Today's reading: 1 Kings 1-4
I tease my son about his middle name being 'Want-Want-Want'. The latest toy, the newest game, the tennis shoes another kid has. He is constantly presenting his requests. I laugh, I discuss, I explain to him the differences between wants and needs--and I cringe. I cringe because I know he gets it from his mother!
I have an entire Christmas list of things I want: new dishes, a pair of black everyday sandals, the perfect pair of jeans, world peace, quieter neighbors, a garden that weeds its self, etc.
And this morning, I need to add just one more thing...matter of fact, I believe I'd be content if God would provide this one thing:
"Give me an understanding mind so that I can govern your people well and know the difference between right and wrong..." 1 Kings 3:9 NLT
He did it for Solomon. As a matter of fact, he was tickled with Solomon asking. I'm praying He will do it for me!
To realize my influence and impact on others (governing).
To realize that everyone I come in contact with are His (your people).
To know, and I believe His Spirit takes us beyond just knowing in to obedience, the difference between right and wrong. To abstain from my opinion versus 'thus saith the Lord'. To place an 'eternity value' on each and every decision I make.
That's the one thing I need today. And I'm taking it to the throne of the King who can provide!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Today's reading: Exodus 33-36
Isaiah calls me Mom.
My one year-old niece, Annie, calls me MimMim.
My older nephews and nieces call me Aunt Ninny.
Mom and Dad call me Sis.
Telemarketers call me Mrs. Edgell, or some close facsimile of it.
My closest friends, those who have met me, have come to know me and still like me--they call me Malinda. God included!
"...You call me by name..." Exodus 33:12 NLT
There's something awfully endearing about calling someone by name. It personalizes a relationship. It deepens friendships. It shows someone cares.
The Creator of the entire world calls me by name! The One who send His Son to die on the cross, knows me on a first name basis! The Lord God Almighty and I are on a first name basis!
Today's reading: Exodus 33-36
Isaiah calls me Mom.
My one year-old niece, Annie, calls me MimMim.
My older nephews and nieces call me Aunt Ninny.
Mom and Dad call me Sis.
Telemarketers call me Mrs. Edgell, or some close facsimile of it.
My closest friends, those who have met me, have come to know me and still like me--they call me Malinda. God included!
"...You call me by name..." Exodus 33:12 NLT
There's something awfully endearing about calling someone by name. It personalizes a relationship. It deepens friendships. It shows someone cares.
The Creator of the entire world calls me by name! The One who send His Son to die on the cross, knows me on a first name basis! The Lord God Almighty and I are on a first name basis!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Today's reading: Luke 7-8
"Now the highly valued slave of a Roman officer was sick and near death." Luke 7:2 NLT
The story of a miraculous healing begins with these simple words.
The first chapter of the centurion's walk of faith with Jesus begins.
The earthly ministry of Christ was magnified with this stated obstacle.
But another thought hit me...It's stated that this sick servant was considered highly valuable.
Maybe he was a wizz-bang cook. Quite possibly he was one great duster. Was it his organizational skills that kept him as one of his master's favorites? Could no one out-do this fellow's landscaping feats? His dictation skills? His value, since he was a slave, was based upon what he could do--not who he was. And despite his value to his master, he remained 'in chains' as a slave. Was he really highly valued?
I'm so glad that I am no longer a slave valued by satan because of the screw-ups I continually and effortlessly make! I've done plenty to enable the devil's attempts to cause me to stumble, doubt or fail. I have on more than one occasion provided him with enough ammunition to shoot me in the foot!
But no more! Now I am valued because of the blood running through my veins--and more importantly, the blood covering my sins!
Today's reading: Luke 7-8
"Now the highly valued slave of a Roman officer was sick and near death." Luke 7:2 NLT
The story of a miraculous healing begins with these simple words.
The first chapter of the centurion's walk of faith with Jesus begins.
The earthly ministry of Christ was magnified with this stated obstacle.
But another thought hit me...It's stated that this sick servant was considered highly valuable.
Maybe he was a wizz-bang cook. Quite possibly he was one great duster. Was it his organizational skills that kept him as one of his master's favorites? Could no one out-do this fellow's landscaping feats? His dictation skills? His value, since he was a slave, was based upon what he could do--not who he was. And despite his value to his master, he remained 'in chains' as a slave. Was he really highly valued?
I'm so glad that I am no longer a slave valued by satan because of the screw-ups I continually and effortlessly make! I've done plenty to enable the devil's attempts to cause me to stumble, doubt or fail. I have on more than one occasion provided him with enough ammunition to shoot me in the foot!
But no more! Now I am valued because of the blood running through my veins--and more importantly, the blood covering my sins!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 11-13
"But I don't think I am inferior to these 'super apostles'. I may not be a trained speaker, but I know what I'm talking about..." 2 Corinthians 11:5 NLT
I'm no Joyce Meyers. I'm no Juanita Bynum. I'm no Beth Moore.
I'm not educationally filled with knowledge or theologically grounded in different views.
I've not got weekends scheduled months in advance.
I've no 'following'.
But I tell you what I know about all God does in my life. I write, to the best of my abilities, in regards to what He shows me. I speak from a heart that I attempt to keep focused on Christ and where He's at work.
That's all I can do. That's all He asks me to do. That's all I am an 'expert' in.
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 11-13
"But I don't think I am inferior to these 'super apostles'. I may not be a trained speaker, but I know what I'm talking about..." 2 Corinthians 11:5 NLT
I'm no Joyce Meyers. I'm no Juanita Bynum. I'm no Beth Moore.
I'm not educationally filled with knowledge or theologically grounded in different views.
I've not got weekends scheduled months in advance.
I've no 'following'.
But I tell you what I know about all God does in my life. I write, to the best of my abilities, in regards to what He shows me. I speak from a heart that I attempt to keep focused on Christ and where He's at work.
