Today's reading: Proverbs 1
"Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Only fools despise wisdom and discipline." Proverbs 1:7 NLT
Where to begin?
That's the question asked of anyone wanting to attempt something big: reach a new goal, complete a large task, conquer a task or overcome an obstacle.
Today's proverb tells us it all starts with a proper respect, awe and dependence on God.
The first commandment verifies the importance by telling us God is the God, the only God deserving our worship, praise and admiration.
So, what you're wanting to achieve today--can you arrange the steps to accomplishing it by placing God, your service, love and desire for Him in first place?
When we put first things first, Him, success awaits us!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 63-65
"O God, you are my God; a earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water." Psalm 63:1 NLT
Studies say 75-80% of us go around in a state of dehydration.
In America. In the good, ole USA. In the land of the free and the home of the brave. The continent that stretches from sea to shining sea. In one of the world's richest (if not for our debt) countries in the world.
And we're thirsty?
Because it's too hard to turn the tap?
Because there aren't stacks and cases of bottled water in each of our pantries?
Because we don't have the time to haul water from the creek nestled a mile or so from our little cabins and our buckets have holes in them?
Or might it be that in our laziness we're dehydrated and thirsty because water is not directly fed into our veins--and it requires a little effort on our part?
We live in a dry and thirsting world that offers so many things, except Water.
We're surrounded by commercials, ads and promotions that are wanting to sell us everything under the sun--and what we need is free, free for our accepting and taking.
God offers us cool and refreshing drinks of His grace on a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute basis. He can restore what the world has sucked out of us. He is what we need, as much as we need and more than we need.
How about a drink?
Today's reading: Psalm 63-65
"O God, you are my God; a earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water." Psalm 63:1 NLT
Studies say 75-80% of us go around in a state of dehydration.
In America. In the good, ole USA. In the land of the free and the home of the brave. The continent that stretches from sea to shining sea. In one of the world's richest (if not for our debt) countries in the world.
And we're thirsty?
Because it's too hard to turn the tap?
Because there aren't stacks and cases of bottled water in each of our pantries?
Because we don't have the time to haul water from the creek nestled a mile or so from our little cabins and our buckets have holes in them?
Or might it be that in our laziness we're dehydrated and thirsty because water is not directly fed into our veins--and it requires a little effort on our part?
We live in a dry and thirsting world that offers so many things, except Water.
We're surrounded by commercials, ads and promotions that are wanting to sell us everything under the sun--and what we need is free, free for our accepting and taking.
God offers us cool and refreshing drinks of His grace on a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute basis. He can restore what the world has sucked out of us. He is what we need, as much as we need and more than we need.
How about a drink?
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Today's reading: 1 Kings 1-4
"Solomon loved the Lord and followed all the instructions of his father, David, except that..." 1 Kings 3:3 NLT
I've thought about my 'thing' this morning.
My hang-up. My burr under the saddle. My struggle. My temptation. My failing. My sin.
If I were to give that 'thing' to God, allow Him to completely take it, re-make me and hold my hands under the faucet of His grace and assist me in washing it away--what a difference there would be in my life.
I wouldn't have the shadow of its effect on my life constantly behind or before me.
I wouldn't have the weight of its burden to carry around.
I would be free of its constricting and confining chains.
I would have nothing separating me from my Father's blessing, purpose and will.
That 'thing' is holding me back.
No more. No, thanks!
Today's reading: 1 Kings 1-4
"Solomon loved the Lord and followed all the instructions of his father, David, except that..." 1 Kings 3:3 NLT
I've thought about my 'thing' this morning.
My hang-up. My burr under the saddle. My struggle. My temptation. My failing. My sin.
If I were to give that 'thing' to God, allow Him to completely take it, re-make me and hold my hands under the faucet of His grace and assist me in washing it away--what a difference there would be in my life.
I wouldn't have the shadow of its effect on my life constantly behind or before me.
I wouldn't have the weight of its burden to carry around.
I would be free of its constricting and confining chains.
I would have nothing separating me from my Father's blessing, purpose and will.
That 'thing' is holding me back.
No more. No, thanks!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Today's reading: Exodus 33-36
"Then Moses said, If you don't go with us personally, don't let us move a step from this place. If you don't with go us, how will anyone ever know that your people and I have found favor with you? How will they ever know we are special and distinct from all the other people on the earth?" Exodus 33:15-16 NLT
I agree with Moses, Lord...if you're not going with me, I'm not going.
The places You've brought me so far clearly point to You as the coordinator and sustainer of my life.
Without You, I'd have gone no where but in circles.
Have I enjoyed every trip? No, some have been tough roads to walk--but You've seen to it that I saw Your fingerprints all along the road.
So, I'll go with You, if You'll go with me!
Today's reading: Exodus 33-36
"Then Moses said, If you don't go with us personally, don't let us move a step from this place. If you don't with go us, how will anyone ever know that your people and I have found favor with you? How will they ever know we are special and distinct from all the other people on the earth?" Exodus 33:15-16 NLT
I agree with Moses, Lord...if you're not going with me, I'm not going.
The places You've brought me so far clearly point to You as the coordinator and sustainer of my life.
Without You, I'd have gone no where but in circles.
Have I enjoyed every trip? No, some have been tough roads to walk--but You've seen to it that I saw Your fingerprints all along the road.
So, I'll go with You, if You'll go with me!
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Today's reading: Galatians 1-3
"And the leaders of the church who were there had nothing to add to what I was preaching." Galatians 2:6 NLT
Imagine living your life in such a way that Sunday's sermon only solidified what you'd done through your week.
Think, for a moment, about the effect your life would have on people if all you said backed up what they'd heard in church.
Would your loved ones be reached?
Would the pews be packed?
Would your kids be able to tell their Sunday School teachers, in the nicest way, oh my Mom's told me about that? Or that your family had just discussed that topic at the dinner table earlier that week?
Would visitors to your church be able to say they'd noticed you, a complete stranger to them, acting in a godly manner in the aisle at Wal-Mart?
