Today's reading: Psalm 102-104
What would I like to leave my son when I'm gone? What would I choose as his inheritance? What might I have a lawyer write up as my last will and testament? What might I leave as a legacy to my descendants, my loved ones and my friends?
One thing and one thing only: God.
"My life passes as swiftly as the evening shadows, I am withering like grass. But you, O Lord, will rule forever. Your fame will endure to every generation." Psalm 102:11-12 NLT
Nothing I can do will last. Nothing I can accumulate will do anything but rust and rot. Nothing I could gather up in a safety deposit box, a jewelry chest or a piece of property would ever have the impact on the lives of those I will one day leave like Jesus.
He can where I cannot. He will where I am unable. He is where I am not. He will be when I won't.
I'm writing God, my relationship with Him and my desire that those who follow after me follow Him, into my will!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 15-19
A little about myself...wife, mom, daughter, sister, auntie, friend, Sunday School teacher, book-keeper, farmer and neighbor.
Nothing at all fancy in my pedigree. No special degrees or titles. Not alot of to-do about anything in my life from the outside looking in.
But when you know the extent of God's blessing in my life, you'll ask, like David did...
"Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought us this far?" Psalm 17:16 NLT
A cozy home? Really, Lord, I am so undeserving.
A godly family, a rich Christian heritage, an outstanding church family? More than I could ever hope for!
An opportunity each morning to sit in your presence, soak up your favor and share it with others through the fiber-optic lines of a computer? Is this really all for me?
All I have, all I am, all I am allowed to minister in--from You.
Who am I?
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 15-19
A little about myself...wife, mom, daughter, sister, auntie, friend, Sunday School teacher, book-keeper, farmer and neighbor.
Nothing at all fancy in my pedigree. No special degrees or titles. Not alot of to-do about anything in my life from the outside looking in.
But when you know the extent of God's blessing in my life, you'll ask, like David did...
"Who am I, O Lord God, and what is my family, that you have brought us this far?" Psalm 17:16 NLT
A cozy home? Really, Lord, I am so undeserving.
A godly family, a rich Christian heritage, an outstanding church family? More than I could ever hope for!
An opportunity each morning to sit in your presence, soak up your favor and share it with others through the fiber-optic lines of a computer? Is this really all for me?
All I have, all I am, all I am allowed to minister in--from You.
Who am I?
Monday, August 29, 2011
Today's reading: Numbers 9-12
"Where am I supposed to get meat for all these people?.." Numbers 11:13 NLT
Are you like me? Asking, petitioning, supplicating and praying prayer after prayer, day in and day out? But seeing few answers?
Maybe you're (I'm) asking like Moses did...on the premise of our own strengths, not His.
You are (I am) asking what it is you (I) can do, what it is you (I) can get, what it is He needs you (me) to be?
But it's not about us, is it?
Maybe that's what's holding up your, mine, our prayers. The answers we're waiting on. The release, the freedom, the healings.
Today's reading: Numbers 9-12
"Where am I supposed to get meat for all these people?.." Numbers 11:13 NLT
Are you like me? Asking, petitioning, supplicating and praying prayer after prayer, day in and day out? But seeing few answers?
Maybe you're (I'm) asking like Moses did...on the premise of our own strengths, not His.
You are (I am) asking what it is you (I) can do, what it is you (I) can get, what it is He needs you (me) to be?
But it's not about us, is it?
Maybe that's what's holding up your, mine, our prayers. The answers we're waiting on. The release, the freedom, the healings.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Today's reading: John 10-12
"After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they recognize his voice. They won't follow a stranger, they will run from him because they don't recognize his voice." John 10:4-5 NLT
Whose voice do you recognize more clearly, God's or satan's?
Whose whispered words ring loudest in your ears?
Whose promptings are you most likely to take?
Whose lies, and whose truths, are you believing?
Today's reading: John 10-12
"After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they recognize his voice. They won't follow a stranger, they will run from him because they don't recognize his voice." John 10:4-5 NLT
Whose voice do you recognize more clearly, God's or satan's?
Whose whispered words ring loudest in your ears?
Whose promptings are you most likely to take?
Whose lies, and whose truths, are you believing?
Friday, August 26, 2011
Today's reading: Hosea 1-7
The story always makes me shake my head reading about Hosea and Gomer. It's a soap opera to say the least. Marry a hooker (Can I say that? Oh, yes I can--that's what it says in the Bible.). She runs off. He takes her back. She runs off. He takes her back. The only thing missing is commercials!
But the sad part is, it's the story of my life, too.
God's always wooing me back into His presence. He's constantly seeking me out in some of the worst of places. He's taking me back after many an affair with foreign gods.
Hmmm, the story of my life. Yours, too?
Today's reading: Hosea 1-7
The story always makes me shake my head reading about Hosea and Gomer. It's a soap opera to say the least. Marry a hooker (Can I say that? Oh, yes I can--that's what it says in the Bible.). She runs off. He takes her back. She runs off. He takes her back. The only thing missing is commercials!
But the sad part is, it's the story of my life, too.
God's always wooing me back into His presence. He's constantly seeking me out in some of the worst of places. He's taking me back after many an affair with foreign gods.
Hmmm, the story of my life. Yours, too?
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Today's reading: Proverbs 19
"You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21 NLT
I'm a planner-totin' kind of gal. I am rarely seen without my little blue book under my arm, on my stack of things or in my purse. You'll more likely than not see me refer to its pages of knowledge before agreeing to anything. I like to know, at all times, where I'm at, where I'm supposed to be and where I'll be this time tomorrow, next week--and next year at all possible!
