Today's reading: Job 17-18
"A snare lies hidden in the ground. A rope is coiled on their path." Job 18:10 NLT
Job's friends will never be known for their encouragement or cheer. Their advice to a sorrowful friend probably won't make it to the fronts and insides of any Hallmark cards.
But there was partial truth in what they said.
Like the fact that Bildad knew there are traps set up for us we walk the road of life.
But the traps are not only for the ungodly. We Christians have a number of these snares with our names on them on any given day--in regards to any of the ten thousand choices we're called to make.
God doesn't set them.
We don't set them.
The blame rests solely on our enemy, satan.
He would love to distract our eyes off of God long enough to catch us in one of his traps. He so hopes to divert our attention away from the path we're supposed to be on long enough for him to get us lost in the temptations and lures of sin.
Satan is just like that. He's a liar and a thief. He has nothing, by reason of his own choices and falling, so he desperately wants to rob us of the richness we have in Christ.
Will you let him? Will you allow his tactics to work? Will you fall for his tricks?
The snares are out there, just so you know.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 24-26
"Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and affections." Psalm 26:2 NLT
Inside and out, Lord, prove me. Investigate who I am more deeply than the ones I hope to impress can see. Look farther into my soul than I care to look myself. Root around in the corners and closets of my heart. Move the boxes of good gestures and Christian deeds I pile up to hide stinky attitudes and rotting pride.
Sit me down in the witness stand and ask the hard questions. Bring to my attention the evidence you have collected against the nice-looking facade I've worked so hard to build. Hound me to answer honestly, completely and openly.
Try me. Look for guilt. Look for heart matters that hurt my case. Point out damaging records in my file that I have refused to turn over to you.
Throw out the plea of humanity I too often use. Along with the excuse that I'm not perfect. And the lie that You created me this way.
Place the blame squarely on my shoulders for wanting to do things my way and in my time frame. The guilt ends at my feet. I've been caught red-handed.
And once you've allowed me to step down from the witness stand in the sorry state I'm in, wrap your arms around me and remind me that You've forgiven all!
The pleasures of being forgiven are as superior to the pleasures of an unforgiven man as heaven is higher than hell. -Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Today's reading: Psalm 24-26
"Put me on trial, Lord, and cross-examine me. Test my motives and affections." Psalm 26:2 NLT
Inside and out, Lord, prove me. Investigate who I am more deeply than the ones I hope to impress can see. Look farther into my soul than I care to look myself. Root around in the corners and closets of my heart. Move the boxes of good gestures and Christian deeds I pile up to hide stinky attitudes and rotting pride.
Sit me down in the witness stand and ask the hard questions. Bring to my attention the evidence you have collected against the nice-looking facade I've worked so hard to build. Hound me to answer honestly, completely and openly.
Try me. Look for guilt. Look for heart matters that hurt my case. Point out damaging records in my file that I have refused to turn over to you.
Throw out the plea of humanity I too often use. Along with the excuse that I'm not perfect. And the lie that You created me this way.
Place the blame squarely on my shoulders for wanting to do things my way and in my time frame. The guilt ends at my feet. I've been caught red-handed.
And once you've allowed me to step down from the witness stand in the sorry state I'm in, wrap your arms around me and remind me that You've forgiven all!
The pleasures of being forgiven are as superior to the pleasures of an unforgiven man as heaven is higher than hell. -Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Today's reading: Judges 17-21
"In those days Israel had no king, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes." Judges 21:25 NLT
Do you have a King?
Are you living according to what feels right to you? Are you treating others in the same manner they're treating you? Are you in constant turmoil with your enemy over boundary issues?
We all need a King.
Someone to rescue us. Someone to preserve us. Someone to honor and keep us. Someone to secure a future for us.
So, I'll ask again--do you have a King?
Today's reading: Judges 17-21
"In those days Israel had no king, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes." Judges 21:25 NLT
Do you have a King?
Are you living according to what feels right to you? Are you treating others in the same manner they're treating you? Are you in constant turmoil with your enemy over boundary issues?
We all need a King.
Someone to rescue us. Someone to preserve us. Someone to honor and keep us. Someone to secure a future for us.
So, I'll ask again--do you have a King?
Monday, February 25, 2013
Today's reading: Genesis 32-35
"As Jacob and his household started on their way again, angels of God came to meet him. When Jacob saw them he exclaimed, This is God's camp! So he named the place Mahanaim." Genesis 32:1-2 NLT
I'll guess Jacob recognized them immediately as angels. Maybe from a distance he could see their halos and their fluttery white wings.
Maybe he didn't.
Either way, Jacob staked his claim, well, actually God's claim, on the three square feet he was standing on. He verbalized what he believed to be true. He professed God's ownership of himself and the camp he had been using.
Why don't we do the same?
Why don't we tell satan what is ours (God's) and what he cannot take hold of?
Why aren't we as outspoken as we should be when it comes to staking our own claims?
Is your family God's? Then, tell satan!
Is your church God's? Tell satan the facts!
Is your heart, your emotions and your salvation God's? Then by all means, let satan know!
Our confessions will set boundaries for satan and remind us of all we've got.
Go ahead, of all you have, what's God's and what can satan have?
Today's reading: Genesis 32-35
"As Jacob and his household started on their way again, angels of God came to meet him. When Jacob saw them he exclaimed, This is God's camp! So he named the place Mahanaim." Genesis 32:1-2 NLT
I'll guess Jacob recognized them immediately as angels. Maybe from a distance he could see their halos and their fluttery white wings.
