Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 11-12
"...This is my body, which is given for you..." 1 Corinthians 11:24 NLT
His body given for me.
His blood let for me.
His life offered for me.
His power manifested on Easter morning--for me!
All praise to Him who reigns supreme!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Today's reading: Mark 5-6
I can think of days in history I would have liked to live through.
Moments in time that change lives and change minds.
Snippets of time memorialized by greatness and victory.
Easter Saturday is not one of those days.
I imagine being one of the disciples or the followers of Jesus on that day and I cringe. I cannot imagine their grief. I cannot imagine their fear. I cannot imagine their disbelief. I cannot imagine what doubts were running through their minds on this day-the day after the Crucifixion and the day before the Resurrection.
The Temple could offer them no solace on this Sabbath.
The priests had no words to comfort.
The government could provide no assistance.
The words of prophecy were causing them to scratch their heads in wonder.
The fellowship of believers might not have buffered the pain.
But there were the words of Jesus to Jairus...
"...Don't be afraid. Just trust me." Mark 5:36 NLT
On Saturday they knew nothing of Sunday's victory. That is one day in history I would dare not repeat!
Today's reading: Mark 5-6
I can think of days in history I would have liked to live through.
Moments in time that change lives and change minds.
Snippets of time memorialized by greatness and victory.
Easter Saturday is not one of those days.
I imagine being one of the disciples or the followers of Jesus on that day and I cringe. I cannot imagine their grief. I cannot imagine their fear. I cannot imagine their disbelief. I cannot imagine what doubts were running through their minds on this day-the day after the Crucifixion and the day before the Resurrection.
The Temple could offer them no solace on this Sabbath.
The priests had no words to comfort.
The government could provide no assistance.
The words of prophecy were causing them to scratch their heads in wonder.
The fellowship of believers might not have buffered the pain.
But there were the words of Jesus to Jairus...
"...Don't be afraid. Just trust me." Mark 5:36 NLT
On Saturday they knew nothing of Sunday's victory. That is one day in history I would dare not repeat!
Friday, March 29, 2013
Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-6
"...Face the awful sins you have done..." Jeremiah 2:23 NLT
Jesus faced what all I would do against Him on this day 2,000 years ago.
All I would do intentionally. All the times I would place another god before Him. All the times I would turn to another ally instead of His face.
All I would do unintentionally. The times I would pass right by someone in need and it not register. The times I would overlook an opportunity to talk of Him.
Jesus saw all I would do in my sinful nature an still died on the cross for me. The realization of that truth is something I need to think about on occasion in order to value His sacrifice for me on this Good Friday.
Today's reading: Jeremiah 1-6
"...Face the awful sins you have done..." Jeremiah 2:23 NLT
Jesus faced what all I would do against Him on this day 2,000 years ago.
All I would do intentionally. All the times I would place another god before Him. All the times I would turn to another ally instead of His face.
All I would do unintentionally. The times I would pass right by someone in need and it not register. The times I would overlook an opportunity to talk of Him.
Jesus saw all I would do in my sinful nature an still died on the cross for me. The realization of that truth is something I need to think about on occasion in order to value His sacrifice for me on this Good Friday.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Today's reading: Job 25-26
"...Whose spirit speaks through you?" Job 26:4 NLT
Job had had it up to here with his less-than-helpful friends. Their condemnation and religious opinion was turning Job's stomach and adding to his woes instead of helping with them.
He got to the point he asked them this question. He was wondering just whose side his friends were on, his or his enemy's, God's or satan's.
And what about our words? Are they Christ-like? Are they light-bringing? Are they based on the Book or on our own opinion?
As you go out today, think about whose spirit speaks through you, because in all reality, we're just the translators!
Today's reading: Job 25-26
"...Whose spirit speaks through you?" Job 26:4 NLT
Job had had it up to here with his less-than-helpful friends. Their condemnation and religious opinion was turning Job's stomach and adding to his woes instead of helping with them.
He got to the point he asked them this question. He was wondering just whose side his friends were on, his or his enemy's, God's or satan's.
And what about our words? Are they Christ-like? Are they light-bringing? Are they based on the Book or on our own opinion?
As you go out today, think about whose spirit speaks through you, because in all reality, we're just the translators!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 36-38
"But the Lord just laughs..." Psalm 37:13 NLT
A snicker at satan's attempts to undone all the Cross has done.
A chuckle at our trying to plan our futures.
A hee-haw at our requests.
A knee-slapping, belly-busting guffaw at us telling Him what to do, how to do it and when it needs to be done.
Can you hear Him laughing?
We don't often think of the Almighty in a humorous way, but hasn't He created some pretty funny jesters to serve in His court?
Today's reading: Psalm 36-38
"But the Lord just laughs..." Psalm 37:13 NLT
A snicker at satan's attempts to undone all the Cross has done.
A chuckle at our trying to plan our futures.
A hee-haw at our requests.
A knee-slapping, belly-busting guffaw at us telling Him what to do, how to do it and when it needs to be done.
Can you hear Him laughing?
We don't often think of the Almighty in a humorous way, but hasn't He created some pretty funny jesters to serve in His court?
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 11-15
"...Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you." 1 Samuel 12:24 NLT
I've heard what you're facing.
I know your prayer lists continue to be long and continually added to.
I understand the feeling of being forgotten, set aside and impatient.
But as we're instructed today, maybe it's time to grab a pen and jot down all the wonderful things God has done for you!
Go ahead, make a list. Not of what remains undone, but of all He's accomplished, blessed with and provided.
It doesn't take the pain of want of away, but it will remind you of His faithfulness, love and grace.
Want to know what to begin with? How about the fact that you can pick up a pen. That you have eyes to read. That you live in a country where words from the Lord are not something you need to hide away. That you've been able to get out of bed.
