Saturday, May 6, 2023


Today's reading: Luke 15-16

"A man named Simon, who was from Cyrene, was coming in from the country just then and they forced him to carry Jesus' cross." Luke 15:21 NLT

Just then...

Like it wasn't God ordained.

Like it just happened coincidentally.

Like the Romans themselves, thinking they had control of the whole situation, selected a random stranger.

I don't know how many 'just thens' have happened in your life, but I'm sure you now see God's hand in each and every one of them.

God is not sporadic.

God is not haphazard.

God is not caught off guard by situations and circumstances to the point He must just 'throw together something' to make things work out for you.

Every 'just then' is planned. Orchestrated. Purposed. Timed. 

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