Today's reading: Exodus 16-18
"Oh, that we were back in Egypt, they moaned. It would have been better if the Lord had killed us there! At least there we had plenty to eat. But now you have brought us into this desert to starve us to death." Exodus 16:3 NLT
Better-greater than half; improved in health or mental attitude; more attractive, favorable or commendable; more advantageous or effective; improved in accuracy or performance.
Really, children of Israel? Really?
You honestly believe that being slaves was better than the sandy walk you're on?
That being owned by another and used for their intents and purposes is better than the inconvenience of a growling stomach?
You think death in Egypt would be better than life in a land flowing with milk and honey?
That the routine of slavery is better than the promise of freedom?
That anything a pharaoh might offer is better than the promises of God?
That less than our Creator's grandest plan is better for us?
Little dramatic, don't you think?
Oh, for the reminder!
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Today's reading: Exodus 13-15
"When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had displayed against the Egyptians, they feared the Lord and put their faith in him and his servant Moses." Exodus 14:31 NLT
Feared-to be afraid of; to revere; to stand in awe of; to respect.
We find in this verse the children of God celebrating what they've just witnessed God having done. They are standing around with their mouths open in awe of His great works. They are talking amongst themselves about what they have just seen happen.
They have just been amazed and astounded by God.
They have just watched Him rescue them from the hands of their enemy.
They have experienced first hand how very much they are loved by Him.
The problem is, they will soon lose this awe and wonder. They will soon forget how great their rescue was. They will soon be faced with a new enemy that cause them to lose faith.
Within just a few verses.
Within days of their crossing the Red Sea.
How can they forget, you ask? How could they ever doubt after having seen what they saw? How could they ever fail to trust in the Lord's power and might? How could His miraculous ways ever leave their hearts or minds? How could His love for them ever be proved in a greater way?
Great is it we do just that?
Today's reading: Exodus 13-15
"When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the Lord had displayed against the Egyptians, they feared the Lord and put their faith in him and his servant Moses." Exodus 14:31 NLT
Feared-to be afraid of; to revere; to stand in awe of; to respect.
We find in this verse the children of God celebrating what they've just witnessed God having done. They are standing around with their mouths open in awe of His great works. They are talking amongst themselves about what they have just seen happen.
They have just been amazed and astounded by God.
They have just watched Him rescue them from the hands of their enemy.
They have experienced first hand how very much they are loved by Him.
The problem is, they will soon lose this awe and wonder. They will soon forget how great their rescue was. They will soon be faced with a new enemy that cause them to lose faith.
Within just a few verses.
Within days of their crossing the Red Sea.
How can they forget, you ask? How could they ever doubt after having seen what they saw? How could they ever fail to trust in the Lord's power and might? How could His miraculous ways ever leave their hearts or minds? How could His love for them ever be proved in a greater way?
Great is it we do just that?
Monday, January 29, 2018
Today's reading: Exodus 10-12
"The blood you have smeared on your doorposts will serve as a sign. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt." Exodus 12:13 NLT
Blood- the fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins of a vertebrate animal carrying nourishment and oxygen to and bringing away waste products from all parts of the body.
Oh, oh, oh, I have goosebumps!
I've grown up knowing about the 'blood'.
I've sang all the verses of 'Nothing But The Blood', 'Are You Washed In The Blood' and 'There's Power In The Blood' for many, many years.
I've heard the sermons given that refer to the one drop of 'blood' that fell on the soldier standing at the foot of the cross, the 'blood-stained' ground, the 'blood' that was shed for me.
I've participated in many a communion service where I have been served the bread and wine representing the body and blood of my Savior.
I've looked at the pictures portraying Jesus bloodied and beaten carrying the cross to Golgotha. Even in the picture Bibles of my youth, the 'blood' was not edited to make for a prettier portrait.
But this morning to see how 'blood' is defined? To know in His glorious plan to save us, 'blood' would be required? To read the words about the purpose of 'blood' being nourishment and doing the job of carrying away of waste products? For all parts of the body?
It's vital to me for life and it's vital to me for real life.
There is nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Today's reading: Exodus 10-12
"The blood you have smeared on your doorposts will serve as a sign. When I see the blood, I will pass over you. This plague of death will not touch you when I strike the land of Egypt." Exodus 12:13 NLT
Blood- the fluid that circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins of a vertebrate animal carrying nourishment and oxygen to and bringing away waste products from all parts of the body.
Oh, oh, oh, I have goosebumps!
I've grown up knowing about the 'blood'.
I've sang all the verses of 'Nothing But The Blood', 'Are You Washed In The Blood' and 'There's Power In The Blood' for many, many years.
I've heard the sermons given that refer to the one drop of 'blood' that fell on the soldier standing at the foot of the cross, the 'blood-stained' ground, the 'blood' that was shed for me.
I've participated in many a communion service where I have been served the bread and wine representing the body and blood of my Savior.
I've looked at the pictures portraying Jesus bloodied and beaten carrying the cross to Golgotha. Even in the picture Bibles of my youth, the 'blood' was not edited to make for a prettier portrait.
But this morning to see how 'blood' is defined? To know in His glorious plan to save us, 'blood' would be required? To read the words about the purpose of 'blood' being nourishment and doing the job of carrying away of waste products? For all parts of the body?
It's vital to me for life and it's vital to me for real life.
There is nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Today's reading: Exodus 7-9
"But I have let you live for this reason--that you might see my power and that my fame might spread throughout the earth." Exodus 9:16 NLT
Live-to be alive; to have a life rich in experience; to pass through or spend the duration of.
I have to admit, there are days when I have to re-align my personal purpose for living with the purpose God has for me to be alive.
Personally, I spend a lot of my time believing I am here to be comfortable, kept and blessed. I think things should go my way, things should go easily for me and there should be no pain involved, what so ever. I think the sun should always shine, the birds always sing and all my meals be ice cream topped with sprinkles.
But that doesn't align with what my Bible says.
It doesn't prove to be true in the lives of Bible heroes, saints of old or in the lives of some of the most godly people I know.
Our purpose is to bring glory to God. To see Him more clearly. To see His power up close and personally.
According to the verse I found this morning, that is the very same purpose God had for allowing the evil Egyptians to live through the plagues!
That is sobering.
Like I said, there are times I need that fact to re-center my thoughts and re-focus my intentions for living.
God has not placed me here for the 'fluff', but to learn more about Him, shine in His likeness and to magnify Him in all I do!
Today's reading: Exodus 7-9
"But I have let you live for this reason--that you might see my power and that my fame might spread throughout the earth." Exodus 9:16 NLT
Live-to be alive; to have a life rich in experience; to pass through or spend the duration of.
I have to admit, there are days when I have to re-align my personal purpose for living with the purpose God has for me to be alive.
Personally, I spend a lot of my time believing I am here to be comfortable, kept and blessed. I think things should go my way, things should go easily for me and there should be no pain involved, what so ever. I think the sun should always shine, the birds always sing and all my meals be ice cream topped with sprinkles.
But that doesn't align with what my Bible says.
It doesn't prove to be true in the lives of Bible heroes, saints of old or in the lives of some of the most godly people I know.
Our purpose is to bring glory to God. To see Him more clearly. To see His power up close and personally.
According to the verse I found this morning, that is the very same purpose God had for allowing the evil Egyptians to live through the plagues!
That is sobering.
Like I said, there are times I need that fact to re-center my thoughts and re-focus my intentions for living.
God has not placed me here for the 'fluff', but to learn more about Him, shine in His likeness and to magnify Him in all I do!
