Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-6
"Then the Lord said to me, Look, Jeremiah! What do you see? And I replied, I see a branch from an almond tree. And the Lord said, That's right, and it means that I am watching, and I will surely carry out my threats of punishment." Jeremiah 1:11-12 NLT
Reading this verse took my mind and heart back 410 days and 6,404 miles to a sight I saw while in Israel...
Miles and miles of almond trees in bloom.
Beautiful pale, pink blossoms on stark leafless trees.
Blurs of pink from the tour bus window.
Acres of pink across the landscape is Israel.
Sign upon sign of the fact that God was, and is--and always will be, watching over me.
God has tickled my heart this morning. Tickled it pink!
Friday, March 31, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Today's reading: Psalm 36-38
"The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." Psalm 37:23-24 NLT
Maybe you needed it this morning like I needed it.
Maybe there is nothing monumentally wrong in your life, but the reassurance sure is nice,
Maybe it's something you can share.
Maybe it's the knot in the end of the rope you're seemingly dangling on.
For whatever reason, and for all reasons there might be, God has sent us these words of His.
We are held.
We are held tightly, lovingly and securely by our Lord.
We may stumble--but because of Him, we will not fall!
Today's reading: Psalm 36-38
"The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." Psalm 37:23-24 NLT
Maybe you needed it this morning like I needed it.
Maybe there is nothing monumentally wrong in your life, but the reassurance sure is nice,
Maybe it's something you can share.
Maybe it's the knot in the end of the rope you're seemingly dangling on.
For whatever reason, and for all reasons there might be, God has sent us these words of His.
We are held.
We are held tightly, lovingly and securely by our Lord.
We may stumble--but because of Him, we will not fall!
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 11-15
"So he demanded, Bring me the burnt offering and the peace offering! And Saul sacrificed the burnt offering himself." 1 Samuel 13:9 NLT
Yes, the Philistines were breathing down his neck.
Yes, he had been appointed by God to fulfill a role.
Yes, Samuel had been summoned, but had not arrived.
Yes, he and his troops were in a pickle.
But to rush in and do what God had specifically said not to do? To take over for God? To step in and play God himself?
We'd never do that, would we?
It never ends well when we do!
Wait on the Lord. Be patient. Trust that God will act on your behalf when the time is perfectly right.
Or...go ahead with your own attempt and see how far that will get you.
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 11-15
"So he demanded, Bring me the burnt offering and the peace offering! And Saul sacrificed the burnt offering himself." 1 Samuel 13:9 NLT
Yes, the Philistines were breathing down his neck.
Yes, he had been appointed by God to fulfill a role.
Yes, Samuel had been summoned, but had not arrived.
Yes, he and his troops were in a pickle.
But to rush in and do what God had specifically said not to do? To take over for God? To step in and play God himself?
We'd never do that, would we?
It never ends well when we do!
Wait on the Lord. Be patient. Trust that God will act on your behalf when the time is perfectly right.
Or...go ahead with your own attempt and see how far that will get you.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Today's reading: Genesis 48-50
"...When Joseph received the message, he broke down and wept." Genesis 50:17 NLT
We find ourselves in the account of Joseph's life just after his father, Jacob, has passed.
Joseph and his brothers have just returned to Egypt after having carried out their father's request to be buried in the land of Canaan.
The brothers, the same ones who had plotted to kill then decided to sell Joseph into slavery are now getting a little nervous.
They're thinking maybe Joseph had ONLY been kind to them because their father was around.
When Joseph heard about their concerns, he reacted with heartbreak.
Did they still not know him?
I see God dealing with the same things in his interactions with us...
We disregard Him. We push Him aside. We take Him for granted. We ignore, disobey and make light of Him.
We take each and every blessing He gives us with open hands yet we bemoan the slightest trial or discipline required to get our hearts back on track with Him.
We fear His wrath while never fully grasping the greatness of His love.
We worry ourselves into ulcerative states about the what-ifs, the we-don't-understands and the what's-to-come, completely ignoring the glory of the right now in His presence.
Do we still not know Him?
Today's reading: Genesis 48-50
"...When Joseph received the message, he broke down and wept." Genesis 50:17 NLT
We find ourselves in the account of Joseph's life just after his father, Jacob, has passed.
Joseph and his brothers have just returned to Egypt after having carried out their father's request to be buried in the land of Canaan.
The brothers, the same ones who had plotted to kill then decided to sell Joseph into slavery are now getting a little nervous.
They're thinking maybe Joseph had ONLY been kind to them because their father was around.
When Joseph heard about their concerns, he reacted with heartbreak.
Did they still not know him?
I see God dealing with the same things in his interactions with us...
We disregard Him. We push Him aside. We take Him for granted. We ignore, disobey and make light of Him.
We take each and every blessing He gives us with open hands yet we bemoan the slightest trial or discipline required to get our hearts back on track with Him.
We fear His wrath while never fully grasping the greatness of His love.
We worry ourselves into ulcerative states about the what-ifs, the we-don't-understands and the what's-to-come, completely ignoring the glory of the right now in His presence.
Do we still not know Him?
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 9-10
"I do all this to spread the Good News, and in doing so I enjoy its blessings." 1 Corinthians 9:23 NLT
Whether it's teaching Sunday School, doing a rotation in King's Kids, accepting the offer to present the Bible lesson at a Vacation Bible School or setting up chairs for a fellowship. Maybe it's holding my tongue when I have a lot to say on the matter, offering to pray for a stranger, sending out a card or shooting off a text. Sometimes it's quoting a Bible verse, referencing the most recent sermon I'd heard, being a listener or holding a baby while Mom visits the altar...I do it to spread the Good News.
It's not always done perfectly.
It's not always received with a thankful heart.
It's sometimes not even noticed.
But I reap the blessings.
We always will if we do it for Him!
