Today's reading: Numbers 29-32
"Then the Lord said to Moses, Take vengeance on the Midianites for leading the Israelites into idolatry. After that, you will die and join your ancestors." Numbers 31:1-2 NLT
I'm thinking about the many purposes Moses had in his life.
The things he was called to do. The times when God's power was displayed through him. The miracles God allowed Him to witness. The millions looking up to him for guidance and direction from God.
To think one of his purposes, though, was to rid his people of further temptation from the Midianites? What a purpose!
To extinguish the lure of sin.
To put away the allure of what shouldn't be done.
To cut the cords used by the ungodly to bind our hearts to sin-filled things.
To exterminate the bait used to draw someone else away from God.
God asked Moses to wipe out the enemy, then die.
Would we, are we, satisfied in doing just that for the generations that follow us?
It starts in our own lives.
It starts today.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Today's reading: Hebrews 5-7
"Only to Jesus did he say, The Lord has taken an oath, and will not break his vow; You are a priest forever. Because of God's oath, it is Jesus who guarantees the effectiveness of this better covenant." Hebrews 7:21-22 NLT
It's a section of Scripture worthy of putting up for you to view often during the day...
On your bathroom mirror: for the mornings you wake up and the one looking back at you in the mirror feels less than godly, has less than godly thoughts and looks less than usable in the King's court.
On your steering wheel: for the times when a quick glance gives you an image of someone disgusted with the traffic, in a huge hurry and feeling as far from evangelical as one might possibly feel.
On your desk at work: for the days when the jokes are off-color, but funny, the gossip, though wrong, is quite juicy and the complaints seem to flow easier than encouraging words.
On your Bible: for the moments when you look at all you've done, think over all you've failed to do, wonder just what your real purpose is--these verses are for you.
It's what Jesus has done for us that guarantees the effectiveness of our covenant relationship with God, not what we can do!
Today's reading: Hebrews 5-7
"Only to Jesus did he say, The Lord has taken an oath, and will not break his vow; You are a priest forever. Because of God's oath, it is Jesus who guarantees the effectiveness of this better covenant." Hebrews 7:21-22 NLT
It's a section of Scripture worthy of putting up for you to view often during the day...
On your bathroom mirror: for the mornings you wake up and the one looking back at you in the mirror feels less than godly, has less than godly thoughts and looks less than usable in the King's court.
On your steering wheel: for the times when a quick glance gives you an image of someone disgusted with the traffic, in a huge hurry and feeling as far from evangelical as one might possibly feel.
On your desk at work: for the days when the jokes are off-color, but funny, the gossip, though wrong, is quite juicy and the complaints seem to flow easier than encouraging words.
On your Bible: for the moments when you look at all you've done, think over all you've failed to do, wonder just what your real purpose is--these verses are for you.
It's what Jesus has done for us that guarantees the effectiveness of our covenant relationship with God, not what we can do!
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Today's reading: Acts 1-2
"No wonder my heart is filled with joy, and my mouth shouts his praises! My body rests in hope." Acts 2:26 NLT
I've seen what God can do in and through my life and the lives of my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
And now I'm seeing it in our little boy--correction, he's 13 as of today, as tall as we are and football-player sized.
God is faithful. He has been. He is. He will be.
He saw my grandparents through tough times and has welcomed them all into His glory.
I've watched as He walked beside my parents on roads leading up mountain sides and down into dark valleys.
I've felt His presence with me, I've seen Him mark a path, I've watched as He changed events or changed my heart to handle the events He deemed necessary for my growth. I've heard Him whisper in my ear, expanding on His Word and revealing exciting truths within the pages of the Bible.
And I'll see Him walk with Isaiah. He has for 13 years, and I do not believe His work in that young man's life is even close to being complete!
That's assurance, blessed assurance.
Today's reading: Acts 1-2
"No wonder my heart is filled with joy, and my mouth shouts his praises! My body rests in hope." Acts 2:26 NLT
I've seen what God can do in and through my life and the lives of my parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
And now I'm seeing it in our little boy--correction, he's 13 as of today, as tall as we are and football-player sized.
God is faithful. He has been. He is. He will be.
He saw my grandparents through tough times and has welcomed them all into His glory.
I've watched as He walked beside my parents on roads leading up mountain sides and down into dark valleys.
I've felt His presence with me, I've seen Him mark a path, I've watched as He changed events or changed my heart to handle the events He deemed necessary for my growth. I've heard Him whisper in my ear, expanding on His Word and revealing exciting truths within the pages of the Bible.
And I'll see Him walk with Isaiah. He has for 13 years, and I do not believe His work in that young man's life is even close to being complete!
That's assurance, blessed assurance.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Today's reading: Obadiah
"The day is near when I, the Lord, will judge the godless nations!" Obadiah 15 NLT
Imagine a courtroom scene...
Testimonies will be called for. Evidence will be presented. A verdict to be handed down. A knowing, just and godly Judge presiding over the process.
Who will be on the docket? America.
We'll be there for failing to do what God's told us to do. For failing to stay away from what we have been told to stay away from. For allowing into our land, into our towns and into our homes what we have been told to not accept.
The day is near when God will look over all the proof. I'm hoping and praying that His grace and mercy will fall on us before the gavel hits the desk of His judgement seat!
Today's reading: Obadiah
"The day is near when I, the Lord, will judge the godless nations!" Obadiah 15 NLT
Imagine a courtroom scene...