That's all I can do. That's all He asks me to do. That's all I am an 'expert' in.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Today's reading: Jeremiah 42-46
"Fear not, Jacob, my servant, says the Lord, for I am with you. I will destroy the nations to which I have exiled you, but I will not destroy you. But I must discipline you; I cannot let you go unpunished." Jeremiah 46:28 NLT
We've all experienced the discomfort of God's discipline.
The memory that continually reminds of a regret. The scar. The sentence. The labor. The swats. The paddlings. The time-outs. The groundings.
This is gonna hurt a little, the Lord says--but it's gonna hurt Me more than it hurts you.
This is the consequence--but I am the reward for enduring.
This is the field I'm asking you to till, plant and weed--but the harvest with be grand.
Verses like today's are the band-aids that make the hurt tolerable, the pain less of the focus and the healing begin.
We all have our 'ow-ies'. We all, as His kids, have His promises!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 42-46
"Fear not, Jacob, my servant, says the Lord, for I am with you. I will destroy the nations to which I have exiled you, but I will not destroy you. But I must discipline you; I cannot let you go unpunished." Jeremiah 46:28 NLT
We've all experienced the discomfort of God's discipline.
The memory that continually reminds of a regret. The scar. The sentence. The labor. The swats. The paddlings. The time-outs. The groundings.
This is gonna hurt a little, the Lord says--but it's gonna hurt Me more than it hurts you.
This is the consequence--but I am the reward for enduring.
This is the field I'm asking you to till, plant and weed--but the harvest with be grand.
Verses like today's are the band-aids that make the hurt tolerable, the pain less of the focus and the healing begin.
We all have our 'ow-ies'. We all, as His kids, have His promises!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Today's reading: Job 41-42
"I had heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes." Job 42:5 NLT
You have been an eyewitness to God's goodness, His provision and His love--haven't you?
You do have a personal knowledge of His grace--right?
You own a privatized intelligence of His mercy--yes?
You, yourself, have experienced first-hand His gift of salvation?
The lowdown on His greatness?
The skinny on evidence of His awesome-ness?
There is nothing like an eyewitness to tell a story. You are the owner and benefactor of something so wonderful that you cannot possibly contain it!
You're telling others all about it, aren't you?
Today's reading: Job 41-42
"I had heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes." Job 42:5 NLT
You have been an eyewitness to God's goodness, His provision and His love--haven't you?
You do have a personal knowledge of His grace--right?
You own a privatized intelligence of His mercy--yes?
You, yourself, have experienced first-hand His gift of salvation?
The lowdown on His greatness?
The skinny on evidence of His awesome-ness?
There is nothing like an eyewitness to tell a story. You are the owner and benefactor of something so wonderful that you cannot possibly contain it!
You're telling others all about it, aren't you?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 60-62
"You have shaken our land and split it open. Seal the cracks before it completely collapses." Psalm 60:2 NLT
Tornadoes. Fallen morals. Social deviancy. Rampant sin. Legalized abortions. Turning our backs on Your people, the Promised Land and the stipulations and warnings of Your Word.
We do deserve it, but Lord, please Lord, draw us back unto You before our fine country collapses around us.
Today's reading: Psalm 60-62
"You have shaken our land and split it open. Seal the cracks before it completely collapses." Psalm 60:2 NLT
Tornadoes. Fallen morals. Social deviancy. Rampant sin. Legalized abortions. Turning our backs on Your people, the Promised Land and the stipulations and warnings of Your Word.
We do deserve it, but Lord, please Lord, draw us back unto You before our fine country collapses around us.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 20-24
I'm bothered by the footage of a mile-wide tornado's destructive path.
I'm disgusted by the turn of events in society, what's wrong, immoral and down-right disgusting, sells merchandise hand over fist.
I'm saddened by the effects cancer has on a body, on a mind, on a family.
I'm questioning leaders.
I'm wondering how hot global warming will get.
I'm puzzled by the fact that there is even a debate as to whether it's a baby or not before it's born.
What do I do with all my doubts, fears, questions and worries? I can carry them around, but as most of us know, it gets very heavy. I can try to find the answers myself, but I'm incapable. I can seek out officials, specialists, experts or superior minds, but they themselves tend to scratch their heads in wonder.
So, I'll take an example from the life of David...
"There was a famine during David's reign that lasted for three years so David asked the Lord about it..." 2 Samuel 21:1 NLT
I'll start going to the source of all answers. I'll start talking to the Creator of all there is, there was and there will be. I'll start conversing with the One who knows all there is to know about all there is.
And when I'm not given an answer that clears up all confusion? I'll trust Him. I'll believe, with all that's in me, that He will fill me in on what He needs me to know. And those matters that continue to confound me? Well, I'll just have to think He and I will discuss them in heaven--if they even cross my mind when I'm there!
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 20-24
I'm bothered by the footage of a mile-wide tornado's destructive path.
I'm disgusted by the turn of events in society, what's wrong, immoral and down-right disgusting, sells merchandise hand over fist.
I'm saddened by the effects cancer has on a body, on a mind, on a family.
I'm questioning leaders.
I'm wondering how hot global warming will get.
I'm puzzled by the fact that there is even a debate as to whether it's a baby or not before it's born.
What do I do with all my doubts, fears, questions and worries? I can carry them around, but as most of us know, it gets very heavy. I can try to find the answers myself, but I'm incapable. I can seek out officials, specialists, experts or superior minds, but they themselves tend to scratch their heads in wonder.
So, I'll take an example from the life of David...
"There was a famine during David's reign that lasted for three years so David asked the Lord about it..." 2 Samuel 21:1 NLT
I'll start going to the source of all answers. I'll start talking to the Creator of all there is, there was and there will be. I'll start conversing with the One who knows all there is to know about all there is.
