Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Today's reading: Psalm 99-101

"I will keep a protective eye on the godly, so they may dwell with me in safety..." Psalm 101:6 NLT

The public service announcement for today is this: Check on your godly friends!

...Those who are up front during the worship service.

...Those who lead classes and Bible studies.

...Those who have been in the Christian trenches for as long as you can remember.

...Those who, you believe, have VIP seating in God's throne room.

...Those who seemingly live the godliest of lives and do it without a hitch.

...Those who could have their own books in the Bible named after them.

...Those who you look up to because they are so Christ-like in their behavior and love.

Support them in their walk with the Lord. Pray for them, and better yet, with them. Let them know you are there for them. Build them up in their faith. Tell them how appreciative you are for their walks. 

Keep a protective eye on the godly so they will continue to dwell with you, walk with you, minister to you, encourage you and be that example to you.

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