Today's reading: Psalm 137-139
"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered!" Psalm 139:17 NLT
Have you gotten that phone call when you needed it the most?
Received a text at just the right time?
Thumbed through the mail and found a handwritten card, amid the bills and sales flyers, that you really, really needed that day?
Had someone tell you they are thinking about you at just the time you were wondering if anyone at all even noticed you existed?
That's just what God does for us...
He is always thinking of us!
Continually throughout the day.
Since the beginning of time.
Before we were even 'we'.
So often that we cannot begin to count.
We are always on His mind.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Today's reading: Nehemiah 1-4
"But I replied, The God of heaven will help us succeed..." Nehemiah 2:20 NLT
I believe with all my heart that Nehemiah's reply was heartfelt.
It did not come during easy circumstances.
It was not said flippantly.
It was not spoken comfortably or in ease.
The walls of his home, God's city, lay in ruins.
The task was enormous.
The enemy was near.
The fear was real.
The statement was made based not on Nehemiah's abilities, but on God's.
God could. God would. God did.
Isn't that all we need to remember?
Today's reading: Nehemiah 1-4
"But I replied, The God of heaven will help us succeed..." Nehemiah 2:20 NLT
I believe with all my heart that Nehemiah's reply was heartfelt.
It did not come during easy circumstances.
It was not said flippantly.
It was not spoken comfortably or in ease.
The walls of his home, God's city, lay in ruins.
The task was enormous.
The enemy was near.
The fear was real.
The statement was made based not on Nehemiah's abilities, but on God's.
God could. God would. God did.
Isn't that all we need to remember?
Monday, November 28, 2016
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 20-22
"Then the officers of the army will address the troops and say...Is anyone terrified? If you are, go home before you frighten anyone else." Deuteronomy 20:5-8 NLT
The phrase, 'never let them see you sweat', has hit me full in the face this morning through these verses.
My impact, what I believe I have and what I have no clue I have, is impacted by my reactions to fear.
Are others seeing me fight or run?
Are fellow believers being encouraged to march ahead with me, or hide in the foxholes until the enemy slips past?
Are my Christian brothers and sisters rising up to fight alongside me, or running home to the unsecured comforts of home as shown by my example?
I could easily say my fears only touch the life of my son...but I'd be lying to myself as I know I am also influencing littles in my church, customers in my store, Christians-to-be in my midst, growing believers in my Bible study, saints of God placed in my life for a reason and hurting folks in my line at Wal-Mart.
What my fear does to me is one thing--what I allow it to do to others is another.
Let me press on, Lord, not afraid.
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 20-22
"Then the officers of the army will address the troops and say...Is anyone terrified? If you are, go home before you frighten anyone else." Deuteronomy 20:5-8 NLT
The phrase, 'never let them see you sweat', has hit me full in the face this morning through these verses.
My impact, what I believe I have and what I have no clue I have, is impacted by my reactions to fear.
Are others seeing me fight or run?
Are fellow believers being encouraged to march ahead with me, or hide in the foxholes until the enemy slips past?
Are my Christian brothers and sisters rising up to fight alongside me, or running home to the unsecured comforts of home as shown by my example?
I could easily say my fears only touch the life of my son...but I'd be lying to myself as I know I am also influencing littles in my church, customers in my store, Christians-to-be in my midst, growing believers in my Bible study, saints of God placed in my life for a reason and hurting folks in my line at Wal-Mart.
What my fear does to me is one thing--what I allow it to do to others is another.
Let me press on, Lord, not afraid.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Today's reading: 1 John 1-3
"Dear children, don't let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it is because they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. But when people keep on sinning, it shows they belong to the Devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy these works of the Devil." 1 John 3:7-8 NLT
I, on occasion, have to take a spiritual inventory.
I have to spend time at God's feet.
On His examining table.
Before His X-ray.
Sitting before Him, listening to Him speak to my condition.
Sometimes it involves being patted on the back.
Sometimes, it doesn't.
There are times He has to speak to my heart about my tendency to return to certain sins.
Sins that come easily to me. Sins that are comfortable to my being. Sins that He died on the cross for, and yet I choose to repeat on a regular basis.
You see, He came to defeat those tendencies in my life. To break the chains that leave me tied to repeat offenses. To separate the ties satan binds me with.
Today's reading: 1 John 1-3
"Dear children, don't let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it is because they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. But when people keep on sinning, it shows they belong to the Devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy these works of the Devil." 1 John 3:7-8 NLT
I, on occasion, have to take a spiritual inventory.
I have to spend time at God's feet.
On His examining table.
Before His X-ray.
Sitting before Him, listening to Him speak to my condition.
Sometimes it involves being patted on the back.
Sometimes, it doesn't.
There are times He has to speak to my heart about my tendency to return to certain sins.
Sins that come easily to me. Sins that are comfortable to my being. Sins that He died on the cross for, and yet I choose to repeat on a regular basis.
You see, He came to defeat those tendencies in my life. To break the chains that leave me tied to repeat offenses. To separate the ties satan binds me with.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Today's reading: Acts 19-20
"I have done the Lord's work humbly--yes, and with tears, I have endured the trials that came to me from the plots of the Jews. Yet I have never shrank from telling you the truth, either publicly or in your homes." Acts 20:19-20 NLT
Paul tells us here that he did not mince words, sugar-coat the truth or provide his listeners with a feel-good account of the Gospel.
He told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth--by God's power.
I want to do the same.
By how I live.
By the advice I give.
By the stands I take.