Testimonies will be called for. Evidence will be presented. A verdict to be handed down. A knowing, just and godly Judge presiding over the process.
Who will be on the docket? America.
We'll be there for failing to do what God's told us to do. For failing to stay away from what we have been told to stay away from. For allowing into our land, into our towns and into our homes what we have been told to not accept.
The day is near when God will look over all the proof. I'm hoping and praying that His grace and mercy will fall on us before the gavel hits the desk of His judgement seat!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Today's reading: Proverbs 26-27
"Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but a person is tested by being praised." Proverbs 27:21 NLT
"The purity of silver and gold is tested by putting them in fire; the purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little praise." Proverbs 27:21 MSG
How do you do accepting praise? Compliments? Accolades? Being celebrated? Applauded? Having a fuss made over you for something done which touched an other's heart?
I don't do well.
I'm embarrassed. My face turns fifteen shades of red. I immediately inspect my feet, not wanting to look up. I don't care for all the attention to be focused on me because, well because I know the real me. And although there are a few things people might think I do well, there's a laundry list of things I mess up and acres of areas where I fail.
Then I read this verse.
What I do, when I don't say 'thank you' or accept heartfelt praise, is as bad as if I got the 'big head'!
Anything I do well has His signature on it, not mine. My response to praise should be done according to that truth. I should be accepting of it based on His greatness, not my shortcomings.
To God be the glory, great things He has done. So loved He the world that He gave us His Son.
Today's reading: Proverbs 26-27
"Fire tests the purity of silver and gold, but a person is tested by being praised." Proverbs 27:21 NLT
"The purity of silver and gold is tested by putting them in fire; the purity of human hearts is tested by giving them a little praise." Proverbs 27:21 MSG
How do you do accepting praise? Compliments? Accolades? Being celebrated? Applauded? Having a fuss made over you for something done which touched an other's heart?
I don't do well.
I'm embarrassed. My face turns fifteen shades of red. I immediately inspect my feet, not wanting to look up. I don't care for all the attention to be focused on me because, well because I know the real me. And although there are a few things people might think I do well, there's a laundry list of things I mess up and acres of areas where I fail.
Then I read this verse.
What I do, when I don't say 'thank you' or accept heartfelt praise, is as bad as if I got the 'big head'!
Anything I do well has His signature on it, not mine. My response to praise should be done according to that truth. I should be accepting of it based on His greatness, not my shortcomings.
To God be the glory, great things He has done. So loved He the world that He gave us His Son.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 114-116
"Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Psalm 116:2 NLT
Blame it on my pastor. He is the one who has challenged me to look deeper, dig into and read between the lines of Scripture.
He's even put me onto looking into a Greek lexicon (a sort of dictionary) for more in depth research--and I love it!
This morning's verse for instance...
I've got goose bumps reading it through different lenses.
Like the fact that God, seated on His throne, bends down to hear my prayer. He inclines His ear. He extends a kindness and gives full attention. He focuses on what I'm saying, what I'm needing, how I'm praising Him.
He's that person in a room of grown-ups and children that gets down on one knee so He can give full attention to the stories or requests of a small child. The One who looks them in the eye as they spin their tales or tell Him of their fears. The One the kids will return to, time and time again, because their needs are met and they feel valued.
In a room like that, with a Listener like that, that child has an audience of one. A captive audience.
So do I.
When I call out.
When I whisper.
When I cry.
When all I can do is raise my hands.
When I cannot say anything at all.
He hears me. Me, one of the many 'little ones' in the room!
Today's reading: Psalm 114-116
"Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Psalm 116:2 NLT
Blame it on my pastor. He is the one who has challenged me to look deeper, dig into and read between the lines of Scripture.
He's even put me onto looking into a Greek lexicon (a sort of dictionary) for more in depth research--and I love it!
This morning's verse for instance...
I've got goose bumps reading it through different lenses.
Like the fact that God, seated on His throne, bends down to hear my prayer. He inclines His ear. He extends a kindness and gives full attention. He focuses on what I'm saying, what I'm needing, how I'm praising Him.
He's that person in a room of grown-ups and children that gets down on one knee so He can give full attention to the stories or requests of a small child. The One who looks them in the eye as they spin their tales or tell Him of their fears. The One the kids will return to, time and time again, because their needs are met and they feel valued.
In a room like that, with a Listener like that, that child has an audience of one. A captive audience.
So do I.
When I call out.
When I whisper.
When I cry.
When all I can do is raise my hands.
When I cannot say anything at all.
He hears me. Me, one of the many 'little ones' in the room!
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 6-10
"But if you abandon me and disobey my laws and commands I have given you, and if you go and worship other gods, then I will uproot the people...And though this Temple is impressive now, it will become an appalling sight to all who pass by. They will ask, Why has the Lord done such terrible things to his land and to his Temple? And the answer will be, Because his people abandoned the Lord..." 2 Chronicles 7:19-22 NLT
I'm sure many of my good Christian brothers and sisters are shaking their heads saying, It would never happen like that at the church I attend.
I'm hoping you attend a Bible believing, preaching against sin, following the Lord's commands kind of church.
But we see it happening around us.
We see churches 'tolerating' things that their forefathers would have never thought would be allowed. In the name of reaching out. In order to be more inviting. To save face in the community.
We have seen newspaper articles advertising fellowship and fun for all families hosted in area churches. All families including those of sinful sexual orientation. With speakers practicing lifestyles spoken of as sinful in the Bible.