The lists go on and on...
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 11-15
"...Think of all the wonderful things he has done for you." 1 Samuel 12:24 NLT
I've heard what you're facing.
I know your prayer lists continue to be long and continually added to.
I understand the feeling of being forgotten, set aside and impatient.
But as we're instructed today, maybe it's time to grab a pen and jot down all the wonderful things God has done for you!
Go ahead, make a list. Not of what remains undone, but of all He's accomplished, blessed with and provided.
It doesn't take the pain of want of away, but it will remind you of His faithfulness, love and grace.
Want to know what to begin with? How about the fact that you can pick up a pen. That you have eyes to read. That you live in a country where words from the Lord are not something you need to hide away. That you've been able to get out of bed.
The lists go on and on...
Monday, March 25, 2013
Today's reading: Genesis 48-50
They are Jacob's words to Joseph, but they've touched my heart this morning...
"...I know what I am doing, my son..." Genesis 48:19 NLT
I hear God speaking those same words to my heart on a daily basis.
In regards to what I don't see happening.
In relation to what I do see happening.
In reference to what I don't understand at all.
God knows what He is doing. He sees farther into the future than I do. He knows what is best.
My God can be trusted with all that's going on!
Today's reading: Genesis 48-50
They are Jacob's words to Joseph, but they've touched my heart this morning...
"...I know what I am doing, my son..." Genesis 48:19 NLT
I hear God speaking those same words to my heart on a daily basis.
In regards to what I don't see happening.
In relation to what I do see happening.
In reference to what I don't understand at all.
God knows what He is doing. He sees farther into the future than I do. He knows what is best.
My God can be trusted with all that's going on!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 9-10
"...When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT
God promises a 'door'-are we always looking for it?
It might not be as evident as we would hope.
It might require that we make a bit of an effort to reach it.
It might be that this 'door' looks very unlike your usual responses, actions or routines.
But it's a door.
It's a way out of temptation. A way around what could drag us down. An exit that directs us to not falling off the wagon and into a great big pile of sin.
Be a 'looker' today. Keep your eyes peeled for the doors God opens for you.
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 9-10
"...When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you will not give in to it." 1 Corinthians 10:13 NLT
God promises a 'door'-are we always looking for it?
It might not be as evident as we would hope.
It might require that we make a bit of an effort to reach it.
It might be that this 'door' looks very unlike your usual responses, actions or routines.
But it's a door.
It's a way out of temptation. A way around what could drag us down. An exit that directs us to not falling off the wagon and into a great big pile of sin.
Be a 'looker' today. Keep your eyes peeled for the doors God opens for you.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Today's reading: Mark 3-4
"Then he selected twelve of them to be his regular companions, calling them apostles." Mark 3:14 NLT
There were more than twelve following Jesus through the hills of Galilee. There may have even been more than twelve invited to walk up the mountain that day.
Jesus knew who needed chosen for the role of apostle, and who didn't.
And knowing all that He does, the reactions to being chosen or not, might very well have been the heaviest matter tipping the scales.
How do we do when not chosen for something important in God's business? Something up front? Something spotlighted? Something that will give recognition and pats on the back? Something fun? Something easy?
How do we react when we are selected to serve in a larger capacity? Does it go to our head? Do feeling of pride override feelings of humility and honor? Do we take on airs? Do fellow servants clamor to serve beside you, or have you the tendency to run most away?
We've all been selected. In one role or another. What is our reaction to that call?
Today's reading: Mark 3-4
"Then he selected twelve of them to be his regular companions, calling them apostles." Mark 3:14 NLT
There were more than twelve following Jesus through the hills of Galilee. There may have even been more than twelve invited to walk up the mountain that day.
Jesus knew who needed chosen for the role of apostle, and who didn't.
And knowing all that He does, the reactions to being chosen or not, might very well have been the heaviest matter tipping the scales.
How do we do when not chosen for something important in God's business? Something up front? Something spotlighted? Something that will give recognition and pats on the back? Something fun? Something easy?
How do we react when we are selected to serve in a larger capacity? Does it go to our head? Do feeling of pride override feelings of humility and honor? Do we take on airs? Do fellow servants clamor to serve beside you, or have you the tendency to run most away?
We've all been selected. In one role or another. What is our reaction to that call?
Friday, March 22, 2013
Today's reading:: Isaiah 62-66
"The Lord says, People who never before inquired about me are now asking about me..." Isaiah 65:1 NLT
God tells us they're going to start asking.
The Lord says they're going to come around.
We're told they will begin seeking Him.
So, are you ready?
When they ask you about your Lord, will you be ready to answer? Can you lead them to Him? Can you answer their questions from the knowledge you have of your Savior?
Today's reading:: Isaiah 62-66
"The Lord says, People who never before inquired about me are now asking about me..." Isaiah 65:1 NLT
God tells us they're going to start asking.
The Lord says they're going to come around.
We're told they will begin seeking Him.
So, are you ready?
When they ask you about your Lord, will you be ready to answer? Can you lead them to Him? Can you answer their questions from the knowledge you have of your Savior?
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Today's reading: Job 23-24
"But he knows where I am going..." Job 23:10 NLT
There are alot of things I do not know. But He knows!
I do not know what my future holds. But He knows!
I do not know why some of my prayers, good godly prayers for the salvation of friends and loved ones, remain unanswered. But He knows!
I do not understand the state of the country, world, universe. But He knows!
I can allow myself to become stressed over what I do not understand or see, or I can trust in the fact that He knows.
That's enough for me.
Today's reading: Job 23-24
"But he knows where I am going..." Job 23:10 NLT
There are alot of things I do not know. But He knows!
I do not know what my future holds. But He knows!
I do not know why some of my prayers, good godly prayers for the salvation of friends and loved ones, remain unanswered. But He knows!
