Monday, January 10, 2022


Today's reading: Genesis 4-7

"And the Lord said, I will completely wipe out this human race that I have created. Yes, and I will destroy all the animals and birds, too. I am sorry I ever made them. But Noah found favor with the Lord." Genesis 6:7-8 NLT

In all the wickedness that surrounded him. In all the wrong things men were doing at the time. In all the ways people were sinning against their very Creator.

Noah stood out.

As a bright light.

As salt.

As a witness.

In his everyday living. I don't read where prior to building the ark Noah did any especially notable acts or deeds--he just lived for the Lord who made him.

Let's be a Noah!

In our homes, no matter what everyone else does.

In our workplaces, no matter the environment created by other co-workers.

In our churches, no matter how traditional, how charismatic, how structured.

In our shopping, no matter how the customer ahead of you treats the checkout gal.

In our driving, no matter how many times you're cut off in traffic.

In our quiet times, no matter if anyone knows, cares, sees or hears about it.

Let's be a Noah--one who has found favor with the Lord!

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