Today's reading: Proverbs 1-4
"Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding." Proverbs 2:2 NLT
Tune-to bring into harmony; to adjust for precise functioning; to make more precise, intense or effective.
I remember my first AM/FM radio.
I remember the shelf it sat on in my bedroom. A shelf that was just high enough that little sister couldn't reach it.
I remember it took a boatload of 'D' batteries. A stunning mechanical marvel at its time, I'm sure. Top of the electronics heap for the early 80's.
I remember my best friends and I sitting around it at each and every slumber party we had.
I remember that it had a large dial with which I would have to tune into the local radio station.
I remember the dial had to be right on the money, a little to the left and it was static...a little to the right and it was radio silence.
I remember it didn't work in certain places, like the barn, where there was too much metal to allow the radio frequencies make it to the little antenna.
I remember the work it took to make the radio provide me with what I wanted to hear. The batteries that needed changing, the manual turning of the dial, the making sure I was in the right place.
So it is with God.
How badly am I wanting to hear Him?
How far from distractions will I go to make sure there is clear connecting?
Will I keep my 'batteries' charged by reading His Word, attending church, keeping sin from life?
Will I stick with it when I ask Him to speak?
Am I willing to tune in?
Friday, August 31, 2018
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Today's reading: Titus 1-3, Philemon
"He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing what is right." Titus 2:14 NLT
Free-not subject to the control or domination of another; choosing or capable of choosing for oneself.
All right, free friends, what are we doing tied up in ropes, shackled in chains and confined by our cells of addictions? Why are we wasting precious time worrying? How is it we are allowing doubt to rob us of hope, peace and security?
God has freed us.
From it all.
From every sin.
From every stronghold.
From even the shadows of giants in our present or in our past.
So, what will we do with our freedom today? Where will we allow it to take us? How will it change our words, actions, outlook?
Today's reading: Titus 1-3, Philemon
"He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing what is right." Titus 2:14 NLT
Free-not subject to the control or domination of another; choosing or capable of choosing for oneself.
All right, free friends, what are we doing tied up in ropes, shackled in chains and confined by our cells of addictions? Why are we wasting precious time worrying? How is it we are allowing doubt to rob us of hope, peace and security?
God has freed us.
From it all.
From every sin.
From every stronghold.
From even the shadows of giants in our present or in our past.
So, what will we do with our freedom today? Where will we allow it to take us? How will it change our words, actions, outlook?
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 105-106
"And the Lord multiplied the people of Israel until they became too mighty for their enemies." Psalm 105:24 NLT
Multiplied-increased in number especially greatly; to have become greater in number.
(Our pastor spoke Sunday about David and Goliath, fighting our giants and the five stones we need to do it with--I love when the Lord reiterates what I've heard, reminds me of His truths and strengthens me through the week!)
Have you got a team?
A praying team? A God's-promises believing team? A team that keeps you lifted up in prayer, grounded in His truths and celebrates victories with you?
If not, you're missing out.
We need godly folks surrounding us as we fight the fight of faith.
We need fellow Christians beside us, behind us, in front of us and sometimes, yes, in our face.
Or, you can do it on your own. You can believe your enemy's lies that...
-other folks have enough problems of their own.
-no one really cares anyway.
-this is something I've gotten myself into, and need to get myself out of.
-it's too personal of a matter.
-if I had enough faith of my own I wouldn't be in this predicament.
-I can do it on my own.
Lies. All lies.
We all need God, but we also need an 'A-team' keeping us encouraged, loved and strengthened for the fight. We need those folks we can share our burdens with. We need fellow soldiers. We also need folks to invite to our celebration party when our enemy tucks tail and runs for the hills!
And...we all need to be on someone's team, too. It's not all about us in this Christian life.
Today's reading: Psalm 105-106
"And the Lord multiplied the people of Israel until they became too mighty for their enemies." Psalm 105:24 NLT
Multiplied-increased in number especially greatly; to have become greater in number.
(Our pastor spoke Sunday about David and Goliath, fighting our giants and the five stones we need to do it with--I love when the Lord reiterates what I've heard, reminds me of His truths and strengthens me through the week!)
Have you got a team?
A praying team? A God's-promises believing team? A team that keeps you lifted up in prayer, grounded in His truths and celebrates victories with you?
If not, you're missing out.
We need godly folks surrounding us as we fight the fight of faith.
We need fellow Christians beside us, behind us, in front of us and sometimes, yes, in our face.
Or, you can do it on your own. You can believe your enemy's lies that...
-other folks have enough problems of their own.
-no one really cares anyway.
-this is something I've gotten myself into, and need to get myself out of.
-it's too personal of a matter.
-if I had enough faith of my own I wouldn't be in this predicament.
-I can do it on my own.
Lies. All lies.
We all need God, but we also need an 'A-team' keeping us encouraged, loved and strengthened for the fight. We need those folks we can share our burdens with. We need fellow soldiers. We also need folks to invite to our celebration party when our enemy tucks tail and runs for the hills!
And...we all need to be on someone's team, too. It's not all about us in this Christian life.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 103-104
"But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children's children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments." Psalm 103:17-18 NLT
Forever-for a limitless time; at all times.
Not just for right now.
Not just this week.
Not only on Sunday.
Not just when we're exceptionally good.
Not only when times are peaceful.
Not just when we feel lovable.
Today's reading: Psalm 103-104
"But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children's children of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments." Psalm 103:17-18 NLT
Forever-for a limitless time; at all times.
Not just for right now.
Not just this week.
Not only on Sunday.
Not just when we're exceptionally good.
Not only when times are peaceful.
Not just when we feel lovable.
Monday, August 27, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 98-102
"Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture." Psalm 100:3 NLT
Acknowledge-to recognize the rights, authority or status of; to recognize as genuine or valid.