Would your pastor be thrilled to know he's not the only one preaching? And practicing what he's preaching at that?
Today's reading: Galatians 1-3
"And the leaders of the church who were there had nothing to add to what I was preaching." Galatians 2:6 NLT
Imagine living your life in such a way that Sunday's sermon only solidified what you'd done through your week.
Think, for a moment, about the effect your life would have on people if all you said backed up what they'd heard in church.
Would your loved ones be reached?
Would the pews be packed?
Would your kids be able to tell their Sunday School teachers, in the nicest way, oh my Mom's told me about that? Or that your family had just discussed that topic at the dinner table earlier that week?
Would visitors to your church be able to say they'd noticed you, a complete stranger to them, acting in a godly manner in the aisle at Wal-Mart?
Would your pastor be thrilled to know he's not the only one preaching? And practicing what he's preaching at that?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Today's reading: Luke 5-6
"Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat..." Luke 5:18 NLT
Well, I've been convicted.
My heart's been pricked by the fact that as busy as I am, I'm not sure I have a handhold on the corner of anyone's mat.
I rush around doing my stuff.
I busy myself with my things.
I fill the hours, today's and sometimes tomorrow's, with issues that pertain to me.
But whose mat am I helping with? Whose life am I toting towards Jesus?
These men took time out of their busy schedules to help a friend. They put forth some effort to bring Him to Jesus. They pushed aside some of their own chores, tasks, to-do lists and hobbies, in order to help a brother. They left some things undone at home. They donated their free time to someone other than themselves.
And what do I do?
Today's reading: Luke 5-6
"Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a sleeping mat..." Luke 5:18 NLT
Well, I've been convicted.
My heart's been pricked by the fact that as busy as I am, I'm not sure I have a handhold on the corner of anyone's mat.
I rush around doing my stuff.
I busy myself with my things.
I fill the hours, today's and sometimes tomorrow's, with issues that pertain to me.
But whose mat am I helping with? Whose life am I toting towards Jesus?
These men took time out of their busy schedules to help a friend. They put forth some effort to bring Him to Jesus. They pushed aside some of their own chores, tasks, to-do lists and hobbies, in order to help a brother. They left some things undone at home. They donated their free time to someone other than themselves.
And what do I do?
Friday, May 25, 2012
Today's reading: Jeremiah 42-46
"Buckle on your armor and advance into battle! Harness the horses, and prepare to mount them. Put on your helmet, sharpen your spears and prepare your armor. But look! The Egyptian army flees in terror." Jeremiah 46:3-4 NLT
Do you realize the biggest battle you will face today will be whether you will believe God or not?
Your most monumental struggle today will not be hand to hand combat with the enemy, but rather placing mind over matter.
You may never lift a sword or raise a spear--but you will have to, on several occasions, be required to trust.
Trust is a battle of the mind. God asks you to do it. God has wired you to do it. God wants you to do it.
Will you do it?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 42-46
"Buckle on your armor and advance into battle! Harness the horses, and prepare to mount them. Put on your helmet, sharpen your spears and prepare your armor. But look! The Egyptian army flees in terror." Jeremiah 46:3-4 NLT
Do you realize the biggest battle you will face today will be whether you will believe God or not?
Your most monumental struggle today will not be hand to hand combat with the enemy, but rather placing mind over matter.
You may never lift a sword or raise a spear--but you will have to, on several occasions, be required to trust.
Trust is a battle of the mind. God asks you to do it. God has wired you to do it. God wants you to do it.
Will you do it?
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Today's reading: Job 41-42
Job, the blameless man of integrity. Job, the one who feared God and stayed away from evil. Job, the one chosen of God to stand up against satan's test. Job, the man of God.
Job--the man who stated, he didn't know God fully until God had walked Him through the toughest times he'd ever experienced.
"I had heard about you before, but not I have seen you, with my own eyes." Job 42:5 NLT
He thought he knew Him--until He really knew Him.
Maybe the same could be said of you.
Would you have known how deeply He cared for you without your trip with Him over the mountain?
Would you have known how trustworthy He was had you not ridden out the storm with Him?
Would you be fully, personally aware of His faithfulness to you without the battle, the scars and the time spent huddled in a foxhole with Him right beside you?
Would you know, really know, how sufficient His grace is had you not needed so much of it in so many areas of your life?
There's knowing Him and there's really knowing Him.
Today's reading: Job 41-42
Job, the blameless man of integrity. Job, the one who feared God and stayed away from evil. Job, the one chosen of God to stand up against satan's test. Job, the man of God.
Job--the man who stated, he didn't know God fully until God had walked Him through the toughest times he'd ever experienced.
"I had heard about you before, but not I have seen you, with my own eyes." Job 42:5 NLT
He thought he knew Him--until He really knew Him.
Maybe the same could be said of you.
Would you have known how deeply He cared for you without your trip with Him over the mountain?
Would you have known how trustworthy He was had you not ridden out the storm with Him?
Would you be fully, personally aware of His faithfulness to you without the battle, the scars and the time spent huddled in a foxhole with Him right beside you?
Would you know, really know, how sufficient His grace is had you not needed so much of it in so many areas of your life?
There's knowing Him and there's really knowing Him.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 60-62
"...Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!" Psalm 61:2-34 NLT
There's a living, breathing salvation object lesson being played out here on the Edgell Acres farm.
Little Lady, our brooding mother hen, is carefully, protectively and lovingly taking care of 8 little ones placed in her care.
She will rise up against the biggest enemy.
She squawks and fluffs if you approach her babies.
She quietly but demandingly clucks at them and they run to her side--or underneath her if that's what she wants them to do.
Thing is, the little ones aren't even hers.
She's raising guinea keats. Guineas lay fertile eggs. Guineas will sit on their nests. Guineas have no parenting skills. Guineas leave their young to fend for themselves.
Little Lady doesn't mind.
That's where I'm reminded of God's love for me.
Satan thought he had me. He's successfully raised me to believe a whole pack of lies he's been feeding me since childhood. He's led me down paths that I never should have placed foot on. He's called me his, then left me out in the cold on far too many occasions.