We are allowing people to join, minister and teach in our churches who are living in sin. Outside the laws and covenants of marriage. Because of the economy. For the childrens' sake. Expecting God's love and conviction to be blinded to His truth.
God is well aware of what's going on.
His heart breaks as He sees His church inch its way away from Him and towards the world.
He is sickened to see His house of worship dirtied by sin.
Things have to change. We, as Christians, have to get our heads out of the sand and back into the Word.
We have chosen not to acknowledge and deal with sin--and the consequences, He promises, will not be pleasant!
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 6-10
"But if you abandon me and disobey my laws and commands I have given you, and if you go and worship other gods, then I will uproot the people...And though this Temple is impressive now, it will become an appalling sight to all who pass by. They will ask, Why has the Lord done such terrible things to his land and to his Temple? And the answer will be, Because his people abandoned the Lord..." 2 Chronicles 7:19-22 NLT
I'm sure many of my good Christian brothers and sisters are shaking their heads saying, It would never happen like that at the church I attend.
I'm hoping you attend a Bible believing, preaching against sin, following the Lord's commands kind of church.
But we see it happening around us.
We see churches 'tolerating' things that their forefathers would have never thought would be allowed. In the name of reaching out. In order to be more inviting. To save face in the community.
We have seen newspaper articles advertising fellowship and fun for all families hosted in area churches. All families including those of sinful sexual orientation. With speakers practicing lifestyles spoken of as sinful in the Bible.
We are allowing people to join, minister and teach in our churches who are living in sin. Outside the laws and covenants of marriage. Because of the economy. For the childrens' sake. Expecting God's love and conviction to be blinded to His truth.
God is well aware of what's going on.
His heart breaks as He sees His church inch its way away from Him and towards the world.
He is sickened to see His house of worship dirtied by sin.
Things have to change. We, as Christians, have to get our heads out of the sand and back into the Word.
We have chosen not to acknowledge and deal with sin--and the consequences, He promises, will not be pleasant!
Monday, September 23, 2013
Today's reading: Numbers 25-28
"One day the Lord said to Moses...When the people of Israel rebelled, you failed to demonstrate my holiness to them at the waters (These are the waters of Meribah at Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin)." Numbers 27:12-14 NLT
Moses failed to act in a godly manner. His failure affected the people God had placed within his sphere of influence. His decision to act in an ungodly way, to go against what God had specifically told him to do, resulted in Moses seeing from a distance, but never entering the Promised Land.
Makes me think...
What will my choices do for me today? What will they do for others?
Will a reaction of mine sour someone against Christ and Christianity?
Will words I spew diminish my opportunity to witness to someone another time?
Will I do something today that brings a bad name to my church?
Will I choose not to participate in reaching someone today that God has placed directly in my path--and it be there last chance before faced with eternity?
Will what I want to do, that goes against God's will, measure up as worth it when I weigh it against all I could lose, all I could lose for myself or for someone else?
Today's reading: Numbers 25-28
"One day the Lord said to Moses...When the people of Israel rebelled, you failed to demonstrate my holiness to them at the waters (These are the waters of Meribah at Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin)." Numbers 27:12-14 NLT
Moses failed to act in a godly manner. His failure affected the people God had placed within his sphere of influence. His decision to act in an ungodly way, to go against what God had specifically told him to do, resulted in Moses seeing from a distance, but never entering the Promised Land.
Makes me think...
What will my choices do for me today? What will they do for others?
Will a reaction of mine sour someone against Christ and Christianity?
Will words I spew diminish my opportunity to witness to someone another time?
Will I do something today that brings a bad name to my church?
Will I choose not to participate in reaching someone today that God has placed directly in my path--and it be there last chance before faced with eternity?
Will what I want to do, that goes against God's will, measure up as worth it when I weigh it against all I could lose, all I could lose for myself or for someone else?
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Today's reading: Hebrews 1-4
"...Lord, in the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Even they will perish, but you remain forever. They will wear out like old clothing. You will roll them up like an old coat. They will fade away like old clothing. But you are always the same, you will never grow old." Hebrews 1:10-12 NLT
Circumstances do not change my God.
Disasters do not mar His character.
Disease does not limit His abilities.
Unkept vows do not dirty His record.
Nothing that has happened, nothing happening today and nothing that the future holds can change our praise-worthy God.
No one.
He is always the same, regardless of the changes we see in our lives, in our homes and in our world.
Today's reading: Hebrews 1-4
"...Lord, in the beginning you laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. Even they will perish, but you remain forever. They will wear out like old clothing. You will roll them up like an old coat. They will fade away like old clothing. But you are always the same, you will never grow old." Hebrews 1:10-12 NLT
Circumstances do not change my God.
Disasters do not mar His character.
Disease does not limit His abilities.
Unkept vows do not dirty His record.
Nothing that has happened, nothing happening today and nothing that the future holds can change our praise-worthy God.
No one.
He is always the same, regardless of the changes we see in our lives, in our homes and in our world.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Today's reading: John 19-21
"He called out to them, Friends have you caught any fish? No, they replied. Then he said, Throw your net on the right hand side of the boat, and you'll get plenty of fish!" John 21:5-6 NLT
I asked for it.
In my prayer time before opening my Bible, I asked God to speak directly to my heart--and to any issues within my heart that needed dealing with.
These verses jumped off the page as words spoke to my soul about 'doing things my way'.
He's right.
God, that is.
There's my way--and well, that's the only way there is, in my opinion.
Hence, the words from the Lord.