By the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life, I want to present God's message of salvation and the need for repentance and turning from sin, to every one I meet--whether I think they want to hear it or not, whether they are well-liked or not, whether it goes completely against their lifestyle or personal choices.
We all need the whole Truth.
Today's reading: Acts 19-20
"I have done the Lord's work humbly--yes, and with tears, I have endured the trials that came to me from the plots of the Jews. Yet I have never shrank from telling you the truth, either publicly or in your homes." Acts 20:19-20 NLT
Paul tells us here that he did not mince words, sugar-coat the truth or provide his listeners with a feel-good account of the Gospel.
He told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth--by God's power.
I want to do the same.
By how I live.
By the advice I give.
By the stands I take.
By the leading of the Holy Spirit in my life, I want to present God's message of salvation and the need for repentance and turning from sin, to every one I meet--whether I think they want to hear it or not, whether they are well-liked or not, whether it goes completely against their lifestyle or personal choices.
We all need the whole Truth.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 9-10
"...A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes." Ecclesiastes 10:4 NLT
Be the one at your Thanksgiving table to choose love over hate, forgiveness over harboring, peace over strife and appreciation over remembering mistakes.
Choose not to sit in a sulled up manner. Opt not to allow your feelings to be hurt by every thing that is said or occurs. Participate. Fellowship. Enjoy.
Be patient.
Be loving.
Be kind.
Be thankful, above all else.
O God, when I have food,
help me to remember the hungry;
When I have work,
help me to remember the jobless;
When I have a home,
help me to remember those who have no home at all;
When I am without pain,
help me to remember those who suffer,
And remembering,
help me to destroy my complacency;
bestir my compassion,
and be concerned enough to help;
By word and deed,
those who cry out for what we take for granted.
Amen. -Samuel Pugh
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 9-10
"...A quiet spirit can overcome even great mistakes." Ecclesiastes 10:4 NLT
Be the one at your Thanksgiving table to choose love over hate, forgiveness over harboring, peace over strife and appreciation over remembering mistakes.
Choose not to sit in a sulled up manner. Opt not to allow your feelings to be hurt by every thing that is said or occurs. Participate. Fellowship. Enjoy.
Be patient.
Be loving.
Be kind.
Be thankful, above all else.
O God, when I have food,
help me to remember the hungry;
When I have work,
help me to remember the jobless;
When I have a home,
help me to remember those who have no home at all;
When I am without pain,
help me to remember those who suffer,
And remembering,
help me to destroy my complacency;
bestir my compassion,
and be concerned enough to help;
By word and deed,
those who cry out for what we take for granted.
Amen. -Samuel Pugh
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Today's reading: Psalm 134-136
"Oh, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve as night watchmen in the house of the Lord." Psalm 134:1 NLT
When thinking of all the things I'm thankful for, night watchmen are ever so high on my list.
The godly men and women behind the scenes of my life.
The ones who pray me through.
The ones who speak truth.
The ones who love me enough, and love God more than enough, to correct me when my choices do not reveal godliness.
The ones who use God's Word as the basis for any advice they give me.
The ones who keep myself and my family lifted up in prayer.
The ones who will call me out when I wander off God's path.
The ones who keep their lives firmly planted in the Bible in an order to serve the rest of us!
Today's reading: Psalm 134-136
"Oh, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, you who serve as night watchmen in the house of the Lord." Psalm 134:1 NLT
When thinking of all the things I'm thankful for, night watchmen are ever so high on my list.
The godly men and women behind the scenes of my life.
The ones who pray me through.
The ones who speak truth.
The ones who love me enough, and love God more than enough, to correct me when my choices do not reveal godliness.
The ones who use God's Word as the basis for any advice they give me.
The ones who keep myself and my family lifted up in prayer.
The ones who will call me out when I wander off God's path.
The ones who keep their lives firmly planted in the Bible in an order to serve the rest of us!
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Today's reading: Ezra 6-10
"...for the gracious hand of his God was on him. This was because Ezra had determined to study and obey the law of the Lord and to teach those laws and regulations to the people of Israel." Ezra 7:9-10 NLT
I really thought I'd slide into my prayer chair this morning only to be blessed by the Word.
I figured I'd be handed some morsel from God that would be a good start for a wonderful blog post.
I just knew this morning He'd speak to me in a way that I couldn't help but want to share with all of you.
But He brought conviction to my heart.
In regards to this verse.
About my true desire to be in His Word daily.
About all I've discovered in the Bible and how little I've actually applied to my heart and life.
About whether or not my desire to be filled with lots of knowledge overrides my desire to be admired for having and living wisely.
About my disregard for the power, the impact, the influence and the honor I have in my hands when I pick up this Book.
Lord, thank you for the reference this morning to Ezra--and for pointing out in my heart where You and I have a lot of work left to do.
Today's reading: Ezra 6-10
"...for the gracious hand of his God was on him. This was because Ezra had determined to study and obey the law of the Lord and to teach those laws and regulations to the people of Israel." Ezra 7:9-10 NLT
I really thought I'd slide into my prayer chair this morning only to be blessed by the Word.
I figured I'd be handed some morsel from God that would be a good start for a wonderful blog post.
I just knew this morning He'd speak to me in a way that I couldn't help but want to share with all of you.
But He brought conviction to my heart.
In regards to this verse.
About my true desire to be in His Word daily.
About all I've discovered in the Bible and how little I've actually applied to my heart and life.
About whether or not my desire to be filled with lots of knowledge overrides my desire to be admired for having and living wisely.
About my disregard for the power, the impact, the influence and the honor I have in my hands when I pick up this Book.