Maybe he didn't.
Either way, Jacob staked his claim, well, actually God's claim, on the three square feet he was standing on. He verbalized what he believed to be true. He professed God's ownership of himself and the camp he had been using.
Why don't we do the same?
Why don't we tell satan what is ours (God's) and what he cannot take hold of?
Why aren't we as outspoken as we should be when it comes to staking our own claims?
Is your family God's? Then, tell satan!
Is your church God's? Tell satan the facts!
Is your heart, your emotions and your salvation God's? Then by all means, let satan know!
Our confessions will set boundaries for satan and remind us of all we've got.
Go ahead, of all you have, what's God's and what can satan have?
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 1-2
"But people who aren't Christians can't understand these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them because only those who have the Spirit can understand what the Spirit means." 1 Corinthians 2:14 NLT
We shouldn't be surprised when the ungodly scratch their heads and hold up their hands with a sharp 'No, thank you', when we offer them the Gospel.
It's foreign to them.
It's unusual.
It's beyond belief...and if this era has taught us anything, it's that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
But keep praying. Keep offering Him to them. Keep testifying. Continue to live a godly life bodly and proudly before them. Continue to love them until they are brought around to your way of thinking by the Holy Spirit.
It's just that they don't understand--yet!
Today's reading: 1 Corinthians 1-2
"But people who aren't Christians can't understand these truths from God's Spirit. It all sounds foolish to them because only those who have the Spirit can understand what the Spirit means." 1 Corinthians 2:14 NLT
We shouldn't be surprised when the ungodly scratch their heads and hold up their hands with a sharp 'No, thank you', when we offer them the Gospel.
It's foreign to them.
It's unusual.
It's beyond belief...and if this era has taught us anything, it's that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
But keep praying. Keep offering Him to them. Keep testifying. Continue to live a godly life bodly and proudly before them. Continue to love them until they are brought around to your way of thinking by the Holy Spirit.
It's just that they don't understand--yet!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Today's reading: Matthew 20-22
"The entire city of Jerusalem was stirred as he entered, Who is this? they asked." Matthew 21:10 NLT
When He walked into their midst, they noticed Him.
When He spoke among and to them, they knew there was something different about Him.
When He touched their broken bodies and broken hearts, they realized He was just what they were needing.
What about when you come in contact with someone?
If the Living God is dwelling in you, shouldn't the people you brush shoulders with be affected in the same way?
Shouldn't they notice something different? Hear something refreshing? Want what ever it is you have?
Today's reading: Matthew 20-22
"The entire city of Jerusalem was stirred as he entered, Who is this? they asked." Matthew 21:10 NLT
When He walked into their midst, they noticed Him.
When He spoke among and to them, they knew there was something different about Him.
When He touched their broken bodies and broken hearts, they realized He was just what they were needing.
What about when you come in contact with someone?
If the Living God is dwelling in you, shouldn't the people you brush shoulders with be affected in the same way?
Shouldn't they notice something different? Hear something refreshing? Want what ever it is you have?
Friday, February 22, 2013
Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44
"...Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free." Isaiah 44:22 NLT
Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe.
Every so often I am reminded of the sacrifice Christ paid on the cross for me.
Maybe it's a little self-centered of me, but I, if only for a moment, focus on the fact that as much as He did it for mankind, He also did it just for me!
For me!
How could I consider leaving His side? How could I even think of stepping outside of His will?
I've been washed white as snow by a Holy Savior in love with me.
All praise to Him!
Today's reading: Isaiah 40-44
"...Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free." Isaiah 44:22 NLT
Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe.
Every so often I am reminded of the sacrifice Christ paid on the cross for me.
Maybe it's a little self-centered of me, but I, if only for a moment, focus on the fact that as much as He did it for mankind, He also did it just for me!
For me!
How could I consider leaving His side? How could I even think of stepping outside of His will?
I've been washed white as snow by a Holy Savior in love with me.
All praise to Him!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Today's reading: Job 15-16
"...What has weakened your vision..?" Job 15:11 NLT
Pink eye. Iritis. Blepharitis. Keratitis.
All infections of the eye. All instances where foreign objects, germs or bacteria, find themselves where they shouldn't be--and set up housekeeping.
Irritating. Painful. Annoying. Itching. Physically bothersome and spiritually fatal.
As Christians, we must constantly keep account of our vision. We must check and re-check it for foreign entitities, blurred focus and decreased vision.
We cannot afford to allow our eyes to wander from our Lord.
We cannot afford to take our eyes off Him for any length of time, for any reason what so ever.
We cannot afford, in this world, to miss His direction and instruction.
I'm doing a vision check today on my spiritual peepers!
Today's reading: Job 15-16
"...What has weakened your vision..?" Job 15:11 NLT
Pink eye. Iritis. Blepharitis. Keratitis.
All infections of the eye. All instances where foreign objects, germs or bacteria, find themselves where they shouldn't be--and set up housekeeping.
Irritating. Painful. Annoying. Itching. Physically bothersome and spiritually fatal.
As Christians, we must constantly keep account of our vision. We must check and re-check it for foreign entitities, blurred focus and decreased vision.
We cannot afford to allow our eyes to wander from our Lord.
We cannot afford to take our eyes off Him for any length of time, for any reason what so ever.
We cannot afford, in this world, to miss His direction and instruction.
I'm doing a vision check today on my spiritual peepers!