I do not understand the state of the country, world, universe. But He knows!
I can allow myself to become stressed over what I do not understand or see, or I can trust in the fact that He knows.
That's enough for me.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 33-35
"Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy, no shadow of shame will darken their face." Psalm 34:5 NLT
Want to glow? Beam? Shine?
Ask God for help.
Don't assume He intends you to do it all yourself. Don't think asking for His hand shows weakness on your part. Don't buy into satan's lie that you are supposed to prove your salvation by grand acts requiring more of your strength and energy than God intends you to expend.
Radiant joy comes from realizing our need for Him and accepting His help with our lives. It comes when we set aside self-centered attitudes. It will show on our faces when we accept His grace, His love and His mercy.
I want to shine today...Lord, would you help me?
Today's reading: Psalm 33-35
"Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy, no shadow of shame will darken their face." Psalm 34:5 NLT
Want to glow? Beam? Shine?
Ask God for help.
Don't assume He intends you to do it all yourself. Don't think asking for His hand shows weakness on your part. Don't buy into satan's lie that you are supposed to prove your salvation by grand acts requiring more of your strength and energy than God intends you to expend.
Radiant joy comes from realizing our need for Him and accepting His help with our lives. It comes when we set aside self-centered attitudes. It will show on our faces when we accept His grace, His love and His mercy.
I want to shine today...Lord, would you help me?
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 6-10
"So they sent messengers to the people of Kiriath-jearim and told them, The Philistines have returned the Ark of the Lord. Please come here and get it!" 1 Samuel 6:21 NLT
God's presence sometimes makes us uncomfortable.
Knowing what it is He wants us to do goes against most of our own natural inclinations.
Doing what He asks moves us, at times, out of our comfortable spots and into new territory, scary territory. Territory we wouldn't choose if left to our own opinions on the matter.
His seeing eyes look deeper into our hearts and souls than we would care anyone see. He sees all of us, entirely. He knows more than our faces, words or actions show--He sees the attitude of our hearts.
His presence causes changes in our routines, days, lives...changes we're not always willing to make or accept. We don't feel like we should do what we've always done. We are inspired to do more for others than we've ever wanted to do.
So, like the folks of Beth-shemesh, we ignore His presence or distract ourselves with other thoughts or projects.
What will you do in His presence today? Will you allow it to change you? Will you ask Him to go on His way until another time? Will you close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and hum a tune that diverts attention?
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 6-10
"So they sent messengers to the people of Kiriath-jearim and told them, The Philistines have returned the Ark of the Lord. Please come here and get it!" 1 Samuel 6:21 NLT
God's presence sometimes makes us uncomfortable.
Knowing what it is He wants us to do goes against most of our own natural inclinations.
Doing what He asks moves us, at times, out of our comfortable spots and into new territory, scary territory. Territory we wouldn't choose if left to our own opinions on the matter.
His seeing eyes look deeper into our hearts and souls than we would care anyone see. He sees all of us, entirely. He knows more than our faces, words or actions show--He sees the attitude of our hearts.
His presence causes changes in our routines, days, lives...changes we're not always willing to make or accept. We don't feel like we should do what we've always done. We are inspired to do more for others than we've ever wanted to do.
So, like the folks of Beth-shemesh, we ignore His presence or distract ourselves with other thoughts or projects.
What will you do in His presence today? Will you allow it to change you? Will you ask Him to go on His way until another time? Will you close your eyes, stick your fingers in your ears and hum a tune that diverts attention?
Monday, March 18, 2013
Today's reading: Genesis 44-47
"I am God, the voice said, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will see to it that you become a great nation there." Genesis 46:3 NLT
God was speaking to Jacob about moving his family to Egypt, but I believe He's also talking to me about my day ahead...
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and head off into the world. It's a tough place. It's a dark place. It's a hard place to live when you're a foreigner, but I am there with you.
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and mention My name in your conversations today. Some folks need to be set straight as to where you stand. Some people you'll come in contact with need to know you're a believer and can get hold of Me on their behalf.
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and write that tithe check for a little more than usual.
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and say what I tell you. No more, no less!
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and trust me for the big stuff--and the little things.
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and type up what I speak to your heart. Hit the 'send' button. Publish it to be used My way in the place I determine.
I'm not going to Egypt today, but where I am going I'll need Him as much as Jacob did. Maybe, no probably, you will, too.
Today's reading: Genesis 44-47
"I am God, the voice said, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for I will see to it that you become a great nation there." Genesis 46:3 NLT
God was speaking to Jacob about moving his family to Egypt, but I believe He's also talking to me about my day ahead...
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and head off into the world. It's a tough place. It's a dark place. It's a hard place to live when you're a foreigner, but I am there with you.
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and mention My name in your conversations today. Some folks need to be set straight as to where you stand. Some people you'll come in contact with need to know you're a believer and can get hold of Me on their behalf.
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and write that tithe check for a little more than usual.
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and say what I tell you. No more, no less!
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and trust me for the big stuff--and the little things.
Do not be afraid. Go ahead and type up what I speak to your heart. Hit the 'send' button. Publish it to be used My way in the place I determine.
I'm not going to Egypt today, but where I am going I'll need Him as much as Jacob did. Maybe, no probably, you will, too.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 7-8
"Happiness or sadness or wealth should not keep anyone from doing God's work." 1 Corinthians 7:30 NLT
What are your excuses for not serving?
Oh, I'm certain at any given time each of us could rattle off a list of excuses a mile long.
But would they be acceptable to God?
Would they be valid when it came time to hold them against the eternity of another soul?
The Greek lexicon gives these words in regards to today's verse: sobbing-joying-gathering to-holding down
If you're sad or angry, happy, busy making ends meet or relaxing in what you've gathered--serve!
