle another day of rainclouds, thunderclaps and wet feet, the clouds part and a rainbow is visible.
Just when you have finally worked up the courage to approach the mailbox, dreading what it may hold today in the form of bills, someone has sent you a handwritten note.
Just when you could have thrown the towel in on attending the worship service, fighting the husband and kids to get there and get seated, just when you knew there was no hope in having your heart in the right spot for God to touch...the right song is sung, the right Scripture read, the right words spoken.
So, if you think everything is going against you--stay tuned!!
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 39-41
"The Lord was with Joseph and blessed him greatly as he served in the home of his Egyptian master." Genesis 39:2 NLT
"But the Lord was with Joseph there, too, and he granted Joseph favor with the chief jailer." Genesis 39:21 NLT
The world would lead us believers to think that unless the circumstances looked favorable, God wasn't with us. Case in point, Joseph thrown in a pit by his brothers, Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph sitting in jail due to lies being told about him.
That couldn't be farther from the truth!
As His children, God is with us everywhere we are. Just as God was with Joseph.
Nothing can separate Him from us nor us from Him.
It is however, a test of trust in Him, for us to find Him in our situations, surroundings and positions...but when we look, He will be found!
Today's reading: Genesis 39-41
"The Lord was with Joseph and blessed him greatly as he served in the home of his Egyptian master." Genesis 39:2 NLT
"But the Lord was with Joseph there, too, and he granted Joseph favor with the chief jailer." Genesis 39:21 NLT
The world would lead us believers to think that unless the circumstances looked favorable, God wasn't with us. Case in point, Joseph thrown in a pit by his brothers, Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph sitting in jail due to lies being told about him.
That couldn't be farther from the truth!
As His children, God is with us everywhere we are. Just as God was with Joseph.
Nothing can separate Him from us nor us from Him.
It is however, a test of trust in Him, for us to find Him in our situations, surroundings and positions...but when we look, He will be found!
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 36-38
"When they had been gone for some time, Jacob said to Joseph, Your brothers are over at Shechem with the flocks, I'm going to send you to them. I'm ready to go, Joseph replied." Genesis 37:13-14 NLT
Joseph had no clue what all this trip for his dad would entail.
I really think he thought it was simply a fact finding mission to see how his brothers were doing, then report back to his father.
Would he have been so ready to say 'sign me up' had he known about the slavery he would endure, the prison he would live in, the miles he would be separated from his family, the lies that would soon be spoken about him?
As I read about Joseph this morning, I'm wondering if that's why God doesn't spread our whole life before us...
Why He doesn't share for our approval every heartache we might endure...
Why He doesn't give us a checklist of what we might see as acceptable or not in our testimonies...
Why He doesn't provide for us a movie reel of our lives to preview and give Him the go-ahead...
He just asks us if we are willing to go.
He just wants to hear us say, Sign me up!
Today's reading: Genesis 36-38
"When they had been gone for some time, Jacob said to Joseph, Your brothers are over at Shechem with the flocks, I'm going to send you to them. I'm ready to go, Joseph replied." Genesis 37:13-14 NLT
Joseph had no clue what all this trip for his dad would entail.
I really think he thought it was simply a fact finding mission to see how his brothers were doing, then report back to his father.
Would he have been so ready to say 'sign me up' had he known about the slavery he would endure, the prison he would live in, the miles he would be separated from his family, the lies that would soon be spoken about him?
As I read about Joseph this morning, I'm wondering if that's why God doesn't spread our whole life before us...
Why He doesn't share for our approval every heartache we might endure...
Why He doesn't give us a checklist of what we might see as acceptable or not in our testimonies...
Why He doesn't provide for us a movie reel of our lives to preview and give Him the go-ahead...
He just asks us if we are willing to go.
He just wants to hear us say, Sign me up!
Friday, January 10, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 32-35
"Well, Esau said, at least let me leave some of my men to guide and protect you. There is no reason for you to be so kind to me, Jacob insisted." Genesis 33:15 NLT
Fear. Guilt. Shame. Regret. Weariness. Sadness.
Imagine all the feelings pent up in this meeting of brothers.
