Today's reading: Deuteronomy 7-9
"I will say it again. The Lord your God is not giving you this good land because you are righteous, for you are not--you are a stubborn people." Deuteronomy 9:6 NLT
Although I'm as Gentile a one could possibly be, I'm believing I may be part Jewish. No, no genealogical proof or family practices that lead me to believe that way, but there is a striking resemblance--stubbornness!
Nothing I have, despite what I lead myself to believe, is due to my godliness or greatness in God's eyes!
Nothing I've done, worth doing, has anything to do with God's favor resting upon me for my Christian deeds!
My stubborn streak overrides my knowledge of this fact on too many an occasion. My pride allows my head to think I just might be deserving of all God's blessings. My self-centeredness plants all kinds of weedy seeds of sin into my heart that sprout into tree-sized fantasies of my importance in the grand scheme of things.
And then I'm reminded, like in today's verse, that it's not about me.
It's all about Him and how very much He loves me, despite me being as much like myself as I am. God is so good!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Today's reading: James 1-3
"So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all--it is dead and useless." James 2:17 NLT
What's showing in regards to your faith?
Are your words filled with hope and anticipation or doubt and dread?
Do your actions lead others to know Whose you are?
Are your temptations just that, temptations and not life-entangling sins?
Are those around you amazed by what you're still clinging to after a lot of others would have thrown in the towel?
Is your faith showing?
Today's reading: James 1-3
"So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all--it is dead and useless." James 2:17 NLT
What's showing in regards to your faith?
Are your words filled with hope and anticipation or doubt and dread?
Do your actions lead others to know Whose you are?
Are your temptations just that, temptations and not life-entangling sins?
Are those around you amazed by what you're still clinging to after a lot of others would have thrown in the towel?
Is your faith showing?
Friday, October 28, 2011
Today's reading: Habakkuk
"How long, O Lord, must I call for help?.." Habakkk 1:2 NLT
I spent a portion of my morning conversing with a friend who is as mad as a wet hen at God. She cannot believe He is taking them down a certain path, not answering in the way she wishes He would and, this might be her biggest complaint, He is not doing it quickly enough for her liking.
Time, the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.
I understand her complaints. Her family is hurting. Her heart is broken. Her strength is wavering. Her faith is faultering. Her ears are beginning to be filled with satan's lies. Her prayers seem to be unheard. Her back is bent to breaking with this burden.
But would tomorrow be too late for God's glory to shine? Would next week be too late for the Lord to be honored and praised for a prodigal to return? Would next year be too late for a lost loved one to receive the Savior? Would anything He does for us be worth waiting another minute, another hour, another day?
Would eight days have been too long for God to create our great, big, beautiful world, instead of seven? Would Lazarus' resurrection have been any less miraculous if it had occurred in fewer or more days? Would our sins have been washed any whiter because Christ's three days in the tomb would have ended up being four days?
Who are we to judge God's motives, abilities or love based on a human idea called time?
Today's reading: Habakkuk
"How long, O Lord, must I call for help?.." Habakkk 1:2 NLT
I spent a portion of my morning conversing with a friend who is as mad as a wet hen at God. She cannot believe He is taking them down a certain path, not answering in the way she wishes He would and, this might be her biggest complaint, He is not doing it quickly enough for her liking.
Time, the measured or measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues.
I understand her complaints. Her family is hurting. Her heart is broken. Her strength is wavering. Her faith is faultering. Her ears are beginning to be filled with satan's lies. Her prayers seem to be unheard. Her back is bent to breaking with this burden.
But would tomorrow be too late for God's glory to shine? Would next week be too late for the Lord to be honored and praised for a prodigal to return? Would next year be too late for a lost loved one to receive the Savior? Would anything He does for us be worth waiting another minute, another hour, another day?
Would eight days have been too long for God to create our great, big, beautiful world, instead of seven? Would Lazarus' resurrection have been any less miraculous if it had occurred in fewer or more days? Would our sins have been washed any whiter because Christ's three days in the tomb would have ended up being four days?
Who are we to judge God's motives, abilities or love based on a human idea called time?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1-2
"But as I looked around at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all meaningless. It was like chasing the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere." Ecclesiastes 2:11 NLT
It takes me only a small percentage of time, in comparison to Solomon, to look over all I've accomplished. What I have built, what I have succeeded in, what I have because of my hard work is minute.
What I do see that I have done, is like he said, meaningless. Feeble. Poorly done, but done none the less.
But when I look at all God's done? When I stop long enough to count all the blessings, happenings, sins forgiven and opportunities He has allowed into my life--I am amazed!
Any good that has come from my hands, any of my words penned that touched a heart, any healing offered or advice given on my behalf, well, they're really from Him and He's allowing me to be a part of it!
No, nothing I've done is worth much, especially in comparison to all He's done and is doing.
Today's reading: Ecclesiastes 1-2
"But as I looked around at everything I had worked so hard to accomplish, it was all meaningless. It was like chasing the wind. There was nothing really worthwhile anywhere." Ecclesiastes 2:11 NLT
It takes me only a small percentage of time, in comparison to Solomon, to look over all I've accomplished. What I have built, what I have succeeded in, what I have because of my hard work is minute.
What I do see that I have done, is like he said, meaningless. Feeble. Poorly done, but done none the less.
But when I look at all God's done? When I stop long enough to count all the blessings, happenings, sins forgiven and opportunities He has allowed into my life--I am amazed!