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 21-23
It would be interesting to know how many important meetings are scheduled around the world today. Appointments with presidents, CEO's and kings. Scheduled minutes with dignitaries, uppity-ups and top-of-the-food-chain executives.
Maybe you have one.
Maybe someone will be meeting with you, if you are one of the more important folks in your sphere of influence.
If an exit poll were to be taken as each interview/meeting ended, what information could we find? How would the important person rank? Were they as they were imagined to be?
Are the presidents something spectacular in personality and character? Were the kings witty and gracious? Did the CEO's make every effort to put their visitors at ease?
Were some of them a little disappointing in person? Not what they were advertised to be? Lacking? Aloof? Rude?
Here's what the Bible says about when people meet Jesus...
"...All who seek the Lord will praise Him." Psalm 22:26 NLT
He does not let down. He does not fall short. He does not disappoint.
Who ever meets Him praises Him. What time is spent in His presence is valued, cherished and shared with others by the words of our testimony.
Regardless of where the meeting might be, at the altar of a church, in the foxhole of a war, in the depths of despair or in the early years of life--He does not, can not and will not disappoint!
Make sure you keep your appointment with Him today!
Today's reading: Psalm 21-23
It would be interesting to know how many important meetings are scheduled around the world today. Appointments with presidents, CEO's and kings. Scheduled minutes with dignitaries, uppity-ups and top-of-the-food-chain executives.
Maybe you have one.
Maybe someone will be meeting with you, if you are one of the more important folks in your sphere of influence.
If an exit poll were to be taken as each interview/meeting ended, what information could we find? How would the important person rank? Were they as they were imagined to be?
Are the presidents something spectacular in personality and character? Were the kings witty and gracious? Did the CEO's make every effort to put their visitors at ease?
Were some of them a little disappointing in person? Not what they were advertised to be? Lacking? Aloof? Rude?
Here's what the Bible says about when people meet Jesus...
"...All who seek the Lord will praise Him." Psalm 22:26 NLT
He does not let down. He does not fall short. He does not disappoint.
Who ever meets Him praises Him. What time is spent in His presence is valued, cherished and shared with others by the words of our testimony.
Regardless of where the meeting might be, at the altar of a church, in the foxhole of a war, in the depths of despair or in the early years of life--He does not, can not and will not disappoint!
Make sure you keep your appointment with Him today!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
reading: Judges 12-16
“When her son
was born, they named him Samson. And the
Lord blessed him as he grew up. And…the
Spirit of the Lord began to take hold of him.”
Judges 3:24-25 NLT
Samson was no
one special, until the hands of the Lord began molding and forming his
character. His potential could have been found no where else than in doing
God’s work.
I want that
for my little boy.
I want God to
take hold of his heart, his life and his dreams before anything can distract
him from doing all God has planned for him to do. I want to see his testimony written in each
and every day of his life—a testimony of God’s keeping power.
I don’t think
that’s too much to ask of the Creator of the universe. You see, He wants the same thing!
Monday, February 18, 2013
Today's reading: Genesis 28-31
"Jacob hurried on..." Genesis 29:1 NLT
A blessing. A desire to start a family. A dream. A vow.
Huge stuff for anyone, wouldn't you agree?
And yet we see Jacob hurrying on to receive and accomplish all God has promised Him--and he has promised God.
Are you hurrying into this God-filled week? Are you rushing to get started on what God's asking you to do, expecting you to do, has saved you to do?
We tend to drag our heels, put on the breaks and put everything into slow motion, don't we?
Today's a new day of a new week--let's get to doing God's stuff with excitement and expectation. Let's jump in with both feet! Let's allow what we believe to cheer us on to wonderful blessings.
Come on, hurry up!
Today's reading: Genesis 28-31
"Jacob hurried on..." Genesis 29:1 NLT
A blessing. A desire to start a family. A dream. A vow.
Huge stuff for anyone, wouldn't you agree?
And yet we see Jacob hurrying on to receive and accomplish all God has promised Him--and he has promised God.
Are you hurrying into this God-filled week? Are you rushing to get started on what God's asking you to do, expecting you to do, has saved you to do?
We tend to drag our heels, put on the breaks and put everything into slow motion, don't we?
Today's a new day of a new week--let's get to doing God's stuff with excitement and expectation. Let's jump in with both feet! Let's allow what we believe to cheer us on to wonderful blessings.
Come on, hurry up!
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Today's reading: Romans 15-16
"To God, who alone is wise, be the glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen." Romans 16:27 NLT
It takes small, sometimes overlooked verses like this one to get my thinking re-aligned to God's way and God's plan.
You see, I think I'm a pretty smart cookie.
Until I compare myself to the Creator, Redeemer and Savior.
He alone is wise.
He alone knows the future and what's needed out of me today to accomplish for Him all He needs done tomorrow.
He alone deserves the glory!
Today's reading: Romans 15-16
"To God, who alone is wise, be the glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen." Romans 16:27 NLT
It takes small, sometimes overlooked verses like this one to get my thinking re-aligned to God's way and God's plan.
You see, I think I'm a pretty smart cookie.
Until I compare myself to the Creator, Redeemer and Savior.
He alone is wise.
He alone knows the future and what's needed out of me today to accomplish for Him all He needs done tomorrow.
He alone deserves the glory!
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Today's reading: Matthew 17-19
"For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20 NLT
Why do we gather on Sunday?
This verse has me questioning my own motives--therefore, I will throw the same questions out to you!