Then God stepped in.
He's adopted me. He's falled in love with me. He's cared for me. He's walked beside me, corrected me, rewarded me, protected me and saved me from satan.
Satan has no parenting skills. God was needed in my life if I were to fulfill the purpose He paced me here for.
I'm safely sheltered under His wings!
Today's reading: Psalm 60-62
"...Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!" Psalm 61:2-34 NLT
There's a living, breathing salvation object lesson being played out here on the Edgell Acres farm.
Little Lady, our brooding mother hen, is carefully, protectively and lovingly taking care of 8 little ones placed in her care.
She will rise up against the biggest enemy.
She squawks and fluffs if you approach her babies.
She quietly but demandingly clucks at them and they run to her side--or underneath her if that's what she wants them to do.
Thing is, the little ones aren't even hers.
She's raising guinea keats. Guineas lay fertile eggs. Guineas will sit on their nests. Guineas have no parenting skills. Guineas leave their young to fend for themselves.
Little Lady doesn't mind.
That's where I'm reminded of God's love for me.
Satan thought he had me. He's successfully raised me to believe a whole pack of lies he's been feeding me since childhood. He's led me down paths that I never should have placed foot on. He's called me his, then left me out in the cold on far too many occasions.
Then God stepped in.
He's adopted me. He's falled in love with me. He's cared for me. He's walked beside me, corrected me, rewarded me, protected me and saved me from satan.
Satan has no parenting skills. God was needed in my life if I were to fulfill the purpose He paced me here for.
I'm safely sheltered under His wings!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 20-24
"He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of the deep waters." 2 Samuel 22:17 NLT
Ever had one of those days?
The rainclouds follow you--but it never rains.
The tentacles of doubt wrap themselves around your heart--but never quite cut off the circulation.
The vines of tempation grow at an outstanding rate--but never choke out what you know to be right.
The minutes slipped by as the tasks piled up.
The bills continued to arrive in the mailbox.
The house fairy had not shown up to straighten up the mess of things left as we headed out the door to work.
Yesterday was one of those kinds of days.
It never rained. I never snapped. I didn't fall. I never gave up...but how close was I to any of those outcomes.
He reached down for me.
He bloomed an outstanding lily for me to gaze upon. He fingerpainted the sky with tufts of the whitest clouds. He directed my eyes to the laughing freckles of a little boy. He helped me locate items for a healthy dinner in the freezer and pantry. He provided a few minutes to visit with family and friends.
God threw me several life-preservers throughout my day. I believe He'll do the same today!
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 20-24
"He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of the deep waters." 2 Samuel 22:17 NLT
Ever had one of those days?
The rainclouds follow you--but it never rains.
The tentacles of doubt wrap themselves around your heart--but never quite cut off the circulation.
The vines of tempation grow at an outstanding rate--but never choke out what you know to be right.
The minutes slipped by as the tasks piled up.
The bills continued to arrive in the mailbox.
The house fairy had not shown up to straighten up the mess of things left as we headed out the door to work.
Yesterday was one of those kinds of days.
It never rained. I never snapped. I didn't fall. I never gave up...but how close was I to any of those outcomes.
He reached down for me.
He bloomed an outstanding lily for me to gaze upon. He fingerpainted the sky with tufts of the whitest clouds. He directed my eyes to the laughing freckles of a little boy. He helped me locate items for a healthy dinner in the freezer and pantry. He provided a few minutes to visit with family and friends.
God threw me several life-preservers throughout my day. I believe He'll do the same today!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Today's reading: Exodus 29-32
"When Moses saw that Aaron had let the people get completely out of control--and much to the amusement of their enemies--he stood at the entrance to the camp and shouted, All of you who are on the Lord's side, come over here and join me. And all the Levites came." Exodus 32:25-26 NLT
A huge slip-up on the Israelites' behalf. A big mistake. A sin.
And who was there to see it? Their enemies. The ones they would one day hope to win over to God. The same folks who were doubting all this God-talk, wondering about this Promised Land the 'visitors' kept referring to and undoubtedly scratched their heads over the ceremonies and lifestyles.
They saw the whole fiasco.
Your enemies will be watching you today, too.
Your un-churched co-workers will be discreetly listening to each and every conversation you participate in. Your unsaved loved ones will be watching your every reaction to life. Your neighbors will be keeping an eye on your yard, overhearing you yell at the kids and studying how you deal with a car that won't start or a dog that gets in your trash can--again.
What will they see?
Go ahead and decide right now how you're going to react, what you're going to say and what you might be caught doing--because they're watching!
Today's reading: Exodus 29-32
"When Moses saw that Aaron had let the people get completely out of control--and much to the amusement of their enemies--he stood at the entrance to the camp and shouted, All of you who are on the Lord's side, come over here and join me. And all the Levites came." Exodus 32:25-26 NLT
A huge slip-up on the Israelites' behalf. A big mistake. A sin.
And who was there to see it? Their enemies. The ones they would one day hope to win over to God. The same folks who were doubting all this God-talk, wondering about this Promised Land the 'visitors' kept referring to and undoubtedly scratched their heads over the ceremonies and lifestyles.
They saw the whole fiasco.
Your enemies will be watching you today, too.
Your un-churched co-workers will be discreetly listening to each and every conversation you participate in. Your unsaved loved ones will be watching your every reaction to life. Your neighbors will be keeping an eye on your yard, overhearing you yell at the kids and studying how you deal with a car that won't start or a dog that gets in your trash can--again.
What will they see?
Go ahead and decide right now how you're going to react, what you're going to say and what you might be caught doing--because they're watching!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 11-13
"But I fear that somehow you will be led away from your pure and simple devotion to Christ, just as Eve was deceived by the serpent." 2 Corinthians 11:3 NLT
As a Christian woman, I have been placed, by God I truly believe, into some 'outside my comfort zone' friendships.
I now am privvy to information shared in secrecy that makes me cry, blush, gasp and sigh--sometimes all at the same time.