Any good that has come from my hands, any of my words penned that touched a heart, any healing offered or advice given on my behalf, well, they're really from Him and He's allowing me to be a part of it!
No, nothing I've done is worth much, especially in comparison to all He's done and is doing.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 122-124
The catch phrase of this century might well be, alternative lifestyle. It's a title one might apply to oneself if how you live, what you believe and the morals (or lack of them) differs from peers, family or society.
Most alternative lifestyles are sin-filled, publicity-making, government supported, hell-bound and God-spurning. What to do?
I recommend, in a fly-in-their-face move, not an alternative lifestyle, but an attentive lifestyle.
"We look to the Lord our God for his mercy, just as servants keep their eyes on their master, as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal." Psalm 123:2 NLT
Keeping our eyes on our Creator--at all times! Sticking so closely to Him that we notice, and attend to, His slightest nod, His raised eyebrow or His simple smile.
Attentive to our Savior. Immersed in His will. Observant to His directives. Absorbed in doing anything, anything at all, we can do just to please Him!
So, may I ask--are you living an alternative lifestyle, or an attentive one?
Today's reading: Psalm 122-124
The catch phrase of this century might well be, alternative lifestyle. It's a title one might apply to oneself if how you live, what you believe and the morals (or lack of them) differs from peers, family or society.
Most alternative lifestyles are sin-filled, publicity-making, government supported, hell-bound and God-spurning. What to do?
I recommend, in a fly-in-their-face move, not an alternative lifestyle, but an attentive lifestyle.
"We look to the Lord our God for his mercy, just as servants keep their eyes on their master, as a slave girl watches her mistress for the slightest signal." Psalm 123:2 NLT
Keeping our eyes on our Creator--at all times! Sticking so closely to Him that we notice, and attend to, His slightest nod, His raised eyebrow or His simple smile.
Attentive to our Savior. Immersed in His will. Observant to His directives. Absorbed in doing anything, anything at all, we can do just to please Him!
So, may I ask--are you living an alternative lifestyle, or an attentive one?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 25-28
"Amaziah did what was pleasing in the Lord's sight, but not wholeheartedly." 2 Chronicles 25:2 NLT
Half-hearted service. You've experienced it, haven't you? The help you received from someone doing it because they had to versus someone truly serving you from the heart. The gift given out of duty versus the gift given out of love.
Are you serving half-heartedly? Three-quarter-heartedly? Maybe you're serving at a 99%? Is what you're doing for the Lord becoming spite-filled and heartless? Are you mumbling and grumbling more than praising? Are you drawing folks into service--or driving them away because of your attitude?
What's best? Serving, just to get it done or stepping aside and allowing someone who can do it wholeheartedly to take over? Oh, I know--one never hears the suggestion to 'quit' inside the walls of the church, but are our half-hearted attempts what is keeping the Church from exploding like fireworks in this dark world?
What if Christ had died for 'most' of our sins? What if He had given Himself for a majority of the population? Where would we be?
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 25-28
"Amaziah did what was pleasing in the Lord's sight, but not wholeheartedly." 2 Chronicles 25:2 NLT
Half-hearted service. You've experienced it, haven't you? The help you received from someone doing it because they had to versus someone truly serving you from the heart. The gift given out of duty versus the gift given out of love.
Are you serving half-heartedly? Three-quarter-heartedly? Maybe you're serving at a 99%? Is what you're doing for the Lord becoming spite-filled and heartless? Are you mumbling and grumbling more than praising? Are you drawing folks into service--or driving them away because of your attitude?
What's best? Serving, just to get it done or stepping aside and allowing someone who can do it wholeheartedly to take over? Oh, I know--one never hears the suggestion to 'quit' inside the walls of the church, but are our half-hearted attempts what is keeping the Church from exploding like fireworks in this dark world?
What if Christ had died for 'most' of our sins? What if He had given Himself for a majority of the population? Where would we be?
Monday, October 24, 2011
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 4-6
"Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name." Deuteronomy 4:2 NLT
I don't curse. That being said, I thought I could write this one of the 'ten' off my list of things to do.
But, alas!
My commentary has stated that not only should we refrain from using God's name (or simple words supposed to substitute--for example, gosh) in an unholy manner, but we should not fail to give Him credit when credit is due.
Therefore, my dilemna.
I do not give my Lord enough praise. I do not mention His name in honor often enough. I do not applaud Him publicly as frequently as I should, and He deserves.
Smearing His name is not something I do--overlooking His greatness, well, I'm guilty.
Today's reading: Deuteronomy 4-6
"Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God. The Lord will not let you go unpunished if you misuse his name." Deuteronomy 4:2 NLT
I don't curse. That being said, I thought I could write this one of the 'ten' off my list of things to do.
But, alas!
My commentary has stated that not only should we refrain from using God's name (or simple words supposed to substitute--for example, gosh) in an unholy manner, but we should not fail to give Him credit when credit is due.
Therefore, my dilemna.
I do not give my Lord enough praise. I do not mention His name in honor often enough. I do not applaud Him publicly as frequently as I should, and He deserves.
Smearing His name is not something I do--overlooking His greatness, well, I'm guilty.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Today's reading: Acts 9-10
"All who heard him were amazed, Isn't this the man who..." Acts 9:21 NLT
Luke's talking about Saul/Paul in this verse--but couldn't it be about any one of us?
When we begin to speak of Jesus, couldn't it be said of us...
Why, isn't she the gal who used to allow her mouth free reign?
Isn't she the gal who spouted off whatever she thought to who ever was listening?
