Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Today's reading: Nehemiah 1-4

"But I replied, The God of heaven will help is succeed..." Nehemiah 2:20 NLT

How is it you respond when folks question, doubt or debate your belief in Christ?

How do you react when confronted with an inquiry as to your faith?

Nehemiah had some nay-sayers attempting to throw a wet blanket on the fire that burned within him to rebuild the wall surrounding Jerusalem. An idea set in his heart by God himself. A task that seemed wildly enormous, but spurred on by the fervor to honor God.

His rebuttal could have caused strife, turmoil, bloodshed or lack of respect, but it didn't. It pointed to what Nehemiah believed, what Nehemiah believed could happen, and more importantly, Who Nehemiah believed in. 

Our reply sets the tone for where the discussion will go, the 'temperature' the conversation will rise to and the open door the dialogue will leave for the next believer to walk through.

Our replies denote what's in our hearts. 

The replies can back up our love for Christ, our responses can build up our witnesses to a lost and dying world, our comments can be seeds planted for others to water, nurture and harvest.

It's so important, Christian friends, that our words mimic our Savior's in all aspects.

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