Saturday, February 11, 2023


Today's reading: Matthew 14-16

"That evening the disciples came to him and said, This is a desolate place, and it is getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves. But Jesus replied, That isn't necessary--you feed them." Matthew 14:15-16 NLT

As you are out and about, think about these words of Jesus: You feed them.

Too many times we are considering ourselves too unqualified to help another with their problems--and that isn't usually the case.

We don't need to always shuffle others off to the local ministerial alliance, food pantry or soup kitchen. We can buy them a meal.

We needn't always refer them to a local church, hand them our pastor's business card or point them in the direction of our favorite deacon. We can listen. We can pray with them. We can offer godly wisdom.

We don't have to wait until we're inside the walls of the church. We don't need a specific title in front of our name. We don't have to have all the answers and be able to fix all their problems--sometimes, we just need to pause and really hear them.

That being said, there are things we need to leave to the professionals. Situations that are harmful--to us and those involved. Times when counseling is needed on a much larger, more in depth scale. Be aware of those.

But don't always assume you cannot help, you cannot lend a hand up, you cannot feed them.

Pray. Obey. Try.

With God in you, you can do a whole lot more than you could ever imagine!

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