I have been given the role of mentor to some gals who are new to the Christian walk and befriended by some gals who have been on the 'journey' longer than I have.
My biggest fear for each and every one of my friends is the same as Paul's--that something will lead them away from Christ.
We both know it's usually nothing big. It's never an intentional effort. Seldom is it caused by anything other than hurt feelings or lack of effort on the part of the church.
An overheard conversation.
A secret shared--if even via the church's prayer chain.
An embarrassment.
An unanswered (according to our plans) prayer.
A clique that's not all inclusive.
A snub.
A Sunday or two that's missed--and no one seems to notice.
Someone being led, quietly and discreetly, away from Christ happens every week. An offering that satan makes and cannot follow through on.
Do what you can to day to make sure your pew neighbors know you're rooting for them today. As a matter of fact, make an effort to walk across the church to someone elses' pew to do the same.
No one needs to be led astray--not on our watch!
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 11-13
"But I fear that somehow you will be led away from your pure and simple devotion to Christ, just as Eve was deceived by the serpent." 2 Corinthians 11:3 NLT
As a Christian woman, I have been placed, by God I truly believe, into some 'outside my comfort zone' friendships.
I now am privvy to information shared in secrecy that makes me cry, blush, gasp and sigh--sometimes all at the same time.
I have been given the role of mentor to some gals who are new to the Christian walk and befriended by some gals who have been on the 'journey' longer than I have.
My biggest fear for each and every one of my friends is the same as Paul's--that something will lead them away from Christ.
We both know it's usually nothing big. It's never an intentional effort. Seldom is it caused by anything other than hurt feelings or lack of effort on the part of the church.
An overheard conversation.
A secret shared--if even via the church's prayer chain.
An embarrassment.
An unanswered (according to our plans) prayer.
A clique that's not all inclusive.
A snub.
A Sunday or two that's missed--and no one seems to notice.
Someone being led, quietly and discreetly, away from Christ happens every week. An offering that satan makes and cannot follow through on.
Do what you can to day to make sure your pew neighbors know you're rooting for them today. As a matter of fact, make an effort to walk across the church to someone elses' pew to do the same.
No one needs to be led astray--not on our watch!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Today's reading: Luke 3-4
I want to be like Jesus.
I try. Really, I do.
Some days I see it more evidently than others. Some days, I don't see it at all.
I'm alway perusing the Scriptures for verses that point to similarities between the two of us...and this morning, I've found one.
"All who were there spoke well of him and were amazed by the gracious words that fell from his lips. How can this be? they asked, Isn't this Joseph's son?" Luke 4:22 NLT
There are times when people who knew me 'when' are amazed to see who I am now. They're awed by what I've been enabled to do, how I've changed my speech, how bold I am in speaking for Him.
You see, I'm just Bobby and Nora's oldest.
I'm just a high school graduate.
I just attend a small (but definitely growing) country church.
I just attempt to do what God leads me to do--and that amazes people!
I'm a nobody He's choosing to use and that thrills me to no end.
Today's reading: Luke 3-4
I want to be like Jesus.
I try. Really, I do.
Some days I see it more evidently than others. Some days, I don't see it at all.
I'm alway perusing the Scriptures for verses that point to similarities between the two of us...and this morning, I've found one.
"All who were there spoke well of him and were amazed by the gracious words that fell from his lips. How can this be? they asked, Isn't this Joseph's son?" Luke 4:22 NLT
There are times when people who knew me 'when' are amazed to see who I am now. They're awed by what I've been enabled to do, how I've changed my speech, how bold I am in speaking for Him.
You see, I'm just Bobby and Nora's oldest.
I'm just a high school graduate.
I just attend a small (but definitely growing) country church.
I just attempt to do what God leads me to do--and that amazes people!
I'm a nobody He's choosing to use and that thrills me to no end.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Today's reading: Jeremiah 37-41
"But I am afraid to surrender, the king said..." Jeremiah 38:19 NLT
In the same boat the king's in?
Want to give it all, lock, stock and barrel, to God--but there are a pile of 'buts' you can list?
You would give your life completely to Him, but what if He asks you to do something hard, unusual, risky or outside your comfort zone?
You would give your worries, fears and doubts 100% to Him, but what would you do with all your spare time if you didn't have to worry and fret?
You would give the weaknesses of your heart, head and body to Him, but you wonder who you might become if He were to really take them all?
You would surrender all you have, all you want, everything you dream of and everything you have stuffed in that closet of yours, but you're afraid?
Here's a white flag, dear friend. Wave it. Give in to what you know will be the best decision you'll ever make. Push aside all that's hindered you before and wave the white flag of surrender to God!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 37-41
"But I am afraid to surrender, the king said..." Jeremiah 38:19 NLT
In the same boat the king's in?
Want to give it all, lock, stock and barrel, to God--but there are a pile of 'buts' you can list?
You would give your life completely to Him, but what if He asks you to do something hard, unusual, risky or outside your comfort zone?
You would give your worries, fears and doubts 100% to Him, but what would you do with all your spare time if you didn't have to worry and fret?
You would give the weaknesses of your heart, head and body to Him, but you wonder who you might become if He were to really take them all?
You would surrender all you have, all you want, everything you dream of and everything you have stuffed in that closet of yours, but you're afraid?
Here's a white flag, dear friend. Wave it. Give in to what you know will be the best decision you'll ever make. Push aside all that's hindered you before and wave the white flag of surrender to God!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Today's reading: Job 39-40
"Are you as strong as God, and can you thunder with a voice like his?" Job 40:9 NLT
I've just perused Noah Webster's dictionary. The word on my mind? Worry.
Some of the synonyms associated with worry were choke, strangle, torment, fret and harrass.
How appropriate.
I have some friends who are currently being overwhelmed with feelings of worry.
I'm never sure how to help them. Do my words sound flippish as I tell them just to 'give their problems to God'? Do I soun harsh when I look them in the eye and suggest that their worrying isn't doing anyone anything but harm--including themselves? Do I portray insensitivity when I don't begin wringing my hands with them in despair and woe?