Do I gather because I am His, or because of the ritual? There is a place and time for ritual and routine. Some days our hearts and minds steer us away from worship, but out of habit we attend--only to be blessed by the effort and the presence of God. We sometimes have to make ourselves go until our 'want to' comes into line.
Do I gather because I am His, or because it will look good? I'm no biblical scholar, so correct me if I'm wrong--but all I've ever read Jesus to say about this is 'come as you are'. Fancy and uncomfortable clothes do nothing but focus our attention away from the reason we should be gathering. And if you're going to church to make others think you're more Christlike than you really are, I hate to burst your bubble, but they know the truth!
Do I gather because I am His, or to visit, gossip or chat? Fellowship is very important. But might I make an observation here: most of us ONLY speak to the same ones week after week in our pilgrimages to the house of the Lord. We have formed cliques. We cluster in family groups. We gather for coffee with birds of the same feather as ourselves. Who is that helping?
I've got a lot of thinking to do about my reasons for heading off to church in the morning. A lot of soul searching. Some personal evaluation.
Today's reading: Matthew 17-19
"For where two or three gather together because they are mine, I am there among them." Matthew 18:20 NLT
Why do we gather on Sunday?
This verse has me questioning my own motives--therefore, I will throw the same questions out to you!
Do I gather because I am His, or because of the ritual? There is a place and time for ritual and routine. Some days our hearts and minds steer us away from worship, but out of habit we attend--only to be blessed by the effort and the presence of God. We sometimes have to make ourselves go until our 'want to' comes into line.
Do I gather because I am His, or because it will look good? I'm no biblical scholar, so correct me if I'm wrong--but all I've ever read Jesus to say about this is 'come as you are'. Fancy and uncomfortable clothes do nothing but focus our attention away from the reason we should be gathering. And if you're going to church to make others think you're more Christlike than you really are, I hate to burst your bubble, but they know the truth!
Do I gather because I am His, or to visit, gossip or chat? Fellowship is very important. But might I make an observation here: most of us ONLY speak to the same ones week after week in our pilgrimages to the house of the Lord. We have formed cliques. We cluster in family groups. We gather for coffee with birds of the same feather as ourselves. Who is that helping?
I've got a lot of thinking to do about my reasons for heading off to church in the morning. A lot of soul searching. Some personal evaluation.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39
"When King Hezekiah heard their report, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the Temple of the Lord to pray." Isaiah 37:1 NLT
I know what you're thinking...
You know a whole ballot-full of elected officials who could stand to read this and follow its example.
You know some governing figure-heads who after hearing reports on the state of the Union need to do just that.
You know some reigning politicos for whom you would buy sackcloth, if they would just use it in the same manner as King Hezekiah.
Thoughtful of you. But I must ask...
Is personal confession and prayer your first response to every thing that goes wrong in your day?
Does sin make you sick? Not just give you a belly-full of righteous indignation, but make you physically ill because you know it separates the sinner from the Savior?
Do you seek God's face, His will and His favor above that of man?
I'm just like you--when I first read King Hezekiah's response, I thought immediately of those I've elected, or tried not to elect. But I do not believe God is asking me to look outwardly in regards to this verse. I need to take it to heart. I need to make sure that before I expect anything out of anyone else, I'm doing it myself.
My Mom was always right about finger-pointing!
Today's reading: Isaiah 34-39
"When King Hezekiah heard their report, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and went into the Temple of the Lord to pray." Isaiah 37:1 NLT
I know what you're thinking...
You know a whole ballot-full of elected officials who could stand to read this and follow its example.
You know some governing figure-heads who after hearing reports on the state of the Union need to do just that.
You know some reigning politicos for whom you would buy sackcloth, if they would just use it in the same manner as King Hezekiah.
Thoughtful of you. But I must ask...
Is personal confession and prayer your first response to every thing that goes wrong in your day?
Does sin make you sick? Not just give you a belly-full of righteous indignation, but make you physically ill because you know it separates the sinner from the Savior?
Do you seek God's face, His will and His favor above that of man?
I'm just like you--when I first read King Hezekiah's response, I thought immediately of those I've elected, or tried not to elect. But I do not believe God is asking me to look outwardly in regards to this verse. I need to take it to heart. I need to make sure that before I expect anything out of anyone else, I'm doing it myself.
My Mom was always right about finger-pointing!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Today's reading: Job 13-14
"Oh, how I long to speak directly to the Almighty..." Job 13:3 NLT
Imagine going through all Job endured, and depending upon a priest to talk to God on your behalf?
Who would you choose as wise enough, holy enough or dependable enough to present your case to the Lord? Who might you determine to be worthy enough to understand your tears, groans and heartache?
I know some great preachers. Men of God. Conveyors of biblical wisdom. Fine upstanding men. But to depend on them to stand up for me before God? To trust in their abilities and sinlessness?
I'm so glad Jesus ripped open the veil between God and man!
I can talk directly to the Almighty! I needn't slaughter any animals or trust in another frail human--I can approach the throne of grace, love and mercy with confidence that I am allowed there.
I do not know how Job made it through his tough times without that personal touch.
Today's reading: Job 13-14
"Oh, how I long to speak directly to the Almighty..." Job 13:3 NLT
Imagine going through all Job endured, and depending upon a priest to talk to God on your behalf?
Who would you choose as wise enough, holy enough or dependable enough to present your case to the Lord? Who might you determine to be worthy enough to understand your tears, groans and heartache?