We say that God is God.
We preach that God is God.
We teach our children that God is God.
We attend churches that believe God is God.
But do we acknowledge Him as God, according to the definition of the word?
Do we recognize His rights to do with our lives whatever He deems necessary to make His glory shine brightly?
Do we live in a way that gives Him freedom in our lives, freedom due His authority?
Do we step aside, willingly detour our plans, just to prove His status in our lives?
Do we know, no matter how we feel, the circumstances around us or the lack of our understanding that He is God?
Today's reading: Psalm 98-102
"Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture." Psalm 100:3 NLT
Acknowledge-to recognize the rights, authority or status of; to recognize as genuine or valid.
We say that God is God.
We preach that God is God.
We teach our children that God is God.
We attend churches that believe God is God.
But do we acknowledge Him as God, according to the definition of the word?
Do we recognize His rights to do with our lives whatever He deems necessary to make His glory shine brightly?
Do we live in a way that gives Him freedom in our lives, freedom due His authority?
Do we step aside, willingly detour our plans, just to prove His status in our lives?
Do we know, no matter how we feel, the circumstances around us or the lack of our understanding that He is God?
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 94-97
"When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer." Psalm 94:19 NLT
Doubt-an uncertainty of belief that interferes with decision making; a lack of confidence.
I'll be quite honest here and tell you this verse smacked me upside the head.
(Sure I've read it before. I even had the date of 08/05/15 written beside it. On that day something was going on that allowed me to see the verse differently. I'll have to go back and check my journals to see just what it was.)
Today's no different.
I'm needing to see the real truth behind doubt.
The definition.
The enormity of it's effect on me, my faith, my outreach.
I'm needing to realize it's doubt that is affecting my decisions.
My decisions about what I need to begin doing.
About what I need to stop doing.
About how I need to start talking-in terms of what He can do, not what is currently going on.
About how I minister to others.
About how quickly I get out of the boat when He asks.
Yep, I needed this today!
Today's reading: Psalm 94-97
"When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer." Psalm 94:19 NLT
Doubt-an uncertainty of belief that interferes with decision making; a lack of confidence.
I'll be quite honest here and tell you this verse smacked me upside the head.
(Sure I've read it before. I even had the date of 08/05/15 written beside it. On that day something was going on that allowed me to see the verse differently. I'll have to go back and check my journals to see just what it was.)
Today's no different.
I'm needing to see the real truth behind doubt.
The definition.
The enormity of it's effect on me, my faith, my outreach.
I'm needing to realize it's doubt that is affecting my decisions.
My decisions about what I need to begin doing.
About what I need to stop doing.
About how I need to start talking-in terms of what He can do, not what is currently going on.
About how I minister to others.
About how quickly I get out of the boat when He asks.
Yep, I needed this today!
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 90-93
"You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done." Psalm 92:4 NLT
Thrill-to cause to experience a sudden sharp feeling of excitement; to move or pass so as to cause a sudden wave of emotion.
You knock my socks off!
The things You do.
The ways You choose to do them.
The timing You select.
The enormity of the sphere of influence Your handiworks have.
It amazes me!
It thrills me!
It leaves me speechless, in awe and amazed.
Even when I don't understand You.
Or get why You've chosen to allow or act in the way You have.
Or like the time it's taking You to allow all the pieces to fit together perfectly.
Thanks, God!
Today's reading: Psalm 90-93
"You thrill me, Lord, with all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done." Psalm 92:4 NLT
Thrill-to cause to experience a sudden sharp feeling of excitement; to move or pass so as to cause a sudden wave of emotion.
You knock my socks off!
The things You do.
The ways You choose to do them.
The timing You select.
The enormity of the sphere of influence Your handiworks have.
It amazes me!
It thrills me!
It leaves me speechless, in awe and amazed.
Even when I don't understand You.
Or get why You've chosen to allow or act in the way You have.
Or like the time it's taking You to allow all the pieces to fit together perfectly.
Thanks, God!
Friday, August 24, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 87-89
"The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours--you created it all. You created north and south..." Psalm 89:11-12 NLT
Created-brought into existence.
Do you realize what an overwhelmingly powerful thought it is that the God who created this earth, created north and south, hears our prayers, placed us where we are for a purpose and loves us to the point He would give us His Son so we could be with Him?
Have you ever considered that?
That the One who determined north and south, north and south, folks, knows your name?
The numbers of hairs on your head?
The number of days in your life?
The order of DNA in your forming?
The arrangement of cells in your body?
Does that knowledge give you hope for whatever it is you face today?
Today's reading: Psalm 87-89
"The heavens are yours, and the earth is yours; everything in the world is yours--you created it all. You created north and south..." Psalm 89:11-12 NLT
Created-brought into existence.
Do you realize what an overwhelmingly powerful thought it is that the God who created this earth, created north and south, hears our prayers, placed us where we are for a purpose and loves us to the point He would give us His Son so we could be with Him?
Have you ever considered that?
That the One who determined north and south, north and south, folks, knows your name?
The numbers of hairs on your head?
The number of days in your life?
The order of DNA in your forming?
The arrangement of cells in your body?
Does that knowledge give you hope for whatever it is you face today?
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 83-85
"...Make them failures in everything they do until they learn that you alone are called the Lord, that you alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth." Psalm 83:17-18 NLT
Failure-lack of success; a falling short; someone or something that has not succeeded.
I'm in a season of life that is full of emotions. Emotions of every type, size and flavor.
We have a high school Senior in our home.
Every choice I watch him make looks different.
Every decision he is faced with seems bigger.
Every 'fork in the road' that he comes to at this stage seems more monumental.
I'm spending lots of time on my knees praying for God to lead him, for God to direct Him, for God to open doors for him that he needs to walk through.
