Sunday, November 14, 2021


Today's reading: 2 Peter

"...he has given us all of his rich and wonderful promises..." 2 Peter 1:4 NLT

"So make every effort to apply the benefits of these promises to your life..." 2 Peter 1:5 NLT

The story is told of an immigrant sailing from Ireland who scraped together just enough for passage on a ship to America.

As he journeyed across the seas, he quickly ran out of the stores of food he had packed for the long trip. And he sat many days until the arrival on the new land hungry and his belly aching.

As they neared the dock in New York City, he wandered into a part of the ship he had not seen on his several week boat ride. It was a grand cafeteria. Smells of food caused his stomach to rumble. The sights of people eating gave him hunger pains worse than he had ever had.

As he fumbled around in his pocket for any money he might have, he asked a ship porter about the food and the cost...worried he would never have enough.

The porter told him the food, three meals a day, were included in the price of the ticket aboard.

All these long, hungry days the Irish man had not benefited from what his ticket allowed him.

Much like us as Christians.

There is so much more available to us as His than we could ever utilize.

Let's begin today applying the promises of the Lord to our lives. Taking part in what He has given us. Using the blood-bought benefits of our adoption.

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