I know some great preachers. Men of God. Conveyors of biblical wisdom. Fine upstanding men. But to depend on them to stand up for me before God? To trust in their abilities and sinlessness?
I'm so glad Jesus ripped open the veil between God and man!
I can talk directly to the Almighty! I needn't slaughter any animals or trust in another frail human--I can approach the throne of grace, love and mercy with confidence that I am allowed there.
I do not know how Job made it through his tough times without that personal touch.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 18-20
"May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you. O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14 NLT
Lord, I need your help with this.
I know it goes much farther and reaches more deeply than what I say and how I feel.
It influences how I react.
...how I raise my eyebrows.
...how I drive.
...how I deal with problem customers.
...how I accept compliments.
...how I maintain all You've given me.
...how I study to present your Word to a roomful of listeners.
...how I represent You.
...how I draw others to You.
...how I worship Monday through Saturday.
May all I do be pleasing to You, Lord. All.
Today's reading: Psalm 18-20
"May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to you. O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14 NLT
Lord, I need your help with this.
I know it goes much farther and reaches more deeply than what I say and how I feel.
It influences how I react.
...how I raise my eyebrows.
...how I drive.
...how I deal with problem customers.
...how I accept compliments.
...how I maintain all You've given me.
...how I study to present your Word to a roomful of listeners.
...how I represent You.
...how I draw others to You.
...how I worship Monday through Saturday.
May all I do be pleasing to You, Lord. All.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Today's reading: Judges 7-11
From the account of Jephtaph, the great warrior of Gilead
"...Why do you come to me now that you're in trouble? Because we need you, they replied..." Judges 11:7-8 NLT
Know anyone who chose not to recognize God until they were in dire straits?
Know of a person who decided to wait until the last minute, or last breath, to call on the name of Jesus?
Know folks who are saving God, and His power and love, like one would a one-time use 'Get-Out-Of-Jail Free' card?
Do you know any of them personally? As in, intimately personally?
We need Him now. On the best of days. When the sun is shining. When things are going smoothly. When we're not in an emergency. When we're not desperate. When we're believing things to be OK.
We need Him now!
Today's reading: Judges 7-11
From the account of Jephtaph, the great warrior of Gilead
"...Why do you come to me now that you're in trouble? Because we need you, they replied..." Judges 11:7-8 NLT
Know anyone who chose not to recognize God until they were in dire straits?
Know of a person who decided to wait until the last minute, or last breath, to call on the name of Jesus?
Know folks who are saving God, and His power and love, like one would a one-time use 'Get-Out-Of-Jail Free' card?
Do you know any of them personally? As in, intimately personally?
We need Him now. On the best of days. When the sun is shining. When things are going smoothly. When we're not in an emergency. When we're not desperate. When we're believing things to be OK.
We need Him now!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Today's reading: Genesis 24-27
"Jacob replied, All right, trade me your birthright for it." Genesis 25:31 NLT
You know the story. A hungry man. A deceitful brother. An unfair trade. A life of regrets.
You'll face the same choices today.
Satan will ask you to trade something he offers for something you've been given.
Satan will attempt to make it sound like the smart thing to do. The easy thing to do. The only thing to do.
But you're smarter than that.
You know that anything he offers, is a scam. Satan is worse than the warranty on that fine item you procured after watching the late night infomercial, paid four easy payments for and when it broke came up short when looking for anyone to make good on the guarantee.
You know that anything he's wanting from you is not really yours to begin with--it's been gifted to you through Christ. Your birthright. Your hope. Your peace. Your salvation.
You have nothing on your own that satan wants. You have nothing to deal with...and he has even less!
Don't fall for his tricks today.
Today's reading: Genesis 24-27
"Jacob replied, All right, trade me your birthright for it." Genesis 25:31 NLT
You know the story. A hungry man. A deceitful brother. An unfair trade. A life of regrets.
You'll face the same choices today.
Satan will ask you to trade something he offers for something you've been given.
Satan will attempt to make it sound like the smart thing to do. The easy thing to do. The only thing to do.
But you're smarter than that.
You know that anything he offers, is a scam. Satan is worse than the warranty on that fine item you procured after watching the late night infomercial, paid four easy payments for and when it broke came up short when looking for anyone to make good on the guarantee.
You know that anything he's wanting from you is not really yours to begin with--it's been gifted to you through Christ. Your birthright. Your hope. Your peace. Your salvation.
You have nothing on your own that satan wants. You have nothing to deal with...and he has even less!
Don't fall for his tricks today.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Today's reading: Romans 13-14
"So why do you condemn another Christian? Why do you look down on another Christian? Remember, each of us will stand personally before the judgement seat of God." Romans 14:10 NLT
It's time to worship as a body.
Within in the next couple of hours, church bells will be pealing a call to gather.
Folks will be walking the parking lots heading for the door of the church.
Ready. Anticipating. Eager.
To do what? To judge those sitting on their pew? To grade another's service, or lack of it? To evaluate the prior six days of a brother or sister's life and determine by that their position among the brethren?
To lay condemnation on another's already bowed shoulders? To act as judge and jury based on what we've heard or small segments we've seen? To look down our noses at those who don't do it like we do?
Let's leave our binoculars at home. Let's only focus on what God needs to do within our own hearts and minds. Let's lay bare our souls before the Judge, no one elses.
Today's reading: Romans 13-14
"So why do you condemn another Christian? Why do you look down on another Christian? Remember, each of us will stand personally before the judgement seat of God." Romans 14:10 NLT
It's time to worship as a body.