And after this morning, I'm also praying for failures.
The kind of failures that will land my boy firmly at the feet of Jesus.
The kind of failures that will be good life lessons, godly life lessons.
The kind of failures that will remind him again and again how much he needs God in his heart and life.
Why? Because as much as I want this 'man-on-loan-to-me' to be successful, happy and an impact maker, I want him to know God personally.
That's my top priority as his number one fan, his biggest supporter, his funder and his mom.
Today's reading: Psalm 83-85
"...Make them failures in everything they do until they learn that you alone are called the Lord, that you alone are the Most High, supreme over all the earth." Psalm 83:17-18 NLT
Failure-lack of success; a falling short; someone or something that has not succeeded.
I'm in a season of life that is full of emotions. Emotions of every type, size and flavor.
We have a high school Senior in our home.
Every choice I watch him make looks different.
Every decision he is faced with seems bigger.
Every 'fork in the road' that he comes to at this stage seems more monumental.
I'm spending lots of time on my knees praying for God to lead him, for God to direct Him, for God to open doors for him that he needs to walk through.
And after this morning, I'm also praying for failures.
The kind of failures that will land my boy firmly at the feet of Jesus.
The kind of failures that will be good life lessons, godly life lessons.
The kind of failures that will remind him again and again how much he needs God in his heart and life.
Why? Because as much as I want this 'man-on-loan-to-me' to be successful, happy and an impact maker, I want him to know God personally.
That's my top priority as his number one fan, his biggest supporter, his funder and his mom.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 79-82
"Turn us again to yourself, O God. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved." Psalm 80:3 NLT
"Turn us again to yourself, O God Almighty. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved." Psalm 80:7 NLT
"Turn us again to yourself, O God Almighty. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved." Psalm 80:19 NLT
Turn-to cause to change position; to revolve mentally; to bend or change the course of.
What does it take for God to turn our hearts back to Him?
For some of us, small nudges. Little leadings of the Holy Spirit within our hearts. Tiny nods in His direction.
For others of us, it takes moving sermons, heart-touching worship services or one-on-one discussions with godly friends giving heartfelt and Bible-based advice.
And still others of us require more.
Lots more.
Earth shaking, plans shattering, diagnosis,slaps in the face, hitting the ground hard, having everything removed from our hands, knock the props out from under us movements of God.
As I think this morning about being 'turned' back to God, I would always choose His gentle nudgings, His quiet leadings, His subtle nods--and yet, my heart knows in some areas of my life, it will require more. Much more.
Today's reading: Psalm 79-82
"Turn us again to yourself, O God. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved." Psalm 80:3 NLT
"Turn us again to yourself, O God Almighty. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved." Psalm 80:7 NLT
"Turn us again to yourself, O God Almighty. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved." Psalm 80:19 NLT
Turn-to cause to change position; to revolve mentally; to bend or change the course of.
What does it take for God to turn our hearts back to Him?
For some of us, small nudges. Little leadings of the Holy Spirit within our hearts. Tiny nods in His direction.
For others of us, it takes moving sermons, heart-touching worship services or one-on-one discussions with godly friends giving heartfelt and Bible-based advice.
And still others of us require more.
Lots more.
Earth shaking, plans shattering, diagnosis,slaps in the face, hitting the ground hard, having everything removed from our hands, knock the props out from under us movements of God.
As I think this morning about being 'turned' back to God, I would always choose His gentle nudgings, His quiet leadings, His subtle nods--and yet, my heart knows in some areas of my life, it will require more. Much more.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 77-78
"They made God angry by building altars to other gods; they made him jealous with their idols." Psalm 78:58 NLT
Altar-a center of worship or ritual; a thing given great value or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else.
I've asked God to tear down any altars I've built to anyone or anything other than Him.
To physically and emotionally tear them down.
To show me what I've chosen to place trust in, other than Him.
To open my eyes as to what crutches I've used to make myself more surefooted or comfortable.
To point out in my 'planner' what's getting my time and attention.
To bring to light.
To completely expose.
To reveal to me what I've allowed to take His place.
Today's reading: Psalm 77-78
"They made God angry by building altars to other gods; they made him jealous with their idols." Psalm 78:58 NLT
Altar-a center of worship or ritual; a thing given great value or undue precedence or value especially at the cost of something else.
I've asked God to tear down any altars I've built to anyone or anything other than Him.
To physically and emotionally tear them down.
To show me what I've chosen to place trust in, other than Him.
To open my eyes as to what crutches I've used to make myself more surefooted or comfortable.
To point out in my 'planner' what's getting my time and attention.
To bring to light.
To completely expose.
To reveal to me what I've allowed to take His place.
Monday, August 20, 2018
Today's reading: Psalm 73-76
"When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the one who keeps its foundations firm." Psalm 75:3 NLT
Firm-securely or solidly fixed in place; not weak or uncertain.
I do not believe there could be a better verse for me this morning as I pray over some needs in my immediate circle of friends...
The hand of God holds everything securely I can tell my friend and his family facing a life-changing doctor visit.
The Creator is keeping everything spinning in orbit I can tell a gal whose life makes her feel like it is falling apart.
The God of the universe is a strong foundation, I can whisper in the ear of a loved one who is feeling like the earth is slipping out from under her feet.
You see, there are earthquakes in life that never register on the Richter scale.
There are tsunamis of the heart that never make the national news.
Storms happen on an hourly basis that are never reported by our local weathermen.
And still God stands firm.
Today's reading: Psalm 73-76
"When the earth quakes and its people live in turmoil, I am the one who keeps its foundations firm." Psalm 75:3 NLT
Firm-securely or solidly fixed in place; not weak or uncertain.
