Thursday, October 15, 2020

Today's reading: Mark 6-7

"Then he climbed into the boat, and the wind stopped..." Mark 6:51 NLT

Put on your most elaborately imaginative thinking cap and look into this account with me this morning.

Do you see the shaking in their sea-soggy sandals disciples?

Do you see the hanging by torn shreds sails?

Can you see the gallon after gallon of water resting in the hull of the boat these boys are huddled in?

Do you see the torn open sick-sick bags these life-long sailors had to break out of the hold for this long night's 'bull-ride of a boat ride'?

Do you see these men standing, sitting, bending over the side of the boat as they notice Jesus climbing aboard--and suddenly the waters completely calm?

Sure their clothes are still cold and wet. Their boat is still filled with excess water. Their shades of green are still wearing off their faces and tummies. But Jesus is on board and for the moment, the wind has stopped and the water has calmed.

Maybe, like the disciples, we need to be noticing more of the moments. 

When Jesus shows up and calms us.

When He steps in and allows us to breathe.

When, if only for a brief period, peace passes over us and the suns shines.

When the rainbow comes out.

When a warm memory floods our grieving soul.

When a ray of hope breaks through the long night.

When a note arrives in the mail.

When a verse comes to mind.

When the wind stops...

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