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 7-8
"Happiness or sadness or wealth should not keep anyone from doing God's work." 1 Corinthians 7:30 NLT
What are your excuses for not serving?
Oh, I'm certain at any given time each of us could rattle off a list of excuses a mile long.
But would they be acceptable to God?
Would they be valid when it came time to hold them against the eternity of another soul?
The Greek lexicon gives these words in regards to today's verse: sobbing-joying-gathering to-holding down
If you're sad or angry, happy, busy making ends meet or relaxing in what you've gathered--serve!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Today's reading: Mark 1-2
"The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray." Mark 1:35 NLT
Mornings are my favorite part of my day.
A new start.
New opportunities.
A new page on the planner.
I am an adamant believer in morning routines. Repetitive actions that lead to productive days. Exercise, shower, hair and make-up, Bible and prayer time, fix breakfast for my guys and off to greet the day...usually long before the sun actually shines.
I believe in routines, especially this morning.
A morning when my routine was severely detoured. A morning when nothing I usually do has gotten done. A morning when by 8:00 I already feel like I'm spinning my wheels.
I believe I'm a lot like Jesus in that way. Quite possibly one of the only ways, but I'll grasp at it! He knew how He must start His day, what must be achieved before anything else attempted, how He must go about making the most the day the Lord had given Him...time with his Father.
Today's reading: Mark 1-2
"The next morning Jesus awoke long before daybreak and went out alone into the wilderness to pray." Mark 1:35 NLT
Mornings are my favorite part of my day.
A new start.
New opportunities.
A new page on the planner.
I am an adamant believer in morning routines. Repetitive actions that lead to productive days. Exercise, shower, hair and make-up, Bible and prayer time, fix breakfast for my guys and off to greet the day...usually long before the sun actually shines.
I believe in routines, especially this morning.
A morning when my routine was severely detoured. A morning when nothing I usually do has gotten done. A morning when by 8:00 I already feel like I'm spinning my wheels.
I believe I'm a lot like Jesus in that way. Quite possibly one of the only ways, but I'll grasp at it! He knew how He must start His day, what must be achieved before anything else attempted, how He must go about making the most the day the Lord had given Him...time with his Father.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Today's reading: Isaiah 56-61
"...Tell my people Israel of their sins! Yet they act so pious! They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to hear my laws. You would almost think this was righteous nation that would never abandon its God. They love to make a show of coming and asking me to take action on their behalf." Isaiah 68:1-2 NLT
Could the same be said of me?
Am I gung-ho about getting to church, sitting under some great preaching, asking God's blessing on my life--and expecting my lifestyle to fall completely within the ranges I deem correct and comfortable?
Could I be as guilty as Israel?
Am I a Sunday and/or when-I-need-God-to-step-in kind of Christian?
Am I wanting His influence on my life to make me look good and feel good--or does it go deeper?
Am I living the Christian life or just wearing the t-shirt?
Today's reading: Isaiah 56-61
"...Tell my people Israel of their sins! Yet they act so pious! They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to hear my laws. You would almost think this was righteous nation that would never abandon its God. They love to make a show of coming and asking me to take action on their behalf." Isaiah 68:1-2 NLT
Could the same be said of me?
Am I gung-ho about getting to church, sitting under some great preaching, asking God's blessing on my life--and expecting my lifestyle to fall completely within the ranges I deem correct and comfortable?
Could I be as guilty as Israel?
Am I a Sunday and/or when-I-need-God-to-step-in kind of Christian?
Am I wanting His influence on my life to make me look good and feel good--or does it go deeper?
Am I living the Christian life or just wearing the t-shirt?
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Today's reading: Job 21-22
"God is so great--higher than the heavens, higher than the farthest stars." Job 22:12 NLT
So go the words spoken to Job by his friend Eliphaz.
Inspiring words. God-focused words. Thought-provoking words. Words of hope given to a hurting between accusations.
Job's friends are not known for giving Job the most helpful or godly advice during his time of need. To be honest, most of their words were condemning and useless to a man broken far beyond what most of us have ever been. But in the middle of all their speeches you will find snippets of truth, phrases that encourage and words that are God-centered.
I hope that's what can be said of me.
I talk quite a bit. I have a comment on most things. I rarely hold back what I'm thinking, if not in word, then certainly by the expression on my face.
My prayer is that folks will hear about God in my conversations. All my conversations.
Today's reading: Job 21-22
"God is so great--higher than the heavens, higher than the farthest stars." Job 22:12 NLT
So go the words spoken to Job by his friend Eliphaz.
Inspiring words. God-focused words. Thought-provoking words. Words of hope given to a hurting between accusations.
Job's friends are not known for giving Job the most helpful or godly advice during his time of need. To be honest, most of their words were condemning and useless to a man broken far beyond what most of us have ever been. But in the middle of all their speeches you will find snippets of truth, phrases that encourage and words that are God-centered.
I hope that's what can be said of me.
I talk quite a bit. I have a comment on most things. I rarely hold back what I'm thinking, if not in word, then certainly by the expression on my face.
My prayer is that folks will hear about God in my conversations. All my conversations.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 30-32
"You have not handed me over to my enemy but have set me in a safe place." Psalm 31:5 NLT
I know you might not feel like it, but in God's eyes, you're a beautiful china doll He has set high upon a shelf so no harm will come to you.
You are preserved.
Your future is secured.
Your life is held securely and delicately in His hands.
Sure you feel the enemy's bullets whizzing past you, sometimes too close to call.
You feel the heat of satan's fiery darts as they're shot ever so close to where you've been placed.
You might even have scars and bruises from moments he has gotten too close for comfort.
You are still being held safely by God.
