Friday, August 28, 2020

Today's reading: Ezekiel 16-17

"So you are the opposite of other prostitutes. No one pays you; instead, you pay them!" Ezekiel 16:34 NLT

 A heavy read this early, so far sunless morning, about Israel's idolatrous living being compared to prostitution.

Verse after verse about how they had known better.

How they had been raised better.

How they had been set apart as better than that.

And yet they chose to sell themselves to another's love.

Worse yet, they chose to pay out of their own pockets for the indecencies.

How true that statement and this morning's verse are!

Sin always costs us.

Costs us dearly. 

Costs us more than we are willing to pay.

And causes us to make payments for a lot longer time than we ever thought we would be involved.

In the darkness of this quiet morning I am being given some time to reflect on what I'm selling myself to other than God.

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