Wasn't she the woman who stirred up all that trouble?
Don't you remember who she used to be?
I believe Luke's verse can apply to each one of us! Who we were should be miles from who we are today.
Today's reading: Acts 9-10
"All who heard him were amazed, Isn't this the man who..." Acts 9:21 NLT
Luke's talking about Saul/Paul in this verse--but couldn't it be about any one of us?
When we begin to speak of Jesus, couldn't it be said of us...
Why, isn't she the gal who used to allow her mouth free reign?
Isn't she the gal who spouted off whatever she thought to who ever was listening?
Wasn't she the woman who stirred up all that trouble?
Don't you remember who she used to be?
I believe Luke's verse can apply to each one of us! Who we were should be miles from who we are today.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Today's reading: Hebrews 11-13
"No discipline is pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, you will reap a harvest of righetousness and peace if you have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11 NIV
My favorite verse in the whole Bible. So applicable to life. So easy to understand. So useful in the happenings of the day.
I've used it's wisdom to lose weight.
I've used it in governing the weapon of my mouth.
I've encouraged myself and others with its promise.
I've memorized and meditated upon its truths.
Got a favorite verse? Do you have one you go to repeatedly? Have one memorized and set into your heart?
I'd be glad to share mine--or you can choose another!
Today's reading: Hebrews 11-13
"No discipline is pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, you will reap a harvest of righetousness and peace if you have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11 NIV
My favorite verse in the whole Bible. So applicable to life. So easy to understand. So useful in the happenings of the day.
I've used it's wisdom to lose weight.
I've used it in governing the weapon of my mouth.
I've encouraged myself and others with its promise.
I've memorized and meditated upon its truths.
Got a favorite verse? Do you have one you go to repeatedly? Have one memorized and set into your heart?
I'd be glad to share mine--or you can choose another!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Today's reading: Nahum
"The Lord is a jealous God..." Nahum 1:2 NLT
We've heard it. We've read it. We think we understand it.
But do we?
Jealous is an adjective meaning to be intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness.
Does my Creator have reason to be jealous this morning of any activities, loved ones or undone tasks I am involved with? Who, or what, am I allowing to cut into my time with Him--and His time with me? Where in my day might He have reason to find me unfaithful in our relationship?
Might my attitude be 'stepping out on Him' in regards to various issues I face? Is my relationship with the clock casting a dark shadow over what I am willing to give/receive/do for my Lord?
Our God is a jealous God. How does that knowledge affect our day?
Today's reading: Nahum
"The Lord is a jealous God..." Nahum 1:2 NLT
We've heard it. We've read it. We think we understand it.
But do we?
Jealous is an adjective meaning to be intolerant of rivalry or unfaithfulness.
Does my Creator have reason to be jealous this morning of any activities, loved ones or undone tasks I am involved with? Who, or what, am I allowing to cut into my time with Him--and His time with me? Where in my day might He have reason to find me unfaithful in our relationship?
Might my attitude be 'stepping out on Him' in regards to various issues I face? Is my relationship with the clock casting a dark shadow over what I am willing to give/receive/do for my Lord?
Our God is a jealous God. How does that knowledge affect our day?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Today's reading: Proverbs 31
Reading Proverbs 31 is one of my least favorite things to do. Oh, she's admirable--I'll give her that. She's economically wise--highly esteemed in today's day and time. She's a planner--we may have a common thread going there. But to compare myself to her? I come up lacking!
That's all right.
Well, it is now. For years I've compared myself to her and have fallen short of the standard she's set. I've beaten myself up over not having it all together like P31 has. I've laughed about her abilities, knowing deep down it was envy not humor driving the heart.
Then a dear friend gave me a small wooden plaque to hang in my kitchen. Nothing fancy, really. A rough sawn board, a piece of hanging wire and a red gingham ribbon--and words that perk me up and place me back where I believe God intends me to be:
Jesus knows me, this I love.
When she first handed the prize to me, I thought, 'Oh, how cute. How very nice. The song I've sung for years and years.' But when I got home and re-read its words, I soon realized it's not the same words I've had in my heart since childhood.
Jesus knows me, and still died on the cross for me. Jesus knows me, and still intercedes on my behalf to His Father. Jesus knows me, and still chooses to stand beside me. Jesus knows me, how short I fall of the standards set by godly women, how many times I screw up, how unlovely I truly am--this I love!
A special thanks to my dear friend for her thoughtful gift...and a new look at P31!
Today's reading: Proverbs 31
Reading Proverbs 31 is one of my least favorite things to do. Oh, she's admirable--I'll give her that. She's economically wise--highly esteemed in today's day and time. She's a planner--we may have a common thread going there. But to compare myself to her? I come up lacking!
That's all right.
Well, it is now. For years I've compared myself to her and have fallen short of the standard she's set. I've beaten myself up over not having it all together like P31 has. I've laughed about her abilities, knowing deep down it was envy not humor driving the heart.
Then a dear friend gave me a small wooden plaque to hang in my kitchen. Nothing fancy, really. A rough sawn board, a piece of hanging wire and a red gingham ribbon--and words that perk me up and place me back where I believe God intends me to be:
Jesus knows me, this I love.
When she first handed the prize to me, I thought, 'Oh, how cute. How very nice. The song I've sung for years and years.' But when I got home and re-read its words, I soon realized it's not the same words I've had in my heart since childhood.
