Today's reading: Jeremiah 45-47, 1 Timothy 5:17-6:21, Proverbs 14:1-6
"An empty stable stays clean, but no income comes from an empty stable." Proverbs 14:4 NLT
If you were a farmer, your barn might have to get dirty in order to have a profit.
If you were a carpenter, your shiny new saw might have to come out of the box and get used.
If you were an artist, you might have to open up that new paintbrush set.
If you were a teacher, you might have to put up with children who don't know anything--or too much.
If you are a Christian, you might have to let your life get messed up with the lives of others.
Being a Christian would be so much easier if we were put in a room by ourselves--and yet, how would we ever do what God asked us to do for Him?
Being a Christian would be neater if we were only to interact with other like-minded individuals--and how then would our family ever grow?
Being a Christian would be simpler if God had wired us like robots to make each and every decision correctly, in a godly manner and with Him as our guide--but would that be love?
God has given us things to use in living for Him--use them.
Sure your stable might get dirty', but it will show you've been doing something for Him.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 38:14-40:6, 1 Timothy 1:18-3:13, Proverbs 13:5-13
"Godliness helps people all through life, while the evil are destroyed by their wickedness." Proverbs 13:6 NLT
If you've been on the 'church scene' for long, you've witnessed some unfair things.
You've watched from the sidelines as godly families have been hit with devastating tragedies.
You've seen saints of God wither away, body, mind and/or spirit from illnesses.
You've seen great men and women of God torn apart by gossip.
You've probably even seen Christian families torn apart by divorce, disbelief and disregard.
You've watched churches multiply and divide over what should be irrelevant issues.
Tough things happen inside the church as often, if not more often, as outside the church.
You've watched, and if you are anything like me, you've wondered...
How does anyone get through these kind of things with God?
Or better yet...
Why would anyone want to try?
Friend, godliness is all that's going to get us through life.
It isn't a 'get out of jail free card' to throw down as any passing tragedy.
It isn't a badge we wear that exempts us from all undue pain and suffering.
It isn't even a force field placed around the children of God protecting us from the world's effects.
But it is there...it is what will get us through this life.
It's what those outside His will don't have.
It's a hope that can keep us going.
It's His promise to us.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 38:14-40:6, 1 Timothy 1:18-3:13, Proverbs 13:5-13
"Godliness helps people all through life, while the evil are destroyed by their wickedness." Proverbs 13:6 NLT
If you've been on the 'church scene' for long, you've witnessed some unfair things.
You've watched from the sidelines as godly families have been hit with devastating tragedies.
You've seen saints of God wither away, body, mind and/or spirit from illnesses.
You've seen great men and women of God torn apart by gossip.
You've probably even seen Christian families torn apart by divorce, disbelief and disregard.
You've watched churches multiply and divide over what should be irrelevant issues.
Tough things happen inside the church as often, if not more often, as outside the church.
You've watched, and if you are anything like me, you've wondered...
How does anyone get through these kind of things with God?
Or better yet...
Why would anyone want to try?
Friend, godliness is all that's going to get us through life.
It isn't a 'get out of jail free card' to throw down as any passing tragedy.
It isn't a badge we wear that exempts us from all undue pain and suffering.
It isn't even a force field placed around the children of God protecting us from the world's effects.
But it is there...it is what will get us through this life.
It's what those outside His will don't have.
It's a hope that can keep us going.
It's His promise to us.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 32:36-34:7, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, Proverbs 12:15-20
"Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing." Proverbs 12:18 NLT
Folks have news anchors to provide them with facts.
They have children to provide them with truths.
They have the world to provide them with cynicism.
They have other humans to provide them with lies.
They have social media to provide with unrealistic expectations.
Be the godly one who provides them with healing.
A soft word.
A kind word.
A word of hope.
A word of promise.
A word of peace.
A word of love.
A word from the Word.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 32:36-34:7, 2 Thessalonians 1-2, Proverbs 12:15-20
"Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing." Proverbs 12:18 NLT
Folks have news anchors to provide them with facts.
They have children to provide them with truths.
They have the world to provide them with cynicism.
They have other humans to provide them with lies.
They have social media to provide with unrealistic expectations.