I do not believe there could be a better verse for me this morning as I pray over some needs in my immediate circle of friends...
The hand of God holds everything securely I can tell my friend and his family facing a life-changing doctor visit.
The Creator is keeping everything spinning in orbit I can tell a gal whose life makes her feel like it is falling apart.
The God of the universe is a strong foundation, I can whisper in the ear of a loved one who is feeling like the earth is slipping out from under her feet.
You see, there are earthquakes in life that never register on the Richter scale.
There are tsunamis of the heart that never make the national news.
Storms happen on an hourly basis that are never reported by our local weathermen.
And still God stands firm.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Today's reading: Job 39-42
"Do you know..." Job 39:1 NLT
Know-to have understanding of; to be aware of the truth or factuality of.
I think these are my favorite words in the entire book of Job.
These words, 'Do you know...', are faith-settlers for me.
When I question God.
When I question the circumstances I find myself in.
When I question His timing.
When I question what I see, hear or feel.
When I question the fact that I just don't like what I'm going through...
I hear God say to me, 'Do you know?'
And it quickly reminds me that, no, I do not!
I don't know what God has in store.
I don't know when God's perfect time is.
I don't know why I have to wait, hurt, struggle or learn.
I don't know who needs to be readied, heart and mind, for the things of God to overwhelm.
When my faith struggles, I find hope in the words of God, 'Do you know?', because I also hear Him say, 'I do, child.'
Today's reading: Job 39-42
"Do you know..." Job 39:1 NLT
Know-to have understanding of; to be aware of the truth or factuality of.
I think these are my favorite words in the entire book of Job.
These words, 'Do you know...', are faith-settlers for me.
When I question God.
When I question the circumstances I find myself in.
When I question His timing.
When I question what I see, hear or feel.
When I question the fact that I just don't like what I'm going through...
I hear God say to me, 'Do you know?'
And it quickly reminds me that, no, I do not!
I don't know what God has in store.
I don't know when God's perfect time is.
I don't know why I have to wait, hurt, struggle or learn.
I don't know who needs to be readied, heart and mind, for the things of God to overwhelm.
When my faith struggles, I find hope in the words of God, 'Do you know?', because I also hear Him say, 'I do, child.'
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Today's reading: Job 35-38
"Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:" Job 38:1 NLT
Whirlwind-a small rotating windstorm of limited extent; a confused rush.
It's interesting to find out that the same word used in regards to Job's trying time, a whirlwind (ca'ar), is the same word used for the storm Jonah faced on the sea.
Job's storm didn't involve the same outside forces as Jonah's. Job's storm didn't have the same root cause as Jonah's. Job's storm didn't have the same cast of characters as Jonah's.
The settings were different. The audiences were different. The events leading up to the climax of the account were different.
And yet God spoke, by audible words or by the arrangement of circumstances, in both whirlwinds.
Your whirlwind is different from anyone else's.
You will be able to hear His voice over the storm, if you listen for it.
You will find safety and security clinging to Him.
Your storm will end, the clouds will break up, the sun will shine again and the rainbow will light up the sky...in His time.
But while you wait for the whirlwind to end, listen for Him. Feel Him near you. Watch for His hands to be at work.
Today's reading: Job 35-38
"Then the Lord answered Job from the whirlwind:" Job 38:1 NLT
Whirlwind-a small rotating windstorm of limited extent; a confused rush.
It's interesting to find out that the same word used in regards to Job's trying time, a whirlwind (ca'ar), is the same word used for the storm Jonah faced on the sea.
Job's storm didn't involve the same outside forces as Jonah's. Job's storm didn't have the same root cause as Jonah's. Job's storm didn't have the same cast of characters as Jonah's.
The settings were different. The audiences were different. The events leading up to the climax of the account were different.
And yet God spoke, by audible words or by the arrangement of circumstances, in both whirlwinds.
Your whirlwind is different from anyone else's.
You will be able to hear His voice over the storm, if you listen for it.
You will find safety and security clinging to Him.
Your storm will end, the clouds will break up, the sun will shine again and the rainbow will light up the sky...in His time.
But while you wait for the whirlwind to end, listen for Him. Feel Him near you. Watch for His hands to be at work.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Today's reading: Job 31-34
"...Let the Almighty show me that I am wrong..." Job 31:35 NLT
Wrong-not according to moral standards; not right or proper; not satisfactory.
Ever asked for constructive criticism, then not like at all what you're told?
We all have!
We pray that God directs our paths, points us in the right direction, steer us from sins and guide us away from wrong.
And He answers each and every time.
Maybe His words came from the Bible...
Maybe from the pulpit...
Maybe from a trusted, godly friend...
Maybe from circumstances He allowed to open your eyes, things that fall into place, things that fall apart, doors that open or doors that slam shut and are deadbolted closed...
Maybe from Him speaking to your very soul...
What a wonderful gift it is that our Creator will answer us and loves us enough to give us good advice for a great life--if only we will listen!
Today's reading: Job 31-34
"...Let the Almighty show me that I am wrong..." Job 31:35 NLT
Wrong-not according to moral standards; not right or proper; not satisfactory.
Ever asked for constructive criticism, then not like at all what you're told?
We all have!
We pray that God directs our paths, points us in the right direction, steer us from sins and guide us away from wrong.
And He answers each and every time.
Maybe His words came from the Bible...
Maybe from the pulpit...
Maybe from a trusted, godly friend...
Maybe from circumstances He allowed to open your eyes, things that fall into place, things that fall apart, doors that open or doors that slam shut and are deadbolted closed...
Maybe from Him speaking to your very soul...
What a wonderful gift it is that our Creator will answer us and loves us enough to give us good advice for a great life--if only we will listen!