Saturday, January 27, 2018
Today's reading: Exodus 4-6
"This is the same Moses who had argued with the Lord, saying, I can't do it! I'm no orator. Why should Pharoah listen to me?" Exodus 6:30 NLT
Argue-to give reasons for or against something; to contend or disagree with words; to dispute; to attempt to persuade.
Of all the things you'd like to be known about you, would you ever choose to be known as the one who argued with God?
Argued. With. God.
Being one who questioned Him? Who disagreed with Him? Who thought they knew better than He did? One who thought they had better intel, a better grasp of the circumstance, more knowledge?
It's laughable, almost.
Because that's what arguing is about isn't it, knowing more or knowing better than another?
I don't know what it is God is calling you to do, but can I say this--Just do it.
He knows more about the situation than you ever could. He knows more about what you are capable of doing with Him working through you than you ever will. He knows the outcome of what He's asking, who will be impacted, how His kingdom will be touched by your obedience.
Or you can argue with Him. Tell Him no. Give Him a list of better candidates. Present to Him why you cannot, should not--or will not.
Maybe you would never argue with Him out loud. Maybe never putting your reasons, rebuttals or refusal in words, but arguing with Him none the less.
What do you want to be known for?
Today's reading: Exodus 4-6
"This is the same Moses who had argued with the Lord, saying, I can't do it! I'm no orator. Why should Pharoah listen to me?" Exodus 6:30 NLT
Argue-to give reasons for or against something; to contend or disagree with words; to dispute; to attempt to persuade.
Of all the things you'd like to be known about you, would you ever choose to be known as the one who argued with God?
Argued. With. God.
Being one who questioned Him? Who disagreed with Him? Who thought they knew better than He did? One who thought they had better intel, a better grasp of the circumstance, more knowledge?
It's laughable, almost.
Because that's what arguing is about isn't it, knowing more or knowing better than another?
I don't know what it is God is calling you to do, but can I say this--Just do it.
He knows more about the situation than you ever could. He knows more about what you are capable of doing with Him working through you than you ever will. He knows the outcome of what He's asking, who will be impacted, how His kingdom will be touched by your obedience.
Or you can argue with Him. Tell Him no. Give Him a list of better candidates. Present to Him why you cannot, should not--or will not.
Maybe you would never argue with Him out loud. Maybe never putting your reasons, rebuttals or refusal in words, but arguing with Him none the less.
What do you want to be known for?
Friday, January 26, 2018
Today's reading: Exodus 1-3
"Years passed, and the king of Egypt died. But the Israelites still groaned beneath their burden of slavery. They cried out for help, and their pleas for deliverance rose up to God." Exodus 2:23 NLT
Burden-something that is carried; something oppressive or worrisome; duty; responsibility; load.
Our enemy, the great deceiver that he is, would love nothing more than for us to believe we deserve to be oppressed, enslaved, weighed down and worn out.
He likes to play tricks with our minds that tell us we're only living in the mess we've made for ourselves and we shouldn't dare expect help from a loving God.
This roaring lion, who prowls about looking for the slowed down and the broken, only adds to the weight we carry in our hearts and on our shoulders.
He places fear and doubts into our heard and hearts that drown out hope.
He did it to the Israelites through a hard-hearted Pharaoh, ruthless taskmasters, a very long wait and labels of 'slave'.
He does it to us, too.
But when we cry out to God...
When we grow so weary of the struggle that we seek His help...
At the time in our lives when we see our enemy for who he really is...
During the season of our life when we're the lowest, most tired and sorely beaten...
He hears us! Our cries reach His ears! He begins to set into motion relief--whether in the form of a change of circumstances or an overfilling of peace.
He begins to lighten the load when we call out to Him.
Today's reading: Exodus 1-3
"Years passed, and the king of Egypt died. But the Israelites still groaned beneath their burden of slavery. They cried out for help, and their pleas for deliverance rose up to God." Exodus 2:23 NLT
Burden-something that is carried; something oppressive or worrisome; duty; responsibility; load.
Our enemy, the great deceiver that he is, would love nothing more than for us to believe we deserve to be oppressed, enslaved, weighed down and worn out.
He likes to play tricks with our minds that tell us we're only living in the mess we've made for ourselves and we shouldn't dare expect help from a loving God.
This roaring lion, who prowls about looking for the slowed down and the broken, only adds to the weight we carry in our hearts and on our shoulders.
He places fear and doubts into our heard and hearts that drown out hope.
He did it to the Israelites through a hard-hearted Pharaoh, ruthless taskmasters, a very long wait and labels of 'slave'.
He does it to us, too.
But when we cry out to God...
When we grow so weary of the struggle that we seek His help...
At the time in our lives when we see our enemy for who he really is...
During the season of our life when we're the lowest, most tired and sorely beaten...
He hears us! Our cries reach His ears! He begins to set into motion relief--whether in the form of a change of circumstances or an overfilling of peace.
He begins to lighten the load when we call out to Him.
Thursday, January 25, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 26-28
"Pilate replied, Take guards and secure it the best you can. So they sealed the tomb and posted guards to protect it." Matthew 27:65-66 NLT
Secure-to put beyond hazard of losing or not receiving; to get usually lasting possession or control of.
Pilate tried.
The guards attempted.
The stone offered its help.
The customs of the day lent to its probability.
And yet, and this gives me goosebumps--none of them could secure my Lord!
Death couldn't hold Him.
The grave couldn't keep Him.
His love for me was stronger than the attempts to keep Him down!
Today's reading: Matthew 26-28
"Pilate replied, Take guards and secure it the best you can. So they sealed the tomb and posted guards to protect it." Matthew 27:65-66 NLT
Secure-to put beyond hazard of losing or not receiving; to get usually lasting possession or control of.
Pilate tried.
The guards attempted.
The stone offered its help.
The customs of the day lent to its probability.
And yet, and this gives me goosebumps--none of them could secure my Lord!
Death couldn't hold Him.
The grave couldn't keep Him.
His love for me was stronger than the attempts to keep Him down!
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 22-25
"Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever." Matthew 24:35 NLT
Remain-to be a part not destroyed, taken or used up; to be something to be shown, done or treated; to continue unchanged.
What better word could be used to describe God's Word than 'remain'?
To know the Scriptures will not be destroyed! Not taken from our hearts! Never used up in its ability to teach us, encourage us, convict us and grow us into the likeness of Christ! It's storehouse of knowledge will never be emptied.
It continues, after all these years, translations and printings, to amaze us with what it holds.
Whether treated as the holy article it is or burned by enemies of the Gospel, its words change lives.
It continues unchanged regardless of the cover placed on it, the grade level it's written in or the color of the words.
In an ever changing world, I needed this reminder of the steadfastness of God's written Word.
Today's reading: Matthew 22-25
"Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will remain forever." Matthew 24:35 NLT
Remain-to be a part not destroyed, taken or used up; to be something to be shown, done or treated; to continue unchanged.
What better word could be used to describe God's Word than 'remain'?
To know the Scriptures will not be destroyed! Not taken from our hearts! Never used up in its ability to teach us, encourage us, convict us and grow us into the likeness of Christ! It's storehouse of knowledge will never be emptied.
It continues, after all these years, translations and printings, to amaze us with what it holds.
Whether treated as the holy article it is or burned by enemies of the Gospel, its words change lives.
It continues unchanged regardless of the cover placed on it, the grade level it's written in or the color of the words.