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 9-10
"I do all this to spread the Good News, and in doing so I enjoy its blessings." 1 Corinthians 9:23 NLT
Whether it's teaching Sunday School, doing a rotation in King's Kids, accepting the offer to present the Bible lesson at a Vacation Bible School or setting up chairs for a fellowship. Maybe it's holding my tongue when I have a lot to say on the matter, offering to pray for a stranger, sending out a card or shooting off a text. Sometimes it's quoting a Bible verse, referencing the most recent sermon I'd heard, being a listener or holding a baby while Mom visits the altar...I do it to spread the Good News.
It's not always done perfectly.
It's not always received with a thankful heart.
It's sometimes not even noticed.
But I reap the blessings.
We always will if we do it for Him!
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Today's reading: Mark 3-4
"Then he selected twelve of them to be his regular companions, calling them apostles. He sent them out to preach,.." Mark 3:14 NLT
Chosen. Picked out. Favored. Preferred. Selected.
Jesus chose twelve men to surround Him. To walk beside Him. To eat, sleep and minister with Him. To call them by special names. To give them tasks of great importance. To be His hands and feet.
You and I, as His blood-bought children, have been called to be these same companions.
Regular companions.
Are we?
Today's reading: Mark 3-4
"Then he selected twelve of them to be his regular companions, calling them apostles. He sent them out to preach,.." Mark 3:14 NLT
Chosen. Picked out. Favored. Preferred. Selected.
Jesus chose twelve men to surround Him. To walk beside Him. To eat, sleep and minister with Him. To call them by special names. To give them tasks of great importance. To be His hands and feet.
You and I, as His blood-bought children, have been called to be these same companions.
Regular companions.
Are we?
Friday, March 24, 2017
Today's reading: Isaiah 62-66
"Lord, why have you allowed us to turn from your path? Why have you given us stubborn hearts so we no longer fear you? Return and help us, for we are your servants and your special possession." Isaiah 63:17 NLT
God could have created us as robots, hard-wired to make only choices and decisions He had written into our programs.
He could have, but He didn't.
He chose to give us free wills.
Free wills that can walk away, that can choose poorly, that can make decisions that leave us hurting and empty, that go against everything He has asked of us. Free wills that give in to temptations, sin and turn our backs on Him.
But those same free wills also allow us to love Him completely, surrender to Him with our entire hearts and serve Him with a desire that is true and honest. These free wills are the only true sacrifices we can make to God.
What are you doing with yours?
Today's reading: Isaiah 62-66
"Lord, why have you allowed us to turn from your path? Why have you given us stubborn hearts so we no longer fear you? Return and help us, for we are your servants and your special possession." Isaiah 63:17 NLT
God could have created us as robots, hard-wired to make only choices and decisions He had written into our programs.
He could have, but He didn't.
He chose to give us free wills.
Free wills that can walk away, that can choose poorly, that can make decisions that leave us hurting and empty, that go against everything He has asked of us. Free wills that give in to temptations, sin and turn our backs on Him.
But those same free wills also allow us to love Him completely, surrender to Him with our entire hearts and serve Him with a desire that is true and honest. These free wills are the only true sacrifices we can make to God.
What are you doing with yours?
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Today's reading: Job 23-24
"So he will do for me all he has planned. He controls my destiny." Job 23:14 NLT
"For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me; and many such things are with him." Job 23:14 NKJV
As a child of God, a born again, believing in the power of His virgin birth, death and resurrection after the third day, child of God, there can be no greater peace to know God has written a plan for my life!
He knows my every day.
He has ordained each and every opportunity that comes my way.
Absolutely nothing comes into my life that has not been filtered, planned and allowed by my Father.
He loves me that much!
Today's reading: Job 23-24
"So he will do for me all he has planned. He controls my destiny." Job 23:14 NLT
"For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me; and many such things are with him." Job 23:14 NKJV
As a child of God, a born again, believing in the power of His virgin birth, death and resurrection after the third day, child of God, there can be no greater peace to know God has written a plan for my life!
He knows my every day.
He has ordained each and every opportunity that comes my way.
Absolutely nothing comes into my life that has not been filtered, planned and allowed by my Father.
He loves me that much!
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Today's reading: Psalm 33-35
"For the word of the Lord holds true. and everything he does is worthy of our trust." Psalm 33:4 NLT
Everything. That's quite an encompassing word. Covers an enormous area. Contains all we can imagine, think of or consider.
Basing a few statements upon this one verse, we can suffice it to say, we can trust all God allows or permits in to our lives. It is the fine print of an agreement He has with us...
Cancer is covered under the word 'everything'.
Death is covered under the word 'everything'.
Change is covered under the word.
Wait is covered under the word.
Prodigal is covered under the word 'everything'.
Pain is covered under the word 'everything'.
Any questions we might have, any circumstance that might cause us to doubt, any time in our lives when we cannot quite understand--everything He does is worthy of our trust.
That leaves us no time at all to worry, fret or fear!
Today's reading: Psalm 33-35
"For the word of the Lord holds true. and everything he does is worthy of our trust." Psalm 33:4 NLT
Everything. That's quite an encompassing word. Covers an enormous area. Contains all we can imagine, think of or consider.
Basing a few statements upon this one verse, we can suffice it to say, we can trust all God allows or permits in to our lives. It is the fine print of an agreement He has with us...
Cancer is covered under the word 'everything'.
Death is covered under the word 'everything'.
Change is covered under the word.
Wait is covered under the word.
Prodigal is covered under the word 'everything'.
Pain is covered under the word 'everything'.
Any questions we might have, any circumstance that might cause us to doubt, any time in our lives when we cannot quite understand--everything He does is worthy of our trust.
That leaves us no time at all to worry, fret or fear!
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 6-10
"Then Samuel said to all the people of Israel, If you are really serious about wanting to return to the Lord, get rid of your foreign gods and your images of Ashtoreth. Determine to obey only the Lord; then he will rescue you from the Philistines." 1 Samuel 7:3 NLT
Really serious.