Lord, thank you for the reference this morning to Ezra--and for pointing out in my heart where You and I have a lot of work left to do.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 16-19
"When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy these laws on a scroll for himself in the presence of the Levitical priests. He must always keep this copy of the law with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the Lord his God by obeying all the terms of this law. This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens. It will also prevent him from turning away from these commands in the smallest way. This will ensure that he and his descendants will reign for many generations in Israel." Deuteronomy 17:19-20 NLT
Today, this Monday leading up to Thanksgiving, I am thankful for trees.
For their shade. For their fruit. For their beauty. For their assistance in the oxygen-making photosynthesis process. For their majesty. For their roles in landscaping. For their being a major component in the paper-making process.
I love paper.
Empty journals. Spiral bound notebooks. Large five-subject notebooks. Notepads with lines. Stationery sets. Postcards. Looseleaf notebook paper. Greeting cards. Blank notecards with envelopes. Index cards--ooh, especially the spiral bound index card things, and post-it notes!
The spiral bound index cards and the post-it notes I have around me at all times. My computer desk is covered with notes and verses. My desk at work is littered with quotes and verses. My purse ALWAYS has a spiral bound filled with verses!
These 'bits of trees' have a way of doing for me what they did for the kings Israel selected--they keep God's Word continually before me. Reminding me. Instructing me. Humbling me. Guiding me. Allowing me to keep a constant conversation going with my God.
I'm so thankful for trees--and the paper they allow us!
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 16-19
"When he sits on the throne as king, he must copy these laws on a scroll for himself in the presence of the Levitical priests. He must always keep this copy of the law with him and read it daily as long as he lives. That way he will learn to fear the Lord his God by obeying all the terms of this law. This regular reading will prevent him from becoming proud and acting as if he is above his fellow citizens. It will also prevent him from turning away from these commands in the smallest way. This will ensure that he and his descendants will reign for many generations in Israel." Deuteronomy 17:19-20 NLT
Today, this Monday leading up to Thanksgiving, I am thankful for trees.
For their shade. For their fruit. For their beauty. For their assistance in the oxygen-making photosynthesis process. For their majesty. For their roles in landscaping. For their being a major component in the paper-making process.
I love paper.
Empty journals. Spiral bound notebooks. Large five-subject notebooks. Notepads with lines. Stationery sets. Postcards. Looseleaf notebook paper. Greeting cards. Blank notecards with envelopes. Index cards--ooh, especially the spiral bound index card things, and post-it notes!
The spiral bound index cards and the post-it notes I have around me at all times. My computer desk is covered with notes and verses. My desk at work is littered with quotes and verses. My purse ALWAYS has a spiral bound filled with verses!
These 'bits of trees' have a way of doing for me what they did for the kings Israel selected--they keep God's Word continually before me. Reminding me. Instructing me. Humbling me. Guiding me. Allowing me to keep a constant conversation going with my God.
I'm so thankful for trees--and the paper they allow us!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Today's reading: 2 Peter
"So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life. Then your faith will produce a life of moral excellence. A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better." 2 Peter 1:5 NLT
The miracle eye cream in my cosmetics drawer does me little good if in the drawer it stays and I never apply it. My eyes will remain droopy and crepe-y unless it's applied.
The baking spray in my kitchen cupboard does little good in the cupboard if I never use it on my baking pans. The cakes will only partially come out of the pan unless it's applied.
The flea and tick medicine for our farm's polar bear-of-a-dog won't do a thing if it's kept on the shelf of our back porch. The fleas won't leave his warm, thick coat unless it's applied.
The rich, creamy lotion I have for my winter feet won't help at all if I leave it in my linen closet. My callouses will return and my cracked heels will annoy unless it's applied.
Same is true with my Bible and all the promises it holds.
Unless I apply it to my life, make every effort to use them for what they're intended, I will falter, be weak and stumble through this Christian walk.
Application is the key!
Today's reading: 2 Peter
"So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life. Then your faith will produce a life of moral excellence. A life of moral excellence leads to knowing God better." 2 Peter 1:5 NLT
The miracle eye cream in my cosmetics drawer does me little good if in the drawer it stays and I never apply it. My eyes will remain droopy and crepe-y unless it's applied.
The baking spray in my kitchen cupboard does little good in the cupboard if I never use it on my baking pans. The cakes will only partially come out of the pan unless it's applied.
The flea and tick medicine for our farm's polar bear-of-a-dog won't do a thing if it's kept on the shelf of our back porch. The fleas won't leave his warm, thick coat unless it's applied.
The rich, creamy lotion I have for my winter feet won't help at all if I leave it in my linen closet. My callouses will return and my cracked heels will annoy unless it's applied.
Same is true with my Bible and all the promises it holds.
Unless I apply it to my life, make every effort to use them for what they're intended, I will falter, be weak and stumble through this Christian walk.
Application is the key!
Saturday, November 19, 2016
Today's reading: Acts 15-16
"On the Sabbath we went a little way outside the city to a riverbank, where we supposed that some people met for prayer, and we sat down to speak with some women who had come together. One of them was Lydia from Thyratira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart and she accepted what Paul was saying." Acts 16:13-14 NLT
In preparing for tomorrow's corporate worship, I must keep a few things in mind.
-People will be drawn to our congregation, as Paul and Silas were drawn to the riverbank.
-I may be called to speak to folks outside my comfort zone, as our first missionaries were in speaking to women.
-I may be one, or may be surrounded by ones who believe yet still need more of Him revealed.
-ONLY God can open hearts.