And when I'm not given an answer that clears up all confusion? I'll trust Him. I'll believe, with all that's in me, that He will fill me in on what He needs me to know. And those matters that continue to confound me? Well, I'll just have to think He and I will discuss them in heaven--if they even cross my mind when I'm there!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Today's reading: Exodus 29-32
"...Moses saw the calf and the dancing. In terrible anger, he threw the stone tablets to the ground, smashing them at the foot of the mountain. He took the calf they had made and melted it in the fire. And when the metal had cooled, he ground it into powder and mixed it with water. Then he made the people drink it." Exodus 32:20 NLT
I will be the first to admit, I have a huge appetite. Eating is one of my hobbies--and not to brag, but I'm pretty good at it.
But to have to eat my idols? Ground up into a milkshake, a slushie or an ice-cold beverage? I've not got that big of an appetite.
A puree of clothes would be a simple recipe, but very tasteless and hard to swallow.
What would He do with my god of control? The idol of my own way? The statue of my plans? My time? My schedule?
A little salt and pepper or a spoonful of sugar wouldn't help any of them go down easier, but it sure made me think. I have no golden calves sitting around my house. Molded trinkets? No, they would require dusting. Statues? Nothing visible. But God has spoken to my heart about the issue of what all I place before Him--and in doing so, He has helped me develop a healthier 'eating' plan!
Today's reading: Exodus 29-32
"...Moses saw the calf and the dancing. In terrible anger, he threw the stone tablets to the ground, smashing them at the foot of the mountain. He took the calf they had made and melted it in the fire. And when the metal had cooled, he ground it into powder and mixed it with water. Then he made the people drink it." Exodus 32:20 NLT
I will be the first to admit, I have a huge appetite. Eating is one of my hobbies--and not to brag, but I'm pretty good at it.
But to have to eat my idols? Ground up into a milkshake, a slushie or an ice-cold beverage? I've not got that big of an appetite.
A puree of clothes would be a simple recipe, but very tasteless and hard to swallow.
What would He do with my god of control? The idol of my own way? The statue of my plans? My time? My schedule?
A little salt and pepper or a spoonful of sugar wouldn't help any of them go down easier, but it sure made me think. I have no golden calves sitting around my house. Molded trinkets? No, they would require dusting. Statues? Nothing visible. But God has spoken to my heart about the issue of what all I place before Him--and in doing so, He has helped me develop a healthier 'eating' plan!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Today's reading: Luke 5-6
"One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of Galilee, great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of God." Luke 5:1 NLT
Will you be pressing your way to Jesus this morning?
Merriam-Webster's definition of the verb 'press' is: to crowd closely or to seek urgently.
Will that define your desire to worship this Lord's Day?
Will you seek Him regardless? Will you be in His presence no matter what? Will anything, anything at all, keep you from being at His side this Sunday?
Today's reading: Luke 5-6
"One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of Galilee, great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of God." Luke 5:1 NLT
Will you be pressing your way to Jesus this morning?
Merriam-Webster's definition of the verb 'press' is: to crowd closely or to seek urgently.
Will that define your desire to worship this Lord's Day?
Will you seek Him regardless? Will you be in His presence no matter what? Will anything, anything at all, keep you from being at His side this Sunday?
Today's reading: Luke 5-6
"One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of Galilee, great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of God." Luke 5:1 NLT
Will you be pressing your way to Jesus this morning?
Merriam-Webster's definition of the verb 'press' is: to crowd closely or to seek urgently.
Will that define your desire to worship this Lord's Day?
Will you seek Him regardless? Will you be in His presence no matter what? Will anything, anything at all, keep you from being at His side this Sunday?
Today's reading: Luke 5-6
"One day as Jesus was preaching on the shore of Galilee, great crowds pressed in on him to listen to the word of God." Luke 5:1 NLT
Will you be pressing your way to Jesus this morning?
Merriam-Webster's definition of the verb 'press' is: to crowd closely or to seek urgently.
Will that define your desire to worship this Lord's Day?
Will you seek Him regardless? Will you be in His presence no matter what? Will anything, anything at all, keep you from being at His side this Sunday?
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 9-10
"And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others." 2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT
I am an un-paid advertisement for the truth and the power packed into this one little verse.
I have seen Him provide--generously! I have watched with my own eyes as the checkbook provided, the wallet supplied and the resources held out! I have handed over abundance only to recieve more and more. I have witnessed provision when it could have only been God. I have handed tissues to friends who needed just what I had to give at just the moment I gave.
I am resting comfortably in a home He has placed in our hands. I experience the joy of giving to Him His tithe each week. I am determined to pass along dependence upon this verse and its promises to our young lad. I have more change in the ashtray of my car than some in our world will ever hold. I have choices as to what to wear today. I have a pantry filled with all I need and extra in case He leads me to share.
He has generously provided all I need and a whole heap of a lot of my wants. To God be the glory!
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 9-10
"And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others." 2 Corinthians 9:8 NLT
I am an un-paid advertisement for the truth and the power packed into this one little verse.
I have seen Him provide--generously! I have watched with my own eyes as the checkbook provided, the wallet supplied and the resources held out! I have handed over abundance only to recieve more and more. I have witnessed provision when it could have only been God. I have handed tissues to friends who needed just what I had to give at just the moment I gave.
I am resting comfortably in a home He has placed in our hands. I experience the joy of giving to Him His tithe each week. I am determined to pass along dependence upon this verse and its promises to our young lad. I have more change in the ashtray of my car than some in our world will ever hold. I have choices as to what to wear today. I have a pantry filled with all I need and extra in case He leads me to share.
He has generously provided all I need and a whole heap of a lot of my wants. To God be the glory!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Today's reading: Jeremiah 37-41
Pits. Puddles. Depressions. Holes. Cisterns. Burrow. Ditch. Crater. Abyss.
I'm not sure what you're calling 'the sunken area forming a separate place', but we've all been in one. It may be one of your own making or a spot someone else, or someone else's actions, have thrown you into to.
Regardless of how you ended up there, how are you choosing to get out?
A miraculous delivery? Possible, we serve an amazingly awesome God.
A simple exit? I guess there's a chance of it, a slim chance.
A steep, exhausting, get-your-hands-dirty, need to depend a bit on another attempt? Yes, that's probably what it will take.
