Saturday, September 16, 2023


Today's reading: John 16-18

"I have told them about you..." John 17:6 NLT

Often times we are tuned in to the last words of Christ while He is on the cross.

Important words.

Impactful words.

But as we read Jesus' prayer in the days leading up to the cross, we find something just as powerful and dynamic.

He is ready to go back to glory with God because He has completed His task...To tell.

Interestingly, that's the exact same task we have been given.

The same mission we have been assigned.

The same ministry we have been charged with.

If you're breathing, if your heart still beats, you are still being called to task.

To do the work you were purposed for.

To complete the job given you as a believer.

To tell.

Who might you tell today?

Who might come across your path that needs to know your Savior?

Who could you introduce to Jesus today?

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