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Today's reading: Job 27-30
"The wicked go to bed rich but wake up to find that all their wealth is gone." Job 27:19 NLT
Rich-having abundant possessions and especially material wealth; magnificently impressive.
I'm reminded by this verse how opulently blessed I am to be God's child!
My bank account may be counted in the pennies, but I am richly loved by God!
My morning may have started with a squabble, a skirmish and a stubbed toe, but I am personally protected by the God of angel armies!
My body, though weak and fragile, is considered to be a temple of God!
My future is secure!
My hope is in much higher things than I can see here on earth!
My wardrobe consists of white-washed robes of righteousness!
Yes, the ungodly may wake up to find themselves in the poorhouse, but I will not!
Today's reading: Job 27-30
"The wicked go to bed rich but wake up to find that all their wealth is gone." Job 27:19 NLT
Rich-having abundant possessions and especially material wealth; magnificently impressive.
I'm reminded by this verse how opulently blessed I am to be God's child!
My bank account may be counted in the pennies, but I am richly loved by God!
My morning may have started with a squabble, a skirmish and a stubbed toe, but I am personally protected by the God of angel armies!
My body, though weak and fragile, is considered to be a temple of God!
My future is secure!
My hope is in much higher things than I can see here on earth!
My wardrobe consists of white-washed robes of righteousness!
Yes, the ungodly may wake up to find themselves in the poorhouse, but I will not!
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Today's reading: Job 22-26
"Listen to his instructions, and store them in your heart." Job 22:22 NLT
Store-to place or leave in a designated location; to lay up; to accumulate.
The Lord and I had a discussion about this verse this morning.
The question He asked me was a simple one...
What is filling the shelves of your heart, my daughter?
Today's reading: Job 22-26
"Listen to his instructions, and store them in your heart." Job 22:22 NLT
Store-to place or leave in a designated location; to lay up; to accumulate.
The Lord and I had a discussion about this verse this morning.
The question He asked me was a simple one...
What is filling the shelves of your heart, my daughter?
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Today's reading: Job 17-21
"My complaint is with God, not with people. No wonder I am so impatient." Job 21:4 NLT
Complaint-an expression of grief, pain or dissatisfaction; a formal allegation against a party; a quarrel.
Here is what my notepad looks like this morning as I digest this verse...
-Am I often impatient with someone in regards to a situation that is completely out of their control? Yes.
-Do I regularly become convicted by my own sins and lash out at another? Yes.
-Are there times I 'vent' on the wrong person/people? Yes.
-If I was honest, if I slowed down and thought for even a moment, if I chose to re-think this verse, is it true that my complaint is with God, not with people? Yes.
I tend to think I cannot voice my concerns, dislikes or anger at God. I tend to live by the verse that says I cannot shake my fist at God, and that verse is not anywhere in the Bible! I errantly believe that if I keep my feelings to myself, not share them while sitting in my prayer chair, God won't know about them.
This verse has been a real eye-opener for me this morning in how I deal with God and how I deal with people.
I want to take to God the complaints I have against Him so that He can walk me through processing them, trusting Him through them and seeing them from His perspective-as He allows.
God, help me be a do-er of the Word, not a hear-er only!
Today's reading: Job 17-21
"My complaint is with God, not with people. No wonder I am so impatient." Job 21:4 NLT
Complaint-an expression of grief, pain or dissatisfaction; a formal allegation against a party; a quarrel.
Here is what my notepad looks like this morning as I digest this verse...
-Am I often impatient with someone in regards to a situation that is completely out of their control? Yes.
-Do I regularly become convicted by my own sins and lash out at another? Yes.
-Are there times I 'vent' on the wrong person/people? Yes.
-If I was honest, if I slowed down and thought for even a moment, if I chose to re-think this verse, is it true that my complaint is with God, not with people? Yes.
I tend to think I cannot voice my concerns, dislikes or anger at God. I tend to live by the verse that says I cannot shake my fist at God, and that verse is not anywhere in the Bible! I errantly believe that if I keep my feelings to myself, not share them while sitting in my prayer chair, God won't know about them.
This verse has been a real eye-opener for me this morning in how I deal with God and how I deal with people.
I want to take to God the complaints I have against Him so that He can walk me through processing them, trusting Him through them and seeing them from His perspective-as He allows.
God, help me be a do-er of the Word, not a hear-er only!
Monday, August 13, 2018
Today's reading: Job 13-16
"You have decided the length of our lives. You know how many months we will live, and we are not given a minute longer." Job 14:5 NLT
Length-duration or extent of time; a long expanse or stretch.
God holds in His hands the calendar of our lives.
He knows how long we will walk this earth.
He knows the duration of our stay here.
What He allows us to determine is the depth of our lives.
How fully we will fill our days.
How well we will spend our time.
He gives us the option to make Him the primary purpose of our lives, which fills us completely and deeply.
More deeply than anything else we might want to spend our 'currency' of time on.
So, I'll ask you what I've asked myself--how deeply are you living?
Today's reading: Job 13-16
"You have decided the length of our lives. You know how many months we will live, and we are not given a minute longer." Job 14:5 NLT
Length-duration or extent of time; a long expanse or stretch.
God holds in His hands the calendar of our lives.
He knows how long we will walk this earth.
He knows the duration of our stay here.
What He allows us to determine is the depth of our lives.
How fully we will fill our days.
How well we will spend our time.
He gives us the option to make Him the primary purpose of our lives, which fills us completely and deeply.
More deeply than anything else we might want to spend our 'currency' of time on.
So, I'll ask you what I've asked myself--how deeply are you living?
Sunday, August 12, 2018
Today's reading: Job 9-12
"You clothed me with skin and flesh, you knit my bones and sinews together." Job 10:11 NLT
Knit-to link firmly or closely; to cause to grow together.
In the middle of his trials...