That being said, God has thrown some amazingly, wonderful sidetrips into my itinerary throughout my life.
Moments I'd not planned that led to mountaintop views, valley safaris and boat-tossing storms. Times in my life when I've found out who true friends are, what's really important and just how strong I am in Christ. Days when all went well, all things happened according to plans and then twenty-four hour spans when I just had to trust Him with all I had!
He has been faithful on the planned days and the un-planned days...although, if I think about it, nothing is un-planned with Him!
Today's reading: Proverbs 19
"You can make many plans, but the Lord's purpose will prevail." Proverbs 19:21 NLT
I'm a planner-totin' kind of gal. I am rarely seen without my little blue book under my arm, on my stack of things or in my purse. You'll more likely than not see me refer to its pages of knowledge before agreeing to anything. I like to know, at all times, where I'm at, where I'm supposed to be and where I'll be this time tomorrow, next week--and next year at all possible!
That being said, God has thrown some amazingly, wonderful sidetrips into my itinerary throughout my life.
Moments I'd not planned that led to mountaintop views, valley safaris and boat-tossing storms. Times in my life when I've found out who true friends are, what's really important and just how strong I am in Christ. Days when all went well, all things happened according to plans and then twenty-four hour spans when I just had to trust Him with all I had!
He has been faithful on the planned days and the un-planned days...although, if I think about it, nothing is un-planned with Him!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 99-101
I am a patriotic kind of gal. I still stand when the flag passes. I am careful in how we display it in our yard. My young son is still reminded by his mother to remove his hat when the pledge is said. I am tickled to death to be a card-carrying citizen of such a fine, history-rich nation. That being said, I get a little red at the thought of other countries looking down on the good, ole USA. I cannot swallow disrespect for our country, from within or from without its borders.
Are we without problems? No, absolutely, no. I do not agree with all the programs our nation has supported that has caused several lazy generations to emerge. I cannot understand how elected officials can sign their names or cast their votes to bills that allow the killing of innocent babies. I am appalled at the very thought of courts in our land recognizing same sex marriages. And as far as spending goes, well, let's sum it up by saying what Washington, DC is doing just doesn't 'add up'.
Going back to God is our only hope! Refusing to elect ordinary, say-what-we-want-to-hear mouthpieces. Checking and double-checking the record, and the integrity of our officials. Calling sins sins. Carrying out justice according to God's law, not the whims of fat-walleted, diploma-bearing students of the legal system. Living what we believe in our own homes, in our workplaces and as we stimulate the economy.
It's time we choose to no longer elect president, senators, representatives or the like...it's time we recognize and honor a King!
"The Lord is king! Let the nations tremble!" Psalm 99:1 NLT
Today's reading: Psalm 99-101
I am a patriotic kind of gal. I still stand when the flag passes. I am careful in how we display it in our yard. My young son is still reminded by his mother to remove his hat when the pledge is said. I am tickled to death to be a card-carrying citizen of such a fine, history-rich nation. That being said, I get a little red at the thought of other countries looking down on the good, ole USA. I cannot swallow disrespect for our country, from within or from without its borders.
Are we without problems? No, absolutely, no. I do not agree with all the programs our nation has supported that has caused several lazy generations to emerge. I cannot understand how elected officials can sign their names or cast their votes to bills that allow the killing of innocent babies. I am appalled at the very thought of courts in our land recognizing same sex marriages. And as far as spending goes, well, let's sum it up by saying what Washington, DC is doing just doesn't 'add up'.
Going back to God is our only hope! Refusing to elect ordinary, say-what-we-want-to-hear mouthpieces. Checking and double-checking the record, and the integrity of our officials. Calling sins sins. Carrying out justice according to God's law, not the whims of fat-walleted, diploma-bearing students of the legal system. Living what we believe in our own homes, in our workplaces and as we stimulate the economy.
It's time we choose to no longer elect president, senators, representatives or the like...it's time we recognize and honor a King!
"The Lord is king! Let the nations tremble!" Psalm 99:1 NLT
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 10-14
"...just as the Lord had promised..." 1 Chronicles 11:3 NLT
David finally becomes king of Israel.
After many years, trying years. After many battles. After a time of hiding for his life in a cave. After being hunted down, sought after and a bounty placed on his head...what God said He would do happened.
Maybe you need the same words today?
You know God's promises. You are certain He has spoke them to you, being you're one of His kids. You know, without a doubt, that He is capable. But--well, it's been a long road, a trying season and an end to the battle you just don't see.
These words are for you today. '...just as the Lord had promised...' can carry you through, push you on and focus your attention on what will be, not what currently is.
God is on your side! His love, mercy and grace have not changed--they can't. And, just as the Lord has promised, you'll see His glory!
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 10-14
"...just as the Lord had promised..." 1 Chronicles 11:3 NLT
David finally becomes king of Israel.
After many years, trying years. After many battles. After a time of hiding for his life in a cave. After being hunted down, sought after and a bounty placed on his head...what God said He would do happened.
Maybe you need the same words today?
You know God's promises. You are certain He has spoke them to you, being you're one of His kids. You know, without a doubt, that He is capable. But--well, it's been a long road, a trying season and an end to the battle you just don't see.
These words are for you today. '...just as the Lord had promised...' can carry you through, push you on and focus your attention on what will be, not what currently is.