Jesus knows me, and still died on the cross for me. Jesus knows me, and still intercedes on my behalf to His Father. Jesus knows me, and still chooses to stand beside me. Jesus knows me, how short I fall of the standards set by godly women, how many times I screw up, how unlovely I truly am--this I love!
A special thanks to my dear friend for her thoughtful gift...and a new look at P31!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 120-121
"He will not let you stumble and fall, the one who watched over you will not sleep." Psalm 121:3 NLT
Contrary to what you might be feeling, how you view the circumstances you find yourself in and what well-meaning friends have said--God is still on your side!
He has not excused Himself from your life.
No vacation for Him.
No potty breaks.
No turning His head to sneeze and thus allowing the universe to function on its own for a brief time.
At no time in your life, or in the lifetime of our great, big world, has He ever created a time when He thought any one of us could 'go it alone'.
He is with you. He is evident in your life. He is in your inhaling and in your exhaling. He is as close as your pulse and as up-to-date on your life's story as your fingerprints.
You, no matter how you feel, have to know He is with you!
Today's reading: Psalm 120-121
"He will not let you stumble and fall, the one who watched over you will not sleep." Psalm 121:3 NLT
Contrary to what you might be feeling, how you view the circumstances you find yourself in and what well-meaning friends have said--God is still on your side!
He has not excused Himself from your life.
No vacation for Him.
No potty breaks.
No turning His head to sneeze and thus allowing the universe to function on its own for a brief time.
At no time in your life, or in the lifetime of our great, big world, has He ever created a time when He thought any one of us could 'go it alone'.
He is with you. He is evident in your life. He is in your inhaling and in your exhaling. He is as close as your pulse and as up-to-date on your life's story as your fingerprints.
You, no matter how you feel, have to know He is with you!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 21-24
"Joash remained hidden in the Temple of God for six years while Athaliah ruled over the land." 2 Chronicles 22:12 NLT
There are alot of days I'd like to stash my son away within the walls of the church.
I'd prefer not to introduce him to some of the living arrangements his friends are forced to endure because of their parents' divorces.
I'd like for him to never, and I do mean never, see or even hear of two men kissing, pretending to be married or, well, let's not go any farther.
I'd consider myself a good mother if he were to grow up never hearing foul language, seeing provocative dress (although let's be honest, church attire isn't what it used to be) or sexually suggestive advertisements.
But I cannot hide him in the church. His light wouldn't shine in the dark world if I did. His impact would not be felt among his unsaved friends and loved ones.
Hiding him away from the world and its lures is tempting, very tempting...but I'll trust God to help me help him.
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 21-24
"Joash remained hidden in the Temple of God for six years while Athaliah ruled over the land." 2 Chronicles 22:12 NLT
There are alot of days I'd like to stash my son away within the walls of the church.
I'd prefer not to introduce him to some of the living arrangements his friends are forced to endure because of their parents' divorces.
I'd like for him to never, and I do mean never, see or even hear of two men kissing, pretending to be married or, well, let's not go any farther.
I'd consider myself a good mother if he were to grow up never hearing foul language, seeing provocative dress (although let's be honest, church attire isn't what it used to be) or sexually suggestive advertisements.
But I cannot hide him in the church. His light wouldn't shine in the dark world if I did. His impact would not be felt among his unsaved friends and loved ones.
Hiding him away from the world and its lures is tempting, very tempting...but I'll trust God to help me help him.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Today's reading: Acts 5-6
"Meanwhile the apostles were performing many miraculouse signs and wonders among the people. And the believers were meeting regularly at the Temple in the area known as Solomon's Colonnade. No one else dared to join them, though everyone had high regard for them." Acts 5:12-13 NLT
Maybe you've invited your friends and family members to church until you're blue in the face. Quite possibly your neighbors known your worship service times as well as you, since you've asked them to attend for the past several years--weekly.
But you still don't see them in the crowd on Sunday morning?
Trust God.
The apostles had to. They had to believe God was working behind the scenes, even when they saw no evidence of it.
You do, too.
Your commitment level is noticed by those not committed to Christ. Your dedication to your house of worship is affecting others. Your dedication to God and His ways has a ripple effect that goes far beyond the walls of your house.
People are noticing. People stand in admiration. And when they come to Christ? They'll be wishing they'd have listened to you sooner!
Today's reading: Acts 5-6
"Meanwhile the apostles were performing many miraculouse signs and wonders among the people. And the believers were meeting regularly at the Temple in the area known as Solomon's Colonnade. No one else dared to join them, though everyone had high regard for them." Acts 5:12-13 NLT
Maybe you've invited your friends and family members to church until you're blue in the face. Quite possibly your neighbors known your worship service times as well as you, since you've asked them to attend for the past several years--weekly.
But you still don't see them in the crowd on Sunday morning?
Trust God.
The apostles had to. They had to believe God was working behind the scenes, even when they saw no evidence of it.
You do, too.
Your commitment level is noticed by those not committed to Christ. Your dedication to your house of worship is affecting others. Your dedication to God and His ways has a ripple effect that goes far beyond the walls of your house.
People are noticing. People stand in admiration. And when they come to Christ? They'll be wishing they'd have listened to you sooner!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Today's reading: Hebrews 8-10
"Now when someone dies and leaves a will, no one gets anything until it is proved that the person who wrote the will is dead. The will goes into effect only after the death of the person who wrote it. While the person is still alive, no one can use the will to get any of the things promised to them. That is why blood was required under the first covenant as a proof of death." Hebrews 9:16-18 NLT
Blood is required, even in 2011.