Be the godly one who provides them with healing.
A soft word.
A kind word.
A word of hope.
A word of promise.
A word of peace.
A word of love.
A word from the Word.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 31:23-32:35, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Proverbs 12:1-14
"The sins of Israel and Judah--the sins of the people of Jerusalem, the kings, the officials, the priests, and the prophets--stir up my anger." Jeremiah 32:32 NLT
NEWS FLASH: Sin makes God mad.
Sin doesn't just make Him sad.
Or disappoint Him.
Or cause Him to feel sorry for us.
It says in His Word, that it makes Him angry.
God angry?
Not something I would want any part of.
To be the cause of.
To be at the receiving end of.
To have anything to do with.
And yet...?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 31:23-32:35, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28, Proverbs 12:1-14
"The sins of Israel and Judah--the sins of the people of Jerusalem, the kings, the officials, the priests, and the prophets--stir up my anger." Jeremiah 32:32 NLT
NEWS FLASH: Sin makes God mad.
Sin doesn't just make Him sad.
Or disappoint Him.
Or cause Him to feel sorry for us.
It says in His Word, that it makes Him angry.
God angry?
Not something I would want any part of.
To be the cause of.
To be at the receiving end of.
To have anything to do with.
And yet...?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 30:1-31:22, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:11, Proverbs 11:27-31
"...I will satisfy my people with my bounty. I, the Lord, have spoken." Jeremiah 31:14 NLT
Oh, friends, how much time, energy, money and effort we are wasting trying to find/purchase/secure satisfaction in things this world offers.
Only God provides satisfaction.
From His provision.
From His hands.
From the depths of His love for us.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 30:1-31:22, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5:11, Proverbs 11:27-31
"...I will satisfy my people with my bounty. I, the Lord, have spoken." Jeremiah 31:14 NLT
Oh, friends, how much time, energy, money and effort we are wasting trying to find/purchase/secure satisfaction in things this world offers.
Only God provides satisfaction.
From His provision.
From His hands.
From the depths of His love for us.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 28-29, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13, Proverbs 11:22-26
"A woman who is beautiful but lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout." Proverbs 11:22 NLT
Do you know what discretion is?
Merriam-Webster defines it as the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgement. Especially: cautious reserve in speech.
Make-up cannot make up for discretion...no matter how thickly or expertly applied.
The most fashion forward styles cannot fill in for discretion...no matter how well fitting the fabric.
Eloquence and poise cannot be substitutes for discretion...not if the speaker wants the hearer to truly hear.
It's about knowing what you know and when to let those around you know what you know in a way that shows what you know is worth knowing...in a beautiful way...no matter what you are wearing.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 28-29, 1 Thessalonians 2:9-3:13, Proverbs 11:22-26
"A woman who is beautiful but lacks discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout." Proverbs 11:22 NLT
Do you know what discretion is?
Merriam-Webster defines it as the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgement. Especially: cautious reserve in speech.
Make-up cannot make up for discretion...no matter how thickly or expertly applied.
The most fashion forward styles cannot fill in for discretion...no matter how well fitting the fabric.
Eloquence and poise cannot be substitutes for discretion...not if the speaker wants the hearer to truly hear.
It's about knowing what you know and when to let those around you know what you know in a way that shows what you know is worth knowing...in a beautiful way...no matter what you are wearing.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 26-27, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Proverbs 11:12-21
"...a person with good sense remains silent." Proverbs 11:11 NLT
Maybe it's time we, Christians, were silent.
We didn't quote a verse.
We didn't reference a sermon.
We didn't speak of a Bible account.
We didn't share God's character.
Maybe it's time we were quiet and watched as God did it Himself.
As He told of His own greatness.
Showed His provision.
Exercised His power.
Drew attention to Himself.
No debate.
No argument.
No guided conversations.
Maybe, just maybe, it's time we were silent and listened to what He had to say for Himself.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 26-27, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8, Proverbs 11:12-21
"...a person with good sense remains silent." Proverbs 11:11 NLT
Maybe it's time we, Christians, were silent.
We didn't quote a verse.
We didn't reference a sermon.
We didn't speak of a Bible account.
We didn't share God's character.
Maybe it's time we were quiet and watched as God did it Himself.