Within in the next couple of hours, church bells will be pealing a call to gather.
Folks will be walking the parking lots heading for the door of the church.
Ready. Anticipating. Eager.
To do what? To judge those sitting on their pew? To grade another's service, or lack of it? To evaluate the prior six days of a brother or sister's life and determine by that their position among the brethren?
To lay condemnation on another's already bowed shoulders? To act as judge and jury based on what we've heard or small segments we've seen? To look down our noses at those who don't do it like we do?
Let's leave our binoculars at home. Let's only focus on what God needs to do within our own hearts and minds. Let's lay bare our souls before the Judge, no one elses.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Today's reading: Matthew 14-16
"Later, after they crossed to the other side of the lake, the disciples discovered they had forgotten to bring any food." Matthew 16:5 NLT
In His presence things are forgotten.
Like what one might eat.
Like what one was worried about.
Like what tomorrow will hold.
Like why plans didn't work out as conceptualized.
Like when.
Like how.
Like where.
In His presence things are forgotten--are you there often enough to realize that?
Today's reading: Matthew 14-16
"Later, after they crossed to the other side of the lake, the disciples discovered they had forgotten to bring any food." Matthew 16:5 NLT
In His presence things are forgotten.
Like what one might eat.
Like what one was worried about.
Like what tomorrow will hold.
Like why plans didn't work out as conceptualized.
Like when.
Like how.
Like where.
In His presence things are forgotten--are you there often enough to realize that?
Friday, February 8, 2013
Today's reading: Isaiah 29-33
"And so the Lord says, These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. And their worship of me amounts to nothing more than human laws learned by rote." Isaiah 29:13 NLT
You've seen them. The white coolers. Maybe it's been in a movie, or while you were in a hospital, but you've seen them. White coolers labeled with a bright red Red Cross cross and the words, 'Human Organ for Transplant' across the front.
They are usually being held oh, so carefully in the laps or arms of trained professionals.
Except for the ones left outside the door of our churches on Sunday mornings.
The hearts that are as far away from their owners as they could possibly be. The hearts that are detached from the worship service. The hearts that are currently on loan to other thoughts, fears, worries or doubts. The distracted hearts awaiting their 'bodies' to finish up on Sunday so they can be reunited for service. The hearts given to other diversions, attractions--gods.
Is that accurate?
One can only answer on a personal level.
Is your heart where it should be when you gather in the Lord's house--regardless of the day of the week?
Is your heart attached to the life-giving Vine?
Is your worship beginning in and including your heart, not just what you're reading on the screen or have memorized as a child or know to be the correct church responses and behavior?
I've got a lot to think about in regards to where my heart might be as I prepare for Sunday's worship. Will I take it with me into His presence or leave it in the white cooler outside the door?
Today's reading: Isaiah 29-33
"And so the Lord says, These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far away. And their worship of me amounts to nothing more than human laws learned by rote." Isaiah 29:13 NLT
You've seen them. The white coolers. Maybe it's been in a movie, or while you were in a hospital, but you've seen them. White coolers labeled with a bright red Red Cross cross and the words, 'Human Organ for Transplant' across the front.
They are usually being held oh, so carefully in the laps or arms of trained professionals.
Except for the ones left outside the door of our churches on Sunday mornings.
The hearts that are as far away from their owners as they could possibly be. The hearts that are detached from the worship service. The hearts that are currently on loan to other thoughts, fears, worries or doubts. The distracted hearts awaiting their 'bodies' to finish up on Sunday so they can be reunited for service. The hearts given to other diversions, attractions--gods.
Is that accurate?
One can only answer on a personal level.
Is your heart where it should be when you gather in the Lord's house--regardless of the day of the week?
Is your heart attached to the life-giving Vine?
Is your worship beginning in and including your heart, not just what you're reading on the screen or have memorized as a child or know to be the correct church responses and behavior?
I've got a lot to think about in regards to where my heart might be as I prepare for Sunday's worship. Will I take it with me into His presence or leave it in the white cooler outside the door?
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Today's reading: Job 11-12
"He floods the darkness with light, he brings light to the deepest gloom." Job 12:22 NLT
Last night I presented one of my favorite lessons of the year to our little guys at church. It was the lesson about heaven and I truly love watching their eyes light up with excitement and awe as we present to them what heaven is like and what all God is preparing for us there.
I love the twinkle in their eyes when they find out their great big new house in heaven won't need a bedroom or a bed because it's daytime all the time!
The little girls, much more than the little boys, are excited to hear about the crowns God will give us to show we are His children.
I adore watching the smile creep across their face when they hear that no one will get hurt, sick or even need medicine in heaven! No one, not even their grandparents, will need canes, wheelchairs or glasses in heaven!
I giggle as we list all the things we'll do in heaven since we won't have to take naps or have a bedtime!
I watch their eyebrows raise in doubt as I tell them that everyone in heaven will love each other. That there will be no yelling or fighting, no one will hurt our feelings and no one will ever do unkind things.
Their hearts and eyes fill with wonder as we discuss the hope of heaven...I guess I'm a kid at heart because I'm as thrilled as they are!
Today's reading: Job 11-12
"He floods the darkness with light, he brings light to the deepest gloom." Job 12:22 NLT
Last night I presented one of my favorite lessons of the year to our little guys at church. It was the lesson about heaven and I truly love watching their eyes light up with excitement and awe as we present to them what heaven is like and what all God is preparing for us there.