Attempts have been made to 'clean up' the Christian views. The mess and disgust of blood are a little less than desirable to some. Sacrifice, especially a blood sacrifice, is considered taboo in some circles of conversation.
But, it's still required.
Christ's blood was what was needed to wash away my sins. His death on the cross was my only hope. His decision to die on Calvary is all that saves me from myself and from the pits of hell.
While Christ lived on earth He did many great and wonderful things. He touched broken bodies, mended shattered lives and restored health and well-being...but until His death, He couldn't do a thing for me!
Today's reading: Hebrews 8-10
"Now when someone dies and leaves a will, no one gets anything until it is proved that the person who wrote the will is dead. The will goes into effect only after the death of the person who wrote it. While the person is still alive, no one can use the will to get any of the things promised to them. That is why blood was required under the first covenant as a proof of death." Hebrews 9:16-18 NLT
Blood is required, even in 2011.
Attempts have been made to 'clean up' the Christian views. The mess and disgust of blood are a little less than desirable to some. Sacrifice, especially a blood sacrifice, is considered taboo in some circles of conversation.
But, it's still required.
Christ's blood was what was needed to wash away my sins. His death on the cross was my only hope. His decision to die on Calvary is all that saves me from myself and from the pits of hell.
While Christ lived on earth He did many great and wonderful things. He touched broken bodies, mended shattered lives and restored health and well-being...but until His death, He couldn't do a thing for me!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Today's reading: Micah
"Yes, says the Lord, I will do mighty miracles for you, like those I did when I rescued you from slavery in Egypt." Micah 7:15 NLT
Chains loosed. A sea path. Flakes of food. Quail you could catch. Fire by night and a cloud by day. Water from a rock. When it comes to miracles, the children of Israel saw them, experienced them, had the privilege of partaking of them!
I believe God's willing to do the same things for you. Mighty miracles, He says!
Miracles bigger and grander than the Creator-painted morning sky. More intricate and detailed than our individualized fingerprints. More awe-inspiring than the process of growth and birth. More delicate and fragile than butterfly wings.
He will do miracles for you. Maybe, just maybe, He already has. Quite possibly, you've overlooked what He's done--but I truly believe as one of His children, you're aware of anything bearing His mark of excellence!
Today's reading: Micah
"Yes, says the Lord, I will do mighty miracles for you, like those I did when I rescued you from slavery in Egypt." Micah 7:15 NLT
Chains loosed. A sea path. Flakes of food. Quail you could catch. Fire by night and a cloud by day. Water from a rock. When it comes to miracles, the children of Israel saw them, experienced them, had the privilege of partaking of them!
I believe God's willing to do the same things for you. Mighty miracles, He says!
Miracles bigger and grander than the Creator-painted morning sky. More intricate and detailed than our individualized fingerprints. More awe-inspiring than the process of growth and birth. More delicate and fragile than butterfly wings.
He will do miracles for you. Maybe, just maybe, He already has. Quite possibly, you've overlooked what He's done--but I truly believe as one of His children, you're aware of anything bearing His mark of excellence!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Today's reading: Proverbs 29-30
"Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world? What is his name--and his son's name? Tell me if you know!" Proverbs 30:4 NLT
Amazing, isn't He?
Mighty, isn't He?
Capable, isn't He?
You do know Him--don't you?
Today's reading: Proverbs 29-30
"Who but God goes up to heaven and comes back down? Who holds the wind in his fists? Who wraps up the oceans in his cloak? Who has created the whole wide world? What is his name--and his son's name? Tell me if you know!" Proverbs 30:4 NLT
Amazing, isn't He?
Mighty, isn't He?
Capable, isn't He?
You do know Him--don't you?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 119
You certainly have a sense of humor, don't you, Lord? In my quick prayer to you this morning I asked for something in your Word to jump out at me quickly, since I've got a lot of things on my plate this morning, today and this evening...and Yyou responded.
Yes, You responded by assigning me the longest chapter in the Bible!
And the verse that caught my attention?
"I am overwhelmed continually..." Psalm 119:20 NLT
Boy, did that ever catch my eye! That's me in a nutshell. That's the headline for my day. That's just what I was complaining to You about.
But, back to Your sense of humor--here's the rest of the verse...
"I am overwhelmed continually with a desire for your laws." Psalm 119:20 NLT
Seldom, if ever, is my mind racing with anticipation for You. Oh, it happens, don't get me wrong. But usually I am running willy-nilly trying to accomplish, perform and succeed at things that have little eternal consequence. I allow my problems, my plans and my potholes to have my full attention. My mind races with all I need to do to please others and please myself.
But please You?
Thanks, Lord. Thanks for reminding me of what's important!
Today's reading: Psalm 119
You certainly have a sense of humor, don't you, Lord? In my quick prayer to you this morning I asked for something in your Word to jump out at me quickly, since I've got a lot of things on my plate this morning, today and this evening...and Yyou responded.
Yes, You responded by assigning me the longest chapter in the Bible!
And the verse that caught my attention?
"I am overwhelmed continually..." Psalm 119:20 NLT
Boy, did that ever catch my eye! That's me in a nutshell. That's the headline for my day. That's just what I was complaining to You about.
But, back to Your sense of humor--here's the rest of the verse...
"I am overwhelmed continually with a desire for your laws." Psalm 119:20 NLT
Seldom, if ever, is my mind racing with anticipation for You. Oh, it happens, don't get me wrong. But usually I am running willy-nilly trying to accomplish, perform and succeed at things that have little eternal consequence. I allow my problems, my plans and my potholes to have my full attention. My mind races with all I need to do to please others and please myself.