After all the years.
After all the turmoil.
After all the deceit.
After all the miles that had separated them.
But now they are reunited. Their relationship mended. Their family together again.
Esau was forgiving but Jacob couldn't accept the whole gift of it due to the conflict in his heart.
He couldn't let Esau do this one thing, provide him troops for a safe journey, because Jacob still remembered what he had done and still declared himself unworthy of kind treatment.
Don't we do that to God?
Do we accept His blessings in certain areas, but not in other--others that we feel we need to still feel the sting of regret in because we were so wrong in doing them in the first place?
Do we still deny His guidance out of a situation, because we were the ones who got us in it to start with?
Do we still cringe when He loves on us more than we feel comfortable accepting, because deep down we know how dirty some parts of our lives still are?
God walked farther than Esau did to meet Jacob.
God offers us more protection, provision and peace than Esau could have ever offered Jacob.
God knows more about what we've done than Esau knew about Jacob's conniving tactics.
God's forgiveness is deeper, wider, higher and longer than any forgiveness Esau could offer Jacob.
So let's accept it from Him. Wholeheartedly. In every area of our lives. Let's allow Him to make us worthy of the gift He's giving.
Today's reading: Genesis 32-35
"Well, Esau said, at least let me leave some of my men to guide and protect you. There is no reason for you to be so kind to me, Jacob insisted." Genesis 33:15 NLT
Fear. Guilt. Shame. Regret. Weariness. Sadness.
Imagine all the feelings pent up in this meeting of brothers.
After all the years.
After all the turmoil.
After all the deceit.
After all the miles that had separated them.
But now they are reunited. Their relationship mended. Their family together again.
Esau was forgiving but Jacob couldn't accept the whole gift of it due to the conflict in his heart.
He couldn't let Esau do this one thing, provide him troops for a safe journey, because Jacob still remembered what he had done and still declared himself unworthy of kind treatment.
Don't we do that to God?
Do we accept His blessings in certain areas, but not in other--others that we feel we need to still feel the sting of regret in because we were so wrong in doing them in the first place?
Do we still deny His guidance out of a situation, because we were the ones who got us in it to start with?
Do we still cringe when He loves on us more than we feel comfortable accepting, because deep down we know how dirty some parts of our lives still are?
God walked farther than Esau did to meet Jacob.
God offers us more protection, provision and peace than Esau could have ever offered Jacob.
God knows more about what we've done than Esau knew about Jacob's conniving tactics.
God's forgiveness is deeper, wider, higher and longer than any forgiveness Esau could offer Jacob.
So let's accept it from Him. Wholeheartedly. In every area of our lives. Let's allow Him to make us worthy of the gift He's giving.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 29-31
"When Rachel saw that she wasn't having any children, she became jealous of her sister. Give me children, or I'll die! she exclaimed to Jacob. Jacob flew into a rage, Am I God? he asked. He is the only one able to give you children!" Genesis 30:1-2 NLT
What if those we love and lean on and learn the most from were to be our Jacob's for a day?
When we are depending upon them to fulfill us?
When we are expecting them to complete us?
When we believe with all that's in us that they should be giving us purpose? Giving us peace? Giving us status? Giving us hope? Giving us enough love to last a lifetime?
What if that loved one stopped us by saying, or in Jacob's case, shouting, Am I God?
Because, they can't do any of that for us.
You and I have to be very, very careful to not expect those in our lives to be who they are not.
It's no different from expecting a certain figure in our bank account to make life comfortable and easy.
Or a specific number on the bathroom scale to give us peace and joy.
Or a hard worked for title earning us respect and admiration from those around us.
Our expectations set us for failure if we are looking anywhere else but to God.
My prayer today is that anything and anyone that I'm putting in that position will stop and ask me today, Am I God? Just to re-set my thinking and re-align my focus.
Today's reading: Genesis 29-31
"When Rachel saw that she wasn't having any children, she became jealous of her sister. Give me children, or I'll die! she exclaimed to Jacob. Jacob flew into a rage, Am I God? he asked. He is the only one able to give you children!" Genesis 30:1-2 NLT
What if those we love and lean on and learn the most from were to be our Jacob's for a day?