In an ever changing world, I needed this reminder of the steadfastness of God's written Word.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 19-21
"When the ten other disciples heard what James and John had asked, they were indignant." Matthew 20:24 NLT
"The leading priests and the teachers of religious law saw these wonderful miracles and heard even the little children in the Temple shouting, Praise God for the Son of David. But they were indignant." Matthew 21:15 NLT
Indignant-the feeling or showing of anger because of something unjust or unworthy.
The disciples struggled with it.
The leading religious officials struggled with it.
I struggle with it--and that isn't something I've very proud of now that I've dived into the definition.
Indignant feelings only befalls a person who has determined in their heart to be the judge of matters, involving themselves and sometimes not. A person who determines justness or worthiness based on personal opinion, their view of the circumstances and any pain, discomfort or embarrassment caused them.
That's where I find myself convicted this morning.
Justice, mercy and worthiness are not mine to determine, delegate or designate. Those blessings can only come from God--and who am I to question where and to whom He doles them out?
Today's reading: Matthew 19-21
"When the ten other disciples heard what James and John had asked, they were indignant." Matthew 20:24 NLT
"The leading priests and the teachers of religious law saw these wonderful miracles and heard even the little children in the Temple shouting, Praise God for the Son of David. But they were indignant." Matthew 21:15 NLT
Indignant-the feeling or showing of anger because of something unjust or unworthy.
The disciples struggled with it.
The leading religious officials struggled with it.
I struggle with it--and that isn't something I've very proud of now that I've dived into the definition.
Indignant feelings only befalls a person who has determined in their heart to be the judge of matters, involving themselves and sometimes not. A person who determines justness or worthiness based on personal opinion, their view of the circumstances and any pain, discomfort or embarrassment caused them.
That's where I find myself convicted this morning.
Justice, mercy and worthiness are not mine to determine, delegate or designate. Those blessings can only come from God--and who am I to question where and to whom He doles them out?
Monday, January 22, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 16-18
"Jesus turned to Peter and said, Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, and not from God's." Matthew 16:23 NLT
Trap-a device for taking game or other animals; one that holds by springing shut suddenly; something by which one is caught or stopped unawares.
Oh, how I'd love to use this verse and what God has opened my eyes to in regards to the people around me. The ones who are less than helpful to my faith. The folks who fail to help me grow. The ones who feed the weeds in my heart that tend to choke out the faith I have.
But I can't.
Why? Because of this simple fact: I am desperate not to become someone else's trap.
I don't want to advise them based upon earthly rules, when I know God is master over all.
I don't want to counsel them in ways that are comfortable, usual or traditional, when I know God surpasses all those things and does His works miraculously.
I don't want to dash any hope another might have because my own faith is wavering, faulty or non-existent.
I don't want to cause another to think small when we serve a huge God.
I don't want to be the kind of Christian who bursts another's bubble of faith.
Sure, I'd like to apply this to the people who minister to me-but that's not who God is speaking to or about this morning.
I don't want to be a trap.
Today's reading: Matthew 16-18
"Jesus turned to Peter and said, Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, and not from God's." Matthew 16:23 NLT
Trap-a device for taking game or other animals; one that holds by springing shut suddenly; something by which one is caught or stopped unawares.
Oh, how I'd love to use this verse and what God has opened my eyes to in regards to the people around me. The ones who are less than helpful to my faith. The folks who fail to help me grow. The ones who feed the weeds in my heart that tend to choke out the faith I have.
But I can't.
Why? Because of this simple fact: I am desperate not to become someone else's trap.
I don't want to advise them based upon earthly rules, when I know God is master over all.
I don't want to counsel them in ways that are comfortable, usual or traditional, when I know God surpasses all those things and does His works miraculously.
I don't want to dash any hope another might have because my own faith is wavering, faulty or non-existent.
I don't want to cause another to think small when we serve a huge God.
I don't want to be the kind of Christian who bursts another's bubble of faith.
Sure, I'd like to apply this to the people who minister to me-but that's not who God is speaking to or about this morning.
I don't want to be a trap.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 13-15
"Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves." Matthew 14:24 NLT
Trouble-a state or condition of distress, annoyance or difficulty; a condition of physical distress or ill health; a condition of mechanical malfunction; a condition of doing something badly or only with great difficulty.
We've all been there...or will trouble.
-When waves crash over the sides of our boat.
-When our bodies betray us.
-When the world piles more on our shoulders than we were meant to bear.
-When things break down--relationships, trusts, promises made, vows.
-When you try and try and the situation only gets worse and worse.
That's what trouble is.
Then Jesus comes into the picture.
We wait a few days, hours, years, minutes or verses and there He is-calming the sea, hushing the winds, settling our hearts, bringing the trouble to an end with His simple words.
Today's reading: Matthew 13-15
"Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves." Matthew 14:24 NLT
Trouble-a state or condition of distress, annoyance or difficulty; a condition of physical distress or ill health; a condition of mechanical malfunction; a condition of doing something badly or only with great difficulty.
We've all been there...or will trouble.
-When waves crash over the sides of our boat.
-When our bodies betray us.
-When the world piles more on our shoulders than we were meant to bear.
-When things break down--relationships, trusts, promises made, vows.
-When you try and try and the situation only gets worse and worse.
That's what trouble is.
Then Jesus comes into the picture.
We wait a few days, hours, years, minutes or verses and there He is-calming the sea, hushing the winds, settling our hearts, bringing the trouble to an end with His simple words.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 10-12
"And his name will be the hope of all the world." Matthew 12:21 NLT
Hope-trust, reliance; a desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.
My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less-Lutheran Hymn
Today's reading: Matthew 10-12
"And his name will be the hope of all the world." Matthew 12:21 NLT
Hope-trust, reliance; a desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment.
My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less-Lutheran Hymn
1. My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
2. When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
3. His oath, His covenant, and blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When every earthly prop gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
Support me in the whelming flood;
When every earthly prop gives way,
He then is all my Hope and Stay.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
4. When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found,
Clothed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne!
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
Oh, may I then in Him be found,
Clothed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne!
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
What sinking sand are we building our lives on? Placing on hopes in? Allowing to be the less than solid foundation upon which we build?
Friday, January 19, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 7-9
"...for she thought, If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed." Matthew 9:21 NLT
Touch-to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense: handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate; to put hands upon in any way or degree.
As this woman pushed herself through the crowd she had a purpose. Each step along that crowded street required more of her than she had to give. Each moment out of her house was controversial, condemning and caused her more harm than good.
She had heard about this Jesus of Nazareth. About His teachings. About His healings. About His compassion. About His eyes--oh, how His eyes must have held oceans of love.
She wanted to touch Him. His robe. The fringe on the edge of His prayer shawl. The frayed edge of his traveling coat.
I don't believe she ever once thought about Him touching her. About Him laying hands on her. About the possibility of Him touching her heart.
Jesus is like that.
We think we're doing Him a favor. We think we're serving Him. We pick up our Bibles to please Him. We hold our tongue to make Him proud. We think we're coming to Him in an effort to 'make His day', when all along--we leave His presence touched!
Understanding more about Him. Appreciating Him to a deeper degree. Perceiving Him in a way we would have never imagined possible.
Go ahead and try to touch Him today. See who gets the bigger blessing!
Today's reading: Matthew 7-9
"...for she thought, If I can just touch his robe, I will be healed." Matthew 9:21 NLT
Touch-to bring a bodily part into contact with especially so as to perceive through the tactile sense: handle or feel gently usually with the intent to understand or appreciate; to put hands upon in any way or degree.