Oh, don't let that announcement bother you. It's happened to the best of God's men!
"So Ebed-melech took the men with him and went to a room in the palace beneath the treasury, where he found some old rags and discarded clothing. He carried these to the cistern and lowered them to Jeremiah on a rope. Ebed-melech called down to Jeremiah, Put these rags under your armpits to protect you from the ropes. Then when Jeremiah was ready, they pulled him out..." Jeremiah 38:11-13 NLT
A man of God wasn't angelically hoisted from his pit. A man of God wasn't able to 'pray' himself out. A man of God was not simply and effortlessly transported from the well to the side of the king.
No, he had friends. He had a God who moved His friends into action. He had the humility to accept help. He had eyes open to an opportunity that might have looked a little different than what he'd expected. He had his issues of pride pushed to the side and was willing to stuff those musty, wrinkled hand-me-downs under his armpits and be pulled up by friends who were in a better place than he.
I'll go ahead and ask you what God asked me--what do you have at your disposal to help you get out of your 'pit'? Who has God placed in your path? What has He provided? How will you allow Him to help you?
Up and out is where I want to be. Will I use everything He has placed at my fingertips to get there?
Today's reading: Jeremiah 37-41
Pits. Puddles. Depressions. Holes. Cisterns. Burrow. Ditch. Crater. Abyss.
I'm not sure what you're calling 'the sunken area forming a separate place', but we've all been in one. It may be one of your own making or a spot someone else, or someone else's actions, have thrown you into to.
Regardless of how you ended up there, how are you choosing to get out?
A miraculous delivery? Possible, we serve an amazingly awesome God.
A simple exit? I guess there's a chance of it, a slim chance.
A steep, exhausting, get-your-hands-dirty, need to depend a bit on another attempt? Yes, that's probably what it will take.
Oh, don't let that announcement bother you. It's happened to the best of God's men!
"So Ebed-melech took the men with him and went to a room in the palace beneath the treasury, where he found some old rags and discarded clothing. He carried these to the cistern and lowered them to Jeremiah on a rope. Ebed-melech called down to Jeremiah, Put these rags under your armpits to protect you from the ropes. Then when Jeremiah was ready, they pulled him out..." Jeremiah 38:11-13 NLT
A man of God wasn't angelically hoisted from his pit. A man of God wasn't able to 'pray' himself out. A man of God was not simply and effortlessly transported from the well to the side of the king.
No, he had friends. He had a God who moved His friends into action. He had the humility to accept help. He had eyes open to an opportunity that might have looked a little different than what he'd expected. He had his issues of pride pushed to the side and was willing to stuff those musty, wrinkled hand-me-downs under his armpits and be pulled up by friends who were in a better place than he.
I'll go ahead and ask you what God asked me--what do you have at your disposal to help you get out of your 'pit'? Who has God placed in your path? What has He provided? How will you allow Him to help you?
Up and out is where I want to be. Will I use everything He has placed at my fingertips to get there?
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Today's reading: Job 39-40
The name elicits fear in the hearts of those who dare to think what happened to him, might happen to them.
His life is referred to when we hope to minister to another, encourage or promote trust in God.
His victory pushes us to believe in God's bigger plan, God's greater purpose, God's holy reasons.
His story is captured in the summary of one verse...
"Then Job replied to the Lord, I am nothing--..." Job 40:3 NLT
When Job remembered who he was in comparison to Who God is/was/will be, questions stopped and realization set in. When He paused to account for the sovereignty of God and the miniscule role he himself played, there was nothing else he could say.
Is it time for the story of your life to have the same written of it? Are you ready for your purpose to be revealed not in who you are, but in what He will be glorified for? Are you prepared to come to grips with the nothing-ness of yourself and the greatness of our Creator?
It will be a turning point in your life that others will set as examples in how they live, what they endure and the legacy they leave.
Today's reading: Job 39-40
The name elicits fear in the hearts of those who dare to think what happened to him, might happen to them.
His life is referred to when we hope to minister to another, encourage or promote trust in God.
His victory pushes us to believe in God's bigger plan, God's greater purpose, God's holy reasons.
His story is captured in the summary of one verse...
"Then Job replied to the Lord, I am nothing--..." Job 40:3 NLT
When Job remembered who he was in comparison to Who God is/was/will be, questions stopped and realization set in. When He paused to account for the sovereignty of God and the miniscule role he himself played, there was nothing else he could say.
Is it time for the story of your life to have the same written of it? Are you ready for your purpose to be revealed not in who you are, but in what He will be glorified for? Are you prepared to come to grips with the nothing-ness of yourself and the greatness of our Creator?
It will be a turning point in your life that others will set as examples in how they live, what they endure and the legacy they leave.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 57-59
What are you singing this morning?
A verse from yesterday's song declaring satan's victories and your defeats? A chorus stuck in your head from satan whispering in your ear? A mournful tune? A funeral dirge? Something barely audible? Some muffled words?
Or are you singing about God, His love, His power, His strength and His might? Are you belting out praises for our King? Singing at the top of your lungs--whether you can carry a tune or not?
"But as for me, I will sing about your power. I will shout with joy each morning because of your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety in the day of distress." Psalm 59:16 NLT
So, what are you singing???
Today's reading: Psalm 57-59
What are you singing this morning?
A verse from yesterday's song declaring satan's victories and your defeats? A chorus stuck in your head from satan whispering in your ear? A mournful tune? A funeral dirge? Something barely audible? Some muffled words?
Or are you singing about God, His love, His power, His strength and His might? Are you belting out praises for our King? Singing at the top of your lungs--whether you can carry a tune or not?
"But as for me, I will sing about your power. I will shout with joy each morning because of your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety in the day of distress." Psalm 59:16 NLT
So, what are you singing???
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 15-19
"...If the Lord sees fit..." 2 Samuel 15:25 NLT
I am in awe of the Savior I serve.
His sovereignty, power, goodness and love leave me needing to do more than worship and praise Him.