God is on your side! His love, mercy and grace have not changed--they can't. And, just as the Lord has promised, you'll see His glory!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Today's reading: Numbers 5-8
Reading today's Scripture selection I was not drawn so much to a verse as to a chapter heading: The purity of the camp. Rules and regulations to keep contagious germs from being passed from one tent to another among the Israelites.
What 'germs' might I have taken to my church yesterday? Did I infect sisters with doubt? Fear? Disregard for sin?
Might I have innoculated someone in my pew, in my Sunday School class, in the children's program against discouragement? Defeat? Satan's tricks?
How pure am I keeping my church? My family? Myself?
Today's reading: Numbers 5-8
Reading today's Scripture selection I was not drawn so much to a verse as to a chapter heading: The purity of the camp. Rules and regulations to keep contagious germs from being passed from one tent to another among the Israelites.
What 'germs' might I have taken to my church yesterday? Did I infect sisters with doubt? Fear? Disregard for sin?
Might I have innoculated someone in my pew, in my Sunday School class, in the children's program against discouragement? Defeat? Satan's tricks?
How pure am I keeping my church? My family? Myself?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Today's reading: John 7-9
Are you careful in what you ask of God? Do you think your prayer requests through before voicing them? Do you consider, really consider, what you're asking of the Creator, the Redeemer, the Savior?
A few men didn't--and boy, oh boy, did they ever get put in their places...
"They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stopped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, All right, stone her. But let those who have never sinned throw the first stone. Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust." John 8:7-8 NLT
Was what He said or what He wrote in the dirt more convicting to the crowd?
Could you hear the stones being dropped as the religious elite quietly slipped from the throng?
Could Jesus have answered another, less heart rendering, way?
Did the answer the accusers received satisfy their needs?
And you--what is it you're asking of God???
Today's reading: John 7-9
Are you careful in what you ask of God? Do you think your prayer requests through before voicing them? Do you consider, really consider, what you're asking of the Creator, the Redeemer, the Savior?
A few men didn't--and boy, oh boy, did they ever get put in their places...
"They were trying to trap him into saying something they could use against him, but Jesus stopped down and wrote in the dust with his finger. They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, All right, stone her. But let those who have never sinned throw the first stone. Then he stooped down again and wrote in the dust." John 8:7-8 NLT
Was what He said or what He wrote in the dirt more convicting to the crowd?
Could you hear the stones being dropped as the religious elite quietly slipped from the throng?
Could Jesus have answered another, less heart rendering, way?
Did the answer the accusers received satisfy their needs?
And you--what is it you're asking of God???
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Today's reading: 1 Timothy 1-3
"This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--and I was the worst of them all! But that is why God had mercy on me, so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life." 1 Timothy 1:15-16 NLT
Are you a living, breathing, walking, talking, falling, getting-back-up, constantly in need of Christ's love and forgiveness, example of God's saving power?
Do folks see you attempting Christianity with your whole heart and trusting God to fill in the gaps?
Does anyone notice the difference in you and the unsaved?
You and I are a lot alike in that we needed a Savior--are we showing others?
Today's reading: 1 Timothy 1-3
"This is a true saying, and everyone should believe it: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--and I was the worst of them all! But that is why God had mercy on me, so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life." 1 Timothy 1:15-16 NLT
Are you a living, breathing, walking, talking, falling, getting-back-up, constantly in need of Christ's love and forgiveness, example of God's saving power?
Do folks see you attempting Christianity with your whole heart and trusting God to fill in the gaps?
Does anyone notice the difference in you and the unsaved?
You and I are a lot alike in that we needed a Savior--are we showing others?
Friday, August 19, 2011
Today's reading: Daniel 7-12
Maybe it was just for me. Or, maybe, just maybe, one of you might need the little gem God placed in my lap this morning...
I will admit it, I do not see all my prayers answered. No, I don't. There are some prayers for which I've been petitioning the throne for years. There are the recurring sins I deal with on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. There are those, for whom I pray, who seem to wander farther, annoy more greatly and hurt more now that when I began praying.
Is that where you find yourself?
Are your lost loved ones lost-er? Are your struggles occurring more often, getting you in more trouble with each occurrence? Do you see nothing happening, nothing at all, to the length of your prayer list?
Then, dear friend, read it for yourself:
"Daniel, I have come here to give you insight and understanding. The moment you began praying, a command was given. I am here to tell you what it was, for God loves you very much..." Daniel 9:23 NLT
God sent an angel to let Daniel in on a little secret: Things begin happening when a child of God's prays!
We don't have to see marked improvement. We shouldn't expect to be marking prayer off our lists of things to do. We have no right, no right what so ever, to place a time limit or a deadline on what we ask of God.
I needed the reminder today. Did you?
Today's reading: Daniel 7-12
Maybe it was just for me. Or, maybe, just maybe, one of you might need the little gem God placed in my lap this morning...
I will admit it, I do not see all my prayers answered. No, I don't. There are some prayers for which I've been petitioning the throne for years. There are the recurring sins I deal with on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis. There are those, for whom I pray, who seem to wander farther, annoy more greatly and hurt more now that when I began praying.
Is that where you find yourself?
Are your lost loved ones lost-er? Are your struggles occurring more often, getting you in more trouble with each occurrence? Do you see nothing happening, nothing at all, to the length of your prayer list?
Then, dear friend, read it for yourself:
"Daniel, I have come here to give you insight and understanding. The moment you began praying, a command was given. I am here to tell you what it was, for God loves you very much..." Daniel 9:23 NLT
God sent an angel to let Daniel in on a little secret: Things begin happening when a child of God's prays!