I'm never sure what to do. Mostly because I've not found what needs doing when the worry seeds sprout in my own heart. The thoughts that vine around and begin to choke out what I know to be true. The simple statements that crowd out what my Lord has said and promises. The fears that lord over me when I take my eyes off my Lord
God spoke to Job about all Job's happenings and simply asked Him if He were as tough as the Creator of the universe.
He reminded Job of his place, his ability, his purpose in the world. And in the same question, reminded Job of just Who He is.
Maybe that's what will cease worry. Quite possibly that's just what we need to focus on--not what we're feeling, but Who He is.
You see, I do not see anywhere in His Word where worry is a character flaw He wants any of His children labeled with.
Today's reading: Job 39-40
"Are you as strong as God, and can you thunder with a voice like his?" Job 40:9 NLT
I've just perused Noah Webster's dictionary. The word on my mind? Worry.
Some of the synonyms associated with worry were choke, strangle, torment, fret and harrass.
How appropriate.
I have some friends who are currently being overwhelmed with feelings of worry.
I'm never sure how to help them. Do my words sound flippish as I tell them just to 'give their problems to God'? Do I soun harsh when I look them in the eye and suggest that their worrying isn't doing anyone anything but harm--including themselves? Do I portray insensitivity when I don't begin wringing my hands with them in despair and woe?
I'm never sure what to do. Mostly because I've not found what needs doing when the worry seeds sprout in my own heart. The thoughts that vine around and begin to choke out what I know to be true. The simple statements that crowd out what my Lord has said and promises. The fears that lord over me when I take my eyes off my Lord
God spoke to Job about all Job's happenings and simply asked Him if He were as tough as the Creator of the universe.
He reminded Job of his place, his ability, his purpose in the world. And in the same question, reminded Job of just Who He is.
Maybe that's what will cease worry. Quite possibly that's just what we need to focus on--not what we're feeling, but Who He is.
You see, I do not see anywhere in His Word where worry is a character flaw He wants any of His children labeled with.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 57-59
"In his unfailing love, my God will come and help me. He will let me look down in triumph on all my enemies." Psalm 59:10 NLT
You will win.
If you stick with God, lean on Him fully, depend on His ways, His timing, His promises to be held up on His end--you will win.
And your enemies?
They'll have to attend the victory party!
Your enemies will see as God lifts your hand high in the air declaring you the victor.
Your enemies will hear the roar of the crowds celebrating your success.
You'll be surrounded by the ones who have been praying. You'll be patted on the back by the dear friends who have reminded you of God's promises and His faithfulness. You'll be showered with joy from the hearts of Christian brothers and sisters who have fought and won their own battles. You'll be admired by those still fighting.
You will win against your enemies...if you stick with God!
Today's reading: Psalm 57-59
"In his unfailing love, my God will come and help me. He will let me look down in triumph on all my enemies." Psalm 59:10 NLT
You will win.
If you stick with God, lean on Him fully, depend on His ways, His timing, His promises to be held up on His end--you will win.
And your enemies?
They'll have to attend the victory party!
Your enemies will see as God lifts your hand high in the air declaring you the victor.
Your enemies will hear the roar of the crowds celebrating your success.
You'll be surrounded by the ones who have been praying. You'll be patted on the back by the dear friends who have reminded you of God's promises and His faithfulness. You'll be showered with joy from the hearts of Christian brothers and sisters who have fought and won their own battles. You'll be admired by those still fighting.
You will win against your enemies...if you stick with God!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 15-19
"...If the Lord sees fit, said David..." 2 Samuel 15:25 NLT
I can hear both of my grandmothers say just that. And really, I'm not surprised it's from the Bible--they were both godly women.
To trust the Lord fully enough that what He allows, you accept?
To believe in His promises completely enough that His time frame is just fine with you?
To have faith large enough to say those words, mean those words and still hurt, still yearn, still seek?
To grasp God's purpose for your life so tightly that you do not stress?
To have a hope so solidly based on His track record that storm clouds on the horizon, waves sloshing over into your boat and mountains so high you cannot see the tops won't faze your walk with Him?
'If the Lord sees fit' I want to be just that kind of gal!
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 15-19
"...If the Lord sees fit, said David..." 2 Samuel 15:25 NLT
I can hear both of my grandmothers say just that. And really, I'm not surprised it's from the Bible--they were both godly women.
To trust the Lord fully enough that what He allows, you accept?
To believe in His promises completely enough that His time frame is just fine with you?
To have faith large enough to say those words, mean those words and still hurt, still yearn, still seek?
To grasp God's purpose for your life so tightly that you do not stress?
To have a hope so solidly based on His track record that storm clouds on the horizon, waves sloshing over into your boat and mountains so high you cannot see the tops won't faze your walk with Him?
'If the Lord sees fit' I want to be just that kind of gal!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Today's reading: Exodus 25-28
Think God's not interested in the small stuff in your life?
Not wanting to bother Him about the little things?
Wanting to save up your time/blessings/answers to prayer for when you might really need Him--like one would use a gift card?
Well, stop!
He's very much interested in the day-to-day, common and easily swept under the rug facets of your life. Think He's not?
Think again.
An entire verse in the Old Testament proves my point. It clearly states, in terms we can all relate to, that God is involved in everything about our lives.
"Also make linen underclothes for them, to be worn next to their bodies, reaching from waist to thigh." Exodus 28:42 NLT
Something as mundane as underwear? Something as common as that?
God's into the details of your life--if you'll but allow Him into them.
Today's reading: Exodus 25-28
Think God's not interested in the small stuff in your life?
Not wanting to bother Him about the little things?
Wanting to save up your time/blessings/answers to prayer for when you might really need Him--like one would use a gift card?
Well, stop!
He's very much interested in the day-to-day, common and easily swept under the rug facets of your life. Think He's not?
Think again.
An entire verse in the Old Testament proves my point. It clearly states, in terms we can all relate to, that God is involved in everything about our lives.