When we are depending upon them to fulfill us?
When we are expecting them to complete us?
When we believe with all that's in us that they should be giving us purpose? Giving us peace? Giving us status? Giving us hope? Giving us enough love to last a lifetime?
What if that loved one stopped us by saying, or in Jacob's case, shouting, Am I God?
Because, they can't do any of that for us.
You and I have to be very, very careful to not expect those in our lives to be who they are not.
It's no different from expecting a certain figure in our bank account to make life comfortable and easy.
Or a specific number on the bathroom scale to give us peace and joy.
Or a hard worked for title earning us respect and admiration from those around us.
Our expectations set us for failure if we are looking anywhere else but to God.
My prayer today is that anything and anyone that I'm putting in that position will stop and ask me today, Am I God? Just to re-set my thinking and re-align my focus.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 26-28
"When Esau understood, he let out a loud and bitter cry, O my father, bless me, too! But Isaac said, Your brother was here, and he tricked me. He has carried away your blessing." Genesis 27:34-35 NLT
Fact: Isaac is a father of faith. His life story is one recorded for us by God to inspire, to model and to learn from.
Fact: In middle eastern culture, the father passed on a familial blessing to the oldest son. An irrevocable blessing that entitled the heir to all the father had.
Fact: Jacob and his mother tricked Isaac into passing this blessing on to Jacob instead of Esau.
Fact: Isaac had only one of these blessings to hand out.
Now that you know the facts, let me fill you in on a few things that may release you from some of the tension, stress and bitterness you are living under...
God is not held by these ancient laws. God does not have ONLY one blessing to give out.
No one, the most conniving, the most spiritual, the most evil or the the holiest among us, cannot trick God out of our blessings from Him.
Can your disobedience cause you to miss out on something from God? Yes.
Can your sins cause you to be passed over for His blessing on your life? Yes.
Can you choose to pass on a blessing God wants to give you? Yes, you can.
Can anyone take your blessing from you, or from Him? No.
So--what are you doing to grab hold of each and every blessing God wants to give you?
Today's reading: Genesis 26-28
"When Esau understood, he let out a loud and bitter cry, O my father, bless me, too! But Isaac said, Your brother was here, and he tricked me. He has carried away your blessing." Genesis 27:34-35 NLT
Fact: Isaac is a father of faith. His life story is one recorded for us by God to inspire, to model and to learn from.
Fact: In middle eastern culture, the father passed on a familial blessing to the oldest son. An irrevocable blessing that entitled the heir to all the father had.
Fact: Jacob and his mother tricked Isaac into passing this blessing on to Jacob instead of Esau.
Fact: Isaac had only one of these blessings to hand out.
Now that you know the facts, let me fill you in on a few things that may release you from some of the tension, stress and bitterness you are living under...
God is not held by these ancient laws. God does not have ONLY one blessing to give out.
No one, the most conniving, the most spiritual, the most evil or the the holiest among us, cannot trick God out of our blessings from Him.
Can your disobedience cause you to miss out on something from God? Yes.
Can your sins cause you to be passed over for His blessing on your life? Yes.
Can you choose to pass on a blessing God wants to give you? Yes, you can.
Can anyone take your blessing from you, or from Him? No.
So--what are you doing to grab hold of each and every blessing God wants to give you?
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 24-25
"So this afternoon when I came to the spring I prayed this prayer: O Lord, the God of my master, Abraham, if you are planning to make my mission a success, please guide me in a special way. Here I am,.." Genesis 24:42-43 NLT
Eliezer was a man on a special mission.
His assignment was to travel to a foreign land to find a bride for his master's son.
Not just any bride, a gal from a specific region and a specific family with a specific bloodline.
One might equate it to finding a needle in a haystack prior to the help of the internet and DNA testing. An impossible task prior to mail, internet and telephones.
But Eliezer had skills.
Well, Eliezer had learned some important tactics when it came to important tasks--and he learned it from watching his master, Abraham.
Seek God.