As He told of His own greatness.
Showed His provision.
Exercised His power.
Drew attention to Himself.
No debate.
No argument.
No guided conversations.
Maybe, just maybe, it's time we were silent and listened to what He had to say for Himself.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 20:7-22:19, Colossians 2:16-3:4, Proverbs 10:15-26
"Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth." Colossians 3:2 NLT
Want to know what's going on around this big blue/green orb we're residing on?
A quick trip to any news feed will give you a quick recap of the current events...
Impeachment controversy.
A multi-million dollar sportsman's knee injury.
The first all female spacewalk.
Immigration issues.
Big city teacher strike.
Drug use.
Death of a radio legend.
Not encouraging? Not uplifting? Not enough to get your enthusiasm revved up for the day? Scare the life out of you? Send you back under the covers?
God knew it wouldn't be pretty.
So He gave us the words from Colossians.
'Let heaven fill your thoughts.'
Presence of God.
No more sorrow.
No more pain.
No more death.
'Let heaven fill your thoughts.'
Today's reading: Jeremiah 20:7-22:19, Colossians 2:16-3:4, Proverbs 10:15-26
"Let heaven fill your thoughts. Do not think only about things down here on earth." Colossians 3:2 NLT
Want to know what's going on around this big blue/green orb we're residing on?
A quick trip to any news feed will give you a quick recap of the current events...
Impeachment controversy.
A multi-million dollar sportsman's knee injury.
The first all female spacewalk.
Immigration issues.
Big city teacher strike.
Drug use.
Death of a radio legend.
Not encouraging? Not uplifting? Not enough to get your enthusiasm revved up for the day? Scare the life out of you? Send you back under the covers?
God knew it wouldn't be pretty.
So He gave us the words from Colossians.
'Let heaven fill your thoughts.'
Presence of God.
No more sorrow.
No more pain.
No more death.
'Let heaven fill your thoughts.'
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 18:1-20:6, Colossians 1:24-2:15, Proverbs 10:6-14
"So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ..." Colossians 1:28 NLT
Are you spreading the Good News of God?
When you shop? When you work? When you mingle?
No, you don't have to quote Bible verses, invite folks to church or debate the hottest topic.
You can inquire about another's day.
Ask about their health.
About their kids.
About the color paint they've chosen for their front door.
A new recipe they've made.
Spreading God's message of salvation and hope begins with a conversation. It starts with a smile. It opens with a friendly word which will lead to another friendly word and another and another and another.
Until you have the opportunity to speak of the Hope you have...
The Love you have...
The Peace you have...
The Joy you have...
The Future you have...
The Promise you have...
The Good News you have...
So take the Good News with you everywhere you go today. Speak of it where you can. Hold on to it until He shows you just the right moment and in the meantime, make friends!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 18:1-20:6, Colossians 1:24-2:15, Proverbs 10:6-14
"So everywhere we go, we tell everyone about Christ..." Colossians 1:28 NLT
Are you spreading the Good News of God?
When you shop? When you work? When you mingle?
No, you don't have to quote Bible verses, invite folks to church or debate the hottest topic.
You can inquire about another's day.
Ask about their health.
About their kids.
About the color paint they've chosen for their front door.
A new recipe they've made.
Spreading God's message of salvation and hope begins with a conversation. It starts with a smile. It opens with a friendly word which will lead to another friendly word and another and another and another.
Until you have the opportunity to speak of the Hope you have...
The Love you have...
The Peace you have...
The Joy you have...
The Future you have...
The Promise you have...
The Good News you have...
So take the Good News with you everywhere you go today. Speak of it where you can. Hold on to it until He shows you just the right moment and in the meantime, make friends!
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 16-17, Colossians 1:1-23, Proverbs 10:1-5
"Lord, you are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble!.." Jeremiah 16:19 NLT
I am up and going.
I've spent time on the elliptical machine.
I've spent time in the Word.
I've spent time in prayer.
I've spent a few minutes going over what I have planned for the day...but I truly have no idea what God has planned for my day.
I don't know what He will allow into my life.
What blessings He will send my way.
What heartache He may filter into my waking hours.
What lessons He might allow me to learn from.