We don't have to see marked improvement. We shouldn't expect to be marking prayer off our lists of things to do. We have no right, no right what so ever, to place a time limit or a deadline on what we ask of God.
I needed the reminder today. Did you?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Today's reading: Proverbs 17-18
Today begins our family's trek into the paths of fifth grade. We're not sure who our teacher is yet, but it's safely God's hands--so we will trust His decision.
We're starting a new practice around the house on school mornings. Isaiah is going to write a couple of his personal prayer requests in his new journal and I'll keep it with me throughout the day to pray over for him.
I asked him last night what his biggest needs might be the first day of school. His response...being nervous.
God must have gotten a huge laugh out of that one! You see, Isaiah is asking me to pray for him over something I'm struggling with myself! I am probably as, if not more, nervous than he is about the whole beginning of school thing.
My stomach still gets the sickening butterflies of a first day. My head still races with the what-if's of a new teacher. My hands still become sweaty, at the ripe old age of 40, about new classrooms, bullies and tardy bells.
And yet that's what he's asking me to pray about.
So I will. I will take my son's, and my own, fears to God.
"The name of the Lord is a strong fortress, the godly run to him and are safe." Proverbs 18:10 NLT
**I think that will be our backpack verse for the year!
Today's reading: Proverbs 17-18
Today begins our family's trek into the paths of fifth grade. We're not sure who our teacher is yet, but it's safely God's hands--so we will trust His decision.
We're starting a new practice around the house on school mornings. Isaiah is going to write a couple of his personal prayer requests in his new journal and I'll keep it with me throughout the day to pray over for him.
I asked him last night what his biggest needs might be the first day of school. His response...being nervous.
God must have gotten a huge laugh out of that one! You see, Isaiah is asking me to pray for him over something I'm struggling with myself! I am probably as, if not more, nervous than he is about the whole beginning of school thing.
My stomach still gets the sickening butterflies of a first day. My head still races with the what-if's of a new teacher. My hands still become sweaty, at the ripe old age of 40, about new classrooms, bullies and tardy bells.
And yet that's what he's asking me to pray about.
So I will. I will take my son's, and my own, fears to God.
"The name of the Lord is a strong fortress, the godly run to him and are safe." Proverbs 18:10 NLT
**I think that will be our backpack verse for the year!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 96-98
I'm a verbalizer. One who talks alot. One who uses words frequently. One one can talk to a stump--and carry on a pretty good conversation. I can, pretty much, talk to anyone and sometimes about anything. But most of my words, and my husband would probably disagree on this statement, are to myself.
I sharply criticize myself. I ridicule my own actions. I remind myself, out loud, of things needing done, things done wrong and things from my past. But I also cheer myself on to greater things that I might settle for.
I've used the 'Get thee behind me, satan' mantra.
I've quoted aloud several verses of the Bible--Hebrews 12:11, Phillipians 4:13 and Matthew 6:33 being some of my favorites.
I've even resorted to quoting the little train chugging up the mountain--I think I can, I think I can!
My newest cheer sums all these us simply...
"The Lord has announced his victory..." Psalm 98:2 NLT
Factual. Simplistic. Confident. Sound. Encouraging. Threatening. Promised.
Satan will be hearing alot of this verse quoted. Come to think of it, some of you might, too!
Today's reading: Psalm 96-98
I'm a verbalizer. One who talks alot. One who uses words frequently. One one can talk to a stump--and carry on a pretty good conversation. I can, pretty much, talk to anyone and sometimes about anything. But most of my words, and my husband would probably disagree on this statement, are to myself.
I sharply criticize myself. I ridicule my own actions. I remind myself, out loud, of things needing done, things done wrong and things from my past. But I also cheer myself on to greater things that I might settle for.
I've used the 'Get thee behind me, satan' mantra.
I've quoted aloud several verses of the Bible--Hebrews 12:11, Phillipians 4:13 and Matthew 6:33 being some of my favorites.
I've even resorted to quoting the little train chugging up the mountain--I think I can, I think I can!
My newest cheer sums all these us simply...
"The Lord has announced his victory..." Psalm 98:2 NLT
Factual. Simplistic. Confident. Sound. Encouraging. Threatening. Promised.
Satan will be hearing alot of this verse quoted. Come to think of it, some of you might, too!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 5-9
"They waged war against the Hagrites, the Jeturites, the Naphishites and the Nobadites. They cried out to God during the battle, and he answered their prayer because they trusted in him..." 1 Chronicles 5:19-20 NLT
All they had was trust in God.
Not prayer skills that amazed and inspired.
Not Christian service acts tallied on a spreadsheet.
Not tithes ciphered in a ledger.
Not a stack of Bibles.
They believed in God's abilities enough to cry out to Him--and that belief was what allowed Him to answer.
Who are you fighting today? What battles will you need His help with? What enemies will you go up against today?
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 5-9
"They waged war against the Hagrites, the Jeturites, the Naphishites and the Nobadites. They cried out to God during the battle, and he answered their prayer because they trusted in him..." 1 Chronicles 5:19-20 NLT
All they had was trust in God.
Not prayer skills that amazed and inspired.
Not Christian service acts tallied on a spreadsheet.
Not tithes ciphered in a ledger.
Not a stack of Bibles.
They believed in God's abilities enough to cry out to Him--and that belief was what allowed Him to answer.
Who are you fighting today? What battles will you need His help with? What enemies will you go up against today?