As this woman pushed herself through the crowd she had a purpose. Each step along that crowded street required more of her than she had to give. Each moment out of her house was controversial, condemning and caused her more harm than good.
She had heard about this Jesus of Nazareth. About His teachings. About His healings. About His compassion. About His eyes--oh, how His eyes must have held oceans of love.
She wanted to touch Him. His robe. The fringe on the edge of His prayer shawl. The frayed edge of his traveling coat.
I don't believe she ever once thought about Him touching her. About Him laying hands on her. About the possibility of Him touching her heart.
Jesus is like that.
We think we're doing Him a favor. We think we're serving Him. We pick up our Bibles to please Him. We hold our tongue to make Him proud. We think we're coming to Him in an effort to 'make His day', when all along--we leave His presence touched!
Understanding more about Him. Appreciating Him to a deeper degree. Perceiving Him in a way we would have never imagined possible.
Go ahead and try to touch Him today. See who gets the bigger blessing!
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 4-6
"Then the Devil came and said to him, If you are the Son of God, change these stones into loaves of bread." Matthew 4:3 NLT
Bread-a usually baked and leavened food made of a mixture whose basic constituent is flour or meal; food, sustenance; livelihood.
Jesus could have, before Satan's hiss of a dare ended, provided a banquet table of breads. A table stacked high with assorted breads. Every sort. Every style. Every flavor.
Pita. Ciabatta. Brioche. Challah. Baguettes. Croissants. Sourdough. French. Panetonne.
He could have. But He didn't.
He instead focused on the Word of God. It's truths. It's firm foundation. It's validity. It's depth. It's width. It's scope.
He knew the Word. He believed the Word. He drew from the Word what He needed at that moment to fight His enemy.
He asks the same of us.
As Christians, we needn't call down fire from heaven--we need to believe the Word of God.
As Christians, we needn't be able to quote chapter upon chapter--we need to live out what those chapters say in our every day lives.
As Christians, we needn't wear the t-shirts with verses plastered across them or drive cars sporting the bumper stickers touting John 3:16--we need to have enough of the Word in us that it comes out of our mouths, our eyes and our hands.
As Christians, we needn't produce bread--we need to prove by how we live and act that we have been nourished by the Bread!
Today's reading: Matthew 4-6
"Then the Devil came and said to him, If you are the Son of God, change these stones into loaves of bread." Matthew 4:3 NLT
Bread-a usually baked and leavened food made of a mixture whose basic constituent is flour or meal; food, sustenance; livelihood.
Jesus could have, before Satan's hiss of a dare ended, provided a banquet table of breads. A table stacked high with assorted breads. Every sort. Every style. Every flavor.
Pita. Ciabatta. Brioche. Challah. Baguettes. Croissants. Sourdough. French. Panetonne.
He could have. But He didn't.
He instead focused on the Word of God. It's truths. It's firm foundation. It's validity. It's depth. It's width. It's scope.
He knew the Word. He believed the Word. He drew from the Word what He needed at that moment to fight His enemy.
He asks the same of us.
As Christians, we needn't call down fire from heaven--we need to believe the Word of God.
As Christians, we needn't be able to quote chapter upon chapter--we need to live out what those chapters say in our every day lives.
As Christians, we needn't wear the t-shirts with verses plastered across them or drive cars sporting the bumper stickers touting John 3:16--we need to have enough of the Word in us that it comes out of our mouths, our eyes and our hands.
As Christians, we needn't produce bread--we need to prove by how we live and act that we have been nourished by the Bread!
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Today's reading: Matthew 1-3
"Prove by the way you live that you have really turned from your sins and turned to God." Matthew 3:8 NLT
Prove-to learn or find out by experience; to test the truth, validity or genuineness of; to test the worth of; to check the correctness of; to establish the existence, proof or validity of; to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth; to show to be worthy or capable; to turn out especially after trial or test.
I can say I have faith, but it's my word against the world, until the time comes for that faith to be proved.
For trials to test my mettle.
For tests to grade my reactions and responses.
Saying I have faith is easy. Proving I have it, when I don't feel well, when I've been hurt, when things don't go my way--well, that's harder.
But that's when the outcome is most noticed. When it impacts the 'watchers'. When my testimony is held to the fire. When God is most glorified.
May our faith be proved today--and not be found wanting.
Today's reading: Matthew 1-3
"Prove by the way you live that you have really turned from your sins and turned to God." Matthew 3:8 NLT
Prove-to learn or find out by experience; to test the truth, validity or genuineness of; to test the worth of; to check the correctness of; to establish the existence, proof or validity of; to demonstrate as having a particular quality or worth; to show to be worthy or capable; to turn out especially after trial or test.
I can say I have faith, but it's my word against the world, until the time comes for that faith to be proved.
For trials to test my mettle.
For tests to grade my reactions and responses.
Saying I have faith is easy. Proving I have it, when I don't feel well, when I've been hurt, when things don't go my way--well, that's harder.
But that's when the outcome is most noticed. When it impacts the 'watchers'. When my testimony is held to the fire. When God is most glorified.
May our faith be proved today--and not be found wanting.
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 46-50
"Then when Jacob had finished this charge to his sons, he lay back in the bed, breathed his last, and died." Genesis 49:33 NLT
Charge-obligation; requirement; instruction; command; imposed task or responsibility.
I have a dear friend, who according to doctors, will be in the presence of her Lord and Savior with in days.
I have watched her life. I have seen her faith play out. I have experienced the joy of her salvation. I have been made a better Christian by knowing her and celebrating her victories in prayer.
She like, Jacob, has finished her charge to her loved ones--Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength--so now she can rest.
This was not a charge she had to utter with her last precious breaths of air. She hasn't waited until the end to speak the truth. She didn't decide once a diagnosis was given that she had things to 'wrap up'. This was not a death-bed experience but a life's scrapbook of faith.
She lives. She believes. She trusts. She evangelizes. She walks in faith. She has seen her prayers rewarded greatly.
Her charge has been spoken. Her testimony will be with her right up until the end.
Her mantle will soon be left for us to carry. Her charge will be passed on to those of us remaining.
Can you accept the charge?
Today's reading: Genesis 46-50
"Then when Jacob had finished this charge to his sons, he lay back in the bed, breathed his last, and died." Genesis 49:33 NLT
Charge-obligation; requirement; instruction; command; imposed task or responsibility.
I have a dear friend, who according to doctors, will be in the presence of her Lord and Savior with in days.
I have watched her life. I have seen her faith play out. I have experienced the joy of her salvation. I have been made a better Christian by knowing her and celebrating her victories in prayer.
She like, Jacob, has finished her charge to her loved ones--Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength--so now she can rest.
This was not a charge she had to utter with her last precious breaths of air. She hasn't waited until the end to speak the truth. She didn't decide once a diagnosis was given that she had things to 'wrap up'. This was not a death-bed experience but a life's scrapbook of faith.
She lives. She believes. She trusts. She evangelizes. She walks in faith. She has seen her prayers rewarded greatly.
Her charge has been spoken. Her testimony will be with her right up until the end.
Her mantle will soon be left for us to carry. Her charge will be passed on to those of us remaining.
Can you accept the charge?
Monday, January 15, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 43-45
"So he sent his brothers off, and as they left, he called after them, Don't quarrel along the way!" Genesis 45:24 NLT
Quarrel-to find fault; to contend or dispute actively; become troubled, to fall out.
Of all the advice wise and forgiving Joseph might give his brothers, Don't quarrel, is what he came up with?