Today's reading: Acts 15-16
"On the Sabbath we went a little way outside the city to a riverbank, where we supposed that some people met for prayer, and we sat down to speak with some women who had come together. One of them was Lydia from Thyratira, a merchant of expensive purple cloth. She was a worshiper of God. As she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart and she accepted what Paul was saying." Acts 16:13-14 NLT
In preparing for tomorrow's corporate worship, I must keep a few things in mind.
-People will be drawn to our congregation, as Paul and Silas were drawn to the riverbank.
-I may be called to speak to folks outside my comfort zone, as our first missionaries were in speaking to women.
-I may be one, or may be surrounded by ones who believe yet still need more of Him revealed.
-ONLY God can open hearts.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-7
"...It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 4:6 NLT
I've got to be very careful.
I am a strong-willed kind of gal who believes she can do just about anything, if I just set my mind to it.
There are problems with that--I tend to become independent and prideful. I become haughty and filled with disrespect for those 'needing a hand'. I practically break my arm in attempts to pat myself on the back.
Nothing I have, am or will ever accomplish is by by own merits.
I don't know what you're facing today, but it can be done--through Christ Jesus!
We all need Him. We all are wired to depend upon Him with all our beings. We all will come to a point in life when He is all we have--and we will find He is all we need.
So work hard today at what He has called you to do.
Try your best, your created for a great purpose best.
And the whole time, depend upon Him!
"There are three kinds of people in the world; those who have sought God and found Him and now serve Him, those who are seeking Him, but have not yet found Him, and those who neither seek Him nor find Him. The first are reasonable and happy, the second reasonable and unhappy, and the third unreasonable and unhappy." -- Blaise Pascal
Today's reading: Zechariah 1-7
"...It is not by force nor by strength, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty." Zechariah 4:6 NLT
I've got to be very careful.
I am a strong-willed kind of gal who believes she can do just about anything, if I just set my mind to it.
There are problems with that--I tend to become independent and prideful. I become haughty and filled with disrespect for those 'needing a hand'. I practically break my arm in attempts to pat myself on the back.
Nothing I have, am or will ever accomplish is by by own merits.
I don't know what you're facing today, but it can be done--through Christ Jesus!
We all need Him. We all are wired to depend upon Him with all our beings. We all will come to a point in life when He is all we have--and we will find He is all we need.
So work hard today at what He has called you to do.
Try your best, your created for a great purpose best.
And the whole time, depend upon Him!
"There are three kinds of people in the world; those who have sought God and found Him and now serve Him, those who are seeking Him, but have not yet found Him, and those who neither seek Him nor find Him. The first are reasonable and happy, the second reasonable and unhappy, and the third unreasonable and unhappy." -- Blaise Pascal
Thursday, November 17, 2016
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7-8
"There is not one single person in all the earth who is always good and never sins." Ecclesiastes 7:20 NLT
There is nothing like arising at the pre-break of day, sitting down to an ancient, but timeless, manuscript and have it speak directly to your heart!
God has chosen to do that for me this morning...and I am in awe at how, once again, He has spoken directly to me in regards to just what I needed to hear.
I stood in need of a Savior.
Even at the young age at which I was saved, I had sin in my life.
Sin that separated me from Him.
So He sent His Son--His One and Only Son!
That's love. That is redeeming, grace-filled, mercy-laden, demands-a-sacrifice, kind of love.
And we all need it.
Every person I will come in contact with today, needs a Savior.
What will I do to point them in His direction? What will I say? How might I treat them having been given this morsel of knowledge this morning?
It is factual, there is no one who doesn't need God.
It is vital.
It is an urgent task.
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 7-8
"There is not one single person in all the earth who is always good and never sins." Ecclesiastes 7:20 NLT
There is nothing like arising at the pre-break of day, sitting down to an ancient, but timeless, manuscript and have it speak directly to your heart!
God has chosen to do that for me this morning...and I am in awe at how, once again, He has spoken directly to me in regards to just what I needed to hear.
I stood in need of a Savior.
Even at the young age at which I was saved, I had sin in my life.
Sin that separated me from Him.
So He sent His Son--His One and Only Son!
That's love. That is redeeming, grace-filled, mercy-laden, demands-a-sacrifice, kind of love.
And we all need it.
Every person I will come in contact with today, needs a Savior.
What will I do to point them in His direction? What will I say? How might I treat them having been given this morsel of knowledge this morning?
It is factual, there is no one who doesn't need God.
It is vital.
It is an urgent task.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Today's reading: Psalm 131-133
"But I have stilled and quieted myself..." Psalm 131:2 NLT
With all that's going on around me--I have stilled and quieted myself at Your feet.
Despite the battles going on in my mind and heart--I have stilled and quieted myself with Your Word.
Even with what the world is telling me, that the sky is falling--I have stilled and quieted myself with Your truths.
As I put aside my to-do list--I have stilled and quieted myself in knowing You are my Creator and Sustainer.
As I look over my mile-long list of requests--I have stilled and quieted myself in knowing You know--You know.
I still and quiet myself in You. Before the day begins. Before the world bombards. Before satan throws his first dart of accusation or arrow of doubt. Before I am pulled in several directions at once. Before I fail at serving You for the first time today--I have stilled and quieted myself in You.
Today's reading: Psalm 131-133
"But I have stilled and quieted myself..." Psalm 131:2 NLT
With all that's going on around me--I have stilled and quieted myself at Your feet.
Despite the battles going on in my mind and heart--I have stilled and quieted myself with Your Word.
Even with what the world is telling me, that the sky is falling--I have stilled and quieted myself with Your truths.
As I put aside my to-do list--I have stilled and quieted myself in knowing You are my Creator and Sustainer.
As I look over my mile-long list of requests--I have stilled and quieted myself in knowing You know--You know.