What opportunities He will give me to trust Him.
What phone calls He may allow me to receive.
What words He may let be spoken into my life.
What characteristics of His He may allow me to become privy to.
I don't know, but He does--and He will be my strength and fortress and refuge in all of it!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 16-17, Colossians 1:1-23, Proverbs 10:1-5
"Lord, you are my strength and fortress, my refuge in the day of trouble!.." Jeremiah 16:19 NLT
I am up and going.
I've spent time on the elliptical machine.
I've spent time in the Word.
I've spent time in prayer.
I've spent a few minutes going over what I have planned for the day...but I truly have no idea what God has planned for my day.
I don't know what He will allow into my life.
What blessings He will send my way.
What heartache He may filter into my waking hours.
What lessons He might allow me to learn from.
What opportunities He will give me to trust Him.
What phone calls He may allow me to receive.
What words He may let be spoken into my life.
What characteristics of His He may allow me to become privy to.
I don't know, but He does--and He will be my strength and fortress and refuge in all of it!
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 14-15, Philippians 4, Proverbs 9:7-18
"At the moment I have all I need--more than I need! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable to God and pleases him." Philippians 4:18 NLT
If Paul can write these words while sitting in a prison cell...
Able to tell his friends and his Christian-babies that 'all is well with his soul'...
If he can choose to see beyond his circumstances to his blessings...
Past his inconveniences to his eternal promises...
If Paul can stand solidly on the promises provided...
And the hope offered...
And the grace given...
And the forgiveness afforded him...
If in his dire circumstances, with the notes of his personal testimony still wet in ink, he can still say what he has said...
Then, I can also say, 'At the moment, I have all I need--more that I need!'
Because it's true. So true.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 14-15, Philippians 4, Proverbs 9:7-18
"At the moment I have all I need--more than I need! I am generously supplied with the gifts you sent me with Epaphroditus. They are a sweet-smelling sacrifice that is acceptable to God and pleases him." Philippians 4:18 NLT
If Paul can write these words while sitting in a prison cell...
Able to tell his friends and his Christian-babies that 'all is well with his soul'...
If he can choose to see beyond his circumstances to his blessings...
Past his inconveniences to his eternal promises...
If Paul can stand solidly on the promises provided...
And the hope offered...
And the grace given...
And the forgiveness afforded him...
If in his dire circumstances, with the notes of his personal testimony still wet in ink, he can still say what he has said...
Then, I can also say, 'At the moment, I have all I need--more that I need!'
Because it's true. So true.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 11:18-13:27, Philippians 3, Proverbs 9:1-6
"...I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be." Philippians 3:12 NLT
I don't believe today is 'just another day'.
I've never like that phrase, never liked the connotation and lack of enthusiasm that lends to the opening of the gift of each new day presented to us by God.
Is today a day of doing many of the same things we've done for several days, or years, in a row, quite possibly--but it's never 'just another day'.
Now if we put the spin on it that Paul has, that we are working toward 'that day', that turns the tide, don't you think?
Today you may spend time repenting of the same sins, in order to be made right...that's God's plan.
Today you may spend time repeating some of the same verses, in order to be filled with God's Word...that's God's will.
Today you may spend time doing some of the same Christian disciplines you've been doing for years, in an effort to end the day more like Him...that's God's desire.
So, it's not just another day, it's 'that day', the day when we become more and more like Him, more of what He saved us for, more of who He saved us to be.
Enjoy this day!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 11:18-13:27, Philippians 3, Proverbs 9:1-6
"...I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be." Philippians 3:12 NLT
I don't believe today is 'just another day'.
I've never like that phrase, never liked the connotation and lack of enthusiasm that lends to the opening of the gift of each new day presented to us by God.
Is today a day of doing many of the same things we've done for several days, or years, in a row, quite possibly--but it's never 'just another day'.
Now if we put the spin on it that Paul has, that we are working toward 'that day', that turns the tide, don't you think?
Today you may spend time repenting of the same sins, in order to be made right...that's God's plan.
Today you may spend time repeating some of the same verses, in order to be filled with God's Word...that's God's will.
Today you may spend time doing some of the same Christian disciplines you've been doing for years, in an effort to end the day more like Him...that's God's desire.