Watch to see where God was leading--and go there.
So he prayed while standing by that spring, and the rest? Well, the rest is small portion of the historical testament to God's willingness to hear and answer His people!
Eliezer found the gal God had ordained for Isaac to marry.
Now how does this apply to you and me?
I'm so glad you asked!
We're on a mission, brothers and sisters.
We're on foreign soil, as we are told several times in our Bible that 'this world is not our home'.
We're out to find a bride for our Master, ones to bring in to the family, ones to introduce to our Lord and Savior's love and forgiveness.
So stop where you are and pray the same prayer Eliezer prayed...
"God of all and of everyone, Please guide me in a special way. Here I am."
Then prepare to see your mission succeed!
Today's reading: Genesis 24-25
"So this afternoon when I came to the spring I prayed this prayer: O Lord, the God of my master, Abraham, if you are planning to make my mission a success, please guide me in a special way. Here I am,.." Genesis 24:42-43 NLT
Eliezer was a man on a special mission.
His assignment was to travel to a foreign land to find a bride for his master's son.
Not just any bride, a gal from a specific region and a specific family with a specific bloodline.
One might equate it to finding a needle in a haystack prior to the help of the internet and DNA testing. An impossible task prior to mail, internet and telephones.
But Eliezer had skills.
Well, Eliezer had learned some important tactics when it came to important tasks--and he learned it from watching his master, Abraham.
Seek God.
Watch to see where God was leading--and go there.
So he prayed while standing by that spring, and the rest? Well, the rest is small portion of the historical testament to God's willingness to hear and answer His people!
Eliezer found the gal God had ordained for Isaac to marry.
Now how does this apply to you and me?
I'm so glad you asked!
We're on a mission, brothers and sisters.
We're on foreign soil, as we are told several times in our Bible that 'this world is not our home'.
We're out to find a bride for our Master, ones to bring in to the family, ones to introduce to our Lord and Savior's love and forgiveness.
So stop where you are and pray the same prayer Eliezer prayed...
"God of all and of everyone, Please guide me in a special way. Here I am."
Then prepare to see your mission succeed!
Monday, January 6, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 21-23
"I will bless you richly. I will multiply your descendants into countless millions, like the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. They will conquer their enemies, and through your descendants, all the nations of the earth will be blessed-all because you have obeyed me." Genesis 22:17-18 NLT
Want to leave a legacy for your family that will extend far beyond your lifetime?
Want to impact the world you lived in for longer than the dash on your tombstone denotes?
Want to do more for God than ever imagined?
Obey Him.
Abraham's offspring received blessings, victory and a homeland all because of his obedience.
Isn't it worth it? No matter what He is asking of you?
Today's reading: Genesis 21-23
"I will bless you richly. I will multiply your descendants into countless millions, like the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. They will conquer their enemies, and through your descendants, all the nations of the earth will be blessed-all because you have obeyed me." Genesis 22:17-18 NLT
Want to leave a legacy for your family that will extend far beyond your lifetime?
Want to impact the world you lived in for longer than the dash on your tombstone denotes?
Want to do more for God than ever imagined?
Obey Him.
Abraham's offspring received blessings, victory and a homeland all because of his obedience.
Isn't it worth it? No matter what He is asking of you?
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 18-20
"Run for your lives! the angels warned. Do not stop anywhere in the valley. And don't look back! Escape to the mountains, or you will die." Genesis 19:17 NLT
God's messengers were sent to rescue Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom.
The message was clear, Go higher!
Lot wasn't advised to settle.
To take the easy way.
To go the safest route.
Lot was asked to go for higher ground. Even in this crisis situation.
Higher standards.
The higher road.
Higher expectations.
Higher goals.
God doesn't ask us, His people, to just get by. Or to just do the minimum. Or to just do the best we can.
He asks us to take the higher, better, godlier way in all instances.
Because that's where He wants us to meet Him.
Today's reading: Genesis 18-20
"Run for your lives! the angels warned. Do not stop anywhere in the valley. And don't look back! Escape to the mountains, or you will die." Genesis 19:17 NLT
God's messengers were sent to rescue Lot and his family from the destruction of Sodom.