I'm thinking that after all these years of separation, they'd learned their lessons.
Surely brotherly spats had become fewer and fewer after their dalliance with selling Joseph to the traders?
I might guess that their heads seldom hit their pillows at night without thinking about what they'd done to their father?
I'm sure the weight they'd carried all those years about what they'd allowed to happen within their family was heavy on their hearts?
Hadn't their guilt changed them?
They wouldn't fall into the same temptation to sin, would they? They wouldn't be disgruntled over the abundant portion little Benjamin received, would they?
Would we?
Would you and I easily fall back into our old ways? Tendencies? Sins? Would the same things bug us, even after God worked through them in such miraculous ways? Would the toddler in us rise up and scream, It's not fair and stomp our feet? Might we still be carrying around our portable scales allowing us to measure the injustices done to us? Would our old habit of comparing our lives to the lives of another be just as alive?
I know the answer I have to give and I'm guessing it's precisely who Joseph said what he said.
Today's reading: Genesis 43-45
"So he sent his brothers off, and as they left, he called after them, Don't quarrel along the way!" Genesis 45:24 NLT
Quarrel-to find fault; to contend or dispute actively; become troubled, to fall out.
Of all the advice wise and forgiving Joseph might give his brothers, Don't quarrel, is what he came up with?
I'm thinking that after all these years of separation, they'd learned their lessons.
Surely brotherly spats had become fewer and fewer after their dalliance with selling Joseph to the traders?
I might guess that their heads seldom hit their pillows at night without thinking about what they'd done to their father?
I'm sure the weight they'd carried all those years about what they'd allowed to happen within their family was heavy on their hearts?
Hadn't their guilt changed them?
They wouldn't fall into the same temptation to sin, would they? They wouldn't be disgruntled over the abundant portion little Benjamin received, would they?
Would we?
Would you and I easily fall back into our old ways? Tendencies? Sins? Would the same things bug us, even after God worked through them in such miraculous ways? Would the toddler in us rise up and scream, It's not fair and stomp our feet? Might we still be carrying around our portable scales allowing us to measure the injustices done to us? Would our old habit of comparing our lives to the lives of another be just as alive?
I know the answer I have to give and I'm guessing it's precisely who Joseph said what he said.
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 40-42
"They remained in prison for quite some time, and Potiphar assigned Joseph to take care of them." Genesis 40:4 NLT
Quite-to an extreme; to a considerable extent.
How long can you hold your breath?
Thirty seconds? Forty-five seconds? Can you go a minute or even longer?
No matter how long you can hold it, holding it even ten more seconds beyond that seems like quite a long time.
When you've reached a certain threshold, any length of time longer than that seems excessive, oppressive and beyond what you're capable of doing.
Joseph sat in prison quite a long time. Add to that, Joseph sat in prison quite a long time for something he didn't even do!
But God was still with him. Watching over him. Placing him in positions to display God's favor. Allowing others to see God working in him.
Maybe you're enduring something that's lasted 'quite' a long time, too.
You're tired of it. You're sick of it. You're done with it--and still it remains.
God is with you, too. Every moment of this extended distress, God is with you, if you are His.
Don't forget that as you wait to hear the rattling of the keys in the lock on your prison doors.
Today's reading: Genesis 40-42
"They remained in prison for quite some time, and Potiphar assigned Joseph to take care of them." Genesis 40:4 NLT
Quite-to an extreme; to a considerable extent.
How long can you hold your breath?
Thirty seconds? Forty-five seconds? Can you go a minute or even longer?
No matter how long you can hold it, holding it even ten more seconds beyond that seems like quite a long time.
When you've reached a certain threshold, any length of time longer than that seems excessive, oppressive and beyond what you're capable of doing.
Joseph sat in prison quite a long time. Add to that, Joseph sat in prison quite a long time for something he didn't even do!
But God was still with him. Watching over him. Placing him in positions to display God's favor. Allowing others to see God working in him.
Maybe you're enduring something that's lasted 'quite' a long time, too.
You're tired of it. You're sick of it. You're done with it--and still it remains.
God is with you, too. Every moment of this extended distress, God is with you, if you are His.
Don't forget that as you wait to hear the rattling of the keys in the lock on your prison doors.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 37-39
"But as they were taking her out to kill her, she sent this message to her father-in law; The man who owns this identification seal and walking stick is the father of my child. Do you recognize them?" Genesis 38:25 NLT
Recognize-to acknowledge formally; to admit; to perceive clearly.
Judah had the same problem we often have: we see the sins of others much more clearly than we see our own.
Dare we ask God to help us recognize, repent of and retreat from the sins of our hearts?
Can we possibly ask Him to point out to us where it is we are failing to miss the mark?
Can we suggest He help us take our eyes off of others and focus them on our own hearts?
Today's reading: Genesis 37-39
"But as they were taking her out to kill her, she sent this message to her father-in law; The man who owns this identification seal and walking stick is the father of my child. Do you recognize them?" Genesis 38:25 NLT
Recognize-to acknowledge formally; to admit; to perceive clearly.
Judah had the same problem we often have: we see the sins of others much more clearly than we see our own.
Dare we ask God to help us recognize, repent of and retreat from the sins of our hearts?
Can we possibly ask Him to point out to us where it is we are failing to miss the mark?
Can we suggest He help us take our eyes off of others and focus them on our own hearts?
Friday, January 12, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 34-36
"Jacob set up a stone pillar to mark the place where God had spoken to him. He then poured win over it as an offering to God and anointed the pillar with olive oil." Genesis 35:14 NLT
Mark-to designate; to indicate a location; to decide and show the value or quality of.
Jacob realized what an amazing privilege it was to have the God of the universe speak to him--so he chose to make a monument.
Not a monument to worship, or even to worship at. But a marker chosen to remind him, when he passed that way, of the enormity of the blessing.
A pillar of stone that when he saw it immediately took him back to that time and that place. I imagine the emotions welled up inside him. I can also guess he remembered exactly what he was wearing, the smell in the air, the time of day and the words spoken.
Do we do the same when God speaks to us?
Do we mark the spot? The place? The words in the Bible? Do we celebrate it for the great thing it is? Do we recall with fondness what He said to our hearts? Do we remember the weight taken off our shoulders? Do we begin to sing the song that was playing? Do we remember the fork in the road where we were standing when He directed us?
And do those memories drive us to want to hear more?
Today's reading: Genesis 34-36
"Jacob set up a stone pillar to mark the place where God had spoken to him. He then poured win over it as an offering to God and anointed the pillar with olive oil." Genesis 35:14 NLT
Mark-to designate; to indicate a location; to decide and show the value or quality of.
Jacob realized what an amazing privilege it was to have the God of the universe speak to him--so he chose to make a monument.
Not a monument to worship, or even to worship at. But a marker chosen to remind him, when he passed that way, of the enormity of the blessing.
A pillar of stone that when he saw it immediately took him back to that time and that place. I imagine the emotions welled up inside him. I can also guess he remembered exactly what he was wearing, the smell in the air, the time of day and the words spoken.
Do we do the same when God speaks to us?
Do we mark the spot? The place? The words in the Bible? Do we celebrate it for the great thing it is? Do we recall with fondness what He said to our hearts? Do we remember the weight taken off our shoulders? Do we begin to sing the song that was playing? Do we remember the fork in the road where we were standing when He directed us?
And do those memories drive us to want to hear more?
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 31-33
"This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until dawn." Genesis 32:24 NLT
Wrestle-to contend by grappling with and striving to trip or throw an opponent down or off balance; to engage in or as if in a violent or determined struggle; to move, maneuver or force with difficulty.