So, it's not just another day, it's 'that day', the day when we become more and more like Him, more of what He saved us for, more of who He saved us to be.
Enjoy this day!
Friday, October 11, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 6:1-7:26, Philippians 1:1-26, Proverbs 8:1-11
"Therefore, this is what the Lord says: I will put obstacles in my people's path..." Jeremiah 6:21 NLT
It may sound funny, sad or downright mean, but I am an 'obstacles pray-er'.
I am one of those gals who asks God to place obstacles in my path, and in the paths of those I am praying for, that will direct them away from things that are not in God's will.
Away from things that will distract them from His path for their lives.
From things that will take their focus off Him.
From things that will lead from thought to temptation to sin to a separation between Him and them.
I ask for those obstacles in love.
Because I know how easily obstacles stop us and slow us down long enough to think about just where it was we were headed anyway.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 6:1-7:26, Philippians 1:1-26, Proverbs 8:1-11
"Therefore, this is what the Lord says: I will put obstacles in my people's path..." Jeremiah 6:21 NLT
It may sound funny, sad or downright mean, but I am an 'obstacles pray-er'.
I am one of those gals who asks God to place obstacles in my path, and in the paths of those I am praying for, that will direct them away from things that are not in God's will.
Away from things that will distract them from His path for their lives.
From things that will take their focus off Him.
From things that will lead from thought to temptation to sin to a separation between Him and them.
I ask for those obstacles in love.
Because I know how easily obstacles stop us and slow us down long enough to think about just where it was we were headed anyway.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 4:23-5:31, Ephesians 6, Proverbs 7:6-27
"Do you have no respect for me? Why do you not tremble in my presence? I, the Lord, am the one who defines the ocean's sandy shoreline, an everlasting boundary that the waters cannot cross. The waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the bounds I set. But my people have stubborn and rebellious hearts. They have turned against me and have chosen to practice idolatry." Jeremiah 5:22-23 NLT
In all your choices today you are selecting between the One who sets the boundaries for the oceans or the idols carved by hands.
When you choose faith over fear.
When you choose to believe the words of the Bible over the labels you've been given.
When you choose to trust 'thus saith the Lord' over how your heart is feeling at this moment.
When you choose to rest in the Creator rather in the creation.
When you choose to go forward one step at a time knowing God will light the path even though the road ahead seems awfully dark to you at this very moment.
Will you choose the Lord?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 4:23-5:31, Ephesians 6, Proverbs 7:6-27
"Do you have no respect for me? Why do you not tremble in my presence? I, the Lord, am the one who defines the ocean's sandy shoreline, an everlasting boundary that the waters cannot cross. The waves may toss and roar, but they can never pass the bounds I set. But my people have stubborn and rebellious hearts. They have turned against me and have chosen to practice idolatry." Jeremiah 5:22-23 NLT
In all your choices today you are selecting between the One who sets the boundaries for the oceans or the idols carved by hands.
When you choose faith over fear.
When you choose to believe the words of the Bible over the labels you've been given.
When you choose to trust 'thus saith the Lord' over how your heart is feeling at this moment.
When you choose to rest in the Creator rather in the creation.
When you choose to go forward one step at a time knowing God will light the path even though the road ahead seems awfully dark to you at this very moment.
Will you choose the Lord?
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 3:1-4:22, Ephesians 5, Proverbs 7:1-5
"My people are foolish and do not know me, says the Lord..." Jeremiah 4:22 NLT
God didn't say the sinners didn't know Him.
He didn't make the statement that the unbelievers didn't 'get' Him.
He didn't tell Jeremiah His heart was broken because complete strangers were unaware of His vast love for them.
He was saddened to know His own people didn't know who He was.
His own people.
The ones who should know Him the most. The deepest. The greatest. The broadest. The widest. The most-est.
Shame on us.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 3:1-4:22, Ephesians 5, Proverbs 7:1-5
"My people are foolish and do not know me, says the Lord..." Jeremiah 4:22 NLT
God didn't say the sinners didn't know Him.
He didn't make the statement that the unbelievers didn't 'get' Him.
He didn't tell Jeremiah His heart was broken because complete strangers were unaware of His vast love for them.