Not just playing around at returning to God.
Not just wanting Him on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Not just in His house at Christmas and Easter.
Not just to have a nice line or two in your obituary.
Not just so the neighbors think highly of you, your family will get off your back or your social circle enlarges.
Not just because of the heritage you've been left or the heritage you always wished you had.
Really serious about returning to God. Putting Him first. Giving your best, your most, your heart to Him.
Really serious.
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 6-10
"Then Samuel said to all the people of Israel, If you are really serious about wanting to return to the Lord, get rid of your foreign gods and your images of Ashtoreth. Determine to obey only the Lord; then he will rescue you from the Philistines." 1 Samuel 7:3 NLT
Really serious.
Not just playing around at returning to God.
Not just wanting Him on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Not just in His house at Christmas and Easter.
Not just to have a nice line or two in your obituary.
Not just so the neighbors think highly of you, your family will get off your back or your social circle enlarges.
Not just because of the heritage you've been left or the heritage you always wished you had.
Really serious about returning to God. Putting Him first. Giving your best, your most, your heart to Him.
Really serious.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Today's reading: Genesis 44-47
"So the people of Israel settled in the land of Goshen in Egypt. And before long, they began to prosper there, and their population grew rapidly." Genesis 47:27 NLT
The family of Jacob settled in nicely in Egypt.
There was food there. There were grazing lands for their flocks. They had prestige, due to Joseph, in this land.
They prospered.
I really believe they thought 'this' was it.
They needed to look no farther. They needed to travel never again. They had found home.
But we know the end of the story, don't we? We know how Pharoah would eventually become very much perturbed by their presence, force them into slavery and eventually push them away--to the Promised Land.
Maybe you and I are settled in where we are. Comfortable. Content. Believing 'this' is where God needs us to be.
But only God knows the plans He has for us. Where He desires we go. What He desires we change into. When He desires we pick up our tent and move into a new place. Who else He needs us to reach for Him.
We can trust Him.
Always, we can trust Him.
Today's reading: Genesis 44-47
"So the people of Israel settled in the land of Goshen in Egypt. And before long, they began to prosper there, and their population grew rapidly." Genesis 47:27 NLT
The family of Jacob settled in nicely in Egypt.
There was food there. There were grazing lands for their flocks. They had prestige, due to Joseph, in this land.
They prospered.
I really believe they thought 'this' was it.
They needed to look no farther. They needed to travel never again. They had found home.
But we know the end of the story, don't we? We know how Pharoah would eventually become very much perturbed by their presence, force them into slavery and eventually push them away--to the Promised Land.
Maybe you and I are settled in where we are. Comfortable. Content. Believing 'this' is where God needs us to be.
But only God knows the plans He has for us. Where He desires we go. What He desires we change into. When He desires we pick up our tent and move into a new place. Who else He needs us to reach for Him.
We can trust Him.
Always, we can trust Him.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 7-8
"Now let's talk about food that has been sacrificed to idols. You think that everyone should agree with your perfect knowledge. While knowledge may make us feel important, it is love that really builds up the church." 1 Corinthians 8:1 NLT
I like being right.
There, I've said it.
Being right makes me feel...well, important as the Word speaks, but also it makes me feel smart, admired, like I'm someone special.
Knowing how very much I enjoy being right, I have to be very careful not to allow being right to override being loving.
I can be both but love is what Jesus asked us to do.
I can be both but love is what will draw more people to God.
I can be both but love is what will make my spirit bear witness with another's.
Love unifies, being right divides.
I want to very carefully watch which one I lean more towards today.
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 7-8
"Now let's talk about food that has been sacrificed to idols. You think that everyone should agree with your perfect knowledge. While knowledge may make us feel important, it is love that really builds up the church." 1 Corinthians 8:1 NLT
I like being right.
There, I've said it.
Being right makes me feel...well, important as the Word speaks, but also it makes me feel smart, admired, like I'm someone special.
Knowing how very much I enjoy being right, I have to be very careful not to allow being right to override being loving.
I can be both but love is what Jesus asked us to do.
I can be both but love is what will draw more people to God.
I can be both but love is what will make my spirit bear witness with another's.
Love unifies, being right divides.
I want to very carefully watch which one I lean more towards today.
Saturday, March 18, 2017
Today's reading: Mark 1-2
"One day Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and he was baptized by John in the Jordan river." Mark 1:9 NLT
It's exciting to read about Jesus.
I've been to a little hill outside of Nazareth.
I've walked in the Galilee region.
I myself was baptized in the Jordan River, not by John, but by Eddie and Keith.
What's catching my eye and heart this morning, are these words...
"One day Jesus came..."
For me.
For my sins.
For my future.
For my eternity.
For you, to.
Today's reading: Mark 1-2
"One day Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and he was baptized by John in the Jordan river." Mark 1:9 NLT
It's exciting to read about Jesus.
I've been to a little hill outside of Nazareth.
I've walked in the Galilee region.
I myself was baptized in the Jordan River, not by John, but by Eddie and Keith.
What's catching my eye and heart this morning, are these words...
"One day Jesus came..."
For me.
For my sins.
For my future.
For my eternity.
For you, to.
Friday, March 17, 2017
Today's reading: Isaiah 56-61
"You have committed adultery on the mountaintops by worshiping idols there, and have so you have been unfaithful to me. Behind closed doors, you have set up your idols and worship them instead of me. This is adultery, for you are loving these idols instead of loving me. You have climbed right into bed with these detestable gods." Isaiah 57:7-8 NLT
I ask God each morning to make His word plain to me. Easy to understand. To bring to light what it is He desires me to see, hear or know.
I'm a simple gal, with only a high school education, so elementary words, clearly defined ideas and specifics are what I need.
Well, He certainly came through this morning.
I asked...He gave.
There is no doubt in my mind what so ever as to how He sees idolatry.