In the gut-wrenching sorrow he had to be experiencing...
Through teary eyes...
Job knew his Creator.
He knew how intricately God had made him. How specifically God had worked to create him. How precisely God had fashioned his body to work.
And in the middle of Job's nightmare, he recalled those truths and spoke them aloud.
Maybe we need to do that.
Through the tears, praise Him.
While the storm rages, acknowledge His spectacular creation-us.
Before the battle ends, honor His name!
Today's reading: Job 9-12
"You clothed me with skin and flesh, you knit my bones and sinews together." Job 10:11 NLT
Knit-to link firmly or closely; to cause to grow together.
In the middle of his trials...
In the gut-wrenching sorrow he had to be experiencing...
Through teary eyes...
Job knew his Creator.
He knew how intricately God had made him. How specifically God had worked to create him. How precisely God had fashioned his body to work.
And in the middle of Job's nightmare, he recalled those truths and spoke them aloud.
Maybe we need to do that.
Through the tears, praise Him.
While the storm rages, acknowledge His spectacular creation-us.
Before the battle ends, honor His name!
Saturday, August 11, 2018
Today's reading: Job 5-8
"But consider the joy of those corrected by God! Do not despise the chastening of the Almighty when you sin." Job 5:17 NLT
Chastening-correction by punishment or suffering; pruning; to cause to be more humbled or restrained.
Thank You, God, for not allowing me to 'run out in the street', without discipline.
Thank You for the times You've had to 'swat my backside' to set me back on the right path.
Thank You for removing things from my hands that weren't mine or weren't the best for me.
Thank You for the 'time outs' You have placed me in to think about what I'd done.
Thank You for loving me enough to correct me, humble me and teach me Your ways!
Today's reading: Job 5-8
"But consider the joy of those corrected by God! Do not despise the chastening of the Almighty when you sin." Job 5:17 NLT
Chastening-correction by punishment or suffering; pruning; to cause to be more humbled or restrained.
Thank You, God, for not allowing me to 'run out in the street', without discipline.
Thank You for the times You've had to 'swat my backside' to set me back on the right path.
Thank You for removing things from my hands that weren't mine or weren't the best for me.
Thank You for the 'time outs' You have placed me in to think about what I'd done.
Thank You for loving me enough to correct me, humble me and teach me Your ways!
Friday, August 10, 2018
Today's reading: Job 1-4
"All right, you may test him, the Lord said to Satan. Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don't harm him physically. So Satan left the Lord's presence." Job 1:11 NLT
Everything-all that exists; all that is important.
In reading the first few chapters of Job this morning, I'm hit with a thought that boosts my spirits, swirls in my head and gives me cause to rejoice in the love of my Creator.
God allowed Satan.
God let him test Job.
God set limits on what Satan could touch and how far Satan could go.
God does the same for us!
When the bottom falls out, when the world turns upside down, when the storms rage relentlessly, we have a tendency to think God loves us less than Sister So-and-So, Brother Has-It-All-Together or Job.
But He doesn't.
He loves us as much as He loved Job--and draws a line in the sand for how much of our lives Satan can touch!
So whatever it is Satan has his grimy, slimy fingers on, God has allowed it, because of the faith He has in you.
Whatever facets of your life Satan is shadowing over, God has allowed it, because of the testimony He is writing for you.
He loves us enough to allow it, He believes in us enough to let it happen, He is close enough to us to help us endure it.
Where Satan is is ONLY by God's permission.
Today's reading: Job 1-4
"All right, you may test him, the Lord said to Satan. Do whatever you want with everything he possesses, but don't harm him physically. So Satan left the Lord's presence." Job 1:11 NLT
Everything-all that exists; all that is important.
In reading the first few chapters of Job this morning, I'm hit with a thought that boosts my spirits, swirls in my head and gives me cause to rejoice in the love of my Creator.
God allowed Satan.
God let him test Job.
God set limits on what Satan could touch and how far Satan could go.
God does the same for us!
When the bottom falls out, when the world turns upside down, when the storms rage relentlessly, we have a tendency to think God loves us less than Sister So-and-So, Brother Has-It-All-Together or Job.
But He doesn't.
He loves us as much as He loved Job--and draws a line in the sand for how much of our lives Satan can touch!
So whatever it is Satan has his grimy, slimy fingers on, God has allowed it, because of the faith He has in you.
Whatever facets of your life Satan is shadowing over, God has allowed it, because of the testimony He is writing for you.
He loves us enough to allow it, He believes in us enough to let it happen, He is close enough to us to help us endure it.
Where Satan is is ONLY by God's permission.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Today's reading: 2 Timothy 1-4
"But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you." 2 Timothy 3:14 NLT
I've slipped a verse inside my little fella's backpack every year for the past eleven years.
A verse I prayed over his life, actions, influences and heart the whole school year.
This is his Senior year in high school, so I've been pouring over the Scriptures looking for 'just the right one', as if there are any bad ones.
This morning I found it.
The words 'remain faithful' jump off the page.
It soothes my momma's heart to know my charge has been presented with the Gospel, he has been introduced to my Savior, he has chosen to accept Jesus into his heart, he has been a part of a dynamic church family where the Bible is taught and godliness is expected.
But now it's becoming time for him to remain faithful in that.
In a time when there are fewer and fewer fellow believers.
At a point in his life when other routes seem attractive.
During a season of living when he believes he knows better than anyone else what's good for him.
As he steps farther and farther out on the limb and eventually out of the nest and into the world.
I pray he remains faithful to God.
I guess that's always been the basis of every prayer I've prayed for him.
Today's reading: 2 Timothy 1-4
"But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you." 2 Timothy 3:14 NLT
I've slipped a verse inside my little fella's backpack every year for the past eleven years.