Monday, August 15, 2011
Today's reading: Numbers 1-4
"Take a census of the whole community of Israel by their clans and families. List the names of all the men twenty years old or older who are able to go to war." Numbers 1:2-3 NLT
Good advice, even for today.
Take a count of all you have in your favor.
Enumerate everything He's done for you and all He promises to do for you.
Inventory the spiritual strengths (gifts) He has placed within you at the time He washed your sins away.
Itemize the battles you have seen Him fight for you and the percentage of success at which He accomplished the task.
Consider taking a census yourself of all the Christian brothers and sisters who are flanking your sides at this very moment.
And when your tallying is complete--present satan with your findings. I doubt he will stay around long!
Today's reading: Numbers 1-4
"Take a census of the whole community of Israel by their clans and families. List the names of all the men twenty years old or older who are able to go to war." Numbers 1:2-3 NLT
Good advice, even for today.
Take a count of all you have in your favor.
Enumerate everything He's done for you and all He promises to do for you.
Inventory the spiritual strengths (gifts) He has placed within you at the time He washed your sins away.
Itemize the battles you have seen Him fight for you and the percentage of success at which He accomplished the task.
Consider taking a census yourself of all the Christian brothers and sisters who are flanking your sides at this very moment.
And when your tallying is complete--present satan with your findings. I doubt he will stay around long!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Today's reading: John 5-6
"I assure you, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life." John 5:24 NLT
As a Christian, a believer in Christ, one whose sins have been washed clean by the blood of Jesus--are you living?
The verse says eternal life is already ours, no waiting until heaven, the streets of gold or keys to a mansion. Life is to be lived in plain view of those needing to find what we've already received.
Life is ours to live or let slip through our fingers.
Today's reading: John 5-6
"I assure you, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life." John 5:24 NLT
As a Christian, a believer in Christ, one whose sins have been washed clean by the blood of Jesus--are you living?
The verse says eternal life is already ours, no waiting until heaven, the streets of gold or keys to a mansion. Life is to be lived in plain view of those needing to find what we've already received.
Life is ours to live or let slip through our fingers.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Thessalonians
"May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the love of God and the endurance that comes from Christ." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NLT
I don't see where Paul has prayed sunny days, flower-strewn paths and picnick-y kind of experiences for his new family.
Is that where we sometimes go wrong? The unsaved loved ones I have, the newly believing babes in Christ, the back-sliders--should I be praying less for ease and comfort and more for God's ways to bring them to their knees, re-direct their paths, obstacles and unlovely circumstances?
We don't learn about the deepness and vastness of God's love while we're on the mountaintop viewing the surrounding valleys and crevasses. We gain knowledge and heart-sense as He walks us through them.
Maybe it's time we pray a different kind of prayer.
Today's reading: 2 Thessalonians
"May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the love of God and the endurance that comes from Christ." 2 Thessalonians 3:5 NLT
I don't see where Paul has prayed sunny days, flower-strewn paths and picnick-y kind of experiences for his new family.
Is that where we sometimes go wrong? The unsaved loved ones I have, the newly believing babes in Christ, the back-sliders--should I be praying less for ease and comfort and more for God's ways to bring them to their knees, re-direct their paths, obstacles and unlovely circumstances?
We don't learn about the deepness and vastness of God's love while we're on the mountaintop viewing the surrounding valleys and crevasses. We gain knowledge and heart-sense as He walks us through them.
Maybe it's time we pray a different kind of prayer.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Today's reading: Daniel 1-6
"Look! Nebuchadnezzar shouted. I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire. They aren't even hurt by the flames! And the fourth looks like a divine being!" Daniel 3:25 NLT
Never, before this morning, had I stopped to ponder the depths of this verse. An over forty-year span of hearing the 'Daniel story' and just now, this gem is uncovered...
Do others see evidence of my Heavenly Shadow in all things I do? Do they catch a glimpse of my Redeemer holding my hand during the storms? Do they see my Comforter walking me through he dark valleys? Do they see God's shadow over me in the deserts of temptation and trial? Do they see a reflection of Him in my eyes on the sunniest of days? Are they noticing His presence in my speech, my actions, my attempts to serve?
Or do they just see me? Flailing? Struggling? Gasping and grasping?
Today's reading: Daniel 1-6
"Look! Nebuchadnezzar shouted. I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire. They aren't even hurt by the flames! And the fourth looks like a divine being!" Daniel 3:25 NLT
Never, before this morning, had I stopped to ponder the depths of this verse. An over forty-year span of hearing the 'Daniel story' and just now, this gem is uncovered...
Do others see evidence of my Heavenly Shadow in all things I do? Do they catch a glimpse of my Redeemer holding my hand during the storms? Do they see my Comforter walking me through he dark valleys? Do they see God's shadow over me in the deserts of temptation and trial? Do they see a reflection of Him in my eyes on the sunniest of days? Are they noticing His presence in my speech, my actions, my attempts to serve?
Or do they just see me? Flailing? Struggling? Gasping and grasping?
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Today's reading: Proverbs 16
Most of you are unaware of the disability I deal with on a daily basis. The 'thorn in my flesh' as one of our Christian brothers so rightly penned it. A nagging, annoying, debilitating condition that causes me pain, causes me trouble and causes me to spend a good number of hours on my Father's lap in 'time out'.
My inability has nothing to do with my legs, I get my two miles in three days a week. My hearing is not deficient, distracted, but not deficient. My eyes, although aging, are still on their own and functioning at close to 20/20 capacity.