No, not the idolatry that involves tiny statues, home-based shrines or pocket trinkets--although that is also included.
I believe He is referring to the idol worship we participate in when we seek comfort and consolation from anyone or anything but Him.
The kind we dabble in when we think we find peace in what the world offers.
The idolatry that ties up our minds, our time and our hearts.
It's what lures us off course, slowly and discreetly.
It's what makes us doubt His rock-solid truths.
It's what distracts us from meditating and focusing on Him.
Idol worship is us cheating on God.
I think today's Scripture explains that very clearly.
Today's reading: Isaiah 56-61
"You have committed adultery on the mountaintops by worshiping idols there, and have so you have been unfaithful to me. Behind closed doors, you have set up your idols and worship them instead of me. This is adultery, for you are loving these idols instead of loving me. You have climbed right into bed with these detestable gods." Isaiah 57:7-8 NLT
I ask God each morning to make His word plain to me. Easy to understand. To bring to light what it is He desires me to see, hear or know.
I'm a simple gal, with only a high school education, so elementary words, clearly defined ideas and specifics are what I need.
Well, He certainly came through this morning.
I asked...He gave.
There is no doubt in my mind what so ever as to how He sees idolatry.
No, not the idolatry that involves tiny statues, home-based shrines or pocket trinkets--although that is also included.
I believe He is referring to the idol worship we participate in when we seek comfort and consolation from anyone or anything but Him.
The kind we dabble in when we think we find peace in what the world offers.
The idolatry that ties up our minds, our time and our hearts.
It's what lures us off course, slowly and discreetly.
It's what makes us doubt His rock-solid truths.
It's what distracts us from meditating and focusing on Him.
Idol worship is us cheating on God.
I think today's Scripture explains that very clearly.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Today's reading: Job 21-22
"God is so great--higher than the heavens, higher than the farthest stars." Job 22:12 NLT
Job's friends didn't offer him, or us, many comforting words. They gave little consolation, if any, to their hurting friend. Actually, they left him in a deeper pit than he started in.
But every so often within their responses to Job, you'll find a tidbit of truth, an encouraging morsel, a sentence or two that helps the soul.
Like this morning's.
I needed to be reminded of God's greatness.
How big He is.
How He is everywhere.
How nothing, absolutely nothing, is outside of His reach.
For my heart.
For a friend who needs to know He will be beside her in the operating room.
For a loved one who is hurting, physically and mentally.
For the battles I will come up against today.
For a new believer I'm acquainted with.
For the stranger He will allow me to meet.
For the lies my enemy will tempt me with.
My God is so great!
Today's reading: Job 21-22
"God is so great--higher than the heavens, higher than the farthest stars." Job 22:12 NLT
Job's friends didn't offer him, or us, many comforting words. They gave little consolation, if any, to their hurting friend. Actually, they left him in a deeper pit than he started in.
But every so often within their responses to Job, you'll find a tidbit of truth, an encouraging morsel, a sentence or two that helps the soul.
Like this morning's.
I needed to be reminded of God's greatness.
How big He is.
How He is everywhere.
How nothing, absolutely nothing, is outside of His reach.
For my heart.
For a friend who needs to know He will be beside her in the operating room.
For a loved one who is hurting, physically and mentally.
For the battles I will come up against today.
For a new believer I'm acquainted with.
For the stranger He will allow me to meet.
For the lies my enemy will tempt me with.
My God is so great!
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Today's reading: Psalm 30-32
"O Lord my God, I cried out to you for help, and you restored my health." Psalm 30:2 NLT
Rapiendi and carpendi or 'seizing' and 'plucking', are the words used to describe the healing, or health, mentioned in this passage of Scripture.
The two Hebrew words describe the act of sewing together or mending. Seizing a part from one place and plucking a part from another, attaching it and making a piece whole.
When it comes to being mended, isn't that just what God does?
He takes the parts of us that are broken, ill, sin-stained, terminal and attaches them to Him--His wholeness, His perfection, His entirety.
Sometimes that involves physical health, sometimes it does not.
In some instances cancer cells remain but His peace mends the heart and mind. Or physical pain continues but His strength allows life to continue. Or empty wounds remain gaping sores soothed by His balm of love. Sins punishable by death and putrid with decay are cleansed wholly and completely by His blood.
He mends our broken parts together in His love, for His purposes, in His time.
We are all patchwork quilts of His grace!
Today's reading: Psalm 30-32
"O Lord my God, I cried out to you for help, and you restored my health." Psalm 30:2 NLT
Rapiendi and carpendi or 'seizing' and 'plucking', are the words used to describe the healing, or health, mentioned in this passage of Scripture.
The two Hebrew words describe the act of sewing together or mending. Seizing a part from one place and plucking a part from another, attaching it and making a piece whole.
When it comes to being mended, isn't that just what God does?
He takes the parts of us that are broken, ill, sin-stained, terminal and attaches them to Him--His wholeness, His perfection, His entirety.
Sometimes that involves physical health, sometimes it does not.
In some instances cancer cells remain but His peace mends the heart and mind. Or physical pain continues but His strength allows life to continue. Or empty wounds remain gaping sores soothed by His balm of love. Sins punishable by death and putrid with decay are cleansed wholly and completely by His blood.
He mends our broken parts together in His love, for His purposes, in His time.
We are all patchwork quilts of His grace!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 1-5
"And the Lord came and called as before, Samuel! Samuel! And Samuel replied, Yes, your servant is listening." 1 Samuel 3:10 NLT
We worry about what God might ask us to do.
We anticipate being given tasks greater than our strengths.
We fret about how comfortable, or uncomfortable, our calling might be on our present way of life.
We concern ourselves with the details that may or may not be revealed to us.
We make ourselves sick or weak with fear of what may be required of us.
And in all reality, all He asks is that we just listen to Him.