He was saddened to know His own people didn't know who He was.
His own people.
The ones who should know Him the most. The deepest. The greatest. The broadest. The widest. The most-est.
Shame on us.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-2, Ephesians 4:17-23, Proverbs 6:27-35
"Get up and get dressed. Go out, and tell them whatever I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them, or I will make you look foolish in front of them, For see, today I have made you immune to their attacks..." Jeremiah 1:17-17 NLT
Gotten your flu shot?
It's a topic of wide concern this time of year. It's on every pharmacy billboard, a lot of television ads and on a lot of mailers I gather from the mailbox. It's quickly brought up in conversation if you hear a cough or a sneeze...as folks quickly disperse from the 'infected' area in search of the Germ-X.
Jeremiah was told, by God Himself, that he was vaccinated against the attacks of his enemy.
He was told that his attacks would not have long-lasting effects on Jeremiah.
Jeremiah was assured that he was backed, supported and bolstered to do all God was asking him to do.
So are you.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-2, Ephesians 4:17-23, Proverbs 6:27-35
"Get up and get dressed. Go out, and tell them whatever I tell you to say. Do not be afraid of them, or I will make you look foolish in front of them, For see, today I have made you immune to their attacks..." Jeremiah 1:17-17 NLT
Gotten your flu shot?
It's a topic of wide concern this time of year. It's on every pharmacy billboard, a lot of television ads and on a lot of mailers I gather from the mailbox. It's quickly brought up in conversation if you hear a cough or a sneeze...as folks quickly disperse from the 'infected' area in search of the Germ-X.
Jeremiah was told, by God Himself, that he was vaccinated against the attacks of his enemy.
He was told that his attacks would not have long-lasting effects on Jeremiah.
Jeremiah was assured that he was backed, supported and bolstered to do all God was asking him to do.
So are you.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 65:17-66:24, Ephesians 3:1-4:16, Proverbs 6:20-26
"When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth." Ephesians 3:14 NLT
Have you ever been left speechless by the tough things God's used to bring glory to Himself?
A death.
An accident.
A job loss.
A division in a church.
A prodigal.
A fire.
So many hard, hard things He has taken, touched, tweaked, turned around, turned the attention on to Him and allowed us to see in a different light--and VOILA--He gets the credit!
It drops us to our knees.
It renders us praising Him.
It leaves us in awe of the scope of His grand plan.
Today's reading: Isaiah 65:17-66:24, Ephesians 3:1-4:16, Proverbs 6:20-26
"When I think of the wisdom and scope of God's plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth." Ephesians 3:14 NLT
Have you ever been left speechless by the tough things God's used to bring glory to Himself?
A death.
An accident.
A job loss.
A division in a church.
A prodigal.
A fire.
So many hard, hard things He has taken, touched, tweaked, turned around, turned the attention on to Him and allowed us to see in a different light--and VOILA--He gets the credit!
It drops us to our knees.
It renders us praising Him.
It leaves us in awe of the scope of His grand plan.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 58-5, Galatians 6, Proverbs 5:15-23
"Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else." Galatians 6:4 NLT
I want to be busy today being me.
The me God created me to be.
The me God purposed me to be.
The me God designed me to be.
You are great, but I don't want to be you. I can't be you.
Sure, I can spin my wheels attempting it. I can try to keep up with your life. With your calling. With your purpose. But in the end...I'll be bone weary trying to be someone I'm not, and still hoofing it to get done what I need to do to be me.
So, starting today, I'm just gonna be me...
And if you'll just be you...
And if they will just be them...
Well, if should work out well!
Today's reading: Isaiah 58-5, Galatians 6, Proverbs 5:15-23
"Be sure to do what you should, for then you will enjoy the personal satisfaction of having done your work well, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else." Galatians 6:4 NLT
I want to be busy today being me.
The me God created me to be.
The me God purposed me to be.
The me God designed me to be.
You are great, but I don't want to be you. I can't be you.
Sure, I can spin my wheels attempting it. I can try to keep up with your life. With your calling. With your purpose. But in the end...I'll be bone weary trying to be someone I'm not, and still hoofing it to get done what I need to do to be me.
So, starting today, I'm just gonna be me...