My disfunctioning part is my mouth. My teeth are good. I eat well, boy do I ever eat well. No gum disease or gingivitis thanks to my dentist's diligent care. My problem is what I allow to spew from my mouth in the form of criticisms, catty remarks and unnecessary opinions. I say more than I should. I voice more than anyone, including myself, needs to hear. I, regretfully, have to spend a lot of time asking forgiveness for my mouthed statements.
Do you suffer, too?
"We can gather our thoughts, but the Lord gives the right answer." Proverbs 16:1 NLT
This verse may be my healing balm, my motorized wheelchair, my prosthetic limb.
Gathering my thoughts have never been a problem. I am a quick thinker and, most times, an even quicker speaker. I believe I will gain ground on this disability of mine through making the time to confer with God regarding all thoughts I am about to share aloud. I believe in some instances I will feel His nudge to keep my mouth shut. Certain times He may lead me to offer filtered bits and pieces of my opinions. There may be days when silent prayer, on my behalf and on the behalf of the one to whom I am speaking, is more of what's needed--and if I pause momentarily and seek His opinion on the matter, He will let me know.
My disability is a tough one. My disability affects far more than just myself. My disability is well within the power of a healing God!
Today's reading: Proverbs 16
Most of you are unaware of the disability I deal with on a daily basis. The 'thorn in my flesh' as one of our Christian brothers so rightly penned it. A nagging, annoying, debilitating condition that causes me pain, causes me trouble and causes me to spend a good number of hours on my Father's lap in 'time out'.
My inability has nothing to do with my legs, I get my two miles in three days a week. My hearing is not deficient, distracted, but not deficient. My eyes, although aging, are still on their own and functioning at close to 20/20 capacity.
My disfunctioning part is my mouth. My teeth are good. I eat well, boy do I ever eat well. No gum disease or gingivitis thanks to my dentist's diligent care. My problem is what I allow to spew from my mouth in the form of criticisms, catty remarks and unnecessary opinions. I say more than I should. I voice more than anyone, including myself, needs to hear. I, regretfully, have to spend a lot of time asking forgiveness for my mouthed statements.
Do you suffer, too?
"We can gather our thoughts, but the Lord gives the right answer." Proverbs 16:1 NLT
This verse may be my healing balm, my motorized wheelchair, my prosthetic limb.
Gathering my thoughts have never been a problem. I am a quick thinker and, most times, an even quicker speaker. I believe I will gain ground on this disability of mine through making the time to confer with God regarding all thoughts I am about to share aloud. I believe in some instances I will feel His nudge to keep my mouth shut. Certain times He may lead me to offer filtered bits and pieces of my opinions. There may be days when silent prayer, on my behalf and on the behalf of the one to whom I am speaking, is more of what's needed--and if I pause momentarily and seek His opinion on the matter, He will let me know.
My disability is a tough one. My disability affects far more than just myself. My disability is well within the power of a healing God!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 93-95
"But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore--the Lord above if mightier than these!" Psalm 93:4 NLT
Not as mighty as the seas-- but mighty-er!
Not as big as your problems--bigg-er!
Not as rich as the bank, the loan department, the treasury, the mortgage holder--but rich-er!
Not as great as the universe, the creation, the powers of nature or the solar system--but great-er!
Got something going on that looms, jeers or taunts you with grandiose threats? Do you have fears, doubts or questions that grow as the circumstance, the night or the storm increase in size and ferocity?
Don't forget the -ers of our Father!
Today's reading: Psalm 93-95
"But mightier than the violent raging of the seas, mightier than the breakers on the shore--the Lord above if mightier than these!" Psalm 93:4 NLT
Not as mighty as the seas-- but mighty-er!
Not as big as your problems--bigg-er!
Not as rich as the bank, the loan department, the treasury, the mortgage holder--but rich-er!
Not as great as the universe, the creation, the powers of nature or the solar system--but great-er!
Got something going on that looms, jeers or taunts you with grandiose threats? Do you have fears, doubts or questions that grow as the circumstance, the night or the storm increase in size and ferocity?
Don't forget the -ers of our Father!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 1-4
Might I vent? I'll try not to rant and rave, holler and yell. I will resist the urge to pound my fists on the arms of my rocking chair and stomp my feet with indignation towards the matter at hand.
I am tired of seeing families fall apart. I am weary of hearing story after story of divorces, break-ups, separations, squabbles and feuds. I am sick up to here, my hand is at my chin, with wives and husbands who fail to live up to the vows they have vowed and the promises they have made.
I am near exhaustion at trying to fight back the urge to yell from the tops of my lungs, "God's what you need!"
The Bible reading this morning is a genealogical listing of God's people. A family line. A honor roll of those desiring to see God's best for their predecessors.
What will you do today to insure your family's future in God's hands? What choice will you make to, if for no more than today, take a stand of godliness for your family and its future?
Will you be a link in a chain of godliness? A link in a chain of godlessness? A link in a new line of believers?
Today's reading: 1 Chronicles 1-4
Might I vent? I'll try not to rant and rave, holler and yell. I will resist the urge to pound my fists on the arms of my rocking chair and stomp my feet with indignation towards the matter at hand.
I am tired of seeing families fall apart. I am weary of hearing story after story of divorces, break-ups, separations, squabbles and feuds. I am sick up to here, my hand is at my chin, with wives and husbands who fail to live up to the vows they have vowed and the promises they have made.
I am near exhaustion at trying to fight back the urge to yell from the tops of my lungs, "God's what you need!"
