Saturday, July 3, 2021


Today's reading: Luke 17-18

"One day some parents brought their little children to Jesus so he could touch them and bless them, but the disciples told them not to bother him." Luke 18:15 NLT

I'm an imagine-er.

I've got to picture the scene. The weather. The setting. What people are wearing. The sounds. The temperature. The looks on the faces of each person involved.

I can see Jesus-eyes filled with love and compassion. Hands gently touching the heads of each child after He scoops them up and onto His lap for a hug and a smile.

I can see the disciples impatiently looking at their watches. Wondering how much longer this line of noisy kids would possibly get. Thinking to themselves why hadn't they remembered to set up an offering plate. Giving Jesus the 'hurry up with this one' look as He lingered to listen to each child talk about their day.

I can see the parents beaming as they considered their mission not accomplished--but having just begun. Jesus' touch wasn't the end-all-be-all, but the launching pad for their children.

I can also see the faces of the parents who were told they wouldn't be able to see Jesus that day. That He was too busy. Too tired. That there were too many more important tasks for Him to take care of. I can see the stoic looks on their faces as they remained in line. Never budging. Never moving. Never batting an eye as they stood their ground--waiting to present their kids to the only One who could change their lives.

That's the parent I want to be!

I'm not backing down when society tells me 'church' isn't the answer. I'm not stepping away when the tournaments and little leagues lead me to believe they need our family on Sunday at the ballpark. I'm not getting out of line when the busyness of the week leaves only the day of rest to rest and play catch up-you see, that's my fault, not God's!

I look through the crowd to imagine which role I'd be playing that day. As you look through the imagined crowd, where would you find your role?

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