Tuesday, December 27, 2022


Today's reading: Esther 6-10

"...the king again asked her, Tell me what you want, Queen Esther. What is your request? I will give it to you, even if it is half the kingdom." Esther 7:2 NLT

As I sit here thinking about Esther being given such a 'signed check' from King Xerxes, my mind spins.

All she could ask for.

All that suddenly became available to her.

All the conveniences she could now request.

I have to admit, for a short time-- I was jealous of her lot in life.

But then?

Then I remembered, I am in a similar, but grander situation than she ever was!

I can approach the King and ask for my heart's desire.

I can step into the throne room of the Most High God and He leans down to hear my requests.

I can request anything at all I can think of--and His hands are not tied by political borders, banking limits or physical abilities!

What do you want, God asks me...what is it you desire?

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