No distractions. No premeditated conversations. No words spoken on our part.
Listening may be the hardest thing we could ever do--and what may very well bring us the greatest rewards.
My prayer today is that I will honestly and truly say, Lord, Your servant is listening.
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 1-5
"And the Lord came and called as before, Samuel! Samuel! And Samuel replied, Yes, your servant is listening." 1 Samuel 3:10 NLT
We worry about what God might ask us to do.
We anticipate being given tasks greater than our strengths.
We fret about how comfortable, or uncomfortable, our calling might be on our present way of life.
We concern ourselves with the details that may or may not be revealed to us.
We make ourselves sick or weak with fear of what may be required of us.
And in all reality, all He asks is that we just listen to Him.
No distractions. No premeditated conversations. No words spoken on our part.
Listening may be the hardest thing we could ever do--and what may very well bring us the greatest rewards.
My prayer today is that I will honestly and truly say, Lord, Your servant is listening.
Monday, March 13, 2017
Today's reading: Genesis 40-43
"And they replied, We both had dreams last night, but there is no one here to tell us what they mean. Interpreting dreams is God's business, Joseph replied, Tell me what you saw." Genesis 40:8 NLT
Joseph was so in tune with God he was able to step in and do 'God's business', with God's help, of course.
That's a bold statement. That's a brave move.
I wonder, do I stand and act as courageously when I offer to pray for or with another? When I speak words of truth over their situations? When I tell them they can trust God?
Am I so in step with God that I can step in and go about His business in the opportunities He presents me? Am I so dependent upon His graces and strengths that there is no doubt to it being His ways a work in the answers to come?
Today's reading: Genesis 40-43
"And they replied, We both had dreams last night, but there is no one here to tell us what they mean. Interpreting dreams is God's business, Joseph replied, Tell me what you saw." Genesis 40:8 NLT
Joseph was so in tune with God he was able to step in and do 'God's business', with God's help, of course.
That's a bold statement. That's a brave move.
I wonder, do I stand and act as courageously when I offer to pray for or with another? When I speak words of truth over their situations? When I tell them they can trust God?
Am I so in step with God that I can step in and go about His business in the opportunities He presents me? Am I so dependent upon His graces and strengths that there is no doubt to it being His ways a work in the answers to come?
Sunday, March 12, 2017
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 5-6
"How terrible that you should boast about your spirituality, and yet you let this sort of thing go on. Don't you realize that if even one person is allowed to go on sinning, soon all will be infected?" 1 Corinthians 5:6 NLT
We have had a bout with Influenza Type A in our house this winter. It was a nasty bug that knocked the stuffing out of our big, tall teenager. Kept him down with a fever for a week. Caused him to miss out on school and all the activities surrounding it.
We have Lysoled, hydrogen peroxided and bleached every surface imaginable in an effort not to pass it along, or get it again.
There's no telling where he picked up the germ. Might have been at school. Could have been at church. Maybe WalMart or his friend's house. We just don't know--and now it really doesn't even matter.
Those infectious germs are what I immediately thought of when I read this portion of Scripture.
I have to be solidly grounded, forgiven and seeking to live for Christ so I don't infect others with my sins!
We've all seen one 'small' sin grow in a person's life until every aspect of them is affected.
What if it is us--and we infect our families? Our churches? Our neighborhood?
Think your tiny sin won't do that much damage? Then you're not believing your Bible!
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 5-6
"How terrible that you should boast about your spirituality, and yet you let this sort of thing go on. Don't you realize that if even one person is allowed to go on sinning, soon all will be infected?" 1 Corinthians 5:6 NLT
We have had a bout with Influenza Type A in our house this winter. It was a nasty bug that knocked the stuffing out of our big, tall teenager. Kept him down with a fever for a week. Caused him to miss out on school and all the activities surrounding it.
We have Lysoled, hydrogen peroxided and bleached every surface imaginable in an effort not to pass it along, or get it again.
There's no telling where he picked up the germ. Might have been at school. Could have been at church. Maybe WalMart or his friend's house. We just don't know--and now it really doesn't even matter.
Those infectious germs are what I immediately thought of when I read this portion of Scripture.
I have to be solidly grounded, forgiven and seeking to live for Christ so I don't infect others with my sins!
We've all seen one 'small' sin grow in a person's life until every aspect of them is affected.
What if it is us--and we infect our families? Our churches? Our neighborhood?
Think your tiny sin won't do that much damage? Then you're not believing your Bible!
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Today's reading: Matthew 26-28
"I assure you, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be talked about in her memory." Matthew 26:13 NLT
She only did what her heart led her to do.
She only did what she could with what she had.
She only did what she believed He deserved.
And now she's remembered all these years later.
Miles away from her home town.
In every Bible every printed.
In every church house around the world.
In Sunday School classes.
In Vacation Bible Schools.
In prayer chairs on Saturday mornings.
She is remembered for what she did for Jesus.
Oh, that I may have the same privilege!
Today's reading: Matthew 26-28
"I assure you, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman's deed will be talked about in her memory." Matthew 26:13 NLT
She only did what her heart led her to do.
She only did what she could with what she had.
She only did what she believed He deserved.
And now she's remembered all these years later.
Miles away from her home town.
In every Bible every printed.
In every church house around the world.
In Sunday School classes.
In Vacation Bible Schools.
In prayer chairs on Saturday mornings.
She is remembered for what she did for Jesus.
Oh, that I may have the same privilege!
Friday, March 10, 2017
Today's reading: Isaiah 51-55
"Get out! Get out and leave your captivity, where everything you touch is unclean. Get out of there and purify yourselves, you who carry home the sacred objects of the Lord." Isaiah 52:11 NLT
Some of us continue to reside in the gutter the Lord found us in.
Maybe not physically, but certainly mentally and emotionally.
We allow the same temptations to surround us.
We let the same relationships infect us.
We fail to react in new ways to old taunts.