I needn't worry, He is in control. I needn't fear, He is capable. I needn't wonder, He knows all. I needn't tremble, He has won!
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 15-19
"...If the Lord sees fit..." 2 Samuel 15:25 NLT
I am in awe of the Savior I serve.
His sovereignty, power, goodness and love leave me needing to do more than worship and praise Him.
I needn't worry, He is in control. I needn't fear, He is capable. I needn't wonder, He knows all. I needn't tremble, He has won!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Today's reading: Exodus 25-28
Reading today's section of Scripture I find no one verse jumping off the page at me. I am not drawn to a certain phrase or a portion of the Word. What did come to mind as I read was the fact that all the details of the Tabernacle points to one thing: God does not deal with generalities.
He is a holy God who will not allow 'close to it', 'almost' or 'near enough'.
He tells us He is the ONLY way to heaven.
He gives precise directions regarding so many areas of our lives. He gives specifics in regards to our Christian walk, our journey towards godliness and our relationship with Christ.
He loves us enough to expect us to follow His rules!
Today's reading: Exodus 25-28
Reading today's section of Scripture I find no one verse jumping off the page at me. I am not drawn to a certain phrase or a portion of the Word. What did come to mind as I read was the fact that all the details of the Tabernacle points to one thing: God does not deal with generalities.
He is a holy God who will not allow 'close to it', 'almost' or 'near enough'.
He tells us He is the ONLY way to heaven.
He gives precise directions regarding so many areas of our lives. He gives specifics in regards to our Christian walk, our journey towards godliness and our relationship with Christ.
He loves us enough to expect us to follow His rules!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Today's reading: Luke 3-4
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that the captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come." Luke 4:18-19 NLT
Over two thousand years ago Christ spoke these words as a healing balm to the men and women He was called to touch in His earthly ministry.
Friend, the words still hold the remedy.
Today's reading: Luke 3-4
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has appointed me to preach Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that the captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the downtrodden will be freed from their oppressors, and that the time of the Lord's favor has come." Luke 4:18-19 NLT
Over two thousand years ago Christ spoke these words as a healing balm to the men and women He was called to touch in His earthly ministry.
Friend, the words still hold the remedy.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 6-8
"Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything." 2 Corinthians 6:10 NLT
How quick I am to spout off a wish list of things I don't have and believe I need. How easy it is for me to overlook all I have in pursuit of that one thing I'm lacking.
And yet, I have all I need.
I have Christ's forgiveness. I have a promise of heaven. I have grace to cover the 'Malinda' part of me and His abundant love to share.
I have the heartaches and I have the peace that passes understanding. I have the trials and I have the sunshine in my heart.
All we need is Christ. All else is abundance!
Today's reading: 2 Corinthians 6-8
"Our hearts ache, but we always have joy. We are poor, but we give spiritual riches to others. We own nothing, and yet we have everything." 2 Corinthians 6:10 NLT
How quick I am to spout off a wish list of things I don't have and believe I need. How easy it is for me to overlook all I have in pursuit of that one thing I'm lacking.
And yet, I have all I need.
I have Christ's forgiveness. I have a promise of heaven. I have grace to cover the 'Malinda' part of me and His abundant love to share.
I have the heartaches and I have the peace that passes understanding. I have the trials and I have the sunshine in my heart.
All we need is Christ. All else is abundance!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Today's reading: Job 37-38
"Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east?" Job 38:12 NLT
I'm having the kind of morning where I notice the smallest things. The birds chirping before the sun even comes up. The dandelions blooming across the yard. The rise and fall of a little one's chest as he sleeps. The color of the hayfield across from our house.
And then?
Then God takes it to a higher, grander level and presents me with the question He presented to Job all those years ago.
And I'm awed.
I'm reminded who I am not, but in Whose care and hands I live.
I'm reminded of what I cannot do, but in Whose power I trust.
I'm reminded of my limitations, my weaknesses and my inabilities.
I'm reminded that the most important hats I wear are 'part-time' jobs in comparison to His majesty and glory.
I'm slowed to remember Him and all He does for me.
Today's reading: Job 37-38
"Have you ever commanded the morning to appear and caused the dawn to rise in the east?" Job 38:12 NLT
I'm having the kind of morning where I notice the smallest things. The birds chirping before the sun even comes up. The dandelions blooming across the yard. The rise and fall of a little one's chest as he sleeps. The color of the hayfield across from our house.
And then?
Then God takes it to a higher, grander level and presents me with the question He presented to Job all those years ago.
And I'm awed.
I'm reminded who I am not, but in Whose care and hands I live.
I'm reminded of what I cannot do, but in Whose power I trust.
I'm reminded of my limitations, my weaknesses and my inabilities.
I'm reminded that the most important hats I wear are 'part-time' jobs in comparison to His majesty and glory.
I'm slowed to remember Him and all He does for me.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Today's reading: Psalm 54-56
"Come with great power, O God..." Psalm 54:1 NLT
Don't just slip quietly into the situation--explode on the scene and make my unsaved loved one take notice!
Please, don't just whisper commands--shout loud enough to make the mountains move and satan run with his tail between his legs!
Don't just answer my prayers in a quiet and compassionate way--heal miraculously, comfort boldly and save to the uttermost!
Make some noise, Lord.
Turn the spotlight on Yourself and do something grand.
Make it big! Make it awe-inspiring! Make it something You've signed Your name to with a flourish!
Today's reading: Psalm 54-56
"Come with great power, O God..." Psalm 54:1 NLT
Don't just slip quietly into the situation--explode on the scene and make my unsaved loved one take notice!
Please, don't just whisper commands--shout loud enough to make the mountains move and satan run with his tail between his legs!
Don't just answer my prayers in a quiet and compassionate way--heal miraculously, comfort boldly and save to the uttermost!
Make some noise, Lord.
Turn the spotlight on Yourself and do something grand.