"Also make linen underclothes for them, to be worn next to their bodies, reaching from waist to thigh." Exodus 28:42 NLT
Something as mundane as underwear? Something as common as that?
God's into the details of your life--if you'll but allow Him into them.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 9-10
"...I don't want it to turn out that I was wrong in my boasting about you." 2 Corinthians 9:3 NLT
I'm sending people your way.
Folks in trouble. Folks who are hurting. Folks who desperately need a Savior.
People just like ourselves who know nothing about these 'Christians' everyone is talking bad about.
Well, I've boasted on you--on your heart, on your love, on your family and on your church.
No, alot of you I've never met. But I know...I know He lives within your heart.
So when I send them your way, don't let it turn out I was wrong in what I said!
Love them, no matter how they dress, smell or act. Show them God, regardless of your circumstance or theirs. Shower them with kindness and give them a helping hand.
Make Him, and each other, proud.
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 9-10
"...I don't want it to turn out that I was wrong in my boasting about you." 2 Corinthians 9:3 NLT
I'm sending people your way.
Folks in trouble. Folks who are hurting. Folks who desperately need a Savior.
People just like ourselves who know nothing about these 'Christians' everyone is talking bad about.
Well, I've boasted on you--on your heart, on your love, on your family and on your church.
No, alot of you I've never met. But I know...I know He lives within your heart.
So when I send them your way, don't let it turn out I was wrong in what I said!
Love them, no matter how they dress, smell or act. Show them God, regardless of your circumstance or theirs. Shower them with kindness and give them a helping hand.
Make Him, and each other, proud.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Today's reading: Luke 1-2
"They ran to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger." Luke 2:16 NLT
In a village filled with people being censused.
Complete strangers.
Probably more than common names.
Less than celebrity status.
But Mary and Joseph were found...and in finding them, the Baby was located, oohed and aahed over and worshiped.
Jesus has a way of making people stand out in a crowd. He is evident in one's countenance. He is heard in their speach. He is seen in their lifestyles.
Could one find Him by locating you?
Today's reading: Luke 1-2
"They ran to the village and found Mary and Joseph. And there was the baby, lying in the manger." Luke 2:16 NLT
In a village filled with people being censused.
Complete strangers.
Probably more than common names.
Less than celebrity status.
But Mary and Joseph were found...and in finding them, the Baby was located, oohed and aahed over and worshiped.
Jesus has a way of making people stand out in a crowd. He is evident in one's countenance. He is heard in their speach. He is seen in their lifestyles.
Could one find Him by locating you?
Friday, May 11, 2012
Today's reading: Jeremiah 32-36
"I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the earth. Is anything too hard for me?" Jeremiah 32:27 NLT
It doesn't say it in my Bible, or at least in the translation I use, but I know it's there--in parenthesis right behind the question mark ...
Well, is it?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 32-36
"I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the earth. Is anything too hard for me?" Jeremiah 32:27 NLT
It doesn't say it in my Bible, or at least in the translation I use, but I know it's there--in parenthesis right behind the question mark ...
Well, is it?
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Today's reading: Job 37-38
"...We cannot comprehend the greatness of his power." Job 37:5 NLT
Are you a minimalist when it comes to prayer?
Do you ask God for only the little things? Only the important things? Only the things that we consider within a certain set of pre-conceived boundaries?
Are you a small-time anticipator?
Do you talk to God in terms of expectation?
Do you really, and I mean really, believe He can do what He says He can do?
Might our day be different if we lived it according to a deeply felt belief that what we've asked Him for will come to pass?
How dare we limit God!
Today's reading: Job 37-38
"...We cannot comprehend the greatness of his power." Job 37:5 NLT
Are you a minimalist when it comes to prayer?
Do you ask God for only the little things? Only the important things? Only the things that we consider within a certain set of pre-conceived boundaries?
Are you a small-time anticipator?
Do you talk to God in terms of expectation?
Do you really, and I mean really, believe He can do what He says He can do?
Might our day be different if we lived it according to a deeply felt belief that what we've asked Him for will come to pass?
How dare we limit God!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 54-56
"Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." Psalm 55:22 NLT
A burden is something that is carried; a load. It's usually connected with, in thought, to things that are oppressive or worrisome.
Did you realize 'burden' has another meaning? It's also defined as a duty or obligation.
Are you giving your daily obligations to God? Are you talking to Him about your to-do list? Your plans for the day? The errands? The tasks?
Talked to Him about the laundry needing to be done? The dishes still in the sink? The toilet that needs cleaned? The bills to be paid? The job you're needing to spend the next 8 hours at? The everyday things?
Give them to Him.
Today's reading: Psalm 54-56
"Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." Psalm 55:22 NLT
A burden is something that is carried; a load. It's usually connected with, in thought, to things that are oppressive or worrisome.
Did you realize 'burden' has another meaning? It's also defined as a duty or obligation.
Are you giving your daily obligations to God? Are you talking to Him about your to-do list? Your plans for the day? The errands? The tasks?
Talked to Him about the laundry needing to be done? The dishes still in the sink? The toilet that needs cleaned? The bills to be paid? The job you're needing to spend the next 8 hours at? The everyday things?
Give them to Him.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 10-14
"Late one afternoon David got out of bed after taking a nap and went for a stroll on the roof of the palace. As he looked over the city, he noticed a woman of unusual beauty taking a bath." 2 Samuel 11:2 NLT
Scholars will argue David was not where David should have been. In the spring of the year, all the good kings were off to war. David, chose to stay home.
My Dad would say David's problems started when he decided to 'sleep the day away'.
There are some who will blame Bathsheba for David's problems.
Which ever camp you're roasting marshmallows in, I believe we can all agree--David, despite circumstances, could have stopped the chain reaction at several points in the story!
Can't we all?
David chose to stay home, but could've used his time a little more wisely.
David saw, but could've stopped himself from acting upon his lusts.
David wanted, but could've have stopped himself from sending for her.
David desired to cover up his mistakes, but could've stopped himself from issuing orders to kill Uriah.