The Bible reading this morning is a genealogical listing of God's people. A family line. A honor roll of those desiring to see God's best for their predecessors.
What will you do today to insure your family's future in God's hands? What choice will you make to, if for no more than today, take a stand of godliness for your family and its future?
Will you be a link in a chain of godliness? A link in a chain of godlessness? A link in a new line of believers?
Monday, August 8, 2011
Today's reading: Leviticus 25-27
"As you plant the seed in the eighth year, you will still be eating the produce of the previous year." Leviticus 25:22 NLT
God's layaway plan. Give it now. Try it now. Trust Him now. Believe Him now.
And moments later? Days later? Months later? Years later? Generations later?
God's goodness is still worth the investment!
Today's reading: Leviticus 25-27
"As you plant the seed in the eighth year, you will still be eating the produce of the previous year." Leviticus 25:22 NLT
God's layaway plan. Give it now. Try it now. Trust Him now. Believe Him now.
And moments later? Days later? Months later? Years later? Generations later?
God's goodness is still worth the investment!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Today's reading: John 3-4
It's a special day today. My Mom's birthday. Ever met her? What a lady! She's kind, compassionate, loving. She goes over and above to make sure you are comfortable. Quite hospitable. She loves the Lord. She's my example of the verse that jumped off the page at me this morning.
"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." John 3:30 NLT
For my Dad, my three sisters, my husband, three brothers-in-law, son, two nephews, a little doll of a niece and myself--she's done just that!
Mom is our biggest fan. Our 24-hour support desk. Our back-stage crew. Our go-to-gal.
She has shown me over the years the meaning of my Savior's love for me by living out the words of John 3:30.
Mom will do, has done and is doing everything in her power to promote us to greatness. She encourages and edifies us in whatever we're attempting. She gives of herself more than anyone I know. Her goal, by how she lives and loves, is making us greater and greater--all the while humbly tickled to be in the background.
Thanks for the example you're showing me, Mom. Happy birthday!
Today's reading: John 3-4
It's a special day today. My Mom's birthday. Ever met her? What a lady! She's kind, compassionate, loving. She goes over and above to make sure you are comfortable. Quite hospitable. She loves the Lord. She's my example of the verse that jumped off the page at me this morning.
"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." John 3:30 NLT
For my Dad, my three sisters, my husband, three brothers-in-law, son, two nephews, a little doll of a niece and myself--she's done just that!
Mom is our biggest fan. Our 24-hour support desk. Our back-stage crew. Our go-to-gal.
She has shown me over the years the meaning of my Savior's love for me by living out the words of John 3:30.
Mom will do, has done and is doing everything in her power to promote us to greatness. She encourages and edifies us in whatever we're attempting. She gives of herself more than anyone I know. Her goal, by how she lives and loves, is making us greater and greater--all the while humbly tickled to be in the background.
Thanks for the example you're showing me, Mom. Happy birthday!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Today's reading: 1 Thessalonians 4-5
"Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone." 1 Thessalonians 5:14 NLT
That, my friends, is one tall order. Lots to do, wouldn't you agree? Seemingly impossible, in regards to some we might be called to deal with on a daily basis. But what really struck me is of all the instruction given, I don't see any of the tasks I've assigned to myself. Odd jobs like...
...writing off those who have burned me previously.
...bad-mouthing those whose lifestyles bring about their chaotic and frantic problems.
...ignoring, avoiding or taking the long, and I mean long, way around the church to avoid those I don't have the time to listen to.
...refusing to sign-up for projects with slackers.
...considering myself just a tad more important than others.
I've come to realize this morning that I have lots to do, and I'll have plenty of time to do it in if I were to ditch some of the self-assigned, unimportant, against God's will kind of things I've been busying myself with.
How about you?
Today's reading: 1 Thessalonians 4-5
"Brothers and sisters, we urge you to warn those who are lazy. Encourage those who are timid. Take tender care of those who are weak. Be patient with everyone." 1 Thessalonians 5:14 NLT
That, my friends, is one tall order. Lots to do, wouldn't you agree? Seemingly impossible, in regards to some we might be called to deal with on a daily basis. But what really struck me is of all the instruction given, I don't see any of the tasks I've assigned to myself. Odd jobs like...
...writing off those who have burned me previously.
...bad-mouthing those whose lifestyles bring about their chaotic and frantic problems.
...ignoring, avoiding or taking the long, and I mean long, way around the church to avoid those I don't have the time to listen to.
...refusing to sign-up for projects with slackers.
...considering myself just a tad more important than others.
I've come to realize this morning that I have lots to do, and I'll have plenty of time to do it in if I were to ditch some of the self-assigned, unimportant, against God's will kind of things I've been busying myself with.
How about you?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Today's reading: Ezekiel 43-48
"Suddenly, the glory of the God of Israel appeared from the east. The sound of his coming was like the roar of rushing waters, and the whole landscape shone with his glory." Ezekiel 43:2 NLT
Not to question a word in the Word, but...really, Ezekiel?
Did God honestly just suddenly appear, or are the people of your time just like the people of today--they suddenly acknowledged Him or all of a sudden tuned their ears to hear Him?
He is everywhere, afterall.
Just wondering, dear prophet.
Today's reading: Ezekiel 43-48
"Suddenly, the glory of the God of Israel appeared from the east. The sound of his coming was like the roar of rushing waters, and the whole landscape shone with his glory." Ezekiel 43:2 NLT
Not to question a word in the Word, but...really, Ezekiel?