My Bible commentary says, 'Jacob continued this wrestling match all night just to be blessed. He was persistent.'
Don't think for a moment that Jacob's 'time in the ring' was all mental. Or that it was fought in the spiritual realm only. Or that it was a bout of his emotions only.
When morning came...
When Jacob finally chose to release this man of God...
When the dust settled...
When the blessing was given...
Jacob walked away with a limp. He was sore. He was depleted of energy. He ached. He had lost a night's sleep.
But he had the blessing he sought from God.
When was the last time, if there ever was a time, you wrestled with God for His blessing?
When did you struggle to attain what He promised you?
When did you last stick it out, pain, sweat, tears and inconvenience, until you heard God speak to your heart?
Most of us don't make the effort. We write our request down in a prayer journal or we list it as unspoken in our Sunday School classes or we mutter a quick, 'Help', before our meals or before we lay our heads down on our pillows.
But do we ever wrestle? Do we struggle to attain? Do we engage?
I guess our answers show just how much we want what God has.
Today's reading: Genesis 31-33
"This left Jacob all alone in the camp, and a man came and wrestled with him until dawn." Genesis 32:24 NLT
Wrestle-to contend by grappling with and striving to trip or throw an opponent down or off balance; to engage in or as if in a violent or determined struggle; to move, maneuver or force with difficulty.
My Bible commentary says, 'Jacob continued this wrestling match all night just to be blessed. He was persistent.'
Don't think for a moment that Jacob's 'time in the ring' was all mental. Or that it was fought in the spiritual realm only. Or that it was a bout of his emotions only.
When morning came...
When Jacob finally chose to release this man of God...
When the dust settled...
When the blessing was given...
Jacob walked away with a limp. He was sore. He was depleted of energy. He ached. He had lost a night's sleep.
But he had the blessing he sought from God.
When was the last time, if there ever was a time, you wrestled with God for His blessing?
When did you struggle to attain what He promised you?
When did you last stick it out, pain, sweat, tears and inconvenience, until you heard God speak to your heart?
Most of us don't make the effort. We write our request down in a prayer journal or we list it as unspoken in our Sunday School classes or we mutter a quick, 'Help', before our meals or before we lay our heads down on our pillows.
But do we ever wrestle? Do we struggle to attain? Do we engage?
I guess our answers show just how much we want what God has.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 28-30
"Then Jacob made this vow: If God will be with me and protect me on this journey and give me food and clothing, and if he will bring me back safely to my father, then I will make the Lord my God." Genesis 28:20 NLT
If-in the event that; allowing that; on the assumption that; on condition that.
Do you know of another two-letter word in the English language that carries so much weight?
It's a word that is pivotal. It is a conjunction, or joining word. It is the hinge used in a lot of sentences and conversations to connect two thoughts.
In this portion of Scripture, this word, if, is used to link Jacob's faith to God. It's a teeter-totter of sorts as to Jacob trusting God to provide.
You've used it before in that manner, haven't you?
If God will answer this prayer...
If God will open this door...
If God will play out this specific scenario in this certain way...
If I flip my Bible open to a random page and it tells me what to do...
I'll let you in on a little secret, there are no 'ifs, ands or buts' about it--God will be God. He will always show His characteristics, He will always be powerful, strong, loving and just. And His being Himself has nothing to do with any ultimatums we may issue Him in the form of powerful two-letter words.
Today's reading: Genesis 28-30
"Then Jacob made this vow: If God will be with me and protect me on this journey and give me food and clothing, and if he will bring me back safely to my father, then I will make the Lord my God." Genesis 28:20 NLT
If-in the event that; allowing that; on the assumption that; on condition that.
Do you know of another two-letter word in the English language that carries so much weight?
It's a word that is pivotal. It is a conjunction, or joining word. It is the hinge used in a lot of sentences and conversations to connect two thoughts.
In this portion of Scripture, this word, if, is used to link Jacob's faith to God. It's a teeter-totter of sorts as to Jacob trusting God to provide.
You've used it before in that manner, haven't you?
If God will answer this prayer...
If God will open this door...
If God will play out this specific scenario in this certain way...
If I flip my Bible open to a random page and it tells me what to do...
I'll let you in on a little secret, there are no 'ifs, ands or buts' about it--God will be God. He will always show His characteristics, He will always be powerful, strong, loving and just. And His being Himself has nothing to do with any ultimatums we may issue Him in the form of powerful two-letter words.
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 25-27
"Esau pleaded, Not one blessing left for me? O my father, bless me, too! Then Esau broke down and wept." Genesis 27:38 NLT
Blessing-a thing conducive to happiness or welfare; abundance; a person's sanction or support.
Setting the stage: Esau has just returned from his hunting trip. He has in his hands the his father's favorite stew. He is prepared to receive his father's blessing as Isaac lay on his deathbed. Esau has just found out his brother Jacob has slipped in and received all intended for him.
Ever felt like Esau?
Be honest...ever felt like Esau when you see another Christian brother or sister with a blessing you truly believe was intended for you?
Have you ever put on a fake smile as they praise God for the blessing?
Ever had your bubble burst as you watch God lay exactly what you wanted in the lap of another?
Ever just broken down and wept over the blessing passing by you again?
Isaac had only one blessing to give. His blessing gave all familial power to one son. He, with his prayer and laying on of hands, bestowed Jacob with the job of family patriarch. That was the only blessing there was to offer his boys, the blessing Esau now wept over not receiving.
God is unlimited in the blessings He can bestow.
Sadly, we forget that.
We tend to think there is only one blessing to give, and only one person can have it.
So, this morning if you are broken and weeping over not having the blessing you want...stand up, wipe away the tears and get back in line at the Throne! There are more blessings to receive, better ones than you can imagine.
Today's reading: Genesis 25-27
"Esau pleaded, Not one blessing left for me? O my father, bless me, too! Then Esau broke down and wept." Genesis 27:38 NLT
Blessing-a thing conducive to happiness or welfare; abundance; a person's sanction or support.
Setting the stage: Esau has just returned from his hunting trip. He has in his hands the his father's favorite stew. He is prepared to receive his father's blessing as Isaac lay on his deathbed. Esau has just found out his brother Jacob has slipped in and received all intended for him.
Ever felt like Esau?
Be honest...ever felt like Esau when you see another Christian brother or sister with a blessing you truly believe was intended for you?
Have you ever put on a fake smile as they praise God for the blessing?
Ever had your bubble burst as you watch God lay exactly what you wanted in the lap of another?
Ever just broken down and wept over the blessing passing by you again?
Isaac had only one blessing to give. His blessing gave all familial power to one son. He, with his prayer and laying on of hands, bestowed Jacob with the job of family patriarch. That was the only blessing there was to offer his boys, the blessing Esau now wept over not receiving.
God is unlimited in the blessings He can bestow.
Sadly, we forget that.
We tend to think there is only one blessing to give, and only one person can have it.
So, this morning if you are broken and weeping over not having the blessing you want...stand up, wipe away the tears and get back in line at the Throne! There are more blessings to receive, better ones than you can imagine.
Monday, January 8, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 22-24
"O Lord, God of my master, he prayed, Give me success and show kindness to my master, Abraham. Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey." Genesis 24:12 NLT
Purpose-something set up as an object or end to be attained.
Lord, to borrow the words of Abraham's nearest and dearest servant, help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey today.
My enemy wants to distract me from the journey. He wants to divert my attention. He desires that the obstacles he places in my way discourage and defeat me.