I love the twinkle in their eyes when they find out their great big new house in heaven won't need a bedroom or a bed because it's daytime all the time!
The little girls, much more than the little boys, are excited to hear about the crowns God will give us to show we are His children.
I adore watching the smile creep across their face when they hear that no one will get hurt, sick or even need medicine in heaven! No one, not even their grandparents, will need canes, wheelchairs or glasses in heaven!
I giggle as we list all the things we'll do in heaven since we won't have to take naps or have a bedtime!
I watch their eyebrows raise in doubt as I tell them that everyone in heaven will love each other. That there will be no yelling or fighting, no one will hurt our feelings and no one will ever do unkind things.
Their hearts and eyes fill with wonder as we discuss the hope of heaven...I guess I'm a kid at heart because I'm as thrilled as they are!
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Today's reading: Psalm 15-17
"I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken for he is right beside me." Psalm 16:7 NLT
"The wise counsel God gives when I’m awake is confirmed by my sleeping heart. Day and night I’ll stick with God; I’ve got a good thing going and I’m not letting go." Psalm 16:7 MSG
I'm tickled with the translations this morning.
You see, in the original Hebrew translation, the word 'heart' is not mentioned. Instead, God breathed into the writer of the psalm the word 'kilyah' or 'kidney'.
Funny how being moved in your kidneys or being assured by how you feel in your kidneys is not a common thought.
Unless you know what kidneys do...
Kidneys are the master chemists of the body. May not be a big deal to you, but allow any of the chemicals running the processes of your body to get out of whack and see if you don't quickly appreciate their value. Boy, oh boy, do I ever have a personal understanding!
Kidneys utilize the water we give our bodies. Water that is no vital. So necessary. So life-giving.
Kidneys remove waste from our bodies. Waste that can poison. Waste that can take up space needed by nutrients for proper function.
Kidneys regulate hormones. Aaah, hormones. Those rarely mentioned emotion determining juices.
So is it important that we know God from the depths, the very kidneys, of our being? I do believe it is. Superficial knowledge won't get us very far when the storm rages and the enemy pounds.
So, do you know His peace, His love, His forgiveness from the bottom of your...kidney?
Today's reading: Psalm 15-17
"I will bless the Lord who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken for he is right beside me." Psalm 16:7 NLT
"The wise counsel God gives when I’m awake is confirmed by my sleeping heart. Day and night I’ll stick with God; I’ve got a good thing going and I’m not letting go." Psalm 16:7 MSG
I'm tickled with the translations this morning.
You see, in the original Hebrew translation, the word 'heart' is not mentioned. Instead, God breathed into the writer of the psalm the word 'kilyah' or 'kidney'.
Funny how being moved in your kidneys or being assured by how you feel in your kidneys is not a common thought.
Unless you know what kidneys do...
Kidneys are the master chemists of the body. May not be a big deal to you, but allow any of the chemicals running the processes of your body to get out of whack and see if you don't quickly appreciate their value. Boy, oh boy, do I ever have a personal understanding!
Kidneys utilize the water we give our bodies. Water that is no vital. So necessary. So life-giving.
Kidneys remove waste from our bodies. Waste that can poison. Waste that can take up space needed by nutrients for proper function.
Kidneys regulate hormones. Aaah, hormones. Those rarely mentioned emotion determining juices.
So is it important that we know God from the depths, the very kidneys, of our being? I do believe it is. Superficial knowledge won't get us very far when the storm rages and the enemy pounds.
So, do you know His peace, His love, His forgiveness from the bottom of your...kidney?
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Today's reading: Judges 1-6
"They abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They chased after other gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them. And they angered the Lord." Judges 2:12 NLT
Who would chase after trouble? Who, in their right mind, would abandon the Lord?
No level-headed, raised on the Bible, leading a good life adult that I know of...unless you put it into other words:
Is it chasing after other gods or worshiping other gods when I go the way I want to go, instead of the way He is directing?
Is it chasing after other gods when I call it a 'gray area', knowing full well God calls it black or white?
Is it when I ignore my convictions? The pressure in my spirit? The knowledge of my soul?
When I dabble in what I deem to be little sins?
When I cross the line, just to see what will happen--not planning on staying?
When I determine to do it just this once? Or maybe just one more time?
Determining to stay beside the Lord forces me to make decisions on a regular basis not to stray or wander. He does not tie me to Him by a string, a rope or a logging chain--sometimes I believe it would be easier if He did...but would it be love keeping us together if so? On His part or on mine?
Today I'm determined to watch a little more closely what it is I'm chasing after.
What about you?
Today's reading: Judges 1-6
"They abandoned the Lord, the God of their ancestors, who had brought them out of Egypt. They chased after other gods, worshiping the gods of the people around them. And they angered the Lord." Judges 2:12 NLT
Who would chase after trouble? Who, in their right mind, would abandon the Lord?
No level-headed, raised on the Bible, leading a good life adult that I know of...unless you put it into other words:
Is it chasing after other gods or worshiping other gods when I go the way I want to go, instead of the way He is directing?
Is it chasing after other gods when I call it a 'gray area', knowing full well God calls it black or white?
Is it when I ignore my convictions? The pressure in my spirit? The knowledge of my soul?
When I dabble in what I deem to be little sins?
When I cross the line, just to see what will happen--not planning on staying?
When I determine to do it just this once? Or maybe just one more time?
Determining to stay beside the Lord forces me to make decisions on a regular basis not to stray or wander. He does not tie me to Him by a string, a rope or a logging chain--sometimes I believe it would be easier if He did...but would it be love keeping us together if so? On His part or on mine?