Did God honestly just suddenly appear, or are the people of your time just like the people of today--they suddenly acknowledged Him or all of a sudden tuned their ears to hear Him?
He is everywhere, afterall.
Just wondering, dear prophet.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Today's reading: Proverbs 14-15
"A wise woman builds her house; a foolish woman tears hers down with her own hands." Proverbs 14:1 NLT
What's this verse say to me?
It screams I need to suit up in my work clothes, fetch my gloves, gather up more materials and apply some elbow grease--although taking a knee in prayer is more along the lines of what I need.
I want to build, within the walls of my home, something that will last. Something that will stand the test of time. A monument of commitment. An inheritance for future generations.
It will require less Facebook time and more face-to-face time with God.
I'll need to begin applying biblical truths with the same steady hand I apply my make-up.
Fewer gripes, more praises.
What I need to do is of the greatest importance--to me and to my home!
Today's reading: Proverbs 14-15
"A wise woman builds her house; a foolish woman tears hers down with her own hands." Proverbs 14:1 NLT
What's this verse say to me?
It screams I need to suit up in my work clothes, fetch my gloves, gather up more materials and apply some elbow grease--although taking a knee in prayer is more along the lines of what I need.
I want to build, within the walls of my home, something that will last. Something that will stand the test of time. A monument of commitment. An inheritance for future generations.
It will require less Facebook time and more face-to-face time with God.
I'll need to begin applying biblical truths with the same steady hand I apply my make-up.
Fewer gripes, more praises.
What I need to do is of the greatest importance--to me and to my home!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 90-92
"Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Let us see your miracles again; let our children see your glory at work." Psalm 90:16 NLT
Do our children see our faith walk as a finished product? Do we hide from them the ups and downs of our walks with Christ? Are our failures and fallings hidden from their view?
Or are they seeing a mighty work of God in your life each and every day?
Do they see you stumble, pray and get up to go again?
Do they see you sin, repent and refuse to believe anymore of satan's lies?
Do they hear you asking for God's help?
Do they see the progress on a day-to-day basis as something they can attain to? Strive for? Work at?
Finished products are nice, but watching magnificence grow from the ground level takes on a personal note--a testimony, one might say.
Allow God's glory to be seen by the children (big and small) in your life!
Today's reading: Psalm 90-92
"Give us gladness in proportion to our former misery! Replace the evil years with good. Let us see your miracles again; let our children see your glory at work." Psalm 90:16 NLT
Do our children see our faith walk as a finished product? Do we hide from them the ups and downs of our walks with Christ? Are our failures and fallings hidden from their view?
Or are they seeing a mighty work of God in your life each and every day?
Do they see you stumble, pray and get up to go again?
Do they see you sin, repent and refuse to believe anymore of satan's lies?
Do they hear you asking for God's help?
Do they see the progress on a day-to-day basis as something they can attain to? Strive for? Work at?
Finished products are nice, but watching magnificence grow from the ground level takes on a personal note--a testimony, one might say.
Allow God's glory to be seen by the children (big and small) in your life!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Kings 21-25
"He followed the example of his father, worshiping the same idols that his father had worshiped." 2 Kings 21:21 NLT
Convicting. Eye-opening. Sickening.
To think my boy is being introduced to possible idols in his life by no one less instrumental in his life than his own Mother.
To have my eyes opened to the fact that what I allow, or choose not to make room for, in my heart and life is going to be what he might allow or dis-allow.
To think God knew, and still gave me the blessed opportunity and heavy-at-times privilege of being a Mom.
To think had I never had my own child, my influence and impact would still be seen in the lives of others.
Today's reading: 2 Kings 21-25
"He followed the example of his father, worshiping the same idols that his father had worshiped." 2 Kings 21:21 NLT
Convicting. Eye-opening. Sickening.
To think my boy is being introduced to possible idols in his life by no one less instrumental in his life than his own Mother.
To have my eyes opened to the fact that what I allow, or choose not to make room for, in my heart and life is going to be what he might allow or dis-allow.
To think God knew, and still gave me the blessed opportunity and heavy-at-times privilege of being a Mom.
To think had I never had my own child, my influence and impact would still be seen in the lives of others.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Today's reading: Leviticus 22-24
Hearing 'Malinda' said brings to mind my Grandma and all the honor and respect her life entailed.
Hearing 'Mom' spoken, regardless of the tone, is important to me.
Hearing 'Sweetheart' whispered, by my favorite guy, floats my boat.
Hearing 'daughter' in reference to myself makes me proud.
Names mean alot. A good name means even more.
"You must faithfully keep all my commands by obeying them, for I am the Lord. Do not treat my holy name as common or ordinary..." Leviticus 22:31-32 NLT
What I do with God's name will infer to the person to whom I speak His value, importance and place in my life.
So? What's the world finding our about your God by what you say about Him?
Today's reading: Leviticus 22-24
Hearing 'Malinda' said brings to mind my Grandma and all the honor and respect her life entailed.
Hearing 'Mom' spoken, regardless of the tone, is important to me.
Hearing 'Sweetheart' whispered, by my favorite guy, floats my boat.
Hearing 'daughter' in reference to myself makes me proud.
Names mean alot. A good name means even more.
"You must faithfully keep all my commands by obeying them, for I am the Lord. Do not treat my holy name as common or ordinary..." Leviticus 22:31-32 NLT
What I do with God's name will infer to the person to whom I speak His value, importance and place in my life.
So? What's the world finding our about your God by what you say about Him?
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