In knowing that, I turn to You. I turn to You to work out Your purpose for my life. Your purpose for this twenty-four hours You have gifted me with.
I ask You for help. For drive. For strength. For wisdom. For desire. For focus. For clarity. For opportunity. For success. For just enough failure to keep me humble and in desperate need of You.
Lord, help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey.
Today's reading: Genesis 22-24
"O Lord, God of my master, he prayed, Give me success and show kindness to my master, Abraham. Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey." Genesis 24:12 NLT
Purpose-something set up as an object or end to be attained.
Lord, to borrow the words of Abraham's nearest and dearest servant, help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey today.
My enemy wants to distract me from the journey. He wants to divert my attention. He desires that the obstacles he places in my way discourage and defeat me.
In knowing that, I turn to You. I turn to You to work out Your purpose for my life. Your purpose for this twenty-four hours You have gifted me with.
I ask You for help. For drive. For strength. For wisdom. For desire. For focus. For clarity. For opportunity. For success. For just enough failure to keep me humble and in desperate need of You.
Lord, help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 19-21
"About this time, Abimilech came with Phicol, his army commander, to visit Abraham. It is clear that God helps you in everything you do, Abimilech said." Genesis 21:22 NLT
Help-to give assistance or support to; to make more pleasant or bearable; to be of use to; to change for the better.
When the unbelieving world notices God working through us, we are doing just what God asked of us.
When a co-worker comments on the peace you're exhibiting during your storm...
When an un-churched friend calls for you to pray them through their tough situation...
When an ungodly acquaintance starts asking questions about your lifestyle...
When your unbelieving spouse begins to soften in regards to your church family...
God's help will always be noticeable in our lives--when we allow Him to do the work!
Today's reading: Genesis 19-21
"About this time, Abimilech came with Phicol, his army commander, to visit Abraham. It is clear that God helps you in everything you do, Abimilech said." Genesis 21:22 NLT
Help-to give assistance or support to; to make more pleasant or bearable; to be of use to; to change for the better.
When the unbelieving world notices God working through us, we are doing just what God asked of us.
When a co-worker comments on the peace you're exhibiting during your storm...
When an un-churched friend calls for you to pray them through their tough situation...
When an ungodly acquaintance starts asking questions about your lifestyle...
When your unbelieving spouse begins to soften in regards to your church family...
God's help will always be noticeable in our lives--when we allow Him to do the work!
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 16-18
"Your part of the agreement, God told Abraham, is to obey the terms of the covenant. You and all your descendants have this continual responsibility." Genesis 17:9 NLT
Responsibility-moral, legal or mental accountability.
Morally we are held accountable to the world around us by laws. If we choose to break a law and are caught the punishment will be a fine, a ticket or a sentence.
Legally we are held accountable to the world around us by contracts we have signed. Banks require payment. Spouses require faithfulness. The country and state require taxes.
Mentally we are held accountable to the world by what God has done for us.
The lost need to know how it feels, and looks like, to be found.
The unsaved need to know about the hope that is available.
The unbelieving need to know the Savior we have met, accepted and serve.
We have a responsibility to live continually for Him--for ourselves, for our praise to Him and for the world.
Today's reading: Genesis 16-18
"Your part of the agreement, God told Abraham, is to obey the terms of the covenant. You and all your descendants have this continual responsibility." Genesis 17:9 NLT
Responsibility-moral, legal or mental accountability.
Morally we are held accountable to the world around us by laws. If we choose to break a law and are caught the punishment will be a fine, a ticket or a sentence.
Legally we are held accountable to the world around us by contracts we have signed. Banks require payment. Spouses require faithfulness. The country and state require taxes.
Mentally we are held accountable to the world by what God has done for us.
The lost need to know how it feels, and looks like, to be found.
The unsaved need to know about the hope that is available.
The unbelieving need to know the Savior we have met, accepted and serve.
We have a responsibility to live continually for Him--for ourselves, for our praise to Him and for the world.
Friday, January 5, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 13-15
"Afterward the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, Do not be afraid, Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great." Genesis 15:1 NLT
Reward-something that is given in return for good or evil done or received or that is offered or given for some service or attainment.
When I think of a reward, I think of a gold star for excellence, a certificate for participation, a medal for sportsmanship, a plaque signifying a commitment.
I also think of stickers. Yes, peel off the page and put them somewhere else, stickers.
The kind Mrs. Murphy always had. The kind she kept in large binders. The kind she had in large binders separated by season, holiday or topic. The kind of stickers Mrs. Murphy would give me for each and every piano lesson I completed.
My piano lesson book had a sticker on every page.
The stickers were simple rewards she handed out to acknowledge my attempts, my practice and my participation.
So when I read about the 'reward' God was promising Abram, really, I'm could anything Abram could do or did, ever be enough to deserve what all God promised him?
The protection? The land? The name? The blessings? The pages of history? The honor? The love?
According to the Hebrew lexicon, the word reward we use today in this verse, refers to wages.
So this reward was truly Abram's paycheck for faith.
God grants us the same promises. The same blessings are ours to believe Him for. The same faith of Abram can be ours. We can walk through the lands He has given us, deal with the people He places us around, worship Him only, trust Him for however long He asks us to trust Him, believe Him for it all and one day receive compensation for having the faith He asks us to have.
What better reward might there be?
Today's reading: Genesis 13-15
"Afterward the Lord spoke to Abram in a vision and said to him, Do not be afraid, Abram, for I will protect you, and your reward will be great." Genesis 15:1 NLT
Reward-something that is given in return for good or evil done or received or that is offered or given for some service or attainment.
When I think of a reward, I think of a gold star for excellence, a certificate for participation, a medal for sportsmanship, a plaque signifying a commitment.
I also think of stickers. Yes, peel off the page and put them somewhere else, stickers.
The kind Mrs. Murphy always had. The kind she kept in large binders. The kind she had in large binders separated by season, holiday or topic. The kind of stickers Mrs. Murphy would give me for each and every piano lesson I completed.
My piano lesson book had a sticker on every page.
The stickers were simple rewards she handed out to acknowledge my attempts, my practice and my participation.
So when I read about the 'reward' God was promising Abram, really, I'm could anything Abram could do or did, ever be enough to deserve what all God promised him?
The protection? The land? The name? The blessings? The pages of history? The honor? The love?
According to the Hebrew lexicon, the word reward we use today in this verse, refers to wages.
So this reward was truly Abram's paycheck for faith.
God grants us the same promises. The same blessings are ours to believe Him for. The same faith of Abram can be ours. We can walk through the lands He has given us, deal with the people He places us around, worship Him only, trust Him for however long He asks us to trust Him, believe Him for it all and one day receive compensation for having the faith He asks us to have.
What better reward might there be?
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 10-12
"I will cause you to become the father of a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and I will make you a blessing to others." Genesis 12:2 NLT
Cause-to compel by command, authority or force.
It's hard to fully grasp the power with which God speaks.
To be able to whispers into being universes, worlds, lands, animals?
To calm stormy seas and blustery winds?
To draw men unto Him by merely speaking to their hearts?
But to cause, by the power of Who He is, Abram to become not one man but as many as the stars in the sky?
To make the statement to a nomad standing amongst his sheep in the village of Haran?
To speak into words what would change the course of history for generation after generation after generation?
And still He speaks to us with the same authority, power and force.
What He chooses, He will cause to come about. We don't need to worry over technicalities, our abilities or self-imposed time frames.