We go, mind or body, to places we know are not good for us.
So it's time, the Lord tells Israel and tells us, to Get out!
We are now holders, in our hearts, of sacred objects of the Lord.
We hold Christ's blood in our hearts!
We possess a key to eternal life!
We have a peace which passes all understanding!
We have the privilege of sharing the Good News with everyone we meet!
And yet we remain in captivity. Inside our enemy's pit of despair, or pit of ease. We continue to allow satan to poke and prod us.
Let's get out and go on!
Today's reading: Isaiah 51-55
"Get out! Get out and leave your captivity, where everything you touch is unclean. Get out of there and purify yourselves, you who carry home the sacred objects of the Lord." Isaiah 52:11 NLT
Some of us continue to reside in the gutter the Lord found us in.
Maybe not physically, but certainly mentally and emotionally.
We allow the same temptations to surround us.
We let the same relationships infect us.
We fail to react in new ways to old taunts.
We go, mind or body, to places we know are not good for us.
So it's time, the Lord tells Israel and tells us, to Get out!
We are now holders, in our hearts, of sacred objects of the Lord.
We hold Christ's blood in our hearts!
We possess a key to eternal life!
We have a peace which passes all understanding!
We have the privilege of sharing the Good News with everyone we meet!
And yet we remain in captivity. Inside our enemy's pit of despair, or pit of ease. We continue to allow satan to poke and prod us.
Let's get out and go on!
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Today's reading: Job 19-20
"I warn you, you yourselves are in danger of punishment for your attitude. Then you will know that there is judgement." Job 19:29 NLT
Maybe you don't struggle with it.
Quite possibly you've never had to check yours with the Lord.
I will venture a guess that you have no idea what some of us deal with on a daily basis.
Stinky attitudes.
It's a real problem.
It's a weed seed that once sprouted, is very hard to prune or remove from the garden of your heart.
It's something the world likes us to believe we have a right to carry with us like a badge.
It has marked some of us with scarlet A's for 'attitude', so much so that people walk gingerly around us...widely around us.
Our attitude determines what comes out of our mouths, how we go about doing most anything we are asked to do and sometimes makes us feel at liberty to provide a running commentary of our feelings--good or bad, about any given topic whether we are asked or not.
But Job this morning reminds me that there is punishment involved for maintaining a stinky attitude.
I think I need that reminder!
Today's reading: Job 19-20
"I warn you, you yourselves are in danger of punishment for your attitude. Then you will know that there is judgement." Job 19:29 NLT
Maybe you don't struggle with it.
Quite possibly you've never had to check yours with the Lord.
I will venture a guess that you have no idea what some of us deal with on a daily basis.
Stinky attitudes.
It's a real problem.
It's a weed seed that once sprouted, is very hard to prune or remove from the garden of your heart.
It's something the world likes us to believe we have a right to carry with us like a badge.
It has marked some of us with scarlet A's for 'attitude', so much so that people walk gingerly around us...widely around us.
Our attitude determines what comes out of our mouths, how we go about doing most anything we are asked to do and sometimes makes us feel at liberty to provide a running commentary of our feelings--good or bad, about any given topic whether we are asked or not.
But Job this morning reminds me that there is punishment involved for maintaining a stinky attitude.
I think I need that reminder!
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Today's reading: Psalm 27-29
"The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea..." Psalm 29:3 NLT
"The voice of the Lord is powerful..." Psalm 29:4 NLT
"The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars..." Psalm 29:5 NLT
"The voice of the Lord strikes with lightning bolts..." Psalm 29:7 NLT
"The voice of the Lord makes the desert quake..." Psalm 29:8 NLT
"The voice of the Lord twists mighty oaks..." Psalm 29:9 NLT
The voice of the Lord also whispers, Come and sit at My feet, to this undeserving child.
I'm so glad for the voice of the Lord this morning!
Today's reading: Psalm 27-29
"The voice of the Lord echoes above the sea..." Psalm 29:3 NLT
"The voice of the Lord is powerful..." Psalm 29:4 NLT
"The voice of the Lord splits the mighty cedars..." Psalm 29:5 NLT
"The voice of the Lord strikes with lightning bolts..." Psalm 29:7 NLT
"The voice of the Lord makes the desert quake..." Psalm 29:8 NLT
"The voice of the Lord twists mighty oaks..." Psalm 29:9 NLT
The voice of the Lord also whispers, Come and sit at My feet, to this undeserving child.
I'm so glad for the voice of the Lord this morning!
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Today's reading: Ruth
"Then Ruth said, What's more, Boaz even told me to come back and stay with his harvesters until the entire harvest is completed." Ruth 2:21 NLT
I can hear her breathless excitement as she re-tells her entire day to Naomi. Every detail. Every moment. Every single second of her day.
I can hear her list one godly trait after another in regards to Boaz. He's nice. He's kind. He's patient. He's caring. He's generous. I, and maybe it's the little girl in me, that even guesses she mentioned what color his eyes were--and swooned.
But then she says it.
And I don't guess I'd ever paused long enough to notice it before...
What's more...
As if she and Naomi were not thrilled with all he had done, she feels she needs to add one more thing.
I do that with God.
He saved me.
That in itself is amazing...undeserved...change-a-life kind of spectacular...wonderful.
But what's more...
He offers me His name.
He provides me with family.
He allows me to be a part of His work.
He continues to forgive me and grow me and love me.
He chooses not to turn His back on me, even when I provide Him plenty of reasons to do so.
So, Ruth, I get the 'what's more' in your conversation!
Today's reading: Ruth
"Then Ruth said, What's more, Boaz even told me to come back and stay with his harvesters until the entire harvest is completed." Ruth 2:21 NLT
I can hear her breathless excitement as she re-tells her entire day to Naomi. Every detail. Every moment. Every single second of her day.