Today I'm determined to watch a little more closely what it is I'm chasing after.
What about you?
Monday, February 4, 2013
Today's reading: Genesis 20-23
"And Abraham took the knife and lifted it up to kill his son as a sacrifice to the Lord. At that moment the angel of the Lord shouted to him from heaven, Abraham! Abraham! Yes, he answered, I am listening. Lay down the knife, the angel said. Do not hurt the boy in any way for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld even your beloved son from me." Genesis 22:10-12 NLT
His hands had to be shaking as he lifted the knife.
His tears must have been streaming down his face--or for his son's sake, he was building a dam to hold them back.
His stomach in knots.
His heart racing.
His ears wide open for the next instruction God would choose to give him.
He heard God spoke. He exhaled as deeply as he could. He turned his head to glance over his shoulder at the ram caught in the bushes.
Might he have allowed his heart, mind and senses to be so focused on the task he was called to do that he could have drowned out the voice of the Lord? And missed the next step he was being asked to take?
I want to listen to God with my ears wide open! I want to hear His every request and direction. I want to know just what it is He needs me to do, when I need to do it and how He wants it done.
To do that, I must clean out my ears-and my heart.
Today's reading: Genesis 20-23
"And Abraham took the knife and lifted it up to kill his son as a sacrifice to the Lord. At that moment the angel of the Lord shouted to him from heaven, Abraham! Abraham! Yes, he answered, I am listening. Lay down the knife, the angel said. Do not hurt the boy in any way for now I know that you truly fear God. You have not withheld even your beloved son from me." Genesis 22:10-12 NLT
His hands had to be shaking as he lifted the knife.
His tears must have been streaming down his face--or for his son's sake, he was building a dam to hold them back.
His stomach in knots.
His heart racing.
His ears wide open for the next instruction God would choose to give him.
He heard God spoke. He exhaled as deeply as he could. He turned his head to glance over his shoulder at the ram caught in the bushes.
Might he have allowed his heart, mind and senses to be so focused on the task he was called to do that he could have drowned out the voice of the Lord? And missed the next step he was being asked to take?
I want to listen to God with my ears wide open! I want to hear His every request and direction. I want to know just what it is He needs me to do, when I need to do it and how He wants it done.
To do that, I must clean out my ears-and my heart.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Today's reading: Romans 11-12
"Oh, what a wonderful God we have! How great are his riches and wisdom, and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions, and his methods?" Romans 11:33 NLT
Let's be honest, the above verse is usually stated in reverse order for most of us.
We state the obvious: God's ways are hard to understand.
We then follow up with the Christian mantra: How wonderful He is!
Thinking about it, the Bible has it written in perfect order--praise then, well, then what we cannot understand is really not all that important!
When we claim His greatness, our minds focus on all He is and can do. When we lift up His name, all else matters very little.
Think about the order of Romans 11:33, is it the path you follow as a child of God?
Today's reading: Romans 11-12
"Oh, what a wonderful God we have! How great are his riches and wisdom, and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand his decisions, and his methods?" Romans 11:33 NLT
Let's be honest, the above verse is usually stated in reverse order for most of us.
We state the obvious: God's ways are hard to understand.
We then follow up with the Christian mantra: How wonderful He is!
Thinking about it, the Bible has it written in perfect order--praise then, well, then what we cannot understand is really not all that important!
When we claim His greatness, our minds focus on all He is and can do. When we lift up His name, all else matters very little.
Think about the order of Romans 11:33, is it the path you follow as a child of God?
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Today's reading: Matthew 11-13
"My Father has given me authority over everything.." Matthew 11:27 NLT
Jesus is telling us that His Father, God, has given Him power over whatever needs to be reminded of its place.
The word He chose to use is 'everything'.
'Everything' is all inclusive. Leaves nothing out. Does not limit and does not exclude.
So what I'm dealing with--He's got power over!
What you're dealing with--He's got power over!
What we're worrying over, questioning His involvement or concern about or wondering it it falls under His power or care--we can believe He got the power over!
Today's reading: Matthew 11-13
"My Father has given me authority over everything.." Matthew 11:27 NLT
Jesus is telling us that His Father, God, has given Him power over whatever needs to be reminded of its place.
The word He chose to use is 'everything'.
'Everything' is all inclusive. Leaves nothing out. Does not limit and does not exclude.
So what I'm dealing with--He's got power over!
What you're dealing with--He's got power over!
What we're worrying over, questioning His involvement or concern about or wondering it it falls under His power or care--we can believe He got the power over!
Friday, February 1, 2013
Today's reading: Isaiah 23-28
"In that day the people will proclaim, This is our God. We trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings." Isaiah 25:9 NLT
Is today the day you'll say it and believe it?
Is today the day your faith will be spoken--and seen?
Is today the day you will find Him to be sufficient?
Maybe it's not today, but I believe it would serve us all well to be practicing the lines, because we're all going to come face-to-face with the fact that we either trusted Him, or didn't!
Today's reading: Isaiah 23-28
"In that day the people will proclaim, This is our God. We trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings." Isaiah 25:9 NLT
Is today the day you'll say it and believe it?
Is today the day your faith will be spoken--and seen?
Is today the day you will find Him to be sufficient?
Maybe it's not today, but I believe it would serve us all well to be practicing the lines, because we're all going to come face-to-face with the fact that we either trusted Him, or didn't!
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