A verse I prayed over his life, actions, influences and heart the whole school year.
This is his Senior year in high school, so I've been pouring over the Scriptures looking for 'just the right one', as if there are any bad ones.
This morning I found it.
The words 'remain faithful' jump off the page.
It soothes my momma's heart to know my charge has been presented with the Gospel, he has been introduced to my Savior, he has chosen to accept Jesus into his heart, he has been a part of a dynamic church family where the Bible is taught and godliness is expected.
But now it's becoming time for him to remain faithful in that.
In a time when there are fewer and fewer fellow believers.
At a point in his life when other routes seem attractive.
During a season of living when he believes he knows better than anyone else what's good for him.
As he steps farther and farther out on the limb and eventually out of the nest and into the world.
I pray he remains faithful to God.
I guess that's always been the basis of every prayer I've prayed for him.
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Today's reading: 1 Timothy 4-6
"Yet true religion with contentment is great wealth." 1 Timothy 6:6 NLT
Contentment-quality or state of being satisfied with one's possessions, status or situation; a perfect condition of life in which no aid or support is needed.
To have the type of relationship with God that I need never ask for another thing?
To trust Him enough to handle all that happens, without my prayer requests, pleadings or suggestions?
To endure my situations knowing He has lovingly placed me in them?
That's what I want.
I want my first reaction to anything that happens, comes to be, occurs or is revealed to be contentment.
To be satisfied with what ever it is God places in my life, removes from my life or calls me to endure in my life.
True religion, a personal, to the core, relationship with my God, will bring about contentment and contentment will be my greatest asset. It will be the funds in my faith bank!
Today's reading: 1 Timothy 4-6
"Yet true religion with contentment is great wealth." 1 Timothy 6:6 NLT
Contentment-quality or state of being satisfied with one's possessions, status or situation; a perfect condition of life in which no aid or support is needed.
To have the type of relationship with God that I need never ask for another thing?
To trust Him enough to handle all that happens, without my prayer requests, pleadings or suggestions?
To endure my situations knowing He has lovingly placed me in them?
That's what I want.
I want my first reaction to anything that happens, comes to be, occurs or is revealed to be contentment.
To be satisfied with what ever it is God places in my life, removes from my life or calls me to endure in my life.
True religion, a personal, to the core, relationship with my God, will bring about contentment and contentment will be my greatest asset. It will be the funds in my faith bank!
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Today's reading: 1 Timothy 1-3
"And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 1:14 NLT
Today's reading: 1 Timothy 1-3
"And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 1:14 NLT
Abundant-existing or occurring in large amounts; marked by great plenty.
On a morning when I can already tell I'm lacking patience, limiting His power to flow through me because of my attitude and holding myself back from giving myself freely to His cause--I need to know God is abundant!
He is plenty.
He is sufficient for me to trust.
Sufficient for me to lean on.
He is enough, more than enough.
His grace extends to me. His love reaches out to me. His faith is strong enough for me to fall backwards in to.
Monday, August 6, 2018
Today's reading: Esther 7-10
"Meanwhile, the other Jews throughout the king's provinces had gathered together to defend their lives. They gained relief from their enemies, killing seventy-five thousand of those who hated them. But they did not take any plunder." Esther 9:16 NLT
Relief-removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful or distressing.
Imagine not having 'Damocles' sword' hanging over you.
Or having the weight of condemnation, at every turn, lifted off your shoulders.
Or not having to dodge fiery darts.
Or not having to listening to the nagging words of your enemy.
Or not having a constant, on repeat, reminder of all your past failures.
Imagine having relief from your enemies.
We do.
Yes, as born again believers, our enemy has been defeated--but are we letting him know that?
Today's reading: Esther 7-10
"Meanwhile, the other Jews throughout the king's provinces had gathered together to defend their lives. They gained relief from their enemies, killing seventy-five thousand of those who hated them. But they did not take any plunder." Esther 9:16 NLT
Relief-removal or lightening of something oppressive, painful or distressing.
Imagine not having 'Damocles' sword' hanging over you.
Or having the weight of condemnation, at every turn, lifted off your shoulders.
Or not having to dodge fiery darts.
Or not having to listening to the nagging words of your enemy.
Or not having a constant, on repeat, reminder of all your past failures.
Imagine having relief from your enemies.
We do.
Yes, as born again believers, our enemy has been defeated--but are we letting him know that?
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Today's reading: Esther 4-6
"If Your Majesty is pleased with me and wants to grant my request, please come with Haman tomorrow to the banquet I will prepare for you. Then tomorrow I will explain what this is all about." Esther 5:8 NLT
Explain-to make known; to make plain or understandable; to give the reason for or cause of.
Oh, admirable Esther!
Instead of spilling your guts at the first opportunity, you waited for God to give you the words.
Instead of baring your soul in a moment of emotional turmoil, you gave yourself time to pray and select carefully chosen words.
Instead of pointing the finger immediately at Haman, you allowed God to step in and work more wonders in that the king couldn't sleep that night, Haman was humbled and Mordecai was honored.
Instead of taking things into your own hands, you placed them in God's and let Him work out the details--in His time and in His way.
Let me follow your example!
Today's reading: Esther 4-6
"If Your Majesty is pleased with me and wants to grant my request, please come with Haman tomorrow to the banquet I will prepare for you. Then tomorrow I will explain what this is all about." Esther 5:8 NLT
Explain-to make known; to make plain or understandable; to give the reason for or cause of.
Oh, admirable Esther!
Instead of spilling your guts at the first opportunity, you waited for God to give you the words.
Instead of baring your soul in a moment of emotional turmoil, you gave yourself time to pray and select carefully chosen words.
Instead of pointing the finger immediately at Haman, you allowed God to step in and work more wonders in that the king couldn't sleep that night, Haman was humbled and Mordecai was honored.
