Thursday, July 9, 2020

Today's reading: Proverbs 30-31

Aah, the Proverbs 31 gal.

The epitome of Christian woman-hood.

The Miss America of godliness.

The Barbie of the 'What -Would-Jesus-Do' clan.

The lady most of us women have attempted to emulate at least a few hundred times in our lives--usually to much avail.

I will be the first to admit, it's frustrating. It's hard. It's depressing. It's exhausting. It's condemning.

And it always will be as long as we attempt to be her.


You read it correctly, we can't be her.

We can learn from her.

We can fashion our actions and reactions after her.

We can even take advice from her life, and her words.

But we will waste our lives attempting to be her--because we aren't her.

I am called, by God, to be the best, most godly me I can be.

And you are called to be you.

The Proverbs 31 gal hasn't lived my life, been written into the story of me, isn't called to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the shoes I walk in.

Sure, she has some great pointers on doing life the right way. From her life I can glean lots of great how-to's and tips. I can even desire to have some of the benefits she reaped--but only to the degrees to which God gives them to me, when He deems them suitable for me.

So, all that to say this. I'm tired and worn out from trying to be 'her', I'm just gonna be me--with God's help.

And I urge you to be you.

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