I still and quiet myself in You. Before the day begins. Before the world bombards. Before satan throws his first dart of accusation or arrow of doubt. Before I am pulled in several directions at once. Before I fail at serving You for the first time today--I have stilled and quieted myself in You.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Today's reading: Ezra 1-5
"We wish to inform you that we went to the construction site of the Temple of the great God in the powerful province of Judah. It is being rebuilt with specially prepared stones, and timber is being laid in its walls. The work is going forward with great energy and success." Ezra 5:8-9 NLT
I know what the media is telling us...
I am well aware of what the Christian magazines are publishing...
I have heard what my local news agency touts as fact...
I have heard the discussion in the world...
I have even heard it spoken inside the walls of some of our nation's churches...
But here is the truth: God is alive and well!
The Kingdom is being built and is moving forward in a great way, in the places where God's people are allowing it!
There are some Bible-preaching churches that are growing by leaps and bounds!
There are, each Sunday, new faces being drawn into fellowship among our local congregations!
There is a rising up of those seeking God's face, His saving graces and a different kind of love than what the world offers!
There are people still, yes today in 2016, turning their sins and lives over to our Risen Savior!
So, don't believe everything you hear...
The work is going forward with great energy and success!!
Today's reading: Ezra 1-5
"We wish to inform you that we went to the construction site of the Temple of the great God in the powerful province of Judah. It is being rebuilt with specially prepared stones, and timber is being laid in its walls. The work is going forward with great energy and success." Ezra 5:8-9 NLT
I know what the media is telling us...
I am well aware of what the Christian magazines are publishing...
I have heard what my local news agency touts as fact...
I have heard the discussion in the world...
I have even heard it spoken inside the walls of some of our nation's churches...
But here is the truth: God is alive and well!
The Kingdom is being built and is moving forward in a great way, in the places where God's people are allowing it!
There are some Bible-preaching churches that are growing by leaps and bounds!
There are, each Sunday, new faces being drawn into fellowship among our local congregations!
There is a rising up of those seeking God's face, His saving graces and a different kind of love than what the world offers!
There are people still, yes today in 2016, turning their sins and lives over to our Risen Savior!
So, don't believe everything you hear...
The work is going forward with great energy and success!!
Monday, November 14, 2016
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 13-15
"The Lord your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." Deuteronomy 13:18 NLT
I have to ask, because it's been asked of my heart this morning...
What am I expecting?
Am I seeking my own way, thinking God will bless my disobedience to Him?
Am I disregarding His calling, assuming His great love will cover a multitude of sins?
Am I blatantly sinning, and still expecting His blessing in my life?
Sure, there is grace, wonderful grace--but when He tells me obedience is vital to His blessing, what tightrope am I attempting to walk?
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 13-15
"The Lord your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him." Deuteronomy 13:18 NLT
I have to ask, because it's been asked of my heart this morning...
What am I expecting?
Am I seeking my own way, thinking God will bless my disobedience to Him?
Am I disregarding His calling, assuming His great love will cover a multitude of sins?
Am I blatantly sinning, and still expecting His blessing in my life?
Sure, there is grace, wonderful grace--but when He tells me obedience is vital to His blessing, what tightrope am I attempting to walk?
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Today's reading: 1 Peter 4-5
"So then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer, too. For is you are willing to suffer for Christ, you have decided to stop sinning. And you won't spent the rest of your life chasing after evil desires, but you will be anxious to do the will of God. You have had enough in the past of the evil things that godless people enjoy--their immorality and lust, their feasting and drunkenness and wild parties, and their terrible worship of idols." 1 Peter 4:1-3 NLT
Here's what God has spoken to me this morning...
So you claim to be Mine, He has whispered to my heart.
Prove it, He challenges--
Is your attitude right?
Have you decided to do the hard stuff, make the tough changes, take courage, in order to follow Me?
Have you renewed your mind in an order to stay away from sin and anything that offends Me?
Are you excited to do what I ask of you?
Have you had it up to 'here' with the emptiness and lies the enemy has fed you?
It's what it takes to live for Him.
Today's reading: 1 Peter 4-5
"So then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer, too. For is you are willing to suffer for Christ, you have decided to stop sinning. And you won't spent the rest of your life chasing after evil desires, but you will be anxious to do the will of God. You have had enough in the past of the evil things that godless people enjoy--their immorality and lust, their feasting and drunkenness and wild parties, and their terrible worship of idols." 1 Peter 4:1-3 NLT
Here's what God has spoken to me this morning...
So you claim to be Mine, He has whispered to my heart.
Prove it, He challenges--
Is your attitude right?
Have you decided to do the hard stuff, make the tough changes, take courage, in order to follow Me?
Have you renewed your mind in an order to stay away from sin and anything that offends Me?
Are you excited to do what I ask of you?
Have you had it up to 'here' with the emptiness and lies the enemy has fed you?
It's what it takes to live for Him.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
Today's reading: Acts 13-14
"In Iconium, Paul and Barnabas went together to the synagogue and preached with such power that a great number of both Jews and Gentiles believed. But the Jews who spurned God's message stirred up distrust among the Gentiles against Paul and Barnabas, saying all sorts of evil things about them." Acts 14:1-2 NLT
I'm praying tomorrow's service in your house of worship, and mine, is powerful, life-changing and leaves people touched by the mighty hand of God.
I'm already asking God to move in a grand way, in a miraculous way, in a saving way.
I'm also praying that the 'stirrer-uppers' in our midst be silenced.