The message was clear, Go higher!
Lot wasn't advised to settle.
To take the easy way.
To go the safest route.
Lot was asked to go for higher ground. Even in this crisis situation.
Higher standards.
The higher road.
Higher expectations.
Higher goals.
God doesn't ask us, His people, to just get by. Or to just do the minimum. Or to just do the best we can.
He asks us to take the higher, better, godlier way in all instances.
Because that's where He wants us to meet Him.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 13-17
"As Abram returned from his victory over Kedorlaomer and his allies, the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the valley of Shaveh (that is the King's Valley). Then Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, brought him bread and wine. Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing: Blessed be the Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who has helped you conquer your enemies..." Genesis 14:17-20 NLT
Was Abram surprised by this blessing?
Did it come out of no where? He was in a valley it tells us.
Did it come from a place he would have never expected it to come from? Sodom was known to be a place that was unusually wicked and sinned greatly against the Lord--and well, we know from reading much in the Bible how it ended for them.
Did it come after his victory? He could have easily considered the defeat of his enemies that day to be all the blessing he would receive.
God's blessings are like that...surprising. Exciting. Unexpected. Thrilling. Straight from Him.
Maybe yours happened in the checkout lane at Walmart.
Or in the waiting room of a doctor's office.
Or sitting at your desk at work.
Or in your pick up truck as you were driving down the road.
Or during a sermon about an account in the Bible you had heard preached hundreds of times in your lifetime.
Or in an unsuccessful attempt to bless another.
Watch for your blessings.
Live a life expecting blessings.
Let the blessings catch you off guard because of when they come, how they come and who they come through!
Today's reading: Genesis 13-17
"As Abram returned from his victory over Kedorlaomer and his allies, the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the valley of Shaveh (that is the King's Valley). Then Melchizedek, the king of Salem and a priest of God Most High, brought him bread and wine. Melchizedek blessed Abram with this blessing: Blessed be the Abram by God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who has helped you conquer your enemies..." Genesis 14:17-20 NLT
Was Abram surprised by this blessing?
Did it come out of no where? He was in a valley it tells us.
Did it come from a place he would have never expected it to come from? Sodom was known to be a place that was unusually wicked and sinned greatly against the Lord--and well, we know from reading much in the Bible how it ended for them.
Did it come after his victory? He could have easily considered the defeat of his enemies that day to be all the blessing he would receive.
God's blessings are like that...surprising. Exciting. Unexpected. Thrilling. Straight from Him.
Maybe yours happened in the checkout lane at Walmart.
Or in the waiting room of a doctor's office.
Or sitting at your desk at work.
Or in your pick up truck as you were driving down the road.
Or during a sermon about an account in the Bible you had heard preached hundreds of times in your lifetime.
Or in an unsuccessful attempt to bless another.
Watch for your blessings.
Live a life expecting blessings.
Let the blessings catch you off guard because of when they come, how they come and who they come through!
Friday, January 3, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 9-12
"Terah took his son Abram, his daughter-in-law Sarai, and his grandson Lot (his son Haran's child) and left Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan. But they stopped instead at the village of Haran and settled there." Genesis 11:31 NLT
My Bible doesn't tell me why Terah stopped in Haran instead of going all the way to Canaan.
One could surmise it might have been his health that stopped him.
Or his age.
Or the struggle of the journey.
Or comfort, Terah might have found a comfortable little town to live in and decided to settle himself and his family there.
He settled in a place that was less than the Promised Land, miles short of his intended destination, years prior to God's promise to Abram.
Was it a place to pause? A season of rest? A pit stop? A proving ground? A launch pad? A place for learning some valuable life lessons?
Maybe God has you on 'pause'. Settled into a spot for a time. On hold. Know if it from Him, it's for a reason.
And maybe the reason isn't to benefit you, but those who follow after you.
Today's reading: Genesis 9-12
"Terah took his son Abram, his daughter-in-law Sarai, and his grandson Lot (his son Haran's child) and left Ur of the Chaldeans to go to the land of Canaan. But they stopped instead at the village of Haran and settled there." Genesis 11:31 NLT
My Bible doesn't tell me why Terah stopped in Haran instead of going all the way to Canaan.