Today's reading: Genesis 10-12
"I will cause you to become the father of a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and I will make you a blessing to others." Genesis 12:2 NLT
Cause-to compel by command, authority or force.
It's hard to fully grasp the power with which God speaks.
To be able to whispers into being universes, worlds, lands, animals?
To calm stormy seas and blustery winds?
To draw men unto Him by merely speaking to their hearts?
But to cause, by the power of Who He is, Abram to become not one man but as many as the stars in the sky?
To make the statement to a nomad standing amongst his sheep in the village of Haran?
To speak into words what would change the course of history for generation after generation after generation?
And still He speaks to us with the same authority, power and force.
What He chooses, He will cause to come about. We don't need to worry over technicalities, our abilities or self-imposed time frames.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 7-9
"I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my permanent promise to you and to all the earth." Genesis 9:13 NLT
Rainbow-an arc or circle that exhibits in concentric bands the colors of the spectrum and that is formed opposite the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in raindrops, spray or mist.
Noah had to endure hard work, taunting, jeering, mocking and a watery upheaval from his home in order to see a rainbow. He had to lose extended family. He had to watch as his neighbor's small children were swept into the flood waters. He had to swallow the bile that rose up in his throat as his future, past and present began to float, an inch at a time in a boat he had built by his own hands. He had to live in a zoo for longer than any of us would want to. Close smelly quarters, to say the least.
All to see God's promise to never flood the world again arc across the sky.
Maybe it's the same for you?
Maybe you're seeing His promises come true through the refraction and reflection of the Son in your blood, sweat and tears.
You are enduring because He said He would walk you through it.
You are waiting because He said it would happen.
You are fostering hope because He said it would be yours to hold one day.
You are marking off calendar boxes, a day at a time, getting closer and closer to the end of your storm.
And while you're doing all that, you are seeing glimpses of color. Tiny prisms of light. Shades of tinted hues. You're not seeing the whole rainbow--yet, but you know in your heart you will.
And do you know what? Others see the colors God is bringing to your life, too! It's all to do with how closely you walk with the Son and the reflection of His glory through you.
Today's reading: Genesis 7-9
"I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my permanent promise to you and to all the earth." Genesis 9:13 NLT
Rainbow-an arc or circle that exhibits in concentric bands the colors of the spectrum and that is formed opposite the sun by the refraction and reflection of the sun's rays in raindrops, spray or mist.
Noah had to endure hard work, taunting, jeering, mocking and a watery upheaval from his home in order to see a rainbow. He had to lose extended family. He had to watch as his neighbor's small children were swept into the flood waters. He had to swallow the bile that rose up in his throat as his future, past and present began to float, an inch at a time in a boat he had built by his own hands. He had to live in a zoo for longer than any of us would want to. Close smelly quarters, to say the least.
All to see God's promise to never flood the world again arc across the sky.
Maybe it's the same for you?
Maybe you're seeing His promises come true through the refraction and reflection of the Son in your blood, sweat and tears.
You are enduring because He said He would walk you through it.
You are waiting because He said it would happen.
You are fostering hope because He said it would be yours to hold one day.
You are marking off calendar boxes, a day at a time, getting closer and closer to the end of your storm.
And while you're doing all that, you are seeing glimpses of color. Tiny prisms of light. Shades of tinted hues. You're not seeing the whole rainbow--yet, but you know in your heart you will.
And do you know what? Others see the colors God is bringing to your life, too! It's all to do with how closely you walk with the Son and the reflection of His glory through you.
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 4-6
"Why are you so angry? the Lord asked him. Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you respond in the right way. But if you refuse to respond correctly, then watch out! Sin is waiting to attack and destroy you, and you must subdue it." Genesis 4:6-7 NLT
Respond-(verb) to say something in return; to react in response.
Did you also know that 'respond' is a noun?
Respond-(noun) an engaged pillar supporting an arch or closing a colonnade or arcade.
God is speaking to Cain, heart to heart, about Cain's responses. He's warning Cain about an area of his life where the enemy is likely to attack. He's asking Cain to become very aware of those 'chinks in his armor', to shore them up, to make some changes.
He's telling Cain that this area is a weak spot that will cause his character to crumble--bit by bit.
Like the respond built out of bricks forming the archway over a doorway, a window or a entrance. If one brick is out of place, missing or faulty, the entire structure can crumble. It may not happen all at once, it may not even start with a huge collapse, but eventually it will lead to problems--big problems.
I'm taking this to heart!
If I always watch my responses, to unkind words, to slander, to being disrespected, to flippant remarks, my 'temple' will remain solidly intact. Others can say what they will, fueled by our enemy, in an attempt to make me stumble, desiring that I fail my Lord--but all they can do it try. I give them their victory, or the defeat, in how I respond.
That's a tall order this second day of the new year...I'm so thankful God loved me enough to show it to me this morning, in preparation for my day ahead.
Today's reading: Genesis 4-6
"Why are you so angry? the Lord asked him. Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you respond in the right way. But if you refuse to respond correctly, then watch out! Sin is waiting to attack and destroy you, and you must subdue it." Genesis 4:6-7 NLT
Respond-(verb) to say something in return; to react in response.
Did you also know that 'respond' is a noun?
Respond-(noun) an engaged pillar supporting an arch or closing a colonnade or arcade.
God is speaking to Cain, heart to heart, about Cain's responses. He's warning Cain about an area of his life where the enemy is likely to attack. He's asking Cain to become very aware of those 'chinks in his armor', to shore them up, to make some changes.
He's telling Cain that this area is a weak spot that will cause his character to crumble--bit by bit.
Like the respond built out of bricks forming the archway over a doorway, a window or a entrance. If one brick is out of place, missing or faulty, the entire structure can crumble. It may not happen all at once, it may not even start with a huge collapse, but eventually it will lead to problems--big problems.
I'm taking this to heart!
If I always watch my responses, to unkind words, to slander, to being disrespected, to flippant remarks, my 'temple' will remain solidly intact. Others can say what they will, fueled by our enemy, in an attempt to make me stumble, desiring that I fail my Lord--but all they can do it try. I give them their victory, or the defeat, in how I respond.
That's a tall order this second day of the new year...I'm so thankful God loved me enough to show it to me this morning, in preparation for my day ahead.
Monday, January 1, 2018
Today's reading: Genesis 1-3
"So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 NLT
Image-exact likeness; a tangible or visible representation; a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing
I have a goal for this new year...
To look more like the One who created me.
To be a better representation of Him.
To honor His creativity and purpose for making me who I am.
It is in me to look like God. It's genetically engineered into my very being. It is the purpose for which I have been placed here and now, to be Him those around me see.
Maybe it will be in my smile?
In my words?
In my pause to listen, really listen?
In the excitement I have when I talk about Him? The highs and lows of my voice?
In the sparkle of my eyes when I see another of His blessings?
I want to imitate God this year, every moment of every day!
Today's reading: Genesis 1-3
"So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 NLT
Image-exact likeness; a tangible or visible representation; a reproduction or imitation of the form of a person or thing
I have a goal for this new year...
To look more like the One who created me.
To be a better representation of Him.
To honor His creativity and purpose for making me who I am.
It is in me to look like God. It's genetically engineered into my very being. It is the purpose for which I have been placed here and now, to be Him those around me see.
Maybe it will be in my smile?
In my words?
In my pause to listen, really listen?
In the excitement I have when I talk about Him? The highs and lows of my voice?
In the sparkle of my eyes when I see another of His blessings?
I want to imitate God this year, every moment of every day!
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