I can hear her list one godly trait after another in regards to Boaz. He's nice. He's kind. He's patient. He's caring. He's generous. I, and maybe it's the little girl in me, that even guesses she mentioned what color his eyes were--and swooned.
But then she says it.
And I don't guess I'd ever paused long enough to notice it before...
What's more...
As if she and Naomi were not thrilled with all he had done, she feels she needs to add one more thing.
I do that with God.
He saved me.
That in itself is amazing...undeserved...change-a-life kind of spectacular...wonderful.
But what's more...
He offers me His name.
He provides me with family.
He allows me to be a part of His work.
He continues to forgive me and grow me and love me.
He chooses not to turn His back on me, even when I provide Him plenty of reasons to do so.
So, Ruth, I get the 'what's more' in your conversation!
Monday, March 6, 2017
Today's reading: Genesis 36-39
"Soon after this, Joseph's brothers went to pasture their father's flocks at Shechem. When they had been gone for some time, Jacob said to Joseph, Your brothers are over at Shechem with the flocks, I'm going to send you to them. I'm ready to go, Joseph replied." Genesis 37:12-13 NLT
Willing. Eager. Submissive. Obedient. Available. Servile. Just a few words that would define Joseph's response to his father.
But if he had know what was to come?
The plot to destroy him? The pit? The palace? The prison?
Would he have been so eager to say 'yes' to his father?
Are we, not knowing what the future holds?
Do we readily submit to God's call on our lives with eagerness and expectation?
Are we ready to jump and run the moment He whispers a command to us?
Are we obedient to the point that there are no questions asked?
We know how Joseph's story ends. He saves his whole family. God blesses him abundantly.
We can rest assured, as His dear children, the same ending is true for our stories, too.
Today's reading: Genesis 36-39
"Soon after this, Joseph's brothers went to pasture their father's flocks at Shechem. When they had been gone for some time, Jacob said to Joseph, Your brothers are over at Shechem with the flocks, I'm going to send you to them. I'm ready to go, Joseph replied." Genesis 37:12-13 NLT
Willing. Eager. Submissive. Obedient. Available. Servile. Just a few words that would define Joseph's response to his father.
But if he had know what was to come?
The plot to destroy him? The pit? The palace? The prison?
Would he have been so eager to say 'yes' to his father?
Are we, not knowing what the future holds?
Do we readily submit to God's call on our lives with eagerness and expectation?
Are we ready to jump and run the moment He whispers a command to us?
Are we obedient to the point that there are no questions asked?
We know how Joseph's story ends. He saves his whole family. God blesses him abundantly.
We can rest assured, as His dear children, the same ending is true for our stories, too.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 3-4
"I had to feed you with milk and not with solid food, because you couldn't handle anything stronger. And you still aren't ready, for you are still controlled by your own sinful desires. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn't that prove you are controlled by your own desires? You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." 1 Corinthians 3:2-3 NLT
I've thought about the fact that how I do, what I say and how I react to things associates me with groups of people.
I know lumber lingo because of my time at the lumberyard.
I know a few sewing facts because of my time spent at my Mom's knee and in Home Ec class.
I know simple booking/baking terms because I do so love to eat and I have Food Network.
I can talk garden with the older generation.
But these words of Scripture this morning check me on where I truly belong...to God.
My attitude, yes even and especially towards my Christian brothers and sisters, are fact-bearing as to whether or not I am truly God's.
To be told that I am acting like someone who doesn't belong to the Lord would be a slap in the face--but may be just what I need to get things right with God!
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 3-4
"I had to feed you with milk and not with solid food, because you couldn't handle anything stronger. And you still aren't ready, for you are still controlled by your own sinful desires. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn't that prove you are controlled by your own desires? You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." 1 Corinthians 3:2-3 NLT
I've thought about the fact that how I do, what I say and how I react to things associates me with groups of people.
I know lumber lingo because of my time at the lumberyard.
I know a few sewing facts because of my time spent at my Mom's knee and in Home Ec class.
I know simple booking/baking terms because I do so love to eat and I have Food Network.
I can talk garden with the older generation.
But these words of Scripture this morning check me on where I truly belong...to God.
My attitude, yes even and especially towards my Christian brothers and sisters, are fact-bearing as to whether or not I am truly God's.
To be told that I am acting like someone who doesn't belong to the Lord would be a slap in the face--but may be just what I need to get things right with God!
Saturday, March 4, 2017
Today's reading: Matthew 23-25
"As Jesus was leaving the Temple grounds, his disciples pointed out to him the various Temple buildings. But he told them, Do you see all these buildings? I assure you, they will be so completely demolished that not one stone will be left on top of another!" Matthew 24:1-2 NLT
The disciples looked around at the majestic architecture and were sure the builders of the time knew what they were doing.
They felt secure within the stone walls.
They rested comfortably in the layout and the engineering of what surrounded them.
Jesus wasn't impressed.
What they saw as masterpieces, He saw as a pile of rubble not able to withstand the hand of God.
I'm wondering if that is not what He sees when we draw His attention to our problems and mountains?
What we see as insurmountable and impossible, He sees as nothing more than tiny heaps of rubble to be swept away by God in His time and in His way.
That's nothing, boys, He might say to us today!
Today's reading: Matthew 23-25
"As Jesus was leaving the Temple grounds, his disciples pointed out to him the various Temple buildings. But he told them, Do you see all these buildings? I assure you, they will be so completely demolished that not one stone will be left on top of another!" Matthew 24:1-2 NLT
The disciples looked around at the majestic architecture and were sure the builders of the time knew what they were doing.
They felt secure within the stone walls.
They rested comfortably in the layout and the engineering of what surrounded them.
Jesus wasn't impressed.
What they saw as masterpieces, He saw as a pile of rubble not able to withstand the hand of God.
I'm wondering if that is not what He sees when we draw His attention to our problems and mountains?
What we see as insurmountable and impossible, He sees as nothing more than tiny heaps of rubble to be swept away by God in His time and in His way.