And if you'll just be you...
And if they will just be them...
Well, if should work out well!
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 55-57, Galatians 5, Proverbs 5:1-14
"...What is important is faith expressing itself in love." Galatians 5:6 NLT
Okay, Christian friend, the day lay ahead of you.
Opportunities abound for you to evangelize, minister, witness and share the Good News.
The field is ripe for those of us called, by God, to be harvesters.
But, before the first verse is quoted...
Or the first old hymn sung...
Or the Bible is even opened...
Make sure you heart is full of love.
Because we can have all the faith we need, bursting at the seams faith, but if we cannot present it wrapped in love, no one will want to receive it.
Love them to Jesus.
That's what He did.
Today's reading: Isaiah 55-57, Galatians 5, Proverbs 5:1-14
"...What is important is faith expressing itself in love." Galatians 5:6 NLT
Okay, Christian friend, the day lay ahead of you.
Opportunities abound for you to evangelize, minister, witness and share the Good News.
The field is ripe for those of us called, by God, to be harvesters.
But, before the first verse is quoted...
Or the first old hymn sung...
Or the Bible is even opened...
Make sure you heart is full of love.
Because we can have all the faith we need, bursting at the seams faith, but if we cannot present it wrapped in love, no one will want to receive it.
Love them to Jesus.
That's what He did.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 52-54, Galatians 4:12-31, Proverbs 4:20-27
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." Proverbs 4:23 NLT
Have you spoken to your Cardiologist lately?
The One who cares for your heart?
The One who knows its design better than anyone? What might be causing 'blockages'? What habits might be leading to damage to your body's motor? What small issues might need to be addressed at this stage before they become large problems?
Today's reading: Isaiah 52-54, Galatians 4:12-31, Proverbs 4:20-27
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." Proverbs 4:23 NLT
Have you spoken to your Cardiologist lately?
The One who cares for your heart?
The One who knows its design better than anyone? What might be causing 'blockages'? What habits might be leading to damage to your body's motor? What small issues might need to be addressed at this stage before they become large problems?
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Today's reading: Isaiah 49:14-51:23, Galatians 4:1-11, Proverbs 4:1-19
"...Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for a child she has borne? But even if it were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on my hand..." Isaiah 49:15-16 NLT
Oh, I know.
Some days you feel as if you've been set aside, mis-placed or forgotten about by God.
Prayers go unanswered. Blessings from yesterday need to be dusted and polished as new ones don't seem to be showering down upon you today. He just doesn't seem as near as He once did. You just feel pushed aside. Set on a shelf, out of sight--out of mind.
Here is a truth: You, friend, have not been forgotten!
None of us have.
We are as precious to God as the day He created our very beings out of the cells donated from our parents. We are as excitedly wonderful to Him as the day we drew our first breaths in this great big, beautiful world He created to bring Him glory. We are as much His today as the moment we asked Him into our hearts at an altar of salvation--whether it was years ago, months ago, days ago or just moments ago. We are more valuable to Him than anything else He created because He made us in His image and placed within us a soul that can seek Him.
He has not forgotten you.
He has your name written on His mighty hand.
Today's reading: Isaiah 49:14-51:23, Galatians 4:1-11, Proverbs 4:1-19
"...Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for a child she has borne? But even if it were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on my hand..." Isaiah 49:15-16 NLT
Oh, I know.
Some days you feel as if you've been set aside, mis-placed or forgotten about by God.
Prayers go unanswered. Blessings from yesterday need to be dusted and polished as new ones don't seem to be showering down upon you today. He just doesn't seem as near as He once did. You just feel pushed aside. Set on a shelf, out of sight--out of mind.
Here is a truth: You, friend, have not been forgotten!
None of us have.
We are as precious to God as the day He created our very beings out of the cells donated from our parents. We are as excitedly wonderful to Him as the day we drew our first breaths in this great big, beautiful world He created to bring Him glory. We are as much His today as the moment we asked Him into our hearts at an altar of salvation--whether it was years ago, months ago, days ago or just moments ago. We are more valuable to Him than anything else He created because He made us in His image and placed within us a soul that can seek Him.
He has not forgotten you.
He has your name written on His mighty hand.
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