Make it big! Make it awe-inspiring! Make it something You've signed Your name to with a flourish!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 10-14
"The following spring, the time of year when kings go to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to destroy the Ammonites. In the process they laid seige to the city of Rabbah. But David stayed behind." 2 Samuel 11:1 NLT
Most of us know what came next in David's life...sin, cover-up, heartache, death, turmoil, generational instability and defeat.
The results are no different when we sit back and expect, assume or delegate our responsibilities to someone else. Think it's not happening? Think again.
It is not the job of teachers and school administrators to teach respect, manners and right living to our children.
It is not the job of our pastors, deacons and Sunday School teachers to teach godly living.
It is not the job of our government to provide for and raise the lower and no income of our nation.
We've thought it has been for a while now--and look where it's gotten us.
Step up and being doing what it is God has purposed you to do. If it's your job, don't push it off on someone else--no matter how hard, involved or big the job is.
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 10-14
"The following spring, the time of year when kings go to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to destroy the Ammonites. In the process they laid seige to the city of Rabbah. But David stayed behind." 2 Samuel 11:1 NLT
Most of us know what came next in David's life...sin, cover-up, heartache, death, turmoil, generational instability and defeat.
The results are no different when we sit back and expect, assume or delegate our responsibilities to someone else. Think it's not happening? Think again.
It is not the job of teachers and school administrators to teach respect, manners and right living to our children.
It is not the job of our pastors, deacons and Sunday School teachers to teach godly living.
It is not the job of our government to provide for and raise the lower and no income of our nation.
We've thought it has been for a while now--and look where it's gotten us.
Step up and being doing what it is God has purposed you to do. If it's your job, don't push it off on someone else--no matter how hard, involved or big the job is.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Today's reading: Exodus 21-24
"Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see..." Exodus 23:8 NLT
With you as witnesses, I'm stating here and now...Satan will not get to me this week!
He has bribed me. He pushed my buttons. He's laid out the tastiest bait. He has fitted me with glasses that blur the lines between right and wrong, blessing and curse. He has set as a target. He has distracted. He has ridiculed. He has used every trick in the book.
And I've reacted in ways that tickle him pink. I have allowed him to steer me off the course God and I were traveling. I have been ignoring God's warnings, shunning God's nudgings and refusing to listen to God tell me satan was a liar.
I've blown up. I've ranted. I've raved. I've been snippish, critical and sharp-tongued. I've taken his bait--hook, line, sinker and fishing pole. I've bought into his lies. I've allowed his lies to influence my actions, my witness and my faith.
But not this week!
I'm on to him. I'm tired of his games. I'm fed up with his lies. I'm ready to shed some of the burdens he's been placing on my shoulders.
God and I have this week covered!
Satan will not win this week.
Today's reading: Exodus 21-24
"Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see..." Exodus 23:8 NLT
With you as witnesses, I'm stating here and now...Satan will not get to me this week!
He has bribed me. He pushed my buttons. He's laid out the tastiest bait. He has fitted me with glasses that blur the lines between right and wrong, blessing and curse. He has set as a target. He has distracted. He has ridiculed. He has used every trick in the book.
And I've reacted in ways that tickle him pink. I have allowed him to steer me off the course God and I were traveling. I have been ignoring God's warnings, shunning God's nudgings and refusing to listen to God tell me satan was a liar.
I've blown up. I've ranted. I've raved. I've been snippish, critical and sharp-tongued. I've taken his bait--hook, line, sinker and fishing pole. I've bought into his lies. I've allowed his lies to influence my actions, my witness and my faith.
But not this week!
I'm on to him. I'm tired of his games. I'm fed up with his lies. I'm ready to shed some of the burdens he's been placing on my shoulders.
God and I have this week covered!
Satan will not win this week.
Today's reading: Exodus 21-24
"Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see..." Exodus 23:8 NLT
With you as witnesses, I'm stating here and now...Satan will not get to me this week!
He has bribed me. He pushed my buttons. He's laid out the tastiest bait. He has fitted me with glasses that blur the lines between right and wrong, blessing and curse. He has set as a target. He has distracted. He has ridiculed. He has used every trick in the book.
And I've reacted in ways that tickle him pink. I have allowed him to steer me off the course God and I were traveling. I have been ignoring God's warnings, shunning God's nudgings and refusing to listen to God tell me satan was a liar.
I've blown up. I've ranted. I've raved. I've been snippish, critical and sharp-tongued. I've taken his bait--hook, line, sinker and fishing pole. I've bought into his lies. I've allowed his lies to influence my actions, my witness and my faith.
But not this week!
I'm on to him. I'm tired of his games. I'm fed up with his lies. I'm ready to shed some of the burdens he's been placing on my shoulders.
God and I have this week covered!
Satan will not win this week.
Today's reading: Exodus 21-24
"Take no bribes, for a bribe makes you ignore something that you clearly see..." Exodus 23:8 NLT
With you as witnesses, I'm stating here and now...Satan will not get to me this week!
He has bribed me. He pushed my buttons. He's laid out the tastiest bait. He has fitted me with glasses that blur the lines between right and wrong, blessing and curse. He has set as a target. He has distracted. He has ridiculed. He has used every trick in the book.
And I've reacted in ways that tickle him pink. I have allowed him to steer me off the course God and I were traveling. I have been ignoring God's warnings, shunning God's nudgings and refusing to listen to God tell me satan was a liar.
I've blown up. I've ranted. I've raved. I've been snippish, critical and sharp-tongued. I've taken his bait--hook, line, sinker and fishing pole. I've bought into his lies. I've allowed his lies to influence my actions, my witness and my faith.
But not this week!
I'm on to him. I'm tired of his games. I'm fed up with his lies. I'm ready to shed some of the burdens he's been placing on my shoulders.
God and I have this week covered!
Satan will not win this week.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Today's reading: Luke 1-2
Ever won the lottery? A grand prize? Have you ever opened the door to a pair of business-suited individuals holding a 'Publisher's Clearinghouse' check with your name on it?
I've not either--but I believe I know just how one might feel. As a matter of fact, I believe I've hit a jackpot bigger, grander, or more value and that will last much longer than any of those...