But please You?
Thanks, Lord. Thanks for reminding me of what's important!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 16-20
"At that time Hanani the seer came to King Asa and told him, Because you have put your trust in the king of Aran instead of in the Lord your God, you missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram." 2 Chronicles 16:7 NLT
You don't place your trust in anything or anyone other than the Lord, do you?
You don't rely upon your health, your monetary funds or your abilities to give you comfort, security or peace, do you?
You don't have a few select needs stashed in the back of your mind, in the closets of your heart and in the pit of your stomach that you're handling on your own, not wanting to bother God with, do you?
You're not experiencing the victory you thought would be yours as His, are you?
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 16-20
"At that time Hanani the seer came to King Asa and told him, Because you have put your trust in the king of Aran instead of in the Lord your God, you missed your chance to destroy the army of the king of Aram." 2 Chronicles 16:7 NLT
You don't place your trust in anything or anyone other than the Lord, do you?
You don't rely upon your health, your monetary funds or your abilities to give you comfort, security or peace, do you?
You don't have a few select needs stashed in the back of your mind, in the closets of your heart and in the pit of your stomach that you're handling on your own, not wanting to bother God with, do you?
You're not experiencing the victory you thought would be yours as His, are you?
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Today's reading: Hebrews 5-7
"Solid food is for those who are mature, who have trained themselves to recognize the difference between right and wrong and then do what is right." Hebrews 5:11 NLT
We have three new kittens here on the farm. Cute, cuddly, delicate, not-staying-because-we-already-have-two-barn-cats kind of kittens. Anyone interested in a free, adorable kitten should contact me--there are only three, don't want to miss your chance! But back to the kittens and the verse.
These little cuties are living solely on the milk their momma, Sprout, is providing for them. She could drag them up a mouse or two, but they wouldn't know what to do with it yet. She could show them the way to the cat food dish where we provide her some nibbles, but having no ability to digest such mature food would do them more harm than good. They are on their way to becoming cats, but they're progressing at a pace that allows them to reach it safely and solidly.
Mature food, not milk, is what today's verse points to. The need to grow spiritually. The natural process of becoming more and more of what we're purposed to be. Learning to tear into chunks of Scripture, cut it up with a knife and fork, chew it up and allow it to nourish our hearts, souls and minds.
Knowing right from wrong and deciding to choose right, that's a sign of being a mature Christian. Hmmm? Aren't there days we all need to be back on a milk diet?
Today's reading: Hebrews 5-7
"Solid food is for those who are mature, who have trained themselves to recognize the difference between right and wrong and then do what is right." Hebrews 5:11 NLT
We have three new kittens here on the farm. Cute, cuddly, delicate, not-staying-because-we-already-have-two-barn-cats kind of kittens. Anyone interested in a free, adorable kitten should contact me--there are only three, don't want to miss your chance! But back to the kittens and the verse.
These little cuties are living solely on the milk their momma, Sprout, is providing for them. She could drag them up a mouse or two, but they wouldn't know what to do with it yet. She could show them the way to the cat food dish where we provide her some nibbles, but having no ability to digest such mature food would do them more harm than good. They are on their way to becoming cats, but they're progressing at a pace that allows them to reach it safely and solidly.
Mature food, not milk, is what today's verse points to. The need to grow spiritually. The natural process of becoming more and more of what we're purposed to be. Learning to tear into chunks of Scripture, cut it up with a knife and fork, chew it up and allow it to nourish our hearts, souls and minds.
Knowing right from wrong and deciding to choose right, that's a sign of being a mature Christian. Hmmm? Aren't there days we all need to be back on a milk diet?
Friday, October 7, 2011
Today's reading: Jonah
"Then the crew cast lots to see which of them had offended the gods and caused the terrible storm. When they did this, Jonah lost the toss." Jonah 1:7 NLT
I'm not sure if they threw dice, drew straws or did rock-paper-scissors, but our dear prophet Jonah lost. And why wouldn't he?
He's heard the word of the Lord. He'd been given specific instructions. He understood his mission completely. And then? Then he ran in the opposite direction!
The storm was his fault.
It had nothing to do with what the crewmembers' little gods said, Jonah had offended God--the One and Only!
What about you? In the circumstances around you, would you be found at fault? Chaos in your home? Stagnant and dry services in your church? Rare, if any, evangelistic opportunities?
Are you doing everything, nothing more or less, the Lord asks? Have you gone exactly where He's asked? Are you ministering to the people He's called you to speak to?
Or are you digging in your heels? Trying to run? Refusing? Crossing your arms, stomping your foot and shaking your head?
Who is missing out on the knowledge of our Lord and Savior because you're choosing to 'pull a Jonah fit'?
Today's reading: Jonah
"Then the crew cast lots to see which of them had offended the gods and caused the terrible storm. When they did this, Jonah lost the toss." Jonah 1:7 NLT
I'm not sure if they threw dice, drew straws or did rock-paper-scissors, but our dear prophet Jonah lost. And why wouldn't he?
He's heard the word of the Lord. He'd been given specific instructions. He understood his mission completely. And then? Then he ran in the opposite direction!
The storm was his fault.
It had nothing to do with what the crewmembers' little gods said, Jonah had offended God--the One and Only!
What about you? In the circumstances around you, would you be found at fault? Chaos in your home? Stagnant and dry services in your church? Rare, if any, evangelistic opportunities?
