Friday, January 27, 2023


Today's reading: Isaiah 19-22

"The Lord will strike Egypt in a way that will bring healing. For the Egyptians will turn to the Lord, and he will listen to their pleas, and heal them." Isaiah 19:22 NLT

When I think of promoting healing, to be quite honest--I don't think about someone striking me.

A sucker punch to the gut, not what I would think would be sound medical treatment.

A slap to the face, not the most sound health improving treatment I can think of.

And yet, I know that there are times when a doctor takes a patient into the surgical suite to remove a cancer before it gets out of hand.

I have heard of an appendix being removed before it ruptures, infecting the entire body.

I personally have been placed under the knife in order to remove an unruly gallbladder.

So why wouldn't we think God will sometimes have to do 'surgery' in order that our hearts and minds be more spiritually sound?

Will it hurt? Probably.

Will the healing process last longer than you think you can endure? There's a good chance of it.

Will it be worth it? Yes, a resounding Yes--if God is the one holding the scalpel and attending to you with His gracious, merciful and loving bedside manner!

So make an appointment with God to have the things removed from your life that are hindering your walk with Him.

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