Satan can do nothing to the blood-bought child of the King. Satan's power and abilities are limited by the Lord. Satan can come close but dares not lay a finger on one of God's china dolls!
Our part? Quit climbing down off the shelf He's placed us on. Stop playing in the mud. Stop skipping back and forth over the line drawn in the sand. Remember Whose you are and what He has promised to do for us!
Today's reading: Psalm 30-32
"You have not handed me over to my enemy but have set me in a safe place." Psalm 31:5 NLT
I know you might not feel like it, but in God's eyes, you're a beautiful china doll He has set high upon a shelf so no harm will come to you.
You are preserved.
Your future is secured.
Your life is held securely and delicately in His hands.
Sure you feel the enemy's bullets whizzing past you, sometimes too close to call.
You feel the heat of satan's fiery darts as they're shot ever so close to where you've been placed.
You might even have scars and bruises from moments he has gotten too close for comfort.
You are still being held safely by God.
Satan can do nothing to the blood-bought child of the King. Satan's power and abilities are limited by the Lord. Satan can come close but dares not lay a finger on one of God's china dolls!
Our part? Quit climbing down off the shelf He's placed us on. Stop playing in the mud. Stop skipping back and forth over the line drawn in the sand. Remember Whose you are and what He has promised to do for us!
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 1-5
"The next year Elkanah, Penninah and their children went on their annual trip to offer a sacrifice to the Lord. But Hannah did not go. She told her husband, Wait until the baby is weaned. Then I will take him to the Tabernacle and leave him there with the Lord permanently." 1 Samuel 1:21-22 NLT
I so admire Hannah's commitment to her vow to the Lord.
It is so hard to give 'permanently' to the Lord what you lay on the altar.
I know.
I go back and forth to the altar laying things down--only to return and pick them up.
Things I've given to the Lord for safe keeping. Issues I've shed in His presence. Burdens I've given Him that were too heavy for my shoulders and heart. Plans I've made. Dreams I have.
My own son.
I've asked the Lord to use our boy in wildly, godly ways. I've prayed for him before I held him and every day since. I've placed his needs, his future, his heart and his gifts at the feet of the Lord.
And then I go back to pick up a few things on occasion.
To give suggestions to the Lord. To question His direction. To want to handle the schedule of my child's life, instead of letting God do it--like I've asked Him to.
I admire Hannah. She took her little boy to the Lord and left him there for the Lord to care for, raise and keep. She sets an example I should follow.
Today's reading: 1 Samuel 1-5
"The next year Elkanah, Penninah and their children went on their annual trip to offer a sacrifice to the Lord. But Hannah did not go. She told her husband, Wait until the baby is weaned. Then I will take him to the Tabernacle and leave him there with the Lord permanently." 1 Samuel 1:21-22 NLT
I so admire Hannah's commitment to her vow to the Lord.
It is so hard to give 'permanently' to the Lord what you lay on the altar.
I know.
I go back and forth to the altar laying things down--only to return and pick them up.
Things I've given to the Lord for safe keeping. Issues I've shed in His presence. Burdens I've given Him that were too heavy for my shoulders and heart. Plans I've made. Dreams I have.
My own son.
I've asked the Lord to use our boy in wildly, godly ways. I've prayed for him before I held him and every day since. I've placed his needs, his future, his heart and his gifts at the feet of the Lord.
And then I go back to pick up a few things on occasion.
To give suggestions to the Lord. To question His direction. To want to handle the schedule of my child's life, instead of letting God do it--like I've asked Him to.
I admire Hannah. She took her little boy to the Lord and left him there for the Lord to care for, raise and keep. She sets an example I should follow.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Today's reading: Genesis 40-43
"When Jacob heard that there was gain available in Egypt, he said to his sons, Why are you standing around looking at each other?" Genesis 42:1 NLT
Are you one who sees God at work and joins in? Or are you one who waits for God to come to you, adjust to your ideas and methodologies, begin a work where you are?
Sometimes we have to move.
Sometimes we have to get up and go.
Sometimes we are called to make a little effort instead of expecting ministry opportunities to fall into our laps.
Sometimes we won't be the ring-leader, but someone doing the grunt work.
Sometimes it won't look like what we thought it would, or should--or could have.
Sometimes, just sometimes, we'll be expected to adjust our attitudes and sweat.
But if we're starving to see God's work done, we'll do it.
Won't we?
Today's reading: Genesis 40-43
"When Jacob heard that there was gain available in Egypt, he said to his sons, Why are you standing around looking at each other?" Genesis 42:1 NLT
Are you one who sees God at work and joins in? Or are you one who waits for God to come to you, adjust to your ideas and methodologies, begin a work where you are?
Sometimes we have to move.
Sometimes we have to get up and go.
Sometimes we are called to make a little effort instead of expecting ministry opportunities to fall into our laps.
Sometimes we won't be the ring-leader, but someone doing the grunt work.
Sometimes it won't look like what we thought it would, or should--or could have.
Sometimes, just sometimes, we'll be expected to adjust our attitudes and sweat.
But if we're starving to see God's work done, we'll do it.
Won't we?
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 5-6
"And you are so proud of yourselves?.." 1 Corinthians 5:2 NLT
Paul had a tough job to accomplish with his letter to the church at Corinth.
His mission was two-fold.
One side of his opportunity presented itself in the fact that this new church needed encouraging and cheering on.
The other side, the less than fun side, the side at which I'm sure Paul sought God's hand and words most--pointing out sins. There were some things going on in the church that were flagrant sins. Things that though contained to individuals, would surely spoil the entire community of believers.
It's an ugly, but oh so important, job. It hurts people's feelings. It causes grief. It brings out the worst in folks. It makes you look like the goody-two-shoes. It's embarrassing, for both parties.
But it's necessary.