Are you doing everything, nothing more or less, the Lord asks? Have you gone exactly where He's asked? Are you ministering to the people He's called you to speak to?
Or are you digging in your heels? Trying to run? Refusing? Crossing your arms, stomping your foot and shaking your head?
Who is missing out on the knowledge of our Lord and Savior because you're choosing to 'pull a Jonah fit'?
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Today's reading: Proverbs 28
"Evil people don't understand justice, but those who follow the Lord understand completely." Proverbs 28:5 NLT
Have you the understanding of justice? Are you aware of how sin-filled you once were and how blood-washed you are now? Have you taken grasp of the immensity of your sins and the expense Christ paid to bail you out of your mess? Have you thought about how a true, just, righteous God could have had nothing to do with the likes of you until His Son died on the cross for your filth?
Justice is not the only word Christians have a deeper knowledge of than those outside His will. How about forgiveness? Love? Mercy? Grace? Joy? Peace?
Today's reading: Proverbs 28
"Evil people don't understand justice, but those who follow the Lord understand completely." Proverbs 28:5 NLT
Have you the understanding of justice? Are you aware of how sin-filled you once were and how blood-washed you are now? Have you taken grasp of the immensity of your sins and the expense Christ paid to bail you out of your mess? Have you thought about how a true, just, righteous God could have had nothing to do with the likes of you until His Son died on the cross for your filth?
Justice is not the only word Christians have a deeper knowledge of than those outside His will. How about forgiveness? Love? Mercy? Grace? Joy? Peace?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 117-119
"I am but a foreigner here on earth; I need the guidance of your commands. Don't hide them from me!" Psalm 119:19 NLT
Let's say you and I were to head off on a trip to Japan. Once we procurred the funds to pay for our airfare and arranged a hotel to house us during our stay, the real work would begin.
We'd have to, and I do mean have to, pick us up the finest guide book about Japan known to man. We would need to locate a Japanese/English dictionary. We might ought to see about getting us a real-life translator to follow us around every step of our trip.
We would be foreigners in the land. We, at least I'm speaking for myself, would be ignorant to the language. We could not, without a great deal of difficulty, converse with anyone native to the land in which we'll be traveling. No telling what we'd order to eat, how long our game of charades would be trying to locate a bathroom and what about emergencies that might arise while we're on foreign soil?
Yes, the guide book would be essential. Like our Bibles.
We're not home. Sitting here at 1324 Garrett's Prairie Road, I'm still not home. This is not where my heart and head are focused. This is not where I'm from or destined to spend eternity. So, I need God's Word to guide me until I get back to my Father's house. I need His words to direct me, warn me, teach me and correct me.
Have you opened your Guide Book today? You, dear friend, are in a foreign land--use a guide book daily to help you get around on this 'vacation'!
Today's reading: Psalm 117-119
"I am but a foreigner here on earth; I need the guidance of your commands. Don't hide them from me!" Psalm 119:19 NLT
Let's say you and I were to head off on a trip to Japan. Once we procurred the funds to pay for our airfare and arranged a hotel to house us during our stay, the real work would begin.
We'd have to, and I do mean have to, pick us up the finest guide book about Japan known to man. We would need to locate a Japanese/English dictionary. We might ought to see about getting us a real-life translator to follow us around every step of our trip.
We would be foreigners in the land. We, at least I'm speaking for myself, would be ignorant to the language. We could not, without a great deal of difficulty, converse with anyone native to the land in which we'll be traveling. No telling what we'd order to eat, how long our game of charades would be trying to locate a bathroom and what about emergencies that might arise while we're on foreign soil?
Yes, the guide book would be essential. Like our Bibles.
We're not home. Sitting here at 1324 Garrett's Prairie Road, I'm still not home. This is not where my heart and head are focused. This is not where I'm from or destined to spend eternity. So, I need God's Word to guide me until I get back to my Father's house. I need His words to direct me, warn me, teach me and correct me.
Have you opened your Guide Book today? You, dear friend, are in a foreign land--use a guide book daily to help you get around on this 'vacation'!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 11-15
"But when Rehoboam was firmly established and strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord, and all of Israel followed him in this sin." 2 Chronicles 12:1 NLT
I can see him climbing up the social ladder church meeting by church meeting. Rung by rung he gains a foothold into the hearts and lives of fellow Temple-attenders. He makes his presence known each Sabbath--for spiritual and political reasons (and to appease his wife?). Life goes well. His children do well in school. The polls are upbeat and positive. He's more at peace than ever before. And his wife is happy.
I see the inaugural ball. Friends from church are invited. Fellow pew-sitters are posing beside him for pictures. The priest is even asked to pray at the induction.
And then? Then he begins to miss a few services. He starts snubbing brothers and sisters in Christ. His attitude changes. His heart drifts. His eyes wander.
Inch by inch he steps out from under the presence of the Lord. Day by day he begins to believe what his understudies and political backers tell him--about his power, his might, his intelligence.
We do the same thing, don't we? We never truly intend to walk away from the Lord, from His peace, from His fellowship. We know the goodness of living closely to Him. And yet, we strike off on our own. No intentional vacations, or determined moves--inch by inch, choice by choice, sin by sin.