Excuse me while He and I talk over some of the areas in which I select my way over His. Pardon me while He and I discuss some instances where I insisted on doing what I wanted to do, regardless of His leading.
Today's reading: John 19-21
"He called out to them, Friends have you caught any fish? No, they replied. Then he said, Throw your net on the right hand side of the boat, and you'll get plenty of fish!" John 21:5-6 NLT
I asked for it.
In my prayer time before opening my Bible, I asked God to speak directly to my heart--and to any issues within my heart that needed dealing with.
These verses jumped off the page as words spoke to my soul about 'doing things my way'.
He's right.
God, that is.
There's my way--and well, that's the only way there is, in my opinion.
Hence, the words from the Lord.
Excuse me while He and I talk over some of the areas in which I select my way over His. Pardon me while He and I discuss some instances where I insisted on doing what I wanted to do, regardless of His leading.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Today's reading: Amos 5-9
"Come back to the Lord and live!" Amos 5:6 NLT
We all know them--the walking dead. The ones who know the Truth and yet choose to live outside its boundaries, walking in what they want instead of what they know to be right.
They're miserable. They are empty. They are lost, but the kind of lost that comes by choice not by lack of knowledge.
They inhale and exhale. Their hearts beat. They go about the motions of day-to-day life, but they're not really, really and truly alive.
Pray that they come back to the Lord! Ask God to get their attention, draw them back in, remind their hearts of what they learned as children.
Pray that we as Christians live lives of exemplary behavior. Make them want what we have.
There's more to our time on earth than just getting by--we have been given the opportunity to really live!
Today's reading: Amos 5-9
"Come back to the Lord and live!" Amos 5:6 NLT
We all know them--the walking dead. The ones who know the Truth and yet choose to live outside its boundaries, walking in what they want instead of what they know to be right.
They're miserable. They are empty. They are lost, but the kind of lost that comes by choice not by lack of knowledge.
They inhale and exhale. Their hearts beat. They go about the motions of day-to-day life, but they're not really, really and truly alive.
Pray that they come back to the Lord! Ask God to get their attention, draw them back in, remind their hearts of what they learned as children.
Pray that we as Christians live lives of exemplary behavior. Make them want what we have.
There's more to our time on earth than just getting by--we have been given the opportunity to really live!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Today's reading: Proverbs 25
"If the godly compromise with the wicked, it is like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring." Proverbs 25:26 NLT
Give a hoot, don't pollute!
Pollution (compromise) has far-reaching effects.
Rippling effects.
Eternal effects.
What one might deem only touching his or her own set of morals leeches out to influence the minds of those within their home. Thoughts at home touch and mold happenings in our schools and businesses. Choices in our communities and churches infect our nation. National tolerance soon becomes a contagion that spreads to other countries.
Are you guilty of polluting?
Today's reading: Proverbs 25
"If the godly compromise with the wicked, it is like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring." Proverbs 25:26 NLT
Give a hoot, don't pollute!
Pollution (compromise) has far-reaching effects.
Rippling effects.
Eternal effects.
What one might deem only touching his or her own set of morals leeches out to influence the minds of those within their home. Thoughts at home touch and mold happenings in our schools and businesses. Choices in our communities and churches infect our nation. National tolerance soon becomes a contagion that spreads to other countries.
Are you guilty of polluting?
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 111-113
"How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them." Psalm 111:2 NLT
To 'ponder' means to weigh in the mind, to think about, to reflect on, to think or consider especially quietly, soberly or deeply.
In everyday words it means to chew on, to dwell on, to contemplate, digest of meditate.
When I think of all the things taking over my brain processes...the things I dwell on...the things I stew over...the things that overtake my mind...I am ashamed.
I should be allowing the greatness of my God to overwhelm my thoughts. I should allow the wonder of His great accomplishments to overload my senses. I should set aside what's undone, what's unanswered and what's unlovely and focus my attention on Him.
'How great is our God. Sing with me, how great is our God. All will see how great, how great is our God!' -Chris Tomlin
Today's reading: Psalm 111-113
"How amazing are the deeds of the Lord! All who delight in him should ponder them." Psalm 111:2 NLT
To 'ponder' means to weigh in the mind, to think about, to reflect on, to think or consider especially quietly, soberly or deeply.
In everyday words it means to chew on, to dwell on, to contemplate, digest of meditate.
When I think of all the things taking over my brain processes...the things I dwell on...the things I stew over...the things that overtake my mind...I am ashamed.
I should be allowing the greatness of my God to overwhelm my thoughts. I should allow the wonder of His great accomplishments to overload my senses. I should set aside what's undone, what's unanswered and what's unlovely and focus my attention on Him.
'How great is our God. Sing with me, how great is our God. All will see how great, how great is our God!' -Chris Tomlin
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 1-5
"...At that moment a cloud filled the Temple of the Lord. The priests could not continue their work because the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple of God." 2 Chronicles 5:13-14 NLT
How long has it been since a God-moment stopped you dead in your tracks? Left you speechless? Caused you to pause in order to comprehend His greatness?
When was the last time you were in God's presence and your skin tingled? The air was filled with His awe? Communion with the Creator was all you could think about?
Can you recall a recent time when God chose to speak directly to your heart? About a sin? To give peace? To remind you of His presence and His faithfulness? To show you which path to take?
Can't remember? That's too bad, because that's not what He intends within your relationship.