David had many opportunities to stop sinning, but chose not to...and the consequences were pricey.
And us?
Whether it's refraining from stating our mind, sticking to a diet, opting to pray instead of worry, forgiving instead of fuming, looking for God's will instead of an easy out, we can all stop where we are and choose not to sin anymore.
Where will you stop the chain of events your choices are forming?
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 10-14
"Late one afternoon David got out of bed after taking a nap and went for a stroll on the roof of the palace. As he looked over the city, he noticed a woman of unusual beauty taking a bath." 2 Samuel 11:2 NLT
Scholars will argue David was not where David should have been. In the spring of the year, all the good kings were off to war. David, chose to stay home.
My Dad would say David's problems started when he decided to 'sleep the day away'.
There are some who will blame Bathsheba for David's problems.
Which ever camp you're roasting marshmallows in, I believe we can all agree--David, despite circumstances, could have stopped the chain reaction at several points in the story!
Can't we all?
David chose to stay home, but could've used his time a little more wisely.
David saw, but could've stopped himself from acting upon his lusts.
David wanted, but could've have stopped himself from sending for her.
David desired to cover up his mistakes, but could've stopped himself from issuing orders to kill Uriah.
David had many opportunities to stop sinning, but chose not to...and the consequences were pricey.
And us?
Whether it's refraining from stating our mind, sticking to a diet, opting to pray instead of worry, forgiving instead of fuming, looking for God's will instead of an easy out, we can all stop where we are and choose not to sin anymore.
Where will you stop the chain of events your choices are forming?
Monday, May 7, 2012
Today's reading: Exodus 21-24
"Suppose someone digs or uncovers a well and fails to cover it, and then an ox or a donkey falls into it. The owner of the well must pay in full for the dead animal but then gets to keep it." Exodus 21:33-34 NLT
This month marks four years we've lived on our small farm. The time has passed quickly and we have amassed more blessings than I would have ever dreamed for having moved to the country.
Case in point: Upon arriving on our littl piece of land, there were two simple requests made...Isaiah wanted a barn cat and I wanted 5 chickens.
Oh my, has our cup runneth over!
We're now the proud owners of 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 goats, 9 rabbits, 19 guineas, 30 (or so--they're hard to count) chickens, 3 turtles and 2 horses.
Maybe that's why today's verse caught my eye.
I do not want anyone elses' animals--dead or alive.
I will cover my wells. I will refrain from leaving pits uncovered. I will not willingly dig holes that another's livestock might end up in.
Physically and spiritually.
I must refrain from digging pits of doubt, holes of worry and wells of self-sufficiency. I cannot afford the time wasted to dig them--or risk a Christian brother or sister falling into one of them, and me 'inheriting' their stuff.
God's Word instructs us on how best to care for ourselves (don't dig the wells) and how to best care for our neighbors--if we'll only listen.
Today's reading: Exodus 21-24
"Suppose someone digs or uncovers a well and fails to cover it, and then an ox or a donkey falls into it. The owner of the well must pay in full for the dead animal but then gets to keep it." Exodus 21:33-34 NLT
This month marks four years we've lived on our small farm. The time has passed quickly and we have amassed more blessings than I would have ever dreamed for having moved to the country.
Case in point: Upon arriving on our littl piece of land, there were two simple requests made...Isaiah wanted a barn cat and I wanted 5 chickens.
Oh my, has our cup runneth over!
We're now the proud owners of 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 goats, 9 rabbits, 19 guineas, 30 (or so--they're hard to count) chickens, 3 turtles and 2 horses.
Maybe that's why today's verse caught my eye.
I do not want anyone elses' animals--dead or alive.
I will cover my wells. I will refrain from leaving pits uncovered. I will not willingly dig holes that another's livestock might end up in.
Physically and spiritually.
I must refrain from digging pits of doubt, holes of worry and wells of self-sufficiency. I cannot afford the time wasted to dig them--or risk a Christian brother or sister falling into one of them, and me 'inheriting' their stuff.
God's Word instructs us on how best to care for ourselves (don't dig the wells) and how to best care for our neighbors--if we'll only listen.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 6-8
"...We have righteousness as our weapon, both to attack and to defend ourselves." 2 Corinthians 6:7 NLT
I've been thinking this morning...
Do I use righteousness, God's power within me, the extraordinary gift of being a child of God's in my daily battles?
Am I clothed in His righteousness to the extent that satan shudders to think of attacking me?
Do I wear (daily putting it on) His power in a way that insures where ever I am, what ever I come up against, who ever might be wearing satan's disguise that I'm ready for battle?
I'm going to have to fight--am I willing to suit up for the battle?
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 6-8
"...We have righteousness as our weapon, both to attack and to defend ourselves." 2 Corinthians 6:7 NLT
I've been thinking this morning...
Do I use righteousness, God's power within me, the extraordinary gift of being a child of God's in my daily battles?
Am I clothed in His righteousness to the extent that satan shudders to think of attacking me?
Do I wear (daily putting it on) His power in a way that insures where ever I am, what ever I come up against, who ever might be wearing satan's disguise that I'm ready for battle?
I'm going to have to fight--am I willing to suit up for the battle?
Friday, May 4, 2012
Today's reading: Jeremiah 27-31
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
I know about God.
He is omnipotent. He is all-powerful. He is omniscient. He is unchanging. He is merciful. He is mighty. He is loving.
And, in regards to me, He must, at times, be exasperated!
You see, alot of our day, God's and mine, is spent in a heated debate over who knows what's best for my life.
Oh, I know the verse. I can quote the verse. I've written out the verse and sent it in cards. I even have it underlined in my Bible.
God knows the plans He has for me.
But I've also got some pretty good ideas about what would work well in my life--and I'm constantly and consistently offering them up to Him.
I have some very nice, very comfortable, suggestions I provide Him. I have some superb ambitions. Lofty goals. Pretty exciting plans.
God listens to each and every one of them. He endures my ramblings. He graciously allows me to broach certain subjects again and again--and again and again.