Ask God to bring to your mind and heart the sins you're involved with. Ask His spotlight of mercy and grace to scan over your heart and find what it is you believe to be in the gray areas, but have slid unknowingly into the darkness of sin.
Start with your own issues. Then listen for His guidance in regards to the issues of others.
"And you are so proud of yourselves?.." 1 Corinthians 5:2 NLT
Paul had a tough job to accomplish with his letter to the church at Corinth.
His mission was two-fold.
One side of his opportunity presented itself in the fact that this new church needed encouraging and cheering on.
The other side, the less than fun side, the side at which I'm sure Paul sought God's hand and words most--pointing out sins. There were some things going on in the church that were flagrant sins. Things that though contained to individuals, would surely spoil the entire community of believers.
It's an ugly, but oh so important, job. It hurts people's feelings. It causes grief. It brings out the worst in folks. It makes you look like the goody-two-shoes. It's embarrassing, for both parties.
But it's necessary.
Ask God to bring to your mind and heart the sins you're involved with. Ask His spotlight of mercy and grace to scan over your heart and find what it is you believe to be in the gray areas, but have slid unknowingly into the darkness of sin.
Start with your own issues. Then listen for His guidance in regards to the issues of others.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Today's reading: Matthew 26-28
"Don't you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect me, and he would send them instantly? But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what must happen now?" Matthew 26:53 NLT
Don't you realize?
The immensity of His determination that we be His?
The all-encompassing love He has for us?
The horrible eternity He wants to save us from?
The capacity of His grace and mercy?
I don't think we do. I don't believe we have it in us to assess the situation of the Garden and the Cross with the emotion it required from our Lord and Savior.
We haven't a clue as to how very much He truly loves us.
All the compassions of all the tender fathers in the world compared with the tender mercies of our God would be but as a candle to the sun or a drop to the ocean. -Matthew Henry
Today's reading: Matthew 26-28
"Don't you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect me, and he would send them instantly? But if I did, how would the Scriptures be fulfilled that describe what must happen now?" Matthew 26:53 NLT
Don't you realize?
The immensity of His determination that we be His?
The all-encompassing love He has for us?
The horrible eternity He wants to save us from?
The capacity of His grace and mercy?
I don't think we do. I don't believe we have it in us to assess the situation of the Garden and the Cross with the emotion it required from our Lord and Savior.
We haven't a clue as to how very much He truly loves us.
All the compassions of all the tender fathers in the world compared with the tender mercies of our God would be but as a candle to the sun or a drop to the ocean. -Matthew Henry
Friday, March 8, 2013
Today's reading: Isaiah 51-55
"Many were amazed when they saw him--beaten and bloodied, so disfigured one would scarcely know he was a person. And he will again startle many nations. Kings will stand speechless in his presence. For they will see what they had previously been told about; they will understand what they had not heard about." Isaiah 52:14-15 NLT
My son think it is quite amusing to hide in dark places and scare the liver out of me. He finds humor in waiting patiently and quietly in places that when he jumps out and yells, gives me quite a fright. Having been raised in a house with four girls, that just wasn't done (other rotten and funny things were done, but not that).
I know about being startled. If it were up to him, it would be on a daily, possibly hourly basis.
When startled I grab my chest and am speechless. I am unable to say a word. I am unable to defend myself . On the worst occasions I am not sure if my heart is beating or not!
Like the ones who don't believe Christ is coming back will be when He returns.
They'll have nothing to say in their defense. They'll know in their hearts that they should have done differently. They'll bow in submission to the authority they'd been told about.
I know about Christ and His promise to return--what am I doing about it? Who else am I telling?
Today's reading: Isaiah 51-55
"Many were amazed when they saw him--beaten and bloodied, so disfigured one would scarcely know he was a person. And he will again startle many nations. Kings will stand speechless in his presence. For they will see what they had previously been told about; they will understand what they had not heard about." Isaiah 52:14-15 NLT
My son think it is quite amusing to hide in dark places and scare the liver out of me. He finds humor in waiting patiently and quietly in places that when he jumps out and yells, gives me quite a fright. Having been raised in a house with four girls, that just wasn't done (other rotten and funny things were done, but not that).
I know about being startled. If it were up to him, it would be on a daily, possibly hourly basis.
When startled I grab my chest and am speechless. I am unable to say a word. I am unable to defend myself . On the worst occasions I am not sure if my heart is beating or not!
Like the ones who don't believe Christ is coming back will be when He returns.
They'll have nothing to say in their defense. They'll know in their hearts that they should have done differently. They'll bow in submission to the authority they'd been told about.
I know about Christ and His promise to return--what am I doing about it? Who else am I telling?
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Today's reading: Job 19-20
"But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my own body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!" Job 19:25-27 NLT
Last week I caught a few minutes of a History channel documentary on the Shroud of Turin. It's the piece of linen found that supposedly wrapped Jesus after his crucifixion.
Computer scientists, doctors and engineers are working on the Shroud to find an actual picture of Jesus from the bloodstains left on the linen.
An actual picture of Jesus.
I think about whether or not the actual image they come up with will look anything like the one portrayed on the Sunday School cards I used to bring home. Will the computer generated model look like what I've conjured up in my mind from artist drawings and representations?
It matters little to me if they complete their task. Am I skeptical? Probably, a little bit. Am I doubtful? Yes, I would say I am. Do I believe it's the actual linen cloth from Jesus' tomb? No, I don't--but that's my own opinion.
You see, I will see Jesus face-to-face one of these days! I'll be able to look into His eyes. I'll be able to study Him fully for ten of thousands of years!
I will see Him for myself! I, too, am overwhelmed at the thought!