Today's reading: Acts 13-14
"In Iconium, Paul and Barnabas went together to the synagogue and preached with such power that a great number of both Jews and Gentiles believed. But the Jews who spurned God's message stirred up distrust among the Gentiles against Paul and Barnabas, saying all sorts of evil things about them." Acts 14:1-2 NLT
I'm praying tomorrow's service in your house of worship, and mine, is powerful, life-changing and leaves people touched by the mighty hand of God.
I'm already asking God to move in a grand way, in a miraculous way, in a saving way.
I'm also praying that the 'stirrer-uppers' in our midst be silenced.
Friday, November 11, 2016
Today's reading: Haggai
'For this is what the Lord Almighty says: In just a little while I will again shake the heavens and the earth. I will shake the oceans and the dry land, too. I will shake all the nations, and the treasures of all the nations will come to this Temple. I will fill this place with glory, says the Lord Almighty." Haggai 6-8 NLT
There is coming a time when all we know will be shaken up, and that shaking will drive us to the Lord. People who have never given Him a thought, will come to the church. Folks who had neglected the godly training of their childhoods, will come running back to Him. Men and women, boys and girls, will finally realize their need for a Savior when their foundations are shaken to the core.
It will be bigger than an upset in the economy or a surprise electoral event.
It will shake us to the very basis of all we know, love and have.
When the shaking begins, will you have to rush to re-acquaint yourself with the Lord?
Don't wait.
Today's reading: Haggai
'For this is what the Lord Almighty says: In just a little while I will again shake the heavens and the earth. I will shake the oceans and the dry land, too. I will shake all the nations, and the treasures of all the nations will come to this Temple. I will fill this place with glory, says the Lord Almighty." Haggai 6-8 NLT
There is coming a time when all we know will be shaken up, and that shaking will drive us to the Lord. People who have never given Him a thought, will come to the church. Folks who had neglected the godly training of their childhoods, will come running back to Him. Men and women, boys and girls, will finally realize their need for a Savior when their foundations are shaken to the core.
It will be bigger than an upset in the economy or a surprise electoral event.
It will shake us to the very basis of all we know, love and have.
When the shaking begins, will you have to rush to re-acquaint yourself with the Lord?
Don't wait.
Thursday, November 10, 2016
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 5-6
"Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless, it is like chasing the wind." Ecclesiastes 6:9 NLT
It's that time of year again...
Time to begin asking what our loved ones and friends might need or want, in an effort to provide them with a well thought out Christmas gift.
Here's the problem--none of us need a thing!
Our kids have more things than they could possibly ever use.
Our homes are filled to capacity with stuff we have accumulated.
Our lives are so jam-packed with appointments, meetings and ball games that we seldom have time to actually utilize all we have been given in Christmases past.
So let's enjoy what we have.
King Solomon had probably every single thing money could buy, and maybe two of them, and still he realized things were just, well--things.
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 5-6
"Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless, it is like chasing the wind." Ecclesiastes 6:9 NLT
It's that time of year again...
Time to begin asking what our loved ones and friends might need or want, in an effort to provide them with a well thought out Christmas gift.
Here's the problem--none of us need a thing!
Our kids have more things than they could possibly ever use.
Our homes are filled to capacity with stuff we have accumulated.
Our lives are so jam-packed with appointments, meetings and ball games that we seldom have time to actually utilize all we have been given in Christmases past.
So let's enjoy what we have.
King Solomon had probably every single thing money could buy, and maybe two of them, and still he realized things were just, well--things.
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Today's reading: Psalm 128-130
"From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me--let Israel now say--from my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me, but they have never been able to finish me off. My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows. But the Lord is good; he has cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind me." Psalm 129:1-4 NLT
Maybe his attacks have lasted as long as you can remember.
Maybe you're so bruised and battered that you cannot, or will not, fight any longer.
Maybe you've been told you just need to give up and give in, either by another or by that voice in your ear.
Maybe you don't see a way out, a respite or an escape...
It is there.
God cuts the cords used by the ungodly to bind us.
Sometimes it is a major act within us. Sometimes a miraculous moving in another. Sometimes it is a change of locale or circumstance. Sometimes, sometimes, it's a verse.
Look for the ways He is wanting to release you from your enemy today!
Today's reading: Psalm 128-130
"From my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me--let Israel now say--from my earliest youth my enemies have persecuted me, but they have never been able to finish me off. My back is covered with cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows. But the Lord is good; he has cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind me." Psalm 129:1-4 NLT
Maybe his attacks have lasted as long as you can remember.
Maybe you're so bruised and battered that you cannot, or will not, fight any longer.
Maybe you've been told you just need to give up and give in, either by another or by that voice in your ear.
Maybe you don't see a way out, a respite or an escape...
It is there.
God cuts the cords used by the ungodly to bind us.
Sometimes it is a major act within us. Sometimes a miraculous moving in another. Sometimes it is a change of locale or circumstance. Sometimes, sometimes, it's a verse.
Look for the ways He is wanting to release you from your enemy today!
Monday, November 7, 2016
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 33-36
"As Hilkiah the high priest was recording the money collected at the Lord's Temple, he found the Book of the Law of the Lord as it had been given through Moses. Hilkiah said to Shaphan the court secretary, I have found the Book of the Law in the Lord's Temple! Then Hilkiah gave the scroll to Shaphan." 2 Chronicles 34:14-15 NLT
You've cast your vote.
You've recorded your conviction.
You've checked the ballot.
You're now, like the rest of us--waiting.
I hate to burst your bubble, but the winner isn't going to 'fix everything'.
No matter the party. No matter the gender. No matter the political experience or the business acumen.
Our problem, in this great land, is that the Word of God is not being preached in each and every church.