"You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what he said." Luke 1:45
Not only do I believe in Jesus Christ as the forgiver of all my sins--I've also got the best mother He has created!
That, my friends, makes me doubly blessed!!!
My Mom is super. My Mom is patient. My Mom is wise beyond her years. My Mom is smart. My Mom is beautiful. My Mom is loving, giving, understanding and a wonderful role model. My Mom makes the best Frozen Strawberry Dessert and chicken and dumplings. My Mom is never frustrated. My Mom is a godly woman who has raised my three sisters and I to believe in God. My Mom is the best grandmother in the world, too.
Yes, to know because I believe, I am blessed is great...to know I am blessed because of my relationship with God and to be Nora's daughter...well, that's the icing on the cake!
Love you, Mom!
Today's reading: Luke 1-2
Ever won the lottery? A grand prize? Have you ever opened the door to a pair of business-suited individuals holding a 'Publisher's Clearinghouse' check with your name on it?
I've not either--but I believe I know just how one might feel. As a matter of fact, I believe I've hit a jackpot bigger, grander, or more value and that will last much longer than any of those...
"You are blessed, because you believed that the Lord would do what he said." Luke 1:45
Not only do I believe in Jesus Christ as the forgiver of all my sins--I've also got the best mother He has created!
That, my friends, makes me doubly blessed!!!
My Mom is super. My Mom is patient. My Mom is wise beyond her years. My Mom is smart. My Mom is beautiful. My Mom is loving, giving, understanding and a wonderful role model. My Mom makes the best Frozen Strawberry Dessert and chicken and dumplings. My Mom is never frustrated. My Mom is a godly woman who has raised my three sisters and I to believe in God. My Mom is the best grandmother in the world, too.
Yes, to know because I believe, I am blessed is great...to know I am blessed because of my relationship with God and to be Nora's daughter...well, that's the icing on the cake!
Love you, Mom!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Today's reading: Jeremiah 27-31
"I turned away from God, but then I was sorry. I kicked myself for my stupidity! I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in my younger days." Jeremiah 31:19NLT
Was it really necessary to publish it, Lord? True? Yes, I cannot deny it. But in print? Actual lines, spoken verbatim, from the script of my life?
But it does remind me of how gracious You were to take me back!
And I am reminded of how cherished I feel because You stooped down to rescue me.
And I am grateful that I use the less than stellar parts of my life as a witnessing tool.
And, well, it's not like we can undo, erase or delete those days, months or years.
So? So, I thank You for reminding me from whence I came!
Today's reading: Jeremiah 27-31
"I turned away from God, but then I was sorry. I kicked myself for my stupidity! I was thoroughly ashamed of all I did in my younger days." Jeremiah 31:19NLT
Was it really necessary to publish it, Lord? True? Yes, I cannot deny it. But in print? Actual lines, spoken verbatim, from the script of my life?
But it does remind me of how gracious You were to take me back!
And I am reminded of how cherished I feel because You stooped down to rescue me.
And I am grateful that I use the less than stellar parts of my life as a witnessing tool.
And, well, it's not like we can undo, erase or delete those days, months or years.
So? So, I thank You for reminding me from whence I came!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Today's reading: Job 35-36
"If they listen and obey God, then they will be blessed with prosperity throughout their lives. All their years will be pleasant." Job 36:11 NLT
What? Is Malinda teaching prosperity gospel?
No. Malinda is not teaching prosperity gospel.
You see, as best as humanly possible, you won't see Malinda 'preaching' or teaching anything but God's Word.
Oh, you say, you've just quoted a verse from God's Word...a verse that claims health, wealth and happiness for followers of Christ.
No, I am not.
What's said about prosperity was not spoken by God. It is not written in red.
It, with so many other verses we are quick to believe and even quicker to become frustrated with, warrants a look into who it was doing the talking.
Job's friend, Elihu, is the one spreading the prosperity gospel spiel.
Elihu falsely assumes right living means an easy life.
Elihu believes heaven is on this side of the grave for those who live godly lives.
Elihu accuses Job based on what Elihu sees, not what Job knows in his heart.
This errant theology is brought to us via a self-proclaimed angry(32:2), about to bust with suggestions(32:18) and conceited(36:5) man.
Satan would like nothing more than for us to become disallusioned with what another human has to say. He lures us into his traps by using the snippets of God's Word that we've stored in our hearts as bait. He is so accustomed to us swallowing his lies, hook, line and sinker. He has hidden the 'shovels' of time and effort when it comes to a point we should be digging into God's Word for direction, instruction and correction.
Let's spur each other to investigate the thoughts jumping into our heads...and who is planting them!
Today's reading: Job 35-36
"If they listen and obey God, then they will be blessed with prosperity throughout their lives. All their years will be pleasant." Job 36:11 NLT
What? Is Malinda teaching prosperity gospel?
No. Malinda is not teaching prosperity gospel.
You see, as best as humanly possible, you won't see Malinda 'preaching' or teaching anything but God's Word.
Oh, you say, you've just quoted a verse from God's Word...a verse that claims health, wealth and happiness for followers of Christ.
No, I am not.
What's said about prosperity was not spoken by God. It is not written in red.
It, with so many other verses we are quick to believe and even quicker to become frustrated with, warrants a look into who it was doing the talking.
Job's friend, Elihu, is the one spreading the prosperity gospel spiel.
Elihu falsely assumes right living means an easy life.
Elihu believes heaven is on this side of the grave for those who live godly lives.
Elihu accuses Job based on what Elihu sees, not what Job knows in his heart.
This errant theology is brought to us via a self-proclaimed angry(32:2), about to bust with suggestions(32:18) and conceited(36:5) man.
Satan would like nothing more than for us to become disallusioned with what another human has to say. He lures us into his traps by using the snippets of God's Word that we've stored in our hearts as bait. He is so accustomed to us swallowing his lies, hook, line and sinker. He has hidden the 'shovels' of time and effort when it comes to a point we should be digging into God's Word for direction, instruction and correction.