Today's reading: Job 19-20
"But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that he will stand upon the earth at last. And after my body has decayed, yet in my own body I will see God! I will see him for myself. Yes, I will see him with my own eyes. I am overwhelmed at the thought!" Job 19:25-27 NLT
Last week I caught a few minutes of a History channel documentary on the Shroud of Turin. It's the piece of linen found that supposedly wrapped Jesus after his crucifixion.
Computer scientists, doctors and engineers are working on the Shroud to find an actual picture of Jesus from the bloodstains left on the linen.
An actual picture of Jesus.
I think about whether or not the actual image they come up with will look anything like the one portrayed on the Sunday School cards I used to bring home. Will the computer generated model look like what I've conjured up in my mind from artist drawings and representations?
It matters little to me if they complete their task. Am I skeptical? Probably, a little bit. Am I doubtful? Yes, I would say I am. Do I believe it's the actual linen cloth from Jesus' tomb? No, I don't--but that's my own opinion.
You see, I will see Jesus face-to-face one of these days! I'll be able to look into His eyes. I'll be able to study Him fully for ten of thousands of years!
I will see Him for myself! I, too, am overwhelmed at the thought!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 27-29
"The Lord rules over the floodwaters..." Psalm 29:10 NLT
Peace comes when I remind myself that nothing, nothing at all, catches God off guard.
He is not surprised by happenings. In all reality, nothing is an emergency to Him.
Floods only flow if He enables them. Winds only blow if He gives them the strength. Droughts only occur if He chooses to withhold the rains.
He is filled with power that we cannot fathom.
Including power over our problems.
Nothing is outside His realm of capabilities. Nothing in your life, nothing in mine.
The One who formed and holds the stars, controls the spinning galaxies and orchestrates the seasons is walking beside you during this trial.
He is the God of miracles--if we're willing to see!
Do not attempt to water Christianity down. There must be no pretense that you can have it with the supernatural left out. So far as I can see Christianity is precisely the one religion from which the miraculous cannot be separated. -C. S. Lewis
Today's reading: Psalm 27-29
"The Lord rules over the floodwaters..." Psalm 29:10 NLT
Peace comes when I remind myself that nothing, nothing at all, catches God off guard.
He is not surprised by happenings. In all reality, nothing is an emergency to Him.
Floods only flow if He enables them. Winds only blow if He gives them the strength. Droughts only occur if He chooses to withhold the rains.
He is filled with power that we cannot fathom.
Including power over our problems.
Nothing is outside His realm of capabilities. Nothing in your life, nothing in mine.
The One who formed and holds the stars, controls the spinning galaxies and orchestrates the seasons is walking beside you during this trial.
He is the God of miracles--if we're willing to see!
Do not attempt to water Christianity down. There must be no pretense that you can have it with the supernatural left out. So far as I can see Christianity is precisely the one religion from which the miraculous cannot be separated. -C. S. Lewis
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Today's reading: Ruth
"Now don't worry about a thing, my daughter, I will do what is necessary." Ruth 3:11 NLT
I needed to hear that spoken to my heart this morning.
You see, I've determined not to pull a Sarah/Hagar thing in regards to something I'm wanting to see God do--and it's killing me to keep my grubby hands off it!
I have so many ideas. I have some free time. I have a very imaginative mind. I have friends who would/could/should help. I like to think I have influence (I'm bossy). I have a few days free on my planner. I am thinking God's awfully busy and could stand for a gal like me to step in and get things done.
But it didn't work out so well for Sarah. And it hasn't for me all the other times I've stepped in to try my hand at being God.
So I'll wait.
And while I wait, I'll trust that He has heard me. I will leave it all up to Him. I will remind myself that I needn't pick up the phone and get the ball rolling...He will do what is necessary.
And I am sure what He ends up doing will knock my socks off!
Today's reading: Ruth
"Now don't worry about a thing, my daughter, I will do what is necessary." Ruth 3:11 NLT
I needed to hear that spoken to my heart this morning.
You see, I've determined not to pull a Sarah/Hagar thing in regards to something I'm wanting to see God do--and it's killing me to keep my grubby hands off it!
I have so many ideas. I have some free time. I have a very imaginative mind. I have friends who would/could/should help. I like to think I have influence (I'm bossy). I have a few days free on my planner. I am thinking God's awfully busy and could stand for a gal like me to step in and get things done.
But it didn't work out so well for Sarah. And it hasn't for me all the other times I've stepped in to try my hand at being God.
So I'll wait.
And while I wait, I'll trust that He has heard me. I will leave it all up to Him. I will remind myself that I needn't pick up the phone and get the ball rolling...He will do what is necessary.
And I am sure what He ends up doing will knock my socks off!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Today's reading: Genesis 36-39
"The Lord was with Joseph and blessed him greatly as he served in the home of his Egyptian master." Genesus 39:2 NLT
He is with you, too.
Even if you're still enslaved. Still in a pit. Still hurting. Still not seeing His handprints. Still separated from your dreams. Misunderstanding your purpose. Seeking respite.
He is with us, His children, as we go about life--no matter what life looks like for us.
God... will not lightly or easily lose His people. He has provided well for us: blood to wash us in; a Priest to pray for us, that we may be made to persevere; and, in case we foully fall, an Advocate to please our cause. -John Bunyan
Today's reading: Genesis 36-39
"The Lord was with Joseph and blessed him greatly as he served in the home of his Egyptian master." Genesus 39:2 NLT
He is with you, too.
Even if you're still enslaved. Still in a pit. Still hurting. Still not seeing His handprints. Still separated from your dreams. Misunderstanding your purpose. Seeking respite.
He is with us, His children, as we go about life--no matter what life looks like for us.
God... will not lightly or easily lose His people. He has provided well for us: blood to wash us in; a Priest to pray for us, that we may be made to persevere; and, in case we foully fall, an Advocate to please our cause. -John Bunyan
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 3-4
"...You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." 1 Corinthians 3:3 NLT
To think, Paul had enough nerve to speak this to church people. Gasp!