Sorry to break it to you, but there are churches filled to capacity every Sunday who would be surprised to discover God's Word in their midst.
Some wouldn't even know the difference between what the Bible says and a famous quote from a former president.
How sad.
How very sad--and we wonder why our country is in the shape it's in?
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 33-36
"As Hilkiah the high priest was recording the money collected at the Lord's Temple, he found the Book of the Law of the Lord as it had been given through Moses. Hilkiah said to Shaphan the court secretary, I have found the Book of the Law in the Lord's Temple! Then Hilkiah gave the scroll to Shaphan." 2 Chronicles 34:14-15 NLT
You've cast your vote.
You've recorded your conviction.
You've checked the ballot.
You're now, like the rest of us--waiting.
I hate to burst your bubble, but the winner isn't going to 'fix everything'.
No matter the party. No matter the gender. No matter the political experience or the business acumen.
Our problem, in this great land, is that the Word of God is not being preached in each and every church.
Sorry to break it to you, but there are churches filled to capacity every Sunday who would be surprised to discover God's Word in their midst.
Some wouldn't even know the difference between what the Bible says and a famous quote from a former president.
How sad.
How very sad--and we wonder why our country is in the shape it's in?
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 10-12
"For the land you are about to enter and occupy is not like the land of Egypt from which you came, where you planted your seed and dug out irrigation ditches with your foot as in a vegetable garden. It is a land of hills and valleys with plenty of rain--a land that the Lord your God cares for. He watches over it day after day throughout the year!" Deuteronomy 11:10-11 NLT
If the Israelites believed they were simply re-locating their troubles, they were wrong!
They were moving out of Egypt and moving up in the world.
We tend to think like that at times.
We believe, according to what satan whispers in our ears, that things will never change. The problems we have today will be the problems we have tomorrow. The trials we are enduring right now will be with us until the end.
God has a different land planned for us, even here.
One we have never experienced.
One we may have never even allowed ourselves to imagine.
Walking in His ways, under His guidance, in His power, following His lead will be a different journey than we've ever taken before!
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 10-12
"For the land you are about to enter and occupy is not like the land of Egypt from which you came, where you planted your seed and dug out irrigation ditches with your foot as in a vegetable garden. It is a land of hills and valleys with plenty of rain--a land that the Lord your God cares for. He watches over it day after day throughout the year!" Deuteronomy 11:10-11 NLT
If the Israelites believed they were simply re-locating their troubles, they were wrong!
They were moving out of Egypt and moving up in the world.
We tend to think like that at times.
We believe, according to what satan whispers in our ears, that things will never change. The problems we have today will be the problems we have tomorrow. The trials we are enduring right now will be with us until the end.
God has a different land planned for us, even here.
One we have never experienced.
One we may have never even allowed ourselves to imagine.
Walking in His ways, under His guidance, in His power, following His lead will be a different journey than we've ever taken before!
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Today's reading: 1 Peter 1-3
"...They stumble because they do not listen to God's word or obey it, and so they meet the fate that has been planned for them.
But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God's holy nation, his very own possession. This is so you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness and into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:8-9 NLT
They stumble...but you, as His child, rise.
They seal their fate...but you, as a born-again believer in the Cross, await eternity.
They find no happiness...but you, as one who has accepted salvation, have joy.
They choose not to listen to the Bible...but you, as a believer in its words, and more importantly in its Author, desire to follow His orders.
They will perish...but you, will live forever with your Savior!
Today's reading: 1 Peter 1-3
"...They stumble because they do not listen to God's word or obey it, and so they meet the fate that has been planned for them.
But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are a kingdom of priests, God's holy nation, his very own possession. This is so you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness and into his wonderful light." 1 Peter 2:8-9 NLT
They stumble...but you, as His child, rise.
They seal their fate...but you, as a born-again believer in the Cross, await eternity.
They find no happiness...but you, as one who has accepted salvation, have joy.
They choose not to listen to the Bible...but you, as a believer in its words, and more importantly in its Author, desire to follow His orders.
They will perish...but you, will live forever with your Savior!
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Today's reading: Acts 9-11
"Soon the news reached the apostles and other believers in Judea that the Gentiles had received the word of God. But when Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, some of the Jewish believers criticized him. You entered the home of Gentiles and even ate with them! they said." Acts 9:1-3 NLT
I don't know who I'll sit by in service tomorrow.
Not sure who God will direct to my church, my pew, my personal space.
I have no clue what their past, present or future is littered with.
I'll have to look past what they're wearing or what they've chosen to ink on their temples.
I'll have to get past all of that because they need the word of the Lord.
So, I'll share Him with them--no matter who the world has labeled them as being.
You see, one day someone looked beyond who I was, what I was doing wrong, what I wore, my rap sheet of sin, what I had allowed the world to write all over me--and they shared Him with me.
Today's reading: Acts 9-11
"Soon the news reached the apostles and other believers in Judea that the Gentiles had received the word of God. But when Peter arrived back in Jerusalem, some of the Jewish believers criticized him. You entered the home of Gentiles and even ate with them! they said." Acts 9:1-3 NLT
I don't know who I'll sit by in service tomorrow.
Not sure who God will direct to my church, my pew, my personal space.
I have no clue what their past, present or future is littered with.
I'll have to look past what they're wearing or what they've chosen to ink on their temples.
I'll have to get past all of that because they need the word of the Lord.
So, I'll share Him with them--no matter who the world has labeled them as being.