Today's reading: 2 Chronicles 11-15
"But when Rehoboam was firmly established and strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord, and all of Israel followed him in this sin." 2 Chronicles 12:1 NLT
I can see him climbing up the social ladder church meeting by church meeting. Rung by rung he gains a foothold into the hearts and lives of fellow Temple-attenders. He makes his presence known each Sabbath--for spiritual and political reasons (and to appease his wife?). Life goes well. His children do well in school. The polls are upbeat and positive. He's more at peace than ever before. And his wife is happy.
I see the inaugural ball. Friends from church are invited. Fellow pew-sitters are posing beside him for pictures. The priest is even asked to pray at the induction.
And then? Then he begins to miss a few services. He starts snubbing brothers and sisters in Christ. His attitude changes. His heart drifts. His eyes wander.
Inch by inch he steps out from under the presence of the Lord. Day by day he begins to believe what his understudies and political backers tell him--about his power, his might, his intelligence.
We do the same thing, don't we? We never truly intend to walk away from the Lord, from His peace, from His fellowship. We know the goodness of living closely to Him. And yet, we strike off on our own. No intentional vacations, or determined moves--inch by inch, choice by choice, sin by sin.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Today's reading: Numbers 29-32
"...Sir, we have accounted for all the men who went out to battle under our command; not one of us is missing!" Numbers 31:49 NLT
There is the slight possibility that I'm only speaking to the self-centeredness of myself, but I'll go ahead...
Are there times you get to the finish line, gain the enemy's banner or crawl into the sunshine after the rain and forget to look around? You're tickled you've made it through. You're ecstatic with what's been done. You're hyped with faith...but your friends? What about the friends who've gone into battle with you?
Do you take into account how your trial of faith affects your prayer warriors?
Are those who have held you up in prayer, believing when you couldn't, carrying you on a mat to the Master, are they accounted for? You've not left anyone behind, have you?
I tend to get focused so completely on myself, in the midst of my problems, that I don't notice the storms and trials of others. I bandage my own wounds, but overlook the slight limp of my sisters in Christ. I celebrate my victories--but do I take into account the fact that all are not won?
I'm going to start looking around more often. I'm going to take a broader glance, a more panoramic view of the Christian walk. I'm going to stand before God one of these days, and I want to tell Him all my friends are accounted for!
Today's reading: Numbers 29-32
"...Sir, we have accounted for all the men who went out to battle under our command; not one of us is missing!" Numbers 31:49 NLT
There is the slight possibility that I'm only speaking to the self-centeredness of myself, but I'll go ahead...
Are there times you get to the finish line, gain the enemy's banner or crawl into the sunshine after the rain and forget to look around? You're tickled you've made it through. You're ecstatic with what's been done. You're hyped with faith...but your friends? What about the friends who've gone into battle with you?
Do you take into account how your trial of faith affects your prayer warriors?
Are those who have held you up in prayer, believing when you couldn't, carrying you on a mat to the Master, are they accounted for? You've not left anyone behind, have you?
I tend to get focused so completely on myself, in the midst of my problems, that I don't notice the storms and trials of others. I bandage my own wounds, but overlook the slight limp of my sisters in Christ. I celebrate my victories--but do I take into account the fact that all are not won?
I'm going to start looking around more often. I'm going to take a broader glance, a more panoramic view of the Christian walk. I'm going to stand before God one of these days, and I want to tell Him all my friends are accounted for!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Today's reading: Acts 3-4
A verse from a song has stuck in my head since last night.
"...I sing for joy at the works of Your hands..."
Oh, my mind raced with pictures of His works as I sang: the wrinkles of a newborn, a simple flower, the Grand Canyon, the process of an acorn to a tree.
But this morning? This morning, I'm thinking of His works that don't always receive the applause.
The cells that grow abnormally. The defects discovered in a doctor's testing. The earthquakes. The wind. The droughts.
The song was all about praising God--and nothing, whether miraculous or catastrophic changes who He is!
Sing for joy today, at the works of His hands.
Today's reading: Acts 3-4
A verse from a song has stuck in my head since last night.
"...I sing for joy at the works of Your hands..."
Oh, my mind raced with pictures of His works as I sang: the wrinkles of a newborn, a simple flower, the Grand Canyon, the process of an acorn to a tree.
But this morning? This morning, I'm thinking of His works that don't always receive the applause.
The cells that grow abnormally. The defects discovered in a doctor's testing. The earthquakes. The wind. The droughts.
The song was all about praising God--and nothing, whether miraculous or catastrophic changes who He is!
Sing for joy today, at the works of His hands.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Today's reading: Hebrews 1-4
"So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it." Hebrews 2:1 NLT
Know any drifters?
Folks who were raised with knowledge that Jesus is God's Son, Jesus died on the cross for their sins and that Jesus lived again--and have still chosen a path of godlessness. Friends who had strong Christian upbringing, but wandered. Former Sunday School classmates who have fallen away from the church.
Are you a drifter?
Are you living, breathing, voting, reacting, witnessing, proclaiming and raising children according to the truth you've heard? Or have you drifted? Even the slightest?
Today's reading: Hebrews 1-4
"So we must listen very carefully to the truth we have heard, or we may drift away from it." Hebrews 2:1 NLT
Know any drifters?
Folks who were raised with knowledge that Jesus is God's Son, Jesus died on the cross for their sins and that Jesus lived again--and have still chosen a path of godlessness. Friends who had strong Christian upbringing, but wandered. Former Sunday School classmates who have fallen away from the church.
Are you a drifter?
Are you living, breathing, voting, reacting, witnessing, proclaiming and raising children according to the truth you've heard? Or have you drifted? Even the slightest?
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