The ones who know better.
The ones bought with Christ's blood.
The ones whose lives are staked on the truths in the Scripture.
The ones who have been born into, by blood or adoption, God's family.
What were their symptoms?
Jealousy. Quarreling amongst themselves.
Today it might be comparison issues. Arguments over the gray areas of the Word. Music for worship service. Church budget. Outreach ministries.
Are we acting like we belong to God? To each other? To the world?
It's the Lord's Day, maybe we should check our attitudes and unlovely emotions at the door!
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 3-4
"...You are acting like people who don't belong to the Lord." 1 Corinthians 3:3 NLT
To think, Paul had enough nerve to speak this to church people. Gasp!
The ones who know better.
The ones bought with Christ's blood.
The ones whose lives are staked on the truths in the Scripture.
The ones who have been born into, by blood or adoption, God's family.
What were their symptoms?
Jealousy. Quarreling amongst themselves.
Today it might be comparison issues. Arguments over the gray areas of the Word. Music for worship service. Church budget. Outreach ministries.
Are we acting like we belong to God? To each other? To the world?
It's the Lord's Day, maybe we should check our attitudes and unlovely emotions at the door!
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Today's reading: Matthew 23-25
"Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold." Matthew 24:12 NLT
Humor me this morning as share what I've found in this verse...
I don't often refer to an online Greek lexicon for help with my morning writings. You see, it's usually 'Greek' to me. Ha ha ha! Okay, on with the devotion.
A Lexicon breaks down any given verse on a word by word basis. You can choose to have it translated for you in Greek or in Hebrew. This translation allows one to see what the original thoughts were and how, in changing to our everyday language, thoughts might be lost.
Such as the words for 'grow cold'.
Most of us know what it means.
We understand it completely.
Some of us have/are/will experience it for ourselves. Whether we like to admit it or not.
But to look deeper into the words this morning, I was surprised and mystified to see what Christ meant when He chose those specific words.
The Lexicon says the words mean, 'to blow on in order to cool off'. Like one would a spoonful of hot soup.
How I understand it...Satan has not in this instance huffed and puffed and blown our hopes and love away, but he has made every effort he could to 'cool off' our love for Christ by distracting us. And those distractions are not always black and filled with sin! They busy us. They grab our attentions. They re-route our paths. They seductively take our focus off of God and our devotion to him.
I'm going to be a little more aware of what's 'blowing' my way today. Maybe you should, too.
Today's reading: Matthew 23-25
"Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold." Matthew 24:12 NLT
Humor me this morning as share what I've found in this verse...
I don't often refer to an online Greek lexicon for help with my morning writings. You see, it's usually 'Greek' to me. Ha ha ha! Okay, on with the devotion.
A Lexicon breaks down any given verse on a word by word basis. You can choose to have it translated for you in Greek or in Hebrew. This translation allows one to see what the original thoughts were and how, in changing to our everyday language, thoughts might be lost.
Such as the words for 'grow cold'.
Most of us know what it means.
We understand it completely.
Some of us have/are/will experience it for ourselves. Whether we like to admit it or not.
But to look deeper into the words this morning, I was surprised and mystified to see what Christ meant when He chose those specific words.
The Lexicon says the words mean, 'to blow on in order to cool off'. Like one would a spoonful of hot soup.
How I understand it...Satan has not in this instance huffed and puffed and blown our hopes and love away, but he has made every effort he could to 'cool off' our love for Christ by distracting us. And those distractions are not always black and filled with sin! They busy us. They grab our attentions. They re-route our paths. They seductively take our focus off of God and our devotion to him.
I'm going to be a little more aware of what's 'blowing' my way today. Maybe you should, too.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Today's reading: Isaiah 45-50
"See, the Sovereign Lord is on my side!.." Isaiah 50:9 NLT
You won't see it if you look for material wealth. You see, despite what's touted from the big pulpits, He doesn't always work that way. But I see He is on my side by knowing that all I have is from Him. It's not dependent upon how hard I've worked or how good I am--it's all Him!
You won't see it if you look for glassy seas and calm, sunshiny days. You see, despite what the world would have you believe, He has not promised us rose gardens! I've found Him fighting valiantly for me in the fiercest battles and protecting me in some of the darkest storms. It's not the lack of problems--it's the peace He gives!
You won't see if if you look at my track record. He has not erased my rap sheet from the annals of time or the memories of others. I once was lost. I was a wretch. I was a sinner. I screwed up royally. I was a disobedient princess. I have disappointed and broken my Father's heart. He knows all that--and has still chosen to forgive me and set those things aside in His mind and heart. That's Jesus working on my behalf.
The Lord is on my side. You might not see it, but I know.
Today's reading: Isaiah 45-50
"See, the Sovereign Lord is on my side!.." Isaiah 50:9 NLT
You won't see it if you look for material wealth. You see, despite what's touted from the big pulpits, He doesn't always work that way. But I see He is on my side by knowing that all I have is from Him. It's not dependent upon how hard I've worked or how good I am--it's all Him!
You won't see it if you look for glassy seas and calm, sunshiny days. You see, despite what the world would have you believe, He has not promised us rose gardens! I've found Him fighting valiantly for me in the fiercest battles and protecting me in some of the darkest storms. It's not the lack of problems--it's the peace He gives!
You won't see if if you look at my track record. He has not erased my rap sheet from the annals of time or the memories of others. I once was lost. I was a wretch. I was a sinner. I screwed up royally. I was a disobedient princess. I have disappointed and broken my Father's heart. He knows all that--and has still chosen to forgive me and set those things aside in His mind and heart. That's Jesus working on my behalf.
The Lord is on my side. You might not see it, but I know.
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