You see, one day someone looked beyond who I was, what I was doing wrong, what I wore, my rap sheet of sin, what I had allowed the world to write all over me--and they shared Him with me.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Today's reading: Zephaniah
"Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign Lord..." Zephaniah 1:7 NLT
Just to stand in God's presence.
Without saying a single thing.
Speaking no requests.
Not even attempting to praise Him for all He is worth.
Just to stand in the middle of the day, feeling the warmth of the sun, watching the cloudy wisps float by, hearing the birds chirp.
Just to stand in the dark of night, amazed by the stars, fascinated by the moon, surrounded by night sounds.
Just to stand in the doctor's office or hospital room, fully aware of Him right beside you.
Just to stand by your desk, with the peace of His presence within you.
No words.
Just silence.
Today's reading: Zephaniah
"Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign Lord..." Zephaniah 1:7 NLT
Just to stand in God's presence.
Without saying a single thing.
Speaking no requests.
Not even attempting to praise Him for all He is worth.
Just to stand in the middle of the day, feeling the warmth of the sun, watching the cloudy wisps float by, hearing the birds chirp.
Just to stand in the dark of night, amazed by the stars, fascinated by the moon, surrounded by night sounds.
Just to stand in the doctor's office or hospital room, fully aware of Him right beside you.
Just to stand by your desk, with the peace of His presence within you.
No words.
Just silence.
Thursday, November 3, 2016
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 3-4
"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT
I know you're trying to do all this on your own.
Attempting to tough it out.
Staying strong.
Giving all you have so as not to have to depend upon another.
It's a miserable existence. It's hard. It's lonely. It requires all your energy. It, some days, feels like a losing battle.
Why not grab a godly friend, or two, and share your heart?
Someone who believes in the power of prayer?
Another who knows the strength and might of the God on whom you are placing all your trust?
Shoulders to help bear the burden?
Someone who would be tickled to speak to God on your behalf?
It will help. It will strengthen you. It will give you courage. It will hold you accountable. It will be following what He asks us to do.
It will be someone to celebrate with when God answers!
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 3-4
"A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT
I know you're trying to do all this on your own.
Attempting to tough it out.
Staying strong.
Giving all you have so as not to have to depend upon another.
It's a miserable existence. It's hard. It's lonely. It requires all your energy. It, some days, feels like a losing battle.
Why not grab a godly friend, or two, and share your heart?
Someone who believes in the power of prayer?
Another who knows the strength and might of the God on whom you are placing all your trust?
Shoulders to help bear the burden?
Someone who would be tickled to speak to God on your behalf?
It will help. It will strengthen you. It will give you courage. It will hold you accountable. It will be following what He asks us to do.
It will be someone to celebrate with when God answers!
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
Today's reading: Psalm 125-127
"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." Psalm 126:6 KJV
Keep serving...
Keep praying...
Keep believing...
Keep putting one foot in front of the other...
Keep reading the Word...
Keep getting out of bed each morning...
Keep sharing the Gospel...
Keep wiping the noses of the littles in your home of in the nursery...
Keep loving...
The harvest of joy is coming!
Today's reading: Psalm 125-127
"They that sow in tears shall reap in joy." Psalm 126:6 KJV
Keep serving...
Keep praying...
Keep believing...
Keep putting one foot in front of the other...
Keep reading the Word...
Keep getting out of bed each morning...
Keep sharing the Gospel...
Keep wiping the noses of the littles in your home of in the nursery...
Keep loving...
The harvest of joy is coming!
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 29-32
"...For Hezekiah said, May the Lord, who is good, pardon those who decide to follow the Lord, the God of their ancestors, even though they are not properly cleansed for the ceremony. And the Lord listened to Hezekiah's prayer and healed the people." 2 Chronicles 30:18-20 NLT
Hezekiah was in the process of following God's lead in restoring the Temple and was about to conduct one of the great festivals required by God to be observed. The problem was, there were not enough purified priests, Levites, to do the duties needed.
So he prayed.
He admitted to the Lord that they were running short of good and godly men. He admitted to the sins of the people, determined in his heart to turn away from ungodliness and sought God's forgiveness.
God heard.
God's deep love healed them.
I see our country in this portion of Scripture.
We have sinned against God.
We have few, very few as evident in the current candidate options, godly men stepping up to direct our nation.
We can only find hope in God.
Christians, we have to let the population at large know we are here, we are sorry for where we've allowed this nation to go, we are praying for our country, we are deciding to live lives that will make a change in our country's downward spiral toward ungodliness.
We have to pray, pray hard...and we have to vote.
I believe God will hear our prayers and heal our people.
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 29-32
"...For Hezekiah said, May the Lord, who is good, pardon those who decide to follow the Lord, the God of their ancestors, even though they are not properly cleansed for the ceremony. And the Lord listened to Hezekiah's prayer and healed the people." 2 Chronicles 30:18-20 NLT
Hezekiah was in the process of following God's lead in restoring the Temple and was about to conduct one of the great festivals required by God to be observed. The problem was, there were not enough purified priests, Levites, to do the duties needed.
So he prayed.
He admitted to the Lord that they were running short of good and godly men. He admitted to the sins of the people, determined in his heart to turn away from ungodliness and sought God's forgiveness.
God heard.
God's deep love healed them.
I see our country in this portion of Scripture.
We have sinned against God.
We have few, very few as evident in the current candidate options, godly men stepping up to direct our nation.
We can only find hope in God.
Christians, we have to let the population at large know we are here, we are sorry for where we've allowed this nation to go, we are praying for our country, we are deciding to live lives that will make a change in our country's downward spiral toward ungodliness.
We have to pray, pray hard...and we have to vote.
I believe God will hear our prayers and heal our people.
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