Ask for it. Beg for it. Refuse to move without it. Look for it. Wait for it. Expect it. Want it more than anything else. Prepare yourself for it.
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 1-5
"...At that moment a cloud filled the Temple of the Lord. The priests could not continue their work because the glorious presence of the Lord filled the Temple of God." 2 Chronicles 5:13-14 NLT
How long has it been since a God-moment stopped you dead in your tracks? Left you speechless? Caused you to pause in order to comprehend His greatness?
When was the last time you were in God's presence and your skin tingled? The air was filled with His awe? Communion with the Creator was all you could think about?
Can you recall a recent time when God chose to speak directly to your heart? About a sin? To give peace? To remind you of His presence and His faithfulness? To show you which path to take?
Can't remember? That's too bad, because that's not what He intends within your relationship.
Ask for it. Beg for it. Refuse to move without it. Look for it. Wait for it. Expect it. Want it more than anything else. Prepare yourself for it.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Today's reading: Numbers 21-24
"...but the people grew impatient along the way and they began to murmur against God and Moses. Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die here in this wilderness? They complained. There is nothing here to eat and nothing to drink. And we hate this wretched manna! So The Lord send poisonous snakes among them, and many of them were bitten and died." Numbers 21:4-5 NLT
Complaining. Are you guilty of it?
Do you think it is done in jest? Do you go on and on about all that is piled on your plate, all you have chosen to do, all that is required of you?
Are those around you tired of hearing about it?
Truth be told, we have nothing to complain about.
And to add insult to injury, few, if any, want to hear about it.
Including God.
In all reality, when we complain, or murmur as the Israelites did, we are doing it against Him--the Giver of all we have!
Think about what others hear you saying. Think about what God hears you say.
And--watch out for snakes!!
Today's reading: Numbers 21-24
"...but the people grew impatient along the way and they began to murmur against God and Moses. Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die here in this wilderness? They complained. There is nothing here to eat and nothing to drink. And we hate this wretched manna! So The Lord send poisonous snakes among them, and many of them were bitten and died." Numbers 21:4-5 NLT
Complaining. Are you guilty of it?
Do you think it is done in jest? Do you go on and on about all that is piled on your plate, all you have chosen to do, all that is required of you?
Are those around you tired of hearing about it?
Truth be told, we have nothing to complain about.
And to add insult to injury, few, if any, want to hear about it.
Including God.
In all reality, when we complain, or murmur as the Israelites did, we are doing it against Him--the Giver of all we have!
Think about what others hear you saying. Think about what God hears you say.
And--watch out for snakes!!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Today's reading: Philemon
"I myself have gained much joy and comfort from your love,my brother, because your kindness has so often refreshed the hearts of God's people." Philemon verse 27 NLT
Could it be said of me?
What do I bring to the body of Christ? To my congregation? To my family? To my workplace? To the stores I shop in? To the school parking lot I wait in every afternoon?
What am I offering to those around me that might be thought of as refreshing, kind, comforting,joy-filled or from God?
And what about you?
Today's reading: Philemon
"I myself have gained much joy and comfort from your love,my brother, because your kindness has so often refreshed the hearts of God's people." Philemon verse 27 NLT
Could it be said of me?
What do I bring to the body of Christ? To my congregation? To my family? To my workplace? To the stores I shop in? To the school parking lot I wait in every afternoon?
What am I offering to those around me that might be thought of as refreshing, kind, comforting,joy-filled or from God?
And what about you?
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Today's reading: John 16-18
"...The truth is, you can go directly to the Father and ask him, and he will grant your request because you use my name." John 16:23 NLT
Have I asked?
I have permission to stand before Him.
I am one of His dear daughters.
I am promised He will listen.
I am told my requests will be granted if they will bring Him glory.
Have I asked?
Today's reading: John 16-18
"...The truth is, you can go directly to the Father and ask him, and he will grant your request because you use my name." John 16:23 NLT
Have I asked?
I have permission to stand before Him.
I am one of His dear daughters.
I am promised He will listen.
I am told my requests will be granted if they will bring Him glory.
Have I asked?
Friday, September 13, 2013
Today's reading: Amos 1-4
"My people have forgotten what it means to do right, says The Lord." Amos 3:10 NLT
Could it be?
Now we are not talking about the pagan heathens outside the church walls, but the pew fillers, the Sunday crowd, the religious elite...
Have we forgotten what it means to do right?
When we go in the ballot booth?
When our families are divided among different civic events and seldom sit around the dinner table together?
When we discuss the shortcomings of fellow church members to another?
When we allow the TV to entertain our homes?
When we rant and rave--and we when refuse to take a stand?
Ouch, Lord...you may very well have hit the nail on the head!
Today's reading: Amos 1-4
"My people have forgotten what it means to do right, says The Lord." Amos 3:10 NLT
Could it be?
Now we are not talking about the pagan heathens outside the church walls, but the pew fillers, the Sunday crowd, the religious elite...
Have we forgotten what it means to do right?
When we go in the ballot booth?
When our families are divided among different civic events and seldom sit around the dinner table together?
When we discuss the shortcomings of fellow church members to another?
When we allow the TV to entertain our homes?
When we rant and rave--and we when refuse to take a stand?
Ouch, Lord...you may very well have hit the nail on the head!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Today's reading: Proverbs 23-24
"...What a pleasure it is to have wise children." Proverbs 23:24NLT
I am the proud investor in the life of one outstanding almost-thirteen year old.
He is smart. He is kind. He is quite talented. He is very well mannered. And he is as handsome as they come.