Instead of taking things into your own hands, you placed them in God's and let Him work out the details--in His time and in His way.
Let me follow your example!
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Today's reading: Esther 1-3
"But after Xerxes' anger had cooled, he began thinking about Vashti and what she had done and the decree he had made." Esther 2:1 NLT
Thinking-exercising the powers of judgement, conception or inference; subjecting one's self to the processes of logical thought; reflecting on.
I know how Xerxes must have felt.
No, not how it felt to live in a fine palace festooned with blue and white linen hangings, marble pillars and floors of mosaic porphyry. Not even sure what that is!
Or to have an enormous number of servant's attending his every whim.
Or to have at my disposal the power to rule countries.
I know how it is to think after I've made a decision.
To have gotten the order of things out of whack.
To have regrets.
This reading has reminded me of how vital it is that I talk with God through each and every decision I come to.
Talk to Him first, not after I've made decisions I will regret.
Today's reading: Esther 1-3
"But after Xerxes' anger had cooled, he began thinking about Vashti and what she had done and the decree he had made." Esther 2:1 NLT
Thinking-exercising the powers of judgement, conception or inference; subjecting one's self to the processes of logical thought; reflecting on.
I know how Xerxes must have felt.
No, not how it felt to live in a fine palace festooned with blue and white linen hangings, marble pillars and floors of mosaic porphyry. Not even sure what that is!
Or to have an enormous number of servant's attending his every whim.
Or to have at my disposal the power to rule countries.
I know how it is to think after I've made a decision.
To have gotten the order of things out of whack.
To have regrets.
This reading has reminded me of how vital it is that I talk with God through each and every decision I come to.
Talk to Him first, not after I've made decisions I will regret.
Friday, August 3, 2018
Today's reading: Nehemiah 10-13
"Many sacrifices were offered on that joyous day, for God had given the people cause for great joy. The women and children also participated in the celebrations, and the joy of the people of Jerusalem could be heard far away." Nehemiah 12:3 NLT
Cause-a reason for an action or condition; something that brings about an effect or a result.
It's not that God doesn't deserve it...
It's not that Jesus' death on the cross for our sins isn't reason enough...
It's not that all God's blessings don't warrant it...
It's not that we aren't capable of doing it...
So, church family, why aren't the praises of our King heard far away?
Why don't our praises echo throughout our church communities?
Why aren't people being drawn to our times of worship, out of intrigue and interest?
God has given us cause to make our praises ring out!
Today's reading: Nehemiah 10-13
"Many sacrifices were offered on that joyous day, for God had given the people cause for great joy. The women and children also participated in the celebrations, and the joy of the people of Jerusalem could be heard far away." Nehemiah 12:3 NLT
Cause-a reason for an action or condition; something that brings about an effect or a result.
It's not that God doesn't deserve it...
It's not that Jesus' death on the cross for our sins isn't reason enough...
It's not that all God's blessings don't warrant it...
It's not that we aren't capable of doing it...
So, church family, why aren't the praises of our King heard far away?
Why don't our praises echo throughout our church communities?
Why aren't people being drawn to our times of worship, out of intrigue and interest?
God has given us cause to make our praises ring out!
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Today's reading: Nehemiah 7-9
"So now today we are slaves here in the land of plenty that you gave to our ancestors! We are slaves among all this abundance!" Nehemiah 9:36 NLT
Slave-a person held in servitude as the chattel of another; one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence.
What appropriate words for us today!
Never have I seen so much slavery amidst abundance, so many folks tied down to their blessings, so many people servant to their schedules.
How many outside forces will we allow to fill our days, fritter away our time and borrow from the bank accounts of our lives?
Are we allowing the care and coddling of all that God has given us to steal time away from being able to worship Him, to sit before Him, to do for Him?
Today's reading: Nehemiah 7-9
"So now today we are slaves here in the land of plenty that you gave to our ancestors! We are slaves among all this abundance!" Nehemiah 9:36 NLT
Slave-a person held in servitude as the chattel of another; one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence.
What appropriate words for us today!
Never have I seen so much slavery amidst abundance, so many folks tied down to their blessings, so many people servant to their schedules.
How many outside forces will we allow to fill our days, fritter away our time and borrow from the bank accounts of our lives?
Are we allowing the care and coddling of all that God has given us to steal time away from being able to worship Him, to sit before Him, to do for Him?
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Today's reading: Nehemiah 4-6
"When our enemies and the surrounding nations heard about it, they were frightened and humiliated. They realized that this work had been done with the help of our God." Nehemiah 6:16 NLT
Realized-having been brought into concrete evidence.
Today is the day I want to see my enemy sweat!
I want to be there, right there staring him down, when he realizes that what I'm up to is backed 100% by God!
I want the one standing against me to cower in fear when he finally sees my Redeemer at work in me.
I want to have God's power coursing through my veins.
I want to do things today that makes my enemy say, 'Man alive, God must be in her!'
I want how I live to point squarely to the One I serve...the One I believe in...the One I trust wholeheartedly...the One who works through me!
Today's reading: Nehemiah 4-6
"When our enemies and the surrounding nations heard about it, they were frightened and humiliated. They realized that this work had been done with the help of our God." Nehemiah 6:16 NLT
Realized-having been brought into concrete evidence.
Today is the day I want to see my enemy sweat!
I want to be there, right there staring him down, when he realizes that what I'm up to is backed 100% by God!
I want the one standing against me to cower in fear when he finally sees my Redeemer at work in me.
I want to have God's power coursing through my veins.
I want to do things today that makes my enemy say, 'Man alive, God must be in her!'
I want how I live to point squarely to the One I serve...the One I believe in...the One I trust wholeheartedly...the One who works through me!
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