One could surmise it might have been his health that stopped him.
Or his age.
Or the struggle of the journey.
Or comfort, Terah might have found a comfortable little town to live in and decided to settle himself and his family there.
He settled in a place that was less than the Promised Land, miles short of his intended destination, years prior to God's promise to Abram.
Was it a place to pause? A season of rest? A pit stop? A proving ground? A launch pad? A place for learning some valuable life lessons?
Maybe God has you on 'pause'. Settled into a spot for a time. On hold. Know if it from Him, it's for a reason.
And maybe the reason isn't to benefit you, but those who follow after you.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 5-8
"When Noah was 600 years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the underground waters burst forth on the earth, and the rain fell in mighty torrents from the sky." Genesis 7:11 NLT
I don't know if Noah ever doubted.
If he ever tired of always choosing godliness in a godless land.
If he was worn out from gathering lumber and building materials.
If his body was sore from sawing and hammering.
I don't know if he was completely exasperated from herding animals into their prospective pens.
Or had 'had it up to here' with the mockers.
But inside that ark...
When he heard those first raindrops hit the roof...
He looked around and saw those he loved most dearly safe and secure...
He knew it had all been worth it. Every single decision to obey.
It will be for us, too.
Today's reading: Genesis 5-8
"When Noah was 600 years old, on the seventeenth day of the second month, the underground waters burst forth on the earth, and the rain fell in mighty torrents from the sky." Genesis 7:11 NLT
I don't know if Noah ever doubted.
If he ever tired of always choosing godliness in a godless land.
If he was worn out from gathering lumber and building materials.
If his body was sore from sawing and hammering.
I don't know if he was completely exasperated from herding animals into their prospective pens.
Or had 'had it up to here' with the mockers.
But inside that ark...
When he heard those first raindrops hit the roof...
He looked around and saw those he loved most dearly safe and secure...
He knew it had all been worth it. Every single decision to obey.
It will be for us, too.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Today's reading: Genesis 1-4
"Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he placed the man he had created." Genesis 2:8 NLT
With all the 'what-ifs' running through our minds in regards to this new year, let this settle your mind...
God has you where He needs you for today.
That's right.
If God chose to place Adam in the garden of Eden...
If God chose to place Daniel in the lions' den...
If God chose to place Esther in the palace...
If God chose to place Saul on the road to Damascus...
If God chose to place Simon the Cyrene on the road to Golgotha...
Then we can be assured that for today, and maybe tomorrow, and until He decides a change of environment is needed, you are where He needs you to be.
So look around.
If you choose to look with the intention of seeing what God is doing around you, it will change what you see.
The comfortable place you're in becomes a place of grace.
The cozy spot you're in becomes a place of miracles.
The ho-hum location you're in becomes a place of hope.
The trying foxhole you're in becomes a place of anticipation.
The boring rut you're thinking you're in becomes a place of excitement.
Change your focus.
God has you where He wants you to be for now, enjoy the view!
Today's reading: Genesis 1-4
"Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he placed the man he had created." Genesis 2:8 NLT
With all the 'what-ifs' running through our minds in regards to this new year, let this settle your mind...
God has you where He needs you for today.
That's right.
If God chose to place Adam in the garden of Eden...
If God chose to place Daniel in the lions' den...
If God chose to place Esther in the palace...
If God chose to place Saul on the road to Damascus...
If God chose to place Simon the Cyrene on the road to Golgotha...
Then we can be assured that for today, and maybe tomorrow, and until He decides a change of environment is needed, you are where He needs you to be.
So look around.
If you choose to look with the intention of seeing what God is doing around you, it will change what you see.
The comfortable place you're in becomes a place of grace.
The cozy spot you're in becomes a place of miracles.
The ho-hum location you're in becomes a place of hope.
The trying foxhole you're in becomes a place of anticipation.
The boring rut you're thinking you're in becomes a place of excitement.
Change your focus.
God has you where He wants you to be for now, enjoy the view!
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