Call it parental prejudice, but if you have met him, you might well agree.
That being said, he is still in the process of growing in godly wisdom. You see, that doesn't come overnight, at a certain age or genetically.
It's a learning process he, and his parents, are struggling through.
He is on the right track. He hits bumps along the way. He still needs us to guide and direct his great intentions...but he is heading towards godliness.
And I couldn't be more proud.
I'm hoping my Father thinks the same of me!
Today's reading: Proverbs 23-24
"...What a pleasure it is to have wise children." Proverbs 23:24NLT
I am the proud investor in the life of one outstanding almost-thirteen year old.
He is smart. He is kind. He is quite talented. He is very well mannered. And he is as handsome as they come.
Call it parental prejudice, but if you have met him, you might well agree.
That being said, he is still in the process of growing in godly wisdom. You see, that doesn't come overnight, at a certain age or genetically.
It's a learning process he, and his parents, are struggling through.
He is on the right track. He hits bumps along the way. He still needs us to guide and direct his great intentions...but he is heading towards godliness.
And I couldn't be more proud.
I'm hoping my Father thinks the same of me!
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 108-110
"I love them, but they try to destroy me--even as I am praying for them! They return evil for good and hatred for my love." Psalm 109:3 NLT
We all have them...family, friends and loved ones that we are attempting to reach for Christ...and they are having none of it.
They ridicule us. They ignore our invitations to church. They laugh at our convictions. They bring us our past mistakes. They pepper us with jokes.
They cause us to want to have a 'laying on of hands'.
And all these years later, they still need The Lord.
We have to keep praying. We have to keep attempting to woo them to The Lord. We have to do all we can to draw them into the unbroken circle.
But it's not easy. They're not easy people to love. Their convictions are as strong as your own--just placed in faulty beliefs. God loves them, but you often have to remind yourself of the fact. Their words hurt. Their responses are caustic. Their personalities grate on our tenderhearted mercies. Their lives are miserable and it shows.
Today is the day to re-vamp your prayer efforts. Today is a great time to re-focus your attention on their need for a Savior, not a swift kick in the seats of their pants. Today looks like a perfect time to start again loving them like Jesus does!
Today's reading: Psalm 108-110
"I love them, but they try to destroy me--even as I am praying for them! They return evil for good and hatred for my love." Psalm 109:3 NLT
We all have them...family, friends and loved ones that we are attempting to reach for Christ...and they are having none of it.
They ridicule us. They ignore our invitations to church. They laugh at our convictions. They bring us our past mistakes. They pepper us with jokes.
They cause us to want to have a 'laying on of hands'.
And all these years later, they still need The Lord.
We have to keep praying. We have to keep attempting to woo them to The Lord. We have to do all we can to draw them into the unbroken circle.
But it's not easy. They're not easy people to love. Their convictions are as strong as your own--just placed in faulty beliefs. God loves them, but you often have to remind yourself of the fact. Their words hurt. Their responses are caustic. Their personalities grate on our tenderhearted mercies. Their lives are miserable and it shows.
Today is the day to re-vamp your prayer efforts. Today is a great time to re-focus your attention on their need for a Savior, not a swift kick in the seats of their pants. Today looks like a perfect time to start again loving them like Jesus does!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 25-29
"...If you seek him, you will find him." 1 Chronicles 28:9 NLT
There are two gentlemen in my house who are constantly looking for things.
They are constantly accusing me of hiding their stuff and forcing them to go on a scavenger hunt to locate any single piece of the pile of treasures they have allowed to amass.
I can usually tell them where their things are, not because I have hidden them, but because I have either stepped over them twenty times or have placed them in their proper place.
I can provide them with detailed directions to locate said items, narrowing their search down to even a specific shelf in most cases...and yet they seldom are able to locate them.
It requires me going with them to specified closet and pointing it out to them...in the exact place I have told them.
I call them 'glancers',not 'seekers'.
I am guilty of the same thing.
There are times I want to see God's will or direction but refuse to give more than a glance or a quick look in His direction.
The Bible tells us on several occasions that if we seek Him, we will find Him. A guarantee. A promised outcome.
Let's start looking for God with a more concerted effort.
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 25-29
"...If you seek him, you will find him." 1 Chronicles 28:9 NLT
There are two gentlemen in my house who are constantly looking for things.
They are constantly accusing me of hiding their stuff and forcing them to go on a scavenger hunt to locate any single piece of the pile of treasures they have allowed to amass.
I can usually tell them where their things are, not because I have hidden them, but because I have either stepped over them twenty times or have placed them in their proper place.
I can provide them with detailed directions to locate said items, narrowing their search down to even a specific shelf in most cases...and yet they seldom are able to locate them.
It requires me going with them to specified closet and pointing it out to them...in the exact place I have told them.
I call them 'glancers',not 'seekers'.
I am guilty of the same thing.
There are times I want to see God's will or direction but refuse to give more than a glance or a quick look in His direction.
The Bible tells us on several occasions that if we seek Him, we will find Him. A guarantee. A promised outcome.
Let's start looking for God with a more concerted effort.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Today's reading: Numbers 17-20
"And The Lord said to Moses, Place Aaron's staff permanently before the Ark of the Covenant as a warning to rebels. This should put an end to their complaints..." Numbers 17:10 NLT
I have a few pet peeves. Cabinet doors left open. Toilet paper placed on the holder backwards. Pens being left uncapped. Cell phones being left on during events, church services or meals.