Let's spur each other to investigate the thoughts jumping into our heads...and who is planting them!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Today’s reading: Psalm 51-53
“Oh, give me back my joy again…” Psalm 51:8 NLT
“Restore to me again the joy of your salvation…” Psalm 51:12 NLT
Give it back, Lord.
The zeal. The excitement. The reason to get up in the morning. The purpose that drives me throughout the day. The very breath that I inhale. The beat of my heart.
It may be nothing more than a season set apart for me to realize how very much I’ve taken that joy for granted.
It may be a time of testing, a moment in time when my priorities need re-aligned, shuffled around, whittled down or pruned way back to allow for growth.
It may be something You’re allowing me to go through so that I may cling more tightly to you. Quite possibly my grasp has loosened.
It may be me. Something I’ve done? Something I’ve failed, even though You nudged, to do?
Let’s set things to rights between us, Lord. You and I. Just like you and David did all those years ago.
Today’s reading: Psalm 51-53
“Oh, give me back my joy again…” Psalm 51:8 NLT
“Restore to me again the joy of your salvation…” Psalm 51:12 NLT
Give it back, Lord.
The zeal. The excitement. The reason to get up in the morning. The purpose that drives me throughout the day. The very breath that I inhale. The beat of my heart.
It may be nothing more than a season set apart for me to realize how very much I’ve taken that joy for granted.
It may be a time of testing, a moment in time when my priorities need re-aligned, shuffled around, whittled down or pruned way back to allow for growth.
It may be something You’re allowing me to go through so that I may cling more tightly to you. Quite possibly my grasp has loosened.
It may be me. Something I’ve done? Something I’ve failed, even though You nudged, to do?
Let’s set things to rights between us, Lord. You and I. Just like you and David did all those years ago.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 5-9
"David then led his troops to Jerusalem to fight against the Jebusites. You'll never get in here, the Jebsites taunted. Even the blind and lame could keep you out! For the Jebusites thought they were safe." 2 Samuel 5:6 NLT
I don't know about you, but my thought-processes are often a little less than, oh shall we say it, perfect.
Just like the Jebusites.
There are too many times I tend to 'think' the way is impossible, the progress has completely stopped or I have misunderstood what it was the Lord was asking me to do...and then I see Him do something hugely God-like in my life, in my circumstances, in the lives of those I am so desperately wanting to reach for Him...and I am reminded my thinking was off-kilter with what I should know.
You see, He out-thinks us on so very many levels!
Today's reading: 2 Samuel 5-9
"David then led his troops to Jerusalem to fight against the Jebusites. You'll never get in here, the Jebsites taunted. Even the blind and lame could keep you out! For the Jebusites thought they were safe." 2 Samuel 5:6 NLT
I don't know about you, but my thought-processes are often a little less than, oh shall we say it, perfect.
Just like the Jebusites.
There are too many times I tend to 'think' the way is impossible, the progress has completely stopped or I have misunderstood what it was the Lord was asking me to do...and then I see Him do something hugely God-like in my life, in my circumstances, in the lives of those I am so desperately wanting to reach for Him...and I am reminded my thinking was off-kilter with what I should know.
You see, He out-thinks us on so very many levels!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Today's reading: Exodus 17-20
"Don't be afraid, Moses said, for God has come in this way to show you his awesome power..." Exodus 20:20 NLT
What way has God chosen to show up in your life?
Through a heart-stopping diagnosis?
At the end of a funeral procession?
With plans, well-laid plans, all crumbled at your feet?
At someone else's mercy?
Lacking the strength?
Look around for His fingerprints in whatever it is you are going through. Peer closely into your circumstances for His presence. Take your eyes off your list of fears, worries and doubts--and place them on the Lord.
He has chosen this way to showcase His glory, you won't want to miss it!
Today's reading: Exodus 17-20
"Don't be afraid, Moses said, for God has come in this way to show you his awesome power..." Exodus 20:20 NLT
What way has God chosen to show up in your life?
Through a heart-stopping diagnosis?
At the end of a funeral procession?
With plans, well-laid plans, all crumbled at your feet?
At someone else's mercy?
Lacking the strength?
Look around for His fingerprints in whatever it is you are going through. Peer closely into your circumstances for His presence. Take your eyes off your list of fears, worries and doubts--and place them on the Lord.
He has chosen this way to showcase His glory, you won't want to miss it!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Today's reading: Mark 15-16
You are up preparing to head out to church.
You've showered, dressed, applied make-up and fixed your hair. You've gathered your Bible, your Sunday School book and your purse. You've herded the family in to the car and you're off.
But you're worried about a few things--and those few things are getting in the way of your heart being prepared to worship. Your thoughts are filled with undone things, bothersome particulars and un-nerving leanings.
You are not alone. Today, or historically.
"Very early on Sunday morning just at sunrise, they came to the tomb. On the way they were discussing who would roll the stone away from the entrance to the tomb." Mark 16:2-3 NLT
They so wanted to worship Christ with this one last attempt. The women desired to annoint His body with spices and their dedication. The servants attempted to serve. But all the while, worries distracted their attention.
They were worrying about things God had already tended to!
Chances are, you are, too.
Today's reading: Mark 15-16
You are up preparing to head out to church.
You've showered, dressed, applied make-up and fixed your hair. You've gathered your Bible, your Sunday School book and your purse. You've herded the family in to the car and you're off.
But you're worried about a few things--and those few things are getting in the way of your heart being prepared to worship. Your thoughts are filled with undone things, bothersome particulars and un-nerving leanings.
You are not alone. Today, or historically.
"Very early on Sunday morning just at sunrise, they came to the tomb. On the way they were discussing who would roll the stone away from the entrance to the tomb." Mark 16:2-3 NLT
They so wanted to worship Christ with this one last attempt. The women desired to annoint His body with spices and their dedication. The servants attempted to serve. But all the while, worries distracted their attention.
They were worrying about things God had already tended to!
Chances are, you are, too.
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