And He smiles and nods. He pats me on the back, draws me close and comforts me. He sends me on my way allowing me to choose His path or the fine one I've mapped out for myself.
And there He is waiting when I caome running back with skinned knees, a tear-stained face and a broken heart.
He loves me and He has some great plans for me...greater plans than I have for myself!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 27-31
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 NLT
I know about God.
He is omnipotent. He is all-powerful. He is omniscient. He is unchanging. He is merciful. He is mighty. He is loving.
And, in regards to me, He must, at times, be exasperated!
You see, alot of our day, God's and mine, is spent in a heated debate over who knows what's best for my life.
Oh, I know the verse. I can quote the verse. I've written out the verse and sent it in cards. I even have it underlined in my Bible.
God knows the plans He has for me.
But I've also got some pretty good ideas about what would work well in my life--and I'm constantly and consistently offering them up to Him.
I have some very nice, very comfortable, suggestions I provide Him. I have some superb ambitions. Lofty goals. Pretty exciting plans.
God listens to each and every one of them. He endures my ramblings. He graciously allows me to broach certain subjects again and again--and again and again.
And He smiles and nods. He pats me on the back, draws me close and comforts me. He sends me on my way allowing me to choose His path or the fine one I've mapped out for myself.
And there He is waiting when I caome running back with skinned knees, a tear-stained face and a broken heart.
He loves me and He has some great plans for me...greater plans than I have for myself!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Today's reading: Job 35-36
"Look, God is all-powerful!.." Job 36:22 NLT
I needed this reminder today.
Oh, it's something I knew. Information I'd heard. A fact I'd depended upon in past situations.
But something happened that caused me to forget. Life got in the way and the knowledge of my heart was detoured.
Nothing specific really happened--and that's just what the enemy loves to see happen.
My eyes were taken off of God for a while and put on my own strengths, weaknesses, abilities and disabiliies. I was busy looking into what others could do for me, with me and to me.
My vision was clouded with doubt, fear and worry. Molehills, which is just what they are in comparison to God, grew into mountains. Seeds took root and began to take over. Sparks were fanned into flames that crisped and charred my faith.
My walk was littered with obstacles I needed to step around, not be stopped by. Little things tripped me up. Old habits reared their ugly heads. Temptations were around every turn.
But today?
My God is all-powerful! He is Who He says He is. He can do everything He says He can do. I am His beloved child. He has fought and won my battles for me. I am powerful clinging to Him.
Oh, did I ever need reminded of that this morning.
Today's reading: Job 35-36
"Look, God is all-powerful!.." Job 36:22 NLT
I needed this reminder today.
Oh, it's something I knew. Information I'd heard. A fact I'd depended upon in past situations.
But something happened that caused me to forget. Life got in the way and the knowledge of my heart was detoured.
Nothing specific really happened--and that's just what the enemy loves to see happen.
My eyes were taken off of God for a while and put on my own strengths, weaknesses, abilities and disabiliies. I was busy looking into what others could do for me, with me and to me.
My vision was clouded with doubt, fear and worry. Molehills, which is just what they are in comparison to God, grew into mountains. Seeds took root and began to take over. Sparks were fanned into flames that crisped and charred my faith.
My walk was littered with obstacles I needed to step around, not be stopped by. Little things tripped me up. Old habits reared their ugly heads. Temptations were around every turn.
But today?
My God is all-powerful! He is Who He says He is. He can do everything He says He can do. I am His beloved child. He has fought and won my battles for me. I am powerful clinging to Him.
Oh, did I ever need reminded of that this morning.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Today's reading: Psalm 51-53
"Don't keep looking at my sins..." Psalm 51:9 NLT
I'm not sure I can speak for you, but I am my worst critic. I'm hard on myself. I berate myself over failed attempts that I'd view in someone elses' life to be simple mistakes. I nit-pick my flaws to the bone. I have a running tally in my head of all my sins, mis-steps and slip-ups.
Maybe David did, too.
He wrote this psalm during a time he was pondering his conversation with Nathan about the story of the little lamb stolen from a neighbor.
David was wrong in what he did.
David changed lives by what he did.
David broke God's heart by what he did.
But God forgave. God cleansed. God chose, by His nature, not to bring it up again.
So, did David write those words to remind God not to look at his sins anymoe or did he write it to remind himself?
What's happened has happened. What's over is over. What's forgiven by God is not brought up again!
Today's reading: Psalm 51-53
"Don't keep looking at my sins..." Psalm 51:9 NLT
I'm not sure I can speak for you, but I am my worst critic. I'm hard on myself. I berate myself over failed attempts that I'd view in someone elses' life to be simple mistakes. I nit-pick my flaws to the bone. I have a running tally in my head of all my sins, mis-steps and slip-ups.
Maybe David did, too.
He wrote this psalm during a time he was pondering his conversation with Nathan about the story of the little lamb stolen from a neighbor.
David was wrong in what he did.
David changed lives by what he did.
David broke God's heart by what he did.
But God forgave. God cleansed. God chose, by His nature, not to bring it up again.
So, did David write those words to remind God not to look at his sins anymoe or did he write it to remind himself?
What's happened has happened. What's over is over. What's forgiven by God is not brought up again!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 5-9
"Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and prayed, Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family that you have brought me this far?" 2 Samuel 7:18 NLT
I'm asking the same question this morning.
I've quieted myself. I've paused. I've bowed before the Lord. I've approached Him and He received me.
And all I can ask?
Who am I?
That He would do all 'this' for me?
That He would bless me with a family?
That He would die for me?
That He would allow me into His presence?
That He would be there when I stopped to look for Him?
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 5-9
"Then King David went in and sat before the Lord and prayed, Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family that you have brought me this far?" 2 Samuel 7:18 NLT
I'm asking the same question this morning.
I've quieted myself. I've paused. I've bowed before the Lord. I've approached Him and He received me.
And all I can ask?
Who am I?
That He would do all 'this' for me?
That He would bless me with a family?
That He would die for me?
That He would allow me into His presence?
That He would be there when I stopped to look for Him?
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