The biggest pet peeve I have? Complaining in the church!
Moses was told to place Aaron's staff as a reminder to stop griping and complaining...I'm wondering if we need to do the same in our churches.
Is there a sign we could place at the door that reminds us not to complain about the preachers message...if it truly comes from the Word?
Is there a bouquet of flowers we old sit in the ladies' restroom that would remind us not to be snarky about another's choice of what to wear to worship...if it is decent and God honoring?
Is there a chime or bell that could go off to remind us to keep hateful comments about the songleader's choices to ourselves...and not infect others with our bitter and cutting words?
The church is the last place murmuring and complaining should be allowed. It is a place to worship not a place to cut down or deride another.
What kind of reminder might we all put in place?
Today's reading: Numbers 17-20
"And The Lord said to Moses, Place Aaron's staff permanently before the Ark of the Covenant as a warning to rebels. This should put an end to their complaints..." Numbers 17:10 NLT
I have a few pet peeves. Cabinet doors left open. Toilet paper placed on the holder backwards. Pens being left uncapped. Cell phones being left on during events, church services or meals.
The biggest pet peeve I have? Complaining in the church!
Moses was told to place Aaron's staff as a reminder to stop griping and complaining...I'm wondering if we need to do the same in our churches.
Is there a sign we could place at the door that reminds us not to complain about the preachers message...if it truly comes from the Word?
Is there a bouquet of flowers we old sit in the ladies' restroom that would remind us not to be snarky about another's choice of what to wear to worship...if it is decent and God honoring?
Is there a chime or bell that could go off to remind us to keep hateful comments about the songleader's choices to ourselves...and not infect others with our bitter and cutting words?
The church is the last place murmuring and complaining should be allowed. It is a place to worship not a place to cut down or deride another.
What kind of reminder might we all put in place?
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Today's reading: Titus
"He saved us not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy..." Titus 3:6 NLT
Ever had a morning when the love of Christ and the scope of God's gift of grace just hung over you like a cloud? The weight of it. The depth of it. The scope of it.
Ever not known what to say in response to the greatness of His mercy? How far He reached to get you. How low He had to go to get you.
Ever just sat in silence thinking about how blessed you are to be known by the King of Kings? To be His. To have His royal blood flowing through your veins...and covering your sins.
That's the kind of morning I am having.
Today's reading: Titus
"He saved us not because of the good things we did, but because of his mercy..." Titus 3:6 NLT
Ever had a morning when the love of Christ and the scope of God's gift of grace just hung over you like a cloud? The weight of it. The depth of it. The scope of it.
Ever not known what to say in response to the greatness of His mercy? How far He reached to get you. How low He had to go to get you.
Ever just sat in silence thinking about how blessed you are to be known by the King of Kings? To be His. To have His royal blood flowing through your veins...and covering your sins.
That's the kind of morning I am having.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Today's reading: John 13-15
"...For apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 NLT
Thanks, Lord, I needed that reminder. For today it seems like I am spinning my wheels. I feel like I a stuck in a rut. It appears I am going no where fast.
And then I realize I may have left you behind.
I may have been given the go ahead by You, but how I am going a out it is all wrong...or at least not in your will.
It may very well be that this lull is due to me attempting to do things on my own.
I'm sorry. I desperately need Your help.
Today's reading: John 13-15
"...For apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5 NLT
Thanks, Lord, I needed that reminder. For today it seems like I am spinning my wheels. I feel like I a stuck in a rut. It appears I am going no where fast.
And then I realize I may have left you behind.
I may have been given the go ahead by You, but how I am going a out it is all wrong...or at least not in your will.
It may very well be that this lull is due to me attempting to do things on my own.
I'm sorry. I desperately need Your help.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Today's reading: Joel
"...And now, O Lord, call out your warriors!" Joel 3:11 NLT
The time has come to get serious about Christianity.
Pretending must be set aside.
Half-hearted efforts must be turn into whole-hearted devotion.
You were drafted the day you were washed in the blood.
Your uniform is spotless white.
Your mission is clear.
Your weapons are provided.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, you soldiers of the cross!
Today's reading: Joel
"...And now, O Lord, call out your warriors!" Joel 3:11 NLT
The time has come to get serious about Christianity.
Pretending must be set aside.
Half-hearted efforts must be turn into whole-hearted devotion.
You were drafted the day you were washed in the blood.
Your uniform is spotless white.
Your mission is clear.
Your weapons are provided.
Stand up, stand up for Jesus, you soldiers of the cross!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Today's reading: Proverbs 22
"The rich and the poor have this in common: The Lord made them both." Proverbs 22:2 NLT
If I choose to look deeper, which I believe is what God intends us as Christians to do, we'll see fewer differences and more similarities in people.
The kind and the unkind were both made by God.
The saved and the unsaved were both made by God.
The lovely and the unlovable were both made by God.
The tall and the short were both made by God.
The politician and the working man were both made by God.
The man in the penthouse and the man on the street corner were both made by God.
The cute little kid and the child throwing the tantrum were both made by God.
The Christian and the Muslim were both made by God.
The saint and the alcoholic were both made by God.
We're told in John 3:16 that God has 'written no one off', who are we to do it based on our shallow views of another?
Today's reading: Proverbs 22
"The rich and the poor have this in common: The Lord made them both." Proverbs 22:2 NLT
If I choose to look deeper, which I believe is what God intends us as Christians to do, we'll see fewer differences and more similarities in people.