That's nothing, boys, He might say to us today!
Friday, March 3, 2017
Today's reading: Isaiah 45-50
"The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will." Isaiah 50:4 NLT
I don't know about you, but throughout my day, I meet a lot of weary people.
Folks who are worn out from enduring the trials of life.
People who spend their energies seeking worthless things.
Men and women who are exhausted from attempting to carry things in their hearts never intended for them to carry.
All ages scurrying about, looking under every rock and behind every tree for the meaning of their life--in a pocket version, they can pick up as they speed down the drive-thru lane and all at a clearance price.
People are weary. And if you spend any time at all watching them, you'll soon tire yourself.
If my few minutes in God's Word and in His presence each morning will allow me compassion, love and patience with them, I believe it's worth it.
If what I read I can share, it's worth getting up a few minutes early.
If what He speaks to my heart will correct my path and allow me to see another's needs more clearly, it's worth getting up a few minutes early.
If the peace He gives me from pausing in His presence can be shared with one of these weary souls, it's worth getting up a few minutes early.
It's two-fold, I benefit and the people He places in my path benefit. It's a win-win situation!
Today's reading: Isaiah 45-50
"The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will." Isaiah 50:4 NLT
I don't know about you, but throughout my day, I meet a lot of weary people.
Folks who are worn out from enduring the trials of life.
People who spend their energies seeking worthless things.
Men and women who are exhausted from attempting to carry things in their hearts never intended for them to carry.
All ages scurrying about, looking under every rock and behind every tree for the meaning of their life--in a pocket version, they can pick up as they speed down the drive-thru lane and all at a clearance price.
People are weary. And if you spend any time at all watching them, you'll soon tire yourself.
If my few minutes in God's Word and in His presence each morning will allow me compassion, love and patience with them, I believe it's worth it.
If what I read I can share, it's worth getting up a few minutes early.
If what He speaks to my heart will correct my path and allow me to see another's needs more clearly, it's worth getting up a few minutes early.
If the peace He gives me from pausing in His presence can be shared with one of these weary souls, it's worth getting up a few minutes early.
It's two-fold, I benefit and the people He places in my path benefit. It's a win-win situation!
Thursday, March 2, 2017
Today's reading: Job 17-18
"The righteous will move onward and forward, and those with pure hearts will become stronger and stronger." Job 17:9 NLT
I think there are days when every one of us feel like we are going in circles, are stuck in the same ditch or feel like we're going no where.
It's only temporary.
If you are a child of God!
If our heart's desire and our energies are spent seeking out His will, doing His commands and longing to please Him--still is not what we will be!
We will be moving forward. Our hearts will grow in leaps and bounds, We will increase.
So while you feel as if you're going no where--it is only a countdown that has started for great things.
5...4...3...2...1--LIFT OFF!!
Today's reading: Job 17-18
"The righteous will move onward and forward, and those with pure hearts will become stronger and stronger." Job 17:9 NLT
I think there are days when every one of us feel like we are going in circles, are stuck in the same ditch or feel like we're going no where.
It's only temporary.
If you are a child of God!
If our heart's desire and our energies are spent seeking out His will, doing His commands and longing to please Him--still is not what we will be!
We will be moving forward. Our hearts will grow in leaps and bounds, We will increase.
So while you feel as if you're going no where--it is only a countdown that has started for great things.
5...4...3...2...1--LIFT OFF!!
Wednesday, March 1, 2017
Today's reading: Psalm 24-26
"Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my mind and my heart." Psalm 26:2 NKJV
"Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and my heart." Psalm 26:2 NLT
"Examine me, God, from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I'm fit inside and out." Psalm 26:2 MSG
Today is the first day of Lent.
Not a religious experience our church practices per se, but one that is observed in the Church proper as a time to prepare us for Easter.
I got up this morning with my thoughts being on Lent. About how for the next 46 days I would focus more on God than ever. About this time being set aside for Him. About what I might give up in order to see Him more clearly.
But when I read this verse, it became all about me.
Before I can get my focus on God, there are some things I need to get rid of in my life.
Before I could give more time to my Savior, I needed to de-clutter some head and heart matters.
So, for a time specifically set aside for godly focus, I do have to focus on myself for a while.
I want to be ready to experience God in a new way this season. I want to see Him through different lenses. I want to accept all of Him He is willing to share with me.
So that begins with some spring cleaning of my temple.
I need to go through a gamut of His tests of my commitment, faith and worship.
I desire to be scrubbed clean by my Dearest Friend.
I want to be found worthy of Him and empty of any other idols.
I want to be less distracted with worldly things and more in awe of Him.
You, too?
Today's reading: Psalm 24-26
"Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my mind and my heart." Psalm 26:2 NKJV
"Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and my heart." Psalm 26:2 NLT
"Examine me, God, from head to foot, order your battery of tests. Make sure I'm fit inside and out." Psalm 26:2 MSG
Today is the first day of Lent.
Not a religious experience our church practices per se, but one that is observed in the Church proper as a time to prepare us for Easter.
I got up this morning with my thoughts being on Lent. About how for the next 46 days I would focus more on God than ever. About this time being set aside for Him. About what I might give up in order to see Him more clearly.
But when I read this verse, it became all about me.
Before I can get my focus on God, there are some things I need to get rid of in my life.
Before I could give more time to my Savior, I needed to de-clutter some head and heart matters.
So, for a time specifically set aside for godly focus, I do have to focus on myself for a while.
I want to be ready to experience God in a new way this season. I want to see Him through different lenses. I want to accept all of Him He is willing to share with me.
So that begins with some spring cleaning of my temple.
I need to go through a gamut of His tests of my commitment, faith and worship.
I desire to be scrubbed clean by my Dearest Friend.
I want to be found worthy of Him and empty of any other idols.
I want to be less distracted with worldly things and more in awe of Him.
You, too?
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