The kind and the unkind were both made by God.
The saved and the unsaved were both made by God.
The lovely and the unlovable were both made by God.
The tall and the short were both made by God.
The politician and the working man were both made by God.
The man in the penthouse and the man on the street corner were both made by God.
The cute little kid and the child throwing the tantrum were both made by God.
The Christian and the Muslim were both made by God.
The saint and the alcoholic were both made by God.
We're told in John 3:16 that God has 'written no one off', who are we to do it based on our shallow views of another?
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 105-107
"The people refused to enter the pleasant land, for they wouldn't believe his promise to care for them. Instead, they grumbled in their tents and refused to obey The Lord." Psalm 106:24-25 NLT
I could easily determine this morning's words to be for your heart, for your situation and for your issue with believing God...or I could suck it up and swallow it myself.
I tend to sit and grumble in my tent.
I have a tendency to believe in God's love and concern for those around me...and yet doubt it for myself.
I struggle with feelings of inadequacy when it comes to claiming any of the promises He has made for me.
And that leaves me sitting in my tent instead of stepping foot into the Promised Land.
But a 'tent grumbler' is not who He created me to be.
I want to claim all that He has set aside for me. I want to taste the milk and honey. I want to hold one of those grapes He grew on the hillsides of Eschol for the sole purpose of amazing me with His provision. I want to make a five course meal out of the quail and manna He has laid at my feet. I want to take the land,no matter what some of the scouts have to say about giants. I want to send packing the inhabitants of this new land God has given me.
To tell the truth, after reading these verses, I want to sell my tent!
Today's reading: Psalm 105-107
"The people refused to enter the pleasant land, for they wouldn't believe his promise to care for them. Instead, they grumbled in their tents and refused to obey The Lord." Psalm 106:24-25 NLT
I could easily determine this morning's words to be for your heart, for your situation and for your issue with believing God...or I could suck it up and swallow it myself.
I tend to sit and grumble in my tent.
I have a tendency to believe in God's love and concern for those around me...and yet doubt it for myself.
I struggle with feelings of inadequacy when it comes to claiming any of the promises He has made for me.
And that leaves me sitting in my tent instead of stepping foot into the Promised Land.
But a 'tent grumbler' is not who He created me to be.
I want to claim all that He has set aside for me. I want to taste the milk and honey. I want to hold one of those grapes He grew on the hillsides of Eschol for the sole purpose of amazing me with His provision. I want to make a five course meal out of the quail and manna He has laid at my feet. I want to take the land,no matter what some of the scouts have to say about giants. I want to send packing the inhabitants of this new land God has given me.
To tell the truth, after reading these verses, I want to sell my tent!
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 20-24
"...I cannot take what is yours and give it to The Lord." 1 Chronicles 21:24 NLT
It's only when we combine our gifts, purposes, ministries and leadings of the Holy Spirit that our churches can truly worship The Lord.
I cannot do your part. You cannot do mine.
I won't be able to reach the folks God intends for you to reach. You'll not be able to reach the ones He has intended I speak to.
I cannot worship in any way but the way I feel God leads me. You shouldn't either.
But together, oh together, our worship brings Him glory and honor!
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 20-24
"...I cannot take what is yours and give it to The Lord." 1 Chronicles 21:24 NLT
It's only when we combine our gifts, purposes, ministries and leadings of the Holy Spirit that our churches can truly worship The Lord.
I cannot do your part. You cannot do mine.
I won't be able to reach the folks God intends for you to reach. You'll not be able to reach the ones He has intended I speak to.
I cannot worship in any way but the way I feel God leads me. You shouldn't either.
But together, oh together, our worship brings Him glory and honor!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Today's reading: Numbers 13-16
"But Caleb tried to encourage the people as they stood before Moses, Let's go at once to take the land, he said. Sedan certainly conquer it! But the other men who had explored the land with him answered, We can't go up against them!.." Numbers 13:30-31 NLT
Which side would you have been on?
Better yet, which side are you on today?
Do you believe God?
Do you trust His Word?
Will you attempt to do what He is asking you to do?
Today's reading: Numbers 13-16
"But Caleb tried to encourage the people as they stood before Moses, Let's go at once to take the land, he said. Sedan certainly conquer it! But the other men who had explored the land with him answered, We can't go up against them!.." Numbers 13:30-31 NLT
Which side would you have been on?
Better yet, which side are you on today?
Do you believe God?
Do you trust His Word?
Will you attempt to do what He is asking you to do?
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Today's reading: 2 Timothy 3-4
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipping us for every good thing God wants us to do." 2Timothy 3:16-17NLT
I had read verse sixteen.
I could quote it to you at one time or another.
I believe it's words.
But this morning I have found the purpose of its inerrancy and its value...me.
This Holy Scripture was put in place for me. For my purpose to be fulfilled completely for our great Father. For my ministry to Him to be successful. For lives to be reached.
It is for you, too.
But it is more than just knowing--we must apply the Word to our lives.
Today's reading: 2 Timothy 3-4
"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipping us for every good thing God wants us to do." 2Timothy 3:16-17NLT
I had read verse sixteen.
I could quote it to you at one time or another.
I believe it's words.
But this morning I have found the purpose of its inerrancy and its value...me.
This Holy Scripture was put in place for me. For my purpose to be fulfilled completely for our great Father. For my ministry to Him to be successful. For lives to be reached.
It is for you, too.
But it is more